View Full Version : "It Cost Me An Arm & A Leg" Limb Loss and Recovery

2014-02-25, 12:52 AM
Szazrik'k, my Poison Dusk Monk, has just lost his right arm due to standing between an angry, sword wielding NPC and the Dream Dwarf PC who wouldn't stop hitting on her. I am now on the receiving end of almost as many arm puns as Mami Tomoe gets head puns.

Considering that I am going to be going mostly straight monk, shifting into Psionic Fist at a later date, what is the best thing to do? Szazrik'k is a level 3 Monk. I still have the arm with me, but I don't have a way to keep it fresh.

DM ruled penalties for lost arm are: -10 on all checks (such as Climb) that may have required that arm, and lose 1 claw attack. (Even with that penalty, I STILL managed to climb over 1500 ft up that damned tree, up to the very top!)

Go on, Giants. Surprise me.

2014-02-25, 12:55 AM
I suggest getting regenerated/reincarnated as soon as you get the chance.

2014-02-25, 01:07 AM
Unfortunately, that will not be an option, as our bank is pretty low. We're mostly fighting creatures with no treasure, so ASAP means in 5-6 levels, at which point I'll probably have more options, or someone in the party will have the spell needed. Any creative or bizarre solutions, like prosthetics?

2014-02-25, 01:20 AM
The only prosthetics I can think of are grafts, and iirc those are all either expensive or require feats.

Mithril Leaf
2014-02-25, 01:22 AM
Here's the ones that might be good for you:
Mithril Arm or something along those lines from Defenders of the Faith or Heroes of Battle. +2 Str and Dex, plus some bonus to deflection. Around 13 grand.
Might Arm from Faiths of Eberron. 3 grand if I recall correctly. Let's you attach a Battlefist.
Last breath and hiring a 7th level Druid, is only 780 GP.
According to Fiend Folio you can take up to 40 hit points of damage and spend 10 rounds to get any fiendish graft. This could easily replace your arm.

2014-02-25, 02:07 AM
Here's the ones that might be good for you:
Mithril Arm or something along those lines from Defenders of the Faith.

Item is called Arm of Nyr. Better be of good alignment too or it'll hurt ya.

Until you can afford the arm, get a stump knife, and a casting of crawling claw for the severed hand. Keep it as a pet. It could prove handy to have around. :smalltongue:

Here is a thought. I've seen an invocation that lets you turn your hand into a spider to scout for you. Dip warlock until you can use that, then reattach the hand and retrain

2014-02-25, 02:16 AM
A badger and some Sovereign Glue. Who needs a claw when you can have a claw/claw/bite?:smallcool:

Feint's End
2014-02-25, 02:35 AM
Second Mighty Arms Graft.

1000 gold and 2 hp permanent lost. This should be easily achievable for your group at this level (1000 gold aren't much if you all put together).

Later on you can attach a battlefist do increase the size of your unarmed strikes by 1.

edit: or this
A badger and some Sovereign Glue. Who needs a claw when you can have a claw/claw/bite?

2014-02-25, 04:22 AM
A badger and some Sovereign Glue. Who needs a claw when you can have a claw/claw/bite?:smallcool:

Would this work? Szazrik'k is size Small, as is a badger. It's a cool idea, but I don't think he'd do it.

2014-02-25, 05:46 AM
Would this work? Szazrik'k is size Small, as is a badger. It's a cool idea, but I don't think he'd do it.

Honey badgers (a.k.a. the kind you want) don't get much bigger than about a foot long.

2014-02-25, 06:00 AM
Maybe your DM will let you restat a Hand of the Mage (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#handofGlory) to function as a weak arm.

Then slowly you can improve it giving you a Force Arm (good against incorporeals). I can't imagine that should cost more than a few k really.

If you have UMD then Druid Vestments (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#vestmentDruids) will get you an arm back while you are Wildshaped.

It's going to be hard to get an animal to go along with being your arm without trying to claw your face off. Also, it has to eat and excrete. Messy.

A golem-arm shouldn't cost more than a Homunculus, imho though.

Kind of crazy for the DM to have rules for losing limbs without any special effort to make rules for replacing them.

2014-02-25, 06:19 AM
How about this?


2014-02-25, 06:23 AM
It's going to be hard to get an animal to go along with being your arm without trying to claw your face off. Also, it has to eat and excrete. Messy.

Obviously, the solution is zombie-honey badgers.*

Go templates!

Not responsible for any problems that occur if a cleric rebukes your arm.

2014-02-25, 06:28 AM
Hmm, at this point the question is nearly "why do you even want an arm"? You're a monk, so it isn't like you need it. You want some sort of independent animal/creature/thing there that gets its own attacks. Ideally with reach and one that can voluntarily act like an arm if it wants or is ordered to assist you with something.

But basically, you make a fixture to attach something. This acts like a saddle and whatever is there is doing mounted combat.

Grab the Wild Cohort Feat (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a). Get a Headband of Intellect for your Cohort -- until then you'll have to have it trained to act as a mount.

You'll want a Tiny animal, since you are small. So a Hawk is the only allowed option unless your DM lets you pick a snake or something -- if so he should treat your level as a bit higher since you are picking a weaker creature.

Have it take the Mounted Combat feat so it can negate one attack to you per round with a successful Ride check -- naturally it should put a lot of ranks in ride.

2014-02-25, 07:26 AM
Hmm, at this point the question is nearly "why do you even want an arm"? You're a monk, so it isn't like you need it.

-10 on Climb checks in a campaign revolving around climbing mile-high trees is a TAD debilitating. Also, it removes a claw attack from my house-ruled flurry of blows. Also I can't write well.