View Full Version : [PF] Just Need Basic Challenge Rating Advice

2014-03-06, 12:31 PM
Pathfinder: I am getting ready to make a boss fight for my party and I was going to have it be an evil wizard and his familiar. I want it to be very challenging but not kill everyone.

My party has a level 6 fighter, level 6 rouge/wizard, level 6 cavalier, level five cleric, and a level 5 wizard. Each of these player have about 10 years of experience so they know what they are doing. They have the normal amount of gear for their level.

My question is what level should my wizard be and what is a good familiar option.

P.S. we were fighting about this what happens if a player who is stuck to a mimic already tries to grapple it.

2014-03-06, 03:10 PM
Just off the top of my head, I'd say level 8. The access to level 4 spells should definitely be enough to give the impression of "oh ****, this guy is dangerous," without venturing TOO far into TPK territory. I really don't think that the choice of familiar is all that important, seeing as their only real combat application is applying touch spells (although that can be fun when sharing an Improved Invisibility), and the difference in stats are generally pretty minor.

Probably the most important thing to note here is that a single wizard tends to make for a very short fight. Unless the wizard already defensive spells up, it's very possible that he loses initiative, then eats a full attack to the face and dies. After all, even a level 8 wizard probably has less than 40 hp, and a less-than-enviable AC. I highly recommend giving the guy some minions to help soak of some attacks and distract the PCs while he either buffs up or casts his spells.

As for the mimic thing, the ability says that "an adhesive-covered mimic automatically grapples any creature it hits with its slam attack. Opponents so grappled cannot get free while the mimic is alive without removing the adhesive first." So if someone is stuck, they're already in a grapple. Being in a grapple, they can roll to try to pin the mimic, or to deal unarmed damage to it, or any of the other options under the "If You’re Grappling" part of the rules.

2014-03-06, 03:30 PM
Read this. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nx-o8VAjhUwh3nnfzDQT-JA5eFLnN_BZJiBitGjBMDg/edit)