View Full Version : A Little Help plz (3.P)

2014-02-25, 02:35 PM
Alright, Well ladies and gentlemen of the Playground I have a favor to ask of you. It won't take long I don't suppose but who knows.

I am going to be playing Rise of the Runelords with my friend in a two man party with potential NPC party members to heal us tagging along. The DM has permitted virtually any 3.5 or Pathfinder material so long as they can find it. This means all the Races of Books, The Complete Books, ToB, The Core Books, Etc. Anything on the PFSRD is also allowed.

We are running a Gestalt game due to the limited number of players involved and neither of us want to run really more then one character at a time.

My character idea is a guy who is a mixture of Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and Thor from well Myth/Marvel. Now I know that is a n odd combo but I think he would be a blast to play. But here is where I hit the proverbial brick wall. I have no idea how to build this guy into a real working character.

Thor has lightning and storm powers, how do I simulate that without using a full caster? Gaston is suppose to be good at everything and look amazing doing it?

Well I have been throwing around ideas all night and while I have found a few ideas interesting not sure how well they play out.
I have thought of using this class here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/super-genius-games/mighty-godling) mixed with a bard to simulate it as best I can. But I wouldn't mind something akin to a Bard//Barbarian or other combo either.

I was thinking maybe a Dwarf for the Dwarven Thrower or Hammer of Thunderbolts angle as well. But none of the Dwarfs I have seen scream to me a good match, also how tall can they get? I am permitted a CR 1 increase Template if you guys know one that can kind of simulate maybe a semi-divine character or one that is just really awesome at stuff. Or a CR 1 race (I know Drow Nobles are CR 1... does this build feel like a drow?)

I got my rolls off a digital dice roller because I needed to send picture to the DM to prove them. But my rolls are really good so I don't need to worry about that so much.

But what I need help with ladies and gentlemen is a build for this character. We are starting at level 1 and we have 300 GP each to start with.

I don't want to optimize to an extreme but streamlining and making this build effective and efficient would be nice. I have two Flaws/Drawbacks and Two Traits to play with. I could if I took the class linked above trade a domain for an extra feat if I must.

Please Playground you're my only hope *Ends Hologram*

2014-02-25, 05:14 PM
It sounds to me like you want to be a human or if you want to be a big dude for flavor then maybe a half-giant isn't too off mark. I don't know of any dwarf races that aren't short (I feel like its implied in the name dwarf)

If you are really into the Thor's Hammer aspect you could go for bloodstorm blade (w/ warblade first to qualify)

Throw some caster levels on top of it and then take the Stormcaster prestige class

I'm not an optimizer but I think it would give you a sweet Thor type character

2014-02-25, 05:24 PM
I suppose a human can do, I think there is a racial feat in PF that lets you count as another race for items and such.

Well Dwarven Thrower, and Hammer of Thunderbolts already have the Throw and Return features, Dwarves just get better bonuses and so forth.
In fact the Hammer of Thunderbolts is a item inspired by Mjolnir.

Well Stormcaster is cool and I could actually use the Mighty Godling to qualify for that using its Divine Power Traits, too bad Bards don't get those spells. Of course it just says the ability to cast so doesn't casting from a wand or scroll count?

2014-02-25, 05:29 PM
Of course it just says the ability to cast so doesn't casting from a wand or scroll count?

Not if I'm the DM! I don't know if you could find an answer in RAW somewhere but I wouldn't allow it

You could see if he would let you homebrew a half-dwarf in you are super into the idea of a tall dwarf

2014-02-25, 05:33 PM
In Frostburn there's a Bard prestige class that gives you weather powers, called the Stormsinger. That would be a good way to get the Thor powers.

Morbis Meh
2014-02-25, 05:38 PM
Personally I would suggest Magus//Warblade X/Bloodstorm blad 4/Warblade X;

Magus from pathfinder will allow you to channel touch spells into your melee attacks so coupling it with bloodstorm blade ability to throw while treating it as a melee attack will allow the throwing of a hammer that will cause shocking grasp to go off in the poor opponents face.

2014-02-25, 05:44 PM
Oooo And keeps the bard theme of Gaston. Thank you so much for that. I hadn't heard of the Stormsinger.