View Full Version : Searching for 3.5 character sheets

2014-03-04, 11:07 PM
As the title says. I'm starting a campaign up this Saturday and since my players will actually be willing to use spells and powers in this group, I need sheets that have room for `em. Heck, I'd be happy with just a sheet for the spells and/or powers!

We normally use this one (but with the back page, of course :smalltongue:):

2014-03-04, 11:22 PM
As the title says. I'm starting a campaign up this Saturday and since my players will actually be willing to use spells and powers in this group, I need sheets that have room for `em. Heck, I'd be happy with just a sheet for the spells and/or powers!

We normally use this one (but with the back page, of course :smalltongue:):

for spells? I usually use an external means of keeping track. I have a wizard's spellbook google spreadsheet which works nicely, you can copy it if you'd like, you can find it here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkG6ui7s8xb9dDhjMm1oZjV1NjZoOEZjbWxUaWxmc Wc&usp=sharing)

It calculates spells/day based on your wizard level and int modifier, specialized, generalist or elven generalist (I haven't added in focused specialist, or enforcing at least 1 spell of each level of your specialized school though)

2014-03-04, 11:43 PM
If you allow laptops the humble excel spreadsheet has you covered. Comments help a bunch too.

2014-03-05, 01:17 AM
Sorry, I got sidetracked; had to go shopping and help prepare dinner.

What sort of external means, just pen(cil) and paper methods? Well, we've got an excess of both of those supplies so it'd be pretty easy; thanks :smallsmile:
Ooh, snazzy! :smallbiggrin: I like it!

Laptops are allowed and pretty much everybody but myself has use their own :smalleek: I'm poor. How would this excel thing work though? Never used it.

Falcon X
2014-03-06, 01:27 AM
The best Character Sheets around are found at Dyslexic Studios:

Though Mad Irishman has a great reputation too:

2014-03-06, 06:14 AM
Dyslexic Studios is awesome :smalleek: I can have a pink character sheet, the manliest of all colors!

Also awesome! There's room for character backgrounds and a place for the players to doodle their characters, too! Thanks :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-06, 08:23 AM
+1 or the Mad Irishman character sheets, which are easily my favorite hardcopy sheets.