View Full Version : Monk//Psionic Class build needed [3.5 & PF]

2014-03-03, 11:08 PM
Ok so I need to make a character that can help fill-out this party I am joining and I wanted to make a Monk-type character who has spent his life focusing on improving his mind and body to the pinnacle of what he could make them. He is not very social though and has problems when interacting with people as he has always been an introvert.

I was thinking Monk//PsyWarrior
I liked the idea of a Monk//Psion as well but I need advice on which would fit well with the Monk and so forth.

2014-03-03, 11:31 PM
Is this Gestalt? If so, then Monk/Psion can definitely work. I would probably go Egoist, they're the most geared to melee combat. Psychic Warrior has some good melee powers, but they're a bit wasted in a gestalt context.

Feats of Note:
Kung-Fu Genius or Carmendine Monk - Use Intelligence for Monk abilities
Tashalatora - Psion levels stack with Monk for unarmed damage, AC, flurry. Probably can't go above character level, but lets you take other classes on the Monk side.

Classes of Note:
Warblade - Int synergy, and the maneuvers are useful.
Factotum - LOTS of Int synergy, and extra action are always a good thing.

Keep in mind that when taking PrCs with partial manifesting, you can arrange things to not lose any ML. For example, say you wanted to take Elocator:
Monk 5 // Psion 5
Monk // Elocator
Elocator // Psion
Monk // Elocator
Monk // Elocator
Elocator // Psion
Monk // Elocator
Monk // Elocator
Elocator // Psion
Monk // Elocator
Monk // Elocator

2014-03-03, 11:47 PM
Swordsage20//Ardent20 with Tashalatora. Don't take monk levels if you can avoid it.

2014-03-04, 12:10 AM
I would go with

Monk 2 / Ardent X // Cleric 1 / Ranger 2 / Soulknife 2 / Soulbow 2 / Shiba Protector 1

That will give you good manifesting, good unarmed combat, and hadoukens.

2014-03-04, 12:37 AM
Monk // psychic warrior makes a good grappler. High grapple checks, high grapple damage, high number of attempts to initiate a grapple, plus other misc powers and a lot of feats. Also trips well due to size and many attacks. After finishing up your grapple selections you might select improved trip then TWF to TWF flurry kama trip. Lastly I'd get stunning fist to add to the disables. I'd probably expansion, then stun, then trip everything, then pick one guy to grapple from there. At lower levels remove the 2nd-3rd steps from that list.

Combat reflexes never hurts. Pick up inertial armor too.

For this strategy I'd take monk to at least 11 for the extra attack, and psychic warrior or a related prestige class to 20 for the powers. Egoist in place of psychic warrior for large or huge forms could be quite nice too. Metamorphosis doesn't come online until level 7 though and it's hard to make it a swift or a long duration. Something I might do instead if you choose to be a psion would be to flip it around and focus on psionic manifesting while using monk mainly for passive abilities rather than any melee.

If it's high op some form of pounce never hurts.