View Full Version : [PF] Help with a mindchemist build

2014-03-05, 07:08 PM
Hi, I'm trying to create an alchemist, I'm choosing gnome for flavour, please help me look for interesting ideas to build something fun :smalltongue:.

I was thinking of a controller that can switch to a backup hitter if something gets too close.

We can import stuff from these 3.5 material: the Complete series (excluding Complete Psionics), the Dungeon Master's Guide, the Magic Item Compendium, the Player's Handbook I & II, the Races Of series (excluding books exclusive to campaign settings, such as Races of Ebberon) and the Spell Compendium.

And this is the supported PF material: Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Adventurer's Armory, Core Rulebook, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate Magic.

We are starting at level 1 with 140 GP.

I was thinking about going for a preservationist build, we had to roll for our stats and this is what I got: (15,15,15,17,16,11)

Oh and we also can choose 2 traits from either the PF or 3.5 material.

What would you build with this?

2014-03-05, 08:01 PM
I had read a few interesting things, like going for mindchemist and kitsune style by dipping a couple of levels into MOMS or lore warden. I've also read a few good things about dipping a couple levels as a Master Chymst or a Barbarian(Urban)

2014-03-17, 02:49 PM
Ok After a while, and reading the chasing the filosopher stone and ogre's guides I think I'm going with this:

Male Gnome Alchemist (Mindchemist) 1
CN small humanoid
Init +2 Senses Low-Light Vision Listen +9 Spot +9
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13
hp 11
age 109 (middleaged)
Fort 5 ,Ref 4 ,Will 3
Speed 15 ft
Space 5 Reach 5
Black Sheep (Titus Scarnetti) [Stealth]
Dangerously Curious
STR 15 DEX 16 CON 15 INT 17 WIS 15 CHA 11
STR 12 DEX 15 CON 16 INT 18 WIS 16 CHA 14
Base Atk 0 Grp00
Feats Breadth of Experience
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +2, Alchemy +10, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Perception +9, Sleight of Hand +6, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +7, Appraise +8, Bluff +2, Alchemy +10, Knowledge (arcana) +10
Languages Common, Gnome, Sylvan, Goblin, Draconic, Giant, Orc

Gear Net - snag (Small), Iron - Cold Dagger (Small), Quarterstaff (Small), Sling (Small), Alchemy crafting kit, Formula Book, Backpack , Peasant's outfit , Pouch - belt (empty), Flint and Steel, Waterskin , Sunrod (2), Inkpen, Ink (1oz vial), Chalk - 1 piece (10), Garlic, Parchment (sheet) (10), Powder, Earplugs, Mirror - small steel, Oil (1-Pint flask), Marbles, Flask (empty)

I'm still worried about my gear, I think it should have more alchemy stuff, but I only have 140 GP in total, and my current weight is 31.8 (32 being the light load limit) and left over gold is 21.

What would you change, or buy instead?

As for feats selection, I found the grenadier feat of 3.5, is there another one you would recommend?


2014-03-17, 04:21 PM
Oh I was forgetting, I was choosing the Pyromaniac and Master Tinker racial traits.

2014-03-17, 10:09 PM
since your porting 3.5 stuff I believe your big piece of gear will be a bandolier to drink potions as a swift action. there is also the fast drinker trait. I think both of these should apply to your infusions but it requires DM ruling as RAW somehow drinking an infusion is different than drinking a potion (uncap, tilt, swallow) I would look at kirin style line of feats since you have the massive knowledge skills boost at level 2. Also grab a hand or tentacle at some point and you can keep your shield bonus while throwing bombs, with the fast bombs discovery at lvl 8 you'll quickly blow through your bombs so be sure to have plenty of alchemy items as backup. The biggest thing i found when focusing on bombs is that my teamates hated all the fog effects, so you'll wnat to do the concentrated bomb spell, I forget what its called. YOu can always go TWF, Rapidshot line to get a massive amount of bombs and items being thrown, but TWF and Rapidshot is a complete waste until level 8 because your bomb is a std action. I ended up still grabbing mutagen and claws to qualify for master chymist and went the whole DR. Jekyl Mr. Hyde route but i thought it would be kewl to have 2 characters that I could play completely differently just so I didn't get bored...

Oh and for starting gear don't forget that alchemy stuff is 50% off...

2014-03-18, 10:33 AM
Thanks a lot!

I will look into the Kirin Style, that would mean going at least a level into master of many styles right?

Would you go Master Chymist at some point after that?, or would that be too many classes for the alchemist?

Thanks for the tip on the alchemy stuff I wasn't sure how that worked, since I'm going Master Tinker, if I assign a skill point in craft weapons, can I save money on the weapons too?

2014-03-18, 10:50 AM
I really don't see much point in going Master Chymist if you're a Mindchemist.

The PrC offers very little to the bomb-throwing Alchemist (unless you're a melee guy with bombs as an opener before closing in, which is not the case) and its biggest draws are being big while mutated (not a thing you can achieve) and mutate itself, which increases the amount of times you can be buffed, but in the Cognatogen's case, that'll multiply your stat damage, which is not nice as on the third session you'll be rolling at -6 Str.

And yes, Craft (weapons) will save you some money, but that requires downtime (something not available in every adventure) and, really, the cost of having weapons is never the weapon itself, but rather the enchantments and for that what you want is the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, assuming your DM rules that Alchemists are indeed casters (RAW states they're not, RAI says they are...it's convoluted).

2014-03-18, 12:22 PM
Yeah, I think my strenght would be too low to go that route, I was thinking maybe using Kirin style to use my int instead but I think I would lose too much and that damage to str is way too much I wouldn't be able to hold a dagger XD.

Anyway I think damage won't be this character priority, I was thinking on trying to dissable anyone who gets close, that's why I was thinking of using the net.

Thanks for the input on the crafting too.

2014-03-18, 12:27 PM
One more question, upon gaining more ability scores, I was thinking first leveling up my dexterity to 16, but after that would it be better to improve intelligence or to keep improving dexterity?

2014-03-18, 01:12 PM
For me the master chymist was because my party hated the fog clouds since it was just as controlling for them as the enemy. I figured the free mutagen unprepared meant I could go primarily bomb thrower until I ran out of the infusion that let bombs be single target but more damage, then switch to melee and go to town. If you go bomb thrower then pump your int, your targeting touch ac so focus on damage. Though a small investment in dex isn't a bad thing. If you want to be a switch hitter, grabbing a level of barbarian plus mutagen is an instant +8 str since they can both be done in same round.

2014-03-18, 01:52 PM
Thanks again, I hadn't realized there was a potential problem with the smoke bombs XD

2014-03-18, 08:00 PM
I'm still a little confused about crafting, I'm reading that you only pay 1 third of the price when you craft, so why at character creation do you pay 50% shouldn't it be only a third of the price?.

Maybe I'm understanding this wrong, please help.

2014-03-18, 08:02 PM
Granted, you can choose on the fly whether you want to smoke people out or not and chances are the enemies will be coming out of the smoke eventually (I mean, no one in their right mind would stick around enemy-created smoke) and can be a nice setup for flanking.

Just remember to never put smoke between your group and an enemy you do need to capture/kill/defeat/give a hug and you're peachy.

2014-03-18, 08:54 PM
Yeah I meant to say that... it's usually 1/3 for mundane items and 1/2 for magic and pots.... its also not just the smoke bombs, the majority of your good debuffs are gonna use the smoke as well... stinking cloud for instance, even without the smoke effect a lot of the damage is aoe as well so you can exclude square with the right discovers but that always felt like I was wasting half my bombs for the day on one creature and still needing to go melee eventually.

2014-03-19, 10:55 AM
That explains it!, thanks again.