View Full Version : Ideas for a Cleric build.

2014-02-24, 06:50 PM
I was bored this morning and was poking around here and saw someone mention the Radiant Servant of Pelor. This got me thinking of one my favorite PrC The Master of Radience, and how well they could go together.

So now I'm trying to think up a build. As fas classes I'm thinking Human Cloistered Cleric 5/MoR 5/ RSoP 10. Domains will be Sun, Glory, and Knowledge with Healing as my Bonus Domains. My plan is to be an old school healing/ buffing Cleric who starts shoots laser beams when Undead show up. I also want to use those cool feats that use Turn Undead for Buffs.
But the question is then Which ones? I don't want him to be melee monster, so DMM:Persist is out. Ideas?
Also is there any niffty tricks I could do with this build?

2014-02-24, 07:05 PM
i usually use things like divine metamagic and divine healing from complete divine to gain some use out of turn atempts, since undead i face is always pointless to try and turn anyways. other than that check out complete divine, complete champion and boed for ideas

2014-02-24, 07:10 PM
Master of Radiance is really more of a hindrance than anything in that sort of build. It's a waste of time to deal damage to undead when a single Greater Turning will wipe out all of them within range. There are better ways of making a Cleric of Light....

Go (Cloistered) Cleric 5/ Morninglord 1/ Radiant Servant 5/ Morninglord 9. Morninglord of Lathander is in PGtF, Lathander is basically the FR version of Pelor so it's easy to adapt. Start with the Sun and Healing domain, pick up Glory from Radiant Servant, and get the spontaneous domain casting ACF in PH2 for Healing. Radiant Servant's free metamagic for healing domain spells only works when casting domain spells from the healing domain, i.e. normally only one spell per spell level per day. It does not affect all your healing spells, unless somehow all your healing spells are cast as domain spells, such as with the spontanous domain casting ACF.

Work on getting an Ephod of Authority (MIC), Rod of Defiance (MIC), Phylactery of Undead Turning (DMG), Scepter of the Netherworld (MIC/LM), Reliquary Holy Symbol (MIC), Night Sticks (LM), Talisman of Undead Mastery (MIC), and a Circlet of Persuasion adapted to the face item slot (DMG). Be an Illumian (RoD) with the Vaul sigil for a bonus to turning checks, and Hoonvaul wouldn't be a bad idea for its special ability. Get the feat Bright Sigil from that same book, and see if you can get the increased radius on light spells from your prestige classes to affect that as well. Take the Swift Concentration skill trick in CS, so you only spend a swift action per round to concentrate to maintain that illumination. You can cast (Greater) Luminous Armor (BoED) every day as well.

2014-02-25, 04:13 AM
Call me stubborn But I am determend to make Master of Radiance work.
Question: if had Divine Metamagic: Empower could I empower one of the Searing Lights I can shoot while my Radiant Aura? If so I might be able to make this a competent blaster...

2014-02-25, 08:09 AM
Call me stubborn But I am determend to make Master of Radiance work.
Question: if had Divine Metamagic: Empower could I empower one of the Searing Lights I can shoot while my Radiant Aura? If so I might be able to make this a competent blaster...

No, because it's a spell-like ability, and Divine Metamagic only works with divine spells. You would need Empower Spell-Like Ability (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsterFeats.htm#empowerSpellLikeAbility).

2014-02-25, 08:48 AM
Turn Anathema is a fun spell from complete champion that lets choose one non-neutral aspect of your own alignment and be able to turn anything with a subtype that is opposite. So for instance, you're a good guy and big bad balor shows up. One little quickened turn anathema and poof, he done. Gives you even more options for stuff to do with your turning (not that you need more, that's just something fun that my buddy who plays a RSoP found.)