View Full Version : Highest Quality Rubik's Cube

2014-02-25, 01:14 PM
Hey everyone,
I have been slowly getting into Rubik's cubes and have been learning how to solve a 2x2 and a 3x3. They are both off-brand cubes and you can tell as they almost fall apart and the pieces catch on themselves. It is quite frustrating. I did some research and found a company called V-cube. I currently have a 4x4 cube from them on the way to my house. They seem to have high quality stuff, but before I replace my 2x2 and my 3x3, I would like some more opinions on the matter. Anyone have some input?

2014-02-26, 07:22 AM
I have heard nothing but good things re: VCube. Most fast speedsolvers suggest a DIY kit, where you can adjust screw tightness etc. for the right amount of looseless for your solve. I personally prefer a medium tightness, I want smooth and easy action, but if it's fairly loose I start over-turning too easily, so I still like a good amount of friction in there. Hard to judge that sight-unseen, which is why buying a cube you can adjust yourself is popular.