View Full Version : Group size

2014-03-03, 01:47 PM
I had a discussion many moons ago about this in a forum far away.

Anyway, as a DM I like a larger table, in size, and in the number of people around it. I have handled 8 experienced players easily enough. Currently we are at 5, looking at possibly 2 more coming on this week. My wife played with us some time back for about a year, and that was great. Recently one of her college friends boyfriend got her into the game.

I just met him, nice guy. Didn't know till today he played, I was thinking of inviting them on as well, that would be 1 more possibly experienced player, and 1 more very new. That is basically to bait the wife into playing again. She and her friend would likely be a hoot to have at the table, maybe slow down some mechanics of combat, but add to the dynamic.

If that happened, that would put us at 10, with me as DM, and 2 real newbies, and my wife being a novice at best. (one of the other maybes played shadow run long ago, and is a coworker of a current player).

With over 20 years behind the screen, I am thinking I could handle it, and am not afraid to try. My question becomes how many of you DMs have had something/anything similar, and how did the diversity work out (newer v XP'd players on a larger scale)?

2014-03-03, 03:22 PM
Pair each newbie with someone who's familiar with the newbies character type. They should be able to answer most questions while others are doing their turns/planning. It helps to keep things moving.

Otherwise it all depends on the players. I usually see the more experienced players take charge and those new to table top games taking a back seat until they're familiar with the mechanics/roll playing.

2014-03-03, 03:43 PM
34 years behind the screen here, never was a problem.

Sink or swim. Throw them into the deep end and see what happens. Have them check out the Noob Book (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=9479.msg153181#msg153181), if you feel so inclined.

2014-03-03, 03:46 PM
My own experience is that the CR system - already wonky at best - shows serious strain the greater the number of Players you have combating the enemy. BBEGs become more likely to fall victim to the action economy or to lay waste to those members of the party unlucky enough to go behind the BBEG in Initiative order due to the need to make him beefy enough to survive long enough to take an action at all.