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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Incarnum: Metameldshaping (PEACH)

2014-03-02, 01:03 AM
Hello! As part of a conversion project to bring Incarnum to Pathfinder (inspired in part by BelGareth of this board), I figured that further customization options may just be in order. Thus, metameldshaping. Just as a reference point to the system, the Essentia Max is 1+(HD/5) round down for a normal maximum of 5, and between Feat, Item, and Class Feature this number can go to a maximum of 9.

Each feat of this category modifies the soulmeld it is applied to in some way. It may change the type of damage or bonus it applies, increase range or area, or any of a host of other effects. All are Incarnum feats. In order to use the feat, one essentia must be invested into it for each soulmeld to be affected (which puts a limit to how many soulmelds can be affected). This essentia may not be uninvested as long as the affected soulmeld stays shaped. In addition, most Metameldshaping feats reduce the maximum essentia capacity of any soulmeld which they apply to, the amount differs from feat to feat. A given Metameldshaping feat can only be applied to a given soulmeld once. As many different metameldshaping feats as you want can be applied to any given soulmeld, as long as its maximum essentia capacity does not fall below 1 after all factors. Any Soulmeld with a capacity that falls to 0 or lower immediately unshapes.

Diffuse Soulmeld Resistance: When you shape any soulmeld that provides energy resistance to any energy type, you may reduce its capacity by 1 and invest one essentia into this feat. Halve the energy resistance granted by the soulmeld (round down), but it applies to Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic damage.

Double Soulmeld: When you shape any soulmeld, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 2 and invest one essentia into this feat. You may shape that soulmeld one additional time. The second instance also has its maximum capacity reduced, and must obey all other rules for shaping a soulmeld.

Enlarge Soulmeld: When you shape a soulmeld that has an effect with a range other than personal or touch, you may reduce its maximum capacity by one and invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld has its range increased by 50%

Force Soulmeld: Requires Substitute Soulmeld Energy. Whenever you shape a soulmeld that deals damage, you may reduce its maximum capacity by four and invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld gains the (Force) descriptor, and any energy damage becomes it deals becomes Force damage.

Shared Soulmeld: When you shape any soulmeld, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 3 and invest one essentia into this feat. At the start of your turn, you may designate an adjacent ally to gain the benefits of the soulmeld until the beginning of your next turn.

Reclassified Soulmeld: When you shape a soulmeld that provides a bonus to skills, you may reduce its maximum capacity by 2 and invest one essentia into this feat. It provides an enhancement bonus instead of its regular bonus type

Substitute Soulmeld Energy: When you take this feat, choose an either Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, or Sonic. This choice cannot be changed. Whenever you shape a soulmeld that deals any of these kinds of energy damage, you may invest one essentia into this feat. That soulmeld instead deals the type of energy you specified, and any appropriate descriptor changes to the one specified. You may take this feat multiple times, its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, choose a different energy type.

Thank you in advance for any advice and critique offered here.

2014-03-02, 09:30 AM
As one of the Incarnum aficionados I always wanted some way to make it a little malleable with out a complete revamp. I think this comes close but there are a couple things to hash out.
1. Either you pay into these feats or they reduce capacity doing both is just way too much of a price. As such do you pay for each soulmeld modified?
2. Unless stated otherwise essentia receptacles use your hit die to determine how much you invest. So, you better think of a way to scale at least a bit if you still wish to pay.
Otherwise you have a decent base.

2014-03-02, 01:28 PM
As one of the Incarnum aficionados I always wanted some way to make it a little malleable with out a complete revamp. I think this comes close but there are a couple things to hash out.
1. Either you pay into these feats or they reduce capacity doing both is just way too much of a price. As such do you pay for each soulmeld modified?
2. Unless stated otherwise essentia receptacles use your hit die to determine how much you invest. So, you better think of a way to scale at least a bit if you still wish to pay.
Otherwise you have a decent base.

Thanks for the comments. Reducing max cap was a balancing requirement, after initial testing showed what a full-power stacked-meta soulmeld was capable of (it worked a lot like Thesis Meta-stacking). Since they don't have spell levels, something else had to be used.

The essentia investment into the feat... well, it was the original limiter in the system. Made teh investment of one essentia per modified soulmeld a natural limit to the number you could have modified at once (since only so much could be invested in the feat). Might take it out now that you mention it.