View Full Version : City of Progress - Campaign Journal: Chapter 1 (Dinosaur with Laser beams!)

2014-03-03, 01:55 AM
For those of you just turning in, see some of the brief notes from:
City of Progress - Campaign Journal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=330770)

Introductions, introductions and silent bargaining

The game started with character introductions - determined randomly.
Messenger golems (The duke's personal delivery service) delivered invitations to the Duke's estate for 12:30pm to the Players.
The players all were drawn into a waiting room (thus giving them a chance to interact and have some minor role-play) and were introduced:

Beable Bamford - Halfling siege mage and Golem Lord for Rab's Progress, and his trusty Golem "mouse" (carrying a ginormous cannon inside of it).
Galarend - Human Shining Knight Paladin and General of Rab's Progress' standing army. He is never far away from hits trusty steed "Bolba" (A huge flying Triceratops decked out in spiked full-plate armor. (yes, it flies. I approved a permanency of a Fly spell in his case due to particular circumstances.))
Lady Wisteria - Human verdant Sorcerer who is the Rab's Progress' herbalist and "tea-master." (In the front yard of her home stands the only tree in all of the city - a huge oak tree)
Frout Arthbringer - Dwarf(ish) Vow of Silence/Vow of truth Monk. He is the Temple Master for Rab's Progress' Sacred Mountain Temple. (Being the Dwarf has "Enlarged Person" permanently cast on him, he worked it into his story that he is "dwarf-ish" - Rule of Cool, definitely flies in my house!)

Nevertheless, the duke invites them in to his estate and gives them a task - head northeast, find the "Rainbow Forge" (which was the only place that ever made "Prism Adamantine." The technology to create it was lost to time and the Duke wants to recover it)
Lady Wisteria got lucky with a Knowledge History roll, and "remembered" that over 1000 years ago the "twisted forest" was once a large mountain range. Legend disputes exactly what 'did' happen, but now, the entire area is a forest.
The Duke also mentions that sent an expedition to the twisted forest and hasn't heard from them lately. So instead of sending the next low-level batch of "unlucky souls" to find out what happened - he asks the current party to find out what happened to them.
All four agree to the task ahead of them - but the Duke wasn't done dropping more info on them.
The twisted forest is so named that anyone adventuring into it manage to get out - even if they weren't trying to get out. The forest seems to "eject" anyone looking to go deep into it.
So, the Duke asks them to find something lost for 1000 years, recover ancient technology, find a lost expedition team, and find a way through a forest no one can seem to stay inside of - all for the price of 10,000GP.
Sure enough all agree… except Frout. Being the silent monk, he stamps his foot and holds up two fingers indicating that he wants 20k for his participation.
Opposed diplomacy rolls wind up in the Duke's favor. A hard stare makes Frout drop one finger, (back down to 10k) the duke nods, speaking his "language" and settling the price.
The duke calls a messenger golem into the room, which has a small cabinet inside of it's chest. He reaches inside and produces a wand of "Find the Path" (with 50 charges) to assist them in accomplishing their goals.
Lady Wisteria tries to warn the duke of Nature's tendency to overtake that which is unattended and expresses concern about the forest denizens. He takes her word under advisement. She also suggests that he plants a tree in the courtyard. He agrees and she hands him an acorn which he in turn hands to "Jeffery" (his butler type servant). Jeffrey immediately goes to the Courtyard to plant it.

Once they were released from the duke - the game began.

Arguments and Armor Modification

The first thing that occurs to everyone is that they can all fly on the back of Bolba to their destination. Lady Wisteria wanted to stay closer to the plants on the ground, but was overruled in a 3-1 vote. Beable spent half a day modifying a segment of Bolba's full plate to strap his golem in for safe flying.
Lady Wisteria turned into a small potted plant and allowed the Monk to carry her while flying.

They reach a mountain range just before the forest, and see tracks. They decide to follow the path through it (rather than go around) in the hopes that they might find evidence of the expedition team. They make Bolba fly (still carrying Beable and Mouse) approximately 100 feet above them and 50 feet ahead, scouting while Wisteria, Galarend and Frout walked the path.
The first day they encounter nothing - The second day (about 2pm-ish) all heck breaks loose.

Dinosaurs (with lasers), Stone Giants, and Disintegration

Taking the same formation as the day before, Bolba, Beable and Mouse scout out a single stone giant sitting in the middle of the road. The stone giant notices the "UFT" (Unidentified Flying Triceratops) and stands there staring in awestruck confusion at the sight.
Bolba flies low and the conversation goes something like this:

Bolba: What's up? Stone Giant: Uh, you? Bolba: Why are you in the middle of the path? Stone Giant: Normally… I charge a toll. Bolba: How much? Stone Giant: Usually, 100GP… But you're much bigger than me… so 50?

Galarend begins gathering up cash to pay the Stone Giant, but as they approach they 2 groups of players are hit by two confusion spells (which everyone succeeds).
Galarend tries to use diplomacy to make him give away some valuable information and succeeds. The Giant looks up into the mountains revealing 3 hiding Stone Giants - however he is immediately struck by a Disintegrate and takes 22d6 damage. He survives, barely. Beable casts FireBrand (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/spells/firebrand.html#_firebrand) on Bolba - essentially turning him into a Dino Rider, complete with laser beam. Lady Wisteria took 6 boulders and was knocked unconscious almost immediately.
The monk used Abundant Step to appear next to the caster which was actually a "Worm that Walks - Homebrew Variant" and began to pummel it.
Eventually Galarend mounted his Dino Rider and charged, plowing through the original stone giant and releasing a the laser on the Worm that Walks. It died, exploding all over the poor monk, showering him head to toe in pieces of worm.
Eventually Lady Wisteria was stabilized by a passing "Fly-By-Heal," and Disintegrated another Giant.
Mouse and Beable did their cannon-combo thing blasting everything in sight and eventually the fight was over in four of five turns.

Wrapping up for the night

Finding the giant's loot nearby, they take it and split it among them. They also wondered about the dichotomy of a Worm that Walks with a bunch of Stone Giants, but couldn't draw any conclusions for now. They decided to End the adventure here since we all needed to get home. Our next game should be in two weeks and hopefully we'll have +1 players to join in the fun.

For the next session, click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?354532-City-of-Progress-Campaign-Journal-Chapter-2-(When-in-Doubt-Speak-with-Plants)).