View Full Version : [3.5] Scorpion's Grasp + Multiple Attacks + Knockback

2014-02-28, 07:28 PM
I've noticed something a bit weird. So, given that Scorpion's Grasp with a reach weapon can move you for free to the target's square and that you can release a grappled opponent as a free action, what happens if you, say, have two one-handed reach weapons and then after releasing the target, attack a different one some distance away? Two weapon fighting states that you get an extra attack per round, not attack action, so would this theoretically let you hop from one opponent to the next? Furthermore, what happens when natural attacks get involved (assuming you have Inhuman Reach and/or Extended reach)?

I'm also curious as to whether or not Knockback can figure into this strange hopping about. If your opponent is bullrushed further away than your reach goes, do you still get to initiate that grapple because you've fulfilled scorpion's grasp's condition of dealing damage with a melee weapon?

I'm kind of picturing a Kobold Stoneblessed Barbarian Totemist with Mountain Rage zooming about the battlefield with 5 natural attacks (4 from Girallon Arms, and then the bite, augmented by Inhuman Reach/Enhanced Reach) and two one handed reach weapons moving everyone around with Knockback and getting free trips using Shock Trooper.

Is this legal by RAW, or am I really Reaching?

Edit: Forgot the move to thing only happens with Scorpions Grasp, sorry.

2014-03-01, 02:38 PM
Technically its all good, but it opens up some Loopholes like if you are being grappled and need to escape. Could you use knock back or large and in charge to escape? Large and in charge let's you push some one out of your threatened area. Now let's say you take a feat that allows multiple attacks of opportunity against a single target and scorpion grip. Can you full attack action a target. After your first hit, the target gets pushed back ten feet and you get AoO. You move up and get second attack. Target is pushed again and second AoO. Move up and third attack. So on and so forth. 4 attacks a round plus dex 18 equals 9 attacks. Technically legal but such douchebaggery

2014-03-01, 07:29 PM
Technically its all good, but it opens up some Loopholes like if you are being grappled and need to escape. Could you use knock back or large and in charge to escape? Large and in charge let's you push some one out of your threatened area. Now let's say you take a feat that allows multiple attacks of opportunity against a single target and scorpion grip. Can you full attack action a target. After your first hit, the target gets pushed back ten feet and you get AoO. You move up and get second attack. Target is pushed again and second AoO. Move up and third attack. So on and so forth. 4 attacks a round plus dex 18 equals 9 attacks. Technically legal but such douchebaggery

Well, iirc, Knockback never allows you to gain an attack of opportunity from forcing an opponent to leave your threatened area, but that was just something I saw on the forum here, so I'm unsure of the source. Large and In Charge may also not work, depending on whether or not your DM allows temporary effects to count for feat qualification.

I'm a fan of Flying DMG rulings myself, but I'm sure what I'm describing isn't especially optimal. The image of a character zooming about the battlefield using a chain just amuses me.

It also occurs just now that if you had BOTH Improved Grab and Scorpion's Grasp, you might be able to choose whether to pull enemies to you or go to them instead, which might open up some interesting battlefield control opportunities.