View Full Version : Immunity to corporeal attack; Darkness

2014-02-25, 01:29 PM
These are in fact related in the context of my story, which is why I post them together.

First question:

Under RAW is there a non-psionic, non-Epic way to become temporarily completely immune to a corporeal attack? Cheese is welcome.

Spoiler for those reading 2YE:
Specifically, a matter / antimatter explosion. (Thank youw PAO!)

Second question:

Under RAW is there a non-psionic, non-Epic way (spell, item, etc) to produce the effects of a 2nd ed Darkness spell? (Total blackout, no light goes in or out at all.) Cheese is welcome.

2014-02-25, 01:35 PM
3rd level spell Blacklight (Spell compendium) and 9th level spell Utterdark (BoVD) are your answers to the 2nd question.

For the first question, there were some builds here and there who achieved hit point damage immunity. Don't know if you seek that or immunity from any rider effects the attack might have.
Or you can use Anima Mage's capstone + foresight and teleport away as an immediate action.
If the corporeal attack isn't magical however, simple incorporeality does the trick.

2014-02-25, 01:45 PM
To the first question, there are a few immediate action interrupt effects that allow a person to perfectly avoid a single attack. Wings of cover spell and Abrubt Jaunt are the two most commonly used of these, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is another one out there somewhere. If a person could spam this reliably, then it would effectively allow immunity.

There is a spell, ironguard and greater ironguard, that makes one immune to attacks from metal weapons; such attacks pass right through the warded individual. This could probably be combo'd with some other spell to protect one from wood or arrows, but I don't know how effective said combo would be.

There is the trick involving acquiring regeneration bypassed by nothing and then gaining immunity to nonlethal damage. Someone else can probably expand on this, but it probably involves ice assassins of the Tarrasque.

Finally, earthglide is probably the easiest method. Without x-ray vision, it is incredibly hard to target someone earthgliding, and, by RAW, there are only a couple methods that would allow one to directly harm such a person.

Question 2, darkness effects creating total darkness. I'm not quite sure what you are asking, but light doesn't really travel in D&D. An area has a radiance level, and is only affected by other overlapping sources of light. Darkness spells, I think, overwrite normal sources of light and magical sources of lower spell level, and thus the radius of darkness does seem to block incoming light effects.

2014-02-25, 02:07 PM
For creating true darkness, one option is to eat 4 LA and become a Shade, who, among other things, can reduce the vision range of light within 100 feet of itself by 10% per hit die.

2014-02-25, 02:30 PM
To the first question, there are a few immediate action interrupt effects that allow a person to perfectly avoid a single attack. Wings of cover spell and Abrubt Jaunt are the two most commonly used of these

Perfect! Yes, I only need it to protect from a single attack. Where is Abrupt Jaunt? I checked SpC and d20srd and I don't see it.

Alternatively, if there were a way to do any of the following as a free action, that would work for what I need: shift to the Ethereal / Astral / whatever plane, teleport a large distance, enter an extradimensional space (Rope Trick, PHole, BoH, etc.

2014-02-25, 06:52 PM
Sorry, I should have specified. Abrupt Jaunt is an Alternate Class Feature for wizards, introduced in PHB2. A conjurer can trade his familiar for it and gains the ability to teleport 10' as an immediate action, up to (Int-mod) times per day, IIRC. The wording is vague enough that it is easily interpreted to be able to work after an enemy swings at the wizard, but before the damage is done. Also incredibly useful for bypassing doors, infiltrating, going downstairs the fast way, and so forth, since it doesn't specify that line of sight is needed.

tl/dr: more broke for wizards.

2014-02-25, 07:08 PM
Obscuring snow (Frostburn) isn't darkness, but functionally might as well be. 2nd level spell for most casters. Add snowsight (Druid/Ranger/Winter 1) and it becomes a 30' radius snowglobe of pure murder.