View Full Version : Moldrake IC group 1

Fouredged Sword
2014-02-26, 11:42 AM
It is the start of the new term for Moldrake's school of Arcana and Wizardry. You are all new students in attendance, and you are greeted with the hustle and bustle of trying to find your room and set your things down before you start classes. You have the morning to yourself, and after being directed by Mr Morris the grounds keeper (he is such a nice fellow for being an four legged spider construct with a sawblade for hand, you just wonder who built built all the Adamantine clockwork), you find your way to your room. It is a 30x30x10 ft non-descript cube with four beds, two along each of the opposing walls, and four set up in a matching pattern along the mid-line of the room.

You show up in order of posting. Place yourself on the scene.

2014-02-27, 06:40 AM
Entering the room and staring at the needless luxury Big Unit pondered a moment and took the bed closest to the door. Easiest to leave and enter by causing minimal disruption. Easiest to see others leave and enter by.

Stepping to his bed the warforged firstly checked under it and at the sides to ensure nothing had been left behind by previous occupants. As soon as he was satisifed it was clear he began to unpack, noting carefully which items he had decided would be fine under a bed for storage.

2014-02-27, 01:32 PM
"Okay. Thanks for showing me here mister Morris. See you around!"

A girl whose hair would make you suspect she's just been through a violent storm walks into the box, dragging a trunk almost as large as she is behind her.

"Oh hello. I'm Gaelle. Nice to meet you." She goes over to shake Big Unit's hand. "Are we the first ones here?"

Seeing no signs of the others, she tests the available beds and decides the one opposite Big Unit is the most comfortable. She drags her trunk to the foot-end and gets out a spellbook and a hairbrush, puts the spellbook down on the bed and plays with the shutter in front of the perpetual flame to see if she could get a good reading light for nights. Satisfied that she could, she sits down on the bed and begins to make attempts at untangling her hair with the brush.

"I'm so excited about finally being here. This school is going to be amazing. Ouch! So where are you from?"

2014-02-27, 06:44 PM
What an interesting contraption.

Oznid looks into the dormitory inquisitively.
He strides into the room, flicking glances to each of others within the room. Then at a bed placed to the back left of the room. He walks over and slings his bag and shield next to it, then inspects the bed. He fixes any geometric issues in the bedding with a quick prestidigitation, and thumps onto the floor in lotus position, scanning the rest of the room.

2014-02-28, 06:20 AM
Missing the other student's arrival until she was almost to him the warforged took the offered hand carefully and shook it, regarding her with interest. He had seen his master acquire hair colour similar to that once after a poorly directed evocation spell. "It is nice to meet too Gaelee," he replied, remembering the careful lessons in how to parrot the greeting, "I am Big Unit. If we are not the first ones here no-one else has left signs of their passage."

Watching her head to her own part of the room and claim a bed the warforged observed her preparations for a few minutes until she spoke again. "I was made locally. Normally I work at the Happy Satyr, something for everyone no matter your preference but it was decided I would be better suited studying here. Have you travelled far to get here?"

The arrival of Oznid again went unobserved by him, until the shield was deposited on the floor. Bug Unit glanced up momentarily, observed the person settle down in silence in a meditative posture and nodded briefly.

2014-02-28, 04:59 PM
Gaelle's mouth falls open in amazement.

"You were made? That's amazing! I thought you must have been haunt shifted or something.

And locally too. That means you must have been here for a long time then?

Truth be told I don't even know what the Happy Satyr is. But it sounds like a nice place. And yes, it took me nearly a week of traveling to get here, but that's fine. Totally worth it," she beams.

When Oznid walks into the room Gaelle says

"Oh, hi-"

When she only gets a glance back, she just looks at him making his bed while she tries to appear busy with the hairbrush.

When he's finally done and in lotus position, she looks at him and gives him a three fingered handwave and a forced smile. "Hi."

2014-02-28, 05:25 PM
"Haunt shifted? I do not think so. But yes, I have been here all my life." The warforged neglected to mention this was five years for now. Off what he had seen people tended to be uncomfortable around what they viewed as children.

"I was advised to bring anyone interested to the happy Satyr something for everyone. But I suspect visits will need to wait till we have schedules" As Gaelle addressed the other in the room Big Unit shifted slightly to watch their interactions, curious to see how it would go.

2014-03-04, 01:31 AM
Oznid's gaze slid lazily to Gaelle. He raised his right eyebrow slightly.
Hello. Apologies, I had to get my bearings. I'm Oznid Aberforth.

2014-03-07, 09:00 PM
"And I am Siera vin bloody Alloran, for all who want to know," said a moody looking girl appearing in the doorway dramatically. She wore finely cut clothes, with a red coat over a black shirt and trousers. She was short and distinctly androgynous, though not ugly. Her eyes were brown, or were they actually dark red?

Oh god, I felt like I was writing a Mary Sue description then. Eurgh :smalleek:

She glanced back down the corridor as if to make certain that she was not being followed before taking the last free bed which was fortunately at the far end of the room. Perfect. I don't want them bustling past me all the time.

She finally set down her bags, containing almost exclusively clothes and books, and sat on the bed, happy to have finally ended the ordeal which her parents had concocted so that her journey to and arrival at the school had been as public as possible. Yet another demonstration of their wealth and her talent supposedly. She was glad to be free of it, for now.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-08, 08:14 AM
A chime sounds through the building, signifying that class starts in fifteen minuets. There is a rush of students heading in every direction, but the group sticks together and makes their way to class without issue.

You find yourselves in a large auditorium style room, but in place of seats, there are large tables with narrow benches built into the sides. You realize the benches are not meant for sitting, but to provide a standing surface for smaller students.

You find that the tables are assigned based on room number, and you are located on the center left of the room.

Things are kind of boring for a few minutes, then a small red dragon flies into the room and takes up position in the center of the room.

He then takes off a small collar and suddenly reverts to his natural, colossal, size.

He waits patiently for the dragonfear to wear off and dismisses students who need a change of clothing.

Class is fairly boring after that. Alfred sets fire to a few fire elementals and talks about energy resistance and how fire is simply the best energy type. Someone brings up the piercing cold metamagic and is promptly set on fire. He's fine, just singed.

Class closes shortly after. It is nearing the dinner rush at the cafeteria, and your stomachs are beginning to feel the hours of class. As Alfred dismisses the class, he rumbles out.

"Table 7, stay after class. I have a task for you."

The color drains from your face when you realize the dragon that just spent the last 4 hours burning beings of elemental fire to death is referring to you.

2014-03-08, 03:46 PM
Oznid inhaled sharply at the mention of his table.
I suppose things are getting interesting sooner than I'd thought.

He turned to face his professor.

2014-03-08, 05:11 PM
Siera glanced up at the mention of their table, having been halfheartedly packing away at the time. It was probably because she'd been paying no attention, afterall, how much was there to really learn about fire and its resistance? She stared at the teacher insolently, waiting for the reprimand.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-08, 05:23 PM
Alfred doesn't move from where he is sitting, he just extends his neck out until it hovers just over your table from you.

"I have... dietary preferences that the school is nice enough to be very... accommodating towards."

My he has big teeth.

"I find that dining in the food hall tends to upset the student body due to what I eat. The school is understanding of this, and they let me... appropriate.. students to meet my needs."

Those teeth really are something aren't they

"So... Go to the kitchen and fetch me a ham and guda sandwich. The rest of the faculty complain about my breath if I eat with them, and I do so love the taste that I will not do without. The kitchen has my specifications. It shouldn't be too much trouble."

2014-03-09, 08:32 AM
Gazing up with the slightly more comfortable manner of someone who knows he is unlikely to be added to the menu anytime soon Big Unit listened to the directive and nodded. "Of course teacher. Will you need any condiments or will those already be applied?"

2014-03-09, 11:51 AM
Siera sighed loudly before grabbing her bag and heading to the doors, wondering if they would be able to find the kitchen with as little trouble as they had found their first class.

Any sort of check required to find the kitchen?

2014-03-09, 10:55 PM
Gaelle, still a little red from having just sat through a lecture on how fire was the best element (obviously air was far superior) was far from happy. She didn't come all this way to be a waitress, even if this was a teacher and a dragon.
Still, she wasn't going to be the first to say no, so when she saw that the others had no objections, she went along to go look for the kitchen.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-13, 10:19 AM
The group proceeds to the kitchen only to find what looks like a war zone. As you open the double doors to the cooking area you face a wall of heat and noise as the room is full of roaring fire and rushing people preparing food.

A short wiry human with a sour expression notices the door open and sees you. He rushes over, waving his hands in a shooing motion. He has a nametag pined to his apron that lables him "Smee Mcwhiskers, head cook"

"No students in the kitchen. Food lines start outside in thirty minuets, pick up a tray and select your food then."

2014-03-13, 04:11 PM
"Thank you for advising us of that fact. We were sent to get Professor Alfred's sandwich order though. Ham and guda he advised."

Speaking politely but in a clipped manner Big Unit briefly looked at the interior and reflected that the kitchen reminded him slightly of their recent lesson with all the heat within. Though he was fairly certain none of those fires were actually intelligent.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-13, 05:14 PM
Smee looks you over, then glances around the kitchen. His eyes dart to a table covered in a massive loaf of bread, then to a whole pig roasting on a spit, then around the kitchen they search for a moment.

"We need more cheese. Wait here and I will get some."

As he starts to stride off, a halfling breaks out of the crowd and runs over. His nametag reads "Pippin, Second Cook"

"Mr Smee, Mr Smee, you can't leave! It's the middle of the dinner rush. The head cook if forbbiden to leave the kitchen!"

Smee sighs and puts his face in his palm. He looks at you suspiciously.

"Fine, I will send the students. They can just grab a wheel from the main room and come right back."

Pippin looks positively shocked at this suggestion.

"Mr Smee, Mr Smee! If the dragon doesn't get the right cheese or if his food is late, he comes down to complain. We don't want that. Last time we lost half the kitchen to the blaze! They have to get the special reserve, from the back room!"

Smee turns white when Pippin says that. He thinks for a long moment, then snarls. He thrusts a key into Big Units's hands and glares at him.

"Go get the cheese and get out. We will make the sandwich as soon as you get back. Pippin, show them to the cheese cellar."

Pippin beams proudly for being helpful skips out of the room, leaving you to follow him. When you do, he leads you down a short hall and stops in front of a door.

"This is the cheese cellar!" he beams at you. "The special reserve is all the way in the back, can't miss it!"

2014-03-17, 05:04 PM
Eh. I suppose we'd best get to work if we want to get to our own lunches.
Oznid tries to open the door.

2014-03-19, 05:14 AM
Why did she have such a bad feeling about this?

"What exactly is Special about the Special Reserve?" she asks the halfling. "And why does Mr McWhiskers look so perturbed about our entering it?"

2014-03-19, 07:44 AM
"Perhaps it is the smell. I understand large amounts of cheese, especially if stored for long periods of time, can result in rather potent aromas."

Big Unit's description was delivered with an almost academic interest in the notion. Smells did not really tend to bother him though he had once cleaned a latrine whose aroma coroded part of his body. That had taken a lot of repair work.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-19, 07:57 AM
Rolling diplomacy for Siera Vin Alloran

Pippin looks a around nervously and shrugs.

"We keep the cheese cellar locked ever since Smee took over the kitchens. We have had a few... problems that are dificult to take care of. wellgoodluckhaveaniceday."

He then turns suddenly and bolts back to the kitchens.

The door swings open easily, and you are presented with a short stairwell. It isn't a dark damp stair, but a warm, sandy stairwell, with a well maintained handrail. It is not, on the other hand lit. At the bottom of the stair is another door, this one unlocked with a simple latch.

As you descend the scent of cheese is overpowering.

Listen check DC 15

You hear chattering and scuffling about from bellow. It stops as you get closer, going quiet

At the bottom of the stair, the door opens into a room. You are in the north east corner of the room. The room is a 20X45ft room with large multi-tiered shelves 5ft deep that run along the length of the room. It is completely dark except for the light of the lantern you carry. You can see two doors on the far end of the room (black and red thick lines).

Select where you stand on the west side of the room

2014-03-19, 10:16 AM
Um, I can't see the map image. My browser is saying it doesn't exist :smallannoyed:

Siera stepped into the stairwell and passed lightly down the stairs, wrinkling her nose against the pungent aroma. She opened the door at the bottom and headed in, but was stymied by the lack of light. "Did anyone bring a torch? Or a spell for light?" she asked the others, remembering that she hadn't prepared one unfortunately.


2014-03-21, 10:29 AM
I could set a torch alight, but no, nothing useful to this situation. Sorry.

2014-03-21, 08:57 PM
"I'm afraid evocation spells aren't really my thing Siera. And I can see just fine down here so no I didn't pack a torch. Might be nice to have one out in case we have to summon a creature though."

The map doesn't work for me so I can't place her yet :smallfrown:


Also, she has darkvision out to 60 feet.

Spot check for anything moving:

Search check for seeing the Gouda from here.

2014-03-21, 09:01 PM
Sense motive on Pippin, to try and read the reason for his reluctance to give details on what we might encounter down here.

2014-03-22, 04:12 AM
Reluctantly Siera peered, actually looked into the darkness and it yielded before her. She hadn't wanted to show off that she wasn't quite human before. She kept her eyes faced directly forwards so the others didn't see the lambent red glow behind her pupils and stepped into the shadows. searching for something to give them fire or light. "I'll be fine: let's find a source fo light for the others."