View Full Version : Pirates and Politics - Pathfinder Campaign journal

2014-02-25, 06:10 PM
I'm writing a campaign journal for a real-life campaign of Pathfinder. Here goes nothing!

Here is the plot hook the DM gave us, word-for-word:
Trouble is brewing in Waterdeep. In recent years, the Guilds who truly run the city have been growing more powerful, and have flaunted their control in the face of the Lords of Waterdeep. Shadier dealings have begun to be made, as even the pirates around the city are brought into alliances with some of the mighty guilds, and assist in their assertion of force over the people therein.
The Lords, determined to put an end to this, have stepped up recruitment in the Guard and the Watch, but in turn, the Guilds have begun recruiting their own private soldiers. Both sides appear to be resting from this competition, but all is not as it seems. There are whispers among the people of secret deals made by both the Guilds and the Lords with the non-human cities and tribes around.
The commoners are troubled by this, as they are always wary of the many threats nearby. To the west, in the sea, Sahuagin and Pirates. To the south, hostile tribes of Lizardmen roam the marshes. To the east, sylvan magic permeates the High Forrest and untold horrors prowl the High Moors. The frozen wastelands of the north, though largely settled by men, are hardy any more hospitable, as barbarians are as many in number as civilized peoples. Any of the nearby outsiders entering the City of Splendors would mean trouble.
You, on the other hand, are not so afraid of the wild outside the city walls. After recent adventures, you have arrived in Waterdeep, intending only to stay a short while and resupply. However, a man claiming to represent one of the great noble families of Waterdeep contacted you, and his whispers carried promises you could not leave uninvestigated. At his instruction, you've been waiting in Firesong Villa, and there you've encountered a number of others who claim to also have been brought here. None know the purpose, though you were all told he would return within the fortnight. Ten days have passed, and though some grow anxious, none yet disbelieve his promise. His return is imminent, and you eagerly wait to discover what plot is at hand.

TL; DR for the purposes of saving time, although the hook was very well-written and I suggest you read it: The Guilds control the economic part of the city and the Lords control the city politically, and the Guilds started using brutal tactics, including a pirate blockade that nobody speaks of that allows only Guild cargo into the city. Mysterious man summoned us to stay in Firesong Villa and met each other and have become fairly well acquainted. We're waiting for our messenger to tell us what to do next.


Odette: Half-mermaid bard, party face, drop-dead gorgeous.

Aurial: Aasimar fighter, got a custom Alternate Racial Trait that gave her a Fly speed, kickass in the air.

Banyan Magaska: Tengu druid, wise beyond his years, a little uncomfortable in Waterdeep/other big cities, has a strange relationship with his bear companion

Andanan: Oread inquisitor, has a jaded paradigm of life, RPs having half the Charisma he actually does, calls all Monks "fisters," has a pessimistic mindset, grounds party to reality.

Thresden the Ironfist: Me, a Human Boxer (a Monk variant cooked up between our GM and me; for now it's the same as the martial artist monk variant, except full BAB, but gets a decent number of different abilities in the future; I'll post that later), was forced to participate in arena fights for fifteen years of his life, fiercely loyal to his principles, will punch your head clean off.