View Full Version : How many weapons can you fit on a arm?

Erik Vale
2014-03-05, 07:10 AM
Or a leg, either or.

I know of Concealed weapons from [Arm and Elbow Blades] CS for 2, Dwarven Axeshield for 3, Held for 4, Natural/Spiked Guantlet for 5, can anyone improve on this?

Also, Legs can grab 2 attacks from CS [Knee and boot blades]

+1 For a bodies armor spikes or razors.

What I'm trying to do is determine the maximum amount of weapons someone can strap to themself, there have been suggestions of another 2 fire once and forget weapons that I haven't heard of before [some sort of crossbow thing and a 'shield sprayer'] and can't find.

Also, does anyone know of a way to make Greater Magic Weapon affect a area? Just thinking that chain greater magic weapon has kinda stopped cutting it at this point.

As for why, Neraph Lion Totem Barbarian Rogues/Other Lion Totem Barbarian Scouts [Qualifying for Multiweapon Fighting through grafts or being Thri-Kreen/Diopsid]. Yes ability to hit is getting shot to heck, but when your rolling that many d20's it stops mattering quite so much.

2014-03-05, 07:19 AM

Only minutes though. It might be better just to buy a ring of wizardry for your caster (Hope that your caster is arcane)

2014-03-05, 08:14 AM
Poison Rings... Spiked Gauntlets... Spike Dastana...

I'm an expert on this. If Poison Rings are considered magic rings when you enhance them, you can recursively wear Ringsword Poison Rings.

Also, with Residual Magic and an Eternal Wand of GMW, you can get twice as many full CL GMW out of a Wizard.

Erik Vale
2014-03-06, 03:18 AM
Ok, so just a couple of new names to look up, will do.

I should have figured out the spiked dastana thing though, which also means spiked chahar-ania. Giving 2 + Hands/2 rounding up.

2014-03-06, 03:45 AM
Replace the arm with the Mighty Arm Graft (FoE) and get a Battlefist (ECS).

Sir Chuckles
2014-03-06, 05:08 AM
Weighted Sleeves and Spring-Loaded Gauntlets.

And for the feet: add footspikes.

2014-03-06, 08:19 AM
Braid Blade is a wierd one in that it is left up to reason how many you can equip, but sanity would stop you at one or two.

Crescent Knives can attack twice per attack with them.

If symbiots are on the table we can generate a near infinite amount of "weapon" attacks as some of the ones from Ebberon can act freely on your turn and attack even if you don't attack with them.