View Full Version : Hexographer World Map

2014-03-01, 02:16 AM
Hey I was wondering if anyone is a Hexographer Guru and could help me with an idea I have seen on other sites a long time ago, but havent for a long time.

There was a community based thread, where in it, a user presented a ~25x25 hex grid, and selected one for a certain feature of a country, be it the capital, a small town, a fortress, a bridge, anything you can think of, and then asked the following posters to pick a co-ordinate on a first come first serve basis to do the same, eventually after ~25% of the plots were taken, the creator fills in basic geobraphical features and whammo a scratch built country.

I am not that skilled with the Hex program, so I was wondering if anyone knows what I am using, and would be willing to start something like this for me to use in my upcoming adventure.