View Full Version : In defense of the fighter - 12 step challenge

2014-03-06, 04:41 PM

This is the thread for the 'In defense of the fighter - 12 step challenge'. It's a simplified version of an original adventure written by me.

The idea is to send single characters, druids and fighters, through a series of challenges in the context of an actual adventure, to see how the suggested advantages of one over the other work out in practice.

Since this is a simplified challenge, all posts will be on the same thread (this one). Please only post items related to the adventure on this thead. Discussion of the challenge, peanut gallery and conclusions being drawn should be posted on the original thread, here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=333460

Present challengers are:

Vogojeltx playing the 8th level fighter Kirk
eggynack playing the 8th level druid Orcy
Oldtrees1 playing the 8th level fighter
Junato112 playing the 8th level druid

2014-03-06, 04:48 PM
The adventure set up

The details

The Harbourmaster is a thin blond bespeckled man, his pale skin clearly unused to the sun. He seems excited to meet you, his narrow hands folding and refolding around each other as he speaks, but his words are smooth and confident, as if from much practice.
“Thank you for coming. My name is Aureus Tesh, and I am the local factor for House Coriel. Do please, take a seat and help yourselves to wine. I’m looking for a group of adventurers to help me resolve a delicate matter. Can I rely on your discretion?”

Aureus waits for some kind of sign of assent at this point. He’s not expecting to have to push the issue.

“As you know, during the recent occupation, the Free State was in dire need of arms, supplies, and of course, information on enemy movements. My house, House Coriel, was instrumental in keeping the army supplied and the wheels of commerce moving. By whatever means necessary.
In the course of our business, we sometimes ended up dealing with people who, to put it bluntly, were not themselves involved in entirely legitimate operations. If some of the supplies we ended up with were stolen goods, mainly from the Brotherhood themselves, well, we weren’t really in a position to complain. Some of these people became well known to us, and ended up… assisting us in delicate matters. The movement of ships, the placement of forces. Matters that were vital to the survival of the Free State. At a time when the Brotherhood controlled the seas, we could not afford to discard any advantage, however slight.
Now that we are allied with Ahlissa, the power that controls so much of the trade that passes these shores, we can no longer afford to take such a lenient view towards criminals on the high seas. However, some of our old contacts are still around, people who helped us once but might prove… embarrassing now.
One of these was Tilva Brightshadow, better known as Silver Tilva. She was engaged in a number of illicit activities, mainly piracy, but also theft, bribery, falsification of goods, evasion of duties and harbour taxes, forgery, corruption of a state official, and, of course, espionage. Despite her criminal activities, she was a useful source of intelligence during the recent occupation. Since the end of hostilities, and the loss of a safe harbour here, she seems to have disappeared. She led a dangerous life, and it is entirely possible that she has met an untimely end.
While it would be useful to discover what has happened to her, that is not principally why you are here. You are here because we need to know what happened to the secrets she was keeping, and in particular what she may have written down. She has details of contacts across the Gearnat, including some who still live in lands controlled by the Brotherhood. The safety of such people is vital to us, and vital to the Free State of Onnwal.” Aureus pauses, glancing at you appraisingly, and then continues. “We know she kept a rutter, or navigational log. This document details her contacts and associates, and where they can be found. These are the same people she was dealing with while she was working for us. We can not allow their names and locations to be discovered by some foreign power.
In particular it would be most embarrassing if it turned out that some of those who helped supply us during the Occupation did so using goods stolen from foreign powers. Particularly if those powers have since become our stalwart allies.
It seems likely that this rutter is present at one of her hideouts, which we have narrowed down to being within or near the village of Corbrinn. We are not sure exactly where it might be. Talking to the locals may be of some help. However, it is vital that these documents do not fall into the wrong hands. Bring them back to me, and you will be richly rewarded.
Any questions?”

Q: Why don't you just turn the matter over to the authorities?

“Around here, House Coriel is the local authority. And I am their official representative. There are one or two local guards, but not enough to manage the job safely. A patrol was due back a few days ago, but they haven't yet returned. In any case, I'm not convinced they'd be able to find what we're looking for. Many of Silver’s associates may well be criminals, and won’t want to talk to guardsmen.”

Q: So you’re hiring us to talk to criminals?

“I’m hiring you to recover the documents. Some of the people who know where they are may well be on the wrong side of the law. I’m confident you’ll be able to handle the situation better than the local watch. I suspect you are both more capable than them, and more imaginative.”

Q: How are we supposed to find these documents if we don’t know where they are?

“I don’t know. You were recommended to me as resourceful people who could get things done. I would suggest that you go to Corbrinn and talk to the locals there. They may well know something. Whether they will tell you is, alas quite another matter, but I suspect that without their cooperation, you will achieve little.”

Q: What is the area like?

“Rural and remote, apparently. There is a cart road, but it's not much travelled these days. It’s a poor area; they catch fish and grow crops to survive. They export a few local craft items, but there’s no real need for regular contact with the outside world. Most such places are surly and suspicious towards outsiders, or so my tax collectors have told me.”

Q: Why is Tilva called 'Silver'?

“She always insisted on being paid in silver geese. Said that gold attracted too much attention. I assume that being paid in gold isn't going to be a problem for you?”

Geese are Onnwal silver pieces.

Q: Are we operating to a deadline?

Aureus clears his throat. “I’m hoping that there is no particular hurry. However, it’s not entirely impossible that the aura of confidentiality that surrounds this affair has not hitherto been as puncture-free as some of the principal active parties included within the aforesaid aura might have preferred to let me consider within the ambit of my duties to be a safe assumption to progress with at this time.” Blinking slightly, he continues. “In other words, I’ve been told no one else knows, but I wouldn’t trust that if I were you. If someone else happens to be looking for the same documents, or somehow discovers the nature of your mission, you would need to be very careful.”

Q: Does anyone else know of this mission?

“Of course not! I did mention you’d only get paid if you were successful, didn’t I? Were someone else to get their hands on the documents, I wouldn’t be in a position to pay you anything...”

Q: What should we do if we run into Tilva?

“Aureus looks thoughtful for a moment. “She has been missing for a while now, and we know that she has many enemies. It is very unlikely that she is still alive. However, if you do find out where she is, we’d very much like to speak to her. Like the rutter, she has much information that we wish to go no further. I’d certainly try and come up with some kind of additional reward if you brought her in.”

Q: What will happen to her if we bring her in?

“I’m not sure. With most of the local trade being Ahlissan rather than Brotherhood, we can’t have her hanging around as a pirate, so she’d have to quietly disappear, one way or another. It’s not really my decision, I’m afraid.”

So in summary, you're being sent by a senior government official to try and recover the navigational log of a smuggler from a remote village.

The 'brotherhood' are a shadowy magical sect that recently orchestrated an invasion of the country, referred to as the Occupation. They are usually monk/sorcerors, and are widely feared and hated. Ahlissa is the very powerful evil kingdom to the east, recently allied with the Free State of Onnwal against the Brotherhood.

Both characters have a chance to make gather information checks or similar and arrange some kind of transport. Showy or obviously magical forms of transport would attract a great deal of attention.

Briefing, night's rest, set off in the morning.

2014-03-06, 04:51 PM
No, they don't have anything Tilva once possesed. The rutter, once recovered, might well work though.

The House of Coirielle is willing to advance you money (about 300 gp) in advance if you need it for expenses.

Ok, some settings clarifications.

You are in Onnwal (in Greyhawk), sometimes called the 'Free State of Onnwal', or the 'Free State'. Corbrinn is about 2-3 days away, apparently. It's a hamlet, most people have never heard of it, and people don't generally go and visit.

Magic is regarded with suspicion. Partly this is because it's dangerous and poorly understood, and partly this is because the country just got invaded by a secret society of sorcerers. Casting spells openly in public can and has led to riots.

Also regarded with suspicion are unfamiliar savage beasts, (used by the recent invaders) people with tattoos (there is a tribal civil war going in the highlands) and desert inhabitants (Rary, ruler of the only nearby desert of note, kidnapped the King's mistress and child last year). Oh, and the colour red (don't ask).

That said, suspicion isn't fatal, and this is not intended as insurmountable obstacle. Just be aware that if you ride into town on a flying dinosaur casting divination spells at people, you may have a job getting people to talk to you. And that people will react less well to a dinosaur than they will to a bear.

2014-03-06, 04:54 PM
Who were her contacts in this town? Who did she offload equipment with? Are they aware of this mission? Does she have friends here (or in another town) who may seek to warn her?

This is a law-abiding town that would have nothing to do with smugglers. Noone knows. Noone knows. Probably.

Sense Motive check: +0 (is he on the level?)
Knowledge Local Check: take 10, is he actually the official representative of House Coriel?

Probably, Yes.

Where did the patrol go? Is it the same direction? How many men? Do you have anything written in Silver's hand and or signed by her??

Down the coast, yes, 4, no.

Who is the local watch commander??? Do you have any reason to doubt his loyalty? Was he ever on friendly terms with Silver? I will require a letter of introduction and authority that the local guardsmen will respect to avoid any misunderstandings if I am to associate with possibly wanted men.??

There isn't one because there isn't a local watch. The nearest watch is here in town.

Who was the last tax collector to go to Corbrinn? Has he ever met Tilva? Either way I need to speak with someone who has been to this town before

The tax collectors are out on the northern route, and won't be back for some weeks. No one has ever reported meeting the wanted criminal known as Tilva. No one I know has ever been to Corbrinn before - it's a tiny poor hamlet

Specifically, which Houses, or other powers, would have an interest in recovering these documents, either as a means of blackmail or to drive a wedge between Onnwal and Ahlissa? (Besides the brotherhood of course).

Almost all of them. Specifically, noble and merchant houses that are rivals to House Coriel, the army, the navy, the thieves guild, any country that's a former ally of Onnwal, any country that's an enemy of Ahlissa, or any country that could be effected by an alliance between the two. Including a great many people in both Onnwal and Ahlissa who oppose the alliance.

Do you personally know Tilva? Can you give me a physical description of her?

No, No.

Pending the answers to the questions above: I would like to buy a map of the area (or get one from the official),

That's easy, but the map is for ships, and thus is a little vague on everything except the coastline. Corbrinn is not important enough to be marked on it at all.

head to the local tavern and ask if the barkeep has heard anything unusual recently, and to ask about the region. I doubt I would mention it first, but noteworthy information: Patrol isn't back yet (families must be worrying), any traders pass through on the way to Corbrinn? Ever been? Etc... (Ask similar questions about other places in the region to diffuse suspicion). I would introduce myself as a traveling adventurer (I am assuming those are actually pretty commonplace).

Beyond what would be gained from a gather information check, you don't get much. The locals are worried about pockets of Brotherhood forces or ex-mercenaries hiding out in the hills, but that's true for much of the country, and this area is considered safer than most. The only traffic that goes along the road is locals, mainly farmers, since to get anywhere important, it's far, far easier to travel by ship.

Travel to Corbrinn will probably be by leaving the same way I came into town, circling the town from a discrete distance, and then moving on towards Corbrinn. This may change pending answers from the questions.

*2-3 days walking? (So 16-24 hours travel time? How many miles is this? Horse covers 40 miles per 8 hour walking day)

No one really knows how far it is. It's not been measured. The road isn't great, so some sections may be slower than others.

2014-03-06, 04:55 PM
Skill checks. Read the ones up to the level of the skill check the character could reasonably expect to make.

Knowledge local DC 5
Anyone familiar to the region can identify House Coriel as one of the four great merchant houses of Onnwal.

Knowledge local DC 10
Any PCs making a DC 10 knowledge local check knows that House Coriel is intimately connected to the Szek (king), and therefore to the running of the state and that the patron of House Coriel, His Grace Duke Baernan Coriel, is a powerful magician.

Knowledge local DC 15
Any PCs making a DC 15 Knowledge local check knows that this area used to be a very busy port, trading food and salt to Irongate in return for weapons and iron goods. With the depredations of the war, and the revitalisation of trade with Ahlissa, due to the recent alliance, many of the sailors and shipping have moved to the North coast.

Gather information DC 10
10 or higher – Silver Tilva was a smuggler and pirate, who often used this port to take on some crew or offload some stolen cargo. The Coriel always turned a blind eye, since she mostly raided Brotherhood ships, and occasionally brought in useful supplies.

Gather information DC 15
15 or higher – Silver Tilva is a bit of a local celebrity. She reputedly ran a few Brotherhood blockades during the war and made a name for herself as a local hero, particularly in rural areas. Now that the war is over, the authorities are more likely to see her activities as smuggling and theft. The Wreckers have been looking for her as well - they aren't keen on freelancers who don't pay their dues.

Gather information DC 20
20 or higher – Silver Tilva has lost most of her money, some through gambling, some from paying off powerful enemies. Now that House Coriel have changed their tune she's going to need a new base of operations, and it probably won't be anywhere around here. She used to live in Corbrinn down the coast, but she won't be there now - too many people looking for her, too many powerful enemies. Besides, no one has come back from the east road for several days. Something must have blocked the road...

Gather information DC 25
25 or higher – Apparently, Silver Tilva is actually back in the area, laying low, and trying to raise some cash so she can flee! Seems a bit down on her luck though. She's likely to try something drastic, taking risks just like she always does. One of these days it will all catch up with her. No one knows where to find her, but if you hear about a daring burglary in the next few days, that’s probably her.

Once characters have announced their travel plans, and specified their spells and preparation for the first day of travel, we can get going with the first encounter. Anyone flying will need to specify an altitude they'll be travelling at. High up you may be quite visible, and may have difficulty in spotting anything in the forested hills and coastline, simply because the tree canopy is quite thick. Low down is probably better for seeing paths off the main road that may indicate a settlement, and more discreet, but means you're more vulnerable to attack.

2014-03-06, 05:19 PM
Finalized prep plans:
1) Buy masterwork tools for my max ranks skills (Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate and Local). It is silly I forgot about them before.
2) The Gather Information +14 and Knowledge Local +15 checks (I will assume 11 as a reasonable roll)
3) Walk to the remote town at 40ft speed.


2014-03-06, 05:43 PM
My current item set costs 26996 GP, which leaves enough cash for a backpack, some iron rations, a bedroll, and possibly a ten foot pole, for the sake of tradition. I'm going to make a diplomacy check in the conversation with the harbormaster, and see what that yields, if anything. As I mentioned in the main thread, my spell selection and castings are reasonably specified, so I'll head out in desmodu hunting bat form at low altitude, with Jake running below and in front of me by a bit. I'll cast snowshoes on Jake before venturing forth, so my speed will be a constant 60 feet, while Jake's will be 60 feet for 8 hours, and then 50 feet for the rest of the day. I think that covers everything.

Edit: Crap. Had an excess 3rd. Circle dance is thus not on the current list, because unless I know someone involved in this (do I?), it's not all that helpful at this moment.

2014-03-06, 07:03 PM
Once characters have announced their travel plans, and specified their spells and preparation for the first day of travel, we can get going with the first encounter. Anyone flying will need to specify an altitude they'll be travelling at. High up you may be quite visible, and may have difficulty in spotting anything in the forested hills and coastline, simply because the tree canopy is quite thick. Low down is probably better for seeing paths off the main road that may indicate a settlement, and more discreet, but means you're more vulnerable to attack.
My apologies, but I read the duration of Air Walk and found it was shorter than I remembered.

Can I, instead, using Wind at Back (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/wind-at-back--4771/) and Snow Shoes (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/snowshoes--4188/) to travel towards the settlement? (Base move of 50 ft/round if riding bear, which Wind at Back doubles when traveling overland.)

If this place is difficult to find, I will prepare Lay of the Land (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/lay-land--4364/).

2014-03-06, 07:16 PM
2 prep actions:

I find it entirely implausible that Silver is at once known here, and provided critical aid, yet nobody would even know of her or have a description of her.

As such, with the harbor masters permission I will go to the docks/shadiest tavern and engage in some "diplomacy" of my own. And by "diplomacy" I mean intimidation of someone shifty. Should I just roll a die and tell you the outcome?

Second: I think it would be wiser to travel to Corinn in company, is there anyone (even a farmer) who is headed that direction?

2014-03-06, 09:07 PM
I got arbitrarily bored, so I'm going to put together relevant character sheets at random, and then link to them. Might help out with stuff. First on the list is Orcy in bat-form (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=820041). This one isn't that involved, and probably not entirely necessary, but I'm going to start putting together greenbound and augmented animals now, and that probably is.

Here's the greenbound wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=821937). Y'know, I knew that greenbound was ridiculous, but writing it all down like that, holy crap.

2014-03-07, 03:53 PM
My current item set costs 26996 GP, which leaves enough cash for a backpack, some iron rations, a bedroll, and possibly a ten foot pole, for the sake of tradition. I'm going to make a diplomacy check in the conversation with the harbormaster, and see what that yields, if anything. As I mentioned in the main thread, my spell selection and castings are reasonably specified, so I'll head out in desmodu hunting bat form at low altitude, with Jake running below and in front of me by a bit. I'll cast snowshoes on Jake before venturing forth, so my speed will be a constant 60 feet, while Jake's will be 60 feet for 8 hours, and then 50 feet for the rest of the day. I think that covers everything.

Ok, So you have no other spells pre-cast?

You set out. The first day's travel is uneventful. The road quickly degrades in quality, and Jake is definitely slowing you down. You sleep, wake up, and set off again. Anything you want to do during this period, and any changes to your travel arrangements.

Finalized prep plans:
1) Buy masterwork tools for my max ranks skills (Bluff, Gather Information, Intimidate and Local). It is silly I forgot about them before.
2) The Gather Information +14 and Knowledge Local +15 checks (I will assume 11 as a reasonable roll)
3) Walk to the remote town at 40ft speed.


Buying tools is fine.

Walking takes you the rest of the day, night falls, you camp, sleep and wake up again. Anything you want to do during that period, and any changes to your travel plans before you set off again?

My apologies, but I read the duration of Air Walk and found it was shorter than I remembered.

Can I, instead, using Wind at Back (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/wind-at-back--4771/) and Snow Shoes (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/snowshoes--4188/) to travel towards the settlement? (Base move of 50 ft/round if riding bear, which Wind at Back doubles when traveling overland.)

If this place is difficult to find, I will prepare Lay of the Land (http://dndtools.eu/spells/spell-compendium--86/lay-land--4364/).

Moving at that speed you get to what you believe is quite close to where your destination should be before night falls, and it becomes hard to track the landmarks. I'm assuming you're going to camp for the night and set off in the morning. Do you want to do anything before camping, and do you want to change anything the next morning?

2 prep actions:

I find it entirely implausible that Silver is at once known here, and provided critical aid, yet nobody would even know of her or have a description of her.

As such, with the harbor masters permission I will go to the docks/shadiest tavern and engage in some "diplomacy" of my own. And by "diplomacy" I mean intimidation of someone shifty. Should I just roll a die and tell you the outcome?

Second: I think it would be wiser to travel to Corinn in company, is there anyone (even a farmer) who is headed that direction?

To cut a long story short, you will eventually manage to get in touch with someone who may or may not from the local theives guild. They are willing to match whatever the government official pays to work for them instead.

You may have heard of this character on the loose, name of Silver Tilva. Some of us have been wanting to have a chat with her for a while now, because we ain't too keen on people who don't pay their dues. She knows it too, and she should have known better than to try and wriggle out of paying her cut. She's never made all that much, beginner’s mistakes and all that, and she's been running as much on luck as on talent. We thought it only a matter of time before she wanted in.

Trouble is, she went and got herself involved in spying for Onnwal. Well, mainly for Onnwal. Now she's running scared, and for good reason. She went a bit too far and saw a bit too much. Not only that, she made the mistake of writing some of it down. We don't know exactly what, but it's enough that everyone wants their hands on it. Everyone will want to know what she's been up to, and noone will want her to blab what she's been doing. If anyone catches up with her, she's dead meat.

We want you to find these documents she's supposed to have left behind. She won't try and get them herself - she's too scared about being found. But we don't want this information getting into the wrong hands. We don't want anyone using it to get leverage on Onnwal or the Szek. And we don't want these aristos thinking they can use people and then dump them, just because they happen to be on the wrong side of the law. You get the goods, you bring them back to us, and you'll be putting smiles on all the right faces. Be good to us and we'll be good to you. You know how these things work.

And you'll need to hurry. Give it a day or two, she'll get desperate enough to try something stupid, and it'll all be over. It's a shame, you know? She's a nice kid. We could sort this whole mess out for her if only she were one of us. But she's trusted to luck for too long, and it looks like her luck's running out.

There is noone, not even a farmer, heading in the same direction at the right time.

2014-03-07, 04:16 PM
Right. Ok given that, I'll set off on horseback shortly after getting the letter and realizing that if Corbrinn isn't on a map it would probably be a waste of time to try and charter a ship.

Oh, given that it's an estimated 2-3 days each way, I'll ask the contact to try and pass a message for Silva that if she will avoid doing anything anything hasty, some of the pressure may be off soon. (Worth a shot right?)

2014-03-07, 05:10 PM
Ok, So you have no other spells pre-cast?
Pretty much just the stuff I had listed, which is luminous armor, and heart of water, with both extended primal spells occurring the night before.

You set out. The first day's travel is uneventful. The road quickly degrades in quality, and Jake is definitely slowing you down. You sleep, wake up, and set off again. Anything you want to do during this period, and any changes to your travel arrangements.
Prior to going to sleep, I'm going to run a scry on Silver, and continue with the primal procedure, but apart from that everything is the same. The luminous armor sacrifice cost came out to 1 damage, which is irrelevant unless someone attacks me in the night, and as we are now on an even day, I have sleet storm instead of splinterbolt. That about covers it, I think.

Edit: Actually, come to think of it, I should probably run wind at back on the second day, because that seemed like a good idea. I'll swap it for enhance wild shape.

2014-03-07, 11:24 PM
Buying tools is fine.

Walking takes you the rest of the day, night falls, you camp, sleep and wake up again. Anything you want to do during that period, and any changes to your travel plans before you set off again?

Nope. Just walking.
I am using Knowledge Local with an impressive +15 to navigate. That should be high enough to know the location of the remote town right?

2014-03-08, 12:18 AM
Nope. Just walking.
I am using Knowledge Local with an impressive +15 to navigate. That should be high enough to know the location of the remote town right?

You aren't just following the road that goes to the town?

2014-03-08, 02:37 AM
You aren't just following the road that goes to the town?

I may be. I may not be. It depends on if the road is a reliable way to get to the town. Is there a single road or are there a few different paths? Is there a place where the road has eroded away? Does the road make it all the way to the remote town? The Fighter's character knowledge via Knowledge Local should guide him to his destination without fear of missing it.
The +15 might be overkill for this particular task.

2014-03-08, 02:42 AM
Moving at that speed you get to what you believe is quite close to where your destination should be before night falls, and it becomes hard to track the landmarks. I'm assuming you're going to camp for the night and set off in the morning. Do you want to do anything before camping, and do you want to change anything the next morning?

I will cast Lay of the Land before setting up camp.

Tomorrow's spell list will be my usual, with Flame Strike and Dispel Magic returning to the 4th level spell slots. I am keeping Plant Growth in a 3rd level slot, however.

Tomorrow, I will go into town and try to find whoever's in charge.

2014-03-08, 03:14 AM
On the not getting lost front, I shall make a survival check, particularly for the DC 15 not getting lost effect. I auto-pass, because druids are incidentally amazing at survival checks, with mine in particular having a +13 to survival checks, and a +15 on survival checks in aboveground natural environments, without any ranks in the skill. Cool beans.

2014-03-08, 02:55 PM
Oh, given that it's an estimated 2-3 days each way, I'll ask the contact to try and pass a message for Silva that if she will avoid doing anything anything hasty, some of the pressure may be off soon. (Worth a shot right?)

He doesn't think he'll manage it, but he'll try.

Prior to going to sleep, I'm going to run a scry on Silver, and continue with the primal procedure,

Ok, that's a DC 20 right?


That would probably succeed. You'll get an image of someone in a rather grubby sleeping bag, sleeping face down. They have ragged, unkempt black hair, with a tendency to curl. There's a backpack nearby, and a storm lantern. They're in some kind of narrow stone passageway, worked stone either side, probaly very old, and very dirty. There is a clay pipe, about 8 inches across, broken in several places, running through the middle of the corridor. The whole place looks abandoned. A ruin of some kind?

On the not getting lost front, I shall make a survival check,

There's not much chance of getting lost, with the road to follow, the coast on one side, and the hills on the other. It's finding the destination that may or may not be time-consuming. Still, most villages make themselves easy to find...

Nope. Just walking.
I am using Knowledge Local with an impressive +15 to navigate. That should be high enough to know the location of the remote town right?

No.. Which is a bit odd. You've heard of Corbrinn, vaguely, as one of the tiny poor settlements that hug the flatter land near the coast. These small settlements sometimes move around, looking for better land. They're salt farmers (flood the land, evapourate the water, sell the salt) with enough subsistance crops to get by. But you've never met anyone who actually comes from there... which is definitely a bit weird.

Still, what you do have is a good idea of where it isn't, and you know it must be coastal, so you don't expect finding it to be hard. The road is still the most direct route.

I will cast Lay of the Land before setting up camp.
Tomorrow, I will go into town and try to find whoever's in charge.

No problem. The lay of the land reveals several small paths leading to locations that might be a vilage. Follow each until you find the right spot. The easy way would be to find fields, but there doesn't seem to be much farming going on in any one spot.

2014-03-08, 03:11 PM
Wanting to move on to the next day.

Can I assume that Orcy is using the lesser rod of extend on the luminous armour and heart of water? If not, can you tell me which hours of the day you're intending to cover.

Juntao112, can you repost your sheet - I can't find it!
OldTrees1, your character sheet link doesn't work any more, can you fix?

I'm getting the following spot and listen for everyone :
Orcy 8 spot, 8 listen, low light, darkvision
Kirk 0 spot, 0 listen

2014-03-08, 03:22 PM
No.. Which is a bit odd. You've heard of Corbrinn, vaguely, as one of the tiny poor settlements that hug the flatter land near the coast. These small settlements sometimes move around, looking for better land. They're salt farmers (flood the land, evapourate the water, sell the salt) with enough subsistance crops to get by. But you've never met anyone who actually comes from there... which is definitely a bit weird.

Still, what you do have is a good idea of where it isn't, and you know it must be coastal, so you don't expect finding it to be hard. The road is still the most direct route.

That is odd, and that is weird.
Well I know about how far the journey is right? So I will be observant while following the coastal road. I will pay special notice to flat land usable for flooding.

My sheet still works for me.
ID 811374
Are you still unable to reach it? I can transcribe it into a PM if needed.

Spot +8, Listen -1 (I'm deaf, you need to speak up :oldmanface:)

2014-03-08, 03:23 PM
Juntao112, can you repost your sheet - I can't find it!http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=690632[/quote]
Sure. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=690632)

I'm getting the following spot and listen for everyone :
Orcy 8 spot, 8 listen, low light, darkvision
Kirk 0 spot, 0 listen
Spot: +10, Lisen: +10, Darkvision.

No problem. The lay of the land reveals several small paths leading to locations that might be a vilage. Follow each until you find the right spot. The easy way would be to find fields, but there doesn't seem to be much farming going on in any one spot.
Alright, I'll spend the day following up on the leads.

2014-03-08, 03:32 PM
Ok, that's a DC 20 right?

Yep. I should probably swap out the instance of scrying I have on the list for something else, as my first attempt was successful. As my list was originally running enhance wild shape, I'll make that the swap in question, and run it for the second 8 hours of the day.

Can I assume that Orcy is using the lesser rod of extend on the luminous armour and heart of water? If not, can you tell me which hours of the day you're intending to cover.
Indeed, that is what the extend next to those spells is intended to indicate. Also the primals, for obvious reasons.

Orcy 8 spot, 8 listen, low light, darkvision
Quite. Jake also has 2 of each, along with scent, if that's relevant. Also, for the second 8 hours, I'll have 120 foot blindsense, scent, and I might get a couple of other things depending on how broadly you categorize Ex abilities. The big one for this purpose would be +8 to spot and listen, with the weapon finesse (bite) as a bonus feat being vaguely plausible.

Edit: As a sidenote, I've recently noticed that chronocharm of the uncaring archmage+ring of the beast= a standard action giant crocodile. That's actually kinda awesome.

2014-03-08, 04:28 PM
Doesn't Druid scry require a natural pool of water as a focus? Or are we just saying if it's convenient for there to be one, there is?

2014-03-08, 04:36 PM
Doesn't Druid scry require a natural pool of water as a focus?
I'm pretty sure I can get around that by using create water. It's not all that clear what makes a pool of water "natural". Either way, I've established in the other thread that my town list includes scrying, and my first attempt succeeded, so I could have just done that before I left, if there's any kind of pool of water in or near the town. Another possibility is the fact that I have a pretty ridiculous survival score, so I could plausibly just find an actual pool of water. It's a problem with a lot of solutions of various levels of effectiveness, depending on how you see the spell working.

2014-03-08, 04:54 PM
Doesn't Druid scry require a natural pool of water as a focus? Or are we just saying if it's convenient for there to be one, there is?

We are on the coast. There are more natural pools than we have hp.

2014-03-08, 05:06 PM
I'm pretty sure I can get around that by using create water. It's not all that clear what makes a pool of water "natural". Either way, I've established in the other thread that my town list includes scrying, and my first attempt succeeded, so I could have just done that before I left, if there's any kind of pool of water in or near the town. Another possibility is the fact that I have a pretty ridiculous survival score, so I could plausibly just find an actual pool of water. It's a problem with a lot of solutions of various levels of effectiveness, depending on how you see the spell working.

Natural indicates it is a free standing and pre-existing pool of water. Much as might collect in the forest, or a pond.

*Survival will make sure you a collect water to drink, it doesn't make things for you (ie lakes)

We are on the coast. There are more natural pools than we have hp.

As someone who has actually lived on the coast I can tell you that is false. Besides, unless I'm mistaken, everyone followed the road. And no pool was mentioned. I'm fine with eggynack spending traveling hours trekking through the forest to find a natural pool, but it's not like looking for something that is relatively rare doesn't come at a cost.

2014-03-08, 05:13 PM
As someone who has actually lived on the coast I can tell you that is false. Besides, unless I'm mistaken, everyone followed the road. And no pool was mentioned. I'm fine with eggynack spending traveling hours trekking through the forest to find a natural pool, but it's not like looking for something that is relatively rare doesn't come at a cost.

I thought that tiny beaches are common along coasts.
I also thought that tiny beaches usually have a few pools depending on the time of day and the tide.
However you are more familiar with coastlines than I am.

2014-03-08, 05:15 PM
Natural indicates it is a free standing and pre-existing pool of water. Much as might collect in the forest, or a pond.
Not necessarily. The water is instantaneously produced, so it's just standard water, and I am a naturally existing being, so a hole produced by me is as good as any other.

*Survival will make sure you a collect water to drink, it doesn't make things for you (ie lakes)
If I find water, then it has to be coming from a location.

As someone who has actually lived on the coast I can tell you that is false.
You've traveled for 16 hours, in the air, along a coastline?

Besides, unless I'm mistaken, everyone followed the road. And no pool was mentioned. I'm fine with eggynack spending traveling hours trekking through the forest to find a natural pool, but it's not like looking for something that is relatively rare doesn't come at a cost.
No pool was mentioned, likely for the same reason that there wasn't specific mention of every ladybug or oak tree found along the way. It really feels like you're making too much of this whole thing. It's just a pool of water. I'm not seeking out a naturally occurring gold reserve or anything.

Edit: Just wrote up the greenbound giant crocodile (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=821940). It's likely to be my most common big summons.

Double-edit: Now the question is whether this qualifies as first hand knowledge of the person, which is the thing necessary for circle dance to operate. It seems plausible, though I'm not certain on that count.

Triple-edit: And here's a greenbound dire wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=821952), which is likely to be my 3rd level summons of choice. 2 is probably going to be a dire badger, because hippogriffs aren't valid targets for greenbound. This is going a lot easier since I realized that the vast majority of this information is identical between sheets, due to greenbound supplying most of the special abilities.

2014-03-08, 09:29 PM
I'm pretty sure I can get around that by using create water. It's not all that clear what makes a pool of water "natural".

Naturally occurring, rather than created by someone using a create water spell or similar. A natural pool would feature suitable plant and animal life. It's a good point. I'll assume, however, that since Orcy was travelling all day with the intention of casting this spell, that he would have located one at once during his travels. I am assuming scrying takes quite some time.

I'd also say that scrying on someone and seeing their hair for a few minutes does not qualify as 'first-hand knowledge'.

2014-03-08, 09:39 PM
Naturally occurring, rather than created by someone using a create water spell or similar. A natural pool would feature suitable plant and animal life. It's a good point. I'll assume, however, that since Orcy was travelling all day with the intention of casting this spell, that he would have located one at once during his travels. I am assuming scrying takes quite some time.
Yeah, there's a good amount of time and area being worked with here. Acquiring this information could occur on the basis of any pool of water that's close to either town, or anywhere between the first town and where I rested the first night.

I'd also say that scrying on someone and seeing their hair for a few minutes does not qualify as 'first-hand knowledge'.
Fair enough, I suppose. Ah well. Circle dance will have to wait for another day.

2014-03-08, 09:42 PM
I thought that tiny beaches are common along coasts.
I also thought that tiny beaches usually have a few pools depending on the time of day and the tide.
However you are more familiar with coastlines than I am.

If we were traveling on the beach, yes, it might be reasonable to find a tidal pool (assuming it is low tide at the time we wander onto said beach), but I was given to understand we are traveling via an inland road. Beach roads (in the modern age) get washed out all the time and require constant maintenance. In a medieval setting they are not going to exist for tiny all but unknown villages.

Not necessarily. The water is instantaneously produced, so it's just standard water, and I am a naturally existing being, so a hole produced by me is as good as any other.

If I find water, then it has to be coming from a location.

You've traveled for 16 hours, in the air, along a coastline?

No pool was mentioned, likely for the same reason that there wasn't specific mention of every ladybug or oak tree found along the way. It really feels like you're making too much of this whole thing. It's just a pool of water. I'm not seeking out a naturally occurring gold reserve or anything.

Edit: Just wrote up the greenbound giant crocodile (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=821940). It's likely to be my most common big summons.

Double-edit: Now the question is whether this qualifies as first hand knowledge of the person, which is the thing necessary for circle dance to operate. It seems plausible, though I'm not certain on that count.

Triple-edit: And here's a greenbound dire wolf (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=821952), which is likely to be my 3rd level summons of choice. 2 is probably going to be a dire badger, because hippogriffs aren't valid targets for greenbound. This is going a lot easier since I realized that the vast majority of this information is identical between sheets, due to greenbound supplying most of the special abilities.

Any pool made by a spell is not natural, so no it isn't a pool of natural water.

Water accrued via survival is akin to knowing what plants retain water and tapping them. Air travel by plane is much faster than d&d flying ability travel, you'd have to make one heck of a spot check to sight a tiny tidal pool and assuming you did it would still take away from travel time.

Lady bugs and oak trees aren't game required to facilitate scrying. If you can't find one, you can't scry.

*Just wanted to say my piece, I aquiesce to Togos ruling on the matter.

2014-03-08, 09:52 PM
Encounter 1

About a half hour after you wake, you are travelling on the road, when you catch sight of a slight rustling in the bushes and a glint of metal, from a 6' bluff overlooking the road.

This is easier to spot than to detect with listen, since the sound isn't very distinctive.

Orcy (+3 initiative), this is 50' away
Kirk (+2 initiative) this is 10' away, you're very close to the bluff
Andal (+4 initiative)this is 60' away
OldTrees1's fighter (+2 initiative), 50', and can you please give your character a name!

The other party in this encounter may be taking actions that aren't obvious, so please state what your first action will be, as if you were first to act.

2014-03-08, 09:53 PM
Water accrued via survival is akin to knowing what plants retain water and tapping them.

What about locating springs, or digging a well?

The other party in this encounter may be taking actions that aren't obvious, so please state what your first action will be, as if you were first to act.
I will ready an action to cast Obscuring Mist on myself at the sign of offensive action.

"Friend, I mean you no harm, but keep in mind that I have a very large bear behind me."

2014-03-08, 09:55 PM
Water accrued via survival is akin to knowing what plants retain water and tapping them. Air travel by plane is much faster than d&d flying ability travel, you'd have to make one heck of a spot check to sight a tiny tidal pool and assuming you did it would still take away from travel time.
I'm flying low, actually, and there's a fleshraker running as close to the ground as can be, cause he's on the ground. Seems like I'd be pretty capable of finding a pool if one existed. Also, it seems reasonably likely that there would be a pool of water near a town, cause towns need water. Given that I'm going to be near two separate towns, it seems likely that I'd be able to find at least one pool of water, especially given that I've presumably been spending a decent amount of time in the starting town, and that I have scry on my list, and the intent to use it on occasion during periods of downtime.

Lady bugs and oak trees aren't game required to facilitate scrying. If you can't find one, you can't scry.
Pretty sure I already did find one, which is the point. I think you're thinking too much about this, especially as it's not even really a rules issue.

Edit: Why do I have my initiative listed at +3? I think you're running off of the normal sheet, which has a low score, while I would, at this point in the day, be traveling as a desmodu hunting bat, which has an initiative of +12.

2014-03-08, 10:06 PM
For the encounter, I will fly to 35 feet in the air, if I'm not there already, say, "Ho there good sirs. What brings you here on this fine morn," and ready an action to cast wind wall if I see any archery action taking place. Additionally, if possible, I will either call Jake to my side, or fly into position such that Jake is below me, such that my wind wall will encompass both of us.

Edit: Here's (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=820041) the bat sheet, if you desire it.

2014-03-08, 10:31 PM
Encounter 1

About a half hour after you wake, you are travelling on the road, when you catch sight of a slight rustling in the bushes and a glint of metal, from a 6' bluff overlooking the road.

This is easier to spot than to detect with listen, since the sound isn't very distinctive.

OldTrees1's fighter (+2 initiative), 50', and can you please give your character a name!

The other party in this encounter may be taking actions that aren't obvious, so please state what your first action will be, as if you were first to act.
Name:John/Jane Smith :p
Name: Treant

Standard? Action: Intimidate: (Normal intimidate. Not demoralizing)
1d20+25 vs 1d20 + character level or Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus [if any] + target’s modifiers on saves against fear. Failure means they are treated as Friendly for 24hrs.
"Come out with your hands up! I do not have time to clean blood and guts off of my clothes today. So we are going to be friendly. Lucky you."

Move Action: Advance 40ft so the top of the bluff is 10ft away [10 horitz, 5 vertical = 10ft] & Draw my Mwk Awl Pike.

I have
Armor Spikes: Reach 5ft to 10ft
Awl Pike: Reach 25ft to 30ft
Defenses: AC 17 (flat 15), F +10, R +6, W+4 (+4 1/rd as immediate action if I consider it necessary)

2014-03-09, 08:44 AM
Encounter 1

About a half hour after you wake, you are travelling on the road, when you catch sight of a slight rustling in the bushes and a glint of metal, from a 6' bluff overlooking the road.

This is easier to spot than to detect with listen, since the sound isn't very distinctive.

Orcy (+3 initiative), this is 50' away
Kirk (+2 initiative) this is 10' away, you're very close to the bluff
Andal (+4 initiative)this is 60' away
OldTrees1's fighter (+2 initiative), 50', and can you please give your character a name!

The other party in this encounter may be taking actions that aren't obvious, so please state what your first action will be, as if you were first to act.

If I'm not first to act my first action is subject to change :)

But if I were: Is there a path up to the bluff either where I came from or ahead of me? I'd probably do a double move action, or the run action to get on top of the bluff.

It is hard to get more specific without knowing the nature of the threat (or even if it is a threat). I suppose ready a shield and my lance for an upcoming charge action (or another weapon if I've already been attacked)

My warhorse has a Spot modifier of +4 by the way, in case there's anything that would give it pause/cause for alarm. As a warhorse, it also automatically defends me (even without a command being given)

What about locating springs, or digging a well?

I will ready an action to cast Obscuring Mist on myself at the sign of offensive action.

"Friend, I mean you no harm, but keep in mind that I have a very large bear behind me."

Digging a well would take hours to reach fresh water, and for it to be fresh one needs be quite some distance from the sea. In any event, that wouldn't suffice for scrying as it isn't natural, it's man (or perhaps bear) made.

I like the verbal mention.

2014-03-10, 10:07 PM
If I'm not first to act my first action is subject to change :)
I think that's something of the point, that you are unaware of the actions or lack thereof on the part of your hidden enemies. The same could be said of your knowledge of the threat's nature, and whether it is a threat or not. Also, here is a greenbound dire badger (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=823384). I am somewhat unlikely to ever actually use this, because I suspect that 1.5 wolves is better. But there ya go.

2014-03-10, 11:46 PM
I think that's something of the point, that you are unaware of the actions or lack thereof on the part of your hidden enemies. The same could be said of your knowledge of the threat's nature, and whether it is a threat or not. Also, here is a greenbound dire badger (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=823384). I am somewhat unlikely to ever actually use this, because I suspect that 1.5 wolves is better. But there ya go.

Oh I was saying if they attacked me it would change my actions, because it wasn't revealed who went first (even assuming they are a threat)

2014-03-11, 12:09 AM
Oh I was saying if they attacked me it would change my actions, because it wasn't revealed who went first (even assuming they are a threat)
Alrighty then. I am currently hoping that they are a threat, such that I may destroy them by some means. It's been too long since I've destroyed something. I could even use that one plan where I shoot a greenbound giant crocodile in the first round of combat, and then it wall of thorns/consumes them. It's a good plan. I'm pretty sure that Orcy wants to not destroy these people, because of vague exalted based plans for the future, but destruction could still feasibly happen, I think.

2014-03-11, 06:43 AM
It looks like we have all our encounter plans. What happens next Togo?

2014-03-11, 05:42 PM
Orcy fly to 35' up, greetings, and ready to cast wind wall
Kirk move to the top of the bluff, now 10' away, ready lance
Andal 60' away, ready obscuring mist
Treant Intimidate, now 10' away


There is definitely something hiding in that bush, but it's not speaking, replying to any comments or intimidation, or taking any observable actions.

It will continue to take unseen actions for two rounds. Do any of you want to do anything more in that time?

2014-03-11, 05:47 PM
I'll just maintain my position, with the anti-archery wind wall action readied, and make sure that Jake is directly below that position.

2014-03-11, 05:57 PM
Orcy fly to 35' up, greetings, and ready to cast wind wall
Kirk move to the top of the bluff, now 10' away, ready lance
Andal 60' away, ready obscuring mist
Treant Intimidate, now 10' away


There is definitely something hiding in that bush, but it's not speaking, replying to any comments or intimidation, or taking any observable actions.

It will continue to take unseen actions for two rounds. Do any of you want to do anything more in that time?

So you're letting us know in advance that it does nothing apparent? Listen check, do I hear anything besides rustling (talking, vocal whatever?)

How big is this bush? (If I were to circle it, would I be able to see whatever this is?)

Knowledge nature (does this resemble an animal den in some way? Ie is there just some badger who doesn't want me bothering it?)

*Kirk is likely suspicious now. Scan the area (Spot check) any sign of anyone else?

If not, and he doesn't think it's the hiding spot of a wild animal, he'll put the lance away and cautiously approach with his flail drawn and tower shield readied.

*Perhaps it's just my over active imagination, but I'm beginning to suspect that what may be in the bush is actually a wounded person, slowly bleeding to death. So assuming my efforts at seeing/hearing/knowledging what it might be are for naught, Kirk will definitely move in cautiously.

2014-03-11, 10:57 PM
There is definitely something hiding in that bush, but it's not speaking, replying to any comments or intimidation, or taking any observable actions.

It will continue to take unseen actions for two rounds. Do any of you want to do anything more in that time?

If nothing happens at the start of Andal's next turn, he is going to cast Produce Flame on himself, share it with his bear, and then set fire to the bush with it.

2014-03-11, 11:31 PM
Treant Intimidate, now 10' away


There is definitely something hiding in that bush, but it's not speaking, replying to any comments or intimidation, or taking any observable actions.

It will continue to take unseen actions for two rounds. Do any of you want to do anything more in that time?

Hmm. Not responding to intimidation implies that it either doesn't know common, is unable to hear or is immune to fear.

The smart thing would be to continue on since most things that don't know common (wild animals) are unlikely to be a threat if I just leave now.

The alternative is to try undercommon while flying into visual range.

{table=Risk]|Wild Animal|Fearless Assassin
Leave|Nothing|Assassination attempt
Attack|Minor Injury|Minor Injury

Since it is more likely an animal than an assassin, Treant will continue moving on my way. However Treant will take the precaution of taking a short detour ducking behind trees for cover (just to make it harder for a possible assassin).

2014-03-12, 04:45 PM
Is Togo waiting on one or more of us, or are we all set on our moves? (I think I'm all set)

2014-03-12, 05:36 PM
Is Togo waiting on one or more of us, or are we all set on our moves? (I think I'm all set)

We are all set, but I finished mine at 11:30pm last night so Togo might not have seen it yet.

2014-03-12, 06:35 PM
I'm approximately at the readiness level that I'm going to be. I think that the wind wall plan is a reasonable one, though spontaneously murdering bush-person could feasibly lead to losing less resources.

2014-03-12, 08:16 PM
Ok, after the two rounds have past (and in one case, after the bush has been sucessfully set on fire), an unusually large badger runs out from the bush, with what looks like some hard tack* in it's mouth, and attempts to scamper off.

*Hard tack is an unispiring chewy biscuit-type substance, typically found in iron rations, i.e. emergency travel food.

People are welcome to kill the badger, but it's not hostile.

Any questions or additional actions, feel free to describe them. However, I'm going to keep things moving in the meantime.

Encounter 1 - The fake threat - Completed!


Encounter 2

Encounter 2 takes place a few hours later, following a path that may or may not lead to the elusive village.

Orcy 8 spot, 8 listen, low light, darkvision, +3 initiative
Kirk 0 spot, 0 listen, +2 initiative
Andal Spot: +10, Lisen: +10, Darkvision, +4 initiative
Treant Spot +8, Listen -1, +2 initiative

The gentle hills either side gradually rise, until you are wending your way between steep slopes in a narrow valley of green. The recent heavy rains have driven deep rivulets in the packed earth, a sign that the road has recently been a watercourse, and will become so again when the rains return. Rounding a bend in the track, the road runs along the side of a green valley, beckoning ahead with the promise of sunshine. It is here, in this beautiful place, that the first arrows begin to fall.

Everyone else
The gentle hills either side gradually rise, until you are wending your way between steep slopes in a narrow valley of green. The recent heavy rains have driven deep rivulets in the packed earth, a sign that the road has recently been a watercourse, and will become so again when the rains return. As you round a bend in the track, you notice movement flickering amongst the trees on the high slopes ahead.

About 120' feet away, under the trees, there is a small group of 3 humans and a gnome manning a tripod-mounted ballista, aimed in your direction. Because of the bushes and camoflague, any ranged attacks aimed at them get a 20% miss chance. The gnome is also claiming cover from the ballista.

The thick canopy of trees they are under will make them impossible to see if you flying above them (100% concealment). At this distance however, the angle is such that there is no problem.

Kirk, you didn't spot them, and they get a surprise round, during which they fire at you. They miss.

Kirk, can you confirm whether you are wearing a shield? If so, which one?
Orky, your sheet says that you gain bonuses 'during the second 8 hours of the day'. That hasn't been reached yet. So are you a bat yet, or not?

2014-03-12, 08:24 PM
Orky, your sheet says that you gain bonuses 'during the second 8 hours of the day'. That hasn't been reached yet. So are you a bat yet, or not?
I'm always a bat. Have been the whole time, actually, because I have 16 hours of wild shape total. The second eight hours are just when I launch a second bat form, this time with enhance wild shape. Hence my note about having much higher initiative than you listed. That's also why I was able to fly about in the first encounter, and also now. The reason I was able to call out was because of my pearl of speech set to common, incidentally. As for the current encounter, is there any location I can fly to that would be unreachable by the ballista? It would seem that there would be, given that it's apparently facing in a single direction.

2014-03-12, 09:04 PM
Encounter 1 - The fake threat - Completed! Glad I called that correctly.

Encounter 2
Everyone else
The gentle hills either side gradually rise, until you are wending your way between steep slopes in a narrow valley of green. The recent heavy rains have driven deep rivulets in the packed earth, a sign that the road has recently been a watercourse, and will become so again when the rains return. As you round a bend in the track, you notice movement flickering amongst the trees on the high slopes ahead.

About 120' feet away, under the trees, there is a small group of 3 humans and a gnome manning a tripod-mounted ballista, aimed in your direction. Because of the bushes and camoflague, any ranged attacks aimed at them get a 20% miss chance. The gnome is also claiming cover from the ballista.

The thick canopy of trees they are under will make them impossible to see if you flying above them (100% concealment). At this distance however, the angle is such that there is no problem.

I need to buy a tower shield. :smallredface:

Initial thoughts:
Artillery requires more prep work than a simple ambush. It is more likely that they are defenders than assassins. However they do have a ballista and 120ft on me.
My Demoralizing range is reach + move action so 70ft. Not a good option.
Using the canopy for 100% concealment is an option to consider.
Social skills are likely useful if these are in fact defenders rather than assassins.

My plan:
Walk forward 40ft and Talk (my weapons remain sheathed)
"Well met on this nice day. I mean neither you nor the town of Corbrinn any harm.
You _are_ defenders of Corbrinn right? I would hate to run into bandits twice in as many days.
Does Corbrinn have a blacksmith? I am looking to buy a tower shield in addition to some flour."

Social Skill modifiers:
Bluff +15 (only lying about running into bandits)
Diplomacy +6
Intimidate +25 (not intending to use unless casually mentioning beating bandits counts as an intimidate check)

2014-03-12, 09:32 PM
I can confirm I have my tower shield on from the badgering ordeal. I think it's likely I would have stowed it for further travel though, so don't count it on my AC until I ready it. (It makes little RP sense that one would travel with shield at the ready, even if mechanically it's sound)

So three men, a gnome, and a little ballista? I assume I see them now that they have missed me.

Are they wearing any equipment that I can see? (Ie heraldry)

Given the description I can't think of a reason not to charge. Absent any further details, Kirk wil ready his tower shield and lance and charge. The nearest one (presumably a human).

So this should be 2 attacks (one from me, one from my mount)

Kirks lance: +14 AB (8 BAB+1 MW +4 str+2 charge-2 tower shield+1 height) 2d8+8 damage I think.
Horse hoof: +6, +2 charging (does it get +1 height advantage?) and deals 1d6+4

How'd i do?

*i almost forgot some things!
1) Kirk, while charging will shout: "For Onnwal!" (That is the name of the country we are in correct?) this ought to convey whose side he's on, though it seems these three presumably are bandits or enemies of the state (who else would attack someone without identifying them first?)

2) assuming the nearest guy (the one attacked) dies, dodge bonus declared against whomever is nearest or armed (this may require more explanation), otherwise it's against him.

3) I forgot Kirk still has a move action after the charge, he will (if no one is threatening him) sheathe the lance as a move action and draw his flail).

Sorry, it's hard to be precise without having the scene (ie where people are standing) laid out in front of me

2014-03-13, 02:18 AM
Everyone else
The gentle hills either side gradually rise, until you are wending your way between steep slopes in a narrow valley of green. The recent heavy rains have driven deep rivulets in the packed earth, a sign that the road has recently been a watercourse, and will become so again when the rains return. As you round a bend in the track, you notice movement flickering amongst the trees on the high slopes ahead.

About 120' feet away, under the trees, there is a small group of 3 humans and a gnome manning a tripod-mounted ballista, aimed in your direction. Because of the bushes and camoflague, any ranged attacks aimed at them get a 20% miss chance. The gnome is also claiming cover from the ballista.

The thick canopy of trees they are under will make them impossible to see if you flying above them (100% concealment). At this distance however, the angle is such that there is no problem.

Andal will keep the bear behind the bend in the track and walk out into view, with a readied action to cast Obscuring Mist if they try to fire the weapon.

"Hello!" he shouts. "Fine day for a walk, isn't it?"

2014-03-13, 02:27 AM
I think I'm going to go with plan: speed-wolf. I fly forward 60 feet, activate the chronocharm of the uncaring archmage, summon 1d3 greenbound wolves by losing, let's say, omen of peril, and I'll place them 45 feet away at the end of the spell's range. The wolves will rush in and do what comes natural, which in this case is some shape of wall of thorns, because that's what would represent attacking to the best of their abilities. I'm not sure about the degree of control that I have over the wolves, but it shouldn't matter too much. I'm getting at least two 10 foot cubes of thorn power, and there are only four enemies that are close togehter. I'll actually roll for the wolf quantity, because there's a lot of variance there. [roll0]. It is likely that Jake is going on a different initiative, but when he gets actions, he'll make his approach.

2014-03-13, 02:28 AM
Ooh, all of the wolves. Yeah, that's gotta be some kinda instantaneous destruction.

2014-03-13, 05:34 PM
Oh man, now I see the restful armor feature (only 500gp), it would have been nice to spot earlier (same cost as the gem, but it also provides an effective +5 to the listen check to hear something while sleeping)

2014-03-13, 06:02 PM
Oh man, now I see the restful armor feature (only 500gp), it would have been nice to spot earlier (same cost as the gem, but it also provides an effective +5 to the listen check to hear something while sleeping)
Where's that thing? I can't see it anywhere.

2014-03-13, 06:42 PM
Where's that thing? I can't see it anywhere.

Sounds like Dungeonscape.

2014-03-13, 07:40 PM
Sounds like Dungeonscape.
So it is. That's pretty nifty.

2014-03-13, 08:17 PM
Sounds like Dungeonscape.

Yeah it is, it also has Durable Armor which is also only 500gp and protects the armor vs green slime, rusting grasp, and oozes that normally destroy metal armor. How is that not just a must have?

2014-03-13, 10:35 PM
Yeah it is, it also has Durable Armor which is also only 500gp and protects the armor vs green slime, rusting grasp, and oozes that normally destroy metal armor. How is that not just a must have?

I came out a little close on cash at 8th level. However at higher levels you are right.

2014-03-13, 10:41 PM
I came out a little close on cash at 8th level. However at higher levels you are right.
Pretty much, and that's the way with everything. 500 GP isn't much, but a chronocharm of the uncaring archmage also costs 500 GP, and I like that more, especially right now. most of the game's optimization is how efficient you can be with these resources, and the majority of those resources can be roughly translated into a GP equivalency, at least to some extent. It's all complicated and junk, but it adds up to the fact that my current druid isn't running a monk's belt and/or a belt of battle, while a leveled version of the druid inevitably would run both.

2014-03-14, 08:10 PM
Treant - 40' move, talking, get shot at by ballista. They missed. your turn to act
Kirk - how are you charging 120'? Heavy warhorses only have a move of 50'
If you want to charge, you can't do that and get your sheild out. They may be wearing some kind of device or sigil, but at this distance, you can't make it out.
Andal - you talk, they try to shoot you, your readied action goes off, They try and shoot you anyway and miss, you now can't see them. They may or may not do further actions, your turn to act.
Orky - If the wolves are using thorn walls as an attack, they'll simply cover the 4 people in thorn walls, doing damage to them directly.

I'm not clear if you can see through, shoot through, or cast spells through a wall of thorns. Any thoughts?

2014-03-14, 08:19 PM
Orky - If the wolves are using thorn walls as an attack, they'll simply cover the 4 people in thorn walls, doing damage to them directly.
That is the plan as it stands. I'm not sure if I'd even be able to control them to that extent, as they presumably just take the optimal offensive action. It's possible that wolves that take their action after all combatants are walled would take a different offensive action, like classic attacking, or even an entangle.

I'm not clear if you can see through, shoot through, or cast spells through a wall of thorns. Any thoughts?
I've never been all that sure on that count. It says that remaining motionless is how you avoid damage, though it's unclear if that purely refers to movement, or applies also to attacking. As for sight, the spell seems to imply that it's overgrowth of some variety, as creatures who can pass through overgrowth can go through the wall without taking damage, so there's some implication that it'd cause concealment, or total concealment. Then again, it's also a wall of some variety, so it may just be opaque. Man, wall of thorns is the most vague thing.

2014-03-14, 08:27 PM
Andal - you talk, they try to shoot you, your readied action goes off, They try and shoot you anyway and miss, you now can't see them. They may or may not do further actions, your turn to act.

I will cast Call Lightening and cause a lightning bolt to strike the square the ballista was in, probably catching the gnome along with it. The bolts deal 3d6 damage each, 3d10 "If you are outdoors and in a stormy area—a rain shower, clouds and wind, hot and cloudy conditions, or even a tornado (including a whirlwind formed by a djinni or an air elemental of at least Large size)."

DC 16 reflex save for half damage.

2014-03-14, 08:30 PM
I will cast Call Lightening and cause a lightning bolt to strike the square the ballista was in, probably catching the gnome along with it.
That's not really the timing on it. Call lightning has a one round casting time, so you pick the target for the bolt when it resolves. I suppose this expedites the process somewhat, though things can feasibly change between now and then. Also, it actually might be worth starting a thread for wall of thorns. That spell is oddly ambiguous.

2014-03-14, 08:44 PM
Treant - 40' move, talking, get shot at by ballista. They missed. your turn to act
Worth the risk.
I am 80' away.
Move: Move 40' while drawing my Awl Pike.
Swift: Blink forward 10'. [Anklets] Now I am 30' away
Standard: Ready a move action to demoralize the ballista crew chief(person that fires the ballista) as soon as the ballista is loaded. DC 1d20+25 or Cower 1 rd and Shaken 1 rd.

AoOs: 3 (5ft steps do not provoke)
If they try to move from 10' to 5', Trip followed by hitting them with my armor spikes.
If they provoke with a ranged attack, spellcasting or try to move from 30' to 35', hit them with my Awl Pike.

I have
Armor Spikes: Reach 5ft to 10ft
Awl Pike: Reach 25ft to 30ft
Defenses: AC 17 (flat 15), F +10, R +6, W+4 (+4 1/rd as immediate action if I consider it necessary)

I'm not clear if you can see through, shoot through, or cast spells through a wall of thorns. Any thoughts?
I would expect line of sight but not line of effect.

Question: How action intensive is talking? Can I make 2 social skill checks (like last turn) as a free action? I ask because I tend to use social skills as the opening move in an encounter.

2014-03-14, 08:45 PM


2014-03-14, 09:38 PM
Question: How action intensive is talking? Can I make 2 social skill checks (like last turn) as a free action? I ask because I tend to use social skills as the opening move in an encounter.
Yeah, that's probably also relevant for my situation, though resolving the wall of thorns thing may need to occur first. My current vague-plan involves checking whether anyone is alive, perhaps tossing a cure minor at someone who's dying if necessary, though not necessarily immediately, questioning the potentially living enemies, and then dismissing the wolves if those enemies are pretty much incapable of leaving. My logic is that Jake can probably handle enemies that leave, if they do, and the wolves are forced to attack enemies if possible, which makes questioning complicated. Also, I recall some rule about magical effects going away when the creature who created it does, though it may also not exist. Is that a thing?

2014-03-14, 11:01 PM
That's not really the timing on it. Call lightning has a one round casting time, so you pick the target for the bolt when it resolves. I suppose this expedites the process somewhat, though things can feasibly change between now and then.
The ballista probably isn't moving in one round.

2014-03-14, 11:03 PM
The ballista probably isn't moving in one round.
True enough. I just thought it might be worth noting, because it means that the action could feasibly just not resolve.

2014-03-15, 04:38 AM
Treant - 40' move, talking, get shot at by ballista. They missed. your turn to act
Kirk - how are you charging 120'? Heavy warhorses only have a move of 50'
If you want to charge, you can't do that and get your sheild out. They may be wearing some kind of device or sigil, but at this distance, you can't make it out.
Andal - you talk, they try to shoot you, your readied action goes off, They try and shoot you anyway and miss, you now can't see them. They may or may not do further actions, your turn to act.
Orky - If the wolves are using thorn walls as an attack, they'll simply cover the 4 people in thorn walls, doing damage to them directly.

I'm not clear if you can see through, shoot through, or cast spells through a wall of thorns. Any thoughts?

I'm an idiot for not noticing it's only double speed. however so you know, charging on a mount uses the mounts movement not the players, the player just gets the benefit (and penalties to AC) if the mount charges.

Revised action (mount will single move 50 with Kirk firing his composite Longbow twice, iirc that's at +12/+7 (8 BAB+2 Dex+1 MW+1 mounted)
Damage: 1d8 + 4/crit: 3d8 + 12

So no shield out, though so you know, Kirk can with a ride check requiring no action, have cover (+4 AC), however if they are busy reloading the ballista this round I suspect that won't be an issue.

*Diplomacy checks require 1 minute, Intimidate checks that aren't demoralize actions require 1 minute, bluff takes at least a full round (and is a full-round action) or longer depending on the complexity of the bluff

2014-03-15, 08:22 AM
Treant - Upon getting closer, the chief of the crew is probably the gnome. He's 5' further away than the others. Unless you can get another 5' of movement from somewhere, he's going to be out of range, and you'd have to target someone else. Note that you don't need a readied action for the ballista to be loaded - it already is loaded and is ready to fire again.

Kirk - You shoot and kill two of the humans. The other two have cover, and may be slightly harder to shoot. They fire at you with the ballista again. This time they hit and do 13 points of damage.

Andal - Ok, you see two of them move up to the edge of the mist and get out shortbows. The other two you can't see. On the next round, you have finished casting call lightning and can act again. Are you zapping with your lightning? The place where the ballista presumably still is?

Orky - All three of the wolves produce thorn walls, creating a large area of 10' thorns, and entirely obscuring the ballista and the 4 people with it from view. The wolves move up cautiously, looking for a viable target. You can't see what the enemy are doing. Your turn to act again.

2014-03-15, 11:01 AM
Togo, do you concur with the mounted combat rules? It says movement is actually done by the mount, so the player retains theirs.

Assuming yes:
Right, I'll stow my bow and as part of my move action draw my Ranseur (a reach weapon)

I believe I am still 70 feet out? My mount will double move such that I am able to threaten both the gnome and the human (ideally so the ballista isn't facing me, and they would be forced to turn it.)

With my standard action I will make a trip attack on the gnome.
Because gnomes are small, he'll get a -4 to his check.

My melee touch attack with the Ranseur is at a +14 (8 BAB+1 MW+1 mounted+ 4 str)
Opposed check is at a +8 (+4 str, +4 imp trip)
If he falls I get an immediate attack vs him. Does the gnome have weapons or gear? (If so, I might consider disarming him, otherwise I'll free action say: Surrender or die varlot! (He can respond if he likes before I make the attack yes? If he can't, I'll take the -4 (cancelled out by the +4 from his being prone) to make the damage non lethal: +14 2d4+6 damage))

If the ballista is still operational I'll take my dodge bonus vs it, or whoever is firing it. Otherwise against the human.

2014-03-15, 12:48 PM
I suppose I'll fly above the wall, which there should be sufficient movement/room for, and ask the people within the wall why they were hiding in a bush and aiming a ballista in my direction.

Edit: It might make sense to not roleplay this whole thing out, cause at the current rate of speed, that'd take something like years. Based on the outcome of this question, I'll ask more questions about who sent them, and whether they know anything. Also, if it seems like they're not pushing through the thorns with all of their might, I'll run a diplomacy check, with possibly releasing them and not murdering them as a form of incentive. But, y'know, in a friendly way. Like, "Look, I don't want to murder all of you horribly, so maybe we can come to some sort of mutually beneficial arrangement." Also included in the questioning is whether one of the trapped-folks is dying, and if they are then I'll offer to save them in exchange for a cease-fire, and also information.

Double-edit: I'm probably not doing it exactly like this if they start shooting me in the face somehow, though the plan is to position myself such that that's not possible. I do have 120 feet of movement in a round, after all, and 60 feet if that's at an upward angle, which should take me where I need to go. But, y'know, if combat is still happening, then combat. Also, I'm not sure how possible it is, but if the option exists, one of the wolves would probably launch an entangle in the absence of other methods of attack.

2014-03-15, 03:57 PM
With my standard action I will make a trip attack on the gnome.
Because gnomes are small, he'll get a -4 to his check.

My melee touch attack with the Ranseur is at a +14 (8 BAB+1 MW+1 mounted+ 4 str)
Opposed check is at a +8 (+4 str, +4 imp trip)
If he falls I get an immediate attack vs him. Does the gnome have weapons or gear? (If so, I might consider disarming him, otherwise I'll free action say: Surrender or die varlot! (He can respond if he likes before I make the attack yes? If he can't, I'll take the -4 (cancelled out by the +4 from his being prone) to make the damage non lethal: +14 2d4+6 damage))

You trip him. He has a great deal of gear, a shortsword, a sling, a club, his breastplate, a great many flasks, a hat that looks like it has pockets sewn into it, and what looks like a full tool belt. If you fancy disarming him of any of that, you're welcome to, otherwise you do 11 points of subdual. He's not responding to your challenge, although you do hear words of gnomish that, although you don't understand them, sound awfully like swear words.

If the ballista is still operational I'll take my dodge bonus vs it, or whoever is firing it. Otherwise against the human.

The ballista is still only partly loaded, since you took out half the crew. It would take another full round from someone to load it, and a standard action to fire. I'll assume you take your dodge bonus against the human.

In response, the gnome tries to stand up, provoking an attack of opportunity. Do you want to take it?

I suppose I'll fly above the wall, which there should be sufficient movement/room for, and ask the people within the wall why they were hiding in a bush and aiming a ballista in my direction.

The greenborn wolves weren't trying to capture the enemy, but kill them. There is a solid mass of thorns (10' high, the standard configuration) in three blocks of 10'by10'. Two at the front to catch the three humans, and one at the back to get the ballista and the gnome. You've now got the enemy stuck in this hedge, you're not sure if they're alive or dead, and the wolves themselves are waiting for them to come out, because they can't go in without injuring themselves quite badly.

Entangle seems like an actively bad idea, since it stops the wolves from getting close to the wall of thorns. Unless the enemy start moving, it doesn't seem worthwhile.

You can shout out to them. You won't get a response at first. Do you want to keep on trying?

2014-03-15, 04:03 PM
The greenborn wolves weren't trying to capture the enemy, but kill them. There is a solid mass of thorns (10' high, the standard configuration) in three blocks of 10'by10'. Two at the front to catch the three humans, and one at the back to get the ballista and the gnome. You've now got the enemy stuck in this hedge, you're not sure if they're alive or dead, and the wolves themselves are waiting for them to come out, because they can't go in without injuring themselves quite badly.

Entangle seems like an actively bad idea, since it stops the wolves from getting close to the wall of thorns. Unless the enemy start moving, it doesn't seem worthwhile.
That makes logical enough sense, I suppose.

You can shout out to them. You won't get a response at first. Do you want to keep on trying?
Yeah, I think I'll just hang around there for a bit, until I get some sort of response, for at least 10 minutes or so. Tossing a heal in while the wall's still up seems unfeasible, even if it's theoretically possible. I'm going to have to work out some better tactics/spells to go with this set of rules for wall of thorns at some point. I wonder how boreal wind would work. It's hurting my head a bit just thinking about it.

Edit: By the by, it's not relevant here, as I don't even have anything to do with the extra wolf actions I have now, but I'm pretty sure that three wolves casting wall of thorns produces six 10 ft. cubes, rather than three, because they have an effective CL of 2, due to their HD.

2014-03-15, 04:45 PM
Andal - Ok, you see two of them move up to the edge of the mist and get out shortbows. The other two you can't see. On the next round, you have finished casting call lightning and can act again. Are you zapping with your lightning? The place where the ballista presumably still is?
Just to confirm, but the obscuring mist is centered on me, right? Because that's how the spell works, whereas the description above seems to have it centered on the enemy.

Yes, the ballista is going to get hit. Also, I think its time to call out to Mr. Bear.

During my turn, I can call down a lightning bolt as a standard action, which I shall do and target the ballista if it is still there, and an archer if not. If I need to move to the edge of the mist to see it (which, I believe still grants me concealment), I will do so.

2014-03-15, 05:55 PM
You trip him. He has a great deal of gear, a shortsword, a sling, a club, his breastplate, a great many flasks, a hat that looks like it has pockets sewn into it, and what looks like a full tool belt. If you fancy disarming him of any of that, you're welcome to, otherwise you do 11 points of subdual. He's not responding to your challenge, although you do hear words of gnomish that, although you don't understand them, sound awfully like swear words.

The ballista is still only partly loaded, since you took out half the crew. It would take another full round from someone to load it, and a standard action to fire. I'll assume you take your dodge bonus against the human.

In response, the gnome tries to stand up, provoking an attack of opportunity. Do you want to take it?

Does a gnome... Uh yes. I believe with combat reflexes I have 3, so plenty to spare, I'll do a repeat trip attempt to nonlethal whack a gnome.

2014-03-15, 10:42 PM
Treant - Upon getting closer, the chief of the crew is probably the gnome. He's 5' further away than the others. Unless you can get another 5' of movement from somewhere, he's going to be out of range, and you'd have to target someone else. Note that you don't need a readied action for the ballista to be loaded - it already is loaded and is ready to fire again.

Oh well, then I demoralize one of the others during my turn. (Doesn't matter which) I was hoping to get close enough to stop the ballista but I guess that is not going to happen this time.

2014-03-16, 08:24 AM
Orky - you hang around for 10 mins. The wolves vanish. Nothing happens. Either everyone is dead, or they're pretending to be dead.

Edit: By the by, it's not relevant here, as I don't even have anything to do with the extra wolf actions I have now, but I'm pretty sure that three wolves casting wall of thorns produces six 10 ft. cubes, rather than three, because they have an effective CL of 2, due to their HD.

Yes, my mistake. I forgot the bit in the Wall of thorns description that says x amount of thorns times twice the CL.

Andal - Yes, you're right, the mist is over you. Ok, you move to the edge and call lightning, doing 10 points of damage to the gnome. Save is failed.

In response, they're going to shoot back. They miss due to concealment. Rather than getting out shortbows, you see the humans reloading the ballista again.

Kirk - you can't trip someone who is standing up, since your action goes off before they stand up, not afterwards. Do you want to try something else?

Treant - You demoralise one of the humans, who is now cowering. The gnome seems rather upset, and shoots you. He hits this time, for 13 points of damage. The other two humans step back 5ft and reload the ballista, the gnome screaming orders at them all the while.

2014-03-16, 10:06 AM
Treant - You demoralise one of the humans, who is now cowering. The gnome seems rather upset, and shoots you. He hits this time, for 13 points of damage. The other two humans step back 5ft and reload the ballista, the gnome screaming orders at them all the while.

I 5ft step forward keeping everyone in range (cowering human at 25ft, the rest at 30ft)
2 Move Actions: Then I demoralize the gnome and one of the other humans.
DC 1d20+25 vs Cower 1, Shaken 1

If talking enough for a single social check is a free action (or even a swift action):
To the remaining human "We all know how this is going to go down. Are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Normal Intimidate DC 1d20+25 vs "Friendly 24hrs"

AoOs will be the same as last turn. (trip at 10ft if they try to close, otherwise attack)

2014-03-16, 11:21 AM
Ok I'll just subdual damage him. Does my horse get an AOO too?

2014-03-16, 01:51 PM
Andal - Yes, you're right, the mist is over you. Ok, you move to the edge and call lightning, doing 10 points of damage to the gnome. Save is failed.

In response, they're going to shoot back. They miss due to concealment. Rather than getting out shortbows, you see the humans reloading the ballista again.

Call Lightening produces a bolt after the 1 round casting time, and lets me call down a bolt on my turn up to CL # of bolts, so by my second turn, there should have been two bolts hitting the square the ballista was in. If it is still there, I will hit it again on my next turn, likely catching whoever is reloading it. If not, target a fighter.

2014-03-16, 02:16 PM
Orky - you hang around for 10 mins. The wolves vanish. Nothing happens. Either everyone is dead, or they're pretending to be dead.
I suppose I'll just wait the remaining 10 minutes, hidden above the treeline, for the wall to stop existing.

Yes, my mistake. I forgot the bit in the Wall of thorns description that says x amount of thorns times twice the CL.
I'm mostly referring to the fact that the CL in question here is 2. Were I using the thin version of the spell, which is a possible thing, then there would be twelve wall segments of that size.

2014-03-16, 03:40 PM
Andal - Fair enough, you hit with two bolts doing 21 points for damage. The gnome fails both saves.

It is still there, so you hit it again. The gnome makes his save this time, and takes only 5 points of damage. The ballista, with hardness 5, has taken a total of 16 points of damage, and is still intact, if badly scorched.

Orky - Ok, you wait 10 minutes. The wall should now be gone. what do you do?

Kirk - I don't see why your horse couldn't take an AOO - you've already attacked the gnome, so it's obvious he's a foe.

However, combined damage from both you still doesn't take him out. He 5ft steps behind the ballista, and throws a flask of alchemist's fire at you. He hits and you take 6 points of damage, and your horse takes 2.

Then the other human 5ft steps toward you, drawing a shortsword, and tries to stab you. He misses.

Treant - You demoralise the gnome and a human. They are both cowering. The human you demoralised last round is now only shaken. Intimidation during combat is a standard action.

The two remaining humans, one shaken and one not, draw shortbows, and attempt to fire. You may take an attack of opportunity against one or both.

2014-03-16, 03:55 PM
Treant - You demoralise the gnome and a human. They are both cowering. The human you demoralised last round is now only shaken. Intimidation during combat is a standard action.

The two remaining humans, one shaken and one not, draw shortbows, and attempt to fire. You may take an attack of opportunity against one or both.

I attack both for lethal damage
1d20+7 for 1d8+4 (20/x3)

On my turn I will
Move 1: I demoralize the gnome
Move 2: Then I move up so all 3 humans and the gnome are 5 to 10ft away

All my AoOs will be
5-10ft reach: Trip: +11 melee touch, +7 Trip, +11 melee, 1d10+4 (19-20/x2)

2014-03-16, 04:16 PM
Orky - Ok, you wait 10 minutes. The wall should now be gone. what do you do?
I shall fly down in cautious fashion, and see what's going on down there. Checking the bodies, if they are corpsified, and doing elsewise if they aren't. I'll have Jake go ahead by a bit, such that he can engage in melee if it is necessary.

2014-03-16, 04:18 PM
Andal - Fair enough, you hit with two bolts doing 21 points for damage. The gnome fails both saves.

It is still there, so you hit it again. The gnome makes his save this time, and takes only 5 points of damage. The ballista, with hardness 5, has taken a total of 16 points of damage, and is still intact, if badly scorched.

Orky - Ok, you wait 10 minutes. The wall should now be gone. what do you do?

Kirk - I don't see why your horse couldn't take an AOO - you've already attacked the gnome, so it's obvious he's a foe.

However, combined damage from both you still doesn't take him out. He 5ft steps behind the ballista, and throws a flask of alchemist's fire at you. He hits and you take 6 points of damage, and your horse takes 2.

Then the other human 5ft steps toward you, drawing a shortsword, and tries to stab you. He misses.

Treant - You demoralise the gnome and a human. They are both cowering. The human you demoralised last round is now only shaken. Intimidation during combat is a standard action.

The two remaining humans, one shaken and one not, draw shortbows, and attempt to fire. You may take an attack of opportunity against one or both.

When the human misses it triggers defensive throw, so Kirk uses an attack of opportunity to trip the human, if it succeeds it is followed by a regular attack.

On Kirks turn we 5 foot step and do a full roun of attacks (both Kirk and the horse) against the gnome. Kirks first attack will be a trip attempt/subdual.

*wait how did the gnome stand (move action) and move 5 foot? Can't take a 5 foot step if the character moved any distance (standing up is moving some distance)

Assuming both gnome and human are prone (or at least not threatening) sunder attempt on one of the alchemist fire vials still on the gnome (sunder attempt as second iterative that is)

2014-03-16, 08:00 PM
Treant - you hit one and kill him. You miss the other. He fires at you and misses.

You then demoralise the gnome again, so he's cowering again.

The two remaining humans (both shaken) drop their bows and 5ft step towards you drawing shortswords, and attack. They both miss.

Orky - You go down to investigate, after signalling to Jake. A ballista bolt fires at Jake, but misses. You see the gnome, badly damaged, with three human corpses, standing behind the ballista.

Can I get a link to Jake's stats?

Kirk - People can stand and 5ft step because standing isn't movement. Stand up is one kind of move action, move is another. if you can cite something otherwise, happy to change my ruling.

You trip the human, and your regular attack kills him.

On your turn you can 5ft step around the ballista. The gnome gets cover from ballista against the horse, but not against you (because you can attack from a rear square of the large creature with your reach weapon)

You trip the gnome again, and your follow up attack does 11 points of damage. He's still alive. You then attempt to sunder one of the clay vials, but miss. The horse misses.

The gnome tries to stand up, triggering AOO from you. You hit him, and do 10 damage. He's badly damaged but still standing. The horse doesn't get an AOO because of cover. He 5ft steps away again and throws another alchemist's fire, and hits. You take 5 points of damage from this, plus 4 damage from the fire still burning from the previous round, so 9 total. Your horse takes another 2.

We need to agree on what your hp actually are, although it's not going to matter for this fight. What method are people using for hp?

Andal - Sorry, forgot their action. They're going to fire at you again, and hit, doing 13 points of damage. And then reload.

2014-03-16, 08:13 PM
Orky - You go down to investigate, after signalling to Jake. A ballista bolt fires at Jake, but misses. You see the gnome, badly damaged, with three human corpses, standing behind the ballista.

Can I get a link to Jake's stats?
Here ya go (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=817089). As for actions, I'll call out to the gnome, "You should stand down. Your allies are dead, and you will be too if you keep shooting at my friend. You can still leave here alive, if you tell me what I need to know."

2014-03-16, 08:15 PM
Treant - you hit one and kill him. You miss the other. He fires at you and misses.

You then demoralise the gnome again, so he's cowering again.

The two remaining humans (both shaken) drop their bows and 5ft step towards you drawing shortswords, and attack. They both miss.

Move: Demoralize the gnome 1d20+25
Standard: Attack one of the humans +11 melee, 1d10+4 (19-20/x2)

2014-03-16, 08:27 PM
Andal - Sorry, forgot their action. They're going to fire at you again, and hit, doing 13 points of damage. And then reload.

To make things easier for you, my actions will basically be to fry the ballista and anyone using it, then move on to other targets when the ballista is destroyed.

2014-03-16, 10:51 PM
Fair enough, don't we get a reflex save to avoid being set on fire?

Hp was 10 + con mod x 8 + 7d10, so average of 56 I think. I think this would have made me suffer a total of what 13 + 6 + 9? 28?

*the horse gets 3 attacks on a full-round full attack action by the by. I noticed you said the horse missed (singular) rather than the horse misses (plural)
2 hooves, each at +6 (1d6+4 each)
1 bite at +1, 1d4+2

Oh right and my dodge bonus is on the gnome now.

For this round I'll trip/hit normal damage, disarm him of hat (+2 bonus with Ranseur)
Horse attacks 3 times normal damage

2014-03-16, 10:58 PM
What method are people using for hp?
I'm probably just going to update the character sheet if it occurs. Working out the HP on a group of summons is a bit more difficult, if that ever becomes relevant, but working out a notation should be pretty simple.

2014-03-16, 11:54 PM
What method are people using for hp?

Each Ftr/Dru pair decided how they would do hp (just like they decided how they would do abilities).

The Orc Druid(Orky by eggynack) and the Cower Fighter(Treant by OldTrees) are both using max hp/HD for the PCs and rolled/average(I forget which) hp for the summons (as we decided earlier in posts 863-868 in the other thread).

2014-03-17, 12:31 AM
rolled/average(I forget which) hp for the summons (as we decided earlier in posts 863-868 in the other thread).
I'm running it average at the moment. Rolling seems like it could become onerous, especially for the big group summons.

2014-03-17, 12:45 AM
I'm running it average at the moment. Rolling seems like it could become onerous, especially for the big group summons.

Yeah. Average is a good way to do the summons. (also it matches how you did your companion)

2014-03-18, 09:05 AM
Orky - The gnome spends the round reloading. It looks like a slow job, so you're not sure how close he is to finishing. Only the gnome is left.

Treant - you demoralise the gnome. You kill the human. You're up to act again. Only the gnome is left.

Andal - Moving into time-saving assumptions mode.. You blast the ballista and the gnome, gnome fails save, both are still alive. The ballista fires at you and hits, doing 14 points of damage. The two humans reload. You blast the ballista again, breaking it, and the gnome collapses. The two humans look at eachother, pull out shortbows, and fire at you. They both miss. What now? Only the humans are left.

Kirk - No, you get set on fire automatically, and then you can take an action to try and put yourself out by taking a reflex save.

The horse missed all three times.

This round, your first blow fells the gnome. All you enemies are down. You take a last 3 points of damage as the fire on you burns out. (before you have a chance to put out the fire yourself).

Combat complete . Let me know what else you want to do, and how long you're willing to spend doing it.

2014-03-18, 01:25 PM
Andal - Moving into time-saving assumptions mode.. You blast the ballista and the gnome, gnome fails save, both are still alive. The ballista fires at you and hits, doing 14 points of damage. The two humans reload. You blast the ballista again, breaking it, and the gnome collapses. The two humans look at eachother, pull out shortbows, and fire at you. They both miss. What now? Only the humans are left.

If my calculations are ocrrect, I have 4 lightning bolts left. I think that I'll sic the bear on them on my turn, launch a bolt at one of the humans, and retreat into the mist so they can't see me.

2014-03-18, 01:32 PM
Orky - The gnome spends the round reloading. It looks like a slow job, so you're not sure how close he is to finishing. Only the gnome is left.
In that case, "Jake (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=817089): attack!" And so he does. Tis a tragedy.

2014-03-18, 05:18 PM
It isn't possible that he's dead unless I crit for over 20 damage.

He had 11 points of nonlethal, so he should be unconscious when his hit points remaining are less than that.

In any event, I want to search the bodies, and assuming he isn't actually dead, tie him up, heal myself, heal him, and interrogate him

(Using my belt to heal myself for 2d8 is a standard action. Also inspection of the ballista, any banner/insignia?)

*By heal him, I mean make a heal check. No way am I burning resources on this guy.

2014-03-18, 05:22 PM
Andal - He fails his save, and dies, and you step back into the mist as the bear closes in. Unfortunately, the mist immediately disperses (4 rounds). Leaving you to watch as your bear chases the human into the forest.

Orky - Jake can't charge because the ballista is blocking the nearest square that is adjacent to the target. That will give him one attack with a claw, which will hit, doing 7 damage. You've not given me stats for the poison, but it looks like he'll make his save (this time).

In return he 5ft steps behind the ballista, and throws alchemist's fire at Jake. He hits, and Jake takes 5 points of damage, and is on fire.


Potentially a controvertial round, so let me know if any of the rulings seems unreasonable.

2014-03-18, 05:23 PM
Treant - you demoralise the gnome. You kill the human. You're up to act again. Only the gnome is left.

Standard: Normal Intimidate DC 1d20+25 vs 24hrs of being friendly

Ask why they attacked me.
If they were bandits -> Demoralize and slay the gnome. Quickly loot.
If they were sent to attack me -> Find out more about who sent them and why. Then ???.
If they were defenders of the town -> Apologize. Try to stabilize his friends (if any are alive/dying). Lecture him about shooting first. Offer to help bury his friends. Then let him go. Do not loot.
If something else -> ???

Stabilize: Heal check 1d20-1 vs DC 15.
"Try to stabilize" means repeat heal checks until they are stable or dead
Encounter 2: 13 damage

2014-03-18, 05:36 PM
It isn't possible that he's dead unless I crit for over 20 damage.

I meant to write down. I've altered the post accordingly.

In practice, two of the humans are alive as well (the ones you shot). However, both of those will die, since you don't have the heal skill to stop them bleeding.

In any event, I want to search the bodies, and assuming he isn't actually dead, tie him up, heal myself, heal him, and interrogate him

(Using my belt to heal myself for 2d8 is a standard action. Also inspection of the ballista, any banner/insignia?)

You can heal yourself for 9 hp whenever you want. Who do you want to heal, and how many charges are you using.

They do have an insignia, which looks like a military group of some kind. You don't recognise it, unless you have some knowledge skill I don't know about.

Gnome description
The gnome wears hard boots, heavy leather trousers, a padded, soot-stained green jerkin, and thick scarred leather gloves. Tindertwigs have been thrust through the lining of his long red woollen cap for easy access, and his clothing bulges with strange pouches, pockets, and small devices on strings, most of them sulphurous and primed to explode.

Human descriptions
While their equipment is clean and reasonably well cared for, they care little for personal hygiene, and much of their clothing shows signs and stains of having been looted from the corpses of better-dressed men.

You find the following:

3* breastplate, Shortsword, composite shortbow (+1str), quiver, 20 arrows, knife
1* Masterwork shortsword, masterwork breastplate, 8 x alchemical fire, tindertwigs, Masterwork Ballista

2014-03-18, 05:38 PM
Orky - Jake can't charge because the ballista is blocking the nearest square that is adjacent to the target. That will give him one attack with a claw, which will hit, doing 7 damage. You've not given me stats for the poison, but it looks like he'll make his save (this time).
Sounds fair enough on the first count. On the second, it looks like the DC would be 18, due to the +2 from the 4 extra HD, and another +2 from ability focus.

In return he 5ft steps behind the ballista, and throws alchemist's fire at Jake. He hits, and Jake takes 5 points of damage, and is on fire.
In that case, if possible, I'll have Jake continue his attack, presumably with a 5-foot step+full attack.

2014-03-18, 05:42 PM
Standard: Normal Intimidate DC 1d20+25 vs 24hrs of being friendly

That would take 10 rounds of interaction. (One minute)

2014-03-18, 06:10 PM
Sounds fair enough on the first count. On the second, it looks like the DC would be 18, due to the +2 from the 4 extra HD, and another +2 from ability focus.

In that case, if possible, I'll have Jake continue his attack, presumably with a 5-foot step+full attack.

Hm.. How is it that Jake has 4 feats for an 8HD creature? The fleshraker listing I have only has 2 at 4 HD. And why is his claw attack only +10, rather than +11?

Jake can 5ft step and full attack, but the gnome will have cover. That will result in a claw hit and a tail hit, for 7 and 6 damage, total 13. He gets poisoned again, and this time fails his save, and takes 3 dex damage. In response, he 5ft steps away, and throws another alchemist's fire. He will miss, doing 2 points of damage to Jake and the ballista, and Jakes takes 4 points of damage from the fire last round, for a total of 6.

2014-03-18, 06:16 PM
That would take 10 rounds of interaction. (One minute)

Then I will use frequent Demoralization to keep the gnome there while I try to stabilize the humans.

Then I will continue Demoralizing once per round for the 10 rounds of interaction needed for the Intimidate check. (That would take 20 rounds right?)

I need to buy rope when I reach the town. Having a rope would have cut that time down.

2014-03-18, 06:22 PM
Hm.. How is it that Jake has 4 feats for an 8HD creature? The fleshraker listing I have only has 2 at 4 HD. And why is his claw attack only +10, rather than +11?
It's probable that the first thing was a mistake. I think I'll remove multiattack, as that didn't make a whole lot of sense when you get it for free later. As for the second point, that part seems correct. +6 BAB, and +4 from strength mod.

Jake can 5ft step and full attack, but the gnome will have cover. That will result in a claw hit and a tail hit, for 7 and 6 damage, total 13. He gets poisoned again, and this time fails his save, and takes 3 dex damage. In response, he 5ft steps away, and throws another alchemist's fire. He will miss, doing 2 points of damage to Jake and the ballista, and Jakes takes 4 points of damage from the fire last round, for a total of 6.
I'm not really sure how the gnome is getting cover in this case. Jake presumably began the last round adjacent to the gnome, so I don't really know what 5-foot step on the gnome's part would cause Jake to be unable to assume a position that leads to no cover. In the meantime, the battle seems to be enough in Jake's favor that I'll just continue the current plan of attack without intervening.

2014-03-18, 06:33 PM
Andal - He fails his save, and dies, and you step back into the mist as the bear closes in. Unfortunately, the mist immediately disperses (4 rounds). Leaving you to watch as your bear chases the human into the forest.

Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm) lasts for 8 minutes.

Once the coast is clear, I will use my wand of healing and heal myself with 5 charges.


I am at 57 HP and feeling great. I shall call the bear back to me, loot the corpses prepare the dead for a proper burial, and continue on my way. Can I assume that they carry the same gear as was described above?

2014-03-18, 06:36 PM
I meant to write down. I've altered the post accordingly.

In practice, two of the humans are alive as well (the ones you shot). However, both of those will die, since you don't have the heal skill to stop them bleeding.

Stabilizing them is only a DC 15, so in 4 attempts it's likely that at least one will succeed. (No ranks are required to use heal) That being the case, I'm willing to try.

You can heal yourself for 9 hp whenever you want. Who do you want to heal, and how many charges are you using.

I'll use two charges on myself 18 hp total, and one on my faithful stallion.

They do have an insignia, which looks like a military group of some kind. You don't recognise it, unless you have some knowledge skill I don't know about.

Nope, I was hoping it might be a common knowledge thing. I'll take the time to salvage an insignia.

Gnome description
The gnome wears hard boots, heavy leather trousers, a padded, soot-stained green jerkin, and thick scarred leather gloves. Tindertwigs have been thrust through the lining of his long red woollen cap for easy access, and his clothing bulges with strange pouches, pockets, and small devices on strings, most of them sulphurous and primed to explode.

Human descriptions
While their equipment is clean and reasonably well cared for, they care little for personal hygiene, and much of their clothing shows signs and stains of having been looted from the corpses of better-dressed men.

You find the following:

3* breastplate, Shortsword, composite shortbow (+1str), quiver, 20 arrows, knife
1* Masterwork shortsword, masterwork breastplate, 8 x alchemical fire, tindertwigs, Masterwork Ballista

I'll take the bow, arrows, MW shortsword, 8 alchemical fires, knife, and tinder twigs.

Assuming only the gnome lives, I sling him over my horse (tied up, hands and legs bound).

I forget what time of day it is, but I suppose I'll continue on my way, stopping if the gnome wakes up, and using my scope to scan for anyone else whenever there's a good distance visible.

2014-03-19, 09:03 AM
Treant - Interaction means social interaction - making someone stand frozen in fear doesn't qualify.

Orky - The gnome is standing next to a ballista, a 5' by 5' object/barrier. by 5ft stepping around the ballista, he can always keep a corner of the ballista between himself and Jake. Unless Jake were to move more than 5ft, in which case he wouldn't be able to full attack.

Andal - obscuring mist is dispersed in 4 rounds in a moderate wind.

Yes, you can assume that the gear is the same

Kirk - You did very little damage to the two humans you shot with arrows, so you can stabalise them both. The other human is dead though.

2014-03-19, 11:29 AM
Treant - Interaction means social interaction - making someone stand frozen in fear doesn't qualify.


Since I forgot to buy rope, I just slay the gnome and CdG the fallen bodies.
I loot any ranged weapon other than the ballista, any armor, any magic items, and any non-weapon non-armor loot.

Edit: Assuming the gear is the same, I loot the following
composite shortbow (+1str), quiver, 20 arrows, 3 breastplates, 8 x alchemical fire, tindertwigs

2014-03-19, 12:37 PM
Orky - The gnome is standing next to a ballista, a 5' by 5' object/barrier. by 5ft stepping around the ballista, he can always keep a corner of the ballista between himself and Jake. Unless Jake were to move more than 5ft, in which case he wouldn't be able to full attack.

I suppose. I'll maintain the current battle plan anyway.

2014-03-19, 02:34 PM
Yes, you can assume that the gear is the same

Then I'm done. See you at the next challenge.

I'll take:
3 breastplates, Shortsword, composite shortbow (+1str), quiver, 20 arrows, knife, 1 Masterwork shortsword, masterwork breastplate, 8 x alchemical fire, tindertwigs.

The bear should be able to carry that.

2014-03-19, 04:36 PM
Kirk - You did very little damage to the two humans you shot with arrows, so you can stabalise them both. The other human is dead though.

I would like to revise what I take to include everything.

My horse is more than capable of dragging a light (400lb) or heavy (2000lb) ballista and carrying myself, the gnome, and my newly liberated gear.

I will leave the two humans loosely bound in twine under the tree with the knife.

So, with that, we will depart on our way to the village.

*how is all this stuff getting carried by a bear? Does it have saddle packs?

2014-03-20, 03:53 PM

Ok, you hit for 9 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 10 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 9 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then miss and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 10 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 9 damage and kill the gnome.


Jake 5ft steps and attacks again, hitting once with a claw and once with a bite, doing 7 points of damage and 6 points of damage. The gnome makes his save, and then he falls over.

Feel free to take any other actions you wish. The loot is the same for all characters.

2014-03-20, 04:17 PM

Jake 5ft steps and attacks again, hitting once with a claw and once with a bite, doing 7 points of damage and 6 points of damage. The gnome makes his save, and then he falls over.

Feel free to take any other actions you wish. The loot is the same for all characters.
First, I'm going to call off Jake, keeping him within attacking range and see if I can tell what the gnome's status is. If he's just dead, then I'll head off, but if he's in dying condition, I'll toss a cure minor his way. If it turns out he's in some other state, then I suppose I'll do some third thing. If he's communicative, then I'll communicate with him, asking him who he's working for, and running a diplomacy check. I'll leave the loot afterwards, apart from the insignia. Afterwards, if there are no encounters between now and the end of this wild shape's duration, at the end of that duration I'll return to my normal form, toss a single charge of lesser vigor Jake's way, cast enhance wild shape, and continue along. Otherwise, what happens shall happen as it happens.

Incidentally, it's possible that you've been calculating Jake's iteratives incorrectly, though I do not know if it's come up before now. In particular, Jake is only capable of using either a bite or a tail attack against a single opponent in the same round, which generally means claw/claw/tail unless there're two opponents in range. In any case, if the gnome is actually alive, then I'll run the same combat sequence as before unless the gnome does something substantially different.

2014-03-20, 05:33 PM

Ok, you hit for 9 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 10 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 9 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then miss and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 10 damage and demoralise the gnome.
You then hit for 9 damage and kill the gnome.

Feel free to take any other actions you wish. The loot is the same for all characters.

I kill each downed foe (3 humans and 1 gnome)
I loot the following (composite shortbow (+1str), quiver, 20 arrows, 3 breastplates, 8 x alchemical fire, tindertwigs)
I continue on to town

Current shopping list:
Tower Shield

Current damage: 13

2014-03-20, 06:52 PM
Incidentally, it's possible that you've been calculating Jake's iteratives incorrectly, though I do not know if it's come up before now. In particular, Jake is only capable of using either a bite or a tail attack against a single opponent in the same round, which generally means claw/claw/tail unless there're two opponents in range. In any case, if the gnome is actually alive, then I'll run the same combat sequence as before unless the gnome does something substantially different.

Excellent point, the gnome would have lasted an extra turn, and thus done Jake an extra 6 points of damage, then Jake would have taken him down, and then Jake would have taken an extra 3 points before he could put the fire out. So same result, but 9 more hp off Jake.

Anyone who wants to do more actions may do so, but I'll keep things going by starting the next challenge.

2014-03-20, 07:08 PM
Excellent point, the gnome would have lasted an extra turn, and thus done Jake an extra 6 points of damage, then Jake would have taken him down, and then Jake would have taken an extra 3 points before he could put the fire out. So same result, but 9 more hp off Jake.

In that case, I'll make that two charges.

2014-03-20, 07:09 PM
Encounter 3 Arrival at Corbrinn

Eventually, you manage to find the village.

You top the rise of the hill, and behold the village lying below. A small fishing village like so many along the coast, the scene looks calm, even serene. The settlement is quiet, the roads and tracks empty, and the smoke of hearth fires leaves a thin trail in the air above each house. But the peace is deceptive. The streets are deserted, every door tightly shut, every window shuttered. A patrol of twelve soldiers can be seen in the distance, wending its way past the outermost houses, and up into the forested hills. Another patrol is striking off along the coast in the opposite direction, a pair of yapping hounds in tow. This is not the peace of rural serenity, but a village held paralysed under the heel of military might. In a place that might be noisy with busy people, all is quiet, save for the rhythmic crashing of the waves upon the shore, and distant sound of a patrol, searching the hills for intruders like yourselves.

While there are soldiers in and around the village, no one appears to be on watch.

The village seems well-tended and prosperous and has the following features:
A tavern
A tidal mill
A cobbled central square with some kind of small stone ornament in the middle
The docks - literally just a place to pull up boats for repair, and some ramps on wheels for loading
A temple

2014-03-20, 07:14 PM
First, I'm going to call off Jake, keeping him within attacking range and see if I can tell what the gnome's status is. If he's just dead, then I'll head off, but if he's in dying condition, I'll toss a cure minor his way.

You cure minor him.

If he's communicative,...

Not really. He just yells at you to start with, and then he's paralysed by the secondary damage from Jake's venom. He's not dying any more, but he'll be out until he gets some dex back.

2014-03-20, 08:52 PM
Encounter 3 Arrival at Corbrinn

Eventually, you manage to find the village.

You top the rise of the hill, and behold the village lying below. A small fishing village like so many along the coast, the scene looks calm, even serene. The settlement is quiet, the roads and tracks empty, and the smoke of hearth fires leaves a thin trail in the air above each house. But the peace is deceptive. The streets are deserted, every door tightly shut, every window shuttered. A patrol of twelve soldiers can be seen in the distance, wending its way past the outermost houses, and up into the forested hills. Another patrol is striking off along the coast in the opposite direction, a pair of yapping hounds in tow. This is not the peace of rural serenity, but a village held paralysed under the heel of military might. In a place that might be noisy with busy people, all is quiet, save for the rhythmic crashing of the waves upon the shore, and distant sound of a patrol, searching the hills for intruders like yourselves.

While there are soldiers in and around the village, no one appears to be on watch.

The village seems well-tended and prosperous and has the following features:
A tavern
A tidal mill
A cobbled central square with some kind of small stone ornament in the middle
The docks - literally just a place to pull up boats for repair, and some ramps on wheels for loading
A temple

Well then. Did the gnome wake up so I could interrogate him? He should heal 1d6 nonlethal per hour, so maybe 2-3 hours in transit ought to be enough.

Intimidate check: +6, I would imagine there would be a circumstance bonus from his being tied up and without any equipment.

Who is he, what were they doing, what's going on in the village?

If he refuses to talk I will level with him that his only hope is to answer.

If he does not comply, Kirk takes him off the side of the road out of sight, gives him one last chance to comply and then cuts his throat.

If at any point he complies, chances are good Kirk ties him up, gags him and levels him in a bush, letting him know if he is quiet then animals may not notice him, and Kirk promises to take him into custody afterwards.

Also assuming he's been tipped off, Kirk ditches the ballista somewhere out of sight from the road.

Regarding the town: spy glass check on those soldiers, are they wearing be same patches as those at the ballista? Are there villagers present? Is there anyone like me apparently visible who is being visibly NOT bothered by these presumable invaders?

I will try to find cover/concealment, preferably off the road and observe the town with my spy glass.

What sign on the temple? How far is the temple from my position?

*in the event nobody responds before the 22nd, see you all on the 29th or there abouts

2014-03-21, 12:40 AM
Encounter 3 Arrival at Corbrinn

Eventually, you manage to find the village.

You top the rise of the hill, and behold the village lying below. A small fishing village like so many along the coast, the scene looks calm, even serene. The settlement is quiet, the roads and tracks empty, and the smoke of hearth fires leaves a thin trail in the air above each house. But the peace is deceptive. The streets are deserted, every door tightly shut, every window shuttered. A patrol of twelve soldiers can be seen in the distance, wending its way past the outermost houses, and up into the forested hills. Another patrol is striking off along the coast in the opposite direction, a pair of yapping hounds in tow. This is not the peace of rural serenity, but a village held paralysed under the heel of military might. In a place that might be noisy with busy people, all is quiet, save for the rhythmic crashing of the waves upon the shore, and distant sound of a patrol, searching the hills for intruders like yourselves.

While there are soldiers in and around the village, no one appears to be on watch.

The village seems well-tended and prosperous and has the following features:
A tavern
A tidal mill
A cobbled central square with some kind of small stone ornament in the middle
The docks - literally just a place to pull up boats for repair, and some ramps on wheels for loading
A temple

Sounds like trouble from a well armed, well funded source.

I am going to turn find a place for my bear to hide outside of town, turn into a small bird, and fly into town to do some reconnaissance. I am going to try and get into the temple to see what god it is dedicated to and if there is a priest I can talk with.

2014-03-21, 12:50 AM
Encounter 3 Arrival at Corbrinn

Eventually, you manage to find the village.

While there are soldiers in and around the village, no one appears to be on watch.

The village seems well-tended and prosperous and has the following features:
A tavern
A tidal mill
A cobbled central square with some kind of small stone ornament in the middle
The docks - literally just a place to pull up boats for repair, and some ramps on wheels for loading
A temple

Yeah now I assume the ballista crew was part of this military force. Probably either Ahlissa or the Brotherhood. Knowledge Local +15

This calls for stealth. Something Treant is not very good at (Hide +1, Move Silently +1, Winged Flight).

The tavern is probably a makeshift barracks.
The central square has no cover.
The docks are a key strategic point.
The temple might be used as a sick bay (although nobody should be injured yet)
The tidal mill seems of little strategic significance.

What time is it?
What is the racial mix of the soldiers I saw?

I try to find cover downwind and away from the path while considering my next step (preferably up in a tree).

2014-03-21, 03:32 AM
You cure minor him.

Not really. He just yells at you to start with, and then he's paralysed by the secondary damage from Jake's venom. He's not dying any more, but he'll be out until he gets some dex back.
Alrighty. I'll just leave him there then, I suppose, and head onwards to the town area. What's the timing situation here? I probably wouldn't want to start flitting about as a bat at noon. In any case, I'm strongly considering running plan: ultimate listen check. Assuming that this is taking place in the second half of the day, I'm going to leave the town behind by a decent amount of distance, and start seeking out bird friends, having them follow me about at a reasonable distance. I have 120 foot blindsense, which should help quite a bit with that, and I'm running a wild empathy check of +10, due to the coolness that is bully animal.

I'm also going to dismiss luminous armor, because that's almost certainly the most conspicuous thing ever. As a result, the wild empathy check is actually going to have a modifier of either +10 or +9, depending on how I do on the following strength damage roll: [roll0]. My plans for the morn, including new list construction, are likely reliant on how successful my bird seeking mission is. I don't know if this is actually the best plan, but it is certainly simultaneously the coolest and cheesiest plan I've thought of, which probably makes it the best plan, in and of itself.

2014-04-26, 09:27 AM
So, Togo, are we continuing or can we just conclude the Fighter has accomplished all the goals the Druid did with no problems whatsoever?