View Full Version : 3.5 Armstrong build

2014-03-01, 03:23 AM
Ok, so im trying to make Louis Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist, obviously id start with an Illumian and use the Aeshkrau word. I was thinking Sorcerer 6/Monk 1 (aesthetic mage)/ Barbarian 1/ Eldritch Knight 10. This is just a vague idea and Im totally open to better builds. Obviously i plan on punching my enemies and using Stone and Earth based magic. As always thanks for the help

2014-03-01, 08:35 AM
Whatever you do, you NEED glitterdust!

A Tad Insane
2014-03-01, 09:11 AM
I would add a level in marshal and some examplar, so you can motivate while flexing!

2014-03-01, 09:17 AM
Y'know, I can't help but think that Enlightened fist entry through Sorcerer would be appropriate.

Natural 20s in all physical abilitiy scores, Of Course.

2014-03-03, 08:48 AM
Lost Traditions feat from Bastards and Bloodlines (3rd party but I still like it) allows you to use any of your stats as your casting stat so you could make a wizard who casts earthy spells using STRENGTH. You flex your muscles and punch the ground and some light flashes and all of a sudden a Wall of Stone appears in front of you or you damage all foes around you for up to 10d8 damage with the Eradicate Earth spell! Basically you can do most everything the alchemists of FMA can do with the Lost Traditions feat. Even flavor-wise this feat works since the Armstrong family is proud of their technique.