View Full Version : Zombie Apocalypse

2014-03-02, 08:10 AM
You are trapped in a mall when the zombie apocalypse happens. Zombies have burst through and are now trying to devour you. This is your last stand. You grab the nearest weapon, finding your only assistance to be *insert character here*, and suddenly some epic music starts blaring over the PA system. Now, what weapon would you be using, who would be helping you during the fight, and what music would be playing? This can be anything you want, although I recommend avoiding overpowered characters as backup (don't want to spend the whole fight dodging decapitated corpses, am I right?).

For me,

Weapon: Lightsaber
Music: Infinity (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_AcF9EZj8c&list=FLEDulP6DEmq2fL6__HZh6hw&index=18)
Backup: Robocop

What would you use?

EDIT: Assume what you will about zombies. For the sake of my post, I went with zombies that didn't retain intelligence upon transformation, turn people in a matter of hours by biting them, and don't suffer from pain or fatigue or other 'biological' effects. I also chose to believe that the horde is neverending and that death is inevitable, but like I said, believe what you want.

2014-03-02, 10:52 AM
Sonic screwdriver for me, River Tam as backup. She can hold off the zombies while I go off and discover the cure by hacking into the secret government zombie file.

(No input on music -- I'm not really a music person. Maybe something classical for River?)

Killer Angel
2014-03-02, 10:55 AM
Weapon: M134 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minigun) (with lots of ammo)
Music: ace of spades (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcf7DnHi54g)
Backup: Tallahassee (zombieland). You know, experience counts.

2014-03-02, 11:44 AM
It really depends on the type of zombie. How much damage I need to do to incapacitate them, how fast they are, whether they need to bite me to zombify me, or whether indiscriminate blood splatter from zombie wounds will do the job, or somewhere along that scale.

Weapon: My instinctive choice was a sabre, but that wouldn't be all that effective against an unarmed horde. Maybe a katana, although even then the reach is a bit low for my liking. Most likely then some sort of polearm: a glaive or halberd. I'd appreciate a shotgun or flamethrower, so long as there was sufficient ammunition.
Companion: Robert Baratheon (rebellion-era).
Music: Lux Aeterna (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbS-Zhz31CA). Yes, it's enormously overplayed, but for "instant epic effect" it's still the best tune available.

2014-03-02, 11:47 AM
Weapon: Minimi Mk3. Killing zombies possibly demands long-sustained continous fire, and I'm not looking to move around that much. I'm not assaulting; I'm holding my ground against the zombies. Minimi Mk3 is very light and modern LMG. With enough belts, I could destroy the lot of them (the zombies).

Backup: I choose the Gimp (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8kPqAV_74M). First, I'd like to see his real face. I've always wanted to see that. He would be fairly silent, obedient and would blend well to the shadows when we hide. He seems like a good canon fodder when it comes to that. If we survived, I think we could enjoy some manly moments together.

Music: No music. It attracts zombies.

2014-03-02, 12:00 PM
Weapon: Something good, probably something ranged. Very likely magical.
Music: I'm not dead yet, from Spamalot
Backup: Superman, where would zombies get kryptonite?

2014-03-02, 01:38 PM
Weapon: Steyr AUG with plenty of ammo (fully automatic version, of course)
Music: Most anything from Two Steps from Hell. Probably Blackheart (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbttZVTSJRU), White Witch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y0eF8As2QI), or To Glory (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2hRTLdvdnk).
Character: Hmm. I'll come back to that one.

2014-03-02, 02:08 PM
A T-800 programmed to protect me.
As for my weapon of choice, that's tougher. Something that can take out a whole bunch at once with seemingly unlimited ammo.
Hmm, Strohl Munitions BH-209i Plasgun, perhaps? Not only is it a real room clearer, it can get me in, or out, of any building up to, and including, a military bunker.
Eh, who am I kidding, I can't carry that.
An AP-130 on the other hand . . .
No ominous hummm though.
Music: Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.

Hattori Hanzo
2014-03-02, 03:20 PM
Weapon:Sword of Light (from The Slayers)
Music:Something Lindsey Stirling
Backup:Steve from Minecraft

2014-03-02, 06:35 PM
For the sake of this post, I'm going on the assumptions that: the zombies are exactly as physically capable as whatever they previously were, in all respects; any living animal (human or otherwise) might suddenly become another zombie; that zombies do not retain their intelligence upon conversion; and that the touch of a zombie disintegrates metal (because if it didn't, my partner would be some sort of robot, which is basically a cop-out.)

Weapon: Weather-resistant wooden baseball-bat, because it isn't metallic.
Partner: Angus MacGyver, because he'd be really helpful while alive, without being a particularly tough zombie if he goes down before I do (as if that'd happen...)
Music: I don't really care.

2014-03-02, 06:44 PM
For the sake of this post, I'm going on the assumptions that: the zombies are exactly as physically capable as whatever they previously were, in all respects; any living animal (human or otherwise) might suddenly become another zombie; that zombies do not retain their intelligence upon conversion; and that the touch of a zombie disintegrates metal (because if it didn't, my partner would be some sort of robot, which is basically a cop-out.)

Ahnold class T-800 cyborgs would still be useful as they are coated in meat.:smalltongue:

2014-03-02, 06:53 PM
Weapon: Sun Wukong (RWBY)'s staff.
Music: Indestructible, by Disturbed
Backup: Agent Maine

Zombies versus a guy with shotgun-chucks and a Spartan with legendary strength and a grenade launcher?
Yeah, it's obvious who'll win here.

Weapon: The Jackal
Music: I May Fall, by Jeff Williams
Backup: Covenant Hunter

Hunters can't be zombified as they're a hive mind of worms and have an arm cannon.
The jackal is powerful enough to blow a man's leg off.

2014-03-02, 06:56 PM
I want Simo Häyhä (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) Put him up in the rafters of the mall with as much ammo as we can strap to the bars nearby his perch.

Give me the ability to perform alchemy without circles like Edward Elric for a weapon.

As for music Cry Thunder (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blJbfSC3fPc)

2014-03-03, 02:57 AM
Weapon: A Crash Tender, preferably based on an armoured vehicle, loaded up with Chlorine Trifluoride. (http://pipeline.corante.com/archives/2008/02/26/sand_wont_save_you_this_time.php)
Character: Egil Skallagrimsson (http://www.badassoftheweek.com/skallagrimsson.html)
Music:Run to the Hills by Iron Maide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geHLdg_VNww) or Throught the Fire and Flames by DragonForce (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbrrma9Cutk)
Because when you're riding through a mall in a fire-spewing tank with a Viking on the roof there can be only metal.

2014-03-03, 03:00 AM
Weapon: A 20th level D&D Wizard's spellbook.
Backup: Corvo, from Dishonored.
Music: Drunken Whaler.

Yeah, this'll be fun!

On second thought, I'd have Albert Wesker as backup. You know, Zombie control dude.

Killer Angel
2014-03-03, 06:58 AM
We see things like that "superman as backup", and "D&D Wizard's spellbook as weapon."

The thread would be more interesting (IMO), if we limit resources to real world.
FOr example:

I want Simo Häyhä (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) Put him up in the rafters of the mall with as much ammo as we can strap to the bars nearby his perch.

This is an amazing idea.

2014-03-03, 08:31 AM
We see things like that "superman as backup", and "D&D Wizard's spellbook as weapon."

The thread would be more interesting (IMO), if we limit resources to real world.
FOr example:

This is an amazing idea.

I know, right? Anyways, I mainly picked what I did for a weapon because I was trying to think of a decent weapon I could use to set up protections for myself. Alchemy was the only one that came to mind. I figure, give the man enough ammo and he could obliterate the entire zombie plague himself given a month. I just need a way to keep from getting bitten in the mean time. I guess I would grab my own sniper rifle and equal amount of ammo then ask the man for tips as I take pot shots from the rafters as well.

2014-03-03, 09:03 AM
I second the Real World thing.

So, my (not so real world) example, would be

Music: Blind Guardian (Time stands still at the Iron Hill, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Oaa-wnfo90) aka Fingolfin Vs Morgoth)
Weapon of Choice: M60 Machine gun (http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/M60_machine_gun) ( I can handle the ranged combat, because I can leave the melee to.....)
Helper: Gatsu in Berserker armour (http://berserk.wikia.com/wiki/Berserker_Armor). I am lucky if he leaves me even one zombie to kill :smallbiggrin:

More realistically (well, sort of...)

Music: same as above, too epic.
Weapon of choice: a spas-12 shotgun (it's the one in Half Life. let's say there is an armoury at the mall)
Helper: Seal team six veteran, he/she just happened to be on leave that day.

2014-03-03, 10:11 AM
The problem with the wizard's spellbook as a weapon is twofold. Firstly, it assumes you are a wizard yourself, which you're not, so it's just a book filled with random squiggles. Secondly, even if you are a wizard, the zombies are attacking right now, so you don't have time to memorise any of the spells. A sufficiently large spellbook could perhaps serve as a bludgeoning weapon, but I'd have thought there were more optimised weapons out there for that purpose.

Killer Angel
2014-03-03, 01:43 PM
I know, right?

I didn't wanted to criticize anyone. If I gave that impression, I apologize.
I was merely comparing the gap in power between fiction and things from real life, 'cos we have worlds of difference between the two approaches, so I was suggesting to limit ourself.

2014-03-03, 02:17 PM
No I meant I agreed my backup choice was awesome. :p You see it from time to time in the zombie films. A skilled sniper is hanging out in a good spot, just kicking back, and picking off slow moving targets like the worlds biggest and smelliest turkey shoot. So long as the ammo holds out and the zombies cant reach him, he can account for dozens, or even hundreds of undead all by himself. In the second resident evil film, its a STARS member sitting in his lawn chair, drinking beer, listening to tunes, and laughing at how easy it is, (it took a rocket launcher to take him down) in the Dawn of the Dead remake, the gun and ammo shop guy across the way from the mall is taking requests on who to snipe next. He is there for days, maybe weeks, just taking pot shots. He runs out of food and gets bit when they try a plan to ship over some supplies.

2014-03-03, 02:51 PM
Weapon-AAC Honey Badger, Glock with Frangible ammo (fragments and ricochets suck) as sidearm. AAC Honey Badger specifically because you are an ammo change away from being able to deal with zombies, to armored targets like survivors in body armor. Also, the integrated suppressor means the gun is amazingly quiet, even on full auto. And it's a short weapon so it's good in close confines.
Music-Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando-Arena Theme
"Turn it up, get more zombies in here already, I'm on a roll!"
Fantasy Backup-Ratchet (and Clank?)
But if I have to pick a real life backup? FPSrussia. Dude has all the weapons I could ask for. Even his own tank, and dune buggy with a .50cal mounted on it. Seriously, I can't think of better in real life.

2014-03-03, 03:02 PM
so.. if fiction is allowed, then I'll go for a compression phaser rifle from Star Trek, on account of how it can be set to clear out a room full of zombies in one shot/blast, and has virtually no need to weigh myself down with heavy ammo.
I'll give one to my backup too, for which role I pick Capt. Jack Hartness, on account of how he's already immortal... or Tallahassee from Zombieland.

If we have to keep it somewhat real.. a shotgun for me, because I'm not that much of a shot and when you aim a shotgun to someone's face you stand a better chance of hitting him and pulverizing his head than with another weapon, albeit at closer range.
and for backup I would take John Rambo..because he's a mean SOB who wields machine guns, knows how to fly a helicopter and is unlikely to leave me behind.
if that's too unreal, then I'll go for this lady (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jessica_Rossi).

ah.. I forgot the music:

Wipe out by the Beach Boys,
Paint it Black by the Rolling Stones

2014-03-03, 03:06 PM
Weapon: A case of Lagavulin 12.
Helper: Jeff "The Dude" Lebowski.
Music: I wanna say Sam Cooke, but maybe at the time I'll be more in the mood for something a little more melancholy. Typhoon's "Sickness Unto Death" might be appropriate.

Basically, my plan is to throw a cool party. I never really got why people wanted to survive in those zombie apocalypse movies. Personally, I don't want to live in a world of crappy ruins populated by flesh-eating simulacra of the people I once loved. Basically, I wanna go out like Antony in the Rome teevee show, drunk beyond all reason and wearing ridiculous Egyptian make-up.

2014-03-03, 03:12 PM
not so much surviving (which is not gonna happen, by OP) as much as going down in a blaze of glory, so to speak.
partying with just me and my potential backup.. sounds like a sad kind of party.

2014-03-03, 03:17 PM
That sounds really neat actually, and you're right. Some folks just have a religious obligation for survival. It's rough, but that's the crumbles.

I mean, not sure it applies in a 'you will die' scenario, but then folks tend not to like lying down and dying either. Which leaves the old Vietnam Extra Bullet.


Weapon: Adamantine bollocks knife
Backup: James Tiberius Kirk
Music: Guile's Theme

Because like hel am I laying back and accepting defeat at a corpse-plae Kobayashi Maru.

Killer Angel
2014-03-03, 03:19 PM
No I meant I agreed my backup choice was awesome. :p You see it from time to time in the zombie films. A skilled sniper is hanging out in a good spot, just kicking back, and picking off slow moving targets like the worlds biggest and smelliest turkey shoot. So long as the ammo holds out and the zombies cant reach him, he can account for dozens, or even hundreds of undead all by himself. In the second resident evil film, its a STARS member sitting in his lawn chair, drinking beer, listening to tunes, and laughing at how easy it is, (it took a rocket launcher to take him down) in the Dawn of the Dead remake, the gun and ammo shop guy across the way from the mall is taking requests on who to snipe next. He is there for days, maybe weeks, just taking pot shots. He runs out of food and gets bit when they try a plan to ship over some supplies.

Very true , and i remember those episodes. The only problems could arise if we have to face fast zombies. A running horde can be a problem for a sniper.

My generic "real life" backup choice, could be some expert soldier, with kevlar armor, to deal with the ones that bypasses the barrage of my M134.

2014-03-03, 03:41 PM
Ah, but where are they going to run too? He and I are up in the rafters with a ladder pulled up after us. So all they can do is mill around underneath us. The zombies in the remake were sprinters too, but with nothing to chase, they just kinda congregate. Hang a few claymores at average head height and you could probably frag them by the hundred.

Killer Angel
2014-03-03, 03:46 PM
Hang a few claymores at average head height and you could probably frag them by the hundred.

Unless we face the deadly Yonkers' zombie type... :smalltongue:

2014-03-03, 04:06 PM
Or we could just, you know, get the local cleric to bless the mall. :smalltongue:

Morbis Meh
2014-03-03, 04:18 PM
Well me being the goofy type of person I would choose this for 'fanatasy'

Weapon: Portal Gun (Block myself off in a very narrow choke point then put a portal on the floor and the other on the ceiling so I can laugh my rear off at the horde of zombies constantly looping to terminal velocity while I sit back and enjoy)

Back Up: My wife because hey if I am going to die anyway I may as well spend the last few moments of my life with the person i love the most.

Music: Something whimsical to make the terrifying, despair ridden situation more humourous, maybe that clips they always use in british television when someone it being chased through doors that lead to random places.

2014-03-03, 04:27 PM
Well me being the goofy type of person I would choose this for 'fanatasy'

Weapon: Portal Gun (Block myself off in a very narrow choke point then put a portal on the floor and the other on the ceiling so I can laugh my rear off at the horde of zombies constantly looping to terminal velocity while I sit back and enjoy)And then you throw a portal on a wall and shoot terminal velocity zombies at other zombies (preferably ones on the outside of the mall, so you don't have a mess to clean up later). Replace portal as more zombies surge forward, repeat.

Back Up: My wife because hey if I am going to die anyway I may as well spend the last few moments of my life with the person i love the most.Dawwww

Music: Something whimsical to make the terrifying, despair ridden situation more humourous, maybe that clips they always use in british television when someone it being chased through doors that lead to random places.Benny Hill theme, firing terminal velocity zombies via portals, with your wife as backup.
... I'm pretty sure you win an internet. Maybe even two internets.

2014-03-03, 04:31 PM
... I'm pretty sure you win an internet. Maybe even two internets.

Damn straight. Wow. That's fantastic

Morbis Meh
2014-03-03, 05:12 PM
And then you throw a portal on a wall and shoot terminal velocity zombies at other zombies (preferably ones on the outside of the mall, so you don't have a mess to clean up later). Replace portal as more zombies surge forward, repeat.


Benny Hill theme, firing terminal velocity zombies via portals, with your wife as backup.
... I'm pretty sure you win an internet. Maybe even two internets.

Yeah I think I will sig this if that is alright with you my fellow Albertan Playgrounder (this is also my first internet win I usually on receive cookies)

Damn straight. Wow. That's fantastic

*Bows* Thank you dear people, people can choose to go down in a blaze of glory but I fully intend to go down laughing.

2014-03-03, 05:55 PM
If memory serves, The tune is called yakety sax

Proud Tortoise
2014-03-03, 07:25 PM
Duane Adelier would burn them up to the tune of [S] Cascade while I used my spacey powers to slice and dice them with my rapier.

Killer Angel
2014-03-04, 01:30 AM
I want Simo Häyhä (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4) Put him up in the rafters of the mall with as much ammo as we can strap to the bars nearby his perch.

Give me the ability to perform alchemy without circles like Edward Elric for a weapon.

As for music Cry Thunder (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blJbfSC3fPc)

BTW, with that backup, hte soundtrack could also be this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1fZHoHkoRo)... :smallwink:

2014-03-04, 10:47 AM
Yeah I think I will sig this if that is alright with you my fellow Albertan Playgrounder (this is also my first internet win I usually on receive cookies).Awesome! Sig away!

*Bows* Thank you dear people, people can choose to go down in a blaze of glory but I fully intend to go down laughing.Aye, thats the spirit lasses and lads!

It is. More commonly known as the Benny Hill theme, but indeed it is called Yakety Sax.

2014-03-05, 09:48 AM
Due to recent stuff that's been happening in this thread, I'm going to post what my answers would be if I was being 'realistic'.

Weapon: Quarterstaff, maybe a spear or ax.
Backup: Samson, since I believe the Bible is real.
Music: I'm debating between 'I'm Alive' by Disturbed, 'Sanctuary' by Utada Hikaru, or the opening for Attack on Titan. What do you guys think?

2014-03-05, 10:19 AM
Weapon: Shotgun (I'm inaccurate, and there's no way I'm risking melee)
Music: Welcome Home, Coheed & Cambria
Backup: Bear Grylls, for survivalist-type stuff

Weapon: Portal Gun (nothing like porting the zombie problem to another dimension, huh?)
Music: Everything is not Under Control, Send More Paramedics
Backup: Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw, obviously. :smalltongue:

2014-03-05, 10:30 AM
My weapon of choice would be the H&K G36, because it's heavy enough for the recoil to not be a significant problem, and the option of a 100-round drum is always good.

The music would be Containment Breach from the Killing Floor soundtrack, because it's awesome Zed-killing music.

This one was tough. I had to choose the closest person that I'd ever be able to meet IRL, so I decided to partner with a man from a Native American tribe. Doesn't matter which one, but they know their way around surviving.

2014-03-05, 10:54 PM
Due to recent stuff that's been happening in this thread, I'm going to post what my answers would be if I was being 'realistic'.

Weapon: Quarterstaff, maybe a spear or ax.
Backup: Samson, since I believe the Bible is real.
Music: I'm debating between 'I'm Alive' by Disturbed, 'Sanctuary' by Utada Hikaru, or the opening for Attack on Titan. What do you guys think?


Weapon: Pistol
Music: I will not bow by breaking benjamin
Backup: Marine

Weapon: The Jackal
Music: I May Fall
Backup: Ruby Rose

Weapon: Anti-Materiel Rifle (Explosive Rounds)
Music: Indestructible
Backup: Alexander Anderson

Weapon: Dubstep Cannon
Music: I'm a goofy goober
Backup: Nora Valkyrie

Killer Angel
2014-03-06, 06:55 AM
A nice real-life backup for close combat, would be Miyamoto Musashi, with full samurai armor. :smallcool:

2014-03-06, 07:50 PM
Or we could just, you know, get the local cleric to bless the mall. :smalltongue:

Funny board-gaming story.

So there's this thematic board game called Last Night On Earth. I usually get corralled into playing zombies for the same reason I'm usually DM\GM when we roleplay, but I did get to play a Human once. I drew the Priest, who has the awesome ability to cancel the zombie cards at the cost of a wound (3 wounds for him = dead\zombie) and the awesome limitation that he can't use firearms.

Anyway, there's a hero card named Faith that gives the human an extra fight dice until the end of turn - unless your character has the Faith attribute, then it remains in play until cancelled (by one of several zombie cards, including one that specifically counters it). There are three copies of Faith in the hero deck.

Very early in the game, I ended up with all three played on him, meaning he had something like a 90% chance of outright destroying an zombie in a melee fight. He then got another card that allowed him to win on a tie (zombies normally win on ties).

This led to jokes that his hair had turned blonde, the wind was circling around him, he appeared to be on fire, and so forth...

Magatsu Izanagi
2014-03-06, 08:18 PM
Music: I'm debating between 'I'm Alive' by Disturbed, 'Sanctuary' by Utada Hikaru, or the opening for Attack on Titan. What do you guys think?
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind die Jäger.

Weapon: Semiautomatic pistol, Mosin-Nagant or other bolt-action rifle, .22-caliber carbine, shotgun
Music: N/A
Backup: Random military and law enforcement

Weapon: BR85HB SR Battle Rifle (http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/BR85HB_SR_Battle_Rifle) and M90 CAWS (http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/M90_Close_Assault_Weapon_System)
Music: Megalith -Agnus Dei- (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZBoiW460nU), Zero (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80XAJKqRU9k), or The Almighty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj0VqBa60Sg)
Backup: Homura Akemi, Aigis, or Yuki Nagato

2014-03-11, 10:41 PM
my weapon would be a magical staff that creates impenetrable shields
my buddy would be belkar bitterleaf because he is toally badass
my music would be the final countdown

2014-03-12, 02:01 PM
I think i got sidetracked pondering this, but optimus prime from the animated movie, accompanied by stan bush's 'the touch' from the same movie, are gonna be tough to beat. Weapon is irrelevant, he's immune from zombies and can just drive on through hordes, or jump into some awesome slomo laserblasting flip, or just punch them if need be. Just keep that jerk hotrod away!

Real world, I guess someone crazy and powerful like bas rutten or tank Abbott (only with better cardio), accompanied by the beastie boys' 'sabotage'. Just for fun and mayhem. Weapon: eh, inconsequential really, a pair of fireaxes or cricket bats, or owt really. We're gonna die horribly, it's just how much fun we can fit in beforehand.

Also, can I have some liquor in each scenario? Is that allowed?

John Cribati
2014-03-20, 06:10 PM
Does Gurren Lagann count as a weapon?

2014-03-20, 06:43 PM
Does Gurren Lagann count as a weapon?

Well, seeing that we're choosing plenty of OP stuff, be my guest.

2014-03-20, 08:40 PM
How did I not see this thread?

Weapon: 12 gauge shotgun (obviously with a lot of ammo), I’m familiar with them and they are a very versatile weapon, capable doing a ton of damage at the ranges we'd actually be shooting at.

Music: Bad Moon Rising (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BmEGm-mraE) by CCR: its appropriate

Ally: Adam Savage: I want an ally with experience with firearms and explosives and can improvise gadgets on the fly. Stick this guy in a junk yard with a roll of duct tape and he’ll come out with a jet aircraft. Seriously this guy is like the A-team rolled up into one person.

2014-03-20, 08:54 PM
I suppose I'll give three responses.
I would probably have Kevin Bacon or the gun peg leg from planet terror as my weapon, Uma Thurman or Pam Grier would provide the most badass backup, and Id probably be listening to the Pink elephants song from Dumbo.

Now for a more serious response. I've never shot a gun, and probably never will, so I would likely end up breaking my wrist due to kickback. I guess I would end up using a cricket bat, like in shaun of the dead. Either that, or a really big wrench. Anything hefty that would allow me to crush a zombie skull. No swords or chainsaws though, as they are more liable to get stuck. If I were about to die, I suppose I would want to be listening to some of my father's music.

The last part is the most difficult. On one hand, the person who is not backing you up has definitely not succumbed to the zombie apocalypse, but on the other hand, they could be about to die. I guess I would pick my younger brother, and just try to protect him as much as possible.

As for immediate victory:
Weapon: Iron Man armor
Backup: Optimus Prime
Song: That 2Pac James Brown crossover song from Django Unchained (Payback/Untouchable?)

Actually, now that I think about it, what about Juliet, from lollipop chainsaw?

2014-03-21, 03:22 AM
some of my father's music.

I am curious.

2014-03-21, 07:59 AM
I am curious.
I am not going to post his actual name, but he is a saxophone player, and does a variety of genres.

2014-03-21, 09:24 AM
gotcha... my dad used to be an amateur sax player (jazz), before he got ill (hence my curiosity). Now his fingers don't work so well anymore. Anyhoo, he might just recognize the name.

2014-03-21, 10:27 AM
gotcha... my dad used to be an amateur sax player (jazz), before he got ill (hence my curiosity). Now his fingers don't work so well anymore. Anyhoo, he might just recognize the name.
That's very sad, my father would be devastated if such a thing happened to him. Jazz was not one of the genres he played, and he is not of great fame, so it's unlikely, and I would rather not divulge his name. The main problem is that I have relations to old, well-known Italian families, so googling him invariably leads to family trees with me on them, so doing so would make me very easy to find.

2014-03-21, 10:42 AM
I am not going to post his actual name, but he is a saxophone player, and does a variety of genres.

A mysterious saxophone player (http://www.dukesilver.com/), you say?

2014-03-21, 10:43 AM

This is too wieldy.

Steyr AUG

What an excellent choice! Unless you are left-handed, which you apparently aren't...

Weather-resistant wooden baseball-bat, because it isn't metallic.

Good point. If your assumption is right, everyone else in this thread except you is dead.


Also a bit too wieldy. It's meant to be fired from a prone or stationary position. Over a 10 kg M60 in a tough spot... Nope.

AAC Honey Badger

Great choice, but where are you going to find ammo? They are very, very rare, especially after a zombie apocalypse.

H&K G36

You are teh Win

12 gauge shotgun

If you get swarmed, it will suck epicly when you have to reload the whole thing.

My idea with Minimi MK3 is this:
I will most likely die alone anyway. I need to find other people. People usually have handguns and rifles and shotguns, whether they are civilians or police officers. If someone like me has a squad automatic weapon, it will have a considerable tactical advantage when we fight as a unit. 5.56x45 NATO is not impossible to come by. Larger groups of infantry should have a good balance of different types of small arms. I can't imagine anyone else bringing SAWs into the fight, except me and some soldiers.

2014-03-21, 09:06 PM
If you get swarmed, it will suck epicly when you have to reload the whole thing.

That’s where stealth comes into play. Zombies are attracted to sound and light. Running around with the flashlight on yelling at people is the surest way to get swarmed. The point is to survive not go down in a blaze of glory (though I think some here have that mentality, go for it. I’ll scavenge what’s left of your gear later).

The best way is to keep cool, move quietly, work as a team and get to your zombie bunker (you do have a zombie bunker don’t you?). It’s stocked with supplies and much more defensible, bottlenecks, reinforced entrances (don’t forget the bolt hole) etc. Shooting is the last thing I want to do, as everything will hear it, and start towards me, and that’s how swarms start. Besides my ally can cover me while I reload should I have to open fire.

I’m taking the shotgun over an assault rifle or machine gun for a lot of reasons

Easier to hump around than a machine gun

Easier to scavenge ammo for since it’s not an exotic round here in the states (much more common than say the 7.62x51 mm NATO rounds the M60 uses. 5.56x 45mm Nato is surprisingly common, a lot of people have AR15s, which might be a good option, though I’m not experienced in that caliber to know how it handles head shots).

Less likely to waste shots without the spray and pray mentality of a machine gun or semi-auto rifle. this might not be an issue if you're a military man (or woman) or allied with one.

Weapon familiarity, I know how to shoot one.

Much more devastating at urban combat ranges (shotguns don’t spray like in contra).

Killer Angel
2014-03-22, 05:02 AM
This is too wieldy.

I imagined the thing fixed in a stationary position with good visual and a narrow point (upstairs?). For isolated zombies that sneak from somewhere else, there's the backup.

2014-03-31, 11:10 AM
I imagined the thing fixed in a stationary position with good visual and a narrow point (upstairs?). For isolated zombies that sneak from somewhere else, there's the backup.

Well, this is me, not being able to move with my weapon of choice:


But that's just me.
On the other hand, depending on the circumstances, your minigun might prove to be the right choice. I still prefer simultaneously moving and feeling safe.

2014-03-31, 01:44 PM
Great choice, but where are you going to find ammo? They are very, very rare, especially after a zombie apocalypse.7.62 isn't THAT hard to come by. Especially in the US (where I am not, but that's besides the point). If it was difficult to come by everyone with an M4 or even the ubiquitous AK47 would be SOL.
But, picking something that fires 5.56 might be a better idea. Here in Canuckistan I might have a much harder time finding 7.62, I would have to carry a lot of ammo with me.
And the afforementioned HK G36 isn't a terrible suggestion.

Fay Graydon
2014-03-31, 04:26 PM
Weapon: Two Kukuri Blades and either a Chiappa Tripple Threat Break action shotgun, or a duel optic Red-dot / 12x zoom crossbow.
Maybe a set of falcons talons for good measure.
IF I had to choose one... probably the Tripple Threat.

Music: Primo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZm4zseMok0)Victoria (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agWwSsCP6KI) By Sabaton or the cover by Van Canto

Right, I want to say one of the following: Kratos (from god of war), Master Chief Spartan 117 (John), Wolvereen or Deadpool or Nemesis from Resident Evil. BUT ALL of those would be very OP companions, so I'll choose Ash from Evil Dead, he should know what he's doing.


Actually what about this for music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iof5pRAIZmw)

2014-03-31, 04:52 PM
I'm going to assume that I'm in a Cabela's, Bass-pro Shop, or another like store, and that while a sizable horde, it is possible to survive, if you hold out long enough.

The Weapon: Remington 11-87P (http://www.remingtonle.com/shotguns/1187.htm): 12 Gauge shotgun is plentiful where ever you go, but especially in above mentioned stores.
The Music: Duel of the Fates (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzVBqBosf5w). Nothing else compares for dramatic fight scenes.
The Partner: Harder to decide, but probably my dad or grandpa. Good with guns, and able to keep their heads in a crisis.

2014-03-31, 06:00 PM
Weapon: As I reside in the UK, finding firearms outside military barracks is tricky, especially because everyone would immediately try to ransack the few gun shops we have over here. So instead, I'm going with something I'm a tad more familiar with: martial arts weapons. Assuming significant time, I'd go with Nine Sectional Chain-Whip. Looks badass, cracks the skull with a single hit, incredibly fast and easy to conceal. In a fantasy setting, a Scissor Blade from Kill La Kill, because they just wreck.

Music: Depends on which of the two above I go with. The noise of the whip moving through the air is a loud hum, and would drown out any music I was playing. This also, in hindsight, makes it poor for the whole 'survive as long as possible' thing but never mind. With the scissor blade, I'd probably go for something along the lines of Inisheer, one of my favourite Irish airs.

Backup: Going by real life, I'd want someone with medical training in case either of us got injured, but fat enough that if I got hungry...... Well, when in Rome :smallamused: If fantasy characters are allowed, any of Marvel Zombies, post Galactus. Fight fire with fire. :smallcool:

Killer Angel
2014-04-01, 06:07 AM
Well, this is me, not being able to move with my weapon of choice:


But that's just me.
On the other hand, depending on the circumstances, your minigun might prove to be the right choice. I still prefer simultaneously moving and feeling safe.

Indeed, the setting matters a lot. :smallwink:

But yeah, the ability to move without restrictions, is important. The trick (IMO) is to find a weapon that is reliable AND that doesn't require too much precision to be effective.
For example, a sniper rifle can be amazing, but if you're not a good shooter, than a hail of heavy bullets can make the difference. I'm sufficiently good with the SC70/90, but I don't know if i could make a stand, facing a horde...

2014-04-02, 12:36 PM
At work?
Weapon: This monitor.
Music: The sound of soft weeping.
Backup: The coworkers, providing the above soundtrack.
As you can see, I am not optimistic.

At home:
Weapon: AR-15.
Music: We're not gonna take it
Backup: 1(one) hedgehog.
I'm going to the graveyard to play the best game of wackamole ever.

2014-04-03, 05:10 AM
Weapon: Two Kukuri Blades

I'm not sure these are gonna cut it

Fay Graydon
2014-04-03, 06:24 AM
I'm not sure these are gonna cut it

Hue Hue Hue, I see what you did there :P

But strangely, I'm fairly proficient in Bladed weapons (especially short blades) and the little practice I've had with Kukuri, I got on with them really well. :smalltongue:

2014-04-14, 05:38 PM
Weapon: boar spear. (Not just an effective weapon, but can also be used to keep the zombies away).
Companion: Simo Häyhä. (Not particularly original any more, but I doubt there are many more effective real-life assistants. Plus, he can euthanize you when you finally get overrun).
Music: End of all hope (Nightwish)

Weapon: manly fighting spirit.
Companion: Kamina
Music: TTGL soundtrack

Weapon: sword-and-shield
Companion: Sandor Clegane
Music: Sons of Odin (Manowar)

Weapon: pump-action shotgun
Companion: John Matrix
Music: Airwolf theme

Getting Silly:
Weapon: palsma rifle
Companion: John Stalvern
Music: ???

Edited: thought of another (silly) theme: Memes
Weapon: Katana (better than western swords at killing zombies)
Companion: Courage Wolf (Fight infinite zombies - kill all of them!)
Music: Guile's Theme (goes with everything)

2014-04-14, 08:12 PM
Weapon: pump-action shotgun
Companion: John Matrix
Music: Airwolf theme

That’s not 80s enough.

weapon: Dual Uzis
companion: Colonel James Braddock (missing in action series, played by Chuck Norris)
Music: A-Team theme.

now that's 80s

2014-04-15, 03:26 AM
That’s not 80s enough.

weapon: Dual Uzis
companion: Colonel James Braddock (missing in action series, played by Chuck Norris)
Music: A-Team theme.

now that's 80s

It would be, if your weapon of choice were a paperclip, some tape and a Swiss army knife

2014-04-15, 10:56 AM
Weapon, Companion, Music: All three of my answers in one convenient package. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF28PETSYFE)

I figure that if this is the zombie apocalypse, I'm probably boned anyway I look at it... but I'll be damned if I ain't gonna go out in style! :smallcool:

2014-04-15, 01:42 PM
It would be, if your weapon of choice were a paperclip, some tape and a Swiss army knife

naww, that's the MacGyver theme. the A-team uses proper tools when they build their gadgets.
which is also an acceptable theme song.

2014-04-16, 05:53 AM
naww, that's the MacGyver theme. the A-team uses proper tools when they build their gadgets.
which is also an acceptable theme song.

I'm not sure spraying 60 rounds at the feet of the zombies until they fall over a railing or their car flips or whatever is a viable tactic post apocalypse. Having a guy throw them into each other through bar windows, and a sly companion (either a woman or child ideally) that can bottle one when they're not looking might help though. And if you could get all the companions at once instead of cycling through on a weekly basis would be a real boon.

2014-04-16, 03:16 PM
I'm not sure spraying 60 rounds at the feet of the zombies until they fall over a railing or their car flips or whatever is a viable tactic post apocalypse. Having a guy throw them into each other through bar windows, and a sly companion (either a woman or child ideally) that can bottle one when they're not looking might help though. And if you could get all the companions at once instead of cycling through on a weekly basis would be a real boon.

Very true, which is why I wouldn't actually want the A-Team with me during a zombie outbreak. But their theme song is really awesome (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVonyVSQoM).[/url]

2014-04-17, 01:29 AM
The '80s have nothing on the '70s.

I mean, c'mon. He grew up eating rattlesnake meat and drinking homemade brew, folks hereabout call him "Gator," erebody knows him well, meanest man ever hit the swamp, folks swear he come straight outta Hayull.

Weapon: Rotgut whiskey, sawdoff. (They go togator)
Padnuh: Gator McKlusky
Song: Gator (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q8-6_WiPnU)

2014-04-17, 08:52 AM
You are teh Win


What university majors would benefit during an apocalpyse? I was thinking some form of engineering would be good to construct a hasty bunker or to manufacture an improv weapon, but I'd like to hear what others have to say.

2014-04-18, 06:04 PM
Personally I think skills trump knowledge in a zombie apocalypse. Knowledge of engineering is not as useful as knowing how to actually operate a welder for instance. However any academic knowledge you have that can supplement the skills I’ve listed below, that’s great, it ought to make you better at those skills. I’m breaking these down into short term/long term depending on the duration of the outbreak. The importance of each skill depends greatly upon the situation, so there is no real order of importance here.

Short term skills:
These are the important skill sets you will need in the short term, during the zombie outbreak itself. Naturally these skill will transfer over to a long term situation if you survive.

Survival: That’s how to improvise shelter, make fire, find or make potable water and edible food. Those are pretty paramount during any catastrophe; you’re not going to be able to simply rush down to the grocery store for food after all.

First aid: survivors are going to be hurt, knowing how to patch people up in “in the field” is a great skill to have. Zombie infection is not the only injury people will suffer; having working knowledge of how to heal (and fight off infection… the non-zombie kind) is great for mutual survival.

Self defense: You’re going to have to fight off zombies at some point. You better know how to handle firearms and/or melee weapons. You may even have to fight other survivors over resources (as people hate sharing). You NEED the disposition to stay cool under pressure and be willing to take lives if necessary; they won’t hesitate to take yours. Zombies are no longer humans, your friend that got zombiefied, he’s dead, and in his place is a monster that wants to eat your brains, destroy it before it destroys you.

Long term Skills:
In addition to the three I’ve listed above, you’re going to need some other skills in order to make life in the post zombie outbreak world livable.

scavenging/bartering: Sometimes you just need a tool. Being able to scavenge for that tool is an important skill set to have. It includes knowing where resources can be found, what materials can be used to create specific sorts of things, and how to improvise them. Bartering is great for acquiring things of value from other people. Trading that pack of smokes for a magazine of ammo is a really good trade. You’ll need to know what other survivors will want, what you will need and attaching a solid value to those items.

Building/crafting: Somewhat tied to scavenging, these skills will also help, particularly the knowledge of hand tools. If the grid is down and you need to construct something, knowing how to do it by hand will be a skill set worth having. This is vital when you begin building your post-outbreak compound.

Farming/growing: Assuming you manage to survive to a post-zombie outbreak world. You’re going to need a defensible, sustainable place to live. A new home, in order for that to be sustainable, you need to be able to supply yourself with food, water and shelter (see survival above) in a consistent sustainable manner. Hunting/gathering isn’t reliable enough. farming/growing is an effective way of doing just that. it's something that was figured out a very long time ago, and is still done today. mixed in with these skills is preserveing food, canning fruits and vegetables, preserving meat, these are important during the months where food is scarce.

Now these are all wonderful skill sets to have, but the most important skill set to have is teamwork. Going at it alone is a sure way to end up dead or undead. Get together with a small group of skilled and trusted allies and work as a team. Each member of this team needs to have primary training in one of the six skill sets listed above and cross training in a all the others (particularly self defense and first aid) so you can all help each other out and work as a team.

2014-04-19, 04:02 AM
Good points, TheThan!

Survival: That’s how to improvise shelter, make fire, find or make potable water and edible food. Those are pretty paramount during any catastrophe; you’re not going to be able to simply rush down to the grocery store for food after all.

No, too bad I don't have these skills...

First aid: survivors are going to be hurt, knowing how to patch people up in “in the field” is a great skill to have. Zombie infection is not the only injury people will suffer; having working knowledge of how to heal (and fight off infection… the non-zombie kind) is great for mutual survival.

I have a valid advanced first aid certification. Well, "advanced" isn't the accurate term, but I'm talking about the 2nd-level course which you take after the basic course (32 hours of first aid training in total). I wish I could accurately describe it to you.

Self defense: You’re going to have to fight off zombies at some point. You better know how to handle firearms and/or melee weapons. You may even have to fight other survivors over resources (as people hate sharing). You NEED the disposition to stay cool under pressure and be willing to take lives if necessary; they won’t hesitate to take yours. Zombies are no longer humans, your friend that got zombiefied, he’s dead, and in his place is a monster that wants to eat your brains, destroy it before it destroys you.

Not much of experience or training here, but I have shot with a rifle (scope and iron sight) and once I learned how to dismantle and assemble AK-47 clone with my eyes closed.

scavenging/bartering: Sometimes you just need a tool. Being able to scavenge for that tool is an important skill set to have. It includes knowing where resources can be found, what materials can be used to create specific sorts of things, and how to improvise them. Bartering is great for acquiring things of value from other people. Trading that pack of smokes for a magazine of ammo is a really good trade. You’ll need to know what other survivors will want, what you will need and attaching a solid value to those items.

I have a vocational degree in business, but I'm sure it's of no use here :D

Building/crafting: Somewhat tied to scavenging, these skills will also help, particularly the knowledge of hand tools. If the grid is down and you need to construct something, knowing how to do it by hand will be a skill set worth having. This is vital when you begin building your post-outbreak compound.

Ahhh, I would suck with this!

Farming/growing: Assuming you manage to survive to a post-zombie outbreak world. You’re going to need a defensible, sustainable place to live. A new home, in order for that to be sustainable, you need to be able to supply yourself with food, water and shelter (see survival above) in a consistent sustainable manner. Hunting/gathering isn’t reliable enough. farming/growing is an effective way of doing just that. it's something that was figured out a very long time ago, and is still done today. mixed in with these skills is preserveing food, canning fruits and vegetables, preserving meat, these are important during the months where food is scarce.

I guess I would just hunt.

Now these are all wonderful skill sets to have, but the most important skill set to have is teamwork. Going at it alone is a sure way to end up dead or undead. Get together with a small group of skilled and trusted allies and work as a team. Each member of this team needs to have primary training in one of the six skill sets listed above and cross training in a all the others (particularly self defense and first aid) so you can all help each other out and work as a team.

I guess I'd end up with as the group medic with no other useful skills.

2014-04-19, 04:09 AM
Set 1
Weapon: pass
Backup: Golden A.M.A.Z.O. (justice league unlimited)
Music: I really dont think this battle is going to last long enough to matter

Set 2
Weapon: the ability to control light.
Backup: person with the ability to control sound
Music: rainbow factory - wooden toaster

Set 3
Weapon: The helmet of Dr. Fate
Backup: Dr. Fate
Music: anthem of the angels - breaking benjamin

2014-04-19, 06:49 AM
I have a valid advanced first aid certification. Well, "advanced" isn't the accurate term, but I'm talking about the 2nd-level course which you take after the basic course (32 hours of first aid training in total). I wish I could accurately describe it to you.

that sounds pretty accurate to me :smalltongue:

so..we've strayed on more generic zombiepocalypse themes now?..

uhm..what I'd bring to the party other than a healthy dose of common sense..?
A modest knowledge of how to handle firearms (probably well below par to US standards but slightly above par for less "weaponized" countries).
I'm fairly good with animals in general, horses in particular, should we use them instead of.. other horsepower. Despite my proverbially bad sense of direction as far as roads are concerned, I actually do better in less civilized environments.
I have accrued some outdoorsy "what would McGyver do" kind of skills, and would probably be able to survive longer than average in the wild, and be able to build some sensible fortified shelter, both in the wild and in more urban settings.
My formal education revolves around languages and business so.. not of much help there.
I'd probably end up as a mediator/strategist/generic workforce/raider-hunter-forager...
Hell, it's even possible that I'd end up in some sort of leading position despite not having any high level of specialisation in anything of great use in such a situation, which I guess tells you all you need to know about people with a business disposition and education.

One thing I have always wondered about is something which has become something of a staple of the genre, namely the fact that powerlines, comunications, water supply etc etc would become paralized and utterly fail within a rather short period of time.
I'm wondering how much truth there is to that. Yes, power plants need supervision and maintenance, and so do all the other supply lines but.. isn't there a lot of mechanised work too? there should be plenty of parts that keep moving even without direct human intervention... and I figure not every plant or distribution center or dam would fall into zombie wasteland on day 1, or at all.. so.. what would a credible average timeline be for things like electricity and running water to stop reaching a city or house? how many people would it take to keep things running at least in part?

2014-04-19, 01:21 PM
I realized I left out repair skills, I guess that can be shoved into building/crafting.
@ Jon_Dahl
The good news is that as long as you can stay alive, you can learn these skills. Humans are really good at adapting to situations. Besides if you survive, you can always open up a trading post somewhere.

One thing I have always wondered about is something which has become something of a staple of the genre, namely the fact that powerlines, comunications, water supply etc etc would become paralized and utterly fail within a rather short period of time.
I'm wondering how much truth there is to that. Yes, power plants need supervision and maintenance, and so do all the other supply lines but.. isn't there a lot of mechanised work too? there should be plenty of parts that keep moving even without direct human intervention... and I figure not every plant or distribution center or dam would fall into zombie wasteland on day 1, or at all.. so.. what would a credible average timeline be for things like electricity and running water to stop reaching a city or house? how many people would it take to keep things running at least in part?

well think about it, if the people that operate and maintain the machines that make our infrastructure work turn into zombies and aren’t doing their jobs. Then it will malfunction and fall into disrepair. When that happens there will be no water and no electricity. That might take a bit to happen though.
A quicker scenario is that someone will crash into a power line or some such trying to dodge a zombie (thinking it’s still a person) and take the grid down in a section of town. If that happens more than once, the grid goes down quickly.

2014-04-19, 03:37 PM
You'll all regret not bringing Gator and me along when you realize none of those skills cover making moonshine.

2014-04-19, 04:03 PM
You'll all regret not bringing Gator and me along when you realize none of those skills cover making moonshine.

I know a guy who idolizes Gator, and he's pretty useful in a lot of sticky situations. Gator motion upheld/carried/whatever.

2014-04-20, 05:45 AM
Now these are all wonderful skill sets to have, but the most important skill set to have is teamwork. Going at it alone is a sure way to end up dead or undead. Get together with a small group of skilled and trusted allies and work as a team. Each member of this team needs to have primary training in one of the six skill sets listed above and cross training in a all the others (particularly self defense and first aid) so you can all help each other out and work as a team.

Also: a cool head under pressure.

Going by the old Night/Dawn/Day of the Living Dead films, zombies are actually that dangerous unless you get careless. As long as you keep your wits about you, make sure you keep away from them (or keep them away from you), and ensure you always have an escape plan, they can't do much to you.

Pretty much everyone who got killed in those films did so because they (or someone else) got careless, panicked, or otherwise did something stupid or counterproductive.

2014-04-20, 03:23 PM
Also: a cool head under pressure.

Going by the old Night/Dawn/Day of the Living Dead films, zombies are actually that dangerous unless you get careless. As long as you keep your wits about you, make sure you keep away from them (or keep them away from you), and ensure you always have an escape plan, they can't do much to you.

Pretty much everyone who got killed in those films did so because they (or someone else) got careless, panicked, or otherwise did something stupid or counterproductive.

I think I listed that under self defense. But you are pretty right on in that regards.