View Full Version : [Pathfinder]Optimizing concept - stealthy, magic, with guns

2014-02-24, 12:08 PM
I am going to be joining a Pathfinder game that is pirate themed with emerging firearms. The other 3 players are doing a fetchling Summoner, a dwarven Oracle (knowledge based is what I was told), and a goblin Pistolero Gunslinger. I was thinking I could fulfill a rogue role – scouting, being a skill monkey, and sneak attacking.

For a concept, I really want to include some sort of magic/supernatural aspect to the character, and because I never get to play with guns, I’d like to incorporate them as well. I realize this is probably going to be sub-optimal overall since it’s not tightly focused, but I’d like to optimize within this framework as best I can.

This is my first Pathfinder game ever, and I stopped playing 3.5 when my primary group moved to D&D 4th ed. So based on some internet research and ZERO PF experience, I’m thinking a couple of general ideas might work.

Ninja – the Ki pool and ninja tricks seem magical enough for the concept. I was thinking of adding Scout on top of it for more sneak attack opportunities. I’m thinking I might be a squishy melee target here, so I thought going for mobility instead of trying to go TWF and full attacks would be better. Not sure how best to integrate guns here. Maybe a 1 level dip in Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger? Then just look for opportunities where I can sneak attack within 20 ft to get a touch attack against someone with no Dex to AC. But mainly rely on a wakizashi.

Wizard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster – We’ve got two full casters already, so I think I can afford to dilute my spell casting with this and focus on just spells to augment stealth and provide more/better sneak attack. Not sure if this would be less or more survivable than ninja if I get targeted. Also not sure about firearms. Rogue talent for firearm training? Don’t know if firing the gun will happen a lot, though.

Sorcerer/Ninja/Arcane Trickster – Similar to above, but obviously less flexible. I like spontaneous casting, and keeping the spells known focused on self-buff stealth/defense with some spells to add sneak attack to might work alright. Same thing with guns here, I guess? Just get proficiency via feat or using a ninja trick to get the rogue talent (but vanishing trick seems like the best trick to get so feat probably).

Spellslinger/Rogue/Arcane Trickster – Like normal wizard/rogue/AT build, but obviously way more restrictive. But it seems super-flavorful and keeps the gunplay more at the fore, which I like. Since I’m not playing full wizard anyway, I could just focus on blasting and stealth, right?

5. Something else I didn’t consider?

So how would you rank these options generally, from best to worst, in regards to the typical rogue skills/stealth role, and also how they would perform as a damage dealer in combat?

2014-02-24, 12:32 PM
How about something completely different, go for Alchemist with a 1 level dip into Gunslinger.

You want that Gunslinger Dip for the firearms feats and the ability to repair your gun as a move action. With early firearms you will have misfires, so it is best to plan for them.

For your Alchemist Levels go for the Grenadier archetype and plan on picking up Explosive Missile (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo---alchemist-discoveries/explosive-missile) discovery when your character hits level 5.

Note that RAI Explosive Missile won't work with a Musket, but the rule is rather poorly written and you can justify that with a couple of RAW interpretations. Talk to your GM and see if he'll houserule that you can use a Musket. If not, plan on getting the Distance property added to your Pistol ASAP.

The build will let you fire explosive bullets from your gun by level 5. You can use your Discoveries to further modify your bombs for even more fun. You gain Int to damage on these attacks as well, but note that you'll only be attacking once per round.

You also gain some fun magic emulation through your Extracts and Mutagens. The "spell list" is limited, but has really nice self buffs and mobility options.

2014-02-24, 01:11 PM
Wizard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster will probably be the best fit for the party. If you wanted to, you could probably also just take one level in rogue for the class skills and advance in some other 4+int full casting class like Loremaster or Cyphermage.
For some other options, Inquisitor with the Black Powder Inquisition (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/inquisitor/archetypes/paizo---inquisitor-archetypes/inquisitions/black-powder-inquisition) could work. Alternately, try Witchguard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/witchguard) Woodland Skirmisher (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/ranger/archetypes/paizo---ranger-archetypes/nirmathi-irregular) ranger. Most of the archery and crossbow style feats apply just as well to guns.

2014-02-24, 07:55 PM
Hmmmm ... that Alchemist idea is definitely something to chew on. I looked at the formula list, and it definitely seems like they have the spells to support stealth/scouting. And with the right traits and skills I should be largely capable of fulfilling the rogue role.

As for the inquisitor, it's on the GM's banned list for this campaign. Ranger might be interesting, too. I have to look at those archetypes.

2014-02-24, 09:33 PM
I'm currently playing a level 10 elf rogue3/wizard3/AT4 in a way of the wicked campaign, and I'll throw in my 2c.

My character is pretty godlike at stealth and scouting, to the point where the only ways I can be detected are through divination magics which beat my nondetection and blindsense/sight (which i will be immune (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/dampen-presence)to next level). Elf is a good choice because the spell penetration is pretty much an extra feat once you start hit enemies that have SR, and they get the blend (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blend)spell.

In combat I am pretty much a buffer/knowledge monkey/battlefield controller. Half the time I don't even come out of stealth because blend doesnt break until you do something that would break invisibility. Casting buffs, and using message to communicate with teammates is pretty safe. Sometimes I'll lock down an enemy caster with a readied sneak attack spell if my teammates can't get to them.

One thing is that I am incredibly low hp and have low saves. AC is devent but I haven't been attacked in ages. Overall I'm having a ton of fun playing him though.

edit: last session I walked into an enemy fortress scouted the entire place out, found where the general sleeps (didnt assassinate because we are planning a surprise invasion within the week and didnt want to tip our hat) found a bunch of intel on the defenses, stole their holy chalice and walked out like boss.