View Full Version : In need of some decision making

2014-03-07, 10:36 AM
So as I was making my character (was just going to be a Wu-Jen) my dm sprung on me the events that will be taking place in the campaign and a caveat that each character starts at lvl 2 crossclassed (lvl1/lvl1). Now at this, I started to build my character as a Wu-Jen/Warlock with Eldritch Theurge in mind. But as I started making the character, I had really started to debate if I should instead do a Wu-Jen/Shadowcaster with Noctomancer in mind, a Wu-Jen/Binder with Anima Mage in mind (though I do have a few issues alignment wise with this, as my significant other is playing a Pallidan (of freedom)/Ranger), and lastly I was thinking of Wu-Jen/Truespeaker with the goals of prestiging into Geometer.

The idea of the character is going to be someone who focuses on passive defense/offense, pacifistic ends, is about tapping in the secrets of magic, and I have some unhealthy obsession with my spellbook (which I am going to make an actual physical copy of to keep my characters spells learned in it, including whichever her off class spell/spell like abilities are). My only problem with the Eldritch Theurge path is I don't know if I want the inhuman blood feel to the character, but it is still an option. I am not trying to power build, so that isn't even in mind (though it might be something I should have in mind unfortunately due to the fact that it will be 3 characters, each with 2 classes, going against de-evolved dragons trying to destroy a walled city which is one of the last refuges of humanity). Another thing that I am trying to keep in mind is I am trying to keep my character down to a max of 3 books not counting the PH (currently I am using the Complete Mage and Complete Arcane, though if I go with the others, obviously I will be adding Tome of Magic), plus I am avoiding anything that grants draconic blood/draconic feel to the character.

2014-03-07, 11:02 AM
Wu Jen/Binder is oozing with flavor and would be my personal choice. Aside from the mechanical synergy, the interplay between Taboos and Influences will quickly make you the quirkiest person in the party. You can also be any alignment and thus avoid clashing with your paladin S.O. You will need the Anima Mage adaptation on ToM 53 to relax the alignment restrictions however.

I would avoid Truenamer unless you plan on using a fixed version.

2014-03-07, 11:16 AM
Wu Jen/Binder is oozing with flavor and would be my personal choice. Aside from the mechanical synergy, the interplay between Taboos and Influences will quickly make you the quirkiest person in the party. You can also be any alignment and thus avoid clashing with your paladin S.O. You will need the Anima Mage adaptation on ToM 53 to relax the alignment restrictions however.

I would avoid Truenamer unless you plan on using a fixed version.

I just talked to my DM about if I can use the adaptation, and he said I could. That fixes the only big problem I had with this combination! Thank you for your suggestion, and I have to say it was a really good one!

And I didn't know that truenamer was broken, I never got to play one yet, and I bought the book when it was new lol.

2014-03-07, 11:20 AM
Glad to help!

And I didn't know that truenamer was broken, I never got to play one yet, and I bought the book when it was new lol.

Zaq's handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214115) will tell you just about everything you need to know.

2014-03-07, 11:36 AM
Glad to help!

Zaq's handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214115) will tell you just about everything you need to know.

ah lol, makes sense now lol