View Full Version : Check my Jester Build for flaws

2014-02-25, 09:14 PM
Build Here (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=810430)

And I don't mean the Arcane Performer. Which I honestly took for the excuse to crack a joke every time I cast.

Backup character for my Gnome Bard. Also his wife.

Campaign is Mid-OP at best. We have 1 guy with full casting (Sorcerer, playing with Explosive runes and buffing), a Hexblade, a Swift Hunter, and a Fighter going into Weapon Master.

Books Allowed: Anything on DnDTools, but no ToB. DM doesn't mind it, but I don't want to overshadow the party since no one else is using it. Also, I'm a bloody debuffer, not a warrior.

Some points of explanation:
1. Jester is from Dragon Compendium. You can find it on DnDTools. It's kind of like a reverse bard.

2. My DM did away with Trapfinding, which is why I grabbed Search and Disable Device

3. The Sorcerer has obscene Diplomacy and Bluff bonuses, which is why I left those alone. He already gets annoyed that my bard is still skilling them (he joined after the campaign started and took over the face role)

4. I'm going to ask my DM about having Concentration as a class skill. Every class with any casting (and monk) has it.

5. I'm planning on saving up for Slippers of Battledancing, at which point I'll retrain Weapon Finesse into Lucky Start (Luck feat, reroll initiative)

6. I'm not married to the luck feats, but I thought it fit with the Chaos Gnome, I've wanted to try them for a while, and I really couldn't find anything else useful in the feat department.

7. We run that if you buy a wand they tell you the command word, making UMD significantly less useful.

8. The world is pretty low magic. As in our 8th level Sorcerer is probably in the top 200 most powerful casters on the continent.

2014-02-25, 10:40 PM
You're wasting money on a cloak of charisma +4, for now buy a +2 until 12th and then upgrade so you're at 22.

2014-02-25, 10:48 PM
I don't really see how it's a waste. It gives me +1 to my Cha bonus regardless. I don't see how having a 25 is worse than having a 23. Especially when it will be 26 at level 12 regardless.

2014-02-26, 08:07 PM
bumping. Anyone else have comments/

2014-02-26, 08:48 PM
Because you're paying for a point of charisma that's exponentially more expensive that you're not getting any use out of for 4 levels.

Not to mention spending 2/3 of your WBL on a single item usually isn't a good idea.

2014-02-26, 08:57 PM
I disagree about the Cloak of Cha. Cha affects the save DCs of his spells and jokes and gives a bonus spell slot, of which he doesn't have that many. Think of it as his weapon.

2014-02-26, 09:00 PM
My point is he's paying for a +4 item but he's getting the benefit of +3 of it so there's wasted money there for 4 levels.

2014-02-26, 09:04 PM
Because you're paying for a point of charisma that's exponentially more expensive that you're not getting any use out of for 4 levels.

Not to mention spending 2/3 of your WBL on a single item usually isn't a good idea.

Again, how am I not getting anything out of it? I get +1 to my Cha based checks, a bonus 3rd level spell per day (big big deal), and +1 to the DCs of my spells and Jester abilities.
On top of that, I don't particularly need any other items.

If there was a +3 Cloak of Cha, I could see your point, but not as it stands.

Unrelated note/rant
This is getting annoying. I keep typing posts on my phone, which then refuses to post. So I copy, paste, and e-mail to myself, then send through the computer I'm trying to watch netflix on.

Sorry, had to rant that.