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View Full Version : [PF] My very own Magitech Metal Gear

2014-02-26, 05:43 AM
So I decided I want my party to fight a Magitech Metal Gear (surprisingly, it makes sense in context).

My plan: get a dinosaur in construct armor, season with weapons.

I'm also houseruling construct armor to get you some of construct's abilities, otherwise it's just plain bad. I'm also houseruling Vital Strike to work with Spring Attack, because it really should.

So, I'm currently thinking between a stegosaurus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dinosaur/stegosaurus) and an ankylosaurus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/dinosaur/ankylosaurus). Stegosaurus deals more damage but ankylosaurus has a very cool stun ability. As for the construct, I'm currently set with a mithral golem (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-mithral). It would act as mithral breastplate and it would add the bonus feats. As for weapons (because a Metal Gear needs missiles!), I'm considering giving the golem a brain, maxing Use Magic Device, and installing a CL 11 scorching ray wand in it. It would use the construct's actions, so it could move around, hit with the tail and scorch things.

My other throught was using a brass golem (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/constructs/golem/golem-brass) for armor and keeping the breath weapon.

They would be buffed before battle by spellcasters, of course. Strong Jaw is specially mandatory.

Any thoughts on how I could improve upon this concept?

2014-02-26, 06:00 AM
Portable hole on the end of an arm with shrunken ICBMs Tippy's magic missiles (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=97476) inside.

Because it isn't Metal Gear unless it can kill you from the other side of the planet.

2014-02-26, 07:47 AM
I like this idea; My guess is you are using Alkenstar in Pathfinder or in Eberron, which are both full of win.

Either way; depending on your desire for construct-ivness, you can just adjust the speed of a given type of golem or the attacks to match dinosaur like traits. It may simplifiy the build.

Animal Growth with Permanency if you go with adding things to the base animal instead.

2014-02-26, 10:45 AM
And besides, Vital Strike should already stack with Spring Attack; Spring Attack allows you to take your standard attack with your move action interspersed.

2014-02-26, 10:52 AM
I considered a dino-construct, but it would be more work to do and it would be a bit weaker, I think.

Any tips for Metal Gear references I could drop along the way? I could have a vampire around so people would think of Vamp...

2014-02-26, 10:58 AM
Too bad it's PF only. I did this in a 3.P (with a character named Antonio Estarko) and I had an Elder Eidolon type construct. I search through a bunch of splats, and it was the one with the most desirable traits.

2014-02-26, 11:04 AM
Obviously you need a Gunslinger, a Psion, a Ranger, a Druid that carts around a Ballista, and a shirtless Monk to be the ones in charge of this thing. (The Half-Golem Ninja is unrelated to their evil plot).

Also point out to your players that crates and boxes offer portable concealment, and are thus perfect means to make Hide checks in plain sight.

2014-02-26, 11:09 AM
And besides, Vital Strike should already stack with Spring Attack; Spring Attack allows you to take your standard attack with your move action interspersed.

Unfortunately no, Vital Strike does not work with Spring Attack. Spring Attack is itself a separate full-round action that does a specific thing - it does not allow you to take any standard action, includng Vital Strike.

Flyby Attack can be used with Vital Strike however.

N. Jolly
2014-02-26, 11:54 AM

Now the idea is upon me. Starting with a Dino base, Awakening, and then having it take levels as a Synthesis Summoner seems equally amusing, and giving it access to some cool evolutions that'd be quite MGS.

2014-02-26, 12:14 PM

Any tips for Metal Gear references I could drop along the way? I could have a vampire around so people would think of Vamp...

Sounds fun. Headbands, ninjas, children army, war economy, a soldier named pliskin (or just with a mullet), collecting dog tags, alert level rules, psionic bugman. "flapjaw space", "i need scissors, 61", anthropomorphic foxes, hound archons, a mean katana. Mailing fission.

N. Jolly
2014-02-26, 01:36 PM
If you're up to homebrew, might I suggest this for a laugh? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84270)

2014-02-26, 02:17 PM

Now the idea is upon me. Starting with a Dino base, Awakening, and then having it take levels as a Synthesis Summoner seems equally amusing, and giving it access to some cool evolutions that'd be quite MGS.

I think this is the best idea.

2014-02-26, 02:50 PM
Something that could be mass produced would be cool. Perhaps awakened dinos in magical armor, ignoring the golem thing (since it's too expensive)?
A Druid to awaken them, a Psion to use Psychic Reformation...

2014-02-26, 03:15 PM
If you are looking for something MAYBE a tad more subtle;

An archer Ranger/Rogue build meant to deliver death from afar without being seen. Maybe uses a Wolf Animal Companion to draw foes to target areas.

A Gunslinger with ridiculous skill and a confining area? You'd have to use other mooks to make this work in any effective manner in game, but you could make it work.

Another reference to Vamp; a "wizard with knives."

If you can wrangle it; an illusionist that makes them seem like they are going down a river with all the previous BBEG's they've beaten dying.

An Enchanter (Nerd-O-Rama beat me to the punch with the Psion, but this works too) charming and dominating the party.