View Full Version : Need Advice: Good Wizard Buff Spells ... that you can Empower.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-05, 09:24 PM
Hey Folks,

I could use some fresh ideas on finding buff and utility spells ... that can be *Empowered* (as per the feat) for a Wizard. Primarily from cantrips up to 4th level spells. This is for free Empowering due to the Prophecy Shaper feat (MoE p. 50).

I plan to use at least 1 or 2 Prophetic Favor sessions per day to Empower-up some long-durationed buffs without any adjustment to the level or casting time. A perfect example of what I'm talking about is the False Life spell (2nd level). Due to the variable numerics of its granted temporary HPs (1d10 + 1/CL), I'd want to cast False Life during one of these sessions.

I've totally got a good handle on a ton of good offensive spells to freely empower. But I'm not finding many empowerable buffs ... or out-of-combat utility spells for that matter. The highest level of spells I can do this with are 4th level.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Miss Disaster
2014-03-06, 07:52 PM
So far, I'm not finding any *buff* spells that are Empowerable in 3.5. :smallfrown: Perhaps Pathfinder or the reputable OGL/D20 companies have spells like this.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-07, 11:19 PM
Nobody has any suggestions? :smallfrown:

2014-03-08, 09:01 AM

Buff spells aren't random, therefore not usually targetable by empower.

Take a level in wild mage. That's the best you can do.

2014-03-08, 11:33 AM
Vampiric Touch can be empowered, as can Time Stop, as can Spell Turning. Those are self buffs...

Flaming Arrows adds 1d6 fire to ammo. SpC has other spells to add energy damage to weapons.

Not a wizard spell, but Fell the Greatest Foe would be a decent candidate. Gives the target +1d6 melee damage per size smaller he is than the creature he's attacking per hit.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-08, 05:41 PM
Thanks Cap and SotS. I appreciate the ideas.

Spell Turning ... NICE. Good to know for Level 13.

2014-03-10, 10:39 AM
False life seems kind of weak to me, but it is only a 2nd-level spell. It, IIRC, has a random effect and therefore could be empowered.

2014-03-10, 10:43 AM
I'm not sure what your time frame is (does this have to be a long duration buff?), but Mirror Image can be empowered...

2014-03-10, 11:02 AM
Amusingly, at the highest levels, Time Stop can be Empowered. Its duration is 1d4 rounds.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-10, 11:17 AM
Yeah, I had mentioned False Life in my original post. As that specific spell got me to thinking about buff/utility spells with variable numeric components that could take advantage of free Empower Spell metamagics. As myself and others have noted though, there aren't many spells that fit all this criteria.

To note, I did find the Pathfinder version of False Life ... and on that D20PFSRD link, there was a Greater False Life spell (4th level - gives 2d10+1/CL [up to 20]). Pretty nice! I also found some other Empowerable buffs from some rather sketchy d20/OGL sources.

And yes, good catch, broodax ... on Mirror Image (and Greater Mirror Image).

Thanks for everybody's input!

2014-03-10, 11:32 AM
IIRC regal progression and servant horde are variable. For a large number of horses and unseen servants. They last hour/level, can make good fodder and do other utility things.

A lot of debuffs work well with that feat. Like ray of enfeeblement and enervation.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-10, 11:41 AM
Yep, I've got the offensive spells down pat. Melf's Unicorn Arrow and Ability Damage spells (RoE/RoC, Sinsabur's Baleful Bolt [sculpted] , Enervation, etc.) have been the MVP so far.

Good call on Servant Horde! I love Unseen Servants. Although I don't think Regal Procession has variable numerics. Isn't it 1 mount/CL? I looked at it the other day - but I'm away from books right now.

2014-03-10, 12:02 PM
Aww you're right. Servant horde is 2d6+1/CL but regal procession is 1/CL.

There are a variety of awakens including arcane ones, not only the druid-animal one.

2014-03-10, 01:20 PM
The 3.0 versions of the ability-enhancer spells (Bull's Strength etc.) gave you +1d4+1, but they've been replaced in 3.5 with a consistent +4.

2014-03-10, 01:24 PM
Greetings, fellow archive-delver! You have stumbled upon a beacon from the future! I do not know your reasons for venturing into the dark of threads long abandoned, but wish you best of luck on your travels.

If you have found this message, it'd be nice if you sent me a PM saying you did.

Miss Disaster
2014-03-11, 09:37 PM
A funny thing about Sanctified and Corrupt spells that you cast while having them Empowered ... the variable penalty you pay gets *increased* from the Empowerment. Lol.