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View Full Version : Gamer Tales Player parties that work perfectly together

2014-03-07, 11:15 AM
So in my latest game the premise I gave the characters was that it would be a city based game focused on more skilled characters and less combat, and as we went round the table what we got were:

Neutral Good Shifter Urban Ranger
Neutral Good half-elf Beguiler
Neutral Good Human Rogue
Neutral Good Halfling Swashbuckler

Has anyone else had a party of characters so in-sync with each other without being specifically built for it?

mig el pig
2014-03-07, 02:06 PM
Has anyone else had a party of characters so in-sync with each other without being specifically built for it?

Buildwise or storywise?

Had a party of an older brother, a bastardbrother, halfbrother and a nephew (of a dead brother)

Unfortunatly the bastard killed his halfbrother and got banished to the Wall by the elder brother.

2014-03-08, 03:07 PM
So in my latest game the premise I gave the characters was that it would be a city based game focused on more skilled characters and less combat, and as we went round the table what we got were:

Neutral Good Shifter Urban Ranger
Neutral Good half-elf Beguiler
Neutral Good Human Rogue
Neutral Good Halfling Swashbuckler

Has anyone else had a party of characters so in-sync with each other without being specifically built for it?

The only issue I can see is, without a full caster your team might be underpowered. On the other hand, they all track closely in terms of power level so that might be a boon.

More to the point of the OP: I once had a table where every one of them, to a man, claimed to have Good-aligned characters; but they would go out of their way to loot, chisel, murder and trick in order to collect every last copper in every situation. The DMPC was a LN but self-absorbed cleric, so she kept a check on their outright-illegal shenanigans. But there were two kinds of missions they enjoyed the most: gleefully assassinating bad guys, and gleefully hornswoggling bad guys and whoever else they could swindle.

The only guy they met that they didn't try to assassinate or swindle at some point was the emperor, who they met on the occasion of being granted the rank of Baron over their dominion. Which made me really happy, because that would have been a TPK almost for sure.

Hunter Noventa
2014-03-11, 07:56 AM
Oddly enough our last session, the start of a new campaign (with several of the usual players missing, annoyingly) ended up like this.

A Tiefling Magus, an Automaton Warpriest, and a Human Barbarian. They fight Giants.

Shame the Barbarian is temporary since the player's original concept didn't mesh with the setting as well as he thought it would, still, we kicked much butt.

2014-03-12, 08:02 AM
Has anyone else had a party of characters so in-sync with each other without being specifically built for it?

Not really. There's always friction in any group I've been in. Though there have been times where a few characters in the party meshed really well together despite not being built that way.

One was a d20 modern merc campaign in the style of Shadowrun. My character was a former US Army soldier, another player made an ex Canadian sniper. A third player had a this young prodigy computer hacker. The two soldiers had this hilarious chemisty of bantering/flirting like they were some old married couple, and the young hacker often argued like he was our teenaged bratty son.

Good times for sure. The GM even invoked this chemistry when he wanted us to go undercover in Rio and we disguised outselves as a family on vacation. We totally hammed it up and chewed the scenery.

2014-03-12, 10:22 AM
We haven't gotten to test it in action, but apparently our Double Cross group has picked a group that perfectly goes together.

A shapeshifter who becomes a tanky bear that owns face in melee
A hyperintelligent sniper
A shapeshifter who becomes a bird with ranged attacks (so, skirmisher)
A vampiric puppetmaster who uses blood constructs as decoys
A healer/buffer sandman type

Our GM says it's pretty much a perfectly-calibrated team. I guess we'll see! I just can't wait to bring out the bear claws.

2014-03-12, 10:31 AM
The only issue I can see is, without a full caster your team might be underpowered. On the other hand, they all track closely in terms of power level so that might be a boon. [snip]

Power is relative to the DM. It's impossible to tell if they'll be underpowered or overpowered.

Defiled Cross
2014-03-12, 02:38 PM
Incredibly out of sync, more like it. :smallwink:

- Half-Orc Ranger (with a favored enemy of Human)
- Half-Elf Druid (who thoroughly dislikes getting dirty)
- Halfling Rogue (who is Chaotic Evil)
- Human Fighter (who has the personality of a potato sack)