View Full Version : Arcane Hierophant in Pathfinder?

2014-02-23, 11:57 PM
Arcane Hierophant was always one of my favorite classes that I never got to play. Would love to port it in to Pathfinder. On one hand, there aren't any new mechanics or tricky requirements so it could just port over as-is. On the other, most classes got a few bumps and while I always loved AH for flavor, the levels were a bit...empty. Of course, full caster progression in arcane and divine PLUS wild shape and animal companion is hardly a sign of poverty.

Some thoughts on things I might add:
- Augmented Summoning (cross-discipline studies improve your ability to conjure the best and brightest)
- Superior Summoning
- continue Arcane School progression, especially for the Wood elemental, Transmutation or Conjuration schools
-d8 hit die
-throw in some of the Druid immunities

Still needs a capstone ability, too.

Thoughts? I know dual-casting classes are unpopular around here, and levels 3-7 will be tough, but this has a flavor your generic Mystic Theurge lacks.

2014-02-24, 11:23 AM
This might be better as an archetype instead. Replace Arcane Bond with Nature Bond (animal companion), replace Arcane School with a druid domain from a specified list (perhaps with no need to ban any schools), allow them to record druid spells from scrolls into their spellbook and cast them as arcane spells, and replace the wizard bonus feats with a limited form of wild shape, gaining a use at each of the specified intervals (up to 4/day at 20th.) You gain the strengths of staying single-classed (no delayed progression, access to Wizard Discoveries, favored class bonuses etc.) but the power would still be more or less in line with other wizards.

2014-02-24, 11:39 AM
Or vice-versa; in the case of druids, you could slow down WS progression in favor of bonus wizard feats or even some minor wizard class features.

2014-02-24, 11:52 AM
I went with the wizard base because I feel it's more feasible/justifiable for a wizard to learn druid spells through scribing (Archivist-style) than it is for a druid to receive wizard spells from nature/a deity. And the lower BAB fits the original's status as a more magic-focused theurge.

Ultimately though I could see this treading much of the same thematic ground as a Wood Wizard.

2014-02-24, 01:02 PM
Thoughts? I know dual-casting classes are unpopular around here, and levels 3-7 will be tough, but this has a flavor your generic Mystic Theurge lacks.

Arcane Hierophant needs none of this. It gives full progression for familiar, wildshape, and animal companion. It's an actually good theurge. Progressing a school would be okay, but keep in mind neither wizards or druid would need it to be powerful.

My suggestion would be to change the plant rebuking to make it more compatible with PF rules, and do a flat conversion otherwise. Do not make it an archetype, as that would be an insult to the one true theurge.