View Full Version : LOC: The End of Beginnings [IC]

2014-03-05, 11:15 AM
Reality was a depressing mass of nothingness when Quiessus first appeared. No movement, no light, no sound, everything was quiet and still. This obviously would not stand.

Quiessus's misty form reached out and plucked existence from the heart of nothingness. He fashioned an expanse of firmament to expand on forever in great infinity, a ceiling for which he had yet to make a floor. His next action was to pair the sky with its equal and opposite, the land. And this land too, expanded out in infinity, clashing against its brother as it strove to rise up against the firmament's downward force, creating mountains, valleys, hills and all manner of crevasses and ranges. Quiessus watches them rage against each other for a time, until an uneasy peace was reached. The view was impressive.

Starting AP: 15
create plane 5 ap: the prime material. an infinite expanse of surface land and endless sky, each bordering the other. Note that the prime material is FLAT, not a planet in and of itself.

2014-03-05, 03:26 PM
From the mountains came a strange being. A creature with scales, talons, fangs, and wings. More importantly, the creature a spark of divinity. A desire to see things free of restrictions save for restrictions that prevented others from being free. This creature was the first Dragon, Ethidras. With a few magical words, she created other dragons, though they were just a shadow of Ethidras. They were not divine, but they were strong and benevolent. They also had a gift. They were masters of the Arcane.

Domain: Dragons (Good Dragons) +1 attack
Fabled life: Dragons
Magic: Arcane

1 AP left

2014-03-06, 03:39 AM
From the nothingness came something, and between nothing and something was a border, emptiness. And thus from emptiness, came a being who's very nature was a balance between something and nothing. Flickering shadows danced and weaved themselves together, knitting a tapestry of dread and wonder. Something stitched together swathes of nothing, crafting robes of darkest twilight. The robes twisted and turned in a breeze of something, and thus life was breathed into the figure wearing nothingness. Two purple pinpoints of light glowed beneath the hood of the robes, and Zaros woke. The Empty Lord gazed upon Creation, and took in its infinite expanse. "Infinite... Impossibly, infinite." The Empty Lord smote the world, then scowled. It was impossible to split infinity into smaller chunks. Thus, the Empty Lord sought out the creator of the infinite, unmanageable expanse. "What being doth create an infinite, unmanageable world? Wouldst thou see chaos reign? Or be this a test of your fellow divinities? I warn you now, I will not be toyed with." His voice rang out across the planes, beckoning for a reply.

2014-03-06, 04:29 AM
Nothing requires everything to exist, or without it, Nothing could not exist.
Alas, Something tore it's way into nothing, a sliver of a hole, but a hole none the less. Of it stepped the future Lord, a being of Void skin, and without eyes. Yes, It would come forth to bring something anew.

It saw the Dragon, and the others shape things.
It saw what would happen, and conceded itself to wait, and watch.

2014-03-06, 11:42 AM
And with life comes pain. That was one thing that Maleficia knew when she came screaming into existence. The stress of creation had to go somewhere, the pain of moving, of living, the fact that every mortal is just randomly slapped together by some god- bits of bone, flesh, and blood grinding and gnashing against one another as a mortal struggles to exist.

You think the world looks flat and serene? Only because Our Lady of Suffering has taken the burden of most of it's pain.. it churns beneath the surface just waiting to explode, it's tectonic plates moving, the lava just beneath the surface as the planet struggles to live on.

And in the midst of it all, hovering far above the mortal plane, there was divinity's creature, screaming in agony, a beauty far beyond compare with lips attuned to symmetry. She was possessed of a milky white skin with raven's hair black as the void above. Her dark eyes stared from beneath the eternal frost around her! Her beauty was barred, a gleaming porcelain doll to all that observed that graceful angel of sin. The embodiment of pain then laughed.. and laughed, and laughed, and laughed!

2014-03-06, 11:59 AM
Amidst the churning chaos and mysterious darkness that were his brethren, Ainar burned into existence, a light, blinding in its brilliance. What he saw before him was an imperfect expanse, populated by dragons. This was not perfect. Ainar would have a hand in shaping this plane into something worthy of himself.

2014-03-06, 08:01 PM
Order Among Gods

A burst of fire appeared and from it stepped a young woman, Laenira, the Lady of the Flame. So many other divinities were appearing on this strange expanse of land, and some acted while others waited... she was impressed at all the things that occurred around her. Dragons roamed, strong and proud and magic sparked in the air.

Some of her colleagues were beautiful, others horrifying, and some a strange mix of the two. She pondered for a moment, she would have to tread carefully yet stand her ground when the need arose.

She, unlike some of her siblings however, did not feel it right to simply sit and watch as things went on. She preferred active participation, and so participate in creation she did!

Not wishing to see all those around her bicker and fight, she first extends an offer to all the other divinities to join her in her quest for stability and progress in the world. She founds the first alliance among the divinities, a Pantheon which she dubs Pax Deorum, meaning Peace Among Gods.

The goals of Pax Deorum shall be to first and foremost keep peace among the divinities, it's secondary goal shall be to strive for stability and order, it's third goal shall be to preserve and create good where possible, and fourth to provide a haven for mortal growth and progress.

She leaves the option to join up to any who so wish, and hopes in time that many will flock to Pax Deorum.

Order Among Reality

She then turns to all the world around her, and she frowns. She feels things going on and on forever make little sense at all, how does one know where one is going if there is no end with which to mark how far one has gone? How are we to know what is most important if nothing is the center and nothing is the far edge? She kneels down onto the Plane of Earth below her, and taking a hand-full of earth she gives a sharp tug on the fabric of reality and then begins to shake it.

The Earth Plane begins to roll and contort, and she continues this until at the end, infinity has eaten itself up and become finite. The Plane of Earth is now a large sphere, with the Sky stretching endlessly away from the sphere. Now if one were to walk all the way around the sphere of Earth, they would eventually... after much time, return to their previous position. She was pleased, and now all would know the importance of the Sphere of Earth, for it was the center of all of reality, with only sky endlessly expanding off into the beyond.

She names this newly re-formed sphere Terra, and all reality would have it's eyes centered here, for it was the center of all things and this pleased Laenira.

Order Among the Cosmos

She moved to her next task then, there was no way to mark the passage of time, no way to understand the passing of aeons. In her mind she saw a huge cosmological clock that made order out of void, understanding from ignorance. Desiring to create stability for future mortals, she cups her hands around her mouth and blows warm breath into it. Within is a small orb of light, from Terra she throws it into the sky with a great flick of her wrist and the sphere grows and grows and grows. This creates a cosmological sphere to accompany Terra. This sphere is massive in size, at least 10 times larger than Terra, yet still infinitesimally small compared to the infinite sky that it resides in. Her throw was so strong and so fast that the sphere begins to fly around Terra over and over again rotating as it flies in an elliptical fashion. The sphere orbits Terra once per "day" lighting up the different sides of the un-moving sphere of Earth. The sphere of light Laenira dubs Aeros.

Shaping the World

Not yet done with her great work she finds a nice lowland area between mountains and gets to work. She blinks for a moment, and when she opens her eyes, as far as can be seen the land has changed. No longer is it barren hilly land, but all the way from the sea to the mountains a great rolling grassland is created. The grassland is teeming with life, large four legged animals run about, some eating the newly created plants, and others eating each other. Some, where rivers crossed through the plains, would go in and out of the water. Other creatures hopped about on two legs, and many small creatures called bugs flitted about buzzing in the warm air. She smiled for there was order here, a hierarchy of animals living in stable unison, relying on one another. At the top of this hierarchy though was her favorite of all, a powerful predator which she names the Lion. A large four legged cat which are the lords and ladies of the plains, in this way she adopts cats as her Divine Symbol, all felines for their grace and ability.

She strolls throughout the plains, going further towards the mountains, finding that eventually the plains and mountains give way to a flatland, barren and without hills. She feels pity upon the land and knows it has much to offer, and in so doing extends her heart to it. She closes her eyes again, and when she opens them, once again the land is altered. Great towering plants loom over her, trees of all sizes. The forest, as she calls it, is almost more teeming with life than the plains. More rivers run here, feeding the great ecosystem and all the climbing, running, and skittering things that reside here. This temperate landscape, although a little cold for her, is relaxing and soothing. She approaches a river, feeling tired after so much work, and soon finds herself falling asleep...

The Chosen People

She dreams for a time, enjoying the lull in her work, when suddenly she feels a strange presence nearby. She opens her eyes and around her are gathered many small animals, at least small by her measure. They rub up against her as she lay by the river, sensing her divinity and their connection to her as their creator. She smiles, they are felines and this pleases her even more. She ponders for a moment, wishing she could gift them further and an idea strikes her. She sits up on the stone she was lying upon and gently picks up one of the creatures, she strokes it and as she does so it changes. Her strokes re-shape the creature and eventually it takes on a new form. She wanted these creatures to keep their own grace, but know themselves her chosen by their resemblance to her. She made them so that they would stand on two legs as she did, she gave them agile hands with which to work as she did, and she gave them minds with which to think as she did. When she was finished, all of their kind were changed to appear as such. They were about 5 feet tall from head to foot, with a 2 foot tail. They still kept their keen senses from their natural form, their sharp claws and fangs for protection, and fur for warmth, but otherwise they were much different. They would be known as the Lynxa, the chosen of Leanira.

Her very final gift to them before she departs to explore more of the world is a commonality of being, she gifts them with her own domain's basis, society. They now share culture, primitive language, and customs within their kind, and it will keep them from scattering to the wind. It will begin their journey towards progress and creation of great things.

Laenira was now very spent, she had done much in so little time, and must now rest, and rest she does.

Create Pantheon: Pax Deorum, Cost- 1 AP
Divine Decree- All Reality Centers on Terra (making it the center of the Universe), The Sphere of Earth so that stability is maintained, Cost- 5 AP and an Infusion
Forge Astronomical Object: Aeros the Sun, Cost 3 AP
Create Land: Angvorn (name pending certainty), Cost 2 AP
Create Sentient Life: Lynxa, Cost 2 AP
Form Society: Lynxaan Society, Cost 1 AP

Race Appearance:

(Assuming clothing change to primitive, but otherwise the body structure and general appearance is nearly exact.)


Remaining AP: 1

2014-03-06, 10:38 PM
So many interesting things were happening since Quiessus appeared and left his mark upon the emptiness of existence. New life was arriving, things were changing, growing appearing, and beings that Quiessus recognized as possessing a spark like itself arrived in number, one after the other. So much stuff was happening within the infinite expanse of this world that Quiessus could barely contain itself. So it didn't. Quiessus's misty form split out into multiples, and went to meet those who called to Quiessus first.

Order Among Gods

A burst of fire appeared and from it stepped a young woman, Laenira, the Lady of the Flame. So many other divinities were appearing on this strange expanse of land, and some acted while others waited... she was impressed at all the things that occurred around her. Dragons roamed, strong and proud and magic sparked in the air.

Some of her colleagues were beautiful, others horrifying, and some a strange mix of the two. She pondered for a moment, she would have to tread carefully yet stand her ground when the need arose.

She, unlike some of her siblings however, did not feel it right to simply sit and watch as things went on. She preferred active participation, and so participate in creation she did!

Not wishing to see all those around her bicker and fight, she first extends an offer to all the other divinities to join her in her quest for stability and progress in the world. She founds the first alliance among the divinities, a Pantheon which she dubs Pax Deorum, meaning Peace Among Gods.

The goals of Pax Deorum shall be to first and foremost keep peace among the divinities, it's secondary goal shall be to strive for stability and order, it's third goal shall be to preserve and create good where possible, and fourth to provide a haven for mortal growth and progress.

She leaves the option to join up to any who so wish, and hopes in time that many will flock to Pax Deorum.

A gust of wind brought the arrival of blue mist which shaped itself to mirror the Lady of Flame.

You rang? Quiessus Spoke. I received summons from a spark not unlike my own, I assume that is you lady? Do you like what I've done with the place? I rather like what you've done, I can see you've already begun to make yourself at home here... and even created little... toys? I don't know what you'd call them. Quiessus gestured to the life forms Laenira had created.

From the nothingness came something, and between nothing and something was a border, emptiness. And thus from emptiness, came a being who's very nature was a balance between something and nothing. Flickering shadows danced and weaved themselves together, knitting a tapestry of dread and wonder. Something stitched together swathes of nothing, crafting robes of darkest twilight. The robes twisted and turned in a breeze of something, and thus life was breathed into the figure wearing nothingness. Two purple pinpoints of light glowed beneath the hood of the robes, and Zaros woke. The Empty Lord gazed upon Creation, and took in its infinite expanse. "Infinite... Impossibly, infinite." The Empty Lord smote the world, then scowled. It was impossible to split infinity into smaller chunks. Thus, the Empty Lord sought out the creator of the infinite, unmanageable expanse. "What being doth create an infinite, unmanageable world? Wouldst thou see chaos reign? Or be this a test of your fellow divinities? I warn you now, I will not be toyed with." His voice rang out across the planes, beckoning for a reply.

Oh, that would be me. I made all this, pretty good for a first attempt no? The coalescence of misty tendrils spoke as it settled into a form mirroring Zaros's own. I had no idea that someone would be so upset with the concept of infinity, you should have arrived sooner to warn me that it would so discomfort you. Although I think you would have found that which came before equally upsetting, if not more, it was infinitely empty, and infinitely boring.

Some Notes: Quiessus is normally genderless, but takes on an appearance similar to whoever it's speaking with, so pronoun wise use the same as your own character I suppose.

2014-03-07, 12:17 AM
A gust of wind brought the arrival of blue mist which shaped itself to mirror the Lady of Flame.

You rang? Quiessus Spoke. I received summons from a spark not unlike my own, I assume that is you lady? Do you like what I've done with the place? I rather like what you've done, I can see you've already begun to make yourself at home here... and even created little... toys? I don't know what you'd call them. Quiessus gestured to the life forms Laenira had created.

Laenira eyed the blue mist as it formed into her own likeness, but when she heard it speak she smiled. She had sensed it was divine, but only now she recognized it as the first of her kind to awaken.

"Hello friend, yes it is I, the Lady of the Flame who called upon all the divinities! I am glad you answered so promptly, I just finished with my many works, and now I have time to rest and talk. I love what you have done, there is enough enough paint here to continue the picture, but not so much that we cannot add our own style, if you catch my meaning. I have indeed, and I am thankful for the chance to do so, so I suppose I should thank you for crafting this existence in the first place, it made my job much easier! *she laughs* I would call them loved ones, if not children, so I hope you do not treat them as toys, although I won't keep you from playing with them if you play gently." She smiles as she watches some of the Lynxa going about their business nearby.

She then thinks for a moment and then realizes a question.

"You must be the first-woken, but I don't think I know your true name, mine is Laenira, what is your's? Oh, and I almost forgot as well, If you would be interested in joining my Pantheon, Pax Deorum I would be most honored!"

2014-03-07, 01:10 AM
Laenira eyed the blue mist as it formed into her own likeness, but when she heard it speak she smiled. She had sensed it was divine, but only now she recognized it as the first of her kind to awaken.

"Hello friend, yes it is I, the Lady of the Flame who called upon all the divinities! I am glad you answered so promptly, I just finished with my many works, and now I have time to rest and talk. I love what you have done, there is enough enough paint here to continue the picture, but not so much that we cannot add our own style, if you catch my meaning. I have indeed, and I am thankful for the chance to do so, so I suppose I should thank you for crafting this existence in the first place, it made my job much easier! *she laughs* I would call them loved ones, if not children, so I hope you do not treat them as toys, although I won't keep you from playing with them if you play gently." She smiles as she watches some of the Lynxa going about their business nearby.

She then thinks for a moment and then realizes a question.

"You must be the first-woken, but I don't think I know your true name, mine is Laenira, what is your's? Oh, and I almost forgot as well, If you would be interested in joining my Pantheon, Pax Deorum I would be most honored!"

Quiessus, would be a fitting appellation I suppose. Loved ones? What an unexpected concept. These lesser beings are worthy of your affection and concern. Perhaps I should take more time to investigate them. Hmmm, I think I have something, a gift for them. The area around the two Deities went silent, and all the Lynxa stopped and took notice. Soon, sound began to fill the air, but it was not the random sound and cacophony that had been present before, it was rhythmic and full of sophisticated artistry, patterned tones and pitches that filled the air and fed the soul. When the sounds ended, Quiessus resumed speaking.

About your offer... I fear it is something I cannot accept. It is far too restrictive for my tastes. The infinite expanse I have created exists in such a way because I seek infinity. I cannot ally myself with a cause that would desire to limit that range of possibility.

Starting AP 10
Create Concept: 1 AP- music. Quiessus's first gift to the material plane is the art of creating music.

2014-03-07, 01:58 AM
Order Among Gods

A burst of fire appeared and from it stepped a young woman, Laenira, the Lady of the Flame. So many other divinities were appearing on this strange expanse of land, and some acted while others waited... she was impressed at all the things that occurred around her. Dragons roamed, strong and proud and magic sparked in the air.

Some of her colleagues were beautiful, others horrifying, and some a strange mix of the two. She pondered for a moment, she would have to tread carefully yet stand her ground when the need arose.

She, unlike some of her siblings however, did not feel it right to simply sit and watch as things went on. She preferred active participation, and so participate in creation she did!

Not wishing to see all those around her bicker and fight, she first extends an offer to all the other divinities to join her in her quest for stability and progress in the world. She founds the first alliance among the divinities, a Pantheon which she dubs Pax Deorum, meaning Peace Among Gods.

The goals of Pax Deorum shall be to first and foremost keep peace among the divinities, it's secondary goal shall be to strive for stability and order, it's third goal shall be to preserve and create good where possible, and fourth to provide a haven for mortal growth and progress.

She leaves the option to join up to any who so wish, and hopes in time that many will flock to Pax Deorum.

Oh, that would be me. I made all this, pretty good for a first attempt no? The coalescence of misty tendrils spoke as it settled into a form mirroring Zaros's own. I had no idea that someone would be so upset with the concept of infinity, you should have arrived sooner to warn me that it would so discomfort you. Although I think you would have found that which came before equally upsetting, if not more, it was infinitely empty, and infinitely boring.

Zaros tilted its head, looking at Quiessus. His form flickered, and then vanished.

Before Quiessus and Laenira, a form flickered. Dark, almost lightless. In fact, it was void of light, empty, you could say. The Empty Lord coalesced from the void, his cloak forming first, then after a moment, two pinpoints of light burning into being. "Incessant rattling... wonderful." His voice was deadpan, and quite terrible to hear. Those Lynxa who heard it cringed, their ears flattening and their survival instincts telling them to flee. Zaros paid the Lynxa no heed, simply focusing on the gods before him. "Why have you filled the emptyness, siblings? What purpose can this serve but chaos?"

2014-03-07, 08:41 AM
Zaros tilted its head, looking at Quiessus. His form flickered, and then vanished.

Before Quiessus and Laenira, a form flickered. Dark, almost lightless. In fact, it was void of light, empty, you could say. The Empty Lord coalesced from the void, his cloak forming first, then after a moment, two pinpoints of light burning into being. "Incessant rattling... wonderful." His voice was deadpan, and quite terrible to hear. Those Lynxa who heard it cringed, their ears flattening and their survival instincts telling them to flee. Zaros paid the Lynxa no heed, simply focusing on the gods before him. "Why have you filled the emptyness, siblings? What purpose can this serve but chaos?"

"Perfection comes only through shaping, and nothing cannot be shaped," Ainar announces, flashing into existence where Laenira had unleashed her divine spark. The youth glowed with divine light and his features were painfully beautiful. He wore a deep scarlet cloak, and a doublet worked with golden thread.
"My lady Laenira, this peace will help us forge a perfect land, for the betterment of all. I shall join with you, Ainar, beauty's king and lord of the forge."

"My gifts are many, my bounty great!" He thundered as his hands burst into flame and the earth shook at his coming.

First the mountains near to Angvorn doubled, tripled in size, and began to belch fire and ash into the sky, until they quieted, channeling their fiery rage into a central building, a massive palace forged of rock and the metals in the earth. There veins of gold, silver and platinum coalesced and became molten streams of metal, ripe to be worked.

Before making this his home, Ainar created those to populate it, mirrors of himself, able to manipulate the flows of magic that would let them create the greatest of artifacts, and resistant to the fires of the forge.


And lastly he passed on the skills necessary to work the metal of the earth, smelt it and reforge it for a purpose.

Join Pantheon: Pax Deorum 1 AP
Alter Land: Turn mountains into volcanoes and build palace inside them. The volcanoes are known as Ainar's Heart. 1 AP
Create Magical Life: The Servants. Beautiful humanoids, often with draconic style scaling on their skin, immune to fire and heat and able to handle arcane magic. 3 AP
Create Mundane Concept: Blacksmithing. 1 AP

9 AP remaining

2014-03-07, 11:40 AM
Zaros tilted its head, looking at Quiessus. His form flickered, and then vanished.

Before Quiessus and Laenira, a form flickered. Dark, almost lightless. In fact, it was void of light, empty, you could say. The Empty Lord coalesced from the void, his cloak forming first, then after a moment, two pinpoints of light burning into being. "Incessant rattling... wonderful." His voice was deadpan, and quite terrible to hear. Those Lynxa who heard it cringed, their ears flattening and their survival instincts telling them to flee. Zaros paid the Lynxa no heed, simply focusing on the gods before him. "Why have you filled the emptyness, siblings? What purpose can this serve but chaos?"

The azure mist that had sought out Zarus melted away and rejoined Quiessus's other form. As it did so, the misty body mirrored Zarus, although the features appeared softer and less severe.

Is there something wrong with chaos? Its certainly more interesting that nothingness. And look around you, in all this infinity do you think you couldn't find somewhere that meets your desires? Infinite expanse leads to infinite possibility, and infinite possibility will eventually settle into uniformity. And then we get to start the process over again! Maybe next time I'll make the dirt purple.

2014-03-07, 01:58 PM
"What is better than Chaos for the sake of Chaos?" The dead voice of Maleficia rang out, chuckling as she did, she too had heard Laenira's call and had floated through the void to mock her. The pain goddess had learned all she needed too about life in the first few seconds of being born.

"Stability, order... peace? These ideas are those of a fool." She mocked, coming close to Laenira, the cold radiating off Maleficia's body feeling bitter to those in her vicinity. With a snap of her fingers the continent of Angvorn expanded in size becoming twice as large. "Observe your primitive mortals. Already you've set their misery in motion by giving them life and I applaud you for it." The dark goddess laughed once more, looking down from where the gods were hanging out upon the unsuspecting Lynxa. They would have to walk much further for food now. She pointed out a particular Lynxa as an example, and this one appeared distressed.

"Watch as that one starves to death. Mortals need to sustain themselves, it's pathetically wonderful. An excellent musician, but he isn't a very good hunter, and no one cares to assist him, this poor creature known as Able. But, he did have food earlier and a stronger Lynxa took it from him. Someone that starving fool thought he could trust. But once you set life in motion you also set pain in motion. Pain drives on all life. This bigger Lynxa, known as Cain, doesn't want to starve either, or for his family to starve, or be hurt searching for food on his own... so why not use his size advantage to force that suffering onto others? Delicious. This first betrayal feels me with glee, and among family no less."

As Maleficia narrated the life of the suffering Able, the poor creature did pass away, the first truly mortal death. It was caused by a simple betrayal from his own brother; it's easy to watch someone starve if you've saved yourself.

From the ground Maleficia had created sprung worms, maggots, bugs and all manner of creepy crawlies, these would take care of the corpse in time. One of the praying mantis bugs that sprung from the death of Able, the betrayed, was different from the rest and born out of misery just like her. This creature was a god filled with a divine spark, created originally by her and then grew strong feeding off the misery and betrayal Able felt. This god was Hadar, the Lord of Corruption.

But it wasn't all bad. Those new places Maleficia had created may have been intended to increase the suffering of mortals, but they were beautiful. Mostly they were forests and grasslands like had already been seen before, but there were many more lakes filled with simple generic fish, and even a few swamps and bogs filled with bugs and new creatures like Crocodiles and Toads. The forests boosted new creatures as well; the fearful quick deers, the mischievous monkeys, and the strong, solitary predator, the bear.

AP: 15

Create Land (2): I'm making the continent of Angvorn just bigger and better! It's now closer to the size of an actual continent because now it's two Russias put together. I used this action to create a few animals I wanted to make sure existed and make some ground based bugs. The continent still has rolling hills, volcanoes, forests, grasslands, but just more and now it has lakes (instead of just rivers) and swamplands too.

Oh, and I also birthed Hadar.

AP: 13

EDIT: 12:00 Saturday

AP: 16

2014-03-08, 01:45 PM
As the Mantis fed on the essence of the betrayed he grew in proportion and strength. He then looked at the deities that had gathered near and went to them, growing with each step he took. First he went to face Maleficia bowed his head slightly.Hadar speaks in a low and raspy voice:My lady and creator. I greet you. He then turned to the other deities and bowed his head to each of them. My lords and ladies, the first of our kind, I greet you as well. I am Hadar. I sense in each of you a purpose, some pure and some...not so pure. The creature that populate this plane are fascinating, so eager to do what they must to survive. Only the strongest survive down there and with that concept comes corruption. Hadar points to Cain and smiled. What a fine specimen that one is. I wonder Laenira, does this behavior of your children go unpunished?

2014-03-08, 05:43 PM
Fate and Time

Zaros's eyes glowed white hot, smoke rising from them and escaping his hood of void. He glared at Maleficia and Hadar. "No, it does not go unpunished." As he spoke, pinpoints of light began to flicker into existence in the sky. Innumerable orbs of roiling energy, so far away from Terra that they appeared as minuscule candle-lights. They blazed bright, and then dimmed. Chains innumerable shot out of the lights at impossible speeds, slamming into Terra with invisible force. The chains snaked their way throughout the world, chasing down all mortal beings. The Dragons, the Lynxa, and the Servants all felt hooks and claws dig into them as the chains sunk into mortal life. Then the sensation faded, and the chains vanished from Mortal sight. Only the gods could see them.

Zaros faced Quiessus and Laenira. "If you wish infinity, then I will respect your decision, sibling. And if you wish mortals, I will respect that decision as well... but I will not allow either concept to encompass all. Fate will bind mortals, and time will bind space, thus ensuring the balance of all. I will join the Pax Deorum, Laenira, on the condition that I am not bound by the third and fourth goals. I will contribute with a home for us, apart from the Material." Zaros turned to Hadar and Maleficia. "I will warn you once, sister, I am guardian of this world. I will not end your influence, but should you attempt to ruin Terra, I will stop you." Zaros flickered, but remained. Through the stars, Zaros stood on a vast expanse of empty space. Chains innumerable criss-crossed the plane, and left it through glowing orbs. He extended his hand, and grasped one chain, then tugged.

15 AP - 5 AP - 5 AP - 2 AP = 3 AP
5 AP: Imagine Plane - Palatium. A plane made by Zaros as a home for the gods of the Pax Deorum. It is currently an endless expanse of space. It is divinely morphic, and any god who chooses to dwell there can manipulate the plane to their liking. The stars are holes in the sky through which beings can travel to Palatium

5 AP (1 Infusion): Divine Decree - Fate binds all mortal beings, living, dead, or otherwise, to the will of Zaros. He cannot simply take control over them whenever he feels like it, but he can nudge them to take certain actions. Fate takes the form of enormous invisible chains with hooks and claws on their ends. These chains hook into the spirits of mortals and keep them in check.

2 AP: Weave Sanctum - The Temple of Fate is a layer of Palatium. It takes the form of an enormous expanse with pale purple background light. An uncountable number of chains criss-crosses the layer, and exits it through the stars. These chains are the physical manifestation of Fate, and are how Zaros can manipulate fate.

2014-03-09, 08:25 PM
Fate and Time

Zaros's eyes glowed white hot, smoke rising from them and escaping his hood of void. He glared at Maleficia and Hadar. "No, it does not go unpunished." As he spoke, pinpoints of light began to flicker into existence in the sky. Innumerable orbs of roiling energy, so far away from Terra that they appeared as minuscule candle-lights. They blazed bright, and then dimmed. Chains innumerable shot out of the lights at impossible speeds, slamming into Terra with invisible force. The chains snaked their way throughout the world, chasing down all mortal beings. The Dragons, the Lynxa, and the Servants all felt hooks and claws dig into them as the chains sunk into mortal life. Then the sensation faded, and the chains vanished from Mortal sight. Only the gods could see them.

Zaros faced Quiessus and Laenira. "If you wish infinity, then I will respect your decision, sibling. And if you wish mortals, I will respect that decision as well... but I will not allow either concept to encompass all. Fate will bind mortals, and time will bind space, thus ensuring the balance of all. I will join the Pax Deorum, Laenira, on the condition that I am not bound by the third and fourth goals. I will contribute with a home for us, apart from the Material." Zaros turned to Hadar and Maleficia. "I will warn you once, sister, I am guardian of this world. I will not end your influence, but should you attempt to ruin Terra, I will stop you." Zaros flickered, but remained. Through the stars, Zaros stood on a vast expanse of empty space. Chains innumerable criss-crossed the plane, and left it through glowing orbs. He extended his hand, and grasped one chain, then tugged.

15 AP - 5 AP - 5 AP - 2 AP = 3 AP
5 AP: Imagine Plane - Palatium. A plane made by Zaros as a home for the gods of the Pax Deorum. It is currently an endless expanse of space. It is divinely morphic, and any god who chooses to dwell there can manipulate the plane to their liking. The stars are holes in the sky through which beings can travel to Palatium

5 AP (1 Infusion): Divine Decree - Fate binds all mortal beings, living, dead, or otherwise, to the will of Zaros. He cannot simply take control over them whenever he feels like it, but he can nudge them to take certain actions. Fate takes the form of enormous invisible chains with hooks and claws on their ends. These chains hook into the spirits of mortals and keep them in check.

2 AP: Weave Sanctum - The Temple of Fate is a layer of Palatium. It takes the form of an enormous expanse with pale purple background light. An uncountable number of chains criss-crosses the layer, and exits it through the stars. These chains are the physical manifestation of Fate, and are how Zaros can manipulate fate.

Oh, no... I don't think I like this turn of events much at all. If the Prime Material is to have any guardian at all, I feel like its creator might be the first choice. You claim to respect infinity, but limit it through time. You claim to respect life, but imprison them and place them under your control. Zaros, your actions betray your true nature, and it is a nature I cannot abide. The world is infinite in choice and possibility, and that is the way it will stay. Quiessus expended his will and shaped the world again. The chains binding mortal life and the limits of infinity loosened ever so slightly, enough that mortals could breathe free, even if they could not escape the bindings entirely.

It saddens me that my music has caused suffering. That was never the intent. So I shall rectify that, in the name of Abel. With those words, music itself changed, and it gained real substance and power.

Starting AP 11+3= 14

Divine Decree (5 AP + 1 Infusion)= Mortals ma defy their fate through the power of luck, allowing them to slip the bindings of fate for a time.

Legendary Concept (5 AP): Magic of Song- music has the ability to affect reality similarly to Bardic Magic in D&D.

2014-03-10, 10:13 AM
And so it begins...

Hadar looked at the chaos that has already begun to unfold as the result of his words. These deities have such a large ego its almost to easy to manipulate them one way or another. Some of the Lynxa are prepared to do whatever they must to survive. The dragons though seem to be pristine and without grudges.

Hadar cups his hands and blows. A trail of black smoke begins to rise and rise and then spreads on all direction. Snaking through the skies it finds it marks and inflicts some of the dragons with a new sensation. Greed is in their minds now, the urge to own more. More power, more trophies, more valuables and more territory for their own. Both other dragons and the Lynxa would be the victim of this greed.

In one of his claws Hadar still hold on to some of the black smoke and started to shape it like wet clay. Tiny creatures started to form in his hand and began to fly around him. Greed is what drives these mortals to corruption. Go my Imps and offer the mortals whatever they desire in exchange for vile and evil deeds. Deceive them and make them do things they would normally resent, entice them with promises of power and wealth. And so the Imps took off spreading among the Lynxa.

AP: 15+3 rollover = 18 AP
Divine Word - 3AP: Some Dragons and Lynxa are subject to greed, wanting to have more power, wealth or territory.
Create Magical Life - 3 AP: Imps, these small winged creatures offer deals to mortals. Power or wealth in exchange for vile and evil deeds. These deals are sinister and tricky. Failing to uphold their end of the bargain a mortal will suffer by the imps hand. Small as they are Imps have some magical power and a nasty poisonous sting. (much like d&d imps and the Faustian Pacts)

AP left: 12

2014-03-10, 03:56 PM
Quiessus, would be a fitting appellation I suppose. Loved ones? What an unexpected concept. These lesser beings are worthy of your affection and concern. Perhaps I should take more time to investigate them. Hmmm, I think I have something, a gift for them. The area around the two Deities went silent, and all the Lynxa stopped and took notice. Soon, sound began to fill the air, but it was not the random sound and cacophony that had been present before, it was rhythmic and full of sophisticated artistry, patterned tones and pitches that filled the air and fed the soul. When the sounds ended, Quiessus resumed speaking.

About your offer... I fear it is something I cannot accept. It is far too restrictive for my tastes. The infinite expanse I have created exists in such a way because I seek infinity. I cannot ally myself with a cause that would desire to limit that range of possibility.

Starting AP 10
Create Concept: 1 AP- music. Quiessus's first gift to the material plane is the art of creating music.

She watches Quiessus speak and let's him finish what he has to say before replying "I understand your qualms friend, and if you do not wish to join Pax Deorum I do not hold it against you, I just merely hope you do not actively work against us. If we may keep friendly bonds, it matters not what labels we give ourselves or what pantheons we join or do not. You have your work to do, and I do not believe it a work I wish to deny fruition."

She listens for a time to his music though, and she falls into a half trancelike state "Your music too soothes me Quiessus, it is a thing of beauty, and I can only hope the mortals take it up and use it to spread joy and wonder!"

Zaros tilted its head, looking at Quiessus. His form flickered, and then vanished.

Before Quiessus and Laenira, a form flickered. Dark, almost lightless. In fact, it was void of light, empty, you could say. The Empty Lord coalesced from the void, his cloak forming first, then after a moment, two pinpoints of light burning into being. "Incessant rattling... wonderful." His voice was deadpan, and quite terrible to hear. Those Lynxa who heard it cringed, their ears flattening and their survival instincts telling them to flee. Zaros paid the Lynxa no heed, simply focusing on the gods before him. "Why have you filled the emptyness, siblings? What purpose can this serve but chaos?"

Laenira, shortly after finishing speaking to Quiessus, feels the presence of a new deity nearby. She looks over and peers at Zaros just as he peers at her and Quiessus. "Rattling, music, isn't it all wonderful!" she says in a way so that even the gods cannot tell if it is naivety or sarcasm in her voice. She did however send a small amount of comfort to the fleeing Lynxa, letting them know she still watched over them. She wasn't afraid of this deity, and she wouldn't let him scare her children either.

She responds to the being's query "We fill it with things, for emptiness is nothing without something to next to it that is not-emptiness. You should be thanking us for making your emptiness empty at all, why, without us you'd be a god of nothing-nothing, and that wouldn't make sense at all now would it?" She chuckles, she meant no harm in her teasing, she sensed that below the "empty cloak" this deity wasn't so bad.

"Really though, we seek no harm against you, we are all here for our own purposes, you know that as well as I do. Unless we existed alone we will always come somewhat into conflict, but that is what I hope to stave off. If we can remain reasonable and share what we work with, we can find a middle ground from which we can all prosper." She smiles, she legitimately meant what she said, and hoped that it would warm the heart of this god of nothingness at least somewhat.

"Perfection comes only through shaping, and nothing cannot be shaped," Ainar announces, flashing into existence where Laenira had unleashed her divine spark. The youth glowed with divine light and his features were painfully beautiful. He wore a deep scarlet cloak, and a doublet worked with golden thread.
"My lady Laenira, this peace will help us forge a perfect land, for the betterment of all. I shall join with you, Ainar, beauty's king and lord of the forge."

"My gifts are many, my bounty great!" He thundered as his hands burst into flame and the earth shook at his coming.

First the mountains near to Angvorn doubled, tripled in size, and began to belch fire and ash into the sky, until they quieted, channeling their fiery rage into a central building, a massive palace forged of rock and the metals in the earth. There veins of gold, silver and platinum coalesced and became molten streams of metal, ripe to be worked.

Before making this his home, Ainar created those to populate it, mirrors of himself, able to manipulate the flows of magic that would let them create the greatest of artifacts, and resistant to the fires of the forge.


And lastly he passed on the skills necessary to work the metal of the earth, smelt it and reforge it for a purpose.

Join Pantheon: Pax Deorum 1 AP
Alter Land: Turn mountains into volcanoes and build palace inside them. The volcanoes are known as Ainar's Heart. 1 AP
Create Magical Life: The Servants. Beautiful humanoids, often with draconic style scaling on their skin, immune to fire and heat and able to handle arcane magic. 3 AP
Create Mundane Concept: Blacksmithing. 1 AP

9 AP remaining

Laenira was pleased to hear Ainar's words, and even more by his actions! "Welcome Ainar, your place among Pad Deorum shall be much appreciated in times to come! I am much impressed by your own children and the skills they possess, perhaps in time they may share what they know with the Lynxa? For now though, let them experiment with your gifts and find your bounties in their own right, there shall be much time for diplomacy and friendship soon."

"What is better than Chaos for the sake of Chaos?" The dead voice of Maleficia rang out, chuckling as she did, she too had heard Laenira's call and had floated through the void to mock her. The pain goddess had learned all she needed too about life in the first few seconds of being born.

"Stability, order... peace? These ideas are those of a fool." She mocked, coming close to Laenira, the cold radiating off Maleficia's body feeling bitter to those in her vicinity. With a snap of her fingers the continent of Angvorn expanded in size becoming twice as large. "Observe your primitive mortals. Already you've set their misery in motion by giving them life and I applaud you for it." The dark goddess laughed once more, looking down from where the gods were hanging out upon the unsuspecting Lynxa. They would have to walk much further for food now. She pointed out a particular Lynxa as an example, and this one appeared distressed.

"Watch as that one starves to death. Mortals need to sustain themselves, it's pathetically wonderful. An excellent musician, but he isn't a very good hunter, and no one cares to assist him, this poor creature known as Able. But, he did have food earlier and a stronger Lynxa took it from him. Someone that starving fool thought he could trust. But once you set life in motion you also set pain in motion. Pain drives on all life. This bigger Lynxa, known as Cain, doesn't want to starve either, or for his family to starve, or be hurt searching for food on his own... so why not use his size advantage to force that suffering onto others? Delicious. This first betrayal feels me with glee, and among family no less."

As Maleficia narrated the life of the suffering Able, the poor creature did pass away, the first truly mortal death. It was caused by a simple betrayal from his own brother; it's easy to watch someone starve if you've saved yourself.

From the ground Maleficia had created sprung worms, maggots, bugs and all manner of creepy crawlies, these would take care of the corpse in time. One of the praying mantis bugs that sprung from the death of Able, the betrayed, was different from the rest and born out of misery just like her. This creature was a god filled with a divine spark, created originally by her and then grew strong feeding off the misery and betrayal Able felt. This god was Hadar, the Lord of Corruption.

But it wasn't all bad. Those new places Maleficia had created may have been intended to increase the suffering of mortals, but they were beautiful. Mostly they were forests and grasslands like had already been seen before, but there were many more lakes filled with simple generic fish, and even a few swamps and bogs filled with bugs and new creatures like Crocodiles and Toads. The forests boosted new creatures as well; the fearful quick deers, the mischievous monkeys, and the strong, solitary predator, the bear.

AP: 15

Create Land (2): I'm making the continent of Angvorn just bigger and better! It's now closer to the size of an actual continent because now it's two Russias put together. I used this action to create a few animals I wanted to make sure existed and make some ground based bugs. The continent still has rolling hills, volcanoes, forests, grasslands, but just more and now it has lakes (instead of just rivers) and swamplands too.

Oh, and I also birthed Hadar.

AP: 13

EDIT: 12:00 Saturday

AP: 16

Laenira glared at this new Goddess, one who she felt was quite pompous and all too willing to put down others. She listened and watched, wanting to see just what this Lady of Pain had to say for herself before putting her own words to bear... finally, after all was said she responded "Lady of Pain, you should watch your tongue lest you wish to make enemies of the only beings which call you equal. We all have our purpose, and I do not fault you for that, but I will not stand idly and watch you tear apart that which is made. I may have set misery in motion, that is true, but in misery there is hope, and in hope the mortals shall find their way. If you are chaos and pain, I shall be healing and stability and within me the mortals shall find solace and escape from the horrors you might unleash upon them."

She watched where Maleficia had pointed, seeing Cain steal from Able and Able slowly starving and dying. She shed a tear, and although she knew the mortals now held a darkness in them, that she would love them all the same regardless. She must be strong for them, so that they do not fall without her.

"My children may do as you say Lady of Pain, but just as greed and violence may sway mortal hearts, so too shall compassion and empathy. You are not the only deity here, and our powers will draw mortals one way or another in time." She eyes Maleficia, not amused by her little narration.

As the Mantis fed on the essence of the betrayed he grew in proportion and strength. He then looked at the deities that had gathered near and went to them, growing with each step he took. First he went to face Maleficia bowed his head slightly.Hadar speaks in a low and raspy voice:My lady and creator. I greet you. He then turned to the other deities and bowed his head to each of them. My lords and ladies, the first of our kind, I greet you as well. I am Hadar. I sense in each of you a purpose, some pure and some...not so pure. The creature that populate this plane are fascinating, so eager to do what they must to survive. Only the strongest survive down there and with that concept comes corruption. Hadar points to Cain and smiled. What a fine specimen that one is. I wonder Laenira, does this behavior of your children go unpunished?

She scowled at Hadar, behind his soft silky words there was a stinking rotting presence that made each word of his fall heavy upon her ears. She watches as he peers into the hearts of each deity before finally coming fully to her with his question "Hadar, Son of Corruption and Pain, welcome to existence. You may be young, but your eyes are keen... my children will not go unpunished for their choices. For now I must wait, but in time I shall teach them, and for those who will not listen a penance shall be payed. Although I have no quarrel with you, know that my children are not your playthings." She turns from the Mantis, hearing Zaros now coming from behind her and answering for himself the question of the Son of Corruption and Pain...

Fate and Time

Zaros's eyes glowed white hot, smoke rising from them and escaping his hood of void. He glared at Maleficia and Hadar. "No, it does not go unpunished." As he spoke, pinpoints of light began to flicker into existence in the sky. Innumerable orbs of roiling energy, so far away from Terra that they appeared as minuscule candle-lights. They blazed bright, and then dimmed. Chains innumerable shot out of the lights at impossible speeds, slamming into Terra with invisible force. The chains snaked their way throughout the world, chasing down all mortal beings. The Dragons, the Lynxa, and the Servants all felt hooks and claws dig into them as the chains sunk into mortal life. Then the sensation faded, and the chains vanished from Mortal sight. Only the gods could see them.

Zaros faced Quiessus and Laenira. "If you wish infinity, then I will respect your decision, sibling. And if you wish mortals, I will respect that decision as well... but I will not allow either concept to encompass all. Fate will bind mortals, and time will bind space, thus ensuring the balance of all. I will join the Pax Deorum, Laenira, on the condition that I am not bound by the third and fourth goals. I will contribute with a home for us, apart from the Material." Zaros turned to Hadar and Maleficia. "I will warn you once, sister, I am guardian of this world. I will not end your influence, but should you attempt to ruin Terra, I will stop you." Zaros flickered, but remained. Through the stars, Zaros stood on a vast expanse of empty space. Chains innumerable criss-crossed the plane, and left it through glowing orbs. He extended his hand, and grasped one chain, then tugged.

15 AP - 5 AP - 5 AP - 2 AP = 3 AP
5 AP: Imagine Plane - Palatium. A plane made by Zaros as a home for the gods of the Pax Deorum. It is currently an endless expanse of space. It is divinely morphic, and any god who chooses to dwell there can manipulate the plane to their liking. The stars are holes in the sky through which beings can travel to Palatium

5 AP (1 Infusion): Divine Decree - Fate binds all mortal beings, living, dead, or otherwise, to the will of Zaros. He cannot simply take control over them whenever he feels like it, but he can nudge them to take certain actions. Fate takes the form of enormous invisible chains with hooks and claws on their ends. These chains hook into the spirits of mortals and keep them in check.

2 AP: Weave Sanctum - The Temple of Fate is a layer of Palatium. It takes the form of an enormous expanse with pale purple background light. An uncountable number of chains criss-crosses the layer, and exits it through the stars. These chains are the physical manifestation of Fate, and are how Zaros can manipulate fate.

She cringed at the site of Zaro's anger, and cringed further at the site of her children so pained by his chains to the sky. She however, understood why he did what he did, and deep down thought it was perhaps for the best. She preferred the finite to the infinite herself, and the idea of fate did not trouble her much.

"I understand your meaning Zaros, to bind the infinite somewhat keeps in check certain forces. As long as you do not misuse fate for merely your own gain, but instead to tie mortals and reality together in a meaningful way, I do not see evil in your work. I cannot speak for Quiessus, but for myself I favor your decision, but I do not wish to see you and Quiessus feud over this. Find a middle ground between the infinite and the finite, do not let spite grow between you two."

She then hears Zaros' offer to join Pax Deorum, and his condition to join. She ponders for a moment before giving her response "I respect your condition Zaros, as long as you do not actively work against the goals of Pax Deorum, then you yourself may choose to only abide by the first two. If you however actively work against good and the betterment of mortals, then consequences shall follow." Her last words are not unkind, but instead matter of fact, she wants Zaros to know where she stands on the matter.

She saw Zaros stand up to Maleficia and Hadar and smiled, she knew he would make a good ally, and that even if he did not wish to uphold the last two tenents of Pax Deorum, he would be a quality member nonetheless.

She then turns to Zaros and speaks "Thank you for crafting Palatium, it is a great boon to Pax Deorum that you would do so out of your own power. We shall use it fully, and there we shall make our home," she smiles and the air around her warms with happiness.

Oh, no... I don't think I like this turn of events much at all. If the Prime Material is to have any guardian at all, I feel like its creator might be the first choice. You claim to respect infinity, but limit it through time. You claim to respect life, but imprison them and place them under your control. Zaros, your actions betray your true nature, and it is a nature I cannot abide. The world is infinite in choice and possibility, and that is the way it will stay. Quiessus expended his will and shaped the world again. The chains binding mortal life and the limits of infinity loosened ever so slightly, enough that mortals could breathe free, even if they could not escape the bindings entirely.

It saddens me that my music has caused suffering. That was never the intent. So I shall rectify that, in the name of Abel. With those words, music itself changed, and it gained real substance and power.

Starting AP 11+3= 14

Divine Decree (5 AP + 1 Infusion)= Mortals may defy their fate through the power of luck, allowing them to slip the bindings of fate for a time.

Legendary Concept (5 AP): Magic of Song- music has the ability to affect reality similarly to Bardic Magic in D&D.

Quiessus tore at the chains of fate, and gave the mortals luck with which to fight the chains of fate. She did not wish to see two great beings fight, who obviously did not wish chaos or destruction upon anyone. She thought it silly that they fight and bicker over more trivial matters and speaks up "Quiessus, Zaros!" she states loudly without yelling "You two are not enemies, and neither of you wish to see the ruin of the material plane. You are both beings of great power and bring wondrous gifts upon the world, why fight needlessly? Discuss your true desires and find common ground, don't create a rift. Fate and luck, they are the two heads of a coin, are they not? One without the other is either too wild or too stifling, but together they bring great variety and order to life. See the value in one another, not the detriment."

She watches Quiessus craft a grander music, one with power in it and she smiles. She was glad to see that Able's death was not merely one of sadness, and that now it had brought something more to the world. She pondered Able for a short while before being interrupted by Hadar...

And so it begins...

Hadar looked at the chaos that has already begun to unfold as the result of his words. These deities have such a large ego its almost to easy to manipulate them one way or another. Some of the Lynxa are prepared to do whatever they must to survive. The dragons though seem to be pristine and without grudges.

Hadar cups his hands and blows. A trail of black smoke begins to rise and rise and then spreads on all direction. Snaking through the skies it finds it marks and inflicts some of the dragons with a new sensation. Greed is in their minds now, the urge to own more. More power, more trophies, more valuables and more territory for their own. Both other dragons and the Lynxa would be the victim of this greed.

In one of his claws Hadar still hold on to some of the black smoke and started to shape it like wet clay. Tiny creatures started to form in his hand and began to fly around him. Greed is what drives these mortals to corruption. Go my Imps and offer the mortals whatever they desire in exchange for vile and evil deeds. Deceive them and make them do things they would normally resent, entice them with promises of power and wealth. And so the Imps took off spreading among the Lynxa.

AP: 15+3 rollover = 18 AP
Divine Word - 3AP: Some Dragons and Lynxa are subject to greed, wanting to have more power, wealth or territory.
Create Magical Life - 3 AP: Imps, these small winged creatures offer deals to mortals. Power or wealth in exchange for vile and evil deeds. These deals are sinister and tricky. Failing to uphold their end of the bargain a mortal will suffer by the imps hand. Small as they are Imps have some magical power and a nasty poisonous sting. (much like d&d imps and the Faustian Pacts)

AP left: 12

She frowns at Hadar's words and actions, these beings... Imps were merely troublemakers, their purpose was only to bring out the worst mortals had to offer. She feels anger rising in her, fire builds up in her heart, and the air around her begins to crack and hiss with heat and the smell of burnt bones rises from her. Far off though, she suddenly hears the beautiful music of one of the Lynxa... and her heart cools again and she finds solace. Her anger quenched, she cries two tears at her near loss of control at Hadar's work, and where these two tears fell, two new deities grew.

The Births of The Marcher and Aramis

One fell upon a tree, and where the tear fell the bark of the tree grew and changed until it took on the appearance of a drum. Suddenly the sound of drumming and music is heard, and slowly out from the tree steps a tall and well built Lynxa male. This Lynxa is carrying the drum and playing it while whistling a melodic tune and marching out of the tree towards the group of assembled deities. His fur is darker and dirtier than most Lynxa (who are won't to bathe often even in their primitive societies) and he wears simple clothing that looks like softened tree bark and dried leaves. Thus was born The Marcher, god of traveling entertainers.

The second tear fell upon a beautiful flower, causing it to grow to an immense size. Within grew another being, and soon the flower petals opened in an amazing display revealing a beautiful four armed woman. The purple petals became her robe and her divinity calls down some of the stars to become her cloak. She steps from the flower's stem and too approaches the congregation of deities. Thus was born Aramis, Veil of the Mortal Eyes.

Laenira looks upon her newly born children and beams with joy, from her love and divinity two offspring had formed, and she too loved them for they were her children. "Welcome my children, come and join us!"

The Birth of Avaelon

To celebrate the arrival of her children, she decided to gift the mortals with something. The number of Lynxa had grown considerably since she had created them a short time ago, and now they were ready for her further guidance, it was time to grow. She went among the Lynxa people and taught them new a new skill so that they could become more than just loose tribes. She taught them how to make food grow how they wished instead of foraging for it so that there would be more than enough for all (the Lynxa are omnivorous) and so that the tale of Able would not repeat itself again. She then instilled in them a desire to come together and form something greater than what they had before, not just individual communities, but a larger community linking all Lynxa together so that all may prosper. This would be the first Nation, and it would be known as Avaelon.

So That the Strong Should Not Harm the Weak

Not wishing to see Avaelon suffer at the hands of corruption however, she walked among the Lynxa once again spreading the idea of a Code of Laws. She spread word of the divinity of creating such laws, explaining how these laws had a purpose... "to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak." She left them to pick up where she left off, and trusted that they would do what was right.

She then returned as quickly to the congregation of gods and her children, having disappeared for barely the blink of an eye in the divine sense time.

1+3=4 AP

Create Concept: Farming, Cost 1 AP
Create Concept: Code of Laws, Cost 1 AP
Create Nation: Lynxa society formed into Avaelon,, Cost 2 AP

The Marcher and Aramis are born from Laenira, joining her familial pantheon.

0 AP remaining

2014-03-10, 04:59 PM
Ethidras tried to move, but she remain still, for shortly after her power grew, the Prime Material couldn't hold her. She was beginning to fade into another realm, however,

you can't keep a goddess of freedom chained up.

Ethidras forced all of her excess power inside of her, containing it within her body She then became mobile again, although she didn't like what she saw. "Greed. Corruption. Things that promise freedom, but in the end, take it away. I need to stop it."

Break the chains

2014-03-10, 05:17 PM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

Four arms took hold of the stars in the sky and used them like so much cloth, wrapping it around her body and covering her face. One might imagine existentialist awe that might be aroused if given to stare in the face of worship itself - luckily worship is kind enough to go masked and hidden. Such is the nature of worship - insidiously it permeates into the root of the soul, mind and body alike. Like water, worship moves and flows unbound and inexorably onward.

Aramis, dressed, walks upon invisible steps up toward where her mother cried. Upon reaching her, Aramis' disjointed arms weave a shoal of night and draped them around the matron goddess. In a kindly voice - a dutiful daughter's voice she spoke.

Hush, mother, Hush, no more tears.

Aramis gestured with one of her hands to the Lynxa below, the eyes on her veil sparkled as if real.

What beautiful dreams they are - Marvelous Mother, see their gorgeous fur, their lithe features, their stately bearing, their noble eyes. People of Laws and Music. What sounds they will make in your names. Each and everyone. But that is a dream for later.

With that the goddess shimmered into the night sky, vanishing from view, her veil the last to go.

She reappeared at the pinnacle of the maelstrom of divine possibility - Palatium. It was essentially the combined torrents of unshaped dreaming. Where else would she make her abode. Her four arms rose four obelisk towers, each taller than entire continents, they rose from the torrent of dream itself. Each obelisk was smooth, save one, the one on the north, which at the very tip held the words of law written by Laenira for the Lynxa. Every tenet of every religion shall be inscribed on these wall. There was plenty of room. Inside the towers were empty - but that too shall pass - for each temple - each monument - shall be remade here. Soon one will walk through each tower in a maze of churches and secret altars.

What made one tower different than another and why were they separated? Aramis wasn't telling.

15 AP

Join Pantheon: Pax Deorum 1 AP
Weave Sanctum: The Top layer of Palatium: The Stela Adoratio or Towers of Worship

12 AP.

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-10, 07:22 PM
The Marcher

The Marcher continued to bang his drum and whistling as he gave a respectful nod to his mother, as walked on his way amongst the Lynxa. He yelled in a strong godly voice. "Do not stay shackled to the place of your birth. Follow me to where the fish are more plentiful, the fruit is sweeter, the skies are bluer. Trust me, follow me, and live your better life."

The Marcher then started once again to whistle, he never ceased to bang his drum, and marched forward never looking back to whether he was indeed being followed, although he hoped that he was. In his mind eye, he had an idea of where he was going, and by divine power of imagination he blessed it from afar. It was currently empty, but otherwise not noticeably different from the land that they had just left other than it was simply more fruitful, yet safer.

It was a journey that generally would have been too much for Lynxa to take without greater stopping or eating. However, one Lynxa, who was musically inclined although not a great talent, found on his shoulder a drum not unlikeThe Marcher's. That Lynxa, Motet, provided a beat that managed to invigorate all of the gang and allowed them to undertake the journey.

Once they finally finished their journey, at the edge of Avelon, The Marcher looked around and saw that they did not have enough to found a nation. Thus instead it was declared by the Marcher that they had a new society, not quite part of or distinct from Avalon. The society took the name 'Second'. Then The Marcher marched back to where he left his mother.

Create Artefact - Drum of Exertion (those that can hear it are capable of performing super feats of endurance; requiring less food, water or sleep etc. (1AP)
Divine Word - Bless the land Second is built on. (1AP)
Create Society (1 AP)

2014-03-10, 09:22 PM
Oh, no... I don't think I like this turn of events much at all. If the Prime Material is to have any guardian at all, I feel like its creator might be the first choice. You claim to respect infinity, but limit it through time. You claim to respect life, but imprison them and place them under your control. Zaros, your actions betray your true nature, and it is a nature I cannot abide. The world is infinite in choice and possibility, and that is the way it will stay. Quiessus expended his will and shaped the world again. The chains binding mortal life and the limits of infinity loosened ever so slightly, enough that mortals could breathe free, even if they could not escape the bindings entirely.

It saddens me that my music has caused suffering. That was never the intent. So I shall rectify that, in the name of Abel. With those words, music itself changed, and it gained real substance and power.

Starting AP 11+3= 14

Divine Decree (5 AP + 1 Infusion)= Mortals ma defy their fate through the power of luck, allowing them to slip the bindings of fate for a time.

Legendary Concept (5 AP): Magic of Song- music has the ability to affect reality similarly to Bardic Magic in D&D.

Laenira, shortly after finishing speaking to Quiessus, feels the presence of a new deity nearby. She looks over and peers at Zaros just as he peers at her and Quiessus. "Rattling, music, isn't it all wonderful!" she says in a way so that even the gods cannot tell if it is naivety or sarcasm in her voice. She did however send a small amount of comfort to the fleeing Lynxa, letting them know she still watched over them. She wasn't afraid of this deity, and she wouldn't let him scare her children either.

She responds to the being's query "We fill it with things, for emptiness is nothing without something to next to it that is not-emptiness. You should be thanking us for making your emptiness empty at all, why, without us you'd be a god of nothing-nothing, and that wouldn't make sense at all now would it?" She chuckles, she meant no harm in her teasing, she sensed that below the "empty cloak" this deity wasn't so bad.

"Really though, we seek no harm against you, we are all here for our own purposes, you know that as well as I do. Unless we existed alone we will always come somewhat into conflict, but that is what I hope to stave off. If we can remain reasonable and share what we work with, we can find a middle ground from which we can all prosper." She smiles, she legitimately meant what she said, and hoped that it would warm the heart of this god of nothingness at least somewhat.

She cringed at the site of Zaro's anger, and cringed further at the site of her children so pained by his chains to the sky. She however, understood why he did what he did, and deep down thought it was perhaps for the best. She preferred the finite to the infinite herself, and the idea of fate did not trouble her much.

"I understand your meaning Zaros, to bind the infinite somewhat keeps in check certain forces. As long as you do not misuse fate for merely your own gain, but instead to tie mortals and reality together in a meaningful way, I do not see evil in your work. I cannot speak for Quiessus, but for myself I favor your decision, but I do not wish to see you and Quiessus feud over this. Find a middle ground between the infinite and the finite, do not let spite grow between you two."

She then hears Zaros' offer to join Pax Deorum, and his condition to join. She ponders for a moment before giving her response "I respect your condition Zaros, as long as you do not actively work against the goals of Pax Deorum, then you yourself may choose to only abide by the first two. If you however actively work against good and the betterment of mortals, then consequences shall follow." Her last words are not unkind, but instead matter of fact, she wants Zaros to know where she stands on the matter.

She saw Zaros stand up to Maleficia and Hadar and smiled, she knew he would make a good ally, and that even if he did not wish to uphold the last two tenents of Pax Deorum, he would be a quality member nonetheless.

She then turns to Zaros and speaks "Thank you for crafting Palatium, it is a great boon to Pax Deorum that you would do so out of your own power. We shall use it fully, and there we shall make our home," she smiles and the air around her warms with happiness.

Quiessus tore at the chains of fate, and gave the mortals luck with which to fight the chains of fate. She did not wish to see two great beings fight, who obviously did not wish chaos or destruction upon anyone. She thought it silly that they fight and bicker over more trivial matters and speaks up "Quiessus, Zaros!" she states loudly without yelling "You two are not enemies, and neither of you wish to see the ruin of the material plane. You are both beings of great power and bring wondrous gifts upon the world, why fight needlessly? Discuss your true desires and find common ground, don't create a rift. Fate and luck, they are the two heads of a coin, are they not? One without the other is either too wild or too stifling, but together they bring great variety and order to life. See the value in one another, not the detriment."

She watches Quiessus craft a grander music, one with power in it and she smiles. She was glad to see that Able's death was not merely one of sadness, and that now it had brought something more to the world. She pondered Able for a short while before being interrupted by Hadar...

Zaros glared at Quiessus for a moment, before Laenira speaks up. As he listens to her words, his eyes burn low, dimming to embers. The Empty Lord sighs, and extends a hand of nothingness to Quiessus in a gesture of friendship. "The Lady of Flame speaks true, brother. I wish not to destroy your infinity, I simply seek to prevent it from destroying everything else. I seek the balance between something and nothing, that neither might overtake the other. So I propose a compromise. Infinity carries onward, with rules and laws in place so that it does not encompass both nothing and something." He shifted his un-weight slightly. "Luck and Fate will work alongside one another to achieve a balance in mortal lives. Fate will determine the big events. The things that MUST happen in order for balance to be kept, while luck will prevent fate from creating a deterministic existence for the mortals it binds... Do you find these terms acceptable?"

The Birth of Avaelon

To celebrate the arrival of her children, she decided to gift the mortals with something. The number of Lynxa had grown considerably since she had created them a short time ago, and now they were ready for her further guidance, it was time to grow. She went among the Lynxa people and taught them new a new skill so that they could become more than just loose tribes. She taught them how to make food grow how they wished instead of foraging for it so that there would be more than enough for all (the Lynxa are omnivorous) and so that the tale of Able would not repeat itself again. She then instilled in them a desire to come together and form something greater than what they had before, not just individual communities, but a larger community linking all Lynxa together so that all may prosper. This would be the first Nation, and it would be known as Avaelon.

So That the Strong Should Not Harm the Weak

Not wishing to see Avaelon suffer at the hands of corruption however, she walked among the Lynxa once again spreading the idea of a Code of Laws. She spread word of the divinity of creating such laws, explaining how these laws had a purpose... "to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak." She left them to pick up where she left off, and trusted that they would do what was right.

She then returned as quickly to the congregation of gods and her children, having disappeared for barely the blink of an eye in the divine sense time.

1+3=4 AP

Create Concept: Farming, Cost 1 AP
Create Concept: Code of Laws, Cost 1 AP
Create Nation: Lynxa society formed into Avaelon,, Cost 2 AP

The Marcher and Aramis are born from Laenira, joining her familial pantheon.

0 AP remaining

Zaros appeared beside himself, a shard of his divine will. He surveyed Avaelon and the birth of his niece and nephew. He nodded to both of his sister's children. "You both are welcome within the Temple of Fate, and the chains of destiny are open to you." He cast his will across Avaelon, giving the Lynxa gifts. He taught them to read, to write, and to build. He took Lynxa form, working alongside the Lynxa craftsmen to build the first mortal temple. Made of wood and white stone, it had a large gathering hall within, and three towers jutting from the roof. The first two were on the south wall, on the corners of the building. The entrance to the gathering hall was between them, and these towers were topped with parapets. The third tower was on the north side. It was taller than the other two, and held a large brass bell within it. As the temple was completed, Zaros climbed the tower stairs, and grasps the chain hanging from the bell. He pulled, and the bell rang out. For a long distance in all directions it could be heard, and those who heard it knew that the gods watched over them.

Zaros descended the stairs, and stood at the altar at the North end of the Gathering hall. He watched as many Lynxa who lived on farms in the surrounding area gathered within the Temple. "Men, Women, and Children of Avaelon. I speak to you now to make you aware of a covenant. So long as you gather within this hall once a week, and so long as you ring the bell in the tower above once a day, I shall watch over you. The Pax Deorum is good to the good. So long as you keep the faith, I will ensure that fate brings you prosperity, and that you shall not want for long." As he spoke, Zaros's Lynxa form began to sweat. He sighed at the end of his speach, and raised his head to the sky. Brilliant purple light flared from the lynxa's mouth and eyes, as Zaros fled his body. As the light dimmed, the Lynxa fell to his knees and passed out.

3 AP + 3 AP - 1 AP - 1 AP - 3 AP - 1 AP = 0 AP
1 AP: Create Concept - Literacy. The Lynxa of Avaelon now have a system of written language. As of this moment, only a few dozen Lynxa know how to read and write, it will be up to them to teach the rest.
1 AP: Create Concept - Architecture. The Lynxa of Avaelon have been taught their own unique style of architecture. They may use Stone, Wood, or Clay to build structures. Only a few dozen Lynxa hold the knowledge of how to build larger structures at the moment.
1 AP: Create Nexus - The Temple at Avaelon. The temple built by the Lynxa of Avaelon is a nexus of divine will. Any gods of the Pax Deorum may utilize this nexus to raise Heroes.
3 AP: Divine Word - As long as the Lynxa of Avaelon worship the gods of the Pax Deorum at least once a week, and ring the Church Bell at least once a day, they will be blessed with prosperity and success as Zaros nudges fate in their favor.

2014-03-11, 02:06 AM
Inside the Darkness remains yet more dark, outside the dark, exists light.
One would bind darkness, and make it feel, make it real, make it something.
The Antalagos would do so.
He bound Them, so that they would eat the light, until at long last, Darkness would exist in it's entirety.
He then stepped back, to let Them do what they would, away from the Others.
"Perhaps..." It mused.

17 AP
-5 Create Fabled Life:
Creatures of void color, and shapeless form, they eat Light, but do not require light to live. Them are a violent creature, wanting to kill and destroy everything that lives within the light.
-4 Gain Domain: Horror (Darkness)

2014-03-11, 02:48 AM
"How gracious of you, for an insect. I greet you my twisted abortion. May you cause great pain in this material realm and live in misery; never truly finding happiness." The Princess of Pain spoke, a cruel smirk on her lips. For all the insects and creepy crawly things she had created this Hadar was her favorite.

"Why punish that? It was must amusing.. observe my spider, for example. Would you punish him for feeding on a fly? It's just as ridiculous to punish this Cain for simply.. surviving." Maleficia said, her body twisting in the wind. "But I care little for that mortal. Watch him wither and decay with delight, if you so choose." She continued, pausing only to draw an X in the air over where you could still observe the figure of Cain. She laughed quietly and licked her lips in anticipation.

But Zaros spoiled her good mood.

"You dare to threaten me? I will not be restricted by the likes of you." She screeched, her hand tightening into a fist, her nails visably digging into the flesh of her hand. "And I will ruin what I please. If it so pleases me I will plunge this entire universe into endless chaos and laugh until the last star twinkles from existence." The Maleficia exclaimed vehemently, moving her arms dramatically for emphasis.

"As for you, Lady of Flames, you are mistaken if you believe I call any being my equal. You are sparred only because you've amused me. In misery there is hope, yes, it is true, but that only makes the despair that much deeper when it comes back around. Let them hope. I will savor their tears." She laughed in a wheezing old hag sort of way. It was quite unpleasant. "You love these mortals so much, the both of you, it's so delicious. Let me teach you both a little lesson. And if you are to be warmth let me cold!"

With that ominous threat the visage of Maleficia distorted and then she became large till she filled the sky with her godly form! Her arm stretched down towards Terra below, one of her fingers, her pointer, extended from her hand.

"I'm touching it."

She mocked before gesturing her finger forward and pressing it into the dirt of Terra on the continent of Angvorn, where all life dwelt. The reaction was instantaneousness. Frost immediately spread from where her finger touched the Earth. Dark clouds formed in the sky partially blocking the blessed Aeros and snow began to fall non-stop. The sun turned it's face from them. Snow quickly covered the mountains and the lakes were flash frozen instantly. Animals and mortals, even Lynxa and the Dragons, that were too close to contact were flash frozen while others were assaulted by icy winds. Snow, frost, and ice covered all the ground and grasslands. But the volcanoes remained active and warm making the lakes around it into hot springs even with the snow. Life had become a struggle just to survive and those that couldn't find shelter or adapt to the harsh cold.. would not survive.

It had become winter.

AP: 16

Divine Omen (Curse of Cain): Cain is forever marked as the first murder. He will be reviled and loathed where ever he goes even by those who have never heard of him. From now on he will be unable to form lasting relationships. Everyone will eventually turn their back on him and ignore him as he ignored Able.

Create Magical Life (Vampires): Cain is also cursed to slowly die every day, painfully. This will eventually leave him as a cold husk in a sort of walking half-dead torment. To know the pain of Able, he will always be hungry and nothing will quench him. He is compelled to drink the blood of others, it drives him. The years of those that he feasts on will be added to his own, but his insatiable appetite will inevitably lead to him feeding again despite wishing to die. Those that he bites on will die a slow terrible death that can only be described as freezing from the inside. All their warmth simply goes away over the course of about six days. When they die they rise again after three days to continue his legacy as a blight upon all mortals; a walking undead abomination driven to drink the blood of the living. Vampires contract the diseases or poisons of anyone whose blood they drink and store them forever passing them along to whomever else they drink making their victims, and the vampires themselves, walking timebombs of infection. Due to their cold and undead nature, they have nothing to fear from the eternal winter.

Divine Decree (Eternal Winter): For ticking off Maleficia you will all suffer! From now on there will forever be winter across the lands of Terra. Thick clouds block out a lot of Aeros' life-saving light making the world a harsher, darker and colder place. Most life would be hard pressed to survive outside and must discover fire or some form of shelter in order to not die out. Snow is on the ground everywhere and it's always snowing. Most of the lakes and bogs are frozen over making fresh water harder to find. Dying of exposure is a very real possibly now, and mortals can suffer anything from the dreaded common cold, the flu, or hypothermia. One of the only places that is still relatively warm right now is around the volcanoes. Enjoy this new winter wonderland.

Gain Domain [Winter (Snow [+2 Attack])]: With one action, Maleficia becomes the goddess of ice and wintery things. She is now also known as The Queen of Snow.

Weave Sanctum (The Plaguelands): In another snub to Zaros, the lady of pain has weaved this sanctum in his plane of Palatium. It is the lowest layer of Platium. In all it's beauty it is a section of Terra from before the eternal winter perfectly preserved, but somehow wrong, and not teeming with life. The castle of Malefica sits here jutting up jaggedly from the earth and a poisonous miasma continually flows from it stopping life from ever thriving here. From inside the palace she watches Terra jealousy through her Looking Glass.

Form Nexus (The Fingerprint): The place that Maleficia touched, still darkened by her very nature. Inside the large fingerprint mark left is a stagnant pool of purple water. Unlike most sources of water this one isn't frozen even though it was at the epicenter of the winter. This place has become a bog even in these harsh temperatures and feels ominous. It's said that if you drink the water here you can commune with the Queen of Snow herself.

AP: 0

2014-03-11, 05:07 AM
Hadar watched the gods and goddesses threaten each other and playing with the mortals and Terra below. He watched as his Imps made pacts with greedy mortals and smiled.It is time to reap the rewards. With great intent Hadar stared at the plane of Platinum. With a few gestures he created another layer on the plane, his sanctum. It was a black ball of smoke with a sickly green hue. Tall black spikes jutted up from the smoke. Satisfied, Hadar returned to Terra and landed near the first of Lynxa to accept a deal from one of his Imps.

Greetings, Asmoran. I am Hadar, creator of the Imps and I have an offer for you. For my plans I need a collector of corrupt "souls" and to lead my Imps on this plane. In return you will be more powerful then any of the other Lynxa, maybe even a match for a dragon. If you serve well, I will grand you even more power. The Lynxa stared at Hadar for a moment, considering his offer. Finally he kneeled. It would be an honor my Lord. Hadar reached out and touched the Lynxa on his head. His form changed slightly, becoming bigger, faster and stronger. His eyes are now without pupils and had glowed green. On his head grew two sets of horns, one set small, the other big enough to do some serious damage. His claws extended into wicked blade like nails. Go my Reaper and collect the essence of the corrupt who have died.

Hadar then went to his sanctum which he would call Terra Umbra. Inside the black smokey sphere was a black and grim copy of Terra itself. Rivers run with sickly green water, trees were made of a black stone and the earth itself was grey and dead. Volcanoes bellow a constant stream of black smoke. A single tower of black stone with wicked spikes stood there, larger then any mountain on this plane. This is where all the corrupt souls would go after dying, those that his Reaper send here.

Upon his return to Terra, Hadar looked around for a while and then landed in a secluded forest. With a nail of his claw he drew a circle in the send, trickling dark energy in the earth. On completing the circle a pit opened and black smoke oozed out. The smoke stuck to the ground, covering it like a morning mist. Satisfied with his Shadow Pit and one-way portal to the Shadow World he went to overlook the operations of his Reaper.

The Reaper is Coming

Asmoran ran on all fours towards his first task. A corrupted Lynxa had died and his soul was ripe for the picking. When he arrived 2 other Lynxa stood over the dead body. Run or you will join him. said Asmoran in a cool voice. The two other Lynxa looked at him then to each other. Both of them lunged at Asmoran at the same time and the Reaper could feel the corruption in their hearts. Clearly they had accepted the offer of one of the Imps.

As the first came within reach Asmoran snatched him by the throat and flung him against the other, knocking them prone. As they struggled to get up, the Reaper closed in and with his long claws opened them up from belly to throat. As they died, he walked up to his initial target and sank his claws into the flesh. A black tarry substance flowed up his arms and then disappeared. One down, two more to go...

Form Organisation - 1AP: The Pactmakers are the Imps that offer power to mortals in exchange for vile and evil acts.
Promote Leader - 1 AP: Asmoran the Reaper is leads the Imps on Terra and collects the "souls" of the corrupt.
Divine Degree - 5 AP(1 infusion): When the corrupt die, Asmoran the Reaper can track them down and collect their "soul" which will then be send to Terra Umbra.
Weave Sanctum - 2AP: Terra Umbra (Shadow world). All corrupt souls collected by Asmoran the Reaper are sent here and will slowly transform into an Imp which will return to the world to corrupt more mortals. The Black Tower is where Hadar will reside when in his Sanctum.
Create Nexus - 1 AP: the Shadow Pit, a one-way portal for mortals to the Shadow World. Any mortal foolish enough to enter will end up in Terra Umbra and begin transformation to an Imp as well. Asmoran delivers the collected souls here.
AP left= 2

2014-03-11, 08:51 AM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

It was easy to see why each of the Gods liked the Lynxa so much. They were so . . . malleable. The perfect Dream - they lived their lives like the Gods had imagined them to, like the Gods themselves but faster, impossibly faster - disappearing in the blink of one of her many many eyes. That was the problem - their was almost no continuity.

That's what worship was, making each generation similar to the one that came before it, and the one before that, all the way down. But how to worship and whom?

Obviously there was Laenira herself. The Mother Goddess and Queen of the Gods. Magistrate of the Universe, and of Life itself. Mistress of Home, Family, Hearth and Civilization. Aramis smiled - the Lynxa would worship Laenira as Goddess Supreme - they would pay homage to her at many temples across each of nations. A huge hearth would be the centerpiece at each one, and the air would be filled with the smell of freshly baked bread.

Then their would be Lords Quiessus and Zaros, and the Lynxa would worship them as twin brothers. Quiessus, the God of Chaos, Passion and Imagination who accidentally created the universe; and Zaros the Elder Brother, God of Order, Balance and Obedience, who keeps it from falling apart. Despite their bickering, the Lynxa would know that the two Gods love each other - after all they came from the womb of Laenira and know each other to share the same hearth and home. Their temples would be many and they will always appear in pairs. Each artists house and each court room will bear their symbols, meaning Fate and Luck.

Hadar, the Caretaker of the Dead, and his servant Asmoran, a kindly older demi-god Lynxa, who acted as the psychopomp. Asmoran gently led the recently deceased to the waiting arms of Hadar who invited them to sit at his eternal hearth, where all of the deceased relatives already sat and told stories till the end of time. Hadar's temples were homes for the elderly, a statue of him would be at the entrance, bearded and smiling, and passerby would pray for a painless death when their time came.

Then came Maleficia, the Snow Queen. A strict Goddess in charge of Punishment, Retribution and Vengeance. The Lynxa understood that the eternal winter was her doing, but that it was on the orders of Laenira herself. It was a punishment for ignoring the hearth and the family - the winter forced them closer together and to truly understand the bonds that are important for a rich life. They thanked Maleficia for her dutiful actions and erected temples bearing her image - they would come to her asked for forgiveness on any imagined or actual wrong they committed, an Maleficia's priests would met out the appropriate justice: an order to bring bread to the victim, or invite him to your home, or in rare circumstance - even death.

Finally came the wayward children of Aramis and her brother Marcher. They were the Gods of Travel and Hardship. After all travel was hard during a winter that never ended and each journey even during the summer that was tested the one that walked it. Their temples were mere road side shrines - at the moment ignored and covered in ice.

Aramis finished her weaving, her four arms falling to her side. . . Lies are always more pleasant that Reality - but these weren't lies, they were just another dream.

AP 12
Mundane Concept 1: The entire structure of the Lynxa religion!!
AP 11

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-11, 09:49 AM
The Marcher continued to march around the Lynxa lands banging his drums and whistling his tune, he hoped that it would inspire the cold and miserable to follow their dreams and not have their desires chilled by the frost and the cold. It was while he was at the outskirts of Avelon, a days journey from the settlement of Second that he did manage to inspire someone. A Lynxa that The Marcher had never met.

Pygarus heard the beat of The Marcher's drum and heard techniques that he hadn't heard before. Pygarus practised and tried to mimic the, not particularly unusual, style and he managed it. Pygarus was a driven Lynxa, the sort of creature that The Marcher could respect. Having learnt what he wanted to learn, he wanted to teach others to do as he could. That was something The Marcher could bless.

12 AP
Create Mundane Concept: Teaching (1 AP)
11 AP

2014-03-12, 04:56 AM
Ainar arose from his palace and looked on the world in horror. His black-hearted kin had smote the world and turned it to darkness whilst he had laboured in his forges. The Servants prospered, untouched by the curse of Greed that Hadar had laid upon the world, but he realised that in his seclusion, the world had moved on without him.

He saw winter come and no one seek to stop it and railed at the injustice. Leading many of his people he traveled to Avaelon and spread his Servants among the people there. "Teach them of the fire, and how to shape the earth itself," he commanded. The Servants obeyed and passed on their knowledge of blacksmithing to the Lynxa, and the great forge fires kept the city warm as the storm raged outside the city.

But as he passed through the city he learned of the rules laid down by Aramis. She dared proscribe the realm of heaven, and omit him from its members. He had been gone too long.

In a flash he sought the upstart deity and in a fiery rage called out the child of Laenira: "ARAMIS! ARAMIS! Am I forgotten by you, who were born but late? Am I not to be worshiped by these Lynxa too?"

He looked down on those Servants who had begun to teach the Lynxa the way of fire and imparted to them a new goal: To spread word of Ainar, Beauty's King, the Craft Lord and Gold Bearer. He who was the first to join Laenira's pact but who was scored by her daughter Aramis and forgotten. They are to tell of him as the forgotten one who came to the aid of mortals when Maleficia struck them with Eternal Winter, and who taught them to shape the world instead of being shaped by the gods. And as they went about their work, one stood out amongst the rest, a Servant of extraodrinary power, and equal compassion. The lady Villaya, sorcerer and smith who was their leader. He summoned her to the temple in Avaelon and their bestowed greatness upon her, making her more beautiful than any other creature in the land, and more beautiful than any to come, save he himself. The gods themselves would note her beauty and be entranced. He returned to his vaults and entrusted to her Daenir the Orb of Fire to enhance her powers even further, and with which she could use to battle the winter that lay heavy on Avaelon: it would not help those outside of the city however, she was not strong enough for that.

He himself took up his greatest work so far, the sword Vaelyrn. Darkness and death had come to Terra whilst he worked, and he had been scorned and passed over. It was time to prove to the others that he would not allow his work to fall into darkness and ignominy.

AP: 9 + 3 = 12

Create Relic: Vaelyrn, The Sword of Truth [+1 Attack] = 2 AP
Create Artifact: Daenir, The Orb of Fire [Power over flames and heat, boost fire magic] (1 AP)
Create Organisation: The Fire Speakers. (1 AP)
Create Hero: Villaya, Worldshaper. (3 AP)

Remaining AP: 5

2014-03-12, 01:39 PM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

Aramis, floating with her four hands weaving at the dreams of unanswered prayers, between The Stela Adoratio, heard the rage of Ainar . . . and smiled. Not out of malice or scorn, no: it was because the canvass of the imagination is always more vibrant when the artist takes a direct interest. Passiveness always leads to insipid dreams - only the lucid can make true art.

The Servants were a gorgeous people - skin of bronze and gold with hair as red as the flames that surrounded them. They were danger encapsulated within duty and honor. They were blessed in their missions of creation and equally cursed in their obligations.

And, thus, Aramis began to weave the dream, the worship of mortal races.

As the Servants wandered the winter lands of the waking world, they melted the ice flows and created puddles and streams wherever they walked - they were pinpricks of light in the dark - and the Lynxa would know them as abominations and demons. Each Servant would be seen by them as an actual servant of the Demon God Ainar, the Lord of Flame, Disaster, Forbidden Knowledge. Fiery Ainar, directed his servants as mockeries of the hearth - what use of family and community gathered around a fire when one could control the flames for himself. It was a dark power - a selfish power - and the Servants offered it and tempted the Lynxa. Those who succumbed would become their own hearths, capable of much awesome magic - yet after their death kindly Hadar will not take them - they will burn forever within the walls of Ainar palace.

Temples to Ainar did spring up - but they were the results of either forbidden and secret cults, or temples in which mortals would beseech the god to spare them misfortune. However temples to his wife, the Goddess of Sexual Congress, Villaya, did spring up with regularity. Her association with the Demonic god cast her in a bad light, yet the Lynxa understood her to be the embodiment of the importance of sex in a loving relationship - and who were they to deny the God companionship. After all . . . perhaps Villaya could teach Ainar the importance of the hearth.

And while the religion of the Lynxa grew and blossomed the religion of the Servants themselves was spun by Aramis. . . and of course, it was another tale.

Whereas the head of the Lynxa religion was the Mother Goddess Laenira, for the Servants their Deity Supreme was Ainar, the Father of all the Gods, and Lord of Service, Civilization and Craftsmanship. Ainar was the first of two brothers - it was he and the Trickster God, Quiessus who created the universe. Then with infinite patience Ainar, sculpted the world and the stars, and each individual soul. While he worked on each soul one by one, identical, Quiessus accidentally dropped them upon the world - each one becoming cracked and broken - and that is why no one was perfect.

Once on Earth however, cracked and imperfect, the great Ainar taught them the importance of duty - that is why they were called Servants. Each of them, great or small, had a covenant with the Father of all Gods. Ever the trickster Quiessus taught them about imagination and individualism - useful, but always pulling them away from duty. Zaros, the son of Ainar, the God of Contracts and Accounting, kept tabs on who completed which task and who procrastinated which mission. When a Servant died, and then was burned upon a pyre, their Smoke Soul would rise to Zaros who would judge its worth - and if found worthy would go back to being crafted to perfection by Ainar.

The Servants did not worship their gods with temples, nor words, but instead with actions. They were missionaries and teachers, devout magicians and arcane merchants. As travelers they grew accustomed to other gods. There was the brother and sister Gods: Laenira and Marcher. The former was the Goddess of Rest, while the latter was the God of Going. And since rest and going were their entire lives - either mining and staying still or traveling to bring fire to the rest of the world - the two became very important Gods to the Servants.

Then came Maleficia, the Empress of Darkness. Maleficia was a mysterious figure to them - not an evil goddess, but one who could not control her nature. She was Ice and Night, and she raged like a storm - and you could not argue or hate the storm, merely fight against it with all your might before you are winked out like a candle's light in the wind.

If Maleficia was a grey goddess that stood between the forces of good and evil, simply by being a mindless force of nature, then the Servants recognized darker gods than her. There was Hadar, Lord of Smoke - who took the smoke soul given off during a Servants' funeral pyre for his own instead of allowing it to return to Ainar. And there was Aramis, the Blasphemer - who taught falsehoods to the other races. How could the Lynxa believe that Ainar was a God of Immolation, without her lies?

Aramis smiled, the walls and halls of Stela Adoratio were filing up. The woven dream was becoming more interesting - fractured and complex.

12 AP
1 Update Lynxa Religion
1 Create Servants' Religion!

10 AP

2014-03-12, 10:06 PM
Quiessus looked around at the tiny, rapidly changing area of the Prime Material his siblings were investing in with a small look of disapproval. They were hyper-focused on establishing themselves and their place in the eyes of others, jockeying for social position when they should be creating more wonders in the world. The Eldest god held its tongue though, and quietly left its fellow gods to their devices, it was not Quiessus's place to judge.

Quiessus found a secluded spot in creation, and gathered up some of its divine essence. This little ball of essence would grow, quietly and securely until it had matured into a new deity, one who's place was to test and judge others. Having completed that task, Quiessus left again, and sought still more areas of its Plane to explore.

Far from the continent of Avaelon, Quiessus crafted his own people. They were golden scaled, with slit eyes and pointed faces like those of a serpent. Their bodies were tall and slender, and they moved with grace. When he had finished his shaping, Quiessus named them. The Syth, those serpent folk of the deserts who would wander the world to experience all its wonder.

He placed his chosen people in a cave system deep underground, far from the eyes of gods or other mortals. In this series of massive caves they would be dry, protected from snowfall. They word be warm, as bitter winds could not travel deep into the recesses of the earth. Until the day they struck for the surface.

Zendizar is birthed.

Starting AP 4

Create Sentient Life 2 AP: The Syth, Golden Scaled serpentfolk that originally lived in the desert, but have a strong nomadic drive.

Create Organization 1 AP: The Wanderhold, The nomadic culture of the Syth doesn't lend itself to a nation, instead they have a strong central organization of elders and heroes who lead the various family clans of Syth throughout the world. Members of the Wanderhold learn secret songs that allow for communication across vast distances, allowing them to stay in contact with each other.

Alter Land 1 AP: a cave system with artificial crystal light, extensive enough to house a small, cold desert where the Syth can live.

2014-03-13, 06:04 AM
Aramis ignored him! He had gone to her in fury and pride and she had scorned him and cursed him in the minds of mortals.

"Dreams are not perfection, Liar," he called, "No matter how perfect the dream or the dreamer. I will not allow you to turn my works to ashes in my hands!"

He had had a hand in the creation of this world, more so than the Liar, and he would not be denied the satisfaction of being praised for it!

He found Villaya in Avaelon, hiding from a proud group of Lynxa who were trying to remove her kind from the city, whilst she used her powers to halt the storm outside. "The Liar goddess plays her games, and weaves nightmares with the lives of my people. I have come here to thwart her." Touching Villaya on the forehead, he forged a silvery symbol, the mark of Ainar. All around the world other Servants felt their foreheads burn and found the same mark upon their brows.

It caught the light in strange ways and cast it back, brilliant and beautiful. "From this day forth the beauty of my people will be such that none of those lesser races will be able to resist them. Though they may continue to believe me evil, they will have no choice but to be drawn to me anyway, for you shall tempt them from the lies She has woven."

"They are not damned: you shall continue to teach, but I will halt your persecution and enlighten them."

I think this is a Divine Word, since it is effecting the Servants (one type of people worshiping one god), but if it needs to be a Divine Decree I'll use that instead.
Divine Word/Decree: All Servants are irresistibly attractive/alluring to other sentient races (magical or non-magical, but not fabled). This means that even though Lynxa fear them as the demon spawn, they will still be drawn to them and listen to their teachings, and find it impossible to persecute the Servants.

Remaining AP: 0 or 2

2014-03-13, 07:33 AM
Hadar noticed the change in the Servants and went to Ainar. With a low, raspy voice he spoke: Ainar, Im not sure what to call you, brother, nephew or just one of my kin. I guess it does not matter. Why is it that the lies of our Dreamweaver anger you so much? I myself have had two guises in his version of worship. You must see the opportunities. Hadar points a long clawed finger at one of the Servants. Your little adjustment to the Servants effects my Imps and distracts them from their main goal. Maybe your Servants attraction and my Imps whispers can be combined so they can work to both our goals, although I must admit that Im not completely sure about what your goal is.

2014-03-13, 08:45 AM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

Aramis ignored him! He had gone to her in fury and pride and she had scorned him and cursed him in the minds of mortals.

"Dreams are not perfection, Liar," he called, "No matter how perfect the dream or the dreamer. I will not allow you to turn my works to ashes in my hands!"

He had had a hand in the creation of this world, more so than the Liar, and he would not be denied the satisfaction of being praised for it!

He found Villaya in Avaelon, hiding from a proud group of Lynxa who were trying to remove her kind from the city, whilst she used her powers to halt the storm outside. "The Liar goddess plays her games, and weaves nightmares with the lives of my people. I have come here to thwart her." Touching Villaya on the forehead, he forged a silvery symbol, the mark of Ainar. All around the world other Servants felt their foreheads burn and found the same mark upon their brows.

It caught the light in strange ways and cast it back, brilliant and beautiful. "From this day forth the beauty of my people will be such that none of those lesser races will be able to resist them. Though they may continue to believe me evil, they will have no choice but to be drawn to me anyway, for you shall tempt them from the lies She has woven."

"They are not damned: you shall continue to teach, but I will halt your persecution and enlighten them."

I think this is a Divine Word, since it is effecting the Servants (one type of people worshiping one god), but if it needs to be a Divine Decree I'll use that instead.
Divine Word/Decree: All Servants are irresistibly attractive/alluring to other sentient races (magical or non-magical, but not fabled). This means that even though Lynxa fear them as the demon spawn, they will still be drawn to them and listen to their teachings, and find it impossible to persecute the Servants.

Remaining AP: 0 or 2

Aramis, surrounded by the two other gods, at the pinnacle of Stela Adoratio extended her four disjointed arms in each cardinal direction - or, since there was no east and west, north and south, merely at right angels around her. She smiled, but that was unseen - all they saw was a veil full of painted eyes.

Hush, uncles, Hush. Have no rage, no anger - there are no lies in a dream, no falsehoods. Everything is true, since everything is an expression.

Her four hands gestured across planes to the mortal realm - where Lynxa preachers still spoke of Servants as slaves to a demonic god. They cried to the masses - yes, they are beautiful, yes they are alluring - but that is all a bewitchment. When a Servant came to town, all would fall under their grasp. Your will power meant nothing. There was one solution to fight the impurity. Self Sacrifice and Termination. It was mournful and a waste of life, but it had to be done. Once a Servant left and the people come to their senses they were to lay down their lives with a sip of hemlock - feeding it to their babes and children first. Then their wives and finally themselves. If they don't - that was not condemnable. After all it was not their fault, it was the fault of those beautiful demons of cruel Ainar. No don't blame those who would not kill their children or themselves, those who can't extinguish their hearth. No, instead you must show them mercy and respect, and lay them to rest yourself. And as such all those who have fallen under the Servants' spell, were killed or killed themselves - and that was another evil of Ainar, in the eyes of the Lynxa.

The Servants on the other hand were grief stricken as well. They knew from the prophet Villaya, that it was their father who cursed them such. But why would he curse them with beauty - with the power to cut through words - and then charge them with convincing with words. The mark on their foreheads made a mockery of their efforts and struggles. However these doubts were beneath the surface and only known to a few. Most used the mark to perform great feats, bringing knowledge to the heathens in the snow. In order to prevent them from killing themselves, some servants began to live with the Lynxa.

And thus a new nation was born. . . small hearths of Lynxa, with a couple of Servants living in each one, were linked together to form a great web of light in the dark snowstorm. The nation had no official name, because it had no official nature. Instead the Lynxa lived like they lived before, except they used the arts taught to them by the Servants. The Servants, were adored, and were treated like royalty. Some abused their mark and treated the Lynxa like slaves, but most became benevolent priest lords. The religion of the Servants having erased the Lynxa religion within the borders of this nameless empire.

The state of Avaelon watched in horror as their brethren became enslaved (in their eyes - liberated to the eyes of the bewitched). They could do nothing against the magic of Ainar, so they could merely cut their loses. They fled and began a great migration from their ancestral homes - they had become a temporary nomadic people - leaving their fire blighted brothers and sisters to their sweet false dream. . .

But is it false?

Asks Aramis to no one. It was if she forgot she was with the other gods for a moment, her mind else where. Where was she? Ah yes.

Hush, Uncles, Hush. There are no liars among us. No we are all but dreamers - casting pebbles into the pond of imagination and seeing how they ripple. Seeing how your ripples touch mine, and how those waves alter each other. A pond with many pebbles, always in motion and never still. Beautiful isn't it. And see how your ripples move, Uncle! The emotions, the grandeur!

12 AP

Important Note This nation developed naturally and was not the result of Aramis. It's just what would happen in my opinion when you have enchanted fire people who are impossible to resist who also know that if they leave the people they are trying to help will all kill themselves.

Create nation 2

10 AP

2014-03-13, 03:45 PM

coming from the misting form of his father(mother, alien eldritchspawn???) zendizar is a whirl of motion from the moment he is concieved(the thought kind) zendizar looks upon creation and the quarreling of the gods and he sees that each believes that they deserve a place within creation, but zendizar believes this is not so. he looks down among the races, imps, dragons, serpents, them, servants, and lyxnaeans. will they be able to weather the coming storm. near the edge of the continent of avalon zendizar lowers himself to the planets surface and unleashes a torrent of quakes that shake the earth and reshape it until a great tower stands at the edge of avalon, a tower filled with monsters(giant deadly versions of mundane life for right now) and danger, but also excitement and treasure. the tower is divided into 5 strata with each strata more dangerous than the last. but deep within the tower at the highest point of the fifth stratus zendizar will seal away two great treasures, the staff of seasons, and the sword of conquest. in order to journey through the tower a hero must learn of the new skill zendizar has created, combat. next zendizar will infuse the tower with his own great strength then he will look out over the world searching for a hero worthy of the honor of entering the tower and seeking out the challenges within. He will find this power within a servant, Iroas, he shall bring Iroas to the great tower where he will impart his divine will on Iroas, teaching him of honor and battle and he will guide iroas through the great tower to the highest part of the fifth stratus where he will train iroas for the days to come, finally he will send out a challenge to the other dietys, the challenge of the great tower is open, send your strongest!

Starting ap:15
alter land[1ap]:create the great tower
create monstrous life[2ap](giant creatures to populate the great tower)
Create artifact[1ap] staff of seasons, allows a hero of great power to strike back against the winter and reunite the order of the seaons
Create artifact[1ap]sword of conquest, allows a hero or leader to become a master tactician in the ways of war
Create mundane concept[1ap] combat(just wanted to make sure it existed
Create nexus[1ap]
Raise hero[3ap] Iroas, champion of battle
Ending ap:5

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-13, 04:52 PM
Pygarus was fortunate that his village had not been visited by the servants. He had heard of them and their deceitful ways. It was because of the calamities that had recently fallen on the Lynxa that a leader in Pygarus's village was willing to take large action to protect it. Many ideas were suggested, some of them worthless and some of them harmful. Fortunately Pygarus had something to say. He made the suggestion of utilising music and the magic that it provides, thus under Pygarus's leadership the Lynxa Premier Musical Troupe was formed. Pygarus had never left his home, but he had followed his dream and with wife and son he was happy. His son, Pygarus the Younger was less satisfied.

A few miles from there was Second, in Second was the Drum of Exertion and entering Second was The Marcher. As he looked around amongst the villages that The Marcher had created he was displeased. They seemed no better off than those in the heart of the nature. 'Leave! Follow your hearts. This place can only be Second to your dreams.'

The Marcher did not wait to see if his words were heeded before marching on and playing his drum. If he had waited he would have seen that they were not. Even the closest thing to a high priest, the keeper of The Marcher's sacred artefact remained reasoning that he had to tend his flock despite longing to see land not covered in ice.

11 AP
Create Organisation: Lynxa Premier Musical Troupe (1 AP)
10 AP

2014-03-16, 03:15 AM
From within the dank Plaguelands the Queen of Snow languished on her throne, observing the happenings of Terra through her viewing mirror. She treated them like channels seeking to satisfy her lust for pain. This loneliness, this literal separation from the suffering of others was sort of like her own torture. She could see all there was to see but it wasn't like being there. This sanctum was her prison.

"Sitting pretty in that town of fire.." Maleficia grumbled to herself, her claws resting on the glass full of Lynxa grouped around fires. She let a slight smirk grace her ruby dead lips- at least they certainly weren't happy with the bitter cold. They were forming nations to survive her frost and, so it was, that pain breed progress. The fear of suffering or punishment drove life ever onward. Some tribal Lynxa still wandered the frozen wastes of Terra but it was a miserable existence.

But the most wretched of all the creatures were the vampires whom dwelt in the low places of Avaelon and the second city. They were cursed with the Mark of Cain to be hated by all other mortals and barely survived off the blood of rats and a few unfortunates. They were blessed with neither speed nor beauty nor physical strength but only an insatiable appetite for blood. They simply existed in a near-immortal state of suffering. In many ways, they were a natural parallel to the Servants of Ainar who, while living extravagantly, existed in their own cruel cycle of suffering. They lived like parasites in the shadows and were often killed upon discovery. People were revolted by the sight of them and they lived poorly; the complete opposite of the Servants of Ainar. This pleased the dark goddess and she left the Servants untouched.

It was quite interesting how the mortals interrupted her winter and her role in existence. A force of nature. This was very true, she was untamed. It hadn't been her intention but the wrath of Maleficia had made mortals draw closer around family and hearth. People gave a helping hand more because it was a dangerous frozen world they lived in. Vanity made her appreciate the icons they made to her. The High Priest of her religion, Saar Snowbeard, was an important figure in Avaelon. Maleficia decided to take a more active role in guiding her own religion and spoke to the Priest in his dreams; a fact she considered most ironic. Slightly revised delegations were sent down to other clergy by the High Priest. Only by experiencing pain can you experience true joy. He told them the story of Our Lady of Suffering who took on the pain of the universe. They never issued death. Instead the clergy would give out punishments like public humiliation or a flogging (or a severe beating) or, in some extreme cases, even rape (both sexes). These caused greater suffering and emotional scars in the living which were her property. Her little broodling, Hadar, could have them once they were dead. But, on the whole, Saar Snowbeard and his clergy were good people and helped out with the sick or damaged.

They loved her more than ever. Maybe mortals just enjoyed suffering. If that was the case than the relationship between god and mortal was a perfect one.

Some mortals asked for mercy or forgiveness, some for the winter to stop. Don't they realize it would never stop? One day she would blot out the sun and watch with glee as life froze. But that day was not today. She longed to reach out and strangle those that asked her for mercy. All souls were not so benevolent. Some asked her for vengeance. This was interesting to the dark goddess. So she started listening. These stories, those that begged for mercy and those seeking revenge, soon became extremely amusing to her. It was rare to see a mortal more broken than when they turned to a silent deity.

One man asked her if she would visit her wrath upon a man of great power- one who had gained his wealth not by acts by through devious pacts with Imps and such ilk. He was nothing more than a bug playing at being a man. He'd had a few good years of lording his status over other Lyxna, but he was soon uneasy because Maleficia was watching. It started small with an itchy bump that soon spread all the way up his arm. They itched worse than chicken pox and spread by touch just as easy. But it burned to scratch them! It caused them to pulse with an enduring fire and a puss to ooze from the boils. This rich man suffered till he could stand it no longer and took a rock to his sores tearing and ripping them. From the wounds came horrible bugs that squirmed from the puss-filled boils. It took one agonizing hour for the bugs to eat the rich man from the inside.

It wasn't exactly the vengeance that was wished for and people weren't sure who was responsible but people had their theories. Regardless, since that day these ants have been a problem.. their bite having a venom that burns when they bite like the worst fire in your veins which slowly fades over the course of two hours. In it's place the super itchy chicken pox boils pop up and spread just like chicken pox. If you scratch them hard enough for them to pop open they'll puss and burn just like when you were first bitten for around two hours. The boils themselves start fading after about a week and a half but can last up to a month and is rarely fatal. Too many bites from a swarm of the ants, however, can become fatal. They live mostly in the two cities, close to any food, and swarm out biting if disturbed. They are usually the size of normal Fire Ants, but can grow up to the large of a large dog- pincers and all! And Maleficia visited a terrible vengeance upon that man and so it turned out that the dream can influence reality.

The dark goddess gaze was stopped because the ground was impossible to see through and he ignored the cave openings because what could possibly be in there? Regardless, Loculus was birthed because of the potential for madness.

It was there and then that she set down the pantheon of Ira Deorum that all may suffer the wrath of the gods.

AP Rollover: 4

Raise Leader (Saar Snowbeard): A great man who has dreams sent from Maleficia in order for her to guide her flock in the most amusing way.

Create Monster (Fire Ants): Created from the body of another mortal like the first bugs were, this time they are true monsters. They follow most of the patterns of normal fire ants in that have a queen and a colony but they mostly live in the two cities. They're a huge problem hiding in grain or food and bite lots of people every day. Most of the colonies are small ants and the bite is annoying, but in some unkept parts or in wilder parts of Terra they can grow to be the size of a large dog and that makes the actual bite a lot more deadly. Still, the little ones can kill a man if they swarm all over him. Most people try not to let that happen.

Create Pantheon (Ira Deorum): Meaning Wraith of the Gods, this familial pantheon includes Hadar and Loculus. It also invites anyone who loves playing rough with mortals.

AP: 1

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-16, 07:15 AM
The Marcher marched on and passed Pygarus the Younger. He looked at him and spoke simply. 'Go to the bell tower at the capital, and then you shall be happy. Or you can continue to be a coward.'

The Marcher continued to march on and after several days met some Lynxa who heeded his words in Second. They were chilled, frozen and near death. 'The new paradise is only one hill away. I am happy with you.

Then The Marcher marched on over the next hill and turned that usual land to a hot spring full, cave-littered fertile soil-having tucked away utopia. The Marcher did smile to himself and then marched on. He knew he would return with an additional gift, but he did not yet know what it would be. Then The Marcher marched on.

The believers, formerly of Second, we're not the only ones making a chilly dangerous journey. Pygarus the Younger made one too. Not quite sure where to go he walked in the wilderness. As he passed near, unbeknownst to him, Second he came face to face with a dog-sized Fire Ant. He attempted to walk slowly and tried to avoid it. However, it attacked and Pygarus was closed to being killed before he managed to recite some hymns that his father taught him, which coupled with innate magical ability, led the Fire Ant to be still and Pygarus with clothes completely ripped to run away.

In his agony he wondered what was closer, his home or that bell tower, he was informed by some sort of higher power in his head that it was his home. Despite that Pygarus the Younger in cold agony walked on. It was in this state that he entered the capital city. He screamed for directions to the bell tower and they were given to him by shocked bystanders. He entered the Belltower and slept in the warmth.

13/14 AP
1 AP on organisation upkeep
1 AP on alter land to create a hot spring full, cave-littered fertile soil-having tucked away utopia.
3 AP using the Belltower to Create Hero, Pygarus the Younger
8/9 AP

2014-03-16, 09:04 AM
Ethidras watched as the Dragons formed societies. Their society focused around the fact that one was not more of a mortal than the other. They believed all mortals were equal and must be treated as such. Ethidras then started to feel her power grow. She was getting stronger, both in physical strength and in divine strength. Although she was stronger, she would soon feel an itch. She needs a rival, a friendly rival, but other business had to be done. She finds Laenira, the head of Pax Deorum, and approaches her. Greetings. You're Laenira, correct? I was thinking on if I should join Pax Deorum and I decided to do so if that is good with you." she smiles "Perhaps we can spar to show what I bring to the table."

I misread the thing about AP and apparently I got 2 extra AP
2+6=8 AP
-1AP Dragon Society
-4AP Domain: Competition (Friendly Rivalry) (+1 attack)
1AP join Pantheon: Pax Deorum
2Ap left

2014-03-16, 11:47 AM
Zendizar, sensing the challenge of the dragon Ethidras, leaves his domain of the great tower for the time being and draws towards agvorn(where i assume laenira is) to behold the outcome of this divine challenge.

2014-03-16, 08:33 PM
Wind whipped the rime-clutched tundra of a featureless plain yet ignored in cold Terra. Still, not a single brittle branch of the sickly, sparse trees bent under the gale. It was not truly the wind that raged here, but reality itself.
A nervous restlessness had grown like a cancer in this world. A ripening tumor of panicked discomfort at the profound contortions of creation forced upon the plane by newborn deities. What now transpired on the wracked landscape was the terrible crescendo, the gasping realization that things would never be the same, that something precious had been broken and lost forever.

It began with a keening whistle. Maturing into a high-pitched scream that shook the bones of the earth as it deepened into a droning bass roar.
The sky cracked like a thunderclap as the air escaped from the sudden presence of a titanic, morbid mass mid-stride on chitinous stilt-like legs. Madness given form, Loculus walked the land.

A wave of change radiated out from him, consuming all that was, looking much like a heat mirage. The world as it was would not allow such a being as Loculus to exist. It had been a static place by nature. Then, a stone would stand forever if left so. Real no matter how lost. Now, if unobserved, that stone did not truly exist. All things were now in a sea of potential. Reality had a memory of that stone, and when the eyes of a thinking thing fell upon the place where that stone was remembered to be, it would then exist there. This was how all non-sentient things were now.

It was a fundamental change. Its effects as odd and confused as the god that was its impetus.

As the alien Loculus wandered, errant thoughts fell adrift on the world. They crawled, slithered, and danced free of the god. They felt and thought independent of their progenitor. They were alive. They were wrong.
What would come to be known as the Scurin was a race of humanoid beings who lived only in a potential state. They could live and interact with the world around them only while unobserved. When caught within the perception of an observer they temporarily ceased to be. By virtue of their strange existence they are able to warp and change the world in its quasi-real state by evoking the madness of their essence on the universe's memory of what should be.

Odd dwellings of disturbingly unnatural make, landscapes twisted like a child playing with clay, curious unexplained deaths. These are attributed to the odd Scurin.

Would that they could be seen for any appreciable amount of time, they would appear as 15 foot gaunt humanoids of pale pink skin stretched thin over a harsh skeleton with thick, ropy black veins snaking just under the surface. Their flat faces are largely featureless save two gaping cavities where some creatures have eyes, and two rows of mismatched teeth pressed into the flesh like one might decorate some savage doll. Long stiff hairs protrude in random and sparse groups across the revolting form. Its hands end in four long fingers with too many joints, and its feet in two thick toes.

1 Infusion- Divine Decree
5 AP- Nothing is 'Real'
5 AP- Create the Scurin

Gods can see and interact with the Scurin just fine. Their divine senses do not cancel the potential states Scurin need to exist. Everybody is plenty aware of the decree (and by extension Loculus). Everybody can know the Scurin exist if they want. They can feel their aberrant thoughts on the wake of the decree.

5 AP left

2014-03-17, 04:31 AM
As the dark essence of the corrupted soul was taken by Asmoran, he hears a call. Not audible but in his mind. His master calls. He went down on all fours and runs as fast as he could. Not many Lynxa could match his speed which was needed to collect to corrupted souls for the Lord of Corruption.

The Shadow Pit was different then normal this time. A black spiraling staircase led down into Terra Umbra, the Shadow World. Asmoran started to descend, letting the corrupted essence flow away from his to deliver it.

The Stairs led straight into the Shadow Keep where Hadar sat on his throne.
Master, I have heard your call and I am here to answer it. What does the Lord of Corruption Command?

My Reaper, it is time for you to grow in strength. Soon I will be barred from entering the Material Plane. You will be my instrument on this plane when that happens and I need to prepare you for that. In one claw Hadar formed an orb of black smoke. A trail of smoke then snaked through the air towards Asmoran. Breath my Reaper, take it in and feel its power. Asmoran took a deep breath, the smoke filled his lungs and strangely it didn't cause him to choke. He was felt empowered by it.

His form changed by this. No longer was he a solid being like the Lynxa but more like the smoke he had taken in. Two large black smokey wings formed on his back and his eyes glowed more brightly. Go now and lead the Imps to this "Second". Corrupt the Lynxa there but be subtle about it..

As Asmoran left through the Shadow Pit it closed behind him. Hadar willed himself to Terra and watched his hero. He then noticed the great tower at the edge of the continent and approached it waiting for its creator.

AP: 2+3 rollover = 5
Raise Hero - 3 AP: Asmoran is now a hero. He his now a smokey silhouette of his former self with wings allowing him to move faster to do his job.

AP left: 2

2014-03-17, 06:21 AM
Zaros tugged on one chain, then another. He wrapped a third chain around the first two, and bound them together. Satisfied, he began to manipulate another chain. For hours and hours of mortal time, he did nothing but exercise control over the fates of the people of Avaelon. They did not suffer terribly, as Maleficia had hoped. Fate and Luck, both responsible for similar things, were indistinguishable to the Lynxa of Avaelon. They always had enough food, they never wanted for drink or warmth, and they didn't feel the wrath of the Vampires. Indeed, the foul beings seemed to leave Avaelon alone for no reason at all. They would prey on outlying farms and hamlets, but never the main town or the surrounding plains. And all through this, in accordance with long held tradition, the People of Avaelon went to the Temple once a week, and the priests rang the bell each day. Life was not always the best, but nor was it ever a misery. The People of Avaelon prospered through the cold and the snow, gifted with either divine providence, or an immense amount of dumb luck.

And then as one, the people of Avaelon rose up, and revolted against the priests of Maleficia. "Heretic!" Shouted the leader of the mob. "Foul spewer of lies and hatred! Begone from the lands protected by the true gods!" He spoke, and the Lynxa who had gathered shouted in anger, wielding their pitchforks, shovels, and torches as crude weapons. "In the name of the Empty Lord, Guardian of the Balance, we give you one chance to leave our city!"

Elsewhere, a shard of Zaros' divine will appeared before Quiessus, and spoke."You neglected to reply, king of the infinite chaos. I assume you dislike the idea of compromise? Or is it just compromise with me?" The shard seemed slightly angry, though the empty void that made up it's form betrayed nothing, only the eyes did.

3 AP Rollover = 3 AP
No AP spent to manipulate fate to fulfill an earlier Divine Word.

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-17, 08:50 AM
The Marcher marched on. He whistles, and banged his drums, and thought. Her came across Zendizar's tower in his marching and marched a little further to the sea. He looked at it dismissively, but it reminded him of the Lynxa and how they could not travel with the skill he could. He realized the foremost gift that he would give to his little out of the glen society. However, he looked back at the tower. It was possible, maybe even likely, that knowledge of this tower would be his second gift. The Marcher, who has some understanding of this tower from an imparted message from its creator, marched to the tower's door and knocked.

2014-03-17, 10:19 AM
Elsewhere, a shard of Zaros' divine will appeared before Quiessus, and spoke."You neglected to reply, king of the infinite chaos. I assume you dislike the idea of compromise? Or is it just compromise with me?" The shard seemed slightly angry, though the empty void that made up it's form betrayed nothing, only the eyes did.

3 AP Rollover = 3 AP
No AP spent to manipulate fate to fulfill an earlier Divine Word.

Quiessus did not turn to face Zaros, but waved him closer, in the dim light of the cave.

Silence brother. I want you to see this. He gestured to a group of Syth, who were marching through their underground home, calling out in song and reading the echoes to navigate. I created these Syth, and placed them in the deepest part of the cave, that they would not have the interference of other gods, I gave them eyes by which to see, and songs through which to bolster their hearts, which I filled with a wanderlust and curiosity. But the light here is too scarce, so they navigate by song... Something even I did not anticipate. Did you?

Quiessus turned to face his brother, his misty form reshaping from one similar to the Syth to one which mirrored Zaros's own. I show you them to demonstrate something. These mortal creatures are creators, just as much as we are. They build tools, they adapt to hardships and environments. And when you place chains upon them, and bind them to the will of Fate and Time, you are crippling them. Possibility is neutral, it is equally capable of great good and great suffering, but it is my wish that these beings be allowed to determine the result themselves.

The Syth continued to march through the cave system, their song guiding them through the darkness.

Quiessus felt the ripple as reality was dealt a foul blow. Zaros, whatever philosophical quarrel I may have with you is null as of this moment. A new god has arisen, and they have acted to undo all of my work in one blow. I need your aid, lest all of creation be undone by this folly.

2014-03-17, 06:07 PM
Quiessus did not turn to face Zaros, but waved him closer, in the dim light of the cave.

Silence brother. I want you to see this. He gestured to a group of Syth, who were marching through their underground home, calling out in song and reading the echoes to navigate. I created these Syth, and placed them in the deepest part of the cave, that they would not have the interference of other gods, I gave them eyes by which to see, and songs through which to bolster their hearts, which I filled with a wanderlust and curiosity. But the light here is too scarce, so they navigate by song... Something even I did not anticipate. Did you?

Quiessus turned to face his brother, his misty form reshaping from one similar to the Syth to one which mirrored Zaros's own. I show you them to demonstrate something. These mortal creatures are creators, just as much as we are. They build tools, they adapt to hardships and environments. And when you place chains upon them, and bind them to the will of Fate and Time, you are crippling them. Possibility is neutral, it is equally capable of great good and great suffering, but it is my wish that these beings be allowed to determine the result themselves.

The Syth continued to march through the cave system, their song guiding them through the darkness.

Quiessus felt the ripple as reality was dealt a foul blow. Zaros, whatever philosophical quarrel I may have with you is null as of this moment. A new god has arisen, and they have acted to undo all of my work in one blow. I need your aid, lest all of creation be undone by this folly.

Zaros scowled, then cringed as he felt reality reshape itself. "All of my power is at your disposal, Quiessus. Lead the way."

2014-03-17, 06:49 PM
Sensing Arrivals to his tower, zendizar regretfully turns away from the challenge, however he will leave a ward in the event duel begins, turning away he returns to the great tower and spots haddar, lord of corruption, and the marcher, waiting at the doorstep. Zendizar will appear before them as a swirl of energy and speak from nowhere and yet everywhere.

"Welcome Brothers, to the great tower, my domain and the home of challenge and adventure, be forewarned you may not pass beyond these doors yourself but you may guide heros beyond, the strong will thrive within this tower but the weak shall perish

starting ap 5
Divine omen[1ap] gods other than zendizar may not enter the great tower unacompanied by a hero leader or legend
ending ap4

2014-03-17, 09:39 PM
Wind whipped the rime-clutched tundra of a featureless plain yet ignored in cold Terra. Still, not a single brittle branch of the sickly, sparse trees bent under the gale. It was not truly the wind that raged here, but reality itself.
A nervous restlessness had grown like a cancer in this world. A ripening tumor of panicked discomfort at the profound contortions of creation forced upon the plane by newborn deities. What now transpired on the wracked landscape was the terrible crescendo, the gasping realization that things would never be the same, that something precious had been broken and lost forever.

It began with a keening whistle. Maturing into a high-pitched scream that shook the bones of the earth as it deepened into a droning bass roar.
The sky cracked like a thunderclap as the air escaped from the sudden presence of a titanic, morbid mass mid-stride on chitinous stilt-like legs. Madness given form, Loculus walked the land.

A wave of change radiated out from him, consuming all that was, looking much like a heat mirage. The world as it was would not allow such a being as Loculus to exist. It had been a static place by nature. Then, a stone would stand forever if left so. Real no matter how lost. Now, if unobserved, that stone did not truly exist. All things were now in a sea of potential. Reality had a memory of that stone, and when the eyes of a thinking thing fell upon the place where that stone was remembered to be, it would then exist there. This was how all non-sentient things were now.

It was a fundamental change. Its effects as odd and confused as the god that was its impetus.

As the alien Loculus wandered, errant thoughts fell adrift on the world. They crawled, slithered, and danced free of the god. They felt and thought independent of their progenitor. They were alive. They were wrong.
What would come to be known as the Scurin was a race of humanoid beings who lived only in a potential state. They could live and interact with the world around them only while unobserved. When caught within the perception of an observer they temporarily ceased to be. By virtue of their strange existence they are able to warp and change the world in its quasi-real state by evoking the madness of their essence on the universe's memory of what should be.

Odd dwellings of disturbingly unnatural make, landscapes twisted like a child playing with clay, curious unexplained deaths. These are attributed to the odd Scurin.

Would that they could be seen for any appreciable amount of time, they would appear as 15 foot gaunt humanoids of pale pink skin stretched thin over a harsh skeleton with thick, ropy black veins snaking just under the surface. Their flat faces are largely featureless save two gaping cavities where some creatures have eyes, and two rows of mismatched teeth pressed into the flesh like one might decorate some savage doll. Long stiff hairs protrude in random and sparse groups across the revolting form. Its hands end in four long fingers with too many joints, and its feet in two thick toes.

1 Infusion- Divine Decree
5 AP- Nothing is 'Real'
5 AP- Create the Scurin

Gods can see and interact with the Scurin just fine. Their divine senses do not cancel the potential states Scurin need to exist. Everybody is plenty aware of the decree (and by extension Loculus). Everybody can know the Scurin exist if they want. They can feel their aberrant thoughts on the wake of the decree.

5 AP left

The gaseous form of Quiessus appeared, lightning flashing and thunder roaring in his voice, the first time that the god had ever been angry.

YOU! You have made a grave error, my patience is at its end. I am the creator of this plane, the guardian of this reality, and you, among all the gods who so callously and carelessly use my creation to sate their own whims, have made of me an enemy. I can abide purposeful direction, I can accept cycles of change, I tolerate petty arguments and I will allow alterations of perception. But YOU. WILL. NOT. UNMAKE!

The fury of the God of Freedom made itself manifest, a roar of shattering sound struck the nascent deity.

Starting AP: 3
2 AP initiate Divine Combat with Loculus
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Defense Roll: [roll1]
Final AP: 1

2014-03-18, 03:47 AM
Sensing Arrivals to his tower, zendizar regretfully turns away from the challenge, however he will leave a ward in the event duel begins, turning away he returns to the great tower and spots haddar, lord of corruption, and the marcher, waiting at the doorstep. Zendizar will appear before them as a swirl of energy and speak from nowhere and yet everywhere.

"Welcome Brothers, to the great tower, my domain and the home of challenge and adventure, be forewarned you may not pass beyond these doors yourself but you may guide heros beyond, the strong will thrive within this tower but the weak shall perish

starting ap 5
Divine omen[1ap] gods other than zendizar may not enter the great tower unacompanied by a hero leader or legend
ending ap4

Hadar bows his head and speaks in a low and raspy voice. Greetings to you, Brother. Let me introduce myself properly. I am Hadar, Lord of Terra Umbra, which harbors the souls of the corrupt. I am curious about how your tower might challenge my Reaper and what the consequences of failure might be. Of course my Reaper should be capable to reach the top of your tower and so I wander, what great reward awaits a victorious hero?

2014-03-18, 01:08 PM
I greet you Hadar, my own true name is Zendizar, The Roil tide.

To answer your question within the tower great monsters await, it is divided into five ever-changing strata each more dangerous than the previous. at the peak of the fifth strata awaits a great challenge and two legendary treasures. my own champion has been training in the third strata. but be forewarned, within the great tower a hero may not escape until he has completed the current strata(you need to defeat each of 3+x challenges per strata[devised by moi] where x is the current strata in order to leave, you may leave from any strata after you finish, you may only enter into the first strata) i believe that answers your questions.

Are you strong enough to survive the challenenge

dont believe i am spending any ap in this post
have 4

2014-03-18, 02:07 PM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

One of her visitors left - or did she have a visitor at all? Already the dream was falling apart, whenever she closed her many eyes (or did she in fact open them and wake, never to remember the waking world) the world died. The world died many deaths as people went to sleep, or awoke. What was she thinking about? Oh yes, a visitor had vanished and her other visitor was as still as a statute, she floated around the other god - or did she simply imagine she did - and saw him static, and immovable. One of her four arms tried to reach out and lift the other god's arms, but found herself unable to - it was if the story the dream was telling had stopped, waiting to go on.

Instead Aramis withdrew back to the center of the four towers of worship - the writing on their walls had grown, but still was but a mere fraction of what mortal belief would be. More, there should be more! Her four hands reached out and grabbed the chains of fate that Zaros had forged and made a small knot in front of her - the chains themselves were undisturbed, if but the rattling in the winds of fate. She reached through the small knot and pulled out of nowhere a small mirror. Looking into the mirror Aramis saw the caverns of the Syth - a people hidden from snow and sky, condemned to a freedom surrounded by walls, and the magnificence of the dragons - a people blessed with greatness, but taught the importance of equality. Aramis smiled, ever interested in the variety of dreams.

But the spice of dreams, and of life were in, was variety, originality and imagination. And with that smile, her four hands began to weave a new belief.

The Syth began to carve figurines out of crystal of their one and only god - Quiessus. Quiessus was the lord of everything, nothing was beneath his reach - for after all the world was very small. There was only this cave, but it was not a cave, it was the world after all. He was the lord of light, the stars embedded in the walls, crystal figurines. He was also the lord of many faces - for he existed in each of them and in any form he chose.

To the Syth, and figurine represented Quiessus. Whether it was an upstanding god, a robbed figure, a goddess with four arms, a distasteful misshapen ooze, it didn't matter - Quiessus was everything and everything was Quiessus. If they would meet any other god, even if by chance Quiessus himself, they would be mere fragments of the whole - Quiessus was divisible and indivisible at the same time. If heaven existed beyond these cave walls, the myriad of existence and all the voice that it contained, were just his voice. His voice, for there were no other echoes in the universe.

The weaving ended - copies of the thousands of different, all so different, figurines, tinkled down onto the floor of one of her towers of worship - a sound that signaled the beginning of another weaving. This would be a tale of dragons!

To the Dragons, there were Gods, but in name only - they would recognize great Ethidras as their creator - but that was all. Gods were merely powerful beings, capable of much beauty and much destruction. But that made them no different from the Dragons themselves. It was merely a question of scale - pardon the pun. Same with the Lynxa and the Servants. Same with the Syth. Just because they were weaker, didn't matter - and just because they were more powerful it didn't matter. The Dragons did not ask for worship - and thus they did not worship. They would build no temples, erect no statutes.They will say no prayers, offer no hymns. They would respect and converse, perhaps even box, but they won't pray. There are no Gods, just mortals - great and small.

The four hands fall at her sides.

10 AP
+3 Rollover
1 AP find out about the Syth
1 AP create Religion of the Syth
1 AP create Religion of the Dragons
10 AP

2014-03-19, 02:51 AM
How exactly do you figure the it works for a hero? Do you roleplay success of failure? Do you roll a dice?

Hadar taps his chin, thinking about Zendizars words. Interesting, I might submit my champion to your tests soon. Another visitor is awaiting your attention, I bid you farewell. After bowing his head, Hadars fades and transforms in a cloud of black smoke. He then shoots away with blinding speed which only the gods can achieve.

Once he arrived on platinum, Hadar approaches the Plaguelands. Lady Maleficia, I request an audience with you. Allow me in your sanctum so that we can converse.


Meanwhile Asmoran had reached the blessed lands of Second with a score of Imps behind him. As he speaks, his voice seems echo like sound does in a vast cave. Ripe for the picking. Go and offer ways to survive the Eternal Winter to this people. Offer them greatness in music or whatever their hearts desire. Make them sign the contracts in exchange for corruption. The Master wants more corrupted souls to inhabit Terra Umbra. The Imps giggled before turning invisible, to most mortals, and flying into these new promised lands.

Asmoran went into these lands himself, searching for a group of Lynxa who live here. He would offer them the same as the Imps do but perhaps you could find Lynxa of great strength who are willing to listen to his offer. The Lord of Corruption does not only require souls, he requires agents as well.

Emperor Demonking
2014-03-19, 07:17 AM
The Marcher nodded at the creator of the tower. "I have heard what you have said. I find it interesting."

The Marcher then turned sharply around and played his drum marching back to the centre of the continent.

At the same time, Pygarus the Younger, who had been rejuvenating in the capital as he began to understand his new heroic soul, decided that it was time to return home. He made preparations, although that's putting it too grandly, when he heard a power in his head. "Go to Second."

Pygarus was surprised by the message. He could think of nothing interesting about Second, a band of settlements near Pygarus' own, they were a little weird but not greatly soul. However, the last time he followed powerful words rather than duty he faced trials but was eventually grateful. So Pygarus's plans were changed and he was to go to Second.

2014-03-19, 10:57 AM
All the Choir of Heaven and Furniture of the Earth

Aramis, surrounded by the two other gods, at the pinnacle of Stela Adoratio extended her four disjointed arms in each cardinal direction - or, since there was no east and west, north and south, merely at right angels around her. She smiled, but that was unseen - all they saw was a veil full of painted eyes.

Hush, uncles, Hush. Have no rage, no anger - there are no lies in a dream, no falsehoods. Everything is true, since everything is an expression.

Her four hands gestured across planes to the mortal realm - where Lynxa preachers still spoke of Servants as slaves to a demonic god. They cried to the masses - yes, they are beautiful, yes they are alluring - but that is all a bewitchment. When a Servant came to town, all would fall under their grasp. Your will power meant nothing. There was one solution to fight the impurity. Self Sacrifice and Termination. It was mournful and a waste of life, but it had to be done. Once a Servant left and the people come to their senses they were to lay down their lives with a sip of hemlock - feeding it to their babes and children first. Then their wives and finally themselves. If they don't - that was not condemnable. After all it was not their fault, it was the fault of those beautiful demons of cruel Ainar. No don't blame those who would not kill their children or themselves, those who can't extinguish their hearth. No, instead you must show them mercy and respect, and lay them to rest yourself. And as such all those who have fallen under the Servants' spell, were killed or killed themselves - and that was another evil of Ainar, in the eyes of the Lynxa.

The Servants on the other hand were grief stricken as well. They knew from the prophet Villaya, that it was their father who cursed them such. But why would he curse them with beauty - with the power to cut through words - and then charge them with convincing with words. The mark on their foreheads made a mockery of their efforts and struggles. However these doubts were beneath the surface and only known to a few. Most used the mark to perform great feats, bringing knowledge to the heathens in the snow. In order to prevent them from killing themselves, some servants began to live with the Lynxa.

And thus a new nation was born. . . small hearths of Lynxa, with a couple of Servants living in each one, were linked together to form a great web of light in the dark snowstorm. The nation had no official name, because it had no official nature. Instead the Lynxa lived like they lived before, except they used the arts taught to them by the Servants. The Servants, were adored, and were treated like royalty. Some abused their mark and treated the Lynxa like slaves, but most became benevolent priest lords. The religion of the Servants having erased the Lynxa religion within the borders of this nameless empire.

The state of Avaelon watched in horror as their brethren became enslaved (in their eyes - liberated to the eyes of the bewitched). They could do nothing against the magic of Ainar, so they could merely cut their loses. They fled and began a great migration from their ancestral homes - they had become a temporary nomadic people - leaving their fire blighted brothers and sisters to their sweet false dream. . .

But is it false?

Asks Aramis to no one. It was if she forgot she was with the other gods for a moment, her mind else where. Where was she? Ah yes.

Hush, Uncles, Hush. There are no liars among us. No we are all but dreamers - casting pebbles into the pond of imagination and seeing how they ripple. Seeing how your ripples touch mine, and how those waves alter each other. A pond with many pebbles, always in motion and never still. Beautiful isn't it. And see how your ripples move, Uncle! The emotions, the grandeur!

12 AP

Important Note This nation developed naturally and was not the result of Aramis. It's just what would happen in my opinion when you have enchanted fire people who are impossible to resist who also know that if they leave the people they are trying to help will all kill themselves.

Create nation 2

10 AP

It took a while for Ainar to peruse all that had been wrought, all that had come from his rage mixed with Aramis's dreams. And it was not wrong. He lowered his hands, the fires of his anger dimming and vanishing, replaced by a hopeful radiance. Though the Lynxa had died at first, killing themselves for the sake of their pride and due to the twisted lies that Aramis had sold them, now the compassion of his people had begun created something better than before. Through adversity, the people of the world had shown greatness of character. This was it, the first signs of the perfection he sought in the world at large. But could he shape a perfect world without equal suffering? Could perfection only exist in an imperfect world?

"What you have done will always be a mark against you in my mind, Liar," he said to Aramis, "But I see now that what we have wrought between us is better than what was before. My anger at you now is abated, our feud, dead in its infancy. Together we can shape a better world, but I hope you remember this. Do not dream in isolation, do not dream without compassion."

Ainar turned and left the sanctum, returning to the Material Plane where so much had happened. He dismissed the Tower, for what riches could be made that he could not surpass, and surveyed the main continent. His people carried out the mission he had tasked them with, but in small groups, their order disbanded. They needed to remain separate in order to bring their enlightenment to as many Lynxa as possible. But their was one place where no servant trod: Avaelon. The place so many of his brothers had tried to bless. He knew he could not place enough Servants there to keep the Lynxa entranced. There would be too many mistakes, too many deaths. But there was one he trusted to enact his will in the city, one who was strong enough to protect herself and cunning enough to protect others.

He went to Villaya and charged her to enter Avaelon in disguise. To pass among the people in the guise of a Lynxa, not a Servant, and thus bring enlightenment and hope to them without revealing her Mark and causing the Lynxa the shame that would bring death. She would maintain a small temple to him within the Avaelon Nexus, but she would not force worship of him upon the people.

Starting AP: 2 + 3
Do not pay AP for society, it is disbanded.
Finishing AP: 5

2014-04-01, 06:39 AM
Ethidras waves her hand in front of Laenira to get her attention, thinking she didn't hear her.

I'll do some actions soon.

2014-04-01, 06:41 PM

Zendizar looks upon the current state of the world with a bit of disdain, not only had few of the gods decided to respond to his challenge, and none had actually undertaken it, the arrival of the trickster god had caused untold chaos upon the world. zendizar decides more drastic action is necessary, he turns his gaze to the skies above the continent of angvorn and envisions a great castle of steel and stone, floating in the skies then he turns his gaze towards the earth and scoops up of each sentient(and up) race 20% of the total population and places them upon the first floors of the great castle, which is populated with monsters and set this castle as his symbol and source of power. the castle contains 100 floors, but in order to access the next floor one must venture through the current floors labyrinth and slay the boss monster at the center. but all is not lost for a new method of powerful combat is available within the castle, Sword skills, powerful sword abilities(also axes hammers and throwing knives, ect.) that will give even a normal mortal a fighting chance against the monsters that guard the labyrinths. the races will need to work together in order too clear the 99 floors and crimson castle at the peak to return home. many may die but the chance must be taken.

4+8 ap
5ap imagine plane: the grate castle AINCRAD with 100 floors of realistic environment 4 (pregenerated) towns per floor and 1 labyrinth each floor is progressively harder. aincrad takes the form of a castle floating above angvorn however any creature that can fly that tries to get in from outside will be stopped by an invisible barrier creatures inside cannot leave unless they clear all 100 floors
2ap weave nexus: the entireity of aincrad is zendizar seat of power and his symbol
1ap create concept: weapons(duh)
3ap create magical concept: sword skills(people can use them with weapons for more power)
3ap divine word: grab about 20% of the total population of every species, (except for them and the wierd reality manipulators because screw them)
and deposite them on the first floor of aincrad
end 2 ap

2014-04-01, 07:45 PM
A dragon amongst the group roared to get the crowd's attention. He then addressed the crowd, saying "Everyone, I have a plan. Every non dragon here has some sort of 'deity' you pay respects to. While we dragons don't look at them as above us, we do recognise their power. I know one of these powerful being that would not stand for this: Ethidras. She despises acts like this and would most certainly come to our aid if we asked. You all have you deity or powerful being to pray to or contact. We ask for their help at at least one of them will come." The dragons then started to do their form of "praying." They do not bow their head nor close their eyes. They just address their thoughts and prayers to Ethidras.

Ethidras then heard the mass usage of prayers. "Hold on, I am receiving mass pleas for help." she said. Ethidras then shifted planes to find the source and found the Great Castle Aincrad and Zendizar "What is going on here?!" she asks.

2014-04-02, 08:18 AM
Time to Grow

As Asmoran watched over the Imps and their trickery he felt a strong urge to visit the Shadow Pit. His master was calling him to the Shadow World and so he left the Imps to their work. Faster then the wind he flew over the land arrived at the Shadow Pit. His master was waiting for him there. Fast to respond as always. It is time for you to pick the fruits of your labor. Many souls were send to me and now it is time for you to grow to your full potential. Hover over the Shadow Pit and let the power of Terra Umbra flow into you. The Reaper nodded and did as he was told. The Lord of Corruption started to weave the shadows of the pit and formed a cocoon of darkness around Asmoran. As Hadar continued to weave the shadows, the cocoon took on more "humanoid" features. A pair legs and arms with feet and hands that ended in long claws, wings the size and shape of that of a large dragon, a head with multiple rows of horns and a mouth with wicked long teeth and finally a tail ending in a wicked long spike. The skin of form then formed glistening black scales as if made of black glass. Two red hot burning eyes opened and looked back at its creator. He was as big as a dragon but much more intimidating and powerful, almost as powerful as a god. Rise Asmoran, first of greater devils and prophet of corruption. I have an assignment for you. Go to the great castle where many of the mortals were taken and see what you can do to corrupt them in their time of need. Soon I will not be able to return to this plane and it will you who will directly corrupt this world. Asmoran, still hovering bowed and answered: With great pleasure, Master. He then stretched his massive wings and flew off.

Hadar returned to his throne in the Shadow World and sat down. With his mind he willed the shadows to connect with him and he started to take in the power that was the result of the Imps corruption. The corrupted souls inhabiting the Shadow World were compelled to go the the Shadow Tower and they marched like an army to their new goal. Hadar watched them as tendrils of shadow connected with him. He pulled the souls into himself and felt he grew a little stronger with each soul being absorbed inside him.

Meanwhile at the Aincrad
Some Imps were taken along with the other mortals. They did not act until a great black scaled winged creature appeared. It was Asmoran in his new form and as he hovered above the group of mortals all Imps gathered around him and bowed their heads. My Master, the great god Hadar, has send me here. For those of you who wish to leave this place I have an offer. I will free you and in return I need volunteers. These volunteers will be the first to join my army and they will know great power. When I have ten volunteers of the same race I will free of your race. If you refuse, you will remain here and face whatever this place will bring you. What say you?

AP: 2+8 rollover=10
Create Legend - 3AP: Asmoran, the Devil Prince and Prophet of Corruption
Gain Domain - AP: Greed (devil pacts) (+2 defence)
Hadar raised himself from Fletchling God status to Lesser God Status

2014-04-02, 02:29 PM
The dragon who lead the mass prayer moves forward and addresses the crowd. "Don't listen to him. Just look at him. He is a vile being, probably a spawn of a dark powerful one. Ethidras will come. She will not stand this infringement against freedom and justice."

-2 Ap: create Hero- Lerinax.

2014-04-03, 04:44 AM
Asmoran looks at the dragon and smiles. "And dragons do not even worship their creator. You call me vile but what is it your race have ever done for the world? Do you offer freedom, power or any help at all? Your race just sits on their mountain kingdoms and watches over the mortals like you are superior to them. I offer ways to break the chains both Iron and Metaphorical ones. Some are doomed to live and die in the place they were born, working hard to survive. I change the lives of the needful, the poor and the powerless by offering them a way out. In this life they will know power and freedom and after they die I collect their soul and bring it to my master so they can be used to start a new life. This world is no paradise, it is a prison. Those who accept the offers of my Imps and I will have a much easier time living." Asmoran gestures to the Castle surrounding them. "Although you are individually stronger then other mortals, you are merely one of them and trapped here. You can insult me and tell the others that they should not listen to me. But let them decide for themselves, let them decide their own faith. What I ask is reasonable, my protection and a way out in exchange for volunteers to join me in the first steps towards a new and better civilization".

2014-04-03, 03:49 PM
"I will let them decide, but know this. The reason why the dragons as a whole have not done a thing is because there has been no major threats we can deal with right now. Most of us are building our society so we can deal with any current or future threats. A threat that you seem to be."

2014-04-04, 11:51 AM
The Aincrad

The Syth, having never been seen or touched before by other gods would be distraught to learn that many of their loved ones were captured and swept away by the hand of a Deity for the mere interest in sport. But those who were taken were of a hardier nature than others.

Nemba kept to the shadows as he watched this strange group of terrible new beasts. He hummed to himself the Song of Distraction, which caused others to overlook one's presence, and focused on listening to what appeared to be real conversation. As he focused his hearing, he was amazed to know that they did indeed speak, and that they spoke in words he could understand. The large scaled one and the small winged one were arguing, although the words they used seemed strange. They referred to gods, but there was only one such god, Quiessus. He was myriad in form though, so why not also myriad in name and appearance?

Eventually, Nemba's innate curiosity got the better of him. He stepped out from the shadows and ceased the Song of Distraction.

"Fellow beings, do not quarrel. This place is unfamiliar to us all, it seems. And though I do not claim to know what the Many-Faced Mist sees as the purpose for gathering us together, but it can only be for the benefit of all. I am Nemba, and among my people I am a guide, tracker and explorer. Though this place is strange, I believe that we are meant to explore it. There is almost certainly an exit or a goal, and I believe if we work together we may find it. Otherwise, to stand here would lead us only to starvation and infighting.

We should work together to conquer this place, and forge bonds between our peoples. And I will offer the first: I will teach you the Aria of Homeseeking, the song Quiessus gifted the Wanderhold that we might speak with those we love no matter the distance. Will you learn it?" Nemba could only hope his words were understood by these strange creatures, but being practical, he kept his hand near the Songshard axe in his belt.

Starting AP: 1+4+4 (two rollovers)= 9
Promote Leader 1 AP: Nemba, the All-Tracker
Create Advanced Concept 2AP: Songshards, crystal weapons that vibrate at specific frequencies used in Bardic Magic, allowing the crystals to be infused with the power of the songs, increasing their cutting power or hardening them against attack.
Final AP: 6

2014-04-07, 03:51 AM
The Aincrad

"Listen dragon, you talk about me like I am your enemy and in a way that implies you know me. You do not want to become my enemy, mortal. You might think you are powerful and you are compared to the Lynxa and most other races. But I have ascended my former form, I was a Lynxa once and I feared you power back then. Do not mark me as a threat to all mortal life. As of now I am the only one here who might be able to free you. All I ask in return are a few brave souls who are smart enough to recognize an opportunity."

As Nembla speaks up, Asmoran listens to him and recognizes the divine power that made him what he was, a leader.
"Aah, another champion of one of the great ones that determine our course. I will not try to persuade you to take the deal I am offering. I wish you luck in trying to find a way out." Asmoran then went to the entrance of the labyrinth and turned around to the crowd. "Those who wish to follow me should do so now but by doing so you accept my terms. I will kill whatever is in my way out and those who come with me will see the outside world again. Ten of each race may then step forward as a payment for my service and those ten will know greatness and power. Hadar rewards good service and so do I."

2014-04-10, 07:44 PM
Zendizar Watches The argument going on among the creatures and watches asmoran fly to the labyrinth from the town of beginnings(warning, its not in the immediate vicinity of the town.


Asmoran enters the battlefield and easily munches a few enemies, but is unable to find the boss room of this floor(better luck next time)

Rollover 2+4=6

2014-04-21, 11:45 PM
Zaros watched as chaos reigned upon the world below. He watched as Reality shimmered and faltered when intelligent minds failed to look upon it. He shook his head in disgust and turned to leave.

The Prime Material faded slowly as Zaros strode away. Every footstep made reality recede further. As Reality receded, Zaros came to the fore. His shadowy being solidified and revealed a slick, smooth pattern to his robe. Though they acted like cloth, their texture was that of smooth metal. As Zaros moved, so did his robes, as if they were a part of him.

The Empty Lord stopped, nothing but void surrounding him. He had left all of the planes, and entered the space beyond worlds. Outstretching his arms, he grasped the reigns of creation. He pulled, and from the void came the Grey Maybe. An endless expanse of darkness, cleft apart by clouds of particles. Dense pockets of energy roiled, and oceans of gas the size of a hundred hundred worlds floated in predictable chaos. Zaros sealed the Grey Maybe, preventing those who were not already inside it from breaching its walls.

3 AP + 15 AP (five Rollovers) - 5 AP - 3 AP - 3 AP = 7 AP
5 AP: Weave Plane - The Grey Maybe. A Reality separate from the Prime Material and Palatium, The Grey Maybe is much like our own universe. It is inherently measurable and predictable, yet it is obtaining every measurement required to complete the prediction that is the trouble. Currently, the Grey Maybe is much like our universe at roughly 12 Billion Years Old.
3 AP: Divine Word - The Existence and Creation of The Grey Maybe is concealed from all other Gods, and transport to the Grey Maybe from any other plane is prohibited unless this act is Countered.
3 AP: Divine Word - The nature of the Grey Maybe makes it so that it is both observed and unobserved. It does not falter like other realities when intelligent minds fail to look upon it.