View Full Version : best recaster spells

2014-02-24, 10:00 PM
races of eberron's recaster prc gives a new spell known at 2 and another at 4. like wyrm wizard's spell research ability, these can be pulled from any list and is capped at the highest spl lvl you can cast -1.

what are recommended choices for this? when is the best time to take it? I'm entering as a changeling wizard focused specialist and have barred abj, ench, evoc, and necro.

2014-02-24, 10:19 PM
I grabbed Divine Insight from the SC for my Recaster and have never regretted it.

2014-02-24, 10:33 PM
Anyspell and Greater anyspell (SpC) are a must
Glibness (PHB) is great, of course.
Obscuring snow + Snowsight (It's cold outside) is a good combination.
Hound of Doom (CWar) could be nice
Hunter's Eye (PHBII) for a damage boost
Lesser Vigor (CDiv) is just good
Guidance of the Avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) (stacks with glibness for +50 to bluff, +60 with voice of the dragon)

Also, I love changelings.

2014-02-24, 10:55 PM
changelings are my favorite as well

thanks for the tips, guys, please do keep them coming

as much as I love anyspell, due to PB, I had to dump wis, so won't be able to do much with it

I do love glibness.

adding these to my short list.

2014-02-25, 10:14 PM
Anyone else have suggestions?

I need to pick out one more Recaster spell for my wizard. It can be up to 5th level from the PHB, SC, Races of Eberron, or Player's Guide to Faerun (don't ask).

2014-02-25, 11:08 PM
-Mirror Move and Heroics are both wizard spells but worth picking up.
-Conjure Ice beast (It's cold outside) has some nifty options.
-Aspect of the Wolf (SpC) can be good in conjunction with spells like awaken or alter self (the latter is more likely at lower levels, it can provide pounce and some good natural armor)
-Splinterbolt (SpC) I've heard can be good
-Kelpstrand (SpC) is a good shutdown.
-Creeping Cold (SpC) + maybe extend spell
If you give me your maximum spell level I can come up with more.
For changeling, though not necessary, you could combine the disguise self reserve feat, as the minor shapeshift and that should stack since disguise self is an untyped bonus and minor shapeshift says it functions similarly to disguise self and provides a competence bonus.

2014-02-25, 11:32 PM
I will either take my recaster levels from 7-11 or 11-15, meaning I can get 1 spell from 3-4 or 5-6, so let's say range is from 3-6 and I'm already a wizard, so can get those spells.

I can always break up or delay recaster levels 2 and 4 to get higher level spells

Anyone else have suggestions?

I need to pick out one more Recaster spell for my wizard. It can be up to 5th level from the PHB, SC, Races of Eberron, or Player's Guide to Faerun (don't ask).

sure! here ya go:

antilife shell: great thing to keep people away and no save
control winds: create tornadoes and beat up bad guys
flame strike: deal damage if you're into that sort of thing
panacea: negates a lot of nasty debuffs and statuses
plant body: plant immunities for 10 min/lvl
unfettered heroism (if you're using action points which, in an eberron game you probably are)

these are all the good spells from all of those sources that aren't on the wizard list.

those are some options

2014-02-26, 04:24 AM
Phantom Stag seems a pretty good deal - basically Phantom Steed on steroid. It gains at will Fly at 300' at CL of 15 and can use Etherealness on behalf of the rider at CL18, in addition to some other minor SLAs

Edit: just to throw in a few more spells
Divine Insight is pretty useful if you ever need to boost your skill check. Though it's not that essential if you don't plan to go Incantatrix

Surge of Fortune is a 5th level cleric spell, discharging the spell lets you treat an attack roll as a 20. Makes great combo with orbs

2014-02-26, 04:37 AM
Phantom Stag seems a pretty good deal - basically Phantom Steed on steroid. It gains at will Fly at 300' at CL of 15 and can use Etherealness on behalf of the rider at CL18, in addition to some other minor SLAs

I love that spell! thanks for the tip. please do keep them coming all, it's very helpful.

so far, I've got the following on a short list:
3: mystic lash
4: last breath/moon bolt/murderous mist
5: antilife shell/rejuvenation cocoon
6: phantom stag

I haven't done 6ths yet, I will tomorrow.

2014-02-26, 11:57 AM
How about these:
drown--6th level Druid spell (Spell Compendium)
mephit mob--6th level Druid spell (Sandstorm)
planar ally--6th level Cleric spell
revenance--4th level Cleric spell (Spell Compendium)
sarcophagus of stone--6th level Cleric spell (Spell Compendium)
word of recall--6th level Cleric spell