View Full Version : How to use Spirit Binding Wu Jen (CAr)

2014-03-05, 08:03 AM
So I just found out that Wu Jen are in CAr, which opens them up to me as a class to play (see my other thread). I like the look of them and I wanted to create a really fun one. I thought that Gray Elf would be good (+2 dex and int, -2 str and con) and I was trawling through the spell lists picking things that fitted the evolving backstory I have in my head. I was sat thinking, hmm, animate wood and water for some fun little dragon shaped minions, and terracotta warrior looks fun.

Then I saw Spirit Binding and saw that OA dragons are spirits, and I contacted my DM and he will allow OA dragons (very rare to have him allow something not in our set books). Fantastic. Start off getting a little pet Yu Lung at level 7 (Level 4 spell, and I say pet, even though its tiny size, that thing is a beast) and then upgrade it to a Li Lung or Chiang Lung when I can get 6th level spells (those things are crazy good). And the spell is like Planar Binding, so I looked that up.

How do you even use Planar or Spirit Binding? For a start, Cha is a dump stat for Wu Jen. Second, one specific task? So you cant just have it trot along beside you like a temporary familiar? And what about battle? Whats the point of having a spirit to summon if it cant use its abilities.

I guess Spirit Ally is more like a familiar, and works the same way, but Wu Jen cant use that.

Am I missing something or is Spirit Binding useless? Please help. I wanted to build a dragon themed Wu Jen. Now I am stuck.

2014-03-05, 09:28 AM
Planar Binding & co. is by no means useless, because the one task can be very broad (serve as my servant, obeying me every order, fighting with and for me, for a year and a day).

As for the dump stat, it's the same way for wizards. This is where pre-buffing and debuffing the target comes in handy. One of my favorites I've seen is put a copper piece on the other side of the room and geas/quest him to retrieve it. Each day he cannot he takes charisma penalties. Necromancy and illusion spells on him, while you buff up with eagle's splendor and other Cha-boosting spells and items.
It might be a little harder given wu-jen's constrained spell list, but a friendly caster may be able to help

2014-03-05, 11:34 AM
There are ways to get around a lot of those problems. Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135096)'s a (slightly squicky) example of how far you can go with it.

You won't have all the relevant spells on a Wu Jen, but you'll have a lot.

That said, in general, the point of Planar Binding and Planar Ally isn't to have a minion who follows you around, it's to summon up creatures for specific tasks. You need to call up a ghost and send it to spy on your enemies? Use Spirit Binding. Want an ally for a crucial combat? Spirit Binding. Cause an Earthquake? Spirit Binding. It's that sort of thing.

2014-03-05, 12:40 PM
Oh ok, I didnt realise that you could be so open ended.

I originally wanted to call a Yu Lung dragon Wyrmling as soon as I could (level 7) and bid him to be my animal companion. I guess I still could then. Offer him a share of my loot if anything interests him, spiritual offerings (I need to make one anyway, and I want to be dragon centred) and possible early release at my digression in return for service as my companion and ally for 12 moon cycles. What sort of plus do you think that would net me?

Upon the first summoning, when the creature makes the will save, what does it save against? This is my first time as a caster you see.

So Yu Lung dragons are a high probability capture. Nice, cutsy little things. Low will save and only 8 Charisma (-1). Li Lung arnt much better but are a huge power increase when I can get them, and several of the other dragons are beasts then too. None appear to have dimension hopping powers which limits that option. Leaving only spell resistance which will be lower than their charisma checks. It is possible then.

2014-03-05, 01:47 PM
That will save would be the will save of your spell of that level (You are a wu-jen so that is DC 10+spell Level+ int modifier). Also I don't know if the term "animal companion" would work. It is neither an animal nor a magical beast. Perhaps just "Companion" or, if you feel a bit superior, "Servant" or "Henchman".

2014-03-05, 02:34 PM
Hah, i wouldnt use those exact words. Spirit Companion and Comrade, tasked to provide unfaltering companionship, knowledge, aid and protection in all tasks presented to me for the duration of the contract. In return it will receive likewise, as well as first rights to part of my rewards and spoils, a daily spirit dedication made in its honour, and the non-certain possibility for early conclusion of the contract at my discretion.

I am reverential towards Lung Dragons. They arnt outsiders to be ordered around, they are beautiful creatures, wise and ancient. Their service to me is one of unfortunate circumstances, but it works both ways. I will owe the dragon a debt, one it will surely collect in the after life. How I treat it will determine how I, in turn, am treated.

Also I get a pet dragon.

One more question, do you have to commune with spirits to make the contract? Or is it implied in the summoning and binding? As such, would it continue to commune with me or go back to huffing in spirit-dragonese?

2014-03-05, 03:07 PM
One more question, do you have to commune with spirits to make the contract? Or is it implied in the summoning and binding? As such, would it continue to commune with me or go back to huffing in spirit-dragonese?

Once you cast the spell and it fails its save, it appears right in front of you, so you can talk to it just as if you had run into it any other way. Pretty sure it speaks Common, so language is unlikely to be an issue. The reason things like Commune with Spirits exist is to get advice from spirits that aren't present, not to communicate with spirits that are right there.