View Full Version : Making a Drow Noble Family

2014-03-03, 01:52 PM
In the underdark series(s) of books by R. A. Salvatore you have drow noble families. I want to use something similar in my campaigns. Any tips?

2014-03-03, 01:54 PM
All I can remember is that draw nobles can naturally cast levitate fairy fire and globe of darkness

2014-03-03, 02:04 PM
All I can remember is that draw nobles can naturally cast levitate fairy fire and globe of darkness

And that is dependent on what edition you play drow in. It's all different in 3.5 on.

As far as running noble families, are you talking actual drow campaign, or just want some similar set up in your world?

If Familial feudal states is your goal, then read up on a bit of history http://nobility.org/2011/10/27/feudalism-medieval-family/ of it and build from there.

I have done similar things over the years, if you can lay your hands on a 2e Drow handbook, or the entire menzoberranzan boxed set from 2e, you will simply need to change the names to protect the innocent, and go from there.

Remember, Drow society at the time of RAS's original novels (Icewind Dale, and Underdark) was completely based on a 2e Lawful Evil Matriarchal Priestess driven society. So you may have to adjust if that's not what your going for.

2014-03-03, 02:15 PM
If you have or can get your hands on it, there's an entire sourcebook about Drow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drow_of_the_Underdark).