View Full Version : A few roleplay and rules questions

2014-02-24, 04:30 AM
1.How should a DC for a seasickness be shaped?

2. What are some good, perhaps noncombat dilemmas I can face my PCs with, especially things that reflect alignment? Got any ideas for such encounters?

2014-02-24, 04:37 AM
1.How should a DC for a seasickness be shaped?

2. What are some good, perhaps noncombat dilemmas I can face my PCs with, especially things that reflect alignment? Got any ideas for such encounters?

I don't think there should be a DC for seasickness... the "sickness" isn't the condition, a defect in the way your brain processes motion sensations relative to its other spatial senses is. It's a flaw.

2 is too vague by itself... we need more information about your PCs and where they are. Are you in an Ocean campaign? River campaign? Are you serving as coast guards for a port city? Pirates? What's the campaign theme and adventure hooks?

2014-02-24, 04:47 AM
I think seasickness can be treated like a roleplay thing, because it depends mostly of the PC than the environment... but if everyone agreed you can treat like only for the first time they enter in the ship with a Fort DC 15 for example.

In the other hand, well the dilemmas can be made for the sake of the aventures like hooks, but you can make NPC which questions the morality of the PC to make them doubt about themselves, or creating a magic item which has random effects. or simple manage their actions with "Moral Points" depends of the action they do, you can award Good or Bad Points to make change important decisions in the outgoing game.

some guy
2014-02-24, 04:56 AM
I would say seasickness would be a Fort DC 12 save or be sickened, if you fail by 5 or more, be nauseated instead. Check every day on sea, until that person has saved thee consecutive times. The DC lowers with 1 every day.
If someone is on land after several days on sea, the character must make a Fort DC 12 or be sickened. This is one-time effect and the character is not at risk of being nauseated.

2014-02-24, 04:56 AM
Yeah I was thinking of DC Fort 15 too and nauseated status if they fail.

As for dilemmas:
- party is on its way to a tomb, finds a lost child is obvious one

... small, uninmportant 1/2 HD commoner messes the party. That's what I am looking for.

2014-02-24, 05:31 AM
As for a moral dilemma... it is always fun to see how they deal with a trojan horse of gold... or in D&D terms an Aboleth Egg.... I had a lot of fun with one of those a while ago. It basically turned into a Little Shop of Horrors scenario.

2014-02-24, 05:40 AM
As for a moral dilemma... it is always fun to see how they deal with a trojan horse of gold... or in D&D terms an Aboleth Egg.... I had a lot of fun with one of those a while ago. It basically turned into a Little Shop of Horrors scenario.

can you explain a bit more please?

2014-02-24, 05:43 AM
Well, the way it worked was that they found the egg (not knowing that it was an egg, mind you) and it communicated with them telepathically. Basically it promised them all their wishes as long as they took care of it. Now, some players saw this as a great opportunity, while others smelled something rotten. It sparked some nice debate, and only got better once other people got wind of the discovery. Once others tried to take it for themselves, the party nearly split into three. Of course, to avoid a total party breakup, it conveniently hatched right then.