View Full Version : help me with ideas for this holiday game!

2014-03-01, 08:35 AM
Hi guys,

i'm in a student fraternity, or something close to it(not sure how to call it in english), and next weekend we're renting a cabin together.

the last time we went, we started the weekend with a list of guesses. we made several catagories, like "first one to use wifi on his phone", "will kiss a girl when we go out", "will puke this weekend", "first one to get lost from the group", "wins the mario kart competition, etc. and everybody had to guess which person was most likely to succeed(or fail, depending on how you look at it) that catagory, and you could score points that way.

now since we're all kind of gaming enthausiasts, i was thinking of doing something like it this time, but making it more of a game.

my idea so far is to make a bunch of cards with certain events on it, e.g. "person A uses his phone", "someone in the group gets lost", but also things like "one of the cars breaks down".
then everybody starts out with a few of the cards, and (fake) coins. everybody can trade cards&coins between them however they want, and whenever one of the events on a card happens, the person holding that card gets a payout in coins(either a set amount for every card, or the card itself specifies it.)
obviously, the person with the most coins at the end of the trip wins:smallbiggrin:

thats the idea i have so far, people will be trading cards depending on how likely that card is to give payouts.

now the basics are here, but i don't think it's quite finished, so what i'm looking for is suggestions. would it be better to give everybody the same starting cards, or just randomly hand them out? do you have great suggestions for what kind of events i should put on the cards? any extra rules to make the game more exciting, etc?

all suggestions are welcome, in the hopes that i might make the most awesome game for this weekend :smallwink: