View Full Version : Rise of the Runelords Character Help

Feint's End
2014-02-28, 10:01 AM
Hey Playgrounders. I come here for help on a Character for a Rise of the Runelords Campaign I'll join in a few weeks and since I'm neither familiar enough with PF nor with the AP I really could need some help from you guys/gals.

The current Group is level 7 and consisting of the following members: Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Sorceror, Witch, Zen Archer. It's also important to know that it usually not all of them are participating.

Rules for creation are: 20 pb, 2 traits, all races from ARG, all official paizo classes allowed (+archetypes and PRCS).

Thanks to everybody for the help!

Feint's End
2014-02-28, 01:16 PM
Selfbump for justice!

2014-02-28, 01:18 PM
Well, what do you like playing? There seems to be a decent spread of classes so you could do whatever you want, really.

Personally I'd play a bard. :smallcool:

2014-02-28, 01:22 PM
Barbarian forever!! Block all the attacks with your chest! On a more serious note you can play pretty much anything with that party loadout, so we need a bit more to work with.

2014-02-28, 01:35 PM
I am currently running RotRL for my family.
Without spoiling things too much, you would do well to have some knowledges, history is a good one here, to give your PC's some extra information that they might not otherwise get access to, some ancient languages would be nice as well, but only if your gonna play the scholarly type, i would talk to your dm for specifics so that you don't get accused of powergaming.
As far as a class, I think an Inquisitor would fit thematically into the story quite well. I have not played one though nor seen them played, but I think it is easily the best class to add in. The majority of the campaign your hunting down, demons or murderers, and it would be easy to say that your church sent you to deal with the problem, perhaps even sent you to the PC's to request their help in dealing with it.

2014-02-28, 03:01 PM
+1 for bard, simply because you mentioned the likelihood for a lot of unpredictable absences from the other players. you can have multiple roles covered

- wand of clw for healing (cleric)
- skills (rogue)
- crowd control/debuff (witch)
- buff
- knowledge
- face
- and quite a few unique immediate action spells that let you bend fate to your will

Feint's End
2014-02-28, 03:38 PM
Yes a very versatile class would be a good choice I guess. Bard and Inquisitor both fall in this area. Maybe focus a bit on ranged combat with both ... that should work pretty well.

Hmm ... still thinking though.

edit: Soundstriker Bard seems like it could do pretty well damagewise (or at least decent) at level 7 -> 7 ranged touch attacks with 1d8+6 damage per attack for 1 round of bardic music. Thoughts on this?

2014-02-28, 03:44 PM
I'd recommend a skillmonkey of some sort. Inquisitor and Bard have been mentioned, but Alchemist is another option. It can fill a lot of gaps in "well enough" to be useful.

Alternately, play a full-blown summoner via summoner, conjurer wizard, or Blackfire adept (PrC). When every enemy is simultaneously flanked and grappled, the fighter and rogue will love you.

2014-02-28, 05:09 PM
I highly recommend Inquisitor. Worship Erastil, get Animal Domain for an animal companion. For feats, pick up power attack when you can, potentially a better weapon proficiency (Greatsword ftw!), extend bane, and critical feats. Tracking, stealth capability, lots of knowledge (for monster identification), and a pretty good (if limited) spell list are all bonuses out of combat. And the combat buffs + bane + judgment make you a melee force to be reckoned with in combat.

I was really enjoying playing an Inquisitor before I got a fluke flail to the dome critical hit (which instakilled me).