View Full Version : Help Building an NPC?

2014-03-05, 04:28 PM
So I want to make what I think will be a pretty nasty NPC. I came up with the idea when I found this set of classes that I really like the idea of, but I don't know how to do it. The basic idea behind him is that he is a Warforged Totemist/Soul Eater that wants to have a soul, so he steals other people's souls. I wanted to have him gain lots of attacks and then steal souls using those attacks. The party is all lvl 14, and there are 7 party members, So it'd probably be around a CR 15 or 16 battle.

My problem is that I've never really worked with MoI before or with the class, so I don't know what to pick or how to make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The Characters base stats (After racial Adjustment) are:
Str: 16
Dex: 15
Con: 18
Int: 13
Wis: 12
Cha: 9

Advice on the progression of levels, feats to pick, melds to use and where to bind them etc. would be very much appreciated.

2014-03-05, 05:03 PM
Totemist Warforged with Jaws of Death feat for bite, Garillon Arms bound to Totem chakra for 4x claws, Roc Span for 2x wing buffets (Dragon Mag) and Dragon Tail (Dragon Magic?) for a tail attack. 1x Slam. Deepspawn feat gives 2x tentacles.

Multiattack feat will help.

You'll want him to have pounce so Lion Spirit Totem Barbarian dip should be had or Cleric dip with Travel Devotion.

I'm sure you know how to handle 7 lvl 14's by now but I'd give him a lair with some other mindless/soulless minions and terrain advantage. I can see him with Spider Climb also ;)

Sounds fun, good luck.


2014-03-06, 10:26 AM
Follow-up question, about what levels do you think he should be? Would you Say Lion Totem Barb1/Totemist7/Soul Eater 7? or is that too much/not enough?

Red Fel
2014-03-06, 10:59 AM
Follow-up question, about what levels do you think he should be? Would you Say Lion Totem Barb1/Totemist7/Soul Eater 7? or is that too much/not enough?

Technically speaking, the reason people take Spirit Lion Totem Barb (that's Spirit Lion, not regular Lion) is for Pounce; you get that from a Totemist Soulmeld, so unless you plan to replace your Sphinx Claws with something else, you don't really need the Barb dip.

As an aside, the Dragon Soulmelds are only available to characters with the Dragonblooded subtype; you could make your Warforged a Dragonborn Warforged, and that would do it, but Dragonborn are Good and Soul Eaters are Evil and that doesn't work.

Another option I'd throw out there is the Stormguard Warrior feat, but unless you plan to dip Warblade it'll cost you a lot. If you do dip Warblade, however, it's insane. Warblade will get you Punishing Stance, which adds 1d6 to every melee attack - and with a King of Smack like yours, you'll be making a lot of melee attacks. Punishing Stance allows you to benefit from Ironheart Aura, which gives adjacent allies +2 to saving throws. Ironheart Aura then qualifies you for Stormguard Warrior, with is the icing on any many-attacks cake.

Stormguard Warrior is a tactical feat with three benefits, and the first and third don't count. The second, however, is called Channel the Storm, and it works like this: During combat, you can choose to make melee touch attacks instead of regular melee attacks during one round. These attacks deal no damage. On your next turn, you get a stacking +5 bonus on melee damage rolls for every attack that hits. Now, if you've got an outrageous slew of natural weapons, and you're attacking with all of them? That's a lot. That can include unarmed strikes, slam attacks, claw attacks, wing attacks, tail attacks - each one adding +5 to damage on the next turn.

2014-03-06, 12:07 PM
That looks pretty good but I'd go Cleric w/Travel Devotion instead of Barbarian. You can take Blood Wind as a spell that allows you to use all your natural attacks as ranged weapons for a turn. With Soul Eater 7 and a full barrage of attacks you're looking at 16 negative levels per round max...

Getting to your targets will be most important so I'd suggest some Freedom of Movement somehow. Greater Invisibility would be great here too. High Will Saves..

Also, unless you have some minions, resource draining pre-fights or great terrain advantage I'd give him a couple more levels or at least more HP.

Dragontouched feat gives you Dragonblood also.

I DM a 7 person group of lvl7's that takes out CR 14's pretty easy. But honestly this concept feels like it should take out at least one of your PC's ;)


2014-03-07, 09:11 AM
will the Sphinx Claws claw attacks stack with the Girallon Arms? and with my slam? If so, then how about Totemist9/Soul Eater7? and If i'm reading right it'd be:

Girallon Arms: Shaped/Bound to Arms
Roc Span: Shaped/Bound to Shoulders
Dragon Tail: Shaped/Bound to Waist
Sphinx Claws: Shaped/Bound to Hands

Also, I'm not sure I can take dragontouched as a feat, you need an 11 cha right?

And finally, am I able to divide my attacks amongst people? or do all the attacks have to be focused on one person?