View Full Version : bag of holding

2014-02-27, 05:29 AM
I would like to know more about the bag of holding. Where can I find this information? For instance, if someone were to steal someone else's, how would the thief know what is in it?

2014-02-27, 05:35 AM
I'd say the quickest way to find out would be to dump the contents of the bag on the ground.

2014-02-27, 05:53 AM
I'd say the quickest way to find out would be to dump the contents of the bag on the ground.

So you can do that? I had heard that the only way to get something out of the bag was to call for that item.

2014-02-27, 06:57 AM
I just realized this was for 4th edition, I was thinking 3.5 so please just ignore me.

2014-02-27, 12:04 PM
Just looked up the Bag of Holding in PHB1, it mentions nothing about calling an item, all it says is it takes a minor action to draw an item from the bag.

So I'd say its up to the DM's discretion how Bags of Holding work in their universe.

Personally I'd say you could empty the Bags contents on the floor

2014-02-27, 12:20 PM
According to a podcast from the D&D devs way back when, turning a Bag of Holding inside out dumps everything out along with the Bag-Goblin librarian who keeps track of everything. :smalltongue:

2014-02-27, 12:45 PM
I'd say the quickest way to find out would be to dump the contents of the bag on the ground.

Teehee, from a safe distance :mitd:

2014-02-27, 07:10 PM
just hope the last guy was not a paranoid who put a bomb that blows up on contact with air

2014-02-27, 08:17 PM
Yeah the 4E writeup is very... sparse. I'd advise asking your DM, doubly so if you or they has any 3.5 experience that would likely be "filling in the blanks" unconsciously.