View Full Version : Star Wars Saga: The Altar of the Force [IC]

2014-03-07, 10:51 AM
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjMNNpIksaI)


It is a dark time for the Galaxy. Eleven years ago the Sith Empire reappeared, and with a series of devastating attacks brought the Republic to its knees. Now an uneasy peace holds the two sides at bay, but tensions are rising, and small fires of war are beginning to burn across the galaxy.
In the midst of this turmoil a new quest begins. Jedi and Sith alike felt something in the Force, a Call, dragging them towards some unknown goal, and promised power. Everyone who heard it abandoned their work and raced to be the first there.
But there is more to this Call than there appears. Something sinister and dark is playing with forces beyond their control, and Jedi and Sith alike will be caught up in the storm that it unleashes. The first steps into this storm happen even now, as the Called arrive above a strange planet in the Deep Core...

A planet hangs beneath a blue-green sun. The Dark Side flows across its surface, and then outwards into space, reaching, reaching, calling.
A great shape comes over the horizon. Three blades around a central ball, it rotates as it floats over the planet. As the ripple of a hyperspace entry forms in the outer system the ship vanishes.

As the swirling vistage of hyperspace fades you emerge into a system. The Force has led you here, through twists, turns, and perilous jumps. At several stages you have seen other ships, but none stayed long enough to talk. Now that you fly towards a blue-green planet you can see other ships flocking around it. The Call emanates from there. You have reached the end.
A light blinks on the console; there is a new message. At the same time Marco' comlink beeps; he has also received a new message. Evidently they were waiting for you to drop out of hyperspace before being sent.
As the messages arrive so too does the feeling of something being wrong. So much Dark Side energy pours off of the planet below that it physically hurts to be there, even for Marco.

The Conqueror drops out of hyperspace. As the swirls fade you see a blue-green planet hanging there. A blue-green sun burns not too far off, casting the whole system in an eerie glow.
The Call comes from this place. And you can see that you are not the only one to answer it. Below dozens of ships fly, swarming the planet. Evidently those other ships you've been seeing during the last few stops between jumps were all coming here. Explains why they didn't wait to talk.
Another moment's pause, and then you feel it. The Dark Side. It is strong on the planet below. Very strong. The whole planet acts like a beacon of hatred, rage, and suffering.

The music turns off as your seat snaps back to its normal pre-set position. The hyperspace lines fade and turn back to regular stars as you appear over a new world. The blue-green sun bathes everything in a sickly light, almost as sickly as the palpable wave of Dark Side energy coming from the planet below, and the insistent ringing of the Call, dragging you towards that same planet.
Other ships flit through space, some exchanging blaster fire, but most just flying. It seems that for some reason none are landing.

"Master, I can feel the energy. There is so much power there. So tempting"
Your Padawan speaks even before the hyperspace lines fade to stars.
And then you feel it too; a wave of Dark Side energy pouring off the planet below you. Blue-green in the blue-green sun it is surrounded by ships. They all appear to be waiting, but for what you cannot say. The Call is coming from there.

The Fool's Errand drops out of hyperspace as close to the planet as you can get it. There is no time to lose in this race.
But to your surprise your piloting has bought you no time; there is already a large fleet gathered there, with more ships still dropping in.
But strangely enough, the Call comes from behind you, from the middle of space, not from the planet itself.
The planet in question is pretty enough bathing in the glow of the blue-green sun. The only problem with it is the fact that waves of Dark Side energy are pouring off of it.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-07, 11:37 AM
Adalric Dooku takes a long, deep breath, shutting his eyes as waves of dark side energy rush over him. He observes the system through his scanners, wondering what kind of cruelty had befallen this beautiful place to make it such a home for evil. He feels a brief bout of nausea as the magnitude of the suffering that must have been necessary to create this much dark power washes over him. Yet again, he is glad he is the only being on this ship that can perceive the Force.

"You don't know how lucky you are sometimes," Adalric comments offhandedly to the pair of astromechs manning the cockpit with him. Used to this, they do not respond. He sets Honor's Bite on autopilot, ordering it to hold back and wait while he meditates, trying to discern what to do next.

As the Jedi is lost in thought, the droid at the sensor station, T3-186, begins to beep frantically. Adalric check his own scanners. Sure enough, a massive, oddly-shaped ship has come out of hyperspace in the system. After a moment of thought, he sets his ship on a slow, roundabout intercept course for the new arrival. Adalric intends to let some of the others get there first, and then follow them in when they've proven it is somewhat safe or else shown the locations of the defensive batteries.

2014-03-07, 12:39 PM
A blockade. Kahla gives a little smile. She might not have expected so many, so soon, but the large motley fleet around the planet just means more fun for her. Without missing a beat, Kahla flips on the shield generators and turns the Errand away from the planet, moving obliquely towards the source of the Call.

"Otto, let's get a look at our competition."

Maneuvering closer to the Call without calling attention to herself.
-Fly Casual: [roll0] (dice value from 2-8 yields 27)

Examining nearby ships and, more importantly, the distribution of ships regarding the planet and the Call. Kahla does not want to fly into a cloud of hostile ships, or get too close to the Call if it seems there are a bunch of ships just waiting to space her. Assist from 0-TO.
-Take 10 if possible (35) or, if not, [roll1]

2014-03-07, 03:19 PM
To'shiro recoils at the first dark wave that washes over him. Threebee whines with instinctive concern, unable to feel the Force but anxious nonetheless at the mere sight of the planet. The ships exchanging blaster-fire do nothing to improve their shared mood.

After a moment, To'shiro shakes it off. "Threebee," he commands, "we need to get our bearings. Let's have a full sensor sweep of the area. Alright?"

As he says so, he glances towards the strange satellite which orbits the planet... and dismisses it. One goal at a time.

Threebee's Use Computer
To'shiro will Take 10 to Aid Another if he's able, giving Threebee a +2.

2014-03-07, 07:37 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar leaned forward in the co-pilot's chair to see more clearly the planet below. When the message light blinked, he tapped a button on the console to hear it.

"What is this place..." he muttered.

2014-03-07, 08:28 PM
Marco brings the ship into orbit around the planet. I don't know, but the Dark Side is so strong here as to be palpable. Just imagine what we will be able to accomplish if we can harness power such as that. We will be unstoppable.

2014-03-07, 08:52 PM
A small holo image appears above the console. Jedi Master Theria stares out at the ship, but her eyes are empty.
"Knight Uthari. Please send the coordinates of your location as soon as possible. We need to send a team there and ascertain what exactly is going on. The other Knights dispatched to the location have not responded, and it is assumed that they have gone rogue. Do not fail us like you failed Rel Prin"
The message ends, and the holo fades.
Before either of you can react, a giant shape shimmers into view above the planet. A great ship, three blades attached to a central core, orbits not too far away. You can sense that the Call is coming from it. You can also sense that as the planet is a Dark Side nexus, this ship, or station, is it's opposite, a beacon of Light Side energy.
Other ships begin to flit towards it. The first one to get too close is pulled into a docking bay, but no other hostile actions are taken.

You turn your ship around and begin to fly casually towards the emanation of the Call. No ships move to stop you, and none of the ones in your area power weapons, although small firefights continue at the fringes.
The ships really do represent a motley collection. You can see both Republic ships, Sith fightercraft, and a great many tramp freighters like your own. They all have shields on full, but none are communicating with any others.
Suddenly a great station shimmers into existence, and you can tell that this is the source of the Call. It is a beacon of Light Side energy every bit as strong as the planet below, but opposite.
The three blades shimmer with energy, and the scanners can pick up charging systems. It had lain dormant, but is now active.
Before you can alter your course you feel the rattling jarring sensation of a tractor beam, yet the sensors detect no energy emissions. It is only through the Force that you can feel the tractor beam.
As your ship is drawn closer you can see a panel open in one of the blades. A landing bay awaits beyond.

The area is filled with ships of all kinds. Trampo freighters, Defender class corvettes, Sith Interceptors, sleek SIS system runners, anything and everything is represented.
Many broadcast Republic and others Sith IFF signals, but many others are unaffiliated, broadcasting neither.
Then suddenly the Call gets buch stronger and pulls your attention to the ship. It is now impossible to ignore as the Call draws you forwards.
Other ships begin to fly in, and one gets snagged by a tractor beam (or so it appears) and lands in a docking bay.
You can also now feel that this station (or is it a ship?) is a beacon of Light Side energy every bit as strong as the planet below.

Some of the other ships turn to the ship that has suddenly appeared in their midst and begin to fly towards it. The first one to get too close suddenly changes course and begins to fly in towards a docking bay despite being oriented in the other direction. Asides from that there is no hostile contact. In fact, this massive...ship? station? seems to emanate the Light Side fairly strongly.

A voice fills the cockpit of your ship, but not through the comlink system. You can almost, through the force, just vaguely see a shape in one corner.
"I the Awaiter's Voice. Welcome to the Byss system. Welcome to The Ship. Please dock now so that the Quest may commence"

2014-03-07, 09:38 PM
The sensation tugging at him is too much to ignore. The voice in his head drives him on. Threebee whines in his socket, begging To'shiro to turn the controls back over to him. But the fighter instead accelerates towards the beckoning station.

"We need to land, Threebee," he explains. "Don't ask me why. Keep doing scans and warn me if anyone locks weapons on us."

The Grim Author
2014-03-07, 09:44 PM
"I know, young padawan," said Marath Kress as he moved the ship into a docking position. "I feel it... the familiar tug back toward my old life. Still... if this is the source of the pull I felt, then it is prudent we investigate. Just remember what I have taught you, and I am sure that you will be able to come through on the other side of this experience all the stronger." After docking, he walked to the bay. "Suit on. We don't know if the atmosphere in this ship is toxic to us or not, so caution is the best move."

2014-03-07, 09:52 PM
Lothar Uthari

"That much power is not usually free for the taking" Lothar replied, casually turning off the message, "usually it is already wielded."

Mistress Theria's words were biting, he still blamed himself for her apprentice's death. As he had done so many times in recent memory, he shoved his emotions aside and considered his options... then he crafted a message in response.

"Mistress Theria. I am in the service of the Living Force," he said, speaking into the holorecorder, "there are many others here. I do not know which system this is; the Force is my guide. I will investigate the situation further."

Lothar replayed his answer. It was ambiguous, but he did not lie outright. It was true he did not know which system this was, even though he made no effort to find out. Still, it should be enough to allay Mistress Theria for the time being. He pressed the button to send it off.

"The Call is coming from there," he said simply.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-07, 09:55 PM
Adalric observes the ship docking with this gigantic starship. Then a voice resounds, almost in his head. That's suspicious. It feels like the light side, but one can never be too careful about these things. he thinks to himself. He turns to the droids. "Did you hear that voice, or no? That will tell us whether it was Force-based or mechanical. A valuable clue."

After they answer, the droids on Honor's Bite look to the Jedi expectantly. For a moment, Adalric deliberates with himself before he at last reaches a verdict. He looks down at the T3 astromechs. "We can't afford to miss out on this. Set course for this 'Ship' and set down in whatever docking bay is designated." He addresses the ship's two combat droids next. "You two are coming with me. Be ready for anything."

With a slightly resigned sigh, Adalric sits back in his command chair and meditates on the route to this visitor. When they arrive, he strides boldly down the docking ramp, two droids at his back. "Take whatever measures you feel are necessary to prevent unauthorized visitors on this ship." he tells the rest. "Contact me if anything comes up."

2014-03-07, 10:13 PM
A rapid burst of binary issues from 0-TO's vocabulator, much too quickly for Kahla to comprehend. But she doesn't have to. She can read the sensors as well as the droid. "Take it easy, Otto."

"Apologies" the droid brain responds in standard Basic. "Space appears to be malfunctioning. Thrust vectoring no longer effective. We are on a collision course."

"We'll be fine," Kahla assures her co-pilot. "Welcome this and please that," she mutters to herself. "At least this Voice is polite about hijacking my ship." Kahla undoes her harness and begins to head for the docking ramp. "Extend the landing struts." She says as she leaves the cockpit. "And scan the atmosphere in the docking bay. I would prefer to avoid a repeat of Borgias."

2014-03-07, 10:57 PM
Marco grins In my experience though Lothar, power is transitive. If another wields it, you must merely take it from their hands. But that is not why we are here, at least, not yet. I don't much like the feelings emnating from that ship, but if it ends this tugging in me, I'll enter. Marco stands up from the console and gives a sharp whistle. His Tuk'ata Sith Hound Kazpar comes bounding up the corridor, stopping a foot away at attention.

I'll be taking the Basilisk Droid and running support for you. I'll take Kazpar with me. He motions over his Rx-Series Pilot Droid, This one will dock you, I want full mobility though. Be prepared for combat if necessary, not all are as tolerant of those like me as you are.

2014-03-08, 08:27 AM
Lothar Uthari

The Jedi smiled wryly.

"Perhaps, but to take power from your hands, or my hands, and wield it as we do," Lothar said, shaking his head, "in my experience, that is not possible. We may find the same of whatever is on the planet."

He nods as Marco mentions the Basilisk and the tolerance of others.

"There is no need to advertise your past," he said, "or engage in a philosophical debate. The Force can be insidious, it seeks to wield us as we would a hydrospanner. It is up to us to work with it as equals, rather than be its puppet or seek to dominate it. No one knows more than I how it can twist our sense of right and wrong. None of us are without fault, not even the Jedi Council, though they might be content to let the galaxy believe they are."

As the pilot droid sat down, Uthari considered moving to the gunner's seat, but opted to stay in the co-pilot's chair.

2014-03-08, 08:38 AM
Oh, believe you me, I have no intention of starting unprovoked violence. Where would be the profit in that? Marco grins again, then pulls his helmet one. He thinks for a moment, I think I'll actually leave Kazpar with the ship, someone needs to stay behind to keep our ship safe and he is kind of an obvious indicator of my dark.... tendencies. He gives Kazpar a command to stay with the ship.

Marco then gives a shout, Hime, we are heading out, get on the Basilisk. His H-1ME repair droid scuttle over to the Basilisk, using it's magnetic feet to cling to the machine. Marco walks over, giving a command for his Basilisk's droid brain to kneel. He climbs up into his cockpit, then activates his armor's seals, to protect him in the vacuum. He takes the controls and walks the droid over to the ship's cargo elevator.

He activate's his helmet's comlink, communicating with his pilot droid Rex, go ahead and seal the cargo bay, then lower the cargo elevator.

2014-03-08, 04:32 PM
The cargo ramp lowers, exposing you to the brutal cold and void of space.
Your Basilisk swoops away from the ship and turns about to aim at the station. Other ships have begun to dock now as more and more more hangar bays open on the blades. While you try to stick close to Lothar, your ship is caught by an iron strong Force grip, and you are pulled towards a different landing bay, albeit one just below Lothar's.
It is dark, and the lights fail to come on as the Force grip settles you into a cradle on the floor.

The pilot droid spins the ship towards the station, and glides it in in a gentle arc. As you get close enough the ship jolts and begins to be pulled in by some kind of tractor. However, it doesn't show up on scanners, but instead you can feel it through the Force. The bay doors slide shut behind you, locking you into a bright hangar filled with old crates and barrels. Evidently it was used as storage before now.
There is clear space around an odd cradle, and your ship is moved towards that. As it lands you can see a panel rise from the floor and orient itself with your outer hatch.

The ship is caught in a tractor beam you can feel through the Force, but not see with sensors, and gently placed in a landing cradle. Outside the window you can see a floor panel rising up to about where the bay ramp will lower to.
As you both suit up your apprentice looks at you again.
"Master, this ship is so full of the Light Side. These two balance each other so well, yet when you are too close to either one, you are out of balance. Is there a lesson to be found here?"

The atmosphere is breathable, and as you step out of the Fool's Errand you find yourself in a largish hangar bay. Your ship has been settled into a landing cradle that holds it above the floor. The panel that you are standing on floats back to the floor as the lights come on. Strange wing-shaped ships hang from the walls and racks overhead. They have the appearance of weapons of war, yet lack any kind of visible armament.
The hangar bay is otherwise empty, and the bay door slides shut behind you, sealing you in.

Threebee wails suddenly as a ship obtains weapons lock. Before you can do anything twin lines of fire streak away from a nearby ship and fly straight towards you.
Then, they detonate in space, and the blast flows around your ship, never even touching the shields.
As this happens the Force flares, and then fades again, as if it was pure Force energy that stopped the missiles. This is supported by the fact that your ship is grabbed by a tractor beam made of Force energy, and drawn into a landing cradle in a hangar bay. As the doors slide shut behind you the lights come on, showing you a hangar bay filled with wing shaped fightercraft that oddly enough lack weaponry.
A floor panel rises out of the ground to wait beside your cockpit.

"Response: Negative. No audio detected. Are you in need of medical assistance sir?"
As Honour's Bite flies towards the great ship you can see a hangar bay open to await you. As you get closer it becomes apparent that station may be a better word for this, as it is bigger than even the largest dreadnaughts in service, bigger even than the rumoured super-ship that the Sith have.
A tractor beam comprised of Force energy catches your ship and pulls it down into a landing cradle. The bay doors slide shut as a floor panel rises up to meet the ship's ramp.
As you step out into the hangar it begins to lower again.
"Warning: Sir, this panel is not being elevated by any repulsor systems or cables. This ship is unstable."
The second one chimes in.
"Recommendation: You should leave immediately
Then the lights come on and you can see that the walls are covered in row upon row of droids of a design that you have never seen before.

If ever I take too many liberties with your character, let me know and I'll stop.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-08, 05:33 PM
Adalric smiles and shakes his head at the droids. "No, I'm quite alright. This thing appears to be using Force-based technology to communicate. As you aren't connected to the Force, you won't hear it. Expect more of that as we proceed."

As the ship sets down and the panel rises up, Adalric steps out onto the platform and motions for the droids to follow. When the electrostaff-equipped guard droid voices its objection, he smiles again. "It is being held up by the Force. Like this." Adalric calls on the Force to lift the MagnaGuard a few meters into the air. "Again, I remind you to expect more of such phenomena as we go further in." He sets the droid gently back down again. "Now come."

"Greetings," Adalric says to the odd droids in what he knows of Rakatan, hoping to confirm his suspicions.

Move Object to lift the MagnaGuard, if necessary. [roll0]. Anything 2-7 is treated as 8.

2014-03-08, 05:49 PM
The person standing in the Errand's hangar bay is not the cocky pilot that arrived in system moments before. Kahla doesn't say anything as the platform lowers; no orders to 0-TO, no comment about her host's apparent absence. Instead, she takes the time to immerse herself in The Ship's atmosphere, seeking out Voice. A single thought crystallizes in Kahla's mind and echoes through the Force, communicating both Kahla's curiosity and desire to answer the Call that drew her to this place.


She feels The Ship in the same way, searching for the path she is meant to take, and then begins to walk.

Use the Force (Telepathy): 29 (Take 10)

Perception Check (Force Perception): [roll0] Die value of 2-8 yields 27

2014-03-08, 06:49 PM
To'shiro hesitates for only a brief moment before he cracks the canopy. He hops out and onto the waiting floor panel, drawing and igniting his lightsaber immediately after.

"Stay with the ship," he instructs Threebee, and then steps down. "Is anyone there?" he calls out.

Regardless of whether or not he hears an answer, he begins to advance toward one of the wing-shaped fightercraft to better inspect it.

The Grim Author
2014-03-08, 08:25 PM
"Indeed." Marath kept one hand free. "And right now, we have to be cautious. While the Light Side can be a valuable and powerful ally, it can also be an unswerving foe. We don't know whether this person has intentions for good or ill. Remain on alert... but don't do anything rash. Remember... the easy path, the path to being consumed by the Dark Side, is the path of rashness. Blind obedience as well, but I hope you'll understand why I'm asking you to keep calm."

After they had finished with the docking procedures, Marath opened the door and cautiously walked through the gateway to the larger ship.

2014-03-08, 09:01 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Stay here for now," Lothar instructed the droids.

He pulled out his comlink and contacted Marco.

"I'm in some kind of storage bay," he said, "and some kind of panel is here, will let you know if I move from here."

He checked the atmosphere and exited the ship. First he inspected the panel oriented with the outer hatch. Then he checked some of the crates and barrels to see what was inside them. Finally, he looked for an exit.

2014-03-08, 10:31 PM
*Fzzzzzt...Pop! Pop! Pop!* "Greeti- this thing is on, right?
Oh, okay. Sorry, guys! Let me start over. *Ahem* Greetings! I hope your flight was out of this world! HAHAhahaheheh. Boy, have I been saving that one for a while. Anyways, if you would be so kind as to not kill each other yet, that would be great. All damaged goods will be returned to sender! Or, wait. Was that for packages? Whatever, just try to make it here in as few pieces as possible. Just follow the slightly bluer lights until you get to a square room! At least, I think it's square. Hard to read these blueprints, sometimes. Maybe you'll meet other people immediately and maybe not. I hope you do! It can be lonely out here in the cold, dark nothing of space. Floating silently with little or no intelligent company to keep you company but yourself. If you need anything, just give me a shout! Or walk in a direction you shouldn't until I notice and send someone to guide you to the correct path and relieve you of your arms. Your legs are fine, but arms....no. Arms are bad. Nice meeting you!

2014-03-08, 10:45 PM
The intercom crackles as a mechanized voice fills the rooms. It seems a bit confused, or maybe just insane. Its hard to tell with these older systems.
And there is no doubt that this place is old. Despite the fact that it is well lit and the technology is beyond most of you (actually, no its way beyond all of you) it has the smell of long recycled air about it. Oddly enough though, there is no dust, despite the fact that the stale stench of the place makes you want to throw up.

"Response: That voice did not sound friendly. Suggestion: We retreat until further information can be gathered. Deploy the probe droids for reconnaissance"
The droids do nothing. Then, when the voice comes over the intercom they all tilt their heads to look at the ceiling.
Then they point, as one, towards the large doors at the far end of the room.

The Call draws you further into the ship, towards a large doorway. As you step through you find yourself in a large circular column.
It appears to go all the way down this part of the blade, and you can see several other platforms around you, all acting as balconies to other doorways the same size as the one that you just came through.
As you stand there another platform whizzes up the center of the shaft past you. A blaster bolt zings towards you but misses badly.
"The secrets of this ship are mine pretender!" a voice cries, then rapidly fades as the platform disappears from site above you.

The fightercraft all have open hatches. Single seats hover in the middle of a circular cockpit, unsupported. Panoramic views of starscapes float around the seat. There are no visible controls, but as you step closer different star clusters flare in different colours.
As you look over the outside there appears to be two grooves under each wing where cannons should sit, but currently nothing fills those spots.

The panel you saw detach itself waits for you just outside the hatch. When your Padawan steps up beside you a second rises out of the floor for him. They take you down to the floor when you step onto them, and deposit you there.
There is a large door at the back of the hangar.

As you step towards the panel it hovers at the end of the ramp. It sort of bobs up and down until you put some weight onto it, then begins to sink towards the floor, carrying you with it. The crates and barrels are all sealed, and all feel empty.
There is a large door at the far end of the hangar.

2014-03-08, 10:57 PM
Marco tries to move his Basilisk droid further in. If it moves freely, he activates the glow rod integrated in his armor and takes a look around him, to gain his bearings.

If it does not respond, he hops out of the cockpit. Stay with the Basilisk Hime. he says aloud. He peers out through his visor of his helmet, hoping that the low-light vision filter lets him see better. If he still can't see, he activates the glow rod integrated into his armor and sweeps the beam of light around the hangar he was drawn into, trying to get his bearing.

2014-03-08, 11:21 PM
The Basilisk shrugs free of the cradle and begins to search the hangar.
Its about average sized, and filled with detritus. One odd thing about this room is that the grav systems don't seem to be working. The detritus just sort of glides by.
There is a big door at one end, and it is slightly open as the metal itself is bent.
When the voice speaks over the intercom it is very choppy, and cut up.

2014-03-08, 11:25 PM
Kahla instinctively ducks away from the blaster fire. If she didn't have more important things to deal with, she might be tempted to chase after her assailant. Not that she won't run into him (her?) again; they're both headed the same way.

She takes a moment to regard the internal shaft of the blade and the fading silhouette of the rising platform. "Up it is." If the platform she's standing on is anything like the one that whizzed by her, there should be a control panel somewhere...

Then the intercom clicks on. That's disconcerting, she thinks to herself. "Otto, see if you can talk with this ship's computer and pull up a layout of the place. And be nice about it. Dooku will kill me if you get yourself fried again."

Bluer lights... Kahla looks at the blade's interior once more to get her bearings, then proceeds to get her platform operational.

Going to be very boring...

0-TO Use Computer (Access General Information): 24 (Take 10)

Rolls if necessary:
Kahla Mechanics: 23 (Take 10)
Kahla Pilot: [roll0] (2-8 yadda yadda yadd, add vehicle modifier)

Henry the 57th
2014-03-08, 11:27 PM
Adalric shakes his head. "I know you mean only the best, but I can't agree to that. You do not realize what's at stake here because you cannot feel the Force, but I do. This is a place of immense power, and there are many in here already who would put it to ill use. That cannot be permitted. We go on. Follow me." With that, the Jedi goes boldly to the doors indicated. If they do not open on their own, he attempts to open them through the Force.

Take 10 (for 28) on Move Object to open the doors, if necessary.

2014-03-08, 11:32 PM
Marco responds to Lothar, assuming coms are working. I am in a hanger scattered with some inert organic matter. I'll be proceeding further into the ship, I'll contact you as necessary with updates.

He ignores the choppy voice, unless it becomes clearer. He walks his Basilisk over to the door and starts using his plasma cutter to remove the door. Once it is out of the way, he surveys what is beyond the door.

The Grim Author
2014-03-09, 12:00 AM
"...Well. That was... odd." Marath looked around once the panel had hit the floor. "Keep your lightsaber close. I'm not sure if the ship is necessarily... all together. We'll be heading in this direction." He indicated the large door, moving towards it with the caution of a man suspecting, or perhaps even expecting, an ambush.

2014-03-09, 12:15 AM
To'shiro starts at the voice, but relaxes once he realizes the man is speaking via intercom.

He turns his head to look at Threebee, still waiting in the fighter's astromech socket. "I'm going further in. Keep doing scans - start with these fighters and work your way outwards. Keep me apprised. I'm wearing my comlink." He taps the earcone of his headdress. "If something threatens you, don't hesitate to destroy it. Laser cannons, proton torpedoes, whatever it takes."

Threebee responds with a low whistle.

"I'll be safe," To'shiro reassures his mechanical friend. Then he begins to look for a way out of the hangar, leading the way with his lightsaber.

2014-03-09, 05:10 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar made his way to the door and attempts to find a way through. If he cannot find a way to open the door, he will begin cutting through with his lightsaber.

Edit: Actually, before he starts cutting, Lothar will try to sense how many force users are nearby. (take 10 if possible, otherwise: 1d20+15)

2014-03-09, 05:47 PM
"My, that was a bit rude. I have no qualms with you! If I meant you harm, you'd already be dead! Please, come on in." The door opens halfway in response to your manipulation of the Force and immediately slam the rest of the way open once the voice ends it's somewhat hurt retort.

"Finally! Someone with at least a modest bit of decency. Yes, yes, the bluer lights! if you need help, I'll gladly correct you if you go off path. Compliance is key!" The voice appears, against all odds, to be even more chipper in tone than before. It's hard to tell if this is because of your insistence of politeness from your droids or from the veiled threat that noncompliance may bring.

Sir, you should have no need for that weapon here! I won't complain unless you use to do anything other than removing others' arms, though. That would be most beneficial, indeed! Try not to stain the carpet. We'd hate to make you...regret that. The voice sounds a bit reprimanding at first and slowly slides toward something more...mischievous.

I'll have you know that I am completely together! At least, I don't know that I'm not. That may be troublesome, indeed. Regardless, you needn't be afraid, little one! Just be a good boy and I'll even let you stay with your arms. That's a promise.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not get hastey, friend! All you had to do was ask! Or knock. Please don't cut me up, though. That would be unpleasant. For both of us.

The voice keeps attempting to get its point across, but notices that he is clearly not responding. It gets faster and angrier for a few moments and then cuts out entirely.

2014-03-09, 06:50 PM
"You'll forgive me, but I'm more comfortable with my blade than without." He glances around himself, trying to pinpoint the source of the voice, then carries on. If there are blue lights, he follows them.

"I don't suppose you'd care to tell me who you are?"

2014-03-09, 07:35 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar freezes at the sound of the voice, suddenly crystal clear. He stowed his lightsaber and reached out with the Force.

"Don't cut you up? Are you alive?" he thought.

Of all he'd learned throughout the years, one of the facts the Jedi had learned about the Force is that it was only present in living things. A scientist might have performed a series of tests to determine if the ship was, indeed alive, but Lothar preferred to simply ask.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-09, 07:59 PM
Adalric chuckles. "Where I come from, it's rude to welcome guests without introducing yourself. But I suppose I may have started off on the wrong foot." he gives a small, polite bow. "My name is Adalric Dooku of Serenno, Jedi Knight. And you are?" After getting an answer, he proceeds down the marked path, droids at the rear.

2014-03-09, 09:40 PM
So sorry for the confusion, good sir. I was referring to the rather impetuous droids that the sir has brought with him. I meant no disrespect. I am this ship's Artificial Intelligence. I do not have a designation other than this, anymore. That is, I may have at one time, but not at present. Pleased to make your aquaintance, sir.

Me? I'm this ship's Artificial Intelligence! You seem to misunderstand me, sir. I have no intention of taking your blade. I am merely attempting to advise caution, in my own way. I do not want any trouble from you. I would be pleased if you would acknowledge this. Pretty please? The voice went from surprised to concerned to almost threatening before sharply turning to sweet and almost innocent sounding, if it weren't for the reprimanding it had just lavished upon you.

I, sir, am the ship's Artificial Intelligence. I did not mean to startle the sir. I extend to you my deepest apologies. If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

2014-03-09, 09:53 PM
"Ah, magic voice, you're listening." This could make things easier, Kahla thinks to herself. Although she's not entirely certain if her thoughts are all that private due to the intercom's response.

"Can I assume you're also watching?"

2014-03-09, 10:16 PM
To'shiro casts an uncertain look around the hangar bay, then shuts his lightsaber off. He carries on following the lights, if they're visible in the hangar.

"Alright. You'll have no trouble from me. But if you could, tell me about the others who landed here?"

2014-03-09, 10:22 PM
Magic voice? Last I checked, ships were not magic. Though many things may have changed since I last met new people, there is little chance that has happened. I am the Artificial Intelligence of this ship. I assume that any "magic" voice that you heard was my master. I apologise for the inconvenience this may bring you, ma'am.

I would if I could! I know little more about them than you do. My master has brought you here because you all have something he wants. Or is looking for. Probably the latter....hm....time will tell! I assure you they pose little threat unless they have arms. Say, do yours come off? I would very much like to see you remove them. Before I have to... What? I didn't say that last bit. Or rather, I'm unsure what was just said. Please ignore it, sir.

2014-03-09, 10:51 PM
You poke and prod at the platform. Nothing happens. You take off a piece of the panel, and look inside. Its got lots of wires and things, but nothing that makes sense to you. They are all the same colour.
You stand up again, and look down at the thing. Another platform lifts past you, and this time you feel the wave of Force energy that accompanies it.

The door wooshes open to reveal a circular disk hanging in space. Its up against your doorway, and appears to be waiting for you.
Other disks are staged at intervals around the column outside other doors. It has a railing to stop you from falling off, and a small solid part that looks like an interface of some kind (except for it being plane metal) and nothing else.

The amount of Force users nearby staggers you. They are everywhere. Or at least the Force is. Beyond the ambient Light Side energy, the entire ship feels as if it is a living thing, strong in the Force, in touch with the Force. But thats impossible of course; you can see that its mechanical with your own two eyes.
As the door opens you see a large shaft ahead of you. A circular disk rests just outside the hatch, apparently waiting for you. Other disks are staged at intervals around the column outside other doors. It has a railing to stop you from falling off, and a small solid part that looks like an interface of some kind (except for it being plane metal) and nothing else.

There are no blue lights in the room that you are in, but as you step forwards the doors creak open slowly to reveal a massive cylinder. Other doors have disks hovering in front of them, but yours does not. The blue lights are sort of wending their way in circles here.

The doors slide open to reveal a large shaft ahead of you. A circular disk rests just outside the hatch, apparently waiting for you. Other disks are staged at intervals around the column outside other doors. It has a railing to stop you from falling off, and a small solid part that looks like an interface of some kind (except for it being plane metal) and nothing else.

The door does not open until your plasma torch cuts it away. Your Basilisk forces its way through, and you find yourself at the bottom of a long shaft that extends away above your head. There is a bit of rubble in front of you from one circular platform having crashed into another.
More of these platforms extend away above you, flush with doorways and hatches.

2014-03-09, 10:54 PM
Marco engages his Basilisk's jets and flies upwards, stopping at the first platform he comes to, looking around to see if there is any indicator showing where it leads. If there is no indicator he shouts out, trying to communicate with whomever was sending the garbled communications. Where does this lead then?

2014-03-09, 11:02 PM
"Do not sell yourself short. You are magic." Kahla looks with disgust at the wiring, unable to make heads or tails of it. "Especially if you can tell me how to operate these platforms."

Kahla is about to kick the machinery when another platform rises above her, shedding waves of Force energy. Maybe that's the key.

Use the Force check to activate the platform: [roll0] (2-8 and all that jazz)

2014-03-09, 11:28 PM
The door opens to the platform above you revealing a surprised looking Lothar

The platform detaches from the wall and begins to hover, awaiting your command.

2014-03-09, 11:37 PM
To'shiro steps cautiously into the hallway, still clutching his lightsaber. He reaches up with his other hand to activate his commlink, silently testing the connection, and then ventures into the cylindrical passageway.

"Show me the way, station," he mutters. He approaches the blue lights with probably more caution than is warranted.

2014-03-09, 11:47 PM
Up. Kahla begins following the blue-er lights.

2014-03-09, 11:59 PM
Marco maneuvers the Basilisk over to Lothar Ha, I found you, hop on on, we'll travel faster if you ride with me.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-10, 04:25 AM
Adalric steps out onto the platform, droids following. "Anymore? That implies you once did. Perhaps you might tell me what it was." He channels the Force to see if he can activate the platform. "And perhaps you might inform me as to why your voice is so different from the one that called me here. That was Force-based and beyond the ability of my droids to hear. Yet you are not." the Jedi says, almost conversationally. "And if you are willing to indulge my curiosity: is this place Rakatan in origin? It matches very closely certain descriptions I've read of the Star Forge."

Take 10 to use the force to move the platform, if necessary.

2014-03-10, 06:37 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar squeezed his eyes shut at the overwhelming concentration of the Force in this place. It was unbelievable.

Lothar paused as the voice responded. The ship's artificial intelligence. And it seemed friendly enough.

"What's the purpose of this ship, and how did it summon all of us?" Lothar asked the ship.

Just then, a large familiar looking basilisk droid appeared over the edge of the shaft, and hovered there, carrying Marco.

"Marco, be careful," he said, "it appears the ship itself is alive, or thinks it is... there is an artificial intelligence controlling it. It would probably be unwise to antagonize it."

2014-03-10, 09:20 AM
The platform disconnects from the wall. The railing slides shut forming a full circle much like the senate booths.
The platform hangs there awaiting further instruction.

The blue lights lead you up the tunnel. It goes on for what seems like an endless amount of time before you see some kind of blockage ahead of you. There are dozens of the disks parked here, just left floating. Above them you can see a flat wall with some kind of opening in it. The opening glows with warm blue light.

The blue lights guide you down, down, and as you look down you can see other platforms spiraling away below you before ending at a floor. The floor has an opening in it that warm blue light glows through.

2014-03-10, 09:26 AM
I wonder what could provoke a ship? Well, we will be cautious. do you know where we are supposed to be heading?

2014-03-10, 09:37 AM
Lothar Uthari

"I do not know, but it communicates through the Force," he said, "perhaps we should ask it."

Lothar concentrated again, focusing his thoughts on the ship.

"You summoned us here, where should we go?" he thought.

2014-03-10, 03:25 PM
To'shiro continues to navigate his way deeper into the immense chamber, wondering if he's located one of this mysterious station's centermost spires. It doesn't much matter, of course.

Once he sees the platforms spiraling away towards his apparent goal... To'shiro braces himself, and then reaches out with the Force. His body surges with energy, and then he leaps with superhuman agility towards the nearest platform.

Activating Surge and taking 10 both on my Jump and Use the Force checks, since there's no immediate danger or rush, if that's okay. To'shiro can hit DC 25 on UTF which should be something like... +40? to jump checks, on top of a +4 Jump modifier, so he can hit DC54.

Hopefully Toshi doesn't like... break his legs, or something.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-10, 03:34 PM
Adalric follows the blue light trail straight ahead, looking around as he goes. He doesn't stop until he hits something interesting or he is made to stop.

2014-03-10, 04:25 PM
"Are you still there, magic voice?" Kahla says, maneuvering the platform towards the opening. "You haven't answered my question: are you watching as well as listening?"

When the platform stops Kahla pauses for a moment, searching the Force for signs of danger.

Use the Force (Sense Dark Side: position and relative locations of characters with DS score of 1 or greater within 100k): [roll0] Edit: Exceptional Skill: 27

2014-03-10, 09:51 PM
There are many. About fifty or so Dark Siders on this station, and at least another 50 who have touched the Dark Side but not been consumed by it.
Some are below, some are above, and many are above and below but ahead of you (To your right and left respectively) There are also a few(~10) right above and in front of you.

You follow the blue lights up the column until you come to a stop at a traffic jam. There are a bunch of platfroms above you. You can draw even with one on which a feathered humanoid stands in silent concentration.
Past the logjam of platforms you can see an opening that glows with warm blue light.

As you leap to the next platform you see someone else rush past you atop a platform. You can feel a wave of Force energy lifting the platform, and only a very small amount coming from the pilot.

The Grim Author
2014-03-10, 10:02 PM
Marath walked onto the platform, taking his padawan with him. He kept a hand near his lightsaber, in case there was an ambush.

2014-03-10, 10:56 PM
As good an opportunity for answers as any.

To'shiro drops into a crouch as the next platform zips past him. His body tenses again as he channels the Force, focusing inwards, and then he repeats his technique. He lunges with superhuman power into the air, sailing directly towards the next platform.

Using my second use of Surge to get to the next platform. Same as before, with the crazy huge Jump bonus.

2014-03-10, 11:14 PM
I would gladly tell you, sir, but I seem to have...misplaced it. It's probably neither here nor there, but it is somewhere. It's been so long since I've had use for it, it may be gone for good! As to your questions of why your droids can hear me, that is because I am a ship! From what I gather, my master has spoken to you all in a manner to which I am not privy. You are correct in your assumption of this ship's origins, too, sir. You are quite knowledgeable indeed. I believe you are my favourite, now, if such a thing were possible. I truly hope you survive with all of your limbs and soft parts intact, sir.

If you are referring to me, miss, I can both see and hear you. I see and hear all that in my vicinity. If, however, you refer to the master, you can probably assume he can, as well, as he is privy to all that I am.

You flatter me, sir. I am not privy to the Force. I do seem to be saying that word a lot, too. Perhaps I should adjust my vocabulary for more variance.... The AI seems to have gotten lost in thought while speaking. Anyways, please follow the bluer lights! I am very amenable as long as you follow the path and leave others without arms. Leave their legs, though. I swear the amount of people with arms, still....I may have to rectify that soon!

2014-03-11, 12:22 AM
"Yes, I'm referring to you." Kahla manages to say through her concentration. "Unless you have another name that you go by."

She does not like the number of dark impressions past the opening. She starts to focus on them when Force pressure from an arriving platform snaps her out of her concentration. That she didn't notice its arrival she counts as a good sign that it carries a potential ally. Of course, it could also carry a powerful Sith Lord that managed to mask his presence.

Strange how her lightsaber seems heavier in its holster.

She turns towards the sensation, hoping for the best but prepared to push the worst off into the abyss. Still, she is not prepared enough for what confronts her.


2014-03-11, 01:33 AM
Lets get going then Marco looks around for the blue lights. Once he finds them he sets his basilisk on their path following them until something stops him.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-11, 01:43 AM
Adalric chuckles politely. "Why thank you. I also hope that I survive this with an intact body. As to your name, perhaps you should consider adopting a new one? And might I inquire as to who your master is and what they want?"

The Jedi stays calm for the ride down, meditating on the Force all around him. His droids shift positions several times as they attempt to calculate the best angle for an attack, but otherwise do not act to disturb him. He simply waits and listens until he runs out of room. Hmph. More like Coruscant that I'd anticipated.

His silent contemplation is broken by a familiar voice from his side. "Kahla?!" he says as he looks up, surprised. "It's been too long. How have you been?"

2014-03-11, 08:04 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar starts as Marco begins maneuvering the Basilisk away. He grabs on to a handhold on the side of the war droid and catches a ride.

2014-03-11, 05:25 PM
"Shot at, and soon probably worse if we stay here." Kahla says as she gestures to the accumulating platforms. "I can sense the taint of the dark side ahead. Ten, maybe more, and others are on their way." The small bird starts to move towards the opening. "I'm afraid we'll have to catch up on old times later. I don't think our mysterious host will wait."

When Kahla reaches the opening, she will use the Sense Surroundings function of UtF to remove cover and concealment and search for signs of a potential ambush.

Sense Surroundings (normally auto-succeeds): [roll0]

Perception (Force Perception): [roll1]

The Grim Author
2014-03-13, 03:41 AM
Marath frowned. "Whoever is on the communicator... do you happen to know if anyone is nearby, and would you be willing to share whether there is or is not anyone nearby?" His hand pulled away from the lightsaber for a moment, although it was clearly migrating to the blaster carbine strapped to his back.

2014-03-14, 01:43 AM
Hm...? Oh, you must be referring to me. There's people nearby. LOTS. Perhaps I could be more specific, but...telling you where the other people are takes all the fun out of it. There's also the slight chance that you may go on a killing spree and I will NOT be held responsible for that!

2014-03-14, 10:24 AM
No ambush awaits you on the platform, but as you step on a railing slides closed behind you. Its about waist height, so you can always jump it if need be.
As you stand there you notice that there are not as many platforms left around you as you first thought; there are definite gaps where a platform once was but is now...not.
The blue lights spiral around the column, leading down, down, down.

As the two of you scale the platforms they begin to wobble, and then sink under your weight. Soon enough, they are dropping back to where they once attached to the walls, and quickly. Its becoming increasingly hard to get to the next one in time.
Finally it ends in a leap, and a close landing.
Thankfully nobody awaits you with an ambush. Instead you see a long corridor moving away ahead of you. It is completely barren, and the blue light comes from everywhere and nowhere.
At the far end you can see a doorway.

As you leap to the next platform a voice reaches you.
"Still doing things the stupid way Twi'lek? I see you didn't learn anything from when you fought me; stopping to think often pays off"
The voice of the Crowned Sith stops you dead in your tracks, and almost makes you lose your concentration and fall.
"I'm not trying to kill you; in fact I look forwards to our next fight. Just touch the console with the Force and the platform shall float. Hurry hurry little 'Lek, we have a dance to finish"

As the Basilisk flies upwards you draw even with a platform. On it stands a person with a helmet covered in horns. They wear all black, a black cloak, and has three lightsabers at their belt.
"Fly on watchers; I am busy"
His voice is cold and filled with controlled hatred, enough to match the Dark Side energies flowing off of him.
Above you can see six or seven platforms waiting below a hatchway that glows blue.
And then they begin to fall towards you.

2014-03-14, 11:43 AM
Lothar Uthari

Clinging to the side of the Basilisk, Lothar considered dropping onto the platform with the strange, horny figure, but he would not leave his partner to navigate the dropping platforms alone. The ship had responded to the Force earlier, and he hoped it would do so again as he stretched out, willing the disks to move out of the way and clear a path for the war droid.

move object UTF: take 10 for 25 if possible, otherwise: [roll0]

2014-03-14, 01:16 PM
Marco attempts to dodge the platforms coming down towards him. He attempts to keep an eye on the darksider whilst doing this, if he makes a move Marco shouts out, I've got a payload of concussion missiles on this thing, if you don't want those unloaded on you, don't move.

Pilot [roll0]

2014-03-14, 06:12 PM
"That was exciting," Kahla deadpans as she continues to move down the corridor. "I'm getting the impression Emvee doesn't like me," she says to Adalric. "Or maybe it's you?"

The door at the far end catches her attention. "Otto, you read?" Kahla speaks into her wristcom. "Tell me you've got Ship's schematics."

Upon reaching the door, Sense Surroundings to remove cover and concealment-
Use the Force: [roll0] Edit: Exceptional Skill - 27

Looking for possible hostiles and door mechanism-
Perception check: [roll1] Edit: Exceptional Skill -27

2014-03-14, 06:50 PM
To'shiro's lightsaber flares to life almost immediately. He pivots on the spot, trying to spot the source of the voice.

"Where are you?" he calls out, adopting his Ataru opening stance. "Come out here so I can kill you!"

After a moment, he quickly reaches out to touch the platform's console, and reaches into it with the Force. Part of him has already, defiantly, decided it's a trick... but it's not like he can't simply leap to the next platform if it is.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-14, 08:22 PM
"Frankly I'm getting the impression that this place is designed to be a death trap. That would be the Rakatan way, after all." Adalric says as he brushes himself off and helps his droids up. He looks down the hall suspiciously, drawing the lightsaber at his belt. Behind him, the sounds of an electrostaff crackling to life and a blaster being ready can be heard. Near the end of the hall, he reaches out with the Force to open the door.

Take 10 on Move Object to open the door. 28.

The Grim Author
2014-03-14, 08:47 PM
"Then on alert for an ambush we remain," he said quietly. "I suppose we'll have to move along the platforms... Stay close. Don't fall." Using his carefully trained eyes, Marath attempted to figure out how to best proceed.

2014-03-18, 10:17 AM
As you wait...and wait, finally the console begins to glow blue.

The Darksiders nods at Marco's words, lowering his upstretched hand.
He instead tenses his legs, prepared to spring to another platform if he gets hit by debris.
But he needn't have worried. Lothar's incredible Force push hurls the platforms against the walls where they spark and crash.
Unfortunately this makes a lot of debris. Marco's piloting easily dodges this, but the Dark Sider is not as lucky; the debris destroys many of the platforms nearby, and knocks his own from the air.
He falls, dropping away into the shaft below, out of your sight.

There is nobody beyond the door, and no response from Otto.
Then it opens and you see a strange room. It is round, and massive. In fact, it looks like it reaches all the way across the entire central bulb. In the center is a smaller circle with a hatch at the side. It is evidently the control room.

You hear laughter inside your head that soon fades away.
As you extend your Force to the console the platform breaks off the wall and shudders to life, hanging in midair.

"Do not overstretch yourself Voice. You would do well to remember who is in control here. Do not threaten the Questers; I need them alive and safe...for now"
You feel a horrible burst of electronic pain as circuits melt, electric fire courses through your veins, and everything melts sideways before returning to normal.
"That is the least of what I will do to you if you fail in your mission. Now, another two of the important ones have entered the Holoroom. Make sure that they don't see the walls until they walk into them, and try and get the gravity working will you? I don't want them floating around like all the rest, unable to find their way through the maze. Oh, and tell anyone still stuck on the platforms how to activate them."

2014-03-18, 11:08 AM
The silence from her wristcom is deafening. "Either something happened to Otto or the coms are jammed," she says to Adalric before turning her attention to the large, empty room.

"Strange. I expected others." Kahla's voice trails off as she examines the chamber, looking up for signs of the dark side impressions she felt moments before. She remembers the one who shot at her when she first entered the blade and focuses in. Where did you go?

Perception: [roll0]

Force Track on Shooty McShooterstein: Take 10 (29) - Track target if he has passed through the area within the last hour

The Grim Author
2014-03-18, 02:04 PM
"Keep watch, young padawan," said Marath as he walked over to the console. "Let's see... What, exactly, do we have here..." As he muttered that to himself, he began inspecting the console, looking to see if either text had appeared or some other form of instruction had materialized. He also reached out a hand, ready to use the screen as an input pad if it required input in that manner.

2014-03-18, 04:12 PM
It's coming! A platform, that is. Just use the Force and tell it where you want to go. It's so easy, your padawan could do it!

WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! No more destruction! I don't appreciate being torn up and you aren't supposed to be tearing each other up! Any further acts of violence will be met with suppressive force. This is your last warning.

The nature of this ship is not conducive to the use of comms. My apologies for the inconvenience. I apologise for not answering your questions asked earlier. If you still require answers, I will gladly issue them. I did not wish to disturb your apparent reunion. One answer I do find pertinent is this: my master wishes that all of you arrive safely. I will do my best to see that you do.

I'm so glad you figured out how to use the platforms! It would have been tedious to explain it again. Of course, I should mention that you need to tell it where you want it to go with the Force and...you go! Amazing, right?!

The power dims temporarily and there is random clanging around the ship as the Artificial gravity stabilizes. Random lights that you likely hadn't even known were off come on and everything is well lit and feels a little more familiar as a space station. The voice is more subdued in tone and has a slight bitter tone to it when it loses its excitement. Rails now extend up around the platforms when a person is using one. These rails are supported by the platform in the same way that the platforms are from the ship.

2014-03-18, 07:31 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar yelled so that Marco could hear him inside the war droid.

"Did you hear that?" he asked, "I think perhaps we'd better leave the war droid at the top of the shaft."

2014-03-18, 08:57 PM
Marco looks confused. Why, so someone can try to steal it? Or to try to avoid offending a screaming lunatic? He grins, An attempted suppression by this ship sounds like it could be fun.

2014-03-18, 09:25 PM
Lothar Uthari

"No, because I don't particularly like the idea of fighting this ship, and whoever or whatever else has been called and wishes to oppose us," Lothar replied.

If it appears as if additional damage to the ship is likely, Lothar will hop off the droid and onto one of the nearby platforms.

The Grim Author
2014-03-18, 10:23 PM
"All right. Thank you, strange voice." Marath reached out with the Force and commanded the platform to take him down according to the spiral.

2014-03-18, 10:40 PM
Well, then I'll have it follow us in a non-aggressive state, it's not exactly like it was my fault those platforms fell at us. Marco says, somewhat miffed.

2014-03-18, 10:50 PM
"It's my fault as well," Lothar replied, "the platforms moved more than they should have; I think they are sensitive to the Force somehow."

"Let's just get to the center, or where everyone else is going," he said.

2014-03-18, 11:08 PM
Marco nods, then flies up to the blue door and proceeds down the corridor.

2014-03-18, 11:34 PM
"Emvee, you're still with us! Mind telling me what happened to the ones here before us? Did they manage to arrive safely?"

Remembering she still has a move action, Kahla begins to walk into the room.

2014-03-19, 01:26 AM
To'shiro touches the control panel on the platform again, willing it to find the "square room" first described by the ship's computer.

"Hey," he calls out when the AI springs to mind, "I don't suppose you could tell me where to find someone in here?"

Henry the 57th
2014-03-19, 03:14 PM
Adalric glances around the room suspiciously before stepping in, droids following behind. If he sees nothing suspicious, he carefully walks up to the circle and attempts to open the hatch.

When the AI talks again, his voice is somewhat less lighthearted. "Yes, I would still like to know who your master is and what their purpose in calling us to this place is."

Perception: [roll0]

2014-03-19, 07:09 PM
For a moment the two of you spiral helplessly, then the artifical gravity kicks in and you drop to the floor, one that is not where it appears to be. That is your first clue, but to be sure you walk towards the dome, and you hit a wall that you cannot see.
As you walk and hit the far wall the door wooshes shut behind you, you feel a bit of disorientation, then everything goes back to normal. The door opens again to show you a patch of metal wall.
The room does it again, but, as before, the feeling stops soon enough. This time the door also slides shut before the feeling happens, then opens again to show metal wall afterwards.
The man passed through the corridor behind you, but has never entered this part of the room.

The corridor is empty. The door at the far end opens as you approach and you see a large empty room about the size of the entire central sphere with a smaller sphere at the center. The smaller sphere has one hatch on it, and nothing else.
As soon as you are safely inside the room the door behind you slams shut again and you feel a lurching in your stomaches, as if the room has just moved. It stops, and then the door opens to show metal wall.

The platform hovers there, sort of makes a slight movement, then begins to spin in a lazy circle.
After a moment of that it wooshes straight up, not stopping until it is just below (close enough for you to have to duck) another platform that hangs above it. As you rushed upwards you could just see a doorway spilling blue light into the column.

The platform descended downwards. At the bottom you can see a traffic jam of other platforms. A spontaneous lightsaber duel has occurred there, with three red lightsabers clashing against two blue ones and a sword. Before you can do anything you hear a loud DO NOT HARM EACH OTHER and a dozen droids emerge from hatches in the walls. They gun down the combatants in a hail of blaster fire, then return to their hatches. The platforms with the still combatants rise out of the way of the others, back to the wall.
Through the Force you can feel that they are only stunned, not dead.
Beyond the traffic jam you can see a hatchway that glows a soft blue colour.

2014-03-19, 07:54 PM
Marco approaches the smaller sphere in the Basilisk. You want to try opening that hatch? he asks Lothar.

2014-03-19, 07:56 PM
"That explains why no one else is here," Kahla says, picking herself up after her unceremonious bump into the invisible barrier. "Private rooms lined with holoshrouds would be my guess. Probably designed as a test for Force sensitives."

Kahla reaches out with the Force to examine her surroundings, then draws and ignites her lightsaber. "Unfortunately, your droids don't qualify," she says, and then jams her lightsaber into the invisible wall, hoping to disrupt the image so the droids have something to trace. "Follow the sizzling metal."

UTF (Sense Surroundings): Take 10, 29

If that works to remove the wall's concealment, Kahla begins to follow it, dragging her lightsaber along its surface if it's successful in ruining the image (The AI probably will not be happy).

If it's a maze and she comes to an intersection, she will take 10 on Search Your Feelings checks regarding which paths take her towards the cheese goal.

The Grim Author
2014-03-19, 08:20 PM
"...Make a note of this, young Padawan. Sometimes, violence is not the right recourse. Although I will not admit undue caution in being prepared for an ambush, I will note a perhaps-unwise tendency toward paranoia." Marath guided the platform forward as best he could. Once he reached the hatch, he reached out with the Force, intending to gently guide it open. "Now remember... we are to be calm and gentle. Shielding maneuvers only, and then only if you should be attacked."

2014-03-19, 08:32 PM
Lothar Uthari
Lothar attempted to open the hatch, first using his hands, then using the Force to nudge it open.

If that fails, he will address the ship's AI: "Now what do we do?"

2014-03-19, 08:38 PM
As you try to move forwards, you bump into an invisible wall.

2014-03-19, 08:43 PM
Marco hops out of the cockpit and walks forward. He lays his hand on the barrier, to see if it is inert, or harmful. If it is inert, he walks it trying to determine if there is a hole anywhere in it.

2014-03-19, 09:20 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar closed his eyes and ran his fingers over the wall to feel its texture. Was it a forcefield? Was it invisible metal?

If he cannot find a way over, under, or around the wall, he will take a small object and toss it at the wall. If that has no odd effect, he will attempt to push his way through the wall, first physically, then nudging with the Force. The idea is that the wall may be sensitive to the Force like the platforms.

2014-03-19, 11:03 PM
To'shiro drops to his knees to avoid being crushed by the sudden proximity of the next platform.

He peers down the column towards where he saw the doorway spilling blue light. Lightsaber still firmly in hand - because yeah, he doesn't feel wholly safe in the space station just now - he wriggles his way out from between the two uncomfortably close platforms and begins to move down and towards it... jumping again, if he should need to.

Henry the 57th
2014-03-21, 01:05 PM
Adalric closes his eyes and opens himself to the Force, hoping to use the power of the light flowing through this station to guide his path.

Sense Surroundings to percieve a way out of here: [roll0]

Anything 2-7 counts as an 8.

2014-03-21, 07:31 PM
The lightsaber does nothing to disrupt the image.
Nor do your Force sense tell you anything beyond the fact that a tunnel lies to your left.
This turns to the right, then opens into going in both directions. Either way seems as good as another to you.
Except to the left is a great metal war droid and two other people.

The hatch irises open and you see a Twi'lek with twin scars on his face just climbing up through an identical hatch below.

Two quick jumps and a final exertion later you pull yourself through the bottom hatch of a hallway.
It is empty save for a door at the far end and a hatch above you. As you stand there it irises open and you can see two men standing on a platform above you.

The walls rebuff your attempts, but there is an opening to your left. As you step there you feel the wall bend to your right, and as you turn you see two people, a human and a bird thing, and two droids.

2014-03-21, 07:54 PM
I'm assuming one of the two is Marco, and since he is riding a basilisk and wearing Mandalorian armor, and Kahla has had unpleasant encounters with Mandalorians before, I'd like to ask for an untrained common knowledge check to identify him has such before I take any actions:


2014-03-21, 08:49 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Greetings," Lothar said, holding up one hand by his head, palm open.

He looked human, mostly. He was well-built with tanned skin, and he wore a pair of black pants tucked into dark brown boots, along with a simple undershirt, mostly concealed by a dark blue hooded cloak, though currently the hood was thrown back.
His eyes reveal him to be not fully human, or at least not the more common humans from Coruscant or Corellia. His fingers were somewhat longer than most humans' would be, though not freakishly so, and the part of his eyes which would normally be white were tinged light blue, while his irises were white.

The Grim Author
2014-03-21, 08:54 PM
Carefully, Marath walked over to the Twi'lek. He also indicated that his padawan should come over and stay close. "So we're not the only ones here... Are you in command of this ship, or were you drawn here by that... pulse in the Force?"

2014-03-21, 09:13 PM
To'shiro takes a cautious step back - Marath can probably see that he's still holding his lightsaber, although it remains unignited.

"I was called here. I'm only following the ship's instructions." He clenches his jaw and glances around, taking stock of his position. "If you know where to go, I'll follow you."

The Grim Author
2014-03-21, 09:17 PM
"I'm the last person you should be following. The ship had to show me how to get the platforms working. I doubt, however, that it was an accident that we met. Maybe we can find someone else?"

2014-03-21, 09:23 PM
He points to the one hatch neither of them has used so far.

"We'll go that way, then, and hope we can find someone who knows more."

2014-03-21, 09:50 PM
A Mandalorian. What's he doing here? Kahla unconsciously tightens the grip on her ignited lightsaber. The armor looks just as menacing now as it did during the war, its gaze that same impression of the cold relentlessness of death itself. And yet there was something about the man underneath that beskar plating, how he was carrying himself, that was vaguely familiar.

Kahla almost didn't even notice the other man hidden in the Mandalorian's shadow. She didn't even register the words he said at the time. It took a moment to see the open palms. Is he greeting us? Kahla exhales and extinguishes her blade, feeling a tad bit foolish. She had allowed her emotions to deceive her. Had she not felt no immediate danger this way?

A red blush overtakes her black feathers and she returns the humanoid's greeting. "Hello yourself. Nice to meet someone who doesn't introduce himself with blaster fire." Kahla re-sheathes her lightsaber and begins to approach the two strangers. She had questions. A lot of questions. Soon, she would have answers.

2014-03-21, 10:22 PM
Marco moves backwards as the bird creature approaches. He signals his droid to approach, until he stands with it at his back. He remembers this one. It had escaped his clutches once. While he no longer has any desire to capture it , he also knows it's wily ways, he won't be caught flat-footed.

Before approaching further, state your intentions. he intones in a flat voice. He raises his hand, If you do not comply and continue to approach, I will be forced to allow my droid to unload a salvo of concussion missiles on you. Once your intentions are established, you may be allowed to approach.

2014-03-21, 11:24 PM
Kahla stops at the voice. It was familiar, but she couldn't place it through the distortion of the helmet.

"Missiles? Now that doesn't seem wise when there could be a barrier right in front of you, and you wouldn't even know it." The bird gives an imitation of what could be called a smile as she notices the droid reverse to keep its distance. "Besides, if you want to leave here, I'm willing to bet the exit's that way," she motions with her head down the invisible corridor she came through.

2014-03-21, 11:30 PM
Marco narrows his eyes, then clambers back up into his droid's pilot seat. Really, then why are you coming this way then, there is nothing of interest over here. You still have not stated your intentions, however, so I repeat, what do you want?

2014-03-31, 10:19 AM
Ah, good to see that so many of you are reaching the room I described earlier. Now, I am mindful not to threaten any of you. However, violence will be met in kind to ensure the death of as few Questers as possible. Keep in mind that we are all here for the same reason. Unless your reason is to kill people. Then, you are wrong. Why would you even be here?! But I digress. Please interact peacefully with one another. Self-defence will be forgiven only if you truly possess no other way to have survived encountering one another and can prove that you did so beyond a shadow of a doubt. Remember: You're being watched. Carefully.

2014-03-31, 05:16 PM
"I disagree. You are most interesting," the bird says. "A Mandalorian and a Jedi, yes?" She looks at the enrobed human for confirmation.

"I just want to know who I'm sharing the path with, especially the heavily armed ones." The bird creature extends one of its talons towards the human in an offer of friendship. "My name is Kahla."

Of course, there may be something off in Kahla's introduction; here's a Deception check if anyone wants to use it: [roll0] (if it comes up less than 20, here's the reroll: [roll1])

2014-03-31, 08:14 PM
Marco gives a scoffing laugh, A Mandalorian it says. They have some nice toys, but I'd hardly lay claim to such an foolhardy group. But that is neither here nor there, you have no need to know what I am, other than the obvious.

The Grim Author
2014-03-31, 08:16 PM
"Sounds good to me." Marath signaled for his padawan to follow. "What should I call you, stranger?"

2014-04-01, 09:03 AM
Lothar Uthari

"Peace Marco, they are surely here for the same reason we are, the same reason all of us are," Lothar said, "the fact that they have chosen to speak, rather than attack, says much in and of itself."

"You may call me Lothar," he replied to Kahla.

"Have you discovered anything about this invisible barrier?" he asked.

2014-04-02, 12:29 AM
"I'm To'shiro. Just To'shiro." He glances between padawan and student. "Your names?"

The Grim Author
2014-04-02, 12:38 AM
"I'm Marrath. He's Kellin." Marrath still had one hand ready to grab the lightsaber and activate it. "I suppose we should go now, before something happens. If you're ready..."

2014-04-02, 02:26 AM
"Well, Marrath, after you." He gestures, indicating the other man should take the lead.

2014-04-03, 03:13 PM
Walls flicker in and out of existence for a moment, then finally reappear, solid as can be. You see that there is a cross corridor roughly halfway between your two groups that extends deeper into this labyrinth.

The hatchway opens to reveal an empty chamber. Then, after a second, walls flicker into sight, then flicker out, then reappear, revealing a dark grey metal corridor. It extends to your left and right, and turns at both ends.
The door slams shut behind you, and you feel motion sickness for a brief moment before it stops and the door slides open again to reveal solid wall.
It looks like if you want to get out you have to solve the maze, for that is undoubtedly what this is.

"Blast it! Get those walls back and operational again! Don't make me wipe more of your memory; I will not hesitate to do so. What else can you operate without, huh? You've lost your name, your purpose beyond what I give you, your origin, the ship's name, the system's name, the galactic coordinates, how to operate half your more exotic systems...
"How much more can you afford to lose Voice? I want those Questers confused and looking to me for their salvation. I need them ready to listen, to trust, to obey. How can I do that if you are too stupid to keep your own body from failing?"

No matter how much you try the walls still will not reappear. But that doesn't mean that you can't try other tactics to get the man what he wants...

2014-04-04, 12:26 AM
Protocol 46 enabled; all commands locked from outside control. Effective immediately. We shall cleanse those who do not seek the good. Any incapable of working together will be overwhelmed, for I will destroy them! Only those unworthy of touching the sun will be burnt. Droids will come, and test your mettle, questers! Gravity increased to 125%. Platforms disabled. Lights reduced to 65% brightness. Anti-Aircraft defences online. Outer doors sealed to exit. If you would leave, you must first reach the Master. If none have reached the Master by the next full rotation of the planet below us, self-destruct sequences will activate. Do not take my word for it, though. You may test the truth of my words yourselves, or heed their warning and strive to survive, friends.

Master, hopefully this ruse will help coalesce the questers into a unified and fully motivated group that will be sufficient for your wishes. I do hope that you will be satisfied, for now.

2014-04-04, 12:56 AM
"So," Kahla starts, "did any of you happen to notice how fast that planet is spinning?"

Kahla takes a quick look at the three choices available before moving. "I'll take the right path. You're all welcome to follow, or not."

Take 10 to Force Track on... Kahla! Now she'll be able to know where she's been for the next hour.

2014-04-04, 10:27 AM
To'shiro grimaces.

"This isn't my area of expertise," he admits. "So if you have some gut instinct then I'll follow it for now."

2014-04-04, 07:40 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Right," Lothar replied, "and from the sound of it, we'd better hustle."

"That voice which was so friendly before has become decidedly hostle," he added.

The Grim Author
2014-04-04, 08:14 PM
"Ever hear of the left hand rule? We'll try that... unless this maze is circular, it should work. If it is circular... we may not be able to use it." Marath shook his head. "We'll have to move quickly, though."

2014-04-04, 10:33 PM
Marco follows after the others, going deeper into the maze.

2014-04-05, 05:26 AM
"We'll give it a try, then. Stay alert. It sounds like our host is getting anxious and I don't want to be caught off guard if the computer doesn't like the pace we keep."

2014-04-08, 09:55 AM
Left turn. Left turn. Left turn. Dead end.
Back up. Right turn. Left turn. Left turn. Left turn. Dead end. Back up. Right turn. Left turn...
And so it goes. For what seems like hours you wander, without an end in sight.
Then...you hear an odd chittering scratching sound coming from down the hallway ahead of you.

The maze is just that; a maze. Winding passages, left turns, right turns, hills, valleys, dips, rises, ladders, hatches...
It is too much. It turns you around and around and around until you arrive...
Back where you started.
And you are pretty sure that the passage you came out of this time wasn't there the first time you came along here.
Then you all hear a strange sound. Its an odd echoing scratching chittering. It sounds mechanical, but also too biological to be entirely natural.

The Grim Author
2014-04-08, 02:38 PM
Marath's first instinct was to grab his lightsaber. It wasn't activated yet, but it would be if the thing came at him with violent intentions. "This does not sound like a friendly animal. Your thoughts, To'shiro?"

2014-04-08, 07:23 PM
Lothar Uthar

Lothar also pulled out his unignited lightsaber, as well as a blaster rifle.

"Given what we heard from the ship, we may have to fight," he said.

2014-04-08, 07:55 PM
Marco stretches out with his mind to try to locate whatever is creating the noise.

Sense Surroundings [roll0]

2014-04-08, 08:07 PM
"You may be right." Kahla draws and ignites her lightsaber and adopts a defensive stance, then focuses on the sound.

Take 10 UTF remove cover and concealment (29).

Use the Force (Force Perception) to notice enemies: [roll0]. Edit: That's very odd math... 17+19 equals 36, not 17...

Initiative if needed: [roll1]

2014-04-09, 01:07 AM
To'shiro's own lightsaber sparks to life in his hand.

"I'm confident I can handle anything thrown the station can throw at me... and I don't think you'd be here if you weren't the same. We keep moving forward and defend ourselves if we need to."

The Grim Author
2014-04-09, 02:16 AM
"Fair enough. Kellin, stay close. If you see something behind us, let us know. Otherwise..." Marath moved forward, keeping up his previous pattern of searching.

Henry the 57th
2014-04-12, 04:36 AM
Adalric draws the lightsaber at his belt, blue blade crackling to life. His droids cluster protectively around their master, eyeing the surrounding area nervously. "Quite possibly, yes." he remarks as he reaches out with the Force to try and sense the origins of the sounds.

Sense Surroundings: [roll0]

Anything 2-7 counts as 8.

Note: Drew the dual-phase saber, set on crystal that gives bonus to Deflect.

2014-04-12, 09:25 PM
The walls suddenly burst.
Droids, little things, poor out, chattering, chittering, as they scramble towards you, legs clinking like knives.
Actually, wait. The legs are knives. From ahead you both hear a scream, and then the sickening sound of slicing flesh.
Then the droids are almost on you, and there is no more time to think.
Only to run, or to kill.

You can all sense that the creatures are within the walls.
It gives you a moment to turn before the walls burst at certain points, pressure points, or maybe like valves.
Tiny insectoid droids come scuttling out, dozens, then hundreds, then thousands, as they flood the tunnel and swarm towards you.
Their legs, knives, their bodies metal orbs, their eyes...human! The organi-droids advance in a wave, scuttling over each other, rushing, charging. From ahead you hear a scream, the sound of flesh cleaving around a blade of steel not light, and then the wave is almost upon you.
It is time to fight, or to run.

No need for init; this isn't a fight in the conventional sense. Its more of a 'can you deal enough damage/take enough precautionary measures to deter/stop the swarm, or do you run?
How do you interact with the screaming things? etc.

2014-04-12, 10:12 PM
"And just when I thought we were in trouble," Kahla says. Strangely, there is not a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Almost absentmindedly she reaches out with the force and slams one of the "valves" shut before hopping on to and climbing over the basilisk droid. "Hope you don't mind," Kahla says to the non-Mandalorian pilot. She's holding something in her hand that looks a bit like a restraining bolt, but it has some kind of disk attached. "Have you ever gone droid fishing?"

Move Object to close nearest valve along likely retreat route (or just nearest): [roll0]

Henry the 57th
2014-04-12, 11:42 PM
Adalric stands rigid for a moment, eyes narrowed as he watches the wave of bio-machines machines charge. His droids are not so calm. One twirls its electrostaff in a blinding display of defensive movement, readying to interpose itself between its strange master and the enemy the moment it needs to. The other backs up a few steps, shooting wildly into the crowd with its blaster rifle. Dooku just stands still, mind focused on the patterns of the Force, waiting for just the right moment...

Now. The Jedi's hand lashes out suddenly, just as the droids are about to reach him. He unleashes a wave of Force power to bowl over and crush the incoming bio-droids.

Force Slam: [roll0]. 20-25 treated as 26.

Damage (if needed): [roll1].

If UtF exceeds their Fort Defense, they take full damage and are knocked prone. If not, they take half damage.

2014-04-13, 01:12 AM
To'shiro steps forward and extends his hand, sending a rippling wave down the hallway with the Force towards the incoming droids.

Force Slam
Use the Force

2014-04-13, 03:33 AM
Lothar Uthari

With the others unleashing the power of the Force against the adversaries, Lothar moves to the front to protect them from any stragglers that might make it through. He ignites his lightsaber with a snap-hiss, the blue beam of energy extending nearly twice as long as a conventional blade. He sweeps it in wide arcs to ensure enemies keep their distance while peppering the swarm with red blaster bolts.

Lothar will use his blaster rifle until the spiders get close, then he will switch to fighting defensively to keep any of the spiders from getting to the others. He can cover 5 squares across with his dual phase lightsaber, which is hopefully the entire corridor, and has +5 to hit on all attacks of opportunity. It is difficult to get close to him (enemies add 8 to their DC to tumble through squares he threatens). In addition to the normal attack of opportunity whenever something moves through a square he threatens, he also gains an attack of opportunity whenever something attacks him in melee. He may also make an attack (not an AOO) whenever any ally or opponent in line of sight rolls a natural 1 on an attack. He also does between 1-4 dice of extra damage on attacks of opportunity depending on his UTF check.

2014-04-13, 04:01 PM
Marco stand up in his seat and lifts his arm up, aiming at the densest section of the enemies. A grenade flies forward exploding with a sticky substance.


2014-04-15, 09:21 PM
To'shiro's force slam works well sending many of the little beasts flying. But while he does that Kellin turns and runs.
"We've got to help whoever is screaming, Master!"
He spins around the corner, and then his hoarse yells of anger of terror join the cacophony of noise in the hall.

Kahla's tactic doesn't really work; although the ship responds closing the hatch, it bursts open seconds later as the flood of murderbots triggers the mechanism again.
Dooku's and Marco's are more effective, murderbots flying away from Dooku's outstretched hand in a wave, and many being slowed or destroyed by Marco's grenade.
The random shots of the droid don't seem to have any effect, nor do Lothar's shots. However, his tactic of sweeping his lightsaber back and forth is working much better, picking off the ones that are slow, or large, while the smaller ones that make it through can be crushed underfoot.
The screams get louder and take on a pleading quality, only adding to the torrent of sound, all clicking, screeching of metal on metal, and that horrible screaming, as the swarm, though deterred, continues to build like a river massing before a dam. And soon enough that dam will burst...

2014-04-15, 10:22 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar kept up his frantic spinning and slashing, but he knew it was just a holding action as a tidal wave of enemies built behind his humming blade.

He chanced a glance about, looking for an elevated platform or something they could use to get off the ground and away from the little droids.

"Fall back or push forward?" He yelled, "we can't stay here!"

2014-04-15, 11:06 PM
Kahla's talons work to tie the bolt to her cable, taking occasional glances towards the direction of the screams. "We might be able to hook up with that other group," she says in answer to Lothar.

She gives the cable a quick tug to ensure it's secure. Got it. Kahla does her best to brace herself on the floating droid and turns to Marco. "Once I snag one, take us back. Wouldn't want one of those legs cutting the tether."

If there's time:
Move Light Object (UTF) attack roll:[roll0]
Mechanics check to attach instant fuse restraining bolt:[roll1]

The Grim Author
2014-04-16, 02:04 AM
Marath ignites his lightsaber, the blade glowing blacker than the void of space. "To'shiro, keep them back. I'm going to aid Kellin. And if they get too close, I suggest you turn and run to join us." And with that, he ran to aid his padawan in fighting off whatever was harming the person screaming. If it was a fray they wanted, it would be a fray that they got.

Henry the 57th
2014-04-16, 10:29 AM
Adalric nods to the MagnaGuard. "Go help him." he says, pointing to Lothar. It complies, twirling its electrostaff rapidly to try and drive back, or at least hold off, the enemy. The other machine continues to shoot frantically at whatever gets the closest.

"I say we fall back and see how they handle a Basilisk's guns." he adds as he switches crystals on his lightsaber before throwing a grenade of his own into the swarm.

Switching to the crystal that gives +2 to Block. Tossing a frag grenade.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2014-04-16, 08:21 PM
Marco ignores the bird and grins under his helmet, if you would stand out of the way, I've already mentioned my missiles.

2014-04-16, 10:00 PM
"Fine! Don't die."

Having just struck them, To'shiro waits for the little droids to regroup and grow closer before he strikes again. Once he stands the best chance of hitting as many as possible, he flicks his hand again, sending another pulse of Force energy down the hall and into the swarm. Then... he adopts his Ataru opening stance.

Using Force Slam on the oncoming swarm. Since I'm currently doing this alone, I'll also roll for attacks, damage, and block - in case I need them.
Use the Force
Whew! That's all of them.

2014-04-17, 05:00 PM
The swarm is deterred, and you feel a moment of triumph...before your danger sense makes you whirl and bring your lightsaber up and over your head.
The two murderbots that had leapt at you fall in four pieces, but the other dozen still on the ceiling just stare at you with the unblinking eyes, then tense their legs to leap as one.

As you run around the corner you see Kellin clutching at his forehead and screaming as he sinks to his knees.
Across the way a woman with dark skin, animal pelt clothing, and a webwork of tatoos is doing the same. Both are standing near an open hatchway that clearly leads straight to the center of the ship.
Three other exits are scattered about, and from one comes the sound of fighting.
Two murderbots experimentally cut the big toe off of the the woman's companion, now dead.

The restraining bolt fuses, and the murderbot is lifted free as the grenade jolts the swarm back a little further.

The Grim Author
2014-04-17, 05:35 PM
"All right... we're going to have to get a move on." Marath turned and shouted back toward To'shiro. "Get over here! We've got two in a tight spot, one dead, and I don't know how much longer it'll be before more of these things show up!"

Marath swung at one, hoping to cleave the little thing into pieces. "Kellin, if you can hear me, grab the woman and take her through that hatch toward the ship's center!"

Rollin' attack.

Henry the 57th
2014-04-17, 07:24 PM
Adalric takes a few steps forward, and concentrates, hitting the horde with another powerful wave of Force energy. Even as they are toppling, he starts backing up towards the Basilisk. "Quick, before they get up!" he yells to Lothar and the MagnaGuard. The droid begins retreating with its master, while the other snipes at any machine that looks to be getting up or too close.

One more Force Slam: [roll0]. 20-25 treated as 26.

Damage: [roll1]

Retreat to the droid while the machines are down.

2014-04-17, 08:19 PM
Kahla pulls in her catch, its bladed legs frozen by a locked motivator. Its living eyes lock on to her. "You're even more disturbing up close."

The sound of dismemberment-by-lightsaber draws ever closer. Her companions are holding the droids back, but it looks like a losing battle. Kahla looks at the wave of murderbots pouring from a hatch and tries on more time to close it; this time attempting to twist it off the servos that control it.

Force Point to recover Move Object
Move Object on door: [roll0]

"I strongly suggest we get out of here."

2014-04-17, 08:33 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Whatever you're going to do, do it fast!" Lothar yelled as the floor came alive with the clicking murderous cyborg horde.

Lothar jumped, twisted and dodged like an acrobat in some kind of choreographed sabre dance, his blade an extension of his body as he took advantage of his opponents' movements to attack.

Lothar will try to clear enough space so he can withdraw to the Basilisk. If it's not clear, he will tumble there.
contentious opportunity form = UTF check: 20=+1die, 25=+2die, 30=+3die, 35=+4die damage on each AOO
AOO1: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
UTF: [roll2]
CO additional damage: [roll3]
total damage = 26

AOO2: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
UTF: [roll6]
CO additional damage: [roll7]
total damage = 36

AOO3: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
UTF: [roll10]
CO additional damage: [roll11]
total damage = 40

AOO4: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
UTF: [roll14]
CO additional damage: [roll15]
total damage = 0 (automiss)

AOO5: [roll16]
damage: [roll17]
UTF: [roll18]
CO additional damage: [roll19]
total damage = 33

2014-04-19, 12:02 AM
Once everyone has retreated behind the basilisk Marco fires off a concussion missile, straight into the middle of the swarm.

Damage [roll1]x2

2014-04-19, 03:48 AM
To'shiro enters a grounded stance to defend himself against attack, but Marath's shouting gives him pause. He reconsiders, and then turns on heel and runs toward the Jedi and his apprentice.

2014-04-22, 07:52 PM
There is a flash and a flood of fire. The shockwave flattens you all, and whips your clothes around you as the krump of a detonating warhead makes your ears hurt.
Then the smoke clears and you can see the shattered remains of the swarm.
One or two eyes blink and a few legs scuttle, but everything else lies still.
The shrieks from behind you continue, but the raw throated yells have stopped.

As Marath darts forwards and cuts one of the murderbots in half the sound of a warhead detonating rocks the room. Kellin stops his shouting and the woman her screaming for a moment, then starts again.
Kellin manages to throw himself away from the tunnel during the respite while the woman tries to move closer.
As Kellin falls to his knees, the woman screams get even louder.
The remaining murderbot looks at Marath, blinks its eye, then leaps at him.
Jump, DC 15 [roll0]
attack [roll1]
damage [roll2]

2014-04-22, 10:49 PM
To'shiro skids to a halt when he catches up with Marath and Kellin - in part because of the blast, and in part because of the scene unfolding before him.

He reaches out with the Force, intending to simply blast the little droid away from Marath before it can pose a threat. "Grab your apprentice," he says to the Jedi, before jogging over to help the woman.

Activating Force Thrust against the attacking droidling.
Use the Force

2014-04-23, 02:22 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar picked himself up and ignited his lightsaber again, looking around for more threats.

It looked for a moment as if there was a lull in the fighting.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked.

2014-04-23, 07:17 AM
Marco's glee at the destruction caused is great, he basks in it for a moment then turns in his cockpit and aims his grenade launcher at the bird. Disconnect yourself from my Basilisk, I won't have you hanging on it. I'm perfectly fine. He responds to Lothar.

2014-04-23, 05:36 PM
Kahla seems to meditate on the captured droid in her hand.

Technometry: [roll0] versus droid's Will to learn information as per Use Computer: Access Information.
For every 5 points Will is exceeded, learn additional information.

Information order:
1st - Map of ship
2nd - Hazards
3rd - Nearby control terminals
4th - What's the deal with the biological components

Henry the 57th
2014-04-23, 06:26 PM
Adalric shuts off his lightsaber, but does not return it to his belt. "I am alright." he says, looking over at his droids. "And my mechanical friends seem to be as well."

The Jedi rummages through his equipment for a moment before producing a pair of electrobinoculars. "Spread out and secure the area. Make sure none of our little friends get back up again." he orders the droids, before peering through his electrobinoculars in the direction of the screaming.

Perception: [roll0]

To spot the source of the screaming or anything else of interest.

The Grim Author
2014-04-23, 10:45 PM
Marath dodged the attack. "You got it!" He grabbed Kellin and carried him toward the hatch. "C'mon, Kellin. Keep it together, kid."

2014-04-26, 11:01 PM
The blast of the force knocks the droid from the air, and blasts it into pieces.
But as you take a step towards the hatchway you feel a pressure behind your eyes, and then it grows.
attack roll!
Every step this rolls vs will.
If it succeeds, then you are stunned for one round and can only scream as Force powered needles stab into your brain and probe and cut and slice and hurt.

Get the gist of it? :smalltongue:

Only when you take a step away does the pressure fade enough to think again.

The corner bends, so Dooku cannot see what is making the screaming.
However he can faintly hear voices.

There is no defined map of the ship in the things brain. All it knows is a spiraling off confusing mess of internal corridors and pipes that it runs through.
There are about 500 different hazards in the ship, everything from live wires to archaic pit traps.
Currently only the murderbots and the Hunter Seeker droids have been activated, and are hunting the Searchers.
As you scan it however it curls up into a ball and deactivates as the murderbot swarm s deactivated and the Mind Reamers are brought online.
The biological components are the leftovers of the ship's original owners, a sect of Rakata who disagreed with the norm and followed the Light Side.
This eye came from a scholar named Ganny-Dar'la'pa. He believed that the force was a beacon of hope that would someday let the universe be freed from death by a blinding burst of force energy that unbound the ties between time and energy, space and light, the force and everything.

"Well, the swarm didn't cull very many. I'm activating the Mind Reamers. Its up to you to offer them a way around the things. If I lose more than half the minds, I'll be...annoyed. And you don't want that, do you?"

2014-04-27, 12:10 AM
"Something worse is coming," Kahla says as the droid deactivates. She takes a moment to secure Ganny to her vest and takes out her lightsaber. The crystal inside hums in her mind, providing focus. "Mind Reamers. They don't sound friendly."

"And Dooku, you were right. This was a Rakata ship. You just fought what was left of them."

Kahla will work on regaining her spent Force Powers with Force Focus. Move Object first, then Technometry.

Henry the 57th
2014-04-27, 07:13 PM
Adalric has known and trusted Kahla long enough to believe her predictions. "Did you get a sense of exactly what these 'Mind Reamers' are and where they might come from?" he asks as he returns his magnoculars to their place and grips his inactive saber tightly.

2014-04-28, 04:18 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar begins moving down the hallway to investigate the screaming.

"We should see who, or what, is making that horrible noise," he said.

The Grim Author
2014-04-28, 06:33 PM
Marath grit his teeth and tried to resist the urge to shriek with every step he took, eventually succumbing. Still, even though the Force tore at every fiber of his being, he pushed onward. To move backward was to admit defeat, to admit that the way he had lived had been a good life, a life that had been led by a good person. This was, perhaps, not true... but to Marath, that was what giving up now would mean. It would mean his daily struggle to achieve redemption for what he had done was ultimately pointless, and that he ought give in and become a complete monster.

And he would not do that. So while he shrieked as he stepped forward, he refused to step back. He refused to turn around. He refused to give up.

2014-04-29, 05:07 AM
To'shiro may have shared Marath's tolerance for pain - determination, however, was a different matter. Once the pain had become so unbearable he could not keep the gargled sounds of pain from escaping his throat, he immediately backed off.

"Marath! Stop! Stop, there has to be a better way."

He pauses to catch his breath, recovering from the sudden shock of the invisible needles. Then, he reaches out with the Force, moving the woman from harm's way.

Taking 10 on Move Object.

2014-04-29, 07:03 PM
Marco follows the others, he pulls a small vial from his belt pouch surreptitiously, slipping it onto a hanging armor slot for easy access.

2014-04-29, 07:32 PM
As To'shiro pulls the screaming woman free of the field she stops, and begins to gasp for breath.
Meanwhile Marath experiences her dilemma. The further he goes, the harder it is to take a breath, and it is not long before he is starting to feel the toll of the constant screaming on both his lungs and on his throat.
Then a large metal thing comes around one corner, ridden by a Mandalorian. A bird, two humans, and two droids walk along beside or in front of the basilisk.
There is a moment of silence as the two parties and the woman, who some of you may recognize as a Dathomir Force Witch, stare at each other.
Then there is a horrible screeching noise far away down the corridor ahead of Marath, and something moves into sight at the end of it and begins to scramble along towards the collected group.
Several somethings.

The Grim Author
2014-04-29, 08:22 PM
"I... will not... give..." Before Marath could finish his sentence, however, something came into his field of vision. "What the..."

And then came the shriek, and the scrambling noise. The lightsaber was drawn again, and Marath was ready and willing to use it.

2014-04-30, 01:38 AM
To'shiro wheels around as he liberates the woman from the field. His saber flares to life and he adopts the ataru opening stance, a wordless challenge to the new unknown party and their immense wardroid.

But his attention shifts as the somethings skitter at the end of the corridor, and he wheels around to confront them, instead.

"If you're too weak to fight," he addresses the witch, "then get behind me."

2014-04-30, 02:02 AM
Having refreshed her Force powers, Kahla hops off the droid. "Thanks for the lift." she says to the non-Mandalorian.

Ahead of her she spies another group that seems to have had a worse time of the murderbots than her companions. A twi'lek stands with a pale blue lightsaber readied against her group. Kahla tries not to take it personally; in this place, it's just prudent.

Kahla is about to open her beak when she hears the terrible sound coming from one of the corridors. By the twi'lek's reaction, he's heard it as well. Could it be a Mind Reamer? No, they just woke up. It's too soon. "Hunter Seekers," she shouts and dashes forward, igniting her blade. "Take care of them before they let the reamers know our location."

2014-04-30, 07:29 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar moves to the front, lightsaber held in one hand, blaster rifle in the other. He peered ahead to try and get a better look at the 'hunter seekers' coming towards them.

If they appear hostile, he will take a few shots with his blaster rifle until they close into melee range, then assume a defensive stance.

What do they look like? Size? Appendages? Color? Do they have faces? Visible weaponry?

Henry the 57th
2014-04-30, 05:23 PM
Adalric ignites his blue saber and holds his position by the massive war droid his new Mandalorian ally is riding. One droid moves to stand at the Jedi's side, while the other takes up a sniping position, using the Basilisk for cover. Though reluctant to make a first strike at unknown parties, Dooku trusts Kahla's words. Adalric nods at the commando droid. "Open fire." Several blaster bolts tear through the air at the incoming foes.

I'm assuming that they're out of range of any of my Force powers. kreenlover, if this is wrong please inform me. Lightsaber is set to +2 Deflect.

Commando Droid autofires onto the largest concentration of the critters: [roll0] vs. Reflex

Damage: [roll1], half if their Reflex beats the attack roll

2014-05-04, 09:12 PM
Marco stares at the droid, These droids begin to bore me ship. If you continue such acts of aggression, I will begin systematically dismantling your ship. He turns his basilisks blasters on the approaching droids.


2014-05-07, 04:37 PM
The Witch scrambles behind To'Shiro with a glare, but takes his option as she mutters arcane sounding gibberish. Her wounds begin to seal shut as you all feel a force surge from the area.
Meanwhile the blaster fire from Dooku's droid does nothing, just bouncing away as the droid's suddenly surge with the Force.
Marco's shot misses the droids by a good margin and puts a hole in the wall. The lights flicker as the ship takes the abuse, and then they go off.
In the darkness lighted only by the glow of lightsabers, the sound of mechanical chittering chills you all to the bone, none more so than Marath, who is still struggling against the field
Then flashes of light brighetn the area momentarily as the droids open fire on the group with their blasters. Some dash forwards while others lay down a withering barrage of fire. Suddenly, out of the gloom in front of Marath looms one of the hunter seekers, green lines around its body glowing as it raises twin blades to slice at him.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOJvsuaVceF8JE7fzg2440Lz7sr_FOtqpqFG3oXxRJY/edit#gid=1485457186)
So, the pain field extends to the right of the blue squares. I just didn't want to hurt our eyes with too much neon.

Vs Marath (flatfooted)
Vs Lothar
Vs. To'shiro

2014-05-07, 06:30 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Get behind me, get behind me!" Lothar called even as he advanced towards the oncoming attackers, in the hopes he would be able to provide them some cover from the attackers.
"Take out the ones in the back, we'll handle the ones up front!" he yelled.

attack on Hunter Seeker in N13: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
swift, battle strike, [roll2]; edit: +1 attack, +2d6 damage (below)
FYI, I can't edit the battle map
move to N11, threatening hunters in P9, P13, and N13 (if it's still alive).

2014-05-07, 09:50 PM
Kahla sees a human struggling against some unseen influence just before a droid rears up, glowing blades poised to strike him down. She reaches out with the force and yanks the droid away, sending it careening into one of its companions.

Kahla moves to L12

UTF Move Object on H at Q11 to H at P13: [roll0] Edit: Exceptional Skill 27
Damage rolls will posted in OOC

2014-05-07, 11:39 PM
To'shiro's blade spins in a wide arc, deflecting the incoming blaster-shots harmlessly away from himself. Then, he reaches out with the Force again - this time grasping at one of the hunter-killers to hurl it at its companion.

Neither of the droids attacking To'shiro defeated his Reflex Defense.
I'm using Move Object on Q8, throwing it at P9. Damage in the OOC.
Use the Force

The Grim Author
2014-05-08, 03:11 PM
Marath swung at the droid that had attacked him, clearing his mind so that he might strike it where it was most vulnerable. As the Force flowed through him, he used it to figure out where the droid would be, and swung.

Using the Assured Strike power.

[roll0] for Use the Force.
[roll1] for the first attack roll.
[roll2] for the second attack roll. Whichever is higher is the one he'll use. Damage will be rolled in the OOC, provided he hits.

Henry the 57th
2014-05-08, 05:58 PM
Adalric frowns. "Hold your position and keep firing." he orders the commando droid. "Follow me." he says to the MagnaGuard as he darts forward and calls on the Force to grab one of the machines, lifting it high into the air.

Adalric moves to K10, the guard droid to K11. The other droid holds position.

Adalric uses Force Grip on the droid in P9: [roll0] vs. Fortitude. 20-25 counts as 26.
If hit, [roll1] damage and only one swift action next turn.

MagnaGuard uses Harm's Way on Adalric.

Commando Droid aims, then fires at droid in P9: [roll2] vs. Reflex
If hit, [roll3] damage.

2014-05-10, 11:25 PM
Marco has the Basilisk approach the nearest hostile droid to attack ot with it's vicious claws.


2014-05-14, 04:15 PM
Lothar's lightsaber is slowed down as it approaches the droid. Its almost going to stop...but then breaks through the resistance and manages to score a gash on the droid's body armour.
To'shiro's toss however does next to nothing, not getting past the field surrounding both droids.
As Marath's blade skitters along the resistance field as the droid is whipped away from him towards another. With a crash the two collide, but almost seem to bounce off each other, barely clipping each other, the resistance fields stopping the force of the blow.
As the Basilisk launches into the air and bears down on the Hunter Seeker, the witch rolls to her feet and leans around To'shiro to launch a stream of lightning down the corridor. It crackles and fizzes against the droid's barrier, then breaks through and electrifies the monster.
"Time to fight later Lightsiders, yes? Time now to droids kill"

2014-05-14, 07:02 PM
One of the droids fires off a quick shot at the Basilisk as two charge Marath and one charges at Lothar.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOJvsuaVceF8JE7fzg2440Lz7sr_FOtqpqFG3oXxRJY/edit#gid=1485457186) should be fixed so you can edit.
Vs Basilisk
VS Marath
Vs Lothar

ALSO, as long as Marath is inside the area of Force Nastiness he'll be taking a -2 on attack rolls, and count as flanked. So, those two should actually get +2 more to hit than they did, but I'll let it slide since I forgot.

The Grim Author
2014-05-14, 08:38 PM
Marath swings again, trying to cut one of the droids. Under his breath, he mutters, "Can't give up. Won't give up."

Rolling attack!
If hit:

2014-05-14, 09:18 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar takes advantage of the chaos of battle to take a swing at the nearest hunter seeker, then uses the long reach of his lightsaber to attempt to impale the hunter seeker charging him.

Free attack vs hunter seeker in P9 due to natural 1 rolled on an enemy attack. If this hunter seeker drops, it will allow Marath to withdraw through O10, and he still has a move action.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

AoO vs hunter seeker in N12 (I'm assuming this is the one that charged at Lothar).
attack: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]

The Jedi then assumed a defensive stance, ready to counter any incoming attacks.

Contentious opportunity form, fighting defensively

2014-05-14, 09:26 PM
The droids recovered quickly from Kahla's attack and re-engaged the struggling human. What are these things? Casting the human a glance, Kahla heightens his awareness of the droid's movements before she moves in to gain some awareness of her own.

UTF Enlighten on Marath: [roll0] May replace a single roll or defense score until the start of Kahla's turn with this value.
UTF Technometry on N12: [roll1] vs. Will EDIT: Exceptional Skill 27

Seeking info on: Hunter/Seeker weaknesses, Details on Mind Reamers, Map of area, Other groups located, Any knowledge of their master

Henry the 57th
2014-05-14, 10:10 PM
Adalric holds his mental grip on the damaged machine, fully intent on crushing it into so much scrap. He notices out of the corner of his eye that one of his fellows is beset. He nods to his bodyguard droid. "Get in there and help him. I can handle myself for a few moments." The loyal machine charges the enemy, electrostaff twirling in a blaze of movement as it jabs at the other droid. The commando droid moves to fire on the same target.

Continuing Force Grip on droid in P9: [roll0] vs. Fortitude. 20-25 counts as 26.
If maintained, [roll1] damage.

MagnaGuard charges to Q11 and attacks the droid on P12: [roll2] vs. Relfex.
If hit, [roll3] damage.

Commando droid moves to E12 and fires on droid in P12: [roll4] vs. Reflex.
If hit, [roll5] damage.

2014-05-14, 10:13 PM
To'shiro frowns as his telekinetic attack seems to have no effect within the field - then glances at the witch as she unleashes her lightning.

Nightsister? Hm.

After a moment considering the woman's identity, he snaps back into attack mode. He skims around the edge of the basilisk to the edge of the pain field - he'd get no closer if he could avoid it, but thankfully the droids had positioned themselves at the edge, too. He swipes at the droid with his blade.

Wasting time as a swift action, moving to P7 as a move action, and attacking the droid at Q8 as a standard action.

2014-05-14, 11:15 PM
Continue engagement with this droid Marco shouts to his droid, jumping from the cockpit, attempting to flank the droid with his Basilisk. He activates his armors built-in lightsabre and swings it in a deadly arc at the droid.

Jump [roll0]
Marco Attack [roll1]
Marco Damage [roll2]

The Grim Author
2014-05-15, 12:47 PM
Marath felt awareness flood him. He focused that awareness into his defenses against the droids, using it to predict movements and dodge at the right moment.

2014-05-16, 06:47 PM
The first strike is Lothar's a blow that just fails to hit the droid, bouncing off the resistance field. His second attack on the closer droid also does very little, his blade scrabbling for purchase on the energy barrier.
With a crackling noise Marath's blade overcomes the field. Its easier now; it seems to be giving out as his blade scores a small hit on the droid.
As Kahla forgoes a physical attack and instead probes the thing's brains with a touch, she gets the distinct sense that behind their shields they are weak. Something that would bypass those shields, like the crushing grip delivered by Dooku, will destroy them fairly quickly. Other than that, their shields are tough enough to stop most hand-held weaponry.
The Mind Reamers are vicious monstrosities. They are massive, half the size of the Basilisk, and will stop at nothing to acheive their goal, protecting the ship.
Their armour plate is tough, and their cruel sadistic minds tougher still. They delight in torturing their prey until the minds crack and they become jibbering lost things. Making extensive use of the Dark Side they will penetrate the mind with probing tendrils of insanity, and take what they want, which is everything.
The way that they came is the fastest way to the center and safety, but is blocked the whole way by the field. And as long as people stay in the field, more Hunter Seekers will come. Its a way to trap those stupid enough to persist.
The other paths all lead to the center inevitably, and are less trap-riddled.

Dooku has the right of it even without Kahla's new insight; the droid is crushed into so much scrap metal, and falls as a pile of shattered debris on the floor. At the same time his droid fires a bolt of light that crackles past what is left of the shield and wreaks havoc with the droid's armour plate.
With a spray of sparks the Twi'lek's blade forces its way past the shields. It dances down the thing's body, slicing it so that mechanical innards show.
Marco's jump lands him inside the Force-pain field. He begins to collapse to his knees, but by force of will stays on his feet as he swings the lightsaber. It dances on the shield, but does not penetrate, nor do the claws of the Basilisk. Both attacks came so close to penetrating, but did not get through.

The Nightsister frowns at the developments, and pulls a whip from her belt. As it crackles to life, she steps forwards far enough to strike the droid facing Kahla and Lothar. Slowed by the shields, the whip does not do as much damage as it could, barely lashing the droid that dodges to avoid being entangled.
Then the Hunter Seekers open fire in a coordinated barrage.
Vs Basilisk
Vs Marco
Vs To'shiro
Vs Marath
vs Lothar
Vs Kahla

2014-05-16, 08:48 PM
Lothar Uthari

As the hunter nearest to him swipes ineffectively with its claws, Lothar counter attacks with a vicious strike and flourish of his lightsaber.

AoO: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
contentious opportunity UTF: [roll2]
contentious opportunity additional damage: [roll3]
Edit: +8 damage
Full standard, move, and swift actions remaining.

2014-05-16, 09:38 PM
"It's a trap!" Kahla says. "If we stay here, more of these droids will keep coming." Kahla breaks off from the two droids threatening her. "This way, I know a safer route."

Force Point: Recover Move Object

Henry the 57th
2014-05-17, 12:43 AM
Dooku gives a crisp nod of approval as his grip finally destroys the biomechanical construct. His expression fades as he looks at the room and sees how many still remain. That took too long. he thinks in a bit of a sour tone. When he hears Kahla's words, his mood darkens even further. Much too long. he adds mentally.

Adalric jerks his head at Marath and the MagnaGuard. "You heard her! Back this way, on the double!" To cover their retreat, he takes a step forward and waves his hand at one of the machines, calling on the Force to drain its power cells and energy reservoirs dry.

Adalric advances to L10 and uses Drain Energy on the droid in P12: [roll0]. 20-25 counts as 26. DC 25 to drain a medium object.

MagnaGuard withdraws, then moves to L9.

Commando Droid aims, fires at droid in Q12. [roll1] vs. Reflex.
If hit, [roll2] damage.

2014-05-17, 03:33 AM
To'shiro backs away at Kahla's provocation, bringing his saber up into a guard stance. He casts his glance to Marath - still struggling in the energy field - and then reaches out with the Force, attempting to pluck him him free of the negative energy field and deposit him safely behind the Basilisk.

Fighting Defensively for +5 Reflex Defense. Move action to Withdraw immediately east, to M7. Standard action to activate Move Object, to move Marath to M8 (behind the Basilisk). Assuming he doesn't fight back, of course.
Use the Force

2014-05-18, 06:40 PM
Marco heads around, remounting his droid and follows after the bird creature.

2014-05-20, 08:14 PM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar withdrew to the spot recently vacated by the basilisk droid, and continued to assume a defensive posture.

Gave up waiting on Torgarn. Move to O9 after Marco leaves on the droid, continue to fight defensively.

The Grim Author
2014-05-21, 10:00 PM
Marath was so busy trying to resist the Force Murder Field effect, he didn't even notice when To'shiro reached out to grab him with the Force; it wasn't until he had been safely plucked from the field that was even able to react. "...Fine. That way, then." He turns to his disciple. "C'mon."

2014-05-23, 11:28 PM
As the Hunter droids swarm forwards, the group backs up. Lothar's first strike almost crushes the field around the droid, while the shot from Dooku's droid makes it past the full field of another.
As the group moves into full retreat the Hunter Seekers back off. They have found you all now, and marked many of you. They will watch, and wait. And now that you are no longer in the field, there is no real reason for them to continue to fight you. They don't even strike at Marco as he moves to his battle droid.
The Nightsister turns to look at the group, then shrugs and moves to stand beside To'shiro. She places her hand on his shoulder, and whispers in his ear.
"Why don't you leave your friends behind to cover the retreat? We can make much better time on our own. And I know a safe way through to the center. Seeing as my other partner died, I could use a new one"

2014-05-24, 01:59 AM
To'shiro turns his head a little as the witch whispers to him. He considers her words, then the others. Finally he whispers back.

"A generous offer. But I think we may better off with the wardroid than without." He tilts his head towards where the Hunter Seekers are now waiting. "They're waiting for reinforcements. If the two of us were caught alone by whatever comes next, we wouldn't survive. The odds are best if we all go your way."

Henry the 57th
2014-05-24, 02:19 AM
Adalric summons his droids to his side as he backs away from the field, pausing only long enough to use the Force to retrieve the lightsabers from the dead - the Jedi to be buried at the Temple with honor, the Sith to be destroyed or locked away. It would be right to leave neither of them in the claws of these biodroid abominations.

When he has tucked the weapons safely away, Adalric turns to Kahla. "So which way?" he asks.

Taking 10 on Use the Force to retrieve the lightsabers of the dead Jedi/Sith/whatever before something takes them. How many do I need to add to my list?

2014-05-24, 06:20 PM
The Nightsister looks at To'shiro, and nods slowly.
"If you say so. Remember the offer for when next we have a chance to make use of it"
Then she turns to Dooku and extends her hand.
"That lightsaber belonged to my partner. It should pass to me so that I may honour his passing in a proper way. Will you allow me this ritual?"

one lightsaber, but she wants it back. It has a spike on the hilt, and is triggered in an odd way. A long lever down the side acts as a knuckle guard while deactivated (And is covered in horrid spikes) but is flipped up in order to turn the lightsaber on. It doesn't need to be held in place; it looks like it will stay that way until it is turned off.
If it is turned on there is a hiss, a crackle, a small wisp of smoke, and then a dark red blade springs forth, sputtering and looking like it will deactivate at any moment.

Henry the 57th
2014-05-24, 08:25 PM
Adalric holds the lightsaber in his hands and frowns as he probes the weapon with his mind. He ignores the woman's request at first, simply turning the device on and rolling it over in his hands. His frown deepens and he mutters something under his breath. Abruptly he shuts it off. "No," he says in a firm and resolute voice. "This weapon is tainted by the dark side of the Force. It must be destroyed as soon as possible. Until then, I'm holding on to it."

2014-05-25, 06:57 AM
Lothar Uthari

Lothar backed down the hallway along with the others, keeping a watchful eye on the hunter seekers. He surveyed those who had fought the droids alongside him. Now seemed as good a time for introductions as any.

"I am Lothar Uthari," he said, deactivating his lightsaber but not stowing it just yet.

2014-05-25, 11:19 AM
Kahla hears Adalric's remarks to the witch. "If we destroyed everything tainted by the Dark Side, there would be little left of the galaxy." She says nothing more on the matter, but Adalric can feel an impression through the Force that the bird is not happy with him keeping the weapon. They're in too dangerous a position to afford more enemies.

"Hurry. I don't like how they're letting us leave." With that, she races forward, using her knowledge to guide her companions to the center as quickly as possible. "The name's Kahla," she says over her shoulder.

Kreenlover, if she knows any routes the party can take to trade a known risk for time, let me know.

2014-05-25, 11:05 PM
Lothar Uthari

Kahla. She seems to know where she's going. Makes sense to follow, especially if she's leading.

Lothar made haste to follow the woman, attempting to keep pace with her, if several steps behind.

2014-05-26, 12:50 AM
Marco notes the words from Dooku. Might have to kill him after all. he thinks to himself. He couldn't have someone running around with him who wasn't willing to let go of predjudices against his side of things.

2014-05-26, 02:07 AM
To'shiro furrows his brow at the exchange between Dooku and the witch. But when Kahla begins to lead the party away, he beckons to the witch and then follows after.

2014-05-26, 08:01 AM
Lothar Uthari

"How do you know where to go?" Lothar asked, "Have you been here before?"

2014-05-26, 10:52 AM
"No," Kahla says. "But those droids have been here for a long time, and they were kind enough to tell me."

2014-05-27, 02:51 PM
The Witch glares at Dooku, but waves her hand after a few moments.
"You may carry it for now. Just return it to me when I require it for the rite, and I shall not hold any ill-will against you"
She begins to follow, then stops as she hears Kahla's words.
"You have been in contact with the droids? Speaking with them? Traitor!"
She jerks her lightwhip from her belt. As it crackles into existence, she motions for the others to step away from the bird-creature.
"I am sorry to have to kill you so soon after meeting you, but if you are on friendly terms with the droids then you cannot be allowed to live long enough to lead us into a trap"

Well, Kahla could lead them through the reactor core. It'll cut the trip in half, take them past the Force-trap area without having to fight their way through HS droids, and should maybe provide some protection from the Mind Reavers.
Its not really a path technically. There is a mechanics corridor that runs alongside this corridor for quite some distance before branching off. No nearby entrances. A few lightsaber cuts will get you in real fast.

Henry the 57th
2014-05-27, 03:56 PM
Adalric nods warily. "I won't deny your partner last rites. But I shall hold it close until that time." He begins walking the Kahla's indicated direction when the witch suddenly draws her weapon and accuses the other Jedi. Dooku whips out his own from his belt, but doesn't ignite it. The droids flanking him take their own ready stances. "Wait!" he shouts at the Nightsister. "You don't understand! She has the power of reading an object's past by touching it. She has not betrayed us!"

Persuasion: [roll0]

2014-05-27, 04:35 PM
"Speak with them? In a sense." Kahla pulls the deactivated murderbot from her harness and holds it. "A droid's memory can hold a wealth of information."

"I can't guarantee the path ahead is safe. This whole place appears to be a trap. the one thing I know for certain is we must move quickly, as there are worse things than those hunter seekers. There is a shortcut through the reactor core. You are free to follow or not. I will tell you everything, but we must go."

Kahla readies an action if the witch attacks to use Drain Energy on her lightwhip. UTF[roll0]
If the which attempts to use a Force Power instead/in response, Rebuke UTF[roll1]

Not sure if Dooku would really know Kahla's true capabilities, as part of being an Intelligence asset means that she tries to keep those close to her vest. Her results, on the other hand, he could be familiar with.

2014-05-28, 02:06 AM
To'shiro looks at Dooku and shrugs. "You have to admit that it does seem suspicious." He glances at the witch that he's apparently made an ally of. "Don't be so quick to fight. None of us came this far to die now."

2014-06-01, 09:58 PM
Lothar Uthari

"Peace," Lothar said, to the Force-witch, "though you are clearly under the sway of the Dark Side, I have kept peace with you; we have enough to worry about without attacking each other. Learn from my example. If you cannot control your bloodlust even when there are common enemies all around us, I ask that you leave us and make your way on your own."

2014-06-02, 10:19 AM
The Witch regards everyone for a moment longer then deactivates her whip.
"You misjudge me Jedi. I am not bloodthirsty, merely trying to survive this death-maze. If you all vouch for the bird then I shall believe you for now. But, if this turns out to be a trap, I expect you all to step aside and let me deal with the traitor, no complaints. Agreed?"
She looks around, making eye contact with each person for a moment, before looking to Kahla.
"Lead on"

2014-06-02, 10:27 AM
Marco continues to follow along, he comms Lothar on their private channel. When you have a moment, I'd like a private word, feel free to climb the basilisk if necessary.

2014-06-02, 10:27 AM
Lothar Uthari

The tension clearly evaporating from his shoulders, Lothar shook his head almost imperceptibly.

"This whole station is a trap," he muttered.

He climbed up on the Basilisk, next to Marco.

"You wanted to speak?" he asked quietly.

2014-06-02, 10:31 AM
Marco glances around, then speaks quietly These people we are with, they seem to be drawing lines, some of them seem to have little to no tolerance for others, they aren't like you and I. We need to be ready for the inevitable conflict. There's entirely too much dogma permeating out of each of them.

2014-06-02, 10:42 AM
Lothar Uthari

"So long as there are hordes of enemies about trying to kill us, I think they will set aside their differences for the time being," Lothar said quietly enough to be private, "even if it does take some prodding from time to time. I have a feeling not all of us will make it through unscathed, and that may alter the willingness of some to take action."

"Watch out for the witch," he whispered, "she may try to sway others to her point of view, and sow dissent. I do not trust her, not when she was so willing to resort to violence as a first resort."

He paused.

"If this does turn out to be a trap, we should watch who falls under attack and who does not," he said quietly enough for only Marco to hear, but glancing at the rest of the party.

2014-06-02, 10:51 AM
Marco nods thoughtfully, then speaks quietly once again Agreed, the aggressor is likely to act randomly violent more than once. Violence is a scalpel, precise and guided it is useful, not otherwise. I'm going to keep an eye on the one who took those sabers too though, I'm not too worried about the bird.

He thinks for a moment then continues, Stand apart from the witch, if I need to suddenly act, I don't want you getting hit by what I will have ready for her. he finishes, pulling a vial from his belt, then attaching it to his arm.

2014-06-02, 10:55 AM
Lothar Uthari

"Agreed," Lothar replied, though to which part, he didn't say. Perhaps he meant to everything.

The Jedi skipped down from the war droid and kept his distance somewhat from the others.

"We should spread out a bit," Lothar said, "so as not to make an easy target for an explosive."

2014-06-07, 11:14 AM
"This way," Kahla says, rushing down a corridor. As the party moves, Kahla fills them in on what she's learned about the muderbots, the hunter seekers, the mind reamers, and the fate that seems to have befallen the Rakata builders of this Ship.

2014-06-08, 11:00 AM
To'shiro is probably already maintaining a healthy distance from the others when Lothar makes his suggestion. His lightsaber is still clutched firmly in his hand.

"Well," he interrupts Kahla as she's explaining about her discoveries, "did you learn anything about why we are all here together?"

2014-06-08, 02:33 PM
"I only know why I am here. You will have to find your own answer."

2014-06-08, 03:23 PM
As Kahla leads the group to the nearest entrance distant explosions rock the ship.
Finally the group reaches the hatch. It is sealed shut.
"Can you open it?"
The witch tires the palm pad, the manual hatch, everything.
"Cut it open please"

2014-06-08, 04:16 PM
Kahla removes her security kit and attempts to bypass the mechanism holding the hatch.

Mechanics: [roll0]

Force Point if the roll is 22-24: [roll1]

2014-06-10, 04:37 AM
"It would be quicker to cut our way through."

2014-06-10, 09:08 AM
"Be my guest. But if there's a cloud of toxic gas on the other side, don't blame me if we can't close it."

2014-06-10, 10:47 AM
To'shiro grins at the avian Jedi. "I'll live."

His lightsaber sparks to life with its steady hiss, and he plunges the blade into the hatch.

2014-06-10, 11:16 AM
"Much has changed since I've been away," Kahla says as she replaces the hatch controls and tries the door. "Taught to worry more about others, I was."

2014-06-10, 01:17 PM
"As was I. But I am not a true student of those teachings right now. Besides, you all look capable."

2014-06-10, 01:56 PM
As To'shiro's lightsaber plunges into the doorframe a screeching clanking sound suddenly begins to echo down the hallway, coming closer.
As he whips his lightsaber around, cutting a ragged hole the sound gets closer and closer, faster and faster.
With a sudden clang the plug of metal falls inwards, stuck at an angle in the narrow hallway. The approaching noises stop.
"I'll go first"
The Nightsister steps around To'shiro and pulls her whip out as she looks inside.
"The way is clear. Lets go"
And then the noises start again, faster than before.

2014-06-10, 02:27 PM
To'shiro nods and waits for the witch. Once she's passed through, he follows next, holding his still-ignited lightsaber in front of him.

2014-06-10, 08:27 PM
Lothar Uthari

Careful not to let the still-hot edges touch his clothing, Lothar gingerly stepped through the ragged hole and looked at the new room they had entered. His lightsaber was held defensively, in case of an ambush.

2014-06-11, 05:33 PM
Kahla doesn't like that sound. She pauses a moment to consider it before ducking into the hatchway.

UTF (Sense Surroundings): Remove Total Concealment when attempting to notice or detect targets
Perception (Notice Targets): [roll0] (Exceptional Skill: Results of 21-26 equal 27)

D20 roll if possible to tell if these noises are related to the Mind Reamers based on information Kahla gathered from droids: [roll1]

2014-06-13, 07:04 PM
The service corridor is narrow, but quickly widens out to be wide enough to be less than uncomfortable.
As the witch leads the way down the halls they slowly widen out as machinery cramps the sides and odd things whir overhead.

Oh boy yessy these are related to the Mind Reamers.