View Full Version : Shadows of the Past IC 7

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2014-03-07, 04:47 PM
Chapter V

New Beginnings

A man flies through the air and is greeted by the craggy wall of a cavern. As the man falls several feet on the ground, he immediately gets up and fires three arrows into the beasts.

Damn it! This was a bad idea...

Several hundred feet from the man, another, clad in armor faces off against a group of dragonkin warriors of varying sizes. Many soldiers and beasts alike lie bloodswept on the cavern floor. The man at the front is badly hurt, as blood spews from every crack on his armor, but his resolve is unwavering.

"I must say, Castell! Unghhh.... Not a bad day for a hunt, eh?" The man manages to laugh as he is hurt by one of the creature's weapons. Then, the ground begins to thunder as something is coming from within the cavern.

Something big.

It's him. Gotta think fast.

Castell runs towards his fellow warrior.

"My liege! This was a terrible idea on my behalf. We must flee now. I was told the creature slept. We have been deceived! Let's go now when we have the chance!"

Castell's sovereign smiles as he readies his sword and shield.

"Even better! Taking down a dragon asleep is just unfair, don't you think?"

The man runs towards the thundering darkness beyond the cavern as several more dragonkin surround Castell.

Damn that priest! As soon as I get back to Halmathan....

A painful grunt is heard from the darkness as two enormous catlike eyes emerge from the darkness beyond.

My, oh my. A king? Time has sure changed since last I walked these lands. You are his errand boy, yes? You will not get back to Halmathan. Take him.

A large ogre sized dragonkin holds Castell in a grapple as three nimbler ones jump on the warrior, bringing him to his knees.

Castell looks at the beast's eyes with pure vengeance.

"If you hurt Airdan. I swear by the gods themselves, lizard. Nothing will save you from my wrath!"

One of the creatures sticks a blade into Castell's kidney and his vision gets blurry and dark. The cat eyes recede into the cave.

I would worry more about yourself, errand boy...the king is mine.

2014-03-07, 05:13 PM
As the valley is left behind and the city of Justcrown appear before them Lysa smile, glad she didn't made a fiasco and teleported them all into an erupting volcano.

"Last stop: Justcrown", she announces the party and raise a few feet from the ground and stretches her arms at the sun, "I never thought I would miss the sun sooo much!".

"I better make sure Archadious write some more of these scrolls for future use", she thinks alone.

She keep raising till she can see the Fey Woods and she smile, "Maybe I can challenge Gigglemug again :smallsmile: ... Oh!", she slap her head, "I tottally forgot to say goodbye to him when I left :smallsigh: ... Well he'll have to accept that I guess", she thinks out loud then she look at the party, "Well, that will have to wait, we got some more urgent matter in our hands, right Alex?", she ask the paladin with her mocking smile.

Being away from that spoiled brat worked miracles in the small fey mood.

2014-03-07, 05:43 PM
@Lysa: Although the air is getting colder with the approaching winter, it is good to be able to fly up and take the sun's rays in full after spending what seemed like an eternity in Palindurias' valley.

Off in the distance, the lush Fey Woods. A lot of friends are there and with them, hopefully, answers.

@The party: Rosalind knocks on the door as this one opens and Father Wilhelm greets all of you with a smile as he rests his body on a walking stick.

"Rosalind! And everyone else! By Pelor, you have been gone for how long? Come in, please! You must be tired. I'd like to know how your training went, Rosalind. Did you learn much in the open road? And where's Archaidous? And...oh no. Alex... your arms. Please come inside."

Once inside, a few acolytes pull chairs for all of you in the courtyard as Wilhelm serves all of you tea.

"So, the monkey is Archaidous... let me try and fix that. Spells of that nature can usually be solved with a simple abjuration."

wilhelm places his old hand on the monkey's head and shuts his eyes as he holds on to his holy symbol.

However, mid chant, Wilhelm coughs loudly as he takes a seat back, the spell having no effect on the monkey mage.

"I am sorry, all of you. The spellcaster who did this must be someone with a lot more experience than I. As for your arms, Alex... maybe we can ask Mother Kalypsia to fix them."

2014-03-07, 08:54 PM
As Wilhelm begins to cast the dispel, Archadious eagerly looks up, his face full of anticipation. But when the spell inevitably fails thanks to Isiflis's high caster level, Archadious's smile turns into a glum look.

He screeches a few times, nodding his head to the priest in an acknowledgement for his attempt, then dashes off in the direction of the Cuthbertine Church.
Once inside, he looks for Mother Kalypsia, after making sure of course, that one of his companions was following him to explain the situation.

2014-03-07, 09:27 PM
@Archaidous + any common speaking PC: Screeching in frustration, you jump up and down on the courtyard and sprint down Temple district towards the Cuthbertine Temple, dodging the many pedestrians along the way and taking to the trees and rooftops when necessary.

You then land on your companion's shoulder as you look at the Cuthbertine Fortress.

The gate is closed, but you can see a pair of guards outside doing what they do best.

One of them looks at you, before looking at his guard mate.

"Say... that's a rat or something? Never seen one of those around here."

"Meh...maybe some wizard pet or something."

2014-03-07, 09:44 PM
Archadious stops in front of the gate, clearly annoyed. He knows that he could probably climb over it and make his way into the Temple, but that would leave him without any means of letting Kalypsia know who he was.

He screeches in frustration, then looks up at his companion besides him and gestures to the gate, as if trying to get him/her to tell the guards that they needed to pass.

2014-03-07, 10:01 PM
Alex had been silent for a long time now, his thoughts still back with Loretta and Charlotte in the valley that when Father Wilhelm tells him that he would have to ask Mother Kalypsia for help with his arms he only looks up if barely. I told you Rosalind coming with me would be a bad idea, and not good for her safety. I was not wrong either as she was kidnapped by, Alex stops and looks around getting ready to cast a spell to stop anyone from overhearing them when he looks down at his arms, clear annoyance is seen on his face. Stupid little brat. Alex randomly says as he looks at his dangling arms and then to the monkey. Alright lets go as I need to see her as well, boy wont this just make her day. Alex grumbles leaving with Archadious.

As they arrive at the gates to the temple Alex looks up to the two guards on duty talking. This monkey on a good day could make you two think your dating each other. I would rather not make him angrier then he is, mind letting us in to see Mother Kalypsia, and I mean all the doors as I can't open any.

Christine Daae
2014-03-07, 10:08 PM
Once back in justcrown Irraly looks to the crowded streets and then to her lover. Warum gehen wir nicht in den Wald Aradia, so dass Sie Zeit haben, allein von allen in Ordnung? The drow maiden says softly in draconic to the white haired beauty on her arms as she looks to the distant woods. She had given up on her family long ago even if she knew who they were and where they were. Her love never even knew her family.

Anzaril dear we are back, in the human city outside the woods. Myself and Aradia may be heading their soon if you could let the others know to give her some space for a while please? And I promise when everything has calmed down to come share a dance with you.

2014-03-07, 10:34 PM
@Irraly: You speak in the tongue of dragons to Aradia, hoping she will find some comfort in them and then communicate with Anzaril, whose voice rings loud and clear through the mental link.

Irraly? By the gods! You're alive! I have been trying to speak to you for days! Something was blocking my voice through your mind. Arrallae was here a few hours ago and told me you and the others were in grave danger. Then, she shut her eyes and suffered a tremendous strain. She should be in Swan's Rest now, but enough about that. Come back to the woods, darling! We have much to catch up on! I can sense you've even grown stronger. I cannot imagine what you have been doing so long away from the Fey Woods.

@Alex: Rosalind lowers her head in shame.

Wilhelm places his hand on the young pelorite's shoulder.

"If any ought to be blamed, it should be me, Alex. I wanted Rosalind to have a taste of an adventurer's life. To grow stronger... to replace me when my time was up. I take full responsibility for this. Rosalind, I urge you now to stay in Justcrown. You will be mentored by me in the more classic duties of priestdom."

Rosalind gets up and bows to everyone.

"Again, I am very sorry. I promise. When you next see me, I will be a lot stronger. I will not be an...inconvenience. Please excuse me."

You then ask Archaidous to climb on your shoulder and head for the Cuthbertine Temple, dragging your blade on the cobblestone streets barely, with your withered hand.

The guards look at you as one rubs his chin and raises his eyebrow.

"That's the inquisitor, Alexander Anderson, right?"

"Was an Inquisitor... but we cannot deny him an audioence with High Inquisitor Kalypsia. Follow us."

The guards open every single door for you as you walk in, your face stren and cold as Archaidous tries to contain his screeches as you ascend the stone steps into the fortress proper.

"Mother Kalypsia...you have a guest... err guests."

The guard opens the door to Mathilda's former office and there you see High Inquisitor Kalypsia, seated behind the mahogany desk with stacks of papers and a stamp.

The black haired zenythri looks up and stands as she raises an eyebrow.

"Alexander Anderson... and here I thought Justcrown was enjoying a time of peace and quiet. I see you found yourself a pet. Monkeys are not native to these lands. Perhaps you acquired one during your extended absence? Is he neutered and properly cleaned? Do you have papers to show ownership? I cannot imagine any other reason for you to be here, after all..."

Kalypsia then looks at your arms.

"Oh... a Wither Limb spell. Not the most common of spells to face. If you need assistance with your affliction, the church of the cudgel has many cap[able brothers and sisters who will asist you...for a donation, of course. Now, unless there's anything else, I have laws to oversee."

Christine Daae
2014-03-07, 10:41 PM
We are all alive, for the most part. Archadious is a monkey at the moment, and Alex, well he lost his hands. Aradia is going threw some things though she needs to sort out. Irraly responds threw their link. As for stronger, not as much as the others, I could not even hold my own in a battle. I was only holding them back. Irraly says with a heavy sigh threw the link. Even Aradia had done better then her. For all her training in the underdark, and studying of the ways of the arcane she still could not hold her own in a battle without others helping her.

2014-03-07, 10:41 PM
Seeing Irraly and Aradia making palns to go to the woods and seeing Alex and Archadious leaving to the temple of St. Cuthbert, Lysa think for a while who should she join: she wnat to got o the woods and play again with the western coven, but she also find it hilarious necessary for someone to stay with the two defenseless friends in case anything happen.

So, after a short indecision, Lysa fly invisible with mr. no hands and mr. monkey.

2014-03-07, 10:44 PM
Somewhat tired of being a small monkey, and eager to be a full elf once more, Archadious wastes no time in attempting to explain to Kalypsia who he really is.
Suddenly, he jumps onto the desk, grabs a blank piece of paper and a pen, and angrily writes several sentences.

Assuming a monkey can use a pen and assuming Archadious still has the knowledge on how to write.

I am Archadious. Was targeted by a baleful polymorph. I require your assistance in removing this effect, and before you mention a "donation", I believe you owe me for taking care of S'btoam.

2014-03-07, 10:48 PM
Before leaving with Alex and Archadious, Lysa get back and whisper to Rosalind and Wilhelm.

"I'm sorry for what Alex said, dont worry. You were not a burden and we all loved to travel with you... The problem is he isn't in a great mood after what happened there. Don't let it bring you down, ok? :smallsmile:", she then place an invisible kiss in Rosalind's cheek before flying to reach Alex and Archadious she lose track of them.

2014-03-07, 10:57 PM
We both know I am no teacher of the priestly ways Father Wilhelm. We all know very well what I am, it is for that reason Rosalind was doomed to fail going with me. Personal matters and my job do not go hand and hand. Alex says looking at Rosalind and stopping himself before he says more. However when Rosalind says next time she wont be an inconvenience Alex turns to look at her. Good luck not looking good, because that is the only inconvenient thing I had to deal with. Was that dam rotten child who caused me the headace and this. Alex says not to happily as he throws his arms up in the air.

Boys who wants to argue smantics right now when you have someone standing right here that if not for his hands being destroyed at this moment could probally ring your necks? Does it look like I am in the mood today for you two to decide on what to call me? Alex says tapping his foot impatiently before the two guards decide to let him in.

As Alex enters the room that once belonged to Mother Matilda Alex still gets annoyed seeing the new one sitting behind the desk. I am sorry I do not think I have been drunk enough to make you scream in pleasure yet. Perhaps next time dear. As for the little person on my shoulders hold on. You tell me if he is neutered. Alex says as he tries to grab Archadious and shove him in her face. All I need is you to fix this and turn the monkey back into a person again, then we both can have a pleasent time of not seeing each other. After all I am sure you have tons of work from the free city dealing with new ways to force people to do rediclous stuff, and well I have just important things to do that I rather not discuse with you. If you care to check my belongings though I will remind you that mother Matilda never made me do so and the only person that ever did ended up on the recieving end of my fist. Then their was the other one that had to deal with Kara, but thats another story. Now are you going to take the money or not?

2014-03-07, 11:41 PM
@Irraly: Anzaril listens to your words, heavy with discomfort.

Come now, my love. You are the strongest woman I have ever met! None can match you when it comes to the blade! So you went on a quest and it didn't turn out so well.... look at it this way- you're alive, right? And you have learned from it, right? Don't frown, my dancer in the dark. Come back to the Font of Life. I'll see if I can fix Alex's hands. And if I cannot, there are many here who can, you know that. As for Archaidous being a monkey...hehehheee. Wasn;t he afraid of them?

@Lysa: It would be nice to fly back to the Fey Woods and see Steiner's son again, not to mention Gigglemug.

Besides, there is that promise Arrallae made you should you return and keep them safe.

And you certainly have.

But for now, it would be best to follow the monkey and the bladeless knight- invisible, of course.

@Alex: Rosalind blushes as Wilhelm sips his tea.

"I knew it would be difficult, Alex. One thing I have learned and you know very well too: Adventuring is a dangerous business. Not only for the body and mind. But for the soul as well. I do not know what transpired during your months away, but I can only hope it brought closure to whatever demons you had inside."

Once in Kalypsia's office, you say what's on your mind to the highest exemplar of Law in Justcrown.

Kalypsia's purple skin turns red as she attempts to contain her anger.

"Alexander Anderson! Do not forget who you are addressing! I am High Inquisitor Kalypsia! Representative of the Law in the Dutchy of Justcrown! And I will not be spoken like a...oof!"

Before the zenythri can finish her sentence, Archaidous flies, mohawk and all, staright into the inquisitor's face as horror fills her eyes.

"Get this thing off me!"

Kalypsia wrestles the primate off her face nad puts him on the desk as she looks at him and then at you.

"This ought to give you at the very least a few years in the dungeon, Alexander Anderson. And you know what? I believe it is about time that you were..."

@Archaidous: You land expertly on the desk and grab Kalypsia's quill with your bushy tail and place it on your prehensile hands.

Immediately, you scribble a note and hand it to her.

Kalypsia reads the note once, twice, before looking at the monkey and putting the notes in her drawer.

@Alex: Kalypsia carries the monkey and puts him on the ground.

"I hope you have a cape, cloak, bedroll, anything? I can change him, but I do not want a nude elf in my office."

@Archaidous: Kalypsia looks at you as her eyes go green and she clutches the cudhel symbol on her chest.

Immediately, a green ghostly Lord Cinderbolt comes into view, carrying a large mace and looks down at you as he taps thaps your mohawk slightly.

The pain is tremendous as your fur begins to shed and a black aura flies out the window, before dissipating against the sun.

Within secoinds, the mohawk is gone. The tail has receded into your back and, lying on the ground, bare as the day you were born, you can see your hands- those of an elf.

Kalypsia turns around as she gestures to Alex.

"It is done. Archaidous is now back to normal. I will ask he is escorted out- clothed. I do not want him breaking the laws for public nudity. As for your arms... the church of the cudgel can help you, but unlike the elf, it will not be free."

2014-03-07, 11:56 PM
Only unburied old wounds I left behind years ago. Its like throwing a stone at a pond. The ripples you made once before will eventually catch up in one form or another. Rosalind was lucky, I left many good people behind, all of which I shall make sure rest before my time on Oreath is complete. Alex says with a deep anger in his voice, though it is not directed at anyone, it is clear something transpired in the valley that Rosalind was not aware of.

Gods thankfully that shut you up, you were even starting to sound like him too. I swear they feed you the rule book for breakfast lunch and dinner. The only sane one of your order is dead, the biggest mistake your church ever made was letting Matilda die. She was worth one hundred of you gnats with no minds of your own. Alex says as the inquisitor brings up memories of another mentor that had tried the same speech with him once at his daughters funeral.

You were saying Inquisitor? Or should I go get Silas to understand the next few words your about to say. Want to make sure someone with a bit of intelligence can translate for me. Alex says as he notices Archadious writing on a piece of paper and ignores him having no doubt he was saying he was not a monkey and to stop calling him one. And here I thought I was going to need to pull out a dictionary. See you can be nice. Alex says as he pulls out a winter blanket and looks at the monkey. Soil this blanket and I will make a rug out of you. Alex adds before wrapping it around the monkey while piling the wizards robes off to the side so once he was humanoid again he could dress himself.

With the task complete Alex looks to his hands and then to the high inquisitor. I'm not cheap asking for HAND outs. I came seeking for you to fix my hands, but if you are to weak to do so, I know someone much more powerful that will be able to. Just unlike you they do not need the money to resupply. So are you going to fix them and be rid of me, or shall I go pester Silas for a bit and tell him how you wont fix my hands and I will never be able to show his students the trick I was going to.

2014-03-08, 12:01 AM
As his monkey hands turn back into elven hands, and his tail disappears, Archadious smiles.


It is then that he looks down and realizes that he is suffering from an apparent lack of clothing. Quickly he casts an invisibility spell and disappears from view.
Then, he grabs his clothing and dons it before turning visible once more and turning to Kalypsia and bowing in respect.

Alex, thank you for accompanying me, but in the future in the unlikely event that am ever turned into a monkey again, I ask that you refrain from tossing me into anyone's face.

Then he turns to speak to the inquisitor.

Madam Inquisitor, my apologies for disturbing you at such a time. Normally I would have requested Alex's assistance, but as you can see he is unable to cast such spell at the current moment. And you were one of the few other people who I thought might have a chance at undoing the effect.
Thank you.
As for Alex...

The elf is interrupted by the continuation of Alex's angry rant, and the wizard can't help but close his eyes and mentally face palms himself as the knight continues to insult the high inquisitor.
Archadious turns to him and attempts to calm him down, or at the very least convince him to walk away without causing any further conflict.

Alex, I know you are not too fond of the Inquisitor and the position, and I know you have had a difficult day. We all have. But please don't take your anger out on other people.
Perhaps it may be better if we leave now. Now that I have my spell casting ability back, I can teleport us to the Font.

2014-03-08, 12:07 AM
@Alex: Kalypsia looks at you as Archaidous finishes writing the note.

The High Inquisitor looks at you and then at your withered arms.

"If you are even thinking about comparing me to one of your mentors, particularly him, I would advise you to stoip right there, Alexander Anderson. You are not an inquisitor anymore. It is amazing that St. Cuthbert would still grant you such powers, if any are still left in you. How odd it is that after you left, everything here was tranquyil. You stroll right in, dangling rotten arms and a monkey and start spouting orders...to me? Give me one good reason I should not have you sent to jail right now for disrespectful attitide towards a servant of the Law."

Once Archaidous is back to his true elf form, Kalypsia watches you help him up and cover him in a blanket.

"Nice pun, Alexander. The church of the Cudgel has very promising members. Some truthfully dedicated to the Law. Your donation will go to making this city safer. If you believe someone else here in Justcrown can lift your curse, by all means. Now, only because Archaidous has...assisted the duchy in the past, I will pretend none of your babbling ever occured. Incientally, it would be wise for you and the elf to leave. I am a busy Inquisitor and have many more rules to oversee. There's the door. Dismissed."

2014-03-08, 12:12 AM
In that case, I think it's best we take our leave Alex.
Again, thank you Mother Kalypsia and sorry for bothering you.

Archadious says, turning back.
He begins to walk to the door to the office. But just before he reaches it, he turns around just to see if Alex was leaving.

2014-03-08, 12:16 AM
I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Alex says as his blue eyes glow with magic that no illusion can hide from as he looks at the inquisitor proving a point. It seems some people realize the law is meant to better people not make their backs heavy with so many laws they do not even understand half of the ones being made. As for one good reason to not lock me up, I'm crippled and placed some of your criminals in their. Tell me if I got my arms back how many of them would be left alive? And if you left my arms in the condition they are in and sent me in their what would people start saying about you? So you see, slippery cliff you stand on there no? Alex says amused at the entire situation. She needed his money, and he needed her help, no matter how much they hated each other it was that simple.

I only donate when a job is complete, and those friends I know are not bound by your laws. Only the laws of being a kind noble person. Alex says to the inquisitor as he looks to Archadious. What you have to Hand it to her. She sure knows how to manhandle people. Alex says getting a few laughs at her expense. Ok sure I will have your entire church open the doors for me to exit and when they ask why I am leaving the same way I came I will just have to tell them you refused service. Have a nice day. Archadious can you just tap that door right their please, I am sure the guards on the outside will get the hint.

2014-03-08, 12:34 AM
@Archaidous: Kalypsia bows slightly at you.

"I hope you fare well, Archaidous. And I hope you can reign in those under your care...for their sake."

@Alex: Kalypsia looks at you just when Archaidous was about to escort you out.

"You did serve late Mother mathilda in apprehending many lawless, Alexander. I will not take that credit from you. Sad a day it is, when she has to watch from above how her pupil is steadily leaning towards those he used to apprehend. sad day indeed. And as for the donation- it is for the city, not the church, as you'd love to believe. Thankfully, the church of the Cudgel and the Duchy has funds to improve the well being of its citizens. If you do not believe none here can assist you, then leave. You are wasting my time. and a fair warning: I hear one more word from you in this room right now, and so help me, Alexander Anderson: hands dangling or not, I will have manacles around them and you will not see the light of day until the next Autumn Festival!"

2014-03-08, 12:40 AM
Archadious raises his eyebrows at the continuation of Alex's tirade towards Kalypsia. Then when Alex tells him that it is time to leave, the elf needs no further invitation, and quickly opens the door, ushering Alex out of the Church and away from the Inquisitor.

As they head back towards their friends in the Pelorite chapel, Archadious asks Alex.

I don't understand. Other than her extremely lawful nature, Mother Kalysia has done nothing wrong, to you, or any of us. She may not be the friendliest member of the clergy, but she is far from evil.
Why did you feel the need to berate and insult her as you did?

I understand that you may be in a rather poor attitude due to the events that transpired today. But why did you take your anger out specifically on her?

He asks, wondering what caused Alex would have to react so poorly to the inquisitor.

2014-03-08, 12:49 AM
As the two leave Alex is about to come back with a snotty reply when the door shuts on him. Magic, blessing and a curse I say. Alex mumbles as he follows Archadious out, waving his mangled and withered hands to all those he passes on his way out of the temple.

On the way back to the church of Pelor Alex's mood was starting to slightly get better when Archadious asks him why he acted the way he did. Let me explain one thing to you about that church. They will be the first to smile at you while your looking, and the first to sneak a dagger into your back. She may not be like the others, however she may as well be. Hope you do not have to learn what I did or you to will share my view on their order as a whole. All their eggs are cracked. Only a few are left untainted by the laws that govern them. Laws created by man, not gods. Alex adds in as they get to the church of Pelor. As for why her, she reminds me of my mentor, an excellent example of an Inquisitor if ever I saw one.

2014-03-08, 12:49 AM
@Archaidous: This could end bad. really bad.

You tap on the door as one of the guards opens it for you and you shove Alex out as you make a quick bow to Kalypsia, who sits back on her desk and sighs.

Oh, Mathilda... quite the handful you left for me here... now let's see this.

Kalypsia, with both of you away, opens the drawer and reads the note you left for her as a monkey.

Tearing the paper into tiny pieces, she then tossess them to the fireplace.

And that's the end of that chapter.

Walking towards the Pelorite Chapel, you can see Alex is mad. Not only because his arms are still as rotten as those he was fighting up until recently, but there is something else.

So much anger. Why, though? Only time and a loose tongue will tell.

Wilhelm greets both of you and smiles at seeing you back to your normal self again. Then, he frowns when Alex is still crippled.

"Her spell did not work? I am sorry, alex. Perhaps Silas or Xander? They might have a better chance."

2014-03-08, 12:53 AM
She didn't have the time for me Father, you know how their order is. The entire lot is a bunch of bad eggs besides a few rare ones like Mother Matilda. Don't worry though, I am sure SHE can fix them when next I see her, till then I will have to make due is all. Alex says to father Wilhelm as he looks around. Rosalind is not around listening is she?

2014-03-08, 12:59 AM
@Alex: Wilhelm invites you to take a seat.

"Rosalind is in her room. She said she had a lot of reading to do. Meditation and clarity of mind, she said. She will not tell me what transpired during her travels with you, and I am not one to pressure her."

On the matter of Cuthbertines, Wilhelm chuckles.

"How right you are, boy! I mean, true, some are cracked. Others are have a shell made of adamantine, but now and then a good one pops up. You trained under one, may she rest in Arcadia now beside St. Cuthbert. As for 'she', I assume you refer to the lady? If anyone could do it, I have no doubt it would be her, alex. Unless you have to stay in Justcrown, why not go see her? I am certain she will greet you with open arms."

2014-03-08, 01:14 AM
Greetings Father Wilhelm.

Archadious says, bowing to the priest upon seeing him.

Unsuccessful as your earlier spell might have been, I greatly appreciate the attempt.
I don't know how much of our experience we ought to share with you, but at the very least I feel that I ought to tell you about the individual who was responsible for my simian condition.

I believe you are already somewhat familiar with him. A powerful lich and a devoted servant of Nerull. Yes, Isiflis.

He lets the name sink in before continuing.

I ended up in a caster duel with him and... lost. It was thanks to Aradia who stepped in and saw to his defeat, albeit temporary. But before he was vanquished, he threatened to come here and harm you.
I don't know how serious his threat was or it was just heat of the moment boasting, but I feel that you ought to be warned just in case.

2014-03-08, 01:15 AM
Because I wanted to let you know Loretta is alive and I can no longer serve as a paladin of any order. Alex says looking to Father Wilhelm his face suddenly serious. I do not know if Rosalind met her when she was held prisoner by someone the exact opposite of HER, however he has turned Loretta and Charlotte into Vampires. And no matter what vows I swore, I can not kill them. They are family, know that if you send anyone their I will stop them as well. I give you a clear warning as an old friend. You also have a thanks to give to Archadious, he defeated an old enemy of yours and set a few free under his command.

2014-03-08, 01:33 AM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm gets up with much difficulty as a neophyte riushes to his side, that he may not fall over, given his sudden move.

"I'm fine! What you say is true? That monster still walks Oerth? And you dueled him... I will not lie to you, Archaidous- how I wished I could've traded places with you. I pursued that fiend many winters ago in the Free City. I was always so close to ending him and his Scarlet Cabal. And then...I lost a dear friend, Jackyo. Taken by the lich before I could do anything about it. At least tell me... was Jackyo laid to rest?"

@Alex: Wilhelm listens to your words and takes a deep sigh as he walks around the courtyard towards a caged canary hanging from one of the trees.

"So you have made your choice, Alex. You know, I am not surprised by this. You have lived up to the title, my friend. You have endured a burden bigger than anyone I have met in my long life."

Wilhelm opens the cage as the canary looks around and flies towards the skies.

"And so, it is your right to be freed of such burden. I doubt anyone would be idiotic enough to condemn you for your decision. I do hope, however, that whatever path you choose, it will be one that will protect Oerth, for if what you say is true, and there is another one like her who can despoil life, then we need people like you. More of them, child. For what it's worth, you have the blessing of an old man to continue the path you choose, even without such code, which I personally, always found foolish in the first place."

2014-03-08, 01:43 AM
A code that does not allow for redemption in any form then death is not a code I could ever follow. Even more so when it involved my family no matter what form they take. It was my very family who saved us in their multipule times so how can such people called paladins not see the era of there ways and remake the code is beyond me. I do have another teacher though that I will be going to see not to far from here. I will be learning the ways of the natural order, not of Obad-hai, or Ehhonal, but of the summer, and perhaps winter courts if the other is in a nice enough mood. Alex explains as he looks to Father Wilhelm. My choice in life has always been to give life and to never take it unless it was necessary, a paladins code is to strict for that. An an inquisitor has to many rules to follow, to many procedures to make sure they do not break for me to be able to follow either. I will instead follow the winds of change. Know that the gnome trading post is no more, spread word that it has been destroyed if you must. No one is to step foot their again though or else the events that transpired these past few months may happen again. Alex says looking to Archadious. Whenever you are ready to go see her I will be waiting outside. And no one is to tell Rosalind about Loretta, is that understood?

2014-03-08, 01:53 AM
@Alex: Wilhelm watches the canary fly until it loses itself amongst the clouds.

"It is a difficult path the one we lead, no? We have lost family. Both of us. Jackyo was like a brother to me. Those you met in the valley, turned as they are now, still hold on to whatever memories they had with you before their fate. I respect and agree with your viewpoints: my god teaches to protect and life, in all its forms. I am certain that many in the Free City would have me excommunicated if I were to say that the undead are deserving of such protections as well, but exceptions do exuist. The vile can become sanctified and the holy can be corrupted. History has many examples of that. I understand if you shall follow other ethos and pantheons, Alex. You are a polytheist's polytheist. I do hope I get to see you afterwards, once your training is complete. And worry not, Rosalind will not know a word about what has been spoken here. And I will make sure word reaches the Free City to forbid stopping in hammerbruk. None shall stop there. and I shall see to it."

2014-03-08, 02:15 AM
Lysa appears flaoting near Alex's head, "What a bad guy you was to that woman there", and as she never mentioned to them she was around she giggles and look at Archadious, "I saw you naked, Arch :smallwink:".

Lysa remain with them till the end of the talking and then ask Archadious, "Shouldn't we sell the treasures we got before going to see her? I could use the money for a new lyre or dress, you know"

Business Scrub
2014-03-08, 04:10 AM
Emilia looks down, not sure what to say.

"I. .. Ich weiß es nicht. Ich will nicht allein sein jetzt. Die ganze Zeit habe so sicher über alles. Jetzt weiß ich nicht einmal, wer ich bin. Und was ist mit Lysander? Bin ich nur soll ihn vergessen? Götter, ich wünschte, ich hätte früher bekannt! Ich konnte ihn kommen bei uns aufgehört haben. Es ist meine Schuld, er ist tot, und schlimmer. Einige Schwester bin ich ..."

She moves the locket absentmindedly in her hands, staring at it.

"If you think we should, I'll follow you."

2014-03-08, 06:21 AM
@Aradia: Emilia... a name that is difficult still to swallow.

You look at the drow, who had been your ally friend, and more over the course of this harrowing mad quest.

But a quest for what, exactly?

Luthon had answers...cryptic as they were. Sadly, he left without divulging much information.

You then look at the locket, one of the few things Lysander left for you before his horrific demise.

An old blackened bronze locket. The hinge is nearly worn off, having been opened way too many times.

And there she is.

A young girl, probably no more than seven. Hazel hair with a single braid running down her left side. The girl has dark brown eyes and freckles. A mischievous smile has been expertly captured by the artist and she wears her finest dress, which, given the age of the painting, can only be guessed at as being blue, but time has rendered the small portrait sienna in color.

A tiny dedication can be read on the bronze back of the locket.

Emilia Swann, the Champion of Ulduran

You close the locket and pocket it. It would prove too painful to delve deeper into the memories for now.

Irraly's offer seems that more inviting. The city is your place to be, but right now, perhaps, the solace of the Fey Woods would be a much needed R&R.

2014-03-08, 12:01 PM
Archadious listens to Wilhelm and then responds, somewhat hesitant to admit that Jackyo had in fact not been laid to rest.

Jackyo... Yes, we met Jackyo, even fought him once. But we were unable to lay him to rest. I am sorry. But if it is any consolation, while we were there, we witnessed his transfer from being under Isiflis's command to that of much more noble character, albeit still undead.
He still seemed to retain much of the memories he did in life, and even seemed to remember you slightly.

I apologize we could not do more to either destroy Isiflis permanently or end the Scarlet Cabal. But I doubt he shall linger far from that valley. However, just be careful, on the chance that lich ever does decide to show his face around here.

In response to Lysa's question, he turns to her and responds.

"I suppose we do have quite a bit to sell. Although that also depends on who wants what. I could use some of that money for scroll-making I suppose.
And it also depends on how long Alex is willing to wait.

As he speaks to Lysa, he notices Aradia, away from the rest, staring at the locket from Lysander. And he can't help but overhear her conversation in draconic.

He walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her.

Keine Sorge, ich weiß, Sie heute viel erlitten haben, aber nicht vergessen Sie nicht, diese Belastung für sich zu behalten. Vielleicht sollten wir jetzt weiter für Sie als Aradia beziehen, wie das scheint der Name, den Sie am liebsten mit zu sein, wenn Sie nichts anderes bevorzugen würden.
Wie für Lysander, nicht schlagen Sie zu hart über ihn. Ich bin mir sicher, dass er gewusst hätte, Sie seine Schwester früher wäre, gäbe es keine Kraft auf, die ihn von Oerth kommen bei uns aufgehört hätte. Vielleicht eines Tages, wenn wir alle haben viel mehr Macht, wir können zurückgehen, wischen, dass Grinsen vom Gesicht des Jungen, und bringen Lysander.

Auch glaube ich nicht, dass ich jemals eine Chance, Euch zu danken habe. Wenn nicht für dich, ich würde wahrscheinlich starben im Kampf Isiflis und Brehana für diese Angelegenheit haben. Genau wissen, dass ich hier für Sie.

He says, remembering his own failure to defeat Isiflis.

2014-03-08, 03:05 PM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm listens to your tale regarding jackyo.

"So, he was not laid to rest... I suppose in a way, as a pelorite, I ought to seek his destruction. As a friend for many years, I am glad. Glad he has at least left Isiflis' side. I can only hope he still defers to some of his better judgement from when he was alive. As for that lich, I will speak to the Cuthbertine church here. Ask them to stay on high alert. The church of Pelor will do so as well. Although I doubt that monster will leave the valley as you have suggested, it always pays off to be well prepared."

2014-03-08, 04:09 PM
@Lysa: You search into one of the bags and take out Cornelius' monocle and put it on.

Then, you empty all the remainder bags as a multitude of weapons, armor, shields, and trinkets spew on the Pelorite courtyard.

Wilhelm back away as one of the blades nearly cuts his foot as it spins on the ground.

"By the Shining One! I had forgotten that there were some perks to adventuring! You got all that in your travels?"

You giggle and begin to examine each item, separating them by who wore it before being utterly destroyed.

Lord Horven, who nearly killed Alex during your fiorst trek through the valley with that greatsword...

This weapon is similar to Irraly's, in the sense that it can strike with great impact. Particularly useful when wielded by a strong arm. His armor is magical as well, but has no special properties other than a costly transmutation to make it tougher.

+1 collision greatsword

+3 fullplate

Lord Rician, who demonstrated to be a lion on the arena, before being put down to the sword. His great axe carries a tremendous enmity towards elfkind.

Good thing he was not facing Irraly that match.

As for his breastplate, strong transmutation, but nothing else.

+2 bane great axe (elves)

+3 breast plate

Lord Zalanmin, who brought Lysander's life to an end...

His greatsword is similar to Rician's, designed to inflict as much damage to elves as possible. His full plate is just as strong as Horven's.

+2 Collision Greatsword elven bane

+3 Fullplate

Master Brehana. Perhaps the most durable deathknight under Charlotte's command, who survived Archaidous' acid fog and climbed his stone wall...twice.

Brehana was a monk. As such, no blades, or armor, but she did have an assortment of items to make her a capable warrior on the field.

Her birdlike mask, capable of repelling blindness.

Her necklace was crafted with much care to enhance her physical attacks, using her fists and legs in combat.

Her sandals, so that her charge may be the last thing an opponent sees on the battlefield.

And her ring, to provide some always necessary protection.

Raptor's Mask

Sandals of the Tiger's Leap

Necklace of Natural Attacks +2

Ring of Protection +1

Then there's Sir Eleak's belongings.

As an archer, Sir Eleak's armor was built light, as were his choice of weapons.

His chainmail, magical as it were, has the capacity to incite a Haste spell upon command.

His bow, something Aradia would know well, is specifically built to hurt humans.

Then there's his sceondary weapon, a shortsword. Magical, but not overly impressive.

+3 chainshirt of speed

+1 shortsword

+1 Bane composite longbow (+4 Str) (humans)

Then there's Caraga Ladomain's possessions.

The pearl has been used by Archaidous in the duel against Isiflis, so it is well known that it should be able to recall a single powerful spell.

Her kimono was sewn to resist magic and all manner of afflictions.

Her bag of holding is the most common found on the market.

Pearl of Power 3rd

Cloak of Resistance +2

Bag of Holding Type I

Then you look at the remains plundered from the Scarlet Cabal.

Nikki had a few nice items on him.

His chainshirt. Strong transmutation, as well as the ioun stone.

+4 chainshirt

Pale Rhomboid Ioun Stone +2 Strength

Abrafo, the mute warrior, who entombed Aradia in the arena and nearly killed her and Alex...

That spiked chain should fetch a pretty penny, not to mention his full plate.

+2 full plate

+2 spiked chain

Finally, Zesarius, with his big mouth, comparable to his leader, Isiflis.

A light chainshirt with moderate transmutation, for some added protection... which meant nothing against a Rhino's Rush.

His heavy steel shield, with a similar transmutation, and his headband.

+1 twilight chainshirt

+2 heavy steel shield

Headband of Intellect +2

Then, you look at Cornelius' belongings.

The man was a one man army, no doubt. He went in there as ready as any. And, if the tales are true, it is now possible to see why he was able to hold his own against Palindurias' army.

+4 holy divine wrath longsword

+3 ghost touch fullplate

+3 light fortification heavy shield

Boots of Big Stepping

Bracers of Repulsion

Bone Ring

Artificer's Monocle

2014-03-08, 05:42 PM
Well, in that case Father, I do believe it is time for us to take our leave. We have quite a lot of things to do before the day is up, no the least of which is finding her so she can restore Alex.

Archadious gets up and says, noticing Lysa's examination of the weapons and objects through the monocles.

He assists her in storing the magical equipment back into the bag and begins to walk to the door.

Farewell Father Wilhelm, and good day to you.

Once they leave the chapel, and begin to walk towards Silas's shop, intent on selling the objects, Archadious takes the monocles from Lysa, and then pulls out the black gem he had found in Beagan's hidden box. Using the monocles and a simple cantrip, he attempts to determine more about the strange gem.

2014-03-08, 07:31 PM
@Archaidous: Wilhelm bows to you as he sits back in the courtyard.

"Thank you for bringing back Rosalind. I hope your travels bring you back here. I certainly would like to know how you are doing. I consulted with the Higher Powers and, although their answers are cryptic, this much was clear:

You will make a huge difference in Oerth."

With that farewell, you get ready to leave for Silas', not before taking the monocle from Lysa and examining the black gem found with Beagan.

This is not an artifact, but a powerful necromantic and divination device. It could allow the user to quadruple the number of undead he were to create, on top of any he would normally be able.

However, that isn't the only power the gem holds...

It can allow you to communicate with the Rotten Child, as long as he's willing to reply. This may prove hazardous as the link may place you on direct contact with him and whatever maladies he may wish to pass on to the speaker.

A perilous gamble, to say the least.

2014-03-08, 07:42 PM
Upon discovering that this mysterious gem was in fact a method of communicating with Palindurias, Archadious is not sure how to feel.
His initial realization is that it would not be a good idea to attempt to test the connection at this moment, as the child may still have the memories from this morning fresh in his mind.

But on the other hand, it might be useful to keep this gem on the chance that they ever needed to speak with Palindurias in the future. No matter how much they hated him, he was still one of the six.

He also decides that now may not be the best time to reveal to his allies the nature of this gem. Especially Alex and Aradia...

So, Archadious quietly places the gem back into his pockets and continues walking.

Once they reach Silas's shop, he enters.

2014-03-08, 09:57 PM
When my teachings are done I will return here before leaving again I can promise you that much. And thank you for not telling Rosalind. I do not think she would understand our way of seeing things after being held captive by the undead. You may want to give her some time alone, she was to be married to the opposite one of HER against her will. Even if it meant him forcing her to become an undead. Alex says letting the old priest know everything that had happened.

Alex then turns as he is called a bad man. If you wish I can show you what they do to your kind to make sure you do not cause any trouble Lysa, its a simple spell once I get my arms back. And I can assure you you will not be having fun, ask the others. They had the same spell placed on them all before and ended up in a lot of trouble because of it. I lost my spot in the inquisitors to make sure justice was served and they were set free. So the next time you call me a bad man, know the context in which you speak. Alex says before following behind everyone with no hands as they go to sell the loot.

Christine Daae
2014-03-08, 10:12 PM
As Aradia confesse that she does not want to be alone right now and dose not know even who she is right now, Irraly's ebony hand lifts her head up to look at her own as she brushes her hair aside. Ich will Sie nicht allein lassen, meine Liebe, nach allem, welche Art von Person wäre ich, wenn ich dich verlassen in Ihrer Freizeit brauche meine drakonische Prinzessin. Irraly then places a gentle kiss on her lips before going on, taking the strong warriors hands in her own.
Wie auch, wer Sie sind nur Sie können entscheiden, dass meine kostbare, weiß, dass ich hier sein, warf die Reise aber bis Sie finden, was Sie suchen. Selbst wenn das bedeutet, sich zurück zu diesem Tal, um Ihren Bruder zu retten, wenn wir alle stärker.

Just as Irraly gets ready to leave to the fey woods she sees the others heading to the wizards shop. Es scheint, sie planen, ein Drachen plonder ohne sie zu fragen verkaufen. Vielleicht sollten wir gehen surpprise sie. Denn ich weiß, wie viel Sie zu zählen Gold mag, und ich weiß, eine schöne dunkle Höhle gehen wir können beruhigt in. Irraly says trying to bring Aradia out of her shell.

Business Scrub
2014-03-08, 11:31 PM
Emilia looks down at the locket and sighs, closing it and tucking it into her pack. She gives Irraly a half smile, glad for the support.

"We will. Thank you, Love. We've been so on edge for the past weeks. Let's just... Let's just forget about it for now."

She takes a breath, apparently decided she's either ok for the time being or avoiding thinking about it. She takes Irraly by the hand and pulls them towards Silas'.

"Let's go catch up with the others."

2014-03-09, 12:19 AM
"Seem you cant mess with Mr. No Hands here", Lysa say as Alex in a playful way, "And dont take me that serious too, I'm just trying to cheer you up, ok?", she add with a little smile.

Whatever demon as inside of Alex, Lysa began to know him better and saw he wasnt the bad guy she thught when they first met during breakfast in Steiner's house. He was a man who took care of his family, a good guy.

She then begins to wonder about her own family as well, simply ignoring as Archadious take the monocle away from her to investigate the black stone...

"Yeah... It's been a long time since I last thought about you, Arabella", she thinks to herselfbeginning to feel homesick, but of a place she couldn't call home anymore.

After having an idea of what the items abilities were, Lysa tell the others their abilities and quickly add, "I wont be keeping anything for me, just the gold will be enough for me. But I think we should keep the monocle and the bag of holding for the group as a whole"

2014-03-09, 12:57 AM
Well Lysa I have to hand it to you, out of all those here you are one of the few that could lift my spirits. Alex says with a smirk on his face as his more chaotic side comes out. As for having no hands, I got two feet and a mouth that can still get the job done if needed. Now I think we have someplace to be with a nice meal, some candles... Alex says trying to keep a straight face as the group walks down the road to Silas's magic shop.

In truth everyone I will be getting rid of most of my own gear as well. For the next step in the road I am about to take will not allow me to take such materials with me. And will require me to forge my own path with a tool I forge with my own two hands. In truth it is why I have been studying carpentry so much recently. When we are back in the fey woods I plan on taking the covens up on becoming a student of Casslynn and Uwellyn. Anzaril too if she will allow it, though less so on her, merely her peoples views rather then anything else.

2014-03-09, 01:50 AM
@The Party: Archaidous pockets the black gem recovered from Beagan's remains a few days ago and silently takes off for the front door.

The days are becoming colder as some frost can be seen on the trees as you make your way through Justcrown to the Merchant District.

Winter will be here soon, but that is only natural. You have been on this quest since mid Autumn and much has happened.

At least Justcrown is a safe place.

Cruel Varian and Murderous Nerine are now gone.

Sir Kalyn Ironhelm, who gave you such a hard time but half a day away from this town is now gone as well.

Not to mention Team Sombrero and Crazy S'Btoam.

Yes, Jottun's foot proved to be a test to your powers and abilities, but you have emerged...somewhat unscathed.

And such is the feeling when you reach Sila's store and open the door.

Nothing has changed here, as Xander greets you from behind the counter, putting a heavy log book aside.

"By Delleb! Are my glasses fogged? Hold on."

Xander Corillian cleans his glasses with the edge of his sleeves and puts them back on.

"Yes! You are all here! Archaidous, Silas told me you came here a few days ago to fetch something. I hope the spell I helped you transcribe was, hopefully, not necessary. It is a dangerous spell to use, after all."

He then pauses as he fixes his glasses and looks at Alex's arms.

"Not good... the Wither Limb. I'm surprised it had any effect on you, since it targets the vitality of a warrior. terribly dangerous for arcane casters like myself. Seeing as you and the rest of your group has not only heklped the school financially, but we have cooperated in... forest matters, please, allow me to releae you of your ailment."

Xander shuts his eyes as a green ghostly arm cast appears around your arms and attempt to encase your withered limbs.

Sadly, the cast breaks as Palindurias' hold remains true.

The magus rubs his chin.

"Odd... that rarely happens. Unless of course you wre targeted by a spellcaster of certain training. One that could surpass my own and Archaidous' even. I'm sorry."

You then unload the many goods on the counter as Xander pulls out his own monocle.

"Good heavens! where have you guys been? There's a king's ransom in goods here! Plese let me know what you wish taken off your back and I will see you are compensated rightfully."

2014-03-09, 02:15 AM
As Xander tries and fails to remove the spell afflicting Alex he looks at the mage. Lets just leave it as She is not the only one. And not everyone likes to play nice it seems. I would tell Silas his contacts from Hammerbruke wont be traveling threw their anymore. Alex says before looking back down at his arms. And thanks for trying, I had a feeling I would be waiting like this for a few days though so no harm done Xander. Alex says as he looks at his hands in their mangled form. Just make sure I get my pay and when I get my arms back I may have a few more items for you to buy from my personal collection. Alex says before going to stand off to the side and let the others do what they needed to do.

2014-03-09, 03:39 AM
@Alex: Xander fixes his glasses and nods.

"I'm terribly sorry, Alex. And if you refer to her... of course. I am certain she can help you in this matter if what my research has proven to be fruitful...oh! I must've forgotten. Silas and I took the liberty to inquire regarding this matter. Do not worry: names and places were not mentioned. It was brought up to our mentor, Master Terili. He is a wise and knowledgable arcanist with quite an expansive library. I did inquire about Luther, though, seeing as I had to deal with him personally. Again, the answers are not there completely, but hopefully it should shed a sliver of light into this situation."

Xander retrieves a letter and hands it to Archaidous.

Dear Xander,

I am glad to know you have settled in Justcrown and have found Silas. I am certain both will help promote the arcane teachings of Delleb in the dutchy. I hope you have not had to deal with the Rel Mordian as of yet. We at the University have been trying to track him, but he has become quite elusive.

If your letter is any indication, you have not had to deal with him, and that takes a great relief off my chest.

As to your inquiry regarding beings able to harness elemental power, it is commonplace for such beings to dwell in the Inner Planes, or as some scholars peg it, the Energy Realms. Elementals, of course, being the first creatures to come to mind. However, your description mad eit sound as if this was not an elemental.

I have spent many nights in the library, even attempting divinations with the church of Delleb. This is what I have found so far. Be warned, though- these answers are far from complete, and may leave your curiosity far from sated.

An ancient tome speaks of a legend- nay, a myth, about a group of beings that rose up to battle a Great Enemy. The myth states that these individuals submitted to a great sacrficie that caused what is known in the more obscure circles of arcana lore as the Great Conjunction- a fusing. Of what kind, the tomes will not say. However, if I have been able to gather any hint as to when this happened, well... at the cost of being labeled crazy, I would have to say that this event may have taken during what, in layman's terms, may be referred to as... The Beggining of Time itself. The Advent of Creation.

Do not take my words as truth, however. The tome was very old and, even with mending spells, it was difficult to piece all the information together.

I will continue with my research here. The mention of this Great Enemy troubles me so. And if I am right, I am hesitatnt to write further about this matter, since this should not even exist.

Regarding this so called Luther. A Protean Scourge is a rare sight indeed. The race has been thought to be extinct. None have been recorded in centuries. When they did exist. That is, when people had to deal with them- either on their side or against- they were known to be extremely dangerous individuals. Known for subterfuge and a mastery of the arcane. The last recordings of them state that a few turned to religion. To a cult. More information will have to be gathered regarding this matter, however.

I apologize again for the cryptic answers, Xander. I hope you find a tranquil life in Justcrown and that you are not burdened again with these troubles. delleb knows you have suffered enough already.

Fraternally yours,

Terilli Dasbussen

2014-03-09, 01:00 PM
Archadious smiles and cordially greets Xander when they enter the shop. He prepares to give the various items to Xander when his interest is piqued by the letter.

He accepts the letter from Xander and quickly reads through it twice to make sure he read everything. In particular, his eyes linger upon mention of the Great Conjunction. Looking up for a moment, he stares off, deep in thought.

Then, he reaches into his bags and pulls out the notes he had scribed during Arrallae's Seance. Indeed, Arrallae, in her trance had also mentioned the six who fell during the great conjunction.
Master Terilli mentioned this as taking place at the dawn of creation, and yet, Arrallae, Bandobras, Palindurias, and the rest of the six couldn't possibly be the same individuals who comprised the original six. None of them seemed to remember anything beyond several hundred years ago, but they had all came falling out of the sky. Had the six perhaps been reincarnated in different forms throughout the ages? And whats more, this Conjunction had been in response to fight a great enemy. Could this enemy have anything to do with the man in black armor and soulless eyes they had found a painting of in Steiner's abode.

Archadious shakes his head in confusion.

Be sure to thank your master for his research on this matter. I'd like to say it has provided more insight on the matter, but as is usually the case with situations like this, his information has merely led to the formation of so many more questions.

He hands the letter to any of his other companions who wished to read it. Then he turns back to Xander and the objects on the table.

Indeed, this is quite the collection that we have collected over the past few days. Most of it, we wish to sell. In addition, I do believe Alex and Aradia have some of their own items they wish to sell.

selling everything except for monocles? and +3 full plate for Irraly? I think

Dantie and Business also mentioned specific items of theirs they intend to sell I think

2014-03-09, 03:37 PM
"You want me? Come and hug me then, my dear... Oh wait, you can't :smallwink:", Lysa tell Alex as he begins flriting her, "Sadly it was an once-in-a-lifetime offer, I'm so sorry :smallwink:".

(Note she stayed flying high and far from Alex's reach, just in case)

At the shop
Lysa look at Xander and read the letter herself too when Archadious pass it around. After a while looking at the shop, she realize there are lots of things she want that isnt there, but some that she could find.

"I see you have some wands around, I love wands :smallsmile:", she tell the guy with big glasses, "Do you have any with the Ray of Enfeeblement spell? Or maybe one to Dispel Magic? A potent one"

2014-03-09, 06:16 PM
@Archaidous: Xander fixes his glasses as he looks at the loot on the counter.

"I am sorry that I could not be of any more help. If anything, I will continue doing research on the side. The teachings of Delleb state that we must impart knowledge to those who would be denied of it. Unlike Boccob, who seeks knowledge no matter waht, or Vecna, who would use it for evil, Delleb teaches that knowledge is tghere to help. To help prevent what may happen or what is happening. and I am witness firsthand that things have happened in the Fey Woods... and let's hope that only there."

@Lysa: You could taunt Alex all day sitting on the paladin's head. Palindurias' spell have made it so that his arms, all the way to the shoulders, are completel;y worthless. At most, he might be able to wave a withered limb a few inches to the right or left- impossible to even scratch his head with them- let alone catch you.

Xander looks at the store and opens a few drawers, placing two small wooden boxes in front of you as he scoots the loot to the side.

He opens one of the boxes, revealing a blackened twig with a carving of a frail knight with shield and sword on the ground.

"A staple for any adventurer venturing out for the first time. Mind you- the effect isn't amazing. It is usally best when metamagic feats are applied to it, but you never know: It saved me once many years ago when we fought an ogre chieftain. Tilted the scales. This is a brand new one, crafted by Silas a few days ago."


Xander then opens the second box, revealing a green twisted wand with a carving of a broken vase, shattered in pieces and each pieces drawn around the stick.

"Another staple spell. This one is a must. Far better than enfeeblement, in my opinion. As a pixie, I am sure you know how this works- you strip away any magical protection or ailment your foe or friend may carry. This one never gets old. It matters not how powerful a wizard might be, a well placed abjuration such as Dispel Magic will, hopefully, strip them off any wards they may have. This one in partiocular is quite potent.


2014-03-09, 08:57 PM
@Archaidous: You take off your circlet and place your bow on the counter and explain to Xander what kind of work you want done on them.

The magus writes down the specifications as he looks at both items.

"It can be done, but the process will be lengthy. About three weeks for both. As always, we ask a fifty percent advance payment and for you to sign here and someone else to sign over here in case you decide to send someone in your stead."

@The Party: This is assuming all the valley loot has been sold, except for the monocle. If that isn't the case, please let me know. remember: Valley loot only. Personal loot will be up to the players in their own posts.

Xander takes out his ledger and writes down each and every item.

"I must say... this is a lot of money in goods. I can buy off the following ietms. I am certain the churches might have interest in the other ones."

Xander makes a list of items he can purchase.

Raptor's Mask

Sandals of the Tiger's Leap

Necklace of Natural Attacks +2

+1 twilight chainshirt

+2 heavy steel shield

Headband of Intellect +2

Ring of Protection +1

+3 chainshirt of speed

+1 shortsword

+1 Bane composite longbow (+4 Str) (humans)

Pearl of Power 3rd

Cloak of Resistance +2

Bag of Holding Type I

+4 chainshirt

Pale Rhomboid Ioun Stone +2 Strength

"The others are, for the most part, for churches. I am certain the Pelorites and Cuthbertines would gladly take these off your hands."

2014-03-09, 09:32 PM
As Lysa taunts Alex from his spot in the corner he looks at the little fey with a smirk. You know keep that up and I may just go pay that woman to fix my arms just for you Lysa. Alex shoots back as he watches everyone buying and selling things, not being able to do anything besides talk he decides to just stay quite and wait for the money to be given.

Hey if we have to go to the churches I want a ride to where I need to go first. No offense but I am not seeing that woman again in this state.

2014-03-09, 11:00 PM
After accepting the money and then divides it into five and splits it with the rest of the party (making sure to include the payment to Alex , Archadious gently removes his headband, and places it down upon the table in front of him. Without it, he feels as if part of him is missing. He sighs at the uncomfortable feeling and passes it to Xander.

Then he removes his bow from where it was slung over his shoulder. He may not have used the bow much of late, but it still felt like a part of him.

I do believe that I will be the one who comes to retrieve the items, so, I shall sign the form.

With a quick gesture, he writes his name on the paper and passes it back to Xander. He then looks up at the others.

Well... Unless anyone else has anything they'd like to buy or sell, then we ought to head back the forest.

He says, glancing at Alex's arms, quite sure that the man wished to restore his arms as soon as possible.

2014-03-09, 11:39 PM
@Archaidous: Removing your circlet means less knowledge.

Less spells, too.

But once Xander and Silas and maybe even Toxique are done with it, you will be an arcane force to be reckoned with.

Xander takes out a large coffer and using an iron spoon, scoops the money into ficve smaller coffers, taking his time to count each.

"It's all there, Archaidous. Again, this is perhaps the biggest amount of goods I have seen sold during my time. I am sorry I cannot purchase the rest, but like I mentioned earlier, Father Wilhelm, Inquiistor Kalypsia or even the duke himself might be interested in these goods."

You then hand out an equal share to everyone, pouring Alex';s share into his bag, since he cannot do so himself.

"Unless you have anything else you'd like, it has been a pleasure doing business with you."

2014-03-10, 12:02 AM
Looking to everyone as they get ready to leave Alex speaks up. I know we need the money, however Rosalind helped us out along our travels, if anyone should get first picks of what is left I believe it should be her and Father Wilhelm. Have to pay for them of course, but it will still be cheaper then buying it all new.

2014-03-10, 12:10 AM
Archadious listens to Alex and responds.

Fair enough. Although since we just came from the churches I think that is something we can do at a later point. For now, once the rest of you are finished with whatever business you might have here, I suggest we return to the Forest.
Let me know when the rest of you are finished, and I can cast the teleport.

2014-03-10, 12:30 AM
@Archaidous: It has seemed like an eternity since you could alter Time & Space at your whim.

Gathering everyone close, you shut your eyes and fopcus on the shores of the Font of Life.

Immediately, the familiar rumble can be heard as you smile and watch Silas' shop rearrange itself to green shores covered in frost as the large lake that is the Font of Life comes to view.

It's cold now, as many trees are beginning to shed their leaves and many branches have clumps of snow on them.

Sensing newcomers in her domain, Anzaril, the Fen Witch, emerges with her raven hair and swims to shore as she extends her arms and wraps them around Irraly.

"My darling dancer in the dark! You are back, finally! How have you been? all of ...oh."

Anzaril walks up to Alex and grimaces as she looks at his withered arms.

"It didn't go that well, then, huh? I've heard of that spell. Nasty. How long have you had it for?"

Aradia sits on the shores of the lake as she looks at the thin ice patina over its surface, in absolute silence.

Anzaril walks around all of you.

"And where's Luthon?"

2014-03-10, 12:44 AM
Happy to be going to someplace quite where he knew rather well Alex almost jumps up when the others are ready to leave for the font of life, one step closer to getting his arms back in his eyes. Turning quickly he tries to wave goodbye to Xander before growling at his own arms. I wont be back for some time Xander, but I suspect when next we meet we will both be seeing the world as a different place. Alex says bowing his head slightly before Archadious bends space and time to his will once more.

The first thing Alex notices as the spell comes to an end is the bitter cold he feels, almost down to his bones, he would have to put on his, Dam it I can not even change my clothes on my own. Alex grumbles in his mind as they finally arrive at the font of life. Though clearly it is nothing similar to the one they had left. Frost seems to dominate this once beautiful lake, and though it has a different beauty to it now, it is not the same Alex thinks as he looks over the frozen lake.

And if it is not the lady of the lake herself, please excuse me if I don't bow and give your hand a kiss, however as you noticed I ended up on the wrong end of a spell. Alex says kindly to the fey known as Anzaril as she finishes up with Irraly and acknowledges him. Still fresh, I would say only a few hours, Xander tried fixing it already but failed so I was hoping maybe Arrallae may be able to as the one who placed it upon me had just as much power as her. Though if you would like to try I would be extremely grateful. Alex says with a smile on his face happy to be out of the city, however missing the warmth of it. If he did not get into warming clothing soon he may freeze to death.

When the topic of Luthon is brought up Alex looks to the others to see what they wanted to tell her. After all they had known him longer then Alex had, and even when Alex knew him, he was never found of him.

Business Scrub
2014-03-10, 12:51 AM
Sorry, I've been slamming my head against a computer for the past couple hours...

Back at Silas'

When the majority of the sales are done, Emilia steps forward quietly.

"And a few mundane things I have no need for any more."

She carefully places two swords and a pair of bracers on the desk.

Selling bracers of con+2, +1 shortsword, and masterwork shortword (if they'll take it.)

Preparing to leave her armor, a scaled amulet, and shield with Xander, she says,

"I have a commission as well, if you're able. My armors are already magically enhanced, however it's becoming abundantly clear it's not enough. I need the protection strengthened, if you could: as strong as you can make them."

Leaving amulet of natural armor +1, +3 mithril fullplate, and +2 darkwood shield to be enhanced to +5 armor (16k), +5 shield (21k), and +2 natural armor(6k).

Total: 43,000 gp (if it is RAW) (21,500 now, 21,500 later)

2014-03-10, 12:51 AM
Archadious greets the fen witch with cordial respect. The time she had tried to eat him was still fresh in his mind.
At her question regarding Luthon, the elf sighs for a moment before speaking.

Luthon... Well, he left when things took a turn for the worse.

He says, not bothering to completely explain the situation. After all, he wasn't even really sure why Luthon had left.

Then Archadious gestures to Alex's withered arms.

Alex's current condition was inflicted by a caster of great power. And every other caster capable of casting the necessary abjuration has been unable to remove it.
Do you think you might be able to? If not, Arrallae is the only remaining alternative. Do you have any idea of when she might next leave Swans Rest?

2014-03-10, 01:24 AM
@Alex: Xander returns the bow.

"I am looking forward to seeing you again, Alex. All of you, for that matter. Please let me know if you have need of my assistance or that of Silas' in the Fey Woods."

Once at the Font of Life, Anzaril looks at you as she insoects your hands from a few feet away.

"I probably could remove the spell, but I can feel great power radiating from it. Arrallae was ere not too long ago, she should be with Casyllyn, tending to the young Shepherd, hold on."

Anzaril goes deep in thought as she tries to reach the Goddess of the Fey Woods.

@Aradia: Xander looks at the bracers and blades.

"Consider it done, Aradia. And you want your armor and shield strengthened further? Of course. Like with archaidous, you will need to leave the shield and armor here, as well as the necklace. Improving these should take a lot less time than Archaidous'. If you come back here in a week, they should be done. Please, as before, fifty percent up front and sign here and write the name of a representative to pick it up here. There we go. I will try and get it done faster, but a ball park figure of a week sounds about right. I will send for you once it is ready."

@Archaidous: Anzaril looks at the frost covered lake, and you can see Apalal's hump breaking the ice off in the distance.

"Hmmm... who knows why he left. An odd fellow, no? At any rate, let me focus..."

@The Party: It does not take long for a golden radiance to fill the Font of Life as Arrallae, goddess of the woods, with her solar crown, takes a few steps from the entrance of the Font and bows to all present.

Jacob walks behind her, wearing a winter coat made of bear fur.

"You are all back...yet there have been losses. Too many. And too dire. I am sorry."

As Arrallae walks towards you, being over a month since last you saw her, it becomes undeniable:

She clearly is Palindurias' opposite, as her warmth radiates all over the lake.

Jacob waves a gloved hand at all of you.

"Hey, guys! How's it going...damn! Alex. Your arms!"

@Alex: Arrallae walks up to you and holds your withered hand as Anzaril grimaces and looks away.

"I have to give it to you, Arrallae- few things scare you..or disgust you. I wasn't even planning to touch his arms to free him of the spell."

Arrallae smiles at the glaistig as she walks with you to the lake's edge.

"Kneel, Alex...and put your hands in the water."

Anzaril turns to look at this and shakes her head.

"Are you serious! The Font of Life, contaminated by rotting flesh? It will poison the fish!"

Arrallae washes your hands as she runbs them wirth her own, allowing the sacred watres to sep in through the rotten tissue.

"Once the spell is gone, Anzaril, the Font of Life will be as clean as ever. You have no need to worry. Besides, Alex is a friend and Guardian, like you. We must help our own. Always."

Arrallae's solar crown intensifies as you feel warmth running through your arms again and the few rotten flakes of skin drop off into the water's surface as they burn away, washed in ashes by the winter wind.

"This is no ordinary spell...I feel something...familiar about it."

Within seconds, you look at your arms and these, once rotten and useless, are now strong and filled nimble. Good enough to wield your blade once more.

Arrallae gets up as she helps you stand and looks at everyone.

"I heard Aradia's call earlier. I do not know how, but it was as if I was there. Somewhere dark. Cold. Dismal...and very sad. Again, my apologies. I hope young Rosalind is ok."

2014-03-10, 01:47 AM
Take your time Anzaril, not like I have anything better to do after all. Though I might be hanging around for a bit while we wait. Alex says as he watches the fey go deep into thought and goes silent.

As the goddess of the Fey woods emerges from the entrance to the font of life Alex's entire skin seems to ripple showing red scales underneath before returning to their normal state, leaving only his red cat like eyes looking too her. It is not your fault my lady, we knew the dangers we were walking into thanks to your help, and had it not been for you we would have lost even more I am sure. Alex says kindly as he turns to acknowledge Jacob. Well Jacob I have to hand it to you, you sure know how to say hello. I am sure if this was a different situation I would love to shake your hand, but at the moment I will just let them hang around. Alex says teasingly to the hunter that was always by Arrallae's side.

As Anzaril admits she was not going to fix his hands as she was to grossed out by them Alex almost laughs as his eyes turn to take her in. So wait, a holy man can feed a vampire, but someone who drinks life itself to stay alive can not touch dead flesh, you are an odd one. Alex says in a non cruel way as he turns to listen to Arrallae's directions as she holds his hands in her own.

As the goddess brings Alex to the font and asks him to dip his hands into its waters he can not help but agree with Anzaril. If curing my wounds will endanger the inhabitants of this pond I rather go on without the use of my arms Arrallae. No one should lose their life so that I may be able to use my arms again. I may be cripple but I am far from helpless. However her reassurance that the font and all inhabitants would be fine lets Alex release his guard, and for a moment his hair seems to grow down to his back as it changes from the blond it was into a jet black color. The warmth running threw his arms relaxing him more so then he had ever been, as he is filled with a peaceful serenity. It is because you know the person, knew the person who did it to me in another life. comes out of Alexs mouth before he knows what he is even saying.

Soon enough Alex's arms are once more the tools he had honed for years, as strong as the trees of this forest. I thank you lady Arrallae for your help, if I had known anyone else who would have been able to remove this I would have gone to them first instead of asking you to strain yourself. Alex says before stepping off to the side of Arrallae to let the others talk to her, but always seeming to be within an arms length, as if something had him on edge. Perhaps the events of the valley had left alex changed, worried that everyone he ever cared for would be stolen from him and this was its first manifestation.

Rosalind is back home where she belongs, she will be studying under Father Wilhelm now for the remainder of her studies as far as I am aware. The lessons I was asked to teach her were not something I was able to teach, for my lessons were unconventional at the best of times. And my views different from her own. In fact I could not tell her anything about the journey and as such she may be mad at all of us, it is for the best she dose not know about what fully transpired though. There is no need to make her question her faith because my own are different.

2014-03-10, 02:28 AM
@Alex: Anzaril opens one eye as she focuses and looks at you.

"Be patient, Alex. This is a big forest, and finding her isn't always that easy, since I cannot tell when she's in Swan's Rest."

Once Arrallae apologizes to all, you comfort her, letting her now that her actions, indirectly, saved that many more lives.

"Still, Alex. I felt something bad when you left the Fey Woods. Much sorrow and loss. Cloudy visions. My powers as an Oracle have diminished now that Star Room is no longer, but i still get fast images here and there."

Jacob walks up and rubs his beard as he looks at your arms.

"I'm certain you will get them back to head chopping and limb slicing in no time."

Regarding Anzaril's remark, you make your own, as Arrallae raises an eyebrow.

"You fed a vampire? And yet you live. I do know about them. But they are not known for letting their prey go."

Anzaril sits on a rock and brushes her hair.

"What, you sweet talked the vampire into drinking just a bit? I myself cannot control the urge. Of course, that is not a problem now. I am well fed for a few more centuries, so I'm good."

On the comment of the water, Arrallae holds your arms as she has you kneel by the lake's shore.

"This is a potent spell, but the Font of Life is bathed in a power I possess. It will not cirrupt those that live within, Alex. Trust me."

As the goddess of the Fey Woods washes your arms, renewing tissue and muscle and blood back into them, you speak through your alter ego as your hair turns black.

"I know him? What do you mean? Yes... I can feel something from these old scabs being washed away..."

Once your arms are healed, Arrallae walks away and looks at the lake as she crosses her arms and her solar crown burns brighter.

"That Rotten Child! Never did know how to behave! Why if I had that Thistlethorn..."

And then, Arrallae shakes her head, clearly out of whatever memory lapse she must've been.

"I'm...sorry. Your arms are fine now, alex. But what will you all do now? Will you stay here? Travel more?"

Jacob walks up to you and shakes your hand.

A firm handshake, to be expected of her Guardian.

"Good to see you again, Alex. And all of you. We were about to head back to Swan's rest. It's a lot warmer in there, but Arrallae wanted to make sure the Shepherd was well protected for the coming winter."

Arrallae looks at you as you mention Rosalind.

"She has learned many lessons, I am certain, Alex. Whether these will be put to good use, only time will tell...as will her own actions."

2014-03-10, 03:08 AM

Meanwhile, deep underground...

"Ughhh... have I told you how much I hate the Underdark?" Nerine cleans her blades as a rock skinned monstrosity lies dead at her feet. In fact, several have fallen in the tunnel as she turns to face Luther, who cleans his scythe as well.

"For about the twentieth time, nymph. Know, however, that this will not alter our course. We must continue to the next city and rendezvous with our contact. After that, we can prepare for the war above. Then you'll get as much fresh air as you want."

A large beast with drow features mixed in with a demonic taint walks towards her. His shadow covering the assassin.

"Remember where you are, Nerine. This is my home..."

Nerine takes a few steps back and readies her blades.

"Mama's boy standing up for himself! She'd be so proud... if only she were here!" Nerine turns her back on the grey skinned demon, keeping a close eye on his next movements.

"You little brat! You will learn to respect the Kalkyos Family!" The monster draws his claws towards her. Immediately a translucent barrier forms between the two.

Enough! Gwyliss, we must stick to the plan at hand. Nerine, you are under my supervision as appointed by the Master himself. I will have no such quarreling, understood?

The drow demon and the nymph turn to a cloaked man who speaks through their mind.

"Fine, Satau... just how long until we reach the next city?"

Nerine pockets her blades and ignores both of them as she takes out a small mirror and looks at herself in it.

The cloaked man turns to a large stone cage mounted on wheels. A humanoid with dark skin and a large under bite leans casually against the cage. Inside lies Hevrok, badly hurt and unarmed. Her eyes are glassy as she drools constantly. The stone mother holds on to the bars by inertia, as if trying to break lose. Satau walks up to her as the dwarf recoils in fear.

Well...let's ask our guide, shall we?

2014-03-10, 06:00 AM
Lysa look at both wands before deciding to take the alter, "Dispel Magic for me please :smallsmile:", and then she push back to him a large ammount of the gold he just gave her, "You what", and then push more to him, "I'll take both of them, you may never be sure and these seems powerful ones".

She then look at people making requests to Xander and she decide to make one of her own, "Hey Xander, can you recharge a partially spended wand? If so I'll be glad if you can take care of this one for me" she says drawing her wand of magic missiles, "I've been fighting some enemies who deserved lots of blasts of force :smalltongue:".

If he can restore the wand to 50 again she'll handle it to him as well as full payment.

The wand have 34 charges so if he ask the price I think he will, it probably should be about 2160 gp. But let me know if that's correct :smallsmile:

@Emilia/Aradia: "I'll take that anklets from you as well, if you're interested in selling it", she tell the draconic lady and give her a handful of gold.

1400 gp, right?
Then she leave with the rest to another part of Oerth in a blink of eye.
She look at Anzaril and say hi, but stay quiet till Arralae fills the frozen lake with radiance.

Looking at the beautyful woman with the solar crown, Lysa come closer and give her a hug.

"And here we are, all of us alive and kicking. Well, Luthon left, but he was alive last time we saw him....", she says to the goddess of Fey Woods, "All of them alive like you asked for me so I guess someone here is owing the fairy a song :smallbiggrin:", she tell Arralae with a great smile. The promise from Arralae sure made the little fairy very curious (which was not a difficult thing at all).

She then step back and cant manage to stop her mouth before saying, "You're way different than the other one... I guess if I hugged him I would be a ghost pixie lyrist at best"

She look around to the others but she got her talking mode [on].

"Have you seen Gigglemug? I tottaly forgot to say bye to him before leaving in this last journey :smalltongue:", she says, "and did Belladona caused any woodfire lately?"

2014-03-10, 12:18 PM
@Lysa: Xander is ready to withdraw the second box with the wand of enfeeblement, when you push a large amount of cash on the counter.

With a smile, the magus hands you the second box.

"I am certain you will make good use of these. sadly, there is nio known way, at least by me, to recharge your wand of magic missile, unless you bought an eternal wand of it. I do have very pptent wands like this one and, if you want, I can sell you a brand new one."

Once your transaction with Aradia is done, you are taken with but a thought to the Font of Life and decide to wave to anzaril froma prudent distance.

That changes, however, once Arrallae makes her presence known and you hug the elven goddess with her warm solar crown as this one returns the embrace.

"Little Lysa... you kept your word. You were a brave one, were you not? And the other? Oh, it must be the one Aradia mentioned. Why would anyone want you to be a ghost, child? As for your song... let me help Alex first, Lysa."

On the subject of Gigglemug, Anzaril rolls her eyes as Arrallae gives you a gentle smile.

"The Fey Woods Balladeer has been busy composing a new song for Winter, my child. One to soothe the Covens and lull them to wintry slumber. He should be in the Eastern Coven, where last I saw him. As for Belladonna...she has been missing, oddly enough. Have you seen her, anzaril? Through your scrying?"

Anzaril shakes her head.

"I tried finding her a few times, but she has most likely left the Fey Woods."

Jacob looks around at the snow tipped branches.

"Well, I guess that's a good thing. I've heard nothing but bad things about that Petal. Shall we head back, Arrallae?"

The goddess takes Lysa's hand as she looks at Jacob.

"Please wait for us here, old friend. We'll be right back."

And in a golden flash, both pixie and goddess disappear.

@Lysa: You reappear in the Rose Garden, now covered ina thin l;ayer of frost as the small hedgehog creature slumbers beneath a bed of roses, tired from the coming winter.

Arrallae looks at the garden around her as she shuts her eyes.

"Lysa, I promised you a song. And a song you will learn. But you must promise me one thing in return: You shall never teach this song to anyone. It must never be written or recorded in anyway. It is a song I have remembered after a few centuries spent here, but you are the first person I get to share it with. None know of it, because something inside kept telling me it was not the right time. However... I believe it is time for someone to use this song. Because if things are developing at the rate they are, it will be necessary. Know that this song will leave you tired. And hurt. But if you do use this song, those under your care, little Lysa. They will be able to face any opponent. No matter how strong. Pay attention, Lysa. For I shall sing this song only once..."

And so, Arrallae takes a few steps forward and looks at the Rose Garden, covered in frost and the tiny Rose Bearer, with a coppery color due to the current season.

Then, Arrallae sings. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43ljt9dx0NA)

It is difficult at first to make out the words, since it would seem Arrallae is using two or three words, altering their tone and pitch, but then, you look around as the frost begins to melt and the roses in the garden bloom once more as the Rose Bearer grows to the size of a pony.

There is power in this song. Tremendous power as Arrallae looks at you through her golden eyes and her solar crown intensifies.

You have heard many songs before and, as a Lyric Thaumathurge, know that songs hold power, but nothing like this.

And then, the song ends, as arrallae sits down, clearly exhausted and smiles faintly.

"And so, I bestow upon you this song, Lysa. Words crafted a long time ago. No bard. Not even Steiner, ever had the chance to know about this song. I...I did not feel it was necessary to share it, due to the immense power it can hold and the pain it could bring him, but I know you can withstand the Song, can you not, Lysa?"

Words of Creation feat (B)

Power: 1/Day, use your bardic music to use Celestial Choir

The Words of Creation can be woven into song, forming music that surpasses any earthly melody and echoes the grandeur of the music of the heavens. A bard who has the Words of Creation feat can use these powerful words to enhance his bardic music ability as detailed below. When a bard uses the Words of Cre- ation in this manner, it is extremely draining, and the bard takes 1d4 points of lethal damage for each rank in Perform required to produce the bardic music effect he is enhancing. For example, if Lysa uses the Words of Creation to double an inspire courage effect (minimum 3 ranks in Perform), she takes 3d4 points of lethal damage. If he uses the words to enhance an inspire heroics effect (minimum 18 ranks in Perform), he takes 18d4 points of lethal damage.

The Words of Creation doubles the effect of several bardic music abilities:
• Inspire Courage: Double the morale bonus on saving throws
against charm and fear and the morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls (+2 at 1st level, +4 at 8th level, +6 at 14th level, +8 at 20th level).

• Inspire Competence: +4 competence bonus on skill checks.

• Inspire Greatness: Gain 4 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the com- mensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier to these bonus Hit Dice), +4 compe- tence bonus on attacks, and +2 competence bonus on Forti-
tude saves.

• Inspire Heroics: +8 morale bonus on saving throws, +8 dodge
bonus to AC.

For bardic music abilities that require a Perform check (countersong, fascinate), the Words of Creation grant the bard a +4 sacred bonus on the check. The Words of Creation also increase the saving throw DC for the suggestion and dominate abilities by +2.

The Words of Creation increase the bard’s effective caster level for the song of freedom by +2.

*Damage incurred by using Words of Creation ignores DR.

2014-03-10, 12:32 PM
It takes sometime for Lysa speak after hearing such sublime song.

"It was beautiful.. beautiful and powerful. This may even be close to what some bards calls the Primal Song or the First Song, something bards from all over the planes look for", she says to arralae still not believing what she heard, "I'll keep it for me alone, don't you worry about it. And I'll use it for good purposes only. I'm very thankful", saying this Lysa come close and hug her again.

Her ears still can hear the song and she feels like a small part of Arralae is around her, as if she became part of her.

2014-03-10, 12:46 PM
@Lysa: Arrallae pets the Rose Bearer, who lays at her feet, now as big as a pony.

With tired eyes, Arrallae smiles at you as her solar crown diminishes, then grows in size again. her power seemingly eternal.

"I do not know how I know that song, Lysa. I just happened to remember it one day and chose to keep it hidden from the rest. Is that what it is called? The First Song? You probably know more about it than I. As for the planes, well... maybe they are common there, but I would not know- I have never been to any other place than the Fey Woods. Now, let us return to the Font of Life, shall we?"

Arrallae pets the Rose Bearer one last time as she leans on you.

Clearly, the Song has left her frail self extremely tired.

With a radiant flash, both disappear and reappear at the shores of the Font of Life.

Jacob hurried by Arrallae's side as she nearly drops to the ground, dizzy.

"What happened to you?"

"I'm fine, Jacob. Just a little tired. I would like to go back home now, though. Unless anyone needs some more assistance..."

2014-03-10, 01:03 PM
"There the so called Seekers of the Song, that believe this powerful song, they call it the Primal Song was the trigger that created the multiverse and they seek them, some are even lucky to find a fragment of it. So powerful it is that it change the bard forever", Lysa tell Arralae of some things she learned from the time when she was in the Academy of the Arcane Chord, "And there is also the ones who believe such song, which they call the First Song, is all around the palces, and that by watching the stars and planet's dance they can get an insight about the song. Such bards, which include myself, are the Sublime Chords", she then add, "Well, I'm not one myself yet, but I've studying. Only need to buy a new spyglass to watch better the stars, since the one I had was stolen froma pesky imp in one of my journeys".

When they get back Lysa try to help Arralae stand her feet, but failing that she let Jacob do the work.

2014-03-10, 01:04 PM
When Arrallae appears, Archadious is once again reminded of how she and Palindurias are truly opposites in almost every way. Enjoying her warm radiance he greets her, then listens to her conversation with Alex, raising his eyebrows slightly at mention of "Rotten Child" and "Thislethorn".
Might this perhaps be some way of keeping the child in line? He also thinks to the gem in his pocket, and wonders if either of the two should get the chance to speak to one another, but then decides against it. Who knew what the child might try through the gem.
Perhaps another time.

And when Arrallae and Lysa suddenly teleport away, Archadious looks up from his musings, and wonders where they went.

His curiosity increases when he sees the two of them return a few moments later, Arrallae is clearly quite exhausted. Giving Lysa a strange look, he speaks to Arrallae.

It's been a pleasure seeing you again Arrallae, especially after spending so many hours in that valley of death. Also, before you go, I ought to thank you for what you did this morning.

He says, thinking back to the duel with the lich earlier that day, and the strange burst of positive energy he had experienced that had healed him of his feebled condition.

I'm not sure how you or Aradia did it, but whatever it was, without it, the two of us would not have made it. Thank you.

2014-03-10, 01:53 PM
@Lysa: Arrallae listens to your explanation with much interest as she looks up at the winter sky.

"So there are stars that dance around us...and a song for each. A song that contains a key. As for Sublime Chord, I knew one such person. A long time ago. At least that is what I was told. I am certain you will find this...spyglass you need, Lysa. And I'm certain you will learn many more songs than the ones I have taught you."

@Archaidous: Arrallae bows to you and Aradia.

"It is she you should thank. I am still not sure how I was able to reach out to both, but Aradia speaking to me came through muddled voices. Whatever I did, it has brought you back safe, so that is all that matters. And now, I would extend an inviotation to swan's rest, but I believe the Ritual done by you has made it difficult to access the village. Anzaril, do you mind if they stay here?"

Anzaril looks at all of you and shrugs.

"Of course, but unless they can keep themselves warm, little good it will do, since I sleep in the bottom of the lake and right now, it's even colder than usual."

2014-03-10, 02:45 PM
That is a shame. I shall miss that nice little house we stayed in.

Archadious says, thinking about Steiner's house that they had resided in for several weeks.

Anyways, thank you for your hospitality Anzaril, I think we shall rest here for the night before we decide where to go tomorrow. Speaking of which...

He then turns to the other four.

So now that Alex's arms are restored, where should we head next? Originally I had thought that after Hammerbruk we should head to investigate the rumors that Ainharil had told us regarding the Sea Devil. But the experiences of this morning have made me realize that we are woefully underpowered to confront any of the other three, wherever they may be.
However, of immediate concern I think, is fulfilling the sister's last wishes to us and traveling to Furydony to speak with Lord Brunhaussear about his daughters.

He says, wondering what the others thought.
As he speaks, he also considers several other possible destinations. Terra Reahm in search of his former group. However he was not sure how safe it would be for him to go off searching for them on his own.
And one other place which he was hesitant to mention in front of Arrallae. Hamalthan. With Cornelius's letter, he now had three good reasons to venture there. Two letters, and one cryptic seance.

2014-03-10, 03:15 PM
@Archaidous: You muse regarding the house and Jacob scratches the tip of his nose.

"And just when we finally thatched the roof too! I still don't get it hiw that hoke came to be."

"You can ask the Covens for shelter as well. Although they sleep in trees, I am certain they can find you a bed and roof for the night."

Anzarl smiles wickedly as she moves her hips seductively towrads the water, turning to look at you.

"I'd stay away from the shore- Apalala is kniwn to swim in his sleep and go night snacking. I can take one with me below to sleep, unless others can breathe water as well... what?"

@The Party: That's when Alex, half man, half Abyss walks towards Arrallae, brutal blade in hand.

His eyes a blazing inferno. His strength that of a thousand worlds.

His motives as sinister as his smile.

2014-03-10, 03:29 PM
Archadious is taken aback by Alex's sudden and strange movement towards the golden goddess. This did not seem like him.

Alex? What are doing?

He asks wondering if the paladin was even himself at the moment.

Business Scrub
2014-03-10, 04:08 PM
Quiet since their arrival, as has apparently become the norm for her, Emilia doesn't say much, but is happy to see Arrallae again, and gives her a happy bow when Archadious mentions how the goddess saved the two of them.

She looks surprised when Alex draws his blade.

"Hey Alex? What the hell're you doing?"

But she had seen him act like this before, and it hadn't ended well. The fact that he's apparently making a bee line for Arrallae alarms her, and if the past is any example, they aren't dealing with Alex any more.

She jumps in between the two of them, suddenly wishing she hadn't left all of her protective gear with Xander.

"Alright Acheron, cool it. Your real prey is out there, remember?" She gestures to the rest of the world in general.
"Varian, Nerine, Kazym: those guys, not anyone here."

2014-03-10, 05:09 PM
"What you're doing Alex?", Lysa say looking at the him and at the fragile Arralae, weakened because of her, she then try to see if there's any enchantment affecting him and try to use her songs to break any kind of compulsion acting on him.

Sense Motive [roll0]
Countersong replaces Alex's Will in case of compulsion: [roll1]

2014-03-10, 05:35 PM
@Aradia: A brave move. Some would call it foolish and brash.

Wearing nothing but your traveler's threads, you stand between arrallae and Acheron as his frame towers over yours and his eyes fix on you.

A vampire General had to surrender to Alex. And she was battle ready. Who knows what he might dop to you now.

Alex looks at Arrallae as the goddess of the Fey woods places her arms around Lysa's shoulders and smiles, nodding.

Anzaril begins twitching her left hand, nlo doubt preparing a spell to use on him.

Tainted as always...he is still a threat, Irraly.

Jacob has seen this before in Swan's Rest and carefully reaches behind his back for his bow.

"Now, Alex. You know us! You know everyone here. Nice and easy, ok? She's fine. Listen to Aradia."

Acheron gets in Aradia's face and sniffs at her white hair like a predator right before the plunge.

"You are right, maiden. The real prey is out there. But should any harm come to the Lady...hehehhehhee. Well, let's just say I haven't had a group kill in a few centuries. Lady Arrallae, I leave you to the graces and protection of this feeble man."

And like so, alex blinks twice as his hair changes back to his usual color and he looks around, confused.

"What's with the bow, Jacob? And why are you in my face, Aradia?"

Arrallae sighs and places her hand on Jacob's shoulder.

"It's been a long day. And I am tired. I shall see all of you in the morrow, should you still be here."

@Lysa: Arrallae looks at you and winks.

Don't forget what you have learned, little Lysa. Keep watching over them.

And with that said, arrallae and Jacob take their time walking towards the entrance to the Font, intent on taking in the remaining of the cold morning by foot.

Anzaril puts her hand down.

"Normally, I'd have all of you leave. Or eaten, yes...most likely eaten. But that was a lifetime ago. So, you are free to stay. As before, Apalala is a night swimmer and he might fetch a snack if it happens to be too close to shore, so don't say you were not warned. Irraly, my dear, you are welcome to spend the night in the bottom of my lake. It is cold, but my domain amongst the kelp can be a lot of fun."

She then looks at the rest of you before jumping in the water.

"As for the rest, like I said- you can stay. Oh! I had a dream. A dream where some idiot chopped wood and made a tree house here. I am no orcale, but it goes without saying that, should any decide to do so... well, Irraly, darling, link with me if you wish to see me later. Ta!"

And with that, the glaistig leaps into the cold waters of the Font and disappears beneath its surface.

2014-03-10, 07:19 PM
Well, now that Anzaril and Arrallae and Jacob are gone, what do the rest of you think we should do next? Personally I think the experience with Palindurias has shown that we are ill-equipped or prepared to meet either of the remaining three.
Therefore I think we should travel to Hamalthan to deliver Cornelius's letter and investigate the temple Arrallae mentioned in her Seance, and along the way, we can stop by Furydony to speak with Lord Brunhaesseur about his daughters.
All this of course after Xander and Silas finish working with our purchases.
What do you think?

He asks, repeating his question now that Alex seemed to be in a saner state of mind.

2014-03-10, 08:08 PM
@Archaidous: Alex looks at the lake and watches Arrallae walk away with Jacob.

Then he turns to look at you and the group as a cold front washes in from the lake.

"I agree. If that damn brat was able to do that to my arms, who knows what the other three are able to do? Regarding Halmathan..."

Alex sighs as he looks at the lake and sits on the cold grass.

"I haven't been to Halmathan in awhile. I got some training there, but I'm not too happy to return... that's for sure. But hell, we're already knee deep in this, right? Or is it neck deep? I've been hit too many times in the last forty eight hours to differentiate both terms."

Regarding Furyondy, Alex gets up and looks at his blade.

"I'll go to Furyondy and deliver the letter to Lord Vasili. As his pupil, I feel I must. Any who want, are welcome to do so, but..."

Alexander walks away from the Font of Life.

"I ask to wait before we do all that. A few weeks, no more. I've been doing some thinking: The whole paladin code isn't the path for me, like I told Father Wilhelm. I want to stay here and train with the Covens. Maybe even with her."

Alex points to the water.

"But for that, I need time. Cast of everything I've learned over the years as an inquisitor and embrace a new path."

2014-03-10, 08:30 PM
Archadious is somewhat surprised by Alex's plan to learn the ways of the forest and completely forgo his paladin training.

You plan on forgoing your training as an inquisitor and instead learn the ways of the natural world? That seems like quite the daunting task. I know you were experiencing disillusionment with the inquisitor's ways, but I didn't realize you were ready to give them up completely.

How much time do you think you are going need for your training? I suppose in the meantime I shall head back to Justcrown to work on scroll-scribing.

As he finishes speaking, he begins to wonder how he might fill up his time while Alex learns the ways of the covens. There were countless scrolls he could scribe, as his time in the valley of Jotun's foot had severely depleted his scroll selection. There were some spell or two he could find useful copying from Xander or Silas now that Luthon was gone. And he could check up on Ralftus, Bodar and the others and see how far they had gotten in their search of Terra Reahm

2014-03-10, 08:49 PM
@Archaidous: Alex looks at you as he smiles and places his heavy steel gauntlet on your shoulder.

"You know, when I was a child in the Sea of sands, I looked up to my father. He was a valiant knight. A paladin of Pelor. I wanted to be like him. reason why I traveled cross Oerth. I guess in a way, i did grow up to be like my father, but I also gl;eaned something he may have wanted me to have all along. Something i could not have had if I stayed back in the Jade City: Perspective. I've had many teachers over the years, Archaidous. I have learned many things with all of them- some lessons and mentors I could do without, but I guess that's what has formed the aformentioned perspective. To look at it all on the table. see all the pieces set... and take away those that are taking up space. Less is more, right? I will be speaking to uwellyn and Casyllyn. How long will I train? I cannot answer that because I don't know. I've never done this before. I hope the Coven leaderrs will tell me anx then I can let you know. I suppose it depends on how willing and able I am to forgo the teachings of paladinhood and embrace those of the Natural World."

Alex sheathes his blade and winks at Lysa as he looks back at you with a smile.

"I promise...if it's going for over a decade, I'll stop. ok?"

2014-03-10, 09:05 PM
Archadious listens to Alex explain his motives for setting out across Oerth from such a young age.

So that is why you left home at such a young age, to learn and experience the world. You have traveled and learned so much in such a short time. I suppose that the broader of a perspective you can experience, the better your own perspective might eventually become.
In my experience, I have found that life itself can sometimes be the best tutor. In all my many decades locked away and training within the Ironwood Tower under Ferrin, they failed to prepare me for the outside World. If anything, I have learned far more in this past year of traveling and living life than I ever did while studying in the tower.
It also seems to me that your desire to forgo the ways of the paladin code and learn those of the woodland might be reflective of being tired of years of rigid law and a desire to embrace the chaotic nature of the woods.

He pauses for a moment, a sudden question comes to mind, as he seems to recall something Alex had mentioned a few moments earlier.

You mentioned not being too eager to return to Hamalthan. Why is that? What happened in Hamalthan?

2014-03-10, 09:29 PM
@Archaidous: Alex keeps walking as he nears the entrance statue.

"You and I are not all that different, you know. True, I jhad many teachers. and from them, I learned both the martial ways and that of the gods. During your time in the Ironwood Tower, decades, as you say it, you also learned a lot. Clearly more than I. I can fight with a blade. I can channel the power of the gods to devatstating effect. I will not be modest about it- I'm good at it. But you, Archaidous, you are able of feats I cannot even comprehend. Take people from Veluna to Swan's Rest in a blink? I wish I could do that! The closest I got was getting Haris and Karina lost in some layer in what I hope was Elysium..."

Alex goes silent as he recalls those two names.

"At any rate, You're not losing a warrior. I'll still hit things. Probably harder, but I need to find a way to calm whatever I have inside. Channel it. And the strictures of an inquisitor make the caged beast angrier. So, I will ask the fey here to help me. If any know the ways of nature, it would be them. And with them, I shall train."

On the subject of Halmathan, Alex goes serious as he walks a few paces ahead of you.

"Let's just say that city gives me a bitter aftertaste, but if we have to go there, so be it. And if I have to straighten another inquisitor...again, so be it as well. Can you take me to the Covens? Eastern, preferably. If not, it's ok. We got time. It's the teleport or a week's walk."

2014-03-10, 09:47 PM
Another inquisitor huh? No wonder you're choosing to forgo the inquisitor training, you can't seem to get along with any inquisitors can you. How did you end up training with the inquisitors in the first place if you can't seem to get along with any of them? :smalltongue:

As for transportation, I can if you are willing to wait until the morning. Now, I do not have any more teleport spells prepared, so for now, I suggest we rest by the shores of the font. Tomorrow I plan on returning to Justcrown. With an invisibility spell and a flight spell, both of which I can provide, you can travel a few hours from the town to the Covens.

Archadious says in response to Alex's inquiry regarding transportation to the Covens.

Business Scrub
2014-03-10, 09:57 PM
If the shaman is relieved that Alex backs off, she doesn't show it. When he questions why she's in his face, she simply shoves him and walks away, tired of the confusion he experiences after putting them all in danger. She listens to their conversation quietly, thinking some things through. What Alex had said was true: if they were going to approach the other three, they would need to be much, much stronger. And if she was going to face Palinduras again to get her brother back, even more so.

Idly, Emilia thinks back to one of her conversations with Lysander. He never said anything about our mother and father... I suppose they could still be in Ulduran. If Alex is going to be gone for some time, I could see if Archadious would mind bringing me close... Gods, what would I even say to them?

2014-03-10, 10:27 PM
@Archaidous: Alex laughs at your comment. A hearty laugh. perhaps a way to expel some of the grief from hours earlier.

"Wilhelm was right, you know? Not all are bad. I had two inquisitors train me directly. One you have met- Late Mother Mathilda. It was because of her that I chose to pursue the path of the inquisitor and accepted Cuthbert's ideals."

Alex then goes somber as he washes his hand in the statue fountain. although the water here may not be magical anymore. It's clean and, by doing so, perhaps he is attemptin, little by little, cleanse himself.

"Then there was the other inquisitor. The one that drove me to become one of their order. Where I accepted the ideals with Mathilda, I learned to be ruthless with wrongdoers and the lawless. That was the side you met back before the Autumn Ball. When I took you, Aradia, and Luthon to get marked. I do not wish to speak about this mentor because it would sour up just a very sour and bitter day already. Needless to say, he's one of the reasons why I threw my badge at Mathilda...and why I went off on Kalypsia."

Upon learning that travel to the Covens right now would be impossible, Alex walks back to the grassy hillock before the shores to the Font of Life and removes his breast plate, leaving only his leggings as he begins to set up the tent.

@Aradia: Alex finishes the tent and spreads his winter blanket as he looks at you.

"Sorry about whatever I said earlier. You shoving me was most likely justified. The tent's for you, if you want it. I'll use the winter blanket outside, so you can sleep safe."

You then look at Archaidous as he sits on the grassy shores covered in bits of ice and snow.

Ulduran must have alot more snow now, being so close to the Crystalmist Mountains. If it is even there. Lysander had been in hammerbruk for a few years. If memory serves well, Ulduran wasn't exactly a fortress of safety.

Brigands passed by from time to time, raiding and extorting people for food and supplies.

You vaguely recall some low ranking grunts from the so called Empire of Iuz once settling in. That was until they were scared away by Ul;duran's biggest threat...

Inzeri. He's probably still alive in his cave high up in the peaks.

2014-03-11, 12:21 AM
@The Party: With the day going by, each of you reflects on the events that transpired just this morning back in Jottun's Foot.

Events that for some, will not be forgotten so easily.

The night is cold, but not unnaturaly so. To think that a night prior, Isiflis had sent undead to wipe you out while you slept in skeletal stands.

Yet as Alex snores tucked in his winter blanket and Aradia sleeps in the tent, while Lysa takes off to a branch and disappears and Irraly does her nude maiden dance, Archaidous, reviews his book and notes, before Reverie thakes the best of him and all fall into deep slumber.

Day 83

The sound of birds above wake you up as the cold grey skies above provide a nasty wake up call.

Alex gears up, not before praying to whatever deities he may worship.

Archaidous and Irraly both sit by the lake's shore and go over their spellbooks.

Lysa yawns loudly as she flies to the water's edge and splashes some on her face.

Aradia, instinctively goes for her armor, but it isn't there.

Groggy still from just waking up, it takes her a few seconds to realize it's way back in Justcrown.

There is still much to do, however.

@Archaidous: You gather all those willing and focus on silas' shop as the Font of Life begins to shudder and within seconds, it is replaced by the familiar wooden door with the symbol of Delleb.

Once inside, Silas greets all of you in a low voice.

"Greetings! Xander told me you were here yesterday! Your orders are being worked on. How may I help you today?"

2014-03-11, 12:22 AM
As Lysa see Alex built the tent and give it to Aradia, the small fairy fly closer to the dragon lady, "Care to have some company? Don't want to sleep in the open :smalltongue:", she says flying close to Aradia, "I guess it's my turn to be the pillow, right?", she says kindly as they became pillow-friends at some times in the journey.

2014-03-11, 12:45 AM
As the scenery around them rematerializes and Archadious notices Silas he greets him with a friendly smile.

Greetings Silas, we missed seeing you yesterday. As for today, well it's mostly just me with a few requests. Alex won't be here long.

this is assuming of course Alex is okay with the plan of teleporting to Justcrown then having him travel to the covens from there

He turns to Alex (assuming Alex came with him)

I believe you wish to travel to the covens. If memory serves correct, they should be within a few hours of travel from the entrance to the woods. If I recall, there was a locked gate barring the entrance to the woods. So should you need assistance bypassing the gate to the woods...

The elf casts a transmutation and an illusion in quick succession.

casting fly and invisibility if he wants.

Should let him fly by the gate without issues

I think for the most part in these next few weeks I plan on remaining in Justcrown. So should you need me, you will know where to find me. Farewell for the time being. I hope to see you soon.

He says, nodding a farewell.

Once Alex and Lysa leave, Archadious turns back towards Silas.

Anyways, as I mentioned, I have a slightly different request, one that you probably don't offer to most people. I have noticed that you have several scrolls of sending, which leads me to conclude that either you or Xander posses the spell in your spellbooks.
If so, would either of you be so kind as to allow me to transcribe the spell into my own book?

2014-03-11, 01:11 AM
As the morning sun rises high in the sky Alex lays his armor out as he kneels close to the water and prays. Not for anything in particular like most days, more of a simple reflection of himself and the events that had led him to the path he was about to take his first steps on, and the doors he would be closing behind him.

It is not until he is about to leave with Archadious that he notices Aradia looking around as if she is in fact a dragon without her scales. Looking to his own armor he shrugs and runs behind a tree where he proceeds to get changed back into his noble attire before heading back to the others. I know it is not yours Aradia, however it may help you feel a little more at ease until you have your scales back. Alex says as he hands her his armor, not really comfortable calling her by her birth name as she herself had not chosen yet what she wanted to be known as.

Saying farewell to the others Alex runs back to Archadious just in time as the wizard begins to fold time around them as the world becomes a blur until the next minute a door is standing in front of them to a very familiar shop. Noticing the holy symbol of Delleb for the first time on the door Alex ponders on if it had been their before. Not one to let it bother him he follows Archadious into the shop and is happy to see Silias behind the counter. I'm afraid I wont be needing any of your help today Silas, only here for a short visit before I begin a new journey so to speak. Alex says as he lets the two wizards talk as he pokes his head around the shop, noting how in some aspects it was like his days of training under Father Fredrik in the church of Bobboc with "Eyes". Oh yes, ahh not right now Archadious, we still have all the other items to sell, and I rather get everything squared away in that regard as soon as possible. Though again if we could hold of on going to bring the news to their father I would be thankful for it. Alex adds as he lets Archadious know he was going to stick around until they were done selling all the items.

However as the two wizards get into wizard talk he looks at the sun. Saying I suspect this may take some time, why don't I just go sell all of these at the churches, Lysa if you want you are more then welcome to come. After all I used to have to sit threw lectures of wizards, can go on for hours and you not understand anything. Alex says softly to her as he tries to whisper.

2014-03-11, 01:29 AM
@Alex: You decide to first deal with everything you have here before taking on a long journey into the heart of Nature itself.

Walking down the cobblestone streets of Justcrown, you reach the Pelorite Chapel and walk in.

Wilhelm greets you in the courtyard as Rosalind places a thick blanket over his shoulders.

The old man has a severe cough as he sips from some honeyed tea.

"You will excuse me if I don't get up, alex. My old bones have not been too responsive this morning, but I do enjoy the courtyard in winter."

Rosalind pulls a chair for you as she looks at Wilhelm.

"Father, please. You are going to catch a cold. I urge you to finish your tea and then come inside, please."

Wilhelm sighs as he finishes his tea and smiles.

"Fine, but I would like to know why my friend is here."

You then open the bag and allow Rosalind and Wilhelm to look at Cornelius' belongings.

"This was left in Jottun's Foot yesterday, father! It belonged to the holy man, Cornelius Brunhausser! His legacy, no doubt."

Cornelius passes his old wrinkled hand over the blade.

"Quite a legacy indeed, Rosalind. These are most holy of items. The ring i know well. The church of Pelor awards these to their higher members in the Free City, especially when dedicated to the fighting of undead. The blade looks magnificent. If only I were strong enough to wield it... but I don't think I will. However, I know a young pelorite who could."

Rosalind looks at him.

"Me? father Wilhelm, I don't have the money..."

"The church has it, dear. and you are a member of it. If you are going to one day..."

Wilhelm coughs something fierce.

"...pardon me. If you're going to lead the church here in Justcrown, I want you to be well armed and geared. Think of it not a sa present, but as a reminder: The forces of evil are many and come in many forms. We must always be prepared. Alex, I will purchase everything here. Is this what Lord brunhausser left, rosalind?"

"Yes, father, the bracers, shield, armor, boots, and sword."

"Help me up, child."

Rosalind helps Wilhelm inside the chapel and he retrieves a coffer as a pair of neophytes help him place it on the pews.

"Please, Alex. make sure you count the money. I'm getting a little blind over the years."

More money is poured into your bag as you watch Cornelius' gear, which must've slain countless undead in Jottun's Foot, handed to the Ruby Knight.

2014-03-11, 01:47 AM
You are going to catch your death out here Father, I have to agree with Rosalind, as much as you like it out here, you are not the spring chicken who I once walked with when not training with Mother Matilda. You need to make sure your teachings live on, and to do so you need to be alive to teach your successor. Alex says as he looks to Rosalind. I hope you understand I did not mean to offend you yesterday Rosalind, however there are many things you do not need to know about me so that I do not turn the world you live in upside down. I rather some not call you a heretic and blasphemer as I know how much the church means to you.

As Alex says this he walks with them, helping Father Wilhelm as they go until they get into the warmth of the church where he lays out the Legacy of the roaring bear. Rosalind I came to the church of Pelor first with these items because it was you who helped us along our journey, and I knew that buying these items on your own would take a life time of work. At least with them being used they will be at a far more acceptable price, and something I have no doubt the Free city and High Father Augustus would agree on paying the coin for. After all without the youth, their is no future. Alex says as he lets her soak in all that was being offered to her by Father Wilhelm. It is not until the last gold is counted that Alex bows his head. I hope these serve you well Rosalind, Father, I am going to finish with the rest of these items with the inquisitors. With luck I don't need to deal with her for selling items. Have a good day the two of you, and I will see you after my training is complete. And with that Alex bows to the two and leaves for the church ruled by the inquisitors.

2014-03-11, 01:58 AM
@Alex: Rosalind gives you a warm hug.

"Be safe, Alex. You better come back, ok?"

Wilhelm gets up and smiles.

"Spring chicken...hahahhaha! I had my days, true. But now it is time for the youth. In that regard, i agree with you entirely. Be safe, old friend. We are no longer master and teacher, but equals."

You take a look at the two pelorites and bow as you shut the oak door and pass beneath the cherry blossom tree, which never sheds its leaves, according to local legend, no matter the season.

Then, you head to the Cuthbertine Fortress and explain to the guards you;'re here to sell weapons. Plain and simple.

Young brother Gaden greets you in the foyer and examines what remains of the Jottun's Foot collection- Abrafo's full plate and spiked chain, as well as the remaining Death Knight's possessions.

"The full plates are always a welcome addition to the church of the cudgel. We will need to train some of our paladins in the ways of the chain. Not a very righteous weapon, I'm afraid, but effective in combat. The great swords and axe will do just fine when it comes to smiting. Mother Kalypsia will be proud. Consider this transaction concluded. Have a law abiding day."

The Church of the Cudgel relieves you of your wares and places more money into your hungry pouch.

With archaidous busy at silas, and with all loot sold, you begin making your way to the Souther Gate, now barred.

Time for your training.

2014-03-11, 02:15 AM
As Rosalind gives Alex a hug he is a bit caught off guard, but after a second hesitation returns the embrace. The child did not keep us apart, don't worry I will return when everything is complete. Though I am not sure how long that will take to be honest. All depends on how naturally I pick up on what I am being taught. Alex replies to her as he departs the Pelorite temple, stopping only to look at the cherry tree said to never lose a leaf before departing.

Oh I am sure it will be law abiding. Just let the grand inquisitor know I was the one who sold it and got my arms back for me please. Alex says before leaving to the southern gate. It is not until he arrives their that he looks to the guards. I hope you don't mind but I need to be getting over this wall, please don't shoot, church business. Alex says as he casts a simple spell and grows wings and a metallic sheen covers his body as he flies over the wall and just into the clearing of the woods before the spell ends. Now to go find my mentors. Alex says as he begins the long trek threw the fey woods to the Eastern coven.

2014-03-11, 02:26 AM
@Alex: Gaden raises an eyebrow, uncertain of what was meant.

"Well, of course. High Inquisitor Kalypsia shall know. Certainly."

You then reach the southern gate as the guards look down at you from their tower posts.

"By duchy law, exacted by his Excellency Duke Pottsdorff, nobody can..."

You have no time for silly laws.

Extending golden wings and adopting a metallic hue, you fly over the guards as one readies his crossbow, while the other shakes his head.

"Church head or not, do you really want to shoot that guy?"

Aftre a few hours, you reach the Eastern Coven, where the trees have shed their leaves and the pool lies partly frozen.

A few dryads can be seen inside their trees, slumbering for the winter.

uwellyn walks up to you and Lysa as Gigglemug makes himself seen.

"I had been told by Casyllyn that you were back alex. Lysa, a pleasure seeing you again. as you can see, my sisters are already in the process of hibernating. Casyllyn and I, along with reintse and Gigglemug will make sure their slumber is undisturbed. Gigglemug! Where are your manners?"

@Lysa: The Pixie Balldeer, flies towards you and clears his throat as he bows and kisses your hand.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again, Lady silentwhisper."

Uwellyn nods.

"Same here, but why are you in the eastern Coven, alex? The woods are safe. No attacks have been reported. How may I assist you?"

2014-03-11, 02:41 AM
As Alex and Lysa arrive at the eastern Coven he looks on with worry afraid he was to late as he sees all the dryads their asleep. Jumping at Uwellyn voice Alex bows his head in respect to her. I did not mean to disturb them, I was merely coming as I knew the western coven was yours, and the eastern your sisters. And that the last time I was here we spoke of my training. Alex says looking around at the snow covered landscape. Now I can see this may not be the best time to ask again, however I was hoping you had given thought into my request I asked yourself and your sister a few months back. To be taught the ways of nature itself. I have already let the others know I may be gone for a long time so all that is left is your answers, as well as the gold being returned to the others. Alex says bowing his head to the leader of the Western Coven, hoping that they had agreed to train him in the ways of the natural world.

2014-03-11, 02:57 AM
@Alex: Uwellyn looks at her sisters, asleep in their trees and then at the surrounding woodland, turning white with snow.

"Casyllyn and I have spoken about your request, alex. And I shall train you. But you must understand something- the path to being a druid is very different from that of a paladin. You will rapport with Nature itself and the many spirits of the land. You will have access to powers similar to those of Balion. I will not lie- I am weary about the last part. You are a strong and noble man, yes, but you are prone to outburts of rage. Unnatural rage. It is that rage that caused the Fey woods to fall into ruin when Balion walked these lands as its Guardian. I need to have your word that you will not use the power I will teach you to harness to bring destruction here."

2014-03-11, 03:19 AM
Alex listens patiently to what the elder dryad had to say, listening to her concerns which were sound. I can understand why you are so nervous, and it is because of these fits of rage I wish to turn to the natural order of the world. To learn to control them, like a wolverine that has been harmed. Or an angry bear. Alex says honestly as he thinks over her last words. I do not mean to be rude but please spell out exactly what you mean by that last part. I can swear I will not bring harm to the inhabitants of this forest or destroy any intentionally as Balion did yes. However if war were to ever break out inside these woods, I could not hold the powers you have taught me back to make sure I do not harm a single thing. For the enemy would then do more damage then say the one tree I may have harmed. Mind you I would replant two in its place and use my powers to heal the woods once the battle was over. Alex says hoping that would be enough for her.

2014-03-11, 04:04 AM
@Alex: Uwellyn listens to your words and takes your hand as both begin walking towards the largest tree in the Eastern Coven...

Her own.

"As a druid, you will have the ability to bring forth bounty or destruction. I understand that. That is the core concept of druidism- balance. I wanted to know that you would use these powers, if you are able to harness them, to protect and preserve that balance. It is true we faced a terrible enemy a few months ago- The White Shade, but there have been others in the past. Before Arrallae herself, that if they were to make their way here, the powers of a druid would come in quite handy."

As she speak, uwellyn walks into her tree and takes you along with her.

Similar to the spell used by Arcahidous, but limited in a way, you appear in the Shepherd's Grove, covered in snow.

Casyllyn tends to the sapling shepherd which has yet to show any signs of sentience.

"Hello, Alex! i see my sister has taken you to train. I will leave you two, but first..."

Casyllyn places a makeshift roof made of twigs and moss over the sapling.

"Sleep, Old One. That come spring, you shall grow bigger and wiser."

Casyllyn bows to both and walks away as a mild blizzard blows outside the grove.

Uwellyn carves a circle around both and sits opposite from you as she looks at the roof of the circle and causes the blizzard to funnel inside, avoiding the Shepherd sapling, but bathing both in frost.

"Concentrate, alex. This is part of the natural world. If you are willing to go through this training, I must warn you- it will be a difficult one." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAvJZpnDb-U)

Uwellyn shuts her eyes as the blizzard coats both in frost. The freezeburn is brutal as you can hardly feel your arms and legs.

"Focus, alexander. Even in the most dire conditions, be one with the surrounding land. The frost above. The land at your feet. This will be our first of many training spots. You will endure in areas where I and Balion had to train when we took on the mantle of druids and keepers of the woods."

As the frost rains upon you mercilessly, Uwellyn begins to chant.

"Learn to embrace the elements, so that you may walk amongst them unhindered."

Christine Daae
2014-03-11, 09:04 AM
November 21st, year of the.....

As the group arrives at the font of life Anzaril is happy to see Anzaril. However her joy is short livid as the fey asks her if she will be joining her under the lake that night to sleep. I told you earlier Anzaril I would only be doing so if Aradia, Emily did not want me close. However I will still be dancing tonight if you wish to join me. Irraly says mentally trying to keep their conversation secret so that Aradia did not feel obligated to let her sleep below the surface of the font of life.

Looking to the tent made for two that Alex always carried around on him she was happy to see he was giving it to Aradia to use for the night, it would grant her the privacy she needed. Meine Liebe würden Sie immer noch, dass ich mit Ihnen heute Abend im Zelt schlafen oder wenig Lysa genug? Ich habe immer noch meine Tanz für die Nacht zu tun, und ich bin nicht sicher, wie lange es dauern wird, nachdem alle. Ich eher nicht haben, warten Sie bis die ganze Nacht für mich, wenn Sie nicht müssen, und wie Sie sich nicht wohl mit zu uns sind ... Irraly says in Draconic to emily, as her soft ebony hand goes into the dragon shamans own hand that was larger then hers.

My love would you still like me to sleep with you tonight in the tent, or is little Lysa enough? I still have my dance to do for the night and I am not sure how long it will be after all. I rather not have you waiting up the whole night for me if you did not have to, and as you are not comfortable with joining us...

That night.....

As the sun set in the sky and the moon rose for the night Irraly slowly and carefully made her way onto the ice with only her harp to be her company for the night, stringing a soft tone as her ebony feet pad across the icy surface, not afraid of the ice cracking or the dragon eel coming to take a bite out of her as a snack.

Es brennt in deinem Herzen, die Dunkelheit , die Sie befürchten.
Sie waren nie frei , und du nie realisiert.
Und die Liebe ist ein Wort, das Sie noch nie gehört habe.
Dein Herz ist nicht kalt , weil es brennt ,
Ein Wunsch, den Sumpf zu verlassen.

Nehmen Sie Ihren Atem 'til links nichts ist .
Narben des Lebens auf der Brust.
Und ich weiß , wohin es geht

Und wir mit einem einsamen Herzen laufen
Und wir für dieses Töten Liebe laufen
Und wir laufen 'til den Himmel über
Ja, wir haben in der Dunkelheit laufen laufen
Und wir , bis wir fallen auseinander laufen
Und wir laufen 'til den Himmel über

Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Wir müssen weg bekommen .
Ja, wir outta hier .
Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Zu spät, wir weg .
Ja, wir outta hier .

Und wir mit einem einsamen Herzen laufen
Und wir für dieses Töten Liebe laufen
Und wir für ein himmlisches Herz laufen

Ich bin diese Ketten zu brechen, lief durch den regen .
Schauen Sie nie wieder , nie verlassen Arbeit durch die Schmerzen.
Das Blut in meinen Adern gefrieren , wenn ich denke, es wird nie mehr dieselbe sein
Aber ich habe nie die Hoffnung verlieren.
Das ist meine Zeit jetzt , keine Zeit für Tränen zu feiern.
Legen Sie es in die Luft jetzt.
Nie wieder nach unten , werden Sie nie tragen, meine Krone
Denn es wiegt zu viel und ich jeden mother****ing , was ich berühren zerquetschen.
Das ist die Liebe , ich habe nie so sehr liebte.
Machen Sie mit , machen die Welt aufzustehen.
Höre mein mic bevor ich aufgeben.
Nennen Sie in Leuchten, mein ganzes Vertrauen Sie verloren .
Jetzt ist es Zeit für uns alle stellen.
Holen Sie sich in der Zeile ' Ursache sie uns anrufen.
Und es fühlt sich wunderbar, nur meine Hand nehmen und führen .

Und wir mit einem einsamen Herzen laufen
Und wir für dieses Töten Liebe laufen
Und wir laufen 'til den Himmel über
Ja, wir haben in der Dunkelheit laufen laufen
Und wir , bis wir fallen auseinander laufen
Und wir laufen 'til den Himmel über

Ja, wir hier raus.

Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Wir müssen weg bekommen .
Ja, wir outta hier .
Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Zu spät, wir weg .
Ja, wir outta hier .

Und wir mit einem einsamen Herzen laufen
Und wir für dieses Töten Liebe laufen
Und wir für ein himmlisches Herz laufen

Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Wir müssen weg bekommen .
Ja, wir outta hier .
Blinken Sie nicht, Sie werden es vermissen .
Heben Sie Ihren Kopf .
Zu spät, wir weg .
Ja, wir outta hier . (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW__Up2sBVQ)

Irraly sings dancing away as she throws her heart and soul into the song, not only for herself, but for her love below in the tent as well as her body twists and turns in the moonlight, and balls of light dance around her, the snow on the ground rising to her will and seeming to swirl and dance around her, like an extension of her hair.

Perform (dance) [roll0]
Perform (Sing) [roll1]
Perform Harp [roll2]

November 22nd, year of the.....

As the morning sun rises in the sky Irraly awakens, the new schedule common now to her. Though the sun still hurt her eyes when the sun first rose, it had become tolerable at least. Climbing up into one of the trees overlooking the lake Irraly takes out her magical tome written in the language of her home deep below the earth, and memories of her brother come to her. How he let her leave even though their mother had ordered him not to. It was the one and only time he had disobeyed her, and it was for that reason that when she did return to save the others, she was going for him as well. To make sure he would not be used by their people and have no future of his own. He was able to hide it better then she ever could that he was not like them, however she knew in time he would grow to hate all their kind if she never got him out. At that time he would be beyond saving.

With the underdark far below her, and those who were departing for Justcrown leaving Irraly sighs as she stretches and with the elegance of a trained assassin leaps down from her tree perch and walks over to Aradia. So what shall we be doing today? It seems we will be all alone for some time, well besides Anzaril and she does not bite, often. the drow warrior adds with an amused smile as she tries to lighten Emily's mood. She knew that this was all knew to her, knowing she had a family and a brother. But why was he waiting in HAmmerbruke if he was looking for her? HAd she not said she had been with a dragon to her for all those years?

2014-03-11, 03:36 PM
"I dont know if I ever told you", Lysa whisper to Alex, "But I lived a few years in a arcane academy. Of course, it was more dedicated for bards, but there were a few sorceres and wizards", she then add, "And it's not really hard, you just have to stop staring at the teacher breasts and pay attention, you know :smalltongue:".

She then depart with him invisible as he sell the equipment and go through the gates, ready to cast glitter on the gaurds if they dared attack him or something.

When she see the druid and Gigglemug she smile, but her smile grows bigger when the pixie kiss his hand.

"I'm terrible sorry I departed without telling you two. It was a dangerous and perilous quest we went and in my preparations I forgot to tell you", she say honestly to them.

"But now I'm here and was thinking if we could... You know, sing along? :smallsmile:"

When Alex leave for his trainning, Lysa ask Gigglemug, "Hey Giggles, do you know how to dance? Because I don't, want to teach me? It's been a while since I performed anything other than the lyre and I was thinking in dedicating me more on the musical arts... Wanna help me with that?"

And with that Chimaera enter in an hibernation state for the rest of the day :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-11, 03:37 PM
"I dont know if I ever told you", Lysa whisper to Alex, "But I lived a few years in a arcane academy. Of course, it was more dedicated for bards, but there were a few sorceres and wizards", she then add, "And it's not really hard, you just have to stop staring at the teacher breasts and pay attention, you know :smalltongue:".

She then depart with him invisible as he sell the equipment and go through the gates, ready to cast glitter on the gaurds if they dared attack him or something.

When she see the druid and Gigglemug she smile, but her smile grows bigger when the pixie kiss his hand.

"I'm terrible sorry I departed without telling you two. It was a dangerous and perilous quest we went and in my preparations I forgot to tell you", she say honestly to them.

"But now I'm here and was thinking if we could... You know, sing along? :smallsmile:"

When Alex leave for his trainning, Lysa ask Gigglemug, "Hey Giggles, do you know how to dance? Because I don't :smallbiggrin:, want to teach me? It's been a while since I performed anything other than the lyre and I was thinking in dedicating me more on the musical arts... Wanna help me with that?"

And with that Chimaera enter in an hibernation state for the rest of the day :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-11, 05:10 PM
@Irraly: You watch everyone sleep or go into reverie at the Font of Life and, despite, the increasing cold, shed your materials belongings, except for your silver blade and begin to dance at its shores, carefully walking over the icy sheen of the lake and spinning your long white hair around as the frost twirls around you.

These woods have been your home for almost a century and you have seen many winters come and go.

yet, as your dabce intensifies, you cannot shake the feeling that someone, other than the great Apalala or Anzaril watches from amidst the frost...

Yet it may only be your senses altered and heightened after the events of the dreadful morning.

The next day...

Archaidous, Alex, and Lysa disappear as its customary when Archaidous is around and you are left alone with Aradia as Anzaril rises from the lake and takes in the sun's light atop great Apalala.

"Good morning you two! So I see the others have left already and left you girls here alone. What plans do you have for the day?"

@Lysa: Uwellyn smiles and nods.

"It's alright, Lysa. Arrallae told us you and the others would be gone for a long time. But you are here now, which is all that matters."

Gigglemug blushes as you mention your desire to learn a new tune.

"I well... yes! Of course! I can teach you, if you want. It's free, I won't charge, but only if you want..."

Uwellyn looks at him with a smile.

"You're stalling, Gigglemug. She wants to train. You're the pixie balladeer. Train her."

Following Gigglemug through the trees, you find yourself in the same inspirational Spot where you squared off against Belladonna.

The grotto is partly frozen, but no signs of the psychopathic petal.

Gigglemug takes his harp and begins to play a song.

"So what is it you want to learn, Lysa? Depending on the song, it may take some time, but we shall not be interrupted."

@Archaidous: The hours go by as Xander gets up from his desk.


The students sigh as some get up and stretch their backs as they pick up their exams and put them on Xander;s desk and the floating eyes disappear.

each student picks up their books and bows to both mages.

"Your results will be mailed home over the holidays. See you in a few weeks. ..and keep reading your texts! Just because you're on holiday, doesn't mean you cannot expand your minds that much more."

Xander looks at both of you and nods silently. He knows that copying spells from books is taxing already, so with a bow, he closes the door behind him, not before lighting a candle to illuminate the room.

The hours go by as the candle begins to wane and finally, you have transcribed Sending into your already impressive repertoire.

Silas yawns.

"Excuse me! It's been awhile since I sat down for this process. I will be closing the school now. If you want, you can stay here and rest or you can stay at the Wench. will you be trabscribing more spells tomorrow?"

2014-03-11, 05:17 PM
"I want to play everything! Not only strings instruments you see? The flute melody or the repercussion from a wardrummer, everything. And I like ballads and storytelling as well, but never tried myself", she say looking at him all smiles, "And I thought you could teach me some ballads, since you're the famed balladeer :smallsmile:"

Business Scrub
2014-03-11, 05:41 PM
"What, and deny you a night with Anzaril? Besides, I have enough to think about."

Emilia pulls away from the drow.

"Have a good night Irraly."

She slips into the tent with little Lysa. She lays down next to the fey, getting comfortable and talking about silly, big questions until sleep takes the two of them.

The Next Day...

Emilia is up early, swimming out into the font a ways to bath before everyone is completely ready for the day.

After a long night and early morning of thinking, she speaks to Irraly rather determinedly.
"I'm going to Ulduran. Or, at least as close as I can get today. If there's some trace of my... my family back there, I have to find out."

She notices Archadious preparing to teleport the others back to town and, without much of a second glance, shouts to him to wait.

"I'm coming as well! If it's not too much trouble. I was thinking... Well, if we're waiting for Alex to train anyway, maybe you could take me a bit closer to Ulduran, Archadious. "

2014-03-11, 05:44 PM
@Lysa: Gigglemug rubs his chin in thought.

"So you want to learn all the tales and practice with all instruments, huh? Hold on...."

Gigglemug snaps his fingers as a beautiful reed flute appears on his hands and the pixie balladeer sits on top of the grotto as he begins playing.

"This is a tale about a very noble fey in these woods who lost her family during the War of Eternal Winter. She was a unsurpassed in fighting prowess and ability. She was a great leader, but then, when the War came to these lands, she had to make a terrible decision, for her beloved was taken away. Seduced by her enemy. She was forced to fight him in battle with tears in her eyes as the fight is said to have lasted an entire season.

As the battle waged on, the one who began this war sent a vile fiend to her home and had her children abducted. So you see, even if she finally was able to defeat her lover in battle, the loss was great. For not only was this noble fey bereft of a spouse, but also of a child..."


Gigglemug places the flute down and this one disappears, but you can already feel the power of these lyrics invading your senses as the pixie wipes his eyes from a single tear.

"I am sorry. It is not a song I play. I promised I would not, but it is said that striong emotions carry with them great power. Rest for now, Lysa. we shall resume tomorrow."

2014-03-11, 05:45 PM
Alex listens patiently as Uwellyn explains that a druid represents the balance between the pure destructive power of nature, and its kinder side that nurtures. It is not until they have walked threw the tree and come out in the Shepherds grove where Casyllyn is tending to the young Shepherded that he speaks up. It is for these reasons I wish to learn. I come from a barren land, and though it is beautiful the white shade has been there with no one but my father to stop him. My father is a warrior like myself and will never be able to heal the land from the destruction of the war unfolding. It is for that reason as well I wish to learn the ways of a druid. Alex says turning to Casyllyn and with a kind smile he walks over and kisses her hand. She has thanks to you talking to her. I promise I will not betray the trust the two of you are placing in me. I only hope that we will have some time together before my training is complete Casyllyn. Alex says as she builds a protective little shelter over the shepherd.

As his first test begins Alex stays inside the circle as the natural world assaults his body, it takes a lot for him to not resort to magic, and soon he is changing into his explorers clothing that was much warmer as well as wrapping his winter blanket around him. If he wished to become a druid he would have to learn to deal with things the natural way and not always rely on his clerical training or magic to help him. After 15 minutes his body is completely numb, however Alex still does not resort to magic as he looks to his teacher. He would learn to use his magic as a last resort instead of as if it were a gift he could call upon at any time.

2014-03-11, 06:37 PM
@Aradia: Your mind is set.

Alex will be training for who knows how long in the Fey Woods and apparently, so will Lysa.

Irraly is pretty much a native here, so she will not be alone, especially with Anzaril around.

Archaidous will most likely be book diving back in Justcrown. A practice you have not even bothered to consider.

But he can help you. At least to get where you want to go.

Right before the elven mage begins to take everyone back to the Dutchy, you ask him to take you as close as he can to Ulduran, at the foot of the Crystalmist Mountains.

Archaidous ponders on your request.

"I can, yes. But I have never been to Ulduran, Aradia. Teleportation is not an exact science, unless you really know how to get there. and even then...ok, I understand. Let me get to Justcrown first and then I'll take you as close as I can to Ulduran. Crystalmist Mountains, no?"

Once in the dutchy, Archaidous does some quick shopping as Alex takes off towards Temple District.

"I'm going to be busy for a little over two weeks. If you need me to bring you back, have someone Send for me. I know you aren't versed in magic, but you have coin. So you get someone to cast that spell and I'll pick you up as quickly as possible, ok?"

Archaidous places his hand on your shoulder as he furrows his brow and the dutchy begins to rumble and unmake itself as different overlapping sceneries unfold before you- a beach. The sea. The mountains. Archaidous is going only by what you have vaguely given him based on directions alone.

Once the spell is cast, you appear off by a few miles from the Imperial Highway.

The plains are wide and still green, despite the cold front. A few trees can be seen in the horizon and a few farmhouses...

But this isn't Ulduran.

Concentrating once more, Archaidous unmakes reality as yet more plains burts into view...

but this time, you can see a rather large town. walled, but not in the best of ways as chimney stacks jut above them from the other side.

The mighty Crystalmist Mountains look over the town as a cart filled with supplies lazily drives towards the only gate towards town as an old wooden sign with fresh new paint reads on it.


Archaidous looks around and then starts walking away.

"If you don't mind, I'll stay here with you for some time, Aradia. I will be doing some of my arcane research here."

Wearing Alexander's armor, you walk through the old gates beside the loaded cart and take in the old town after what seems like an eternity.

Once inside the town, you look around.

Small, quaint. Not poor and dismal like Hammerbruk, but not a place for the rich, either. The people are friendly, although wrapped in furs to protect themselves from the weather.

No militia here, so the sight of an armor clad woman does make a few nervous.

Then, you stop at the main square, where a fountain has been build.

The unrelenting Justice have been sculpted here in broze. Who knows how much money it took from the town fund to make it, but a plaque reads underneath.

To our Saviors, who drove the White Demon Away

2014-03-11, 06:51 PM
With Lysa

As Lysa taunts him for not the first time Alex raises an eyebrow at the pixie. Little one is it your breasts you want me to be playing with? Comes the darker more seductive voice of Acheron, the demon well known for his antics. And also not known for liking to be teased very long. I can promise you many riches to join the first house.

2014-03-11, 06:59 PM
To Acheron
"Oh! So you just like the stories of the genies I heard... You just have to rub the right way to make you appear :smalltongue:", Lysa play with Acheron, "and no, my breasts are off limit, you had your change remember? A once-in-a-lifetime chance, too bad you failed at giving me a hug the other day. Can't be saved :smalltongue:"

To Gigglemug
"What a nice story! And I didnt know you played the flute too :smallsmile:", she then caress his hand as a way to reward him for helping her, "Tomorrow is great for me, where can I stay for these days?"

2014-03-11, 07:08 PM
A wise one I see, just be careful the next time you lay with Gigglemug you do not wake up in anothers arms. Acheron says into her mind, calling upon his demonic ancestory's powers as he gives but the smallest of tastes of what he could do. If I could make Luther's female half bow to my will, you will not be much harder. You amuse me though, and this one has places to go. Shall we? Acheron says looking to the door for them to leave.

2014-03-11, 07:16 PM
"You're an interesting guy in the end and thanks for the hint, I'll be aware should someone tries anything", she tell Acheron as they fly through the door, "I find your better this way than when you're holding swords and spitting threats, you know? Maybe one day you tell me more about yourself, since no one else say much about this matter", Lysa says, her curiosity winning her caution, after all: how did the demon got inside Alex? She hoped it wasnt in the bad way (if you know what I meant :smallwink:)

2014-03-11, 07:33 PM
I do not try anything little one, I do. To try suggest I would be a weak member of my race. Acheron says to the fey as if she should have known this. Sure which bedroom would you like to stay in, or under which worlds moon? I can be kind, however my family is sacred to the first house. To harm any member of our family is an act of war, and we do not play well with others. We have a sick view on humor, and the best kind is hanging someone upside down while they are nailed into wooden beams while we have lemurs eating at their intestines. Acheron replies, an almost pleased face comes to his mind as if he had done it before. Just let me know when you wish to dance and I shall give you the dance of the first house. Even now I can feel the other ones call, weak as it may be. She can still hear and the offer to her remains to leave his side and join the first house.

Christine Daae
2014-03-11, 08:13 PM
Sleep well then my love. Irraly says gently kissing her before leaving for the lake. It is not until her dance is complete that she calls to Anzaril for the two of them to spend the night together beneath the lake.

As the morning sun down and Aradia reveals her wishes to find out about her family Irraly nods in understanding, she knew what it was like to wounder about ones family. Unlike her though Aradia may still have a chance to save them. If you wish I can go with you. the drow says as Anzaril appears from the lake. It all depends on Aradia really, if she does not wish me to go with her then I am all yours until such a time that comes later.

2014-03-11, 08:14 PM
@Lysa: Gigglemug smiles as you caress his hand and points to the grotto.

"We can stay here for the time being. Unlike last time, this place will be protected. I am curious, however, to see what Uwellyn will have in store for Alex. I have heard her training is intense and not for the weak."


Meanwhile, in the Ward... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eE0w0A-GkE)

Valtalis stands next to an impossibly old man strapped to a chair connected to various tubes and bottles with alien liquids inside.

A cloaked figure stands taller than both, but what lies beneath the cloak and hood can only be guessed at.

The three watch a large mirror which shows the Fey Woods and the meeting at the Font of Life with Arrallae.

Valtalis raises an eyebrow.

"But how? They ought to be dead. They were sent to the valley by Myriam under my direct instructions..."

The old man in the chair clutches the arm rests with yello claws as his dark souless eyes look at the mirror.

I need her...

Valtalis hears some mumbling and gets closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear what you..AHHH!"

The old man, in an unexpected display of force, grans Valtalis by the collar and brings him close to his hateful eyes.

"I...need...THE SIX!"

The wrinkled mass of a man slumps back on his chair and breathes a sigh of frustration as Valtalis steps back in abject fear.

"We will, my lord. That is a promise. Let us check on the others. See what they're doing."

Valtalis waves his hand to the side as the image on the mirror fixes on Nerine, who is busy checking herself on a gand held mirror.


The nymph looks around before she realizes who speaks to her.

"Oh! Hi! It's damp and soggy and just between us, that Gwyllis guy really needs to take a bath. As if the Underdark wasn't bad enough for my acute sense of smell. Oh, I forgot- can you send me my beauty products? I forgot them in my room and..."

Valtalis looks at the man in the wheelchair and a drop of sweat goes down his temple as he dismisses the image.

"They clearly haven't reached Khedesh yet..but they will! Rest assured, my Lord. Now, let's check on our masked friend..."

Valtalis switches to an image of Myriam, standing atop a high tower in the middle of a sprawling city.

"So Myriam made it to Halmathan already. Good. She should have rendevouzed with Jharlandar and Klaus by now. and if she hasn't...well, let's just say that her pain this time shall be a tad more excruciating."

Valtalis then switches back to the Fey Woods and with a gesture of his hand, divides the screen into different sections.

"Interesting! So they have split up. What is Alexander doing? Training with Uwellyn. How cute. What of Steiner's pupil...ahh yes. There she is. With her pixie balladeer. Stupid little title, really. And what of Andorra's daughter...found you! At the Font of Life. Predictable. As for Aradia... well, well, well. She is so far away. Going back to see old friends, dear? Where is the last one... there he is, with the other two mages....hmmm."

Valtalis looks at the cloaked figure who silently looks at him.

"Take care of the Lord, make sure he is comfortable. I need to go see someone. If you'll excuse me."

Valtalis bows to the man in the wheelchair who does not even acknowledge his bow and walks down the cold dark halls of the Ward as the Cyclopean windows cast off a purple light from the alien environment outside.


Valtalis stops in the dark hallways as a six limbed figure crawls from above throgh the thick window and lands a few feet away from him. The creature has red chitin skin and an insectlike face as it bows to the grey elf.

"Shij Shiv...just the man..woman? I never know. Anyways, I was looking for you. Are they ready?"

Shij Shiv points to a large window and beyond, where a mass of human warriors and mages have been assembled, about twenty abled warriors and mages.

Valtalis takes a seat on an obsidian chair as Shij Shiv brings him a small coffee table with a bottle of wine and a glass and pours it for his master as Valtalis looks at the group on the other side of the window, far below.

The warriors and mages look up at the window and begin shouting and cursing.

Let us out, you bastard!

I'm trying to get us out, but I can't...why?

We must stick together...come on! We can do this!

Valtalis takes a sip from his wine and waves his hand at the air around him.

I hate loud noises. Shij Shiv, commence with the presentation. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrVDATvUitA)

As the warriors and mages below shout at the grey elf beyond the window, a single bald female emerges from the ground amongst them from a hidden platform.

A pair of multicolored wings spread wide and the woman takes to the air as the room begins to fill with tempestous winds and the less agile warriors are carried aloft.

Alynnis Gloombow, sire. A former student of the feathered Vale, recruited by nerine herself. She shows great potential in both the arcane and divine arts.

As Alynnis flies around the aroom, she manifests a single sigil on her forehead as the ground explodes, freezing a few of the warriors and mages in place.

A single mage in the group looks up at her and points his hand at the flying harbinger of death.

"Take this!"

A powerful orb flies towards Alynnis as an unseen force deflects it back at the mage, burning him to a crisp and a grey dwarf appears amongst the warriors and mages carrying a massive warhammer.

Dekvi Mageslayer. Recruited by Varian. His resume shows multiple talents. In both the arcane and the ways of stealth. deadly against spellcasters. As a duergar, his abilities make him that much more effective in combat.

One of the warriors calls the remainder survivors.

"Everyone stick together! We form a phalanx...urkkk!"

Dekvi stands back as a large imposing blue man with horns and a brutal greatsword cleaves the warrior in two.

The remainder wizard blast at him as the blue giant moves through space time and avoids their attacks completely as he leaps into the air and slices a pair of warriors and mages with a single swipe.

Hibagon Musplegrund. Ogre Mage. Another of Varian's apprentices. A perfect merger of martail prowess and arcane power.

The remaining survivors break the phalanx as they begin to direct their attacks at the three.

Dekvi smiles as he points at one of them, who notices a single parchment stuck to his back as the others do the same.

Hibagon teleports back a few feet as Alynnis flies above them and casts a single spell, detonating the parchments as the entire room is filled with blood and gore and the last survivor falls head forst on the ground as the three newest recruits look up at the window and bow.

Valtalis looks at them and then at Shij Shiv.

"What do they call themselves?"

The six limbed monster looks at them and orders them to leave the training room.

The Trinity, sire.

2014-03-11, 10:12 PM
Once the world around him rematerializes, Archadious looks around at the quaint little town that Aradia had apparently used to call home. He takes in the imposing mountains in the distance, the village, and the large bronze statue commemorating the town heroes all in one glance.

He also notices the placard, claiming how the Unrelenting Justice, who he assumed to be Aradia's former group, had driven away the white demon. Aradia had discussed little about her past

Can't remember if Aradia ever really told the rest of us much about her backstory

And so, somewhat curious, he asks her briefly about the statue.

So... is this the town you grew up in? Quaint little place. Who are they? And what was the White Demon they drove away?

He asks, gesturing towards the large bronze statue.

Business Scrub
2014-03-12, 12:06 AM
Emilia seems to notice Alex's armor for the first time: apparently armor was beginning to feel like a second skin. She removes it rather quickly upon entering the town, storing it in her inter-dimensional space.

Totally forgot he gave that to me. Sorry Alex! Besides not being proficient with heavy armor, Emilia wouldn't want to wear it if it isn't hers and she has no real need to.

She walks into the city eagerly and looks around, a bit taken aback: not because it was a particularly astonishing city, but the sights started to bring back memories.

I used to fetch bread and whatnot from this store... My gods, this is it.

She looks at the statue closely while answering Archadious.

"I suppose it is... Though this wasn't here years ago. These are my friends, members of an old adventuring party. You might recognize Domir from our run in with the Champion."

She looks at the inscription a bit more closely.

"The 'White Demon' huh? Oh he'd be pissed to hear they don't even remember his name. Just a... a bad memory now. Someone from a lifetime ago."

She lets Archadious' question hang in the air as she scans the street for people. The town must have changed in the years she was gone, but one of the locals should know where the Swann residence was.

2014-03-12, 12:13 AM
Huh, I see.

Archadious says, not entirely satisfied by Aradia's answer. He notes that she seems to speak of this White Demon as if they had known one another quite well. But she seemed reluctant to discuss the matter in more depth at the moment. So the elf decides not to press the matter.

As she walks further into the town, Archadious decides that this may need to be something she wants to do herself, so he quietly strolls away and towards a different part of town, but not before briefly speaking to her.

This seems like somewhat of a personal matter. I think you might appreciate some solitude for this. I shall be over there if you need me. I think I shall attempt to locate the local tavern and stay for a few nights. If you need me, come and find me.

He says before strolling off in search of either a mage's resident of some sort or a tavern to sit.

2014-03-12, 01:05 AM
@Archaidous: You split ways with Aradia and nod to the residents.

None seem armed, or mage like. These look like good folk, with wagons filled with food being wheeled into a large barn for the winter.

Then, you find a tavern, although it is as big as a house, which isn't much, considreing the Foaming wench and its spacious rooms.

The Dented Shield- Rooms for Rent

You knock on the door and an elderly woman greets you as she greets you with a toothless smile.

"Come in, come in! Don't you freeze yourself outside, young man! I'm Old Lady Malena. people here called me Ma. You're interested ina room? Bed and breakfast. Two coppers a week! Can't get a better deal, yes?"

The interior looks nothing like an inn.

There's no bar. No wide tables. Just one long table and a kicthen.

A flight of stairs lead up to what you can assukme, are the actual rooms for guests.

@Aradia: You ask around for the Swann family.

The Swanns? Old Patrick Swann, right? Down the road, lady. Last house on the left.

It doesn't take long to reach the end of Ulduran and spot the old house.

A humble home, with a grass and moss covered well a few feet away. The grass has grown tall around the Swann residence, but it is just as you remmebered it.

Taking a few steps towards the door, you hesitate before knocking and then tap on the door twice.


A woman's voice can be heard as light foosteps make it for the door.

And then you see her.

An aged woman. Much like Magda back in Hammerbruk, but not built for battle. This woman still has hazel hair and a few white streaks. her skin has wrinkles that criss cross it, defined that more by her blue eyes. The woman wears simple commoner outfit, with a plaid dress and long sleeves.

A broom is held in her hands as she looks at you and bows, keeping her head down in respect.

"Oh my. My apologies, madam. I had no idea. I thought it was my husband. The tribute will be ready soon. please give us an extra day."

2014-03-12, 06:20 AM

Meanwhile, at the Ward...

The Trinity stands at attention as Valtalis walks back and forth in front of them, examining their features and assessing their potential.

Shij Shiv stands back with a handful of files on his hands.

"I have been told you three were recruited by some of my finer agents. Know that you are not Ward members yet. This is...a final exam, of sorts. Killing a group of warriors and mages in a closed space is one thing. Shij, the files, please."

The red skinned humanoid walks up to the Trinity and hands them each a copy as Alynnis begins to leaf through them.

"Those are your targets. Their powers and abilities are outlined in full detail. At this very moment, some of them aren't even together, so taking the targets out should be easy, provided you do not lower your guard. Do this for me and the ward will recognize you as official members. Who is the leader of your Trinity?"

Hibagon, with his blue musculature takes a step forward and does a military salute.

"I am, Master Valtalis! These two are under my command!"

Alynnis looks at Dekvi who gulps and keeps a straight face.

Valtalis smiles and places his hand on the ogre mage's shoulder, patting him.

"Leadership. I like that. Very well, Hibagon. You will be reporting to me on the success of this mission. You are dismissed."

The Trinity bows to the Grey Elf as they leave to gear up for their mission as Shij Shiv walks up to the grey elf.

Master, you think they will do it? They did escape from the valley unharmed.

Valtalis watches them leave and smiles as he walks back to the main room.

"Their success is irrelevant. They will serve a purpose. And serve it well."

Business Scrub
2014-03-12, 07:58 AM
Emilia looks at the woman before her, almost not believing this was happening. She suddenly couldn't help but feel self-conscious. Should I have told her I was coming? What if she doesn't remember me?

She realizes that she had just been standing there silently and should probably say something back.

"... Mom?"

2014-03-12, 09:25 AM
@Aradia: Gwendolyn Swann had lived as simple a life as any good folk on Oerth could lead.

She woke up early in the morning, Milked the cows in the barn. Churned butter. Swept the house. Cooked dinner.

The idea of raising a blade and running through trap infested dungeons fighting hordes of unspeakable horrors at the risk of her own life was not a chore she ever contemplated when dawn would break in every morning.

A simple life, yes. But not an easy one.

Gwendolyn had lost her only daughter, Emilia, many winters ago. A sacrifice, many called it. Others said it was insanity. The truth was simpler:

Inzeri, the Terror of the Crystalmist Mountains, had taken her little girl and that was that. Emilia was dead.

Yet, as this woman, old not so much from age, but through harsh unspeakable memories looked at you as she slowly rose her eyes to meet yours, you could see them filling with tears.

Tears and rage.

"Madam, with all due respect, we pay your people to not kill us. Do you really need to come to my house and kill me this way? is there no end to your cruelty? Please tell Joran that he will have his piece by the end of the day. Have a... have a blessed day."

The door shuts hard as you hear a muffled whimper inside.

Business Scrub
2014-03-12, 11:05 AM
Emilia looks baffled at her mothers response. Then, Is this the wrong house..? No, last on the left, like the man said.

As the door slams in her face, she feels her heart break inside. But it's been so long. Maybe she just needed help remembering. She knocked on the door, more firmly this time.

"Mom? Um, Mrs. Swann? Please open the door! I don't know what's happened here since I've been gone, but I promise you this isn't a trick. It's your daughter, Emilia. I- I know I've been away for... a while, but I can explain. Please, just open the door and we can talk. I've waited years to see you and Dad: I'm not just gonna go away."

If the door doesn't open immediately, she'll sit down on the doorstep and say, "Or we can talk like this."

2014-03-12, 01:21 PM
Archadious walks into the tavern, takes a look around, then approaches the counter and takes a seat. He then smiles in response to the old tavern keepers greeting.

Thank you for your kindness Malena. For now I'm not quite sure how long I shall be staying in this town, so for now, I'll just have a glass of your finest wine.

He says, ready to pay.
He then gestures in the direction of the bronze statue of the Unrelenting Justices.

I am new to this area, can you tell me a bit more about that statue outside and the White Demon they drove away?

He asks, curious to find out more about this quaint little village.

2014-03-12, 05:40 PM
@Aradia: You explain to Gwedolyn Swann the bare facts and hear a body slump against the wooden door as the muffled whimpers continue.

You know you could just kick the door in easy. The house is old and clearly not one built for defense.

After a few minutes, as you sit on the porch, the door opens as Mrs. swann looks at you and opens the door wider.

"Please come in and forgive my rudeness, my lady."

You take the first step into the house and the memories flow in immediately.

The house was new, back then. The walls had just been painted by your father, your mother and yourself- a clear white.

Azaleas, your mother's preferred flowers, had decorated the entrance to the house in an old vase with a goblin's face on it brought by your father from his days as a soldier-

It's...uhhh.. payment, Emilia. You get it as payment when you get an outstanding rank in the service.

The Azaleas are gone. Nobody has bothered to replace them. The paint has chipped off. Nobody has bothered to repaint them, but the goblin vase remains, with its funny grin, now covered in dust.

You then walk into the main room- the dinner table and kitchen.

Just as you remembered it, with the three wooden chairs around it and the red and white checkered table cloth on it.

Except there are four chairs now. And the cupboard to the left wall, filled with spices has a small shrine dedicated to Mayaheine, deity of Protection, Justice, and Valor.

Four terracotta statues have been placed before the shrine- two large father figures and two small children, one which has a tiny garland of azaleas on her head.

An old sword hangs on the wall opposite- your father's. Never been used since he came back from the war. He mentioned many times he'd never want to raise the blade again.

Gwendolyn pulls a chair for you and serves you a glass of water as she sits opposite you, looking straight into your eyes.

"I'm listening."

@Archaidous: Malena hurries with incredible speed, despite her old age and pours you a small glass of wine.

"Don't want you young lads to get too drunk, you know? And the statue outside? Oh... that was years ago, sir. The Unrelenting Justice they were called, lead by a young but very pwoerful wizard. What was his name...Gregorian? No. Grig...was it Grig. Gregory! That's the name. He had others with him as well- a strong dwarf and a pair of elves. They marched high up to the Crystalmist Mountains and slew the demon. A creature known as Inzeri. Horrible monster, Inzeri came to Ulduran many times to ravage the village and claim whatever he wanted. In the end, of all of us, only a child stood up to him. Gwendolyn and Patrick's girl, Emilia. She was taken by the monster and eaten, what else would a beast like that do? But that kept him busy, I suppose. Busy enough for Gregory and the Unrelenting Justice to go up there and slay him. The child, well... may Pelor keep her on his good graces. She was never seen again."

Business Scrub
2014-03-12, 09:27 PM
Emilia takes a look around the house, letting the memories come back. She sits down at the table across from her mother, trying to give a warm smile, but the tense, awkward scene makes that impossible. She exhales, steepling her hands and organizing her thoughts.

"Wow... well this is... gods, where do I start?"
She reaches behind her neck and unclasps the locket Lysander had given her just a day ago, and places it on the table between the two of them.
"So... Lysander gave me that. I guess I'll just start from the beginning, right? The early years are still sort of a blur... I remember I tried to escape. Inzeri, that creature, the dragon that took me: he decided he wanted to keep me. He said he thought my persistence was amusing... So he kept me in his cave.
"Anyway, I tried to run away in the first couple days. Haha, that's actually a lot harder than it seems, and I was so little. He made sure I didn't try that again.
"Then I tried to kill him in his sleep. That went about as well as you could imagine..."
She glances nervously around the room, making eye contact occasionally and looking everywhere besides the small shrine that seemed to be remembering her.
Emilia moves on with her tale, trying to move on past the more brutal part of those days, the punishments that came along with trying to leave.
"So I didn't really have any choice but to stay. Days turned into weeks, into months and years. It wasn't all so bad: Inzeri decided he wanted to rear me, to train me like a creature of his own. I guess that probably sounds worse than I imagine, because that seems pretty normal to me. He gave me a new name, a new life. As the years went by it became harder and harder to remember... well anything else, really. Life in that cave became pretty normal. Not good, but normal.
"Inzeri taught me how to live, how to hunt, how to be strong. The years began to slip away. There's a clan of kobolds that lived with us. They worship him and, I guess by extension, me. But they were despicable little creatures, and besides them it was just the two of us.
"At least it was, until the Unrelenting Justice came. Um, I guess you already know them, given that statue in town. It's funny, they had no idea I was there when they came knocking on our cave door. Alandria is one of Bahamut's clerics, you see, so they were really only there to hunt down Inzeri. I remember I almost screamed when I saw them. I couldn't remember the last time I saw a creature without scales. They told me we were getting out of there: it all happened so fast, I didn't know what was happening, but I went with them anyway.
"We got the jump on him. Inzeri, that is, and we just... left. That was about three years ago now. At that point I had been in Inzeri's cave for so long it was all I knew. If I had remembered where Inzeri had taken me from, I would have come right back, but as it was..." Emilia shrugs apologetically.
"The team didn't know either of course. So they invited me to come with them, and I had no idea what else I would do."
Emilia takes a deep breath and a drink of water. She was jittery and on edge herself, nearly in tears: it was the first time she had gotten through that whole story in one sitting, and it was upsetting to bring the memories back.
Finishing her tale, she says, "I traveled with them for a few years, until I got wrapped up in this other big thing more recently. I met Lysander just... by coincidence a few days ago. And that led me here, to you and Father.""

2014-03-12, 10:28 PM
Archadious considers the irony of the old woman's last comment, then takes a sip of his wine.

So this was what had happened to Aradia, Emilia. At this point Archadious was becoming less and less sure on what to call her. Aradia had been kidnapped by this White Demon, whom Archadious assumed to be a dragon based on Aradia's many references to dragons and her draconic abilities.

The elf spends a moment considering what life must have been like stuck in the cave of a dragon, and being raised by such a creature.

This child, Emilia, I wonder what it was that sparked her to stand up to Inzari. What did her parents do after she was taken? I imagine they must have been heartbroken.

And what makes you so certain that Inzeri ate the girl? After all, I imagine for a creature like that, a little girl would hardly be much of a meal. And I can't imagine he would go through the trouble of taking the girl all the way back to his layer just so that he could eat her.

He says, continuing to engage in conversation with the lady, and perhaps in the process, attempting to learn more about what had happened so many years ago.

2014-03-13, 02:41 AM
@Aradia: The hours seem to go by at a snail's pace as Gwendolyn listens to your tale.

You notice every now and then, that she looks at the small shrine and at the two smaller figures.

It is hard for Mrs. Swann to swallow each word, as the memories, hard ingrained into her mind, evoke those days, over twenty years ago.

Once your tale is done, Gwendolyn quietly gets up and walks up to you as her eyes lock on yours.

"Inzeri taught you to be tough, and strong, and merciless. I remember him. I remember him too well..."

In an unexpected move, one not even your most dangerous foes have been able to manage so far, Gwendolyn Swann gives you the deadliest attack she can possibly muster.

The warmest hug you have felt in years as your mother's knees give in and kneels in front you, not letting you go for what would seem an eternity as both exchange tears. A mix of joy and sadness.

"All these years! All these long years. Your father and I...we asked around. We asked your name to the village saviors. But how could they know? The demon had changed even your name! My little Emilia... the gods have heard my pleas after all these years! You are back home. and you're safe."

Gwendolyn gets up and wipes the tears off your eyes and then her own.

"You grew up to be a beautiful woman, child. Your father never wanted any of our children to go to war or questing. He had been out there. He has seen much. And yet, when we told Lysander that he had a sister..."

Gwendolyn looks at the locket.

"...he said he would bring our family back together. And he has. My little Emilia...I...I have no words that can express what I am feeling right now. But tell me- when did you see Lysander? he left a few years ago. said he would train. A man rode by. A noble. Lysander asked him to take him with him as his apprentice. We were getting letters from him on the road, but then, these stopped. Where is your brother? Your father! He should be back any moment!"

Then, you hear some words exchanged right outside the door.

Where's the goods, Pat? You don't mind if I call you Pat, dontcha? Heh!

Yeah! We're hungry and winter's hitting hard this year. You owe us, old man!

Look guys, please. Just give me another day. The crops aren't read...

A thud against the door can be heard as a body gets smacked to the ground.


Gwendolyn looks at the door as she turns her head to the old sword on the wall.

"It's Joran! Stay here, Emilia. I'll go help your father."

Gwendolyn heads for the wall and retrieves the blade.

@Archaidous: Lady malena, with her small posture and toothless grin pours herself a glass of wine.

"I remember, child. She was a brave young girl. Hazel blonde hair. Dark brown eyes... she was even holding a plintered branch on her hand as the beast approached her. But she never moved, you know? Not even an inch. When Inzeri took Emilia, Patrick and Gwendolyn felt into a great depression. I advised them to put the past behind. start anew. It would be a few summers later that young lysander swann was born into their house. I was the midwife during Gwendolyn's pregnancy. That boy was a stubborn one, I'll tell you. An entire day in labor. Patrick prayed to all the gods on Oerth that this would not claim the life of his wife and child. The gods listened, and a young Swann was born into that family. Strong, like his sister. maybe a blessing from the heavens."

When you inquire about Emilia's fate, Malena takes a sip from her glass.

"That's what mosnters do, don't they? Maybe the demon wanted a snack. Maybe he planned to come back and claim another child the following year or years. Who knows how these things think? Evil all of them. Emilia became a champion in Ulduran. When no other man would stand up to Inzeri, she did. Then, the Unrelenting Justice stopped by and well...you know the rest- they slew the dragon."

@Irraly" With everyone gone, Anzaril walks along the shore as she looks up at the snow covered trees.

"It is a beautiful sight, isn't it, Irraly? The changing of seasons. Soon, this entire forest will be blanketed in snow. The Covens will rest, Arrallae will most likely come out still, which leaves me more time to play with her. There is one thing that has me concerned, however..."

2014-03-13, 04:54 AM

Many weeks later, out at sea...

Ravenna walks towards the railing of the ship. The S.S. Griffin has been a solid vessel and with the mercenaries hired to be on board, a safe trip back to Halmathan.

The cleric takes in the sea breeze and looks at the sky.

I really hope the elf heeded my message...

Timothy, one of the passengers, walks up to her.

"Lady Ravenna. What do your predictions say for today? Are we to have a safe voyage?"

The aasimar looks out at sea. She has traveled for a long time. And seen many things. Telling the future, however, is not her stronghold.

"A calm voyage, Timothy. A calm voyage. What of Luthon?"

Timothy leans over the side of the ship as he looks at the waves splashing at the hull below.

"He gave me a quick trip to Bludhaven, but... well, I don't know if he's up to it. I tried, Lady Ravenna. I really did."

Ravenna the Wanderer looks at her symbol, that of the Horizon and then out at sea.

"Then it falls on the others to figure it out. You did get to meet them, right?"

"You bet I did. Spent a few days with them in Hammerbruk fighting undead. Lot's of them... also...huh?"

His words are interrupted as a lone seagull lands on the mast and squacks at the crew below. Timothy scratches his head.

"I am not a sailor, but aren't these birds supposed to be near land? We haven't seen port in days..."

Ravenna holds her holy symbol and looks at the bird.

"Captain Rowahk! The tribute!"

A dwarf steps out of the cabin. He smiles at both.

"Tribute for what, Ravenna? We have harpoons, swords, even your magic, Wanderer. I deemed it unnecessary to drop so much coin into sea for a folk tale."

Ravenna walks up to the dwarf.

"You imbecile! This is no folk tale! Why didn't you bring the chest aboard? Now we will...."

The seas become agitated as the seagull flies off and takes a dive into the water. Immediately afterwards, the ship finds itself caught in a maelstrom unlike any seen before. Lightning strikes the main post as fire starts to catch on the ship, which is quickly extinguished by the falling water on the vessel. The men hold on to anything they can find sturdy as the Griffin is rocked about the whirlpool and mountains of coral jut from the sea, breaking the hull.

Where is my tribute???

A voice can be heard from the skies and the sea as the ship is tossed around in circles.

A few sailors have fallen to their knees in prayer. Others are barely managing to hold on to the ropes. Ravenna manages to maintain her balance and walks towards the front of the ship, facing the whirlpool's wall of water.

"Zyanya! My apologies. Your tribute was used in land for selfish causes! We ought to know better! Spare these misguided folk and I will gladly offer myself!"

Tentacles begin to appear from different sides of the whirlpool, holding tight to the ship and some crew men. Timothy hides behind a barrel.

"Not fair. I was just out of a haunted town! Give me a break!"

A silhouette makes itself known through the whirlpool. Impossible to determine what it is, or what size, but it is there, undulating beyond clear sight.

You know my name? None do.... not unless I wish them to know. Very well, aasimar. You have done something remotely interesting. Your ship is spared. If they can reach land, I would be most impressed. You, however..."

A tentacle juts forth from the water and wraps itself around Ravenna. The aasimar turns to look at Timothy.

"Remember what we spoke about. If they reach the city...tell them everything!"

Ravenna the Wanderer is dragged into the depths of the ocean by a black tentacle as the ship is raised from its perilous situation. The skies clear and, although the vessel has sustained heavy damage, the crew of the Griffin are able to board smaller ships in time as the ship sinks.

Timothy, aboard one of the rescue boats looks at the sinking ship. Fear in his eyes.

"I am sorry, Wanderer. I will uphold my deal. That I promise..."

Business Scrub
2014-03-13, 09:33 AM
Emilia feels a deep sense of relief as she hugs her mother back, something she hasn't felt in ages. This was actually happening: she really did have a family.

"Lysander is..." Emilia chooses her words carefully. To tell her what really happened would break her heart all over again. And besides: he wasn't doomed to stay like that. She had vowed to bring him back, even if he had to shake heaven and earth to do it.
"He's going through some difficulty. That thing that I said I got wrapped up in. But I'm--"
She heard the voices outside and became confused, then outraged.
Not on my watch.

She's out of her seat almost before her mother, brushing past the older lady as she it taking the sword off of the wall.
"No mom, stay back. I was raised to handle this sort of thing, remember?"
She gives her a half smile, as their skin suddenly toughens and spine like icicles form a sharp, protective layer on their skin. She swings the door open, glowering at the people that are tormenting her family, hand on the hilt of her sword.
"Actually, I don't think he owes you s**t."

2014-03-13, 04:58 PM
@Aradia: Gwendolyn stops on her tracks as she turns to look at your skin, which crystalizes in solid shards of ice.

"Emilia? Are you alright?"

You bust the door open and on the ground, you see your father.

Age has been as kind to him as it has been to Gwendolyn.

His body is that of a soldier, there is no doubt about that. His hair almost completely white, despite his years, with a few grey streaks.

A clean shaven face dotted in wrinkles and brown eyes meet your icy stare on the ground as his left eye has become purple due to a well placed punch on the face.

"Who are you?"

Then, you look at the poor fools that dared do this.

One is standing a few feet from your father. Wry and nimble, with a black leather armor and a round helmet. His face has black paint around his eyes to bestow an idea of menace. A pair of shortswords hang around his belt and you can see a grinning skull emblem painted on his chest. He wears a spiked ganutlet on his left hand.

Another is a few feet back from him and wears light armor as well, but seems a tad stronger, with a spear in hand and letaher armor with that skull motif on the chest. He does not wear a helmet, showing off dirty locks of black greasy hair tied around crimson knots.

The third is bulkier than the first two and wears full armor, like Alex, but you can tell it's of cheap make. This idiot smiles at you through his helmet's visor as he swings a battle axe around.

The leader of these blokes, with the black paint around his eyes looks at Patrick swann on the ground.

"Well, Pat. You didn't tell me you had guests. Maybe you're willing to part with her instead? I'm a generous man, aint I guys?"

"You're generous, boss! That you are!"

"Cute little girl could fetch us a good price back in the Empire, yeah."

The leader walks up to you as he places his hand on one of his blades.

"Be careful, little girl- you might cut yourself...hehehehhehe. I'm Joran, leader of Iuz's Skulls. I oversee Ulduran and all the region as far as yoru eyes can see. Be a good girl and put that sword down. Nobody has to get hurt now, huh? Hehehehehe..."

Business Scrub
2014-03-13, 07:36 PM
Emilia gives the men before her a look. Pathetic. These were not the high class version of villain she was used to.

"Unfortunately for you, looks like you broke that rule when you hit him. But you're lucky: you caught me on a good day. So here's the deal. You're going to put your weapons down now. Right now. Then you're going to apologize to these nice people, give them all valuables that you have on you, and beg for their forgiveness. Understand?"

Her fighting instincts kicking in, she moves slightly in front of her father in case she has to use her breath attack.

"You do that, and I might be kind enough to overlook what you just said to me."

Active Auras: Toughness and Energy shield.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2014-03-13, 08:19 PM
After finishing off her musical trainning with Gigglemug, Lysa look at the pixie and with a smile ask him, "Want to take a flight somewhere? Or maybe just talk a little. Last time Belladona didnt let us talk after all".

She then begans speaking to him about several stuff from her travels and as well ask him some questions, nothing much personal nor focused in anything in particular.

At some point she ask him if he ever heard of Guardianna, a pixie kingdom in the far east and ask him of the events that happened before she joined the party. The whole baby stealing, Nerine and Balion.

When she get too tired to keep talking she look for the place he said she could rest and go there to sleep and wonder what Aradia, Archadious, Alex and Irraly were doing.

Christine Daae
2014-03-13, 08:20 PM
With only herself and Anzaril left Irraly goes too her, no longer needing to worry about Aradia's feelings about the matter. It is beautiful my love, as are you. However I sensed someone watching us last night while I danced, and though I could not track them I was hoping you may have felt it too. I know it was not one of the courts, or petals because they would have joined me, and many are asleep. then in an uncertain voice she adds, It could have been one of Enoka's children, but she made it clear her family stayed well away from here or else they would become the hunted. Is this what is concerning you?

2014-03-14, 01:34 AM
@Aradia: You look at the three bandit scum in front of you and, although you are wearing no protective gear other than traveler's clothes, you look at each and everyone in the eye as you order them what to do.

Jorun squints his eyes at you as a smirk shows on his face.

"really? You think you can bully my gang? Overconfident muc... hey!"

Joran turns around to look at his two cronies, who, although they are heavily armed and armored are slowly backing away.

"Something's not right here, boss!"

"It's her stare... it's like the demon of the mountain!"

Joran fumes as he reaches for his blade.

"You idiots! That monster was slain years ago! There is no such thing as.. ack!"

You've had enough with this fool.

Your fist clobbers Joran right in the jaw as the bandit leader stumbles behind, spitting out a few teeth.

"You miserbale little bitch! Make her suffer!"

Patrick Swann rushes into the house as Gwendolyn looks at him.

"Patrick...your eye!"

"Gwendolyn...my sword!"

Outside, the scuffle has already started.

You assess the three as a predator would to his prey.

The big armored guy charges at you with his battleaxe and you smile as the blade strikes you in the arm.

"Hehehehehee...got you, you freak! Wait, what...ahhhh! My hand!"

The axe drops to the ground as the armed thug holds his right hand which has completely frozen.

A second fist filled with icy rage sends the kettle of a man flying across the street as he slides through the dirt and hits his head on the family cart.

The second guy comes in with his spear as he curses at you.


You'd think that, if they were members of some clan or cult or whatever they claimed to be, these guys would have proper training.

You raise your amber sword in slow motion as the warrior end up holding a chopped spear, half the length of his arm.


With a sudden move, you walk up to him and embed the hilt in his nose as the spear holder gets on his knees and covers his mouth as blood gushes like a fountain.

Joran looks back at his armored bruiser and then to his right at his spear thrower, balwing like a waif.

"I'll be back! You'll see! You haven't seen the last of Joran, leader of Iuz's skulls! You'll all be sorry!"

You watch Joran, their fearless leader, take off a few feet as his steps begin to get slower and a shower of ice shards envelop him as the wiry punk begins chattering his teeth.

"What sorcery is this?"

And before he has a chance to react, Joran has become a frozen statue, that, although alive, the sheer quickness in which he blinks beneath the ice can tell you the man's terrified, as a certain portion of the ice and frost turns yellow.

Patrick rushes outside with blad ein hand.

"Don't worry, miss! I will...help you?"

Patrick Swann watches the scene unfold before him. In a matter of seconds, what it took him to retrieve his blade from the wall, you have managed to ridicule and defeat these bandits who, apparently, had been terrorizing Ulduran for the last few seasons.

The villagers are quick to come out with riope and pitchforks as they tie them up and eventually, Joran's ice melts.

"We're sorry, madam! We'll never bully this town again. We swear!"

"You're damn right you won't. You're going to harvest the remaining crops, put everything of value in that cart, and when you're done helping these fine folk, depending on how hard your work has been, maybe. Maybe, I shall spare your life. I think you guys can take it from here."

One of the villagers looks up to you and bows as his friend tightens the rope around the three while another strips them of their weapons.

"Who do we owe this to? Who has saved us?'

Emilia Swann, my daughter!

Gwendolyn steps out of the house, as proud an Ulduran as any. Her daughter was not only alive and back, but she had saved this town from these scoundrels.

The villagers cheer your name thrice as they kick Joran and his motley crew out to the fields.

Patrick turns to look at you as he drops his blade.

"Excuse me? Did you say..."

Gwendolyn picks up her husband's sword.

"We have a lot to talk about and it's getting cold. I have dinner set...for three."

It was a long night. Tears, laughter. Some more tears. reflectiopn. Questions. A lot of questions, but in the end, Patrick swann, retired warrior of the 77th in Halmathan embraces you as tears run down his wrinkled cheeks.

"My baby girl is back. If only lysander were here to see you. Ironic how the world works, isn't it? You will be staying, I hope?"

The following days and weeks, you decided to train the villagers. Sure, Joran and his crew had been subdued, but if these people were to have a chance, they had to learn to defend themselves.

"Let me assist you with that, Emilia. I was a soldier as well, remember?"

Day 97

@Archaidous: It has been nearly two weeks and already Aradia or Emilia, as she is known now, has been proclaimed Twice Savior of Ulduran as you scribe your scrolls from the comfort of your rented space and look out the window.

Aradia's swing with the blade seems to have gotten better, as the dummies placed in the main square are stabbed with little effort by her amber blade.

Regrettably, there are no mages in Ulduran, and for that matter, shops, so it has been day in and out scribing scrolls as much as you can.

Day 100

@Aradia: It has been good to take in family. There is still good in this world, despite the teachings of your scaled mentor.

And speaking of...

You bid good bye to Gwendolyn and Patrick as the three hug for what seems like forever as you stop by Malena's and ask archaidous to wait a few more days.

The trek up the mountain is dangerous. The path is covered in ice, and, to the unwary and unprepared, it wopuld mean a fall to their certain doom.

A few more days would go by as the town of Ulduran would be out of sight and you reach Casyn's Plateau, where Inzeri would have you train.

Oddly enough, this place is still green on the ground with patches of frost.

You know Inzeri's lair is higher up the mountain, but you are not here to fight the wyrm.

Not today, at least.

You roar towards the frigid ice walls of the mountain. A roar claiming independence. Freedom. A recognition of who you are. No longer shall you be afraid of him. And one day...

One day the score shall be settled.

Day 104

As you descend the plateau, back to Ulduran, you can swear a distant roar echoes through the mountain. Maybe it was the howling winds messing with your ears, but you recognize that roar.

He's still up there, and he has acknowledged your claim.

Whether it will be a bold one, is one to be seen in the future.

Once back in Ulduran, you knock On Archaidous' room and nod as you place your hand on his shoulder.

You are ready.

2014-03-14, 02:54 AM
@Lysa: The musical training with Gigglemug has bore fruit, as you can feel deep in your mind and heart a new tune. One similar to the one taught to you by Arrallae, perhaps.

Day 90

Leaving the grotto with Gigglemug, you fly to the Western Coven, where the dryads have already receded to their trees for the winter.

Reintse assists Casyllyn with a forge that has grown from the earth itself as the elder dryad hammers an emerald metal and green sparks fly around the snow, melting it and causing vapor to rise around the child and the fey.

reintse looks up and waves.

"Hey guys! How did your training go? We have heard nothing of Alex, Aradia, or Archaidous yet. For that matter, neither have we seen Uwellyn or Arrallae, but this seems to be for Alex, right?"

Casyllyn looks at the young Steiner with a serious look and continues hammering the metal.

"Alex is training. Where? i do not know, but it will take time if he has chosen the path I think he wants to walk. You two are welcome to stay here, if you wish, but I will have to be leaving shortly, once this weapon is done."

@Irraly: You watch everyone leave and that same day.

Anzaril sits on the shores of her lake and takes out her crystal ball.

"Come closer, Irraly. Look. I have been concerned because there is one denizen in these woods that has been missing. I usually spy on him from time to time, just in case, but once you and the others left the woods, he disappeared."

Anzaril puts the crystal ball down next to you and rubs her arms together as she walks through the shores of the Font of Life and a cold front causes her raven hair to blow, covering most of her face.

"I have been hearing a familiar voice in my dreams lately, my love. One I have not heard in a long, long time..."

2014-03-14, 06:22 AM
Lysa waves Steiner, I mean, Reintsie.
It was still dificult to not think in Steiner looking at his son, but some things changed since her trainning with Gigglemug.

"I guess someone who calls herself the Lovesinger can't love just one man in her lifetime", she thinks looking Reintsie, "Well, goodbye Steiner, my old friend".

Lysa then inspect the blade being forged, "Is this for Alex? Which metal is that? Where does it comes from? For what it serve? Does it taste like chicken?", she shot the dryad with several questions, but only smile playfully before she has time to answer any question, like saying to her: "Just kidding".

As they craft the metal Lysa ask if they're ok if she played a dwarven forge song, "To give the metal better properties, of course", she says to the dryad as she summon a small set of drums and play.

Inspire competence (craft)

Christine Daae
2014-03-14, 10:17 AM
Watching the crystal ball in Anzaril's hands she watches as the Myridan stag appears nowhere in its view. What does this mean? I know what would happen if he were to die, but just vanish? Irraly says unsure of how to react at the news. Fey were known for being random in their behaviors, and she could see the stag wanting to go explore someplace new, but the fact Anzaril had not seen him, since they left. And what of the trouble maker? Is she missing as well? And who is calling to you? You don't think the seal? the drow says finally starting to grasp the scope of what may have happened.

Taking Anzaril into her arms she holds her close to her as she runs her ebony hands threw Anzarils raven locks. No matter what happens you will not be blamed Anzaril, have you warned the others? Then another question pops into her mind, something that made her think of how she and Alex were, and how they stood on opposite sides of a coin. If they have returned shall you stand by them once again my love or will you raise your powers against your blood to protect your home? Remember the oath you swore to Arrallae Anzaril, to be her guardian. If your family is indeed back she is in danger. Irraly says looking at the fey with concern, the thoughts running threw her mind had to be devastating.

2014-03-14, 12:05 PM
The weeks go by, much of which Archadious spends up in his room scribing scroll after scroll. Who knew when he might get another chance to scribe so many.
He had also been somewhat disappointed to discover that there were no mages of any kind at all in Ulduran, but that was to be expected of a small town like this.

He finishes scribing yet another scroll, and he looks up to see Aradia or Emilia as she was known by the towns people. But to him, he knew her best as Aradia, and if she didn't mind, he would prefer to continue calling her Aradia.

Time to go back to Justcrown huh? Are you sure these people will be able to defend themselves if anything happens? Do you think I should leave a scroll here so that they can contact us should anything befall the village?

He asks, wondering if there was even anyone in the town who had the ability to use such a scroll.

Sensing that she wishes to return to their friends, Archadious nods, and once she places her hand on his shoulder, he closes his eyes and casts the teleport spell.

Two teleports later, (hopefully), he opens his eyes and the two find themselves staring at the entrance to Silas's store in Justcrown

Unless Aradia wishes to go to Justcrown

Archadious will be going to Justcrown afterwards anyways

2014-03-14, 04:57 PM
@Lysa: You look down on Reintse, as he wraps himself in fur cloak stave off the winter chill as Casyllyn keeps working on the forge.

Deciding to aid the dryad, you summon a set of drums that begin beating at the same time as the hammer hits the metal and Casyllyn, without looking at you, smiles as she keeps hammering with increased strength, despite the chilling atmosphere around her and the sparks from the strange metal fly higher and farther.

Gigglemug looks at you.

"I will return to the Eastern Coven. Do you want to come with me? Or would you rather go see Irraly? She is no doubt with Anzaril still."

@Irraly: You look into the crystal ball and then the glaistig's words sink in.

"I do not know what were to happen if the Stag left these woods, Irraly. As I mentioned earlier, the Verenstrian Pact stipulated that the Seal would be broken if he was slain in these woods, but never did it say anything about him being taken away. As for Belladonna... I doubt she has the power and abilities to capture the Myrdian Stag, although her disappearance along with his is more than mere coincidence."

At the mention of what side she'd be on, Anzaril looks at you as a cold wind blows between both.

"I have a family in the Unseelie Court, yes. But a family only by title. My family is here and Arrallae is like a sister to me. Besides, I am one of her Guardians. If she were to come back to these woods, know that I will stand by your side."

Day 104

@Archaidous & Aradia: You bend Time & Space once more and Ulduran becomes a fading memory as you appear in front of Silas' shoppe.

Inside, you find Silas with a quilt over his shoulders and Toxique sitting next to him, emmitting steam.

A loud sneeze from the mage greets both of you.

"Pardon me! Winter here is colder than usual. How have you two been? I suppose you came here for your custom items? Let me check the book..."

Silas goes through his ledger and taps on a page.

"Toxique, Miss Ferran's armor and shield, please. Don't forget the amulet."

Toxique flies off leaving a cloud of hot steam in his wake and comes back a few minutes later with a bag in his hands.

"It should be here..."

The mephit retrieves Aradia's shield, armor, and amulet, which look shinier than usual. Silas must've done an amazing work with this, as the armor bears new decorations of twin dragons on the breast plate and the symbol of the North star on the shield. The amulet has a blue rose engraved on it.

Silas takes out the document signed weeks ago.

"Now all we need is the remaining fifty percent and your purchase will be complete."

2014-03-14, 06:13 PM
Once they reappear in Justcrown once more, Arcahdious follows Aradia into Silas's shop. As he watches her retrieving her purchases, he thinks back to his own bow and circlet.

Very well, took a relaxing trip to Ulduran. I got the chance to scribe down quite the assortment of scrolls. Anyways, how goes my orders?

He says to the two, asking about his purchases.

Then, as he is looking around at the shop, another thought strikes him. He thinks back to his trip to Bludhaven many days ago, and how his former group was on their way to a place by the name of Terra Reahm. He had yet to hear anything from them, but he decides that now might perhaps be an excellent opportunity to make sure they were alright.
As long as Silas's shop had the necessary component.

Also, one more thing. I don't suppose you perchance happen to have a scrying mirror somewhere in the school or the shop that I could use? It wouldn't be a purchase, and I could pay a few gold for the privilege of using it. I have some old friends that I haven't heard back from in a while and would appreciate it if I could use such a mirror to see how they are doing.

2014-03-14, 08:29 PM
@Arachaidous: Silas wipes his nose with a handkerchief as you mention Ulduran, his voice very nasal from the cold.

"Ah yes, small town? By the Crystalmist Mountains? Never really stopped there, but I heard they have a solid farming community. As for your orders, let's see.."

Silas goes through his book.

"Hmmm...my apologies, Archaidous. With final week and all the exams I had to review, crafting of the circlet and staff has been delayed. Give me about three more days and it shall be ready."

In regards to the mirror, Silas sneezes once more and opens the counter trap door to allow you into the store as he opens passage to the school proper.

"I keep an old mirror for more advanced classes. It has collected some dust, but it should do just fine. Let's go to my study."

You follow Silas upstairs where you and Meic took care of the escaped summons so long ago as Silas removes a thick cloth and reveals n old bronze framed mirror, about as tall as a halfling, suspended by a pair of elaborate griffon legs fashioned of bronze so as to not have to crouch.

"Normally I charge, but you can use it this time for free. I suppose you know how it works? Just focus on whomever you wish to see and, if they are willing or weak of mind, you shall see them."

Christine Daae
2014-03-14, 08:45 PM
Knowing that Anzaril would stand by their side against the Unseelie Court if any managed to reak threw relieved Irraly greatly as she let out a sigh that she was not even aware she had been holding all this time. Perhaps taking him away was to see if it would weaken the veil enough to bring another threw. Are their any that you know of that would be able to circumvent the treaty in such a way like the child stealer did? After all even one of the weakest members could cause a problem if they were left unchecked. I just really hope it is not so, and if someone has gotten threw the seal that they are willing to stay peaceful, though if this winter is any indication I highly doubt the peace will last for long. Irraly says looking to her silver blade by her side. Perhaps I should get those that remain awake and start a search party. This way we are not caught with our pants down unless we want to be. Irraly adds trying to throw some humor on the topic so Anzaril did not worry to much.

2014-03-14, 08:56 PM
Thank you Silas.

Archadious replies as he follows the wizard further into the school.

Once they reach the mirror, he looks around at it and notes it's decorative design. He then glances at Silas.

Admittedly, this is not a spell that I have utilized too often. Let's see if I can get this right.

Then, with a deep breath, he begins to chant the words of the divination spell, hoping to allow the mirror to show him the current location of his former companions.
After pausing for a moment to decide who to concentrate on, he chooses the one he was most familiar with, Sylvain. The fellow elf with whom he had spent long hours in the night talking to. She had taught him, a naive elf inexperienced with the outside world, all about the other races.
If she was still traveling with Ralftus, then he should be able to see where they all were with the spell.

Slyvain Slyvain Slyvain Slyvain

He says, beginning to chant.

2014-03-15, 02:08 AM
@Arachaidous: Silas sits on his desk as he watches you conectrate on the mirror and takes some notes.

"Remember, Archaidous- focus on the person you want to see. If they are in this world and willing, you should be able to see and speak to them with perfect clarity."

You hold the mirror with one hand as you begin chanting the name of Slyvain, the elven huntress who taught you much of the cultures of the Seldarine, both above and betond the surface.

It takes a few minutes as your reflection on the mirror changes and begins to undulate, like a stone thrown in the middle of a calm lake.

Then, the ripples cast away and you see her, at least from the waist up.

It's Slyvain, wearing a leather armor and a dark green cloak. Her hazel hair has been tied in a pony tail as she turns to look at the mirror.

You cannot see too far from where she is, but you can see what looks like an old wooden door a few feet behind her.

The door rests against a large barnacle encrusted wall and, judging by the light from the image, she seems to be outdoors.

Archaidous? By Sehanine! How are you reaching me? Where are you? Did you get Ralftus' letter? Can the rest join in the conversation?

@Irraly: Anzaril goes deep in thought.

"There is no way I am aware of that any in my sister's Court could see and know what transpires in these woods. The last one was driven back by you, and he would have to think twice before returning, assuming my sister spared his life."

The glaistig gives you a somber look.

"Windemere desires nothing more than to reclaim these woods as her own, Irraly. She is beautiful and deadly in the mastery of the arcane arts. Many that follow her- her highest lieutenants are prodigious warriors and dabble in many magical practices. If any of them were here, we would certainly know, since their power is tremendous. There are several places where my sister's most important emmisaries came through during the Eternal Winter."

Anzaril takes her rystal ball and begins to show you different places.

"Moruga Swamp. A portal lies dormant there. Locked now, of course. It is there that a terrible trio of fey came through and made it their home.

"Bonnlach Mere. Bastion of the Lost Children. You fought it's ruler- the Child Stealer."

"The Eastern Woods- the altar to Golarion- that's where Nemain made her abode."

Anzaril then points to the Font of Life.

"And here is where her castle stood and the rest of her host resided. It is beyond sight, of course. Even with magic, only a subtle rift would be observed. If the Seal were to be broken, Windemere would appear here, most likely."

At the comment of getting caught with your pants down, Anzaril laughs.

"I doubt any would want to be caught that way. Not with this cold..although it would be amusing to see Alex like that, if only to watch his reaction streaking through the bitter cold."

2014-03-15, 08:13 AM
Lysa smiles to Gigglemug and give him a kiss.

"It was a pleasure spending this week with you, specially the dance classes :smallsmile:", then she look at his probably surprised face, "That was your reward for being such a lovely teacher. But I guess now I'll have to go meet the others for we have some stuff to do and I guess it's time for us to gather", she says to him and then looking at the dryad, "When Alex is done with his training tell him to go meet us too, please".

The fey unsummon the drums and begin flying, "Don't worry, I'll try not to dissapear this time :smallwink:", she says turning invisible ironically, "Also", her voice is directed for Gigglemug, "Would you allow me another duel after Alex trainning is due? I found our first one fascinating"

With that she fly towards the Font of Life, seeking to catch Irraly first with but a single thought in mind, "I hope that wasnt Acheron..."

Business Scrub
2014-03-15, 05:09 PM
Emilia leaves her home town with a light heart, glad the town is considerably safer, and promising her family she will return: sooner than twenty years this time.

She and Archadious return to Justcrown with some relief: distances may lose meaning when you have a friend that can cross hundreds of miles in a moment, but being closer to her party members was still reassuring.

The armor, amulet, and shield, newly enchanted and gleaming, puts a smile on the shaman's face like little else can.

"The work of an artist Silas, as always. Thank you."

She hands over the second half of payment and dons the armor and amulet. As she does so, a ripple of silvery, protective scales coat her body, protecting the parts of her that the armor does not. She then follows Archadious and Silas upstairs to the mirror room, watching curiously as he begins scrying. Besides at the Font of Life, she had never seen the spell, and was astonished with how easy it seemed.

"You can just do that? Observe someone on a whim just by saying their name? I knew Anzaril could do it, but I figured that was some fey magic..."

2014-03-15, 06:22 PM
@Lysa: Gigglemug is caught unaware as you kiss him in midair and the Pixie Balladeer blushes.

"It wpould be my honor to see you again. Be safe, Lady lysa."

Casyllyn takes a break from the anvil and looks up at you as she wipes the sweat from her brow.

"Of course. Once Alex is done training with my sister, he will return. Be safe.... the snow can be misleading."

You then wave good bye to all in the Western Coven and take off through the snow covered trees and begin the long journey back to the Font of Life, which should take about a week or so.

During your flight, resting at times to eat an acorn, you wonder how Aradia and Archaidous are doing. There is still no sign of them. Not to mention Alex- these woods are huge, and with the snow covering everythingf, getting lost would be very easy.

However, even with this thick layer of snow, alex should be fine, he's with Uwellyn and...

That's when a blast of freezing ice envelops you as the ice shards attempt to puncture your eyelids.

50 cold damage and Fortitide DC 22 or be blinded for 1 round

A spell alright, as you carve a small trench of snow on the ground face down.

You're the one they call Lysa. Lysa Silentwhisper, is it not?

A female's voice. You look up and see what appears to be an angelic creature. A slim bald woman. Human, apparently, with a pair of multiocolored wings and a black chainshirt. A buckler is strapped to her left arm with a hideous face drawn in red , resembling a half troll, half demon creature.

Her features are fair, with purple eyeliner and green lipstick. Purple tattoos cover her entire scalp as a snow white sigil materilaizes on her forehead.

She seems to be alone as she looks at you fifty feet up in the air.

"Yes, the pixie who travels with the others. You seem to be fast, but not fast enough. Taking you out should be relatively simple. A pity your friends aren't around..."

Roll Initiative and Bardic Knowledge or Knowledge Local

@Aradia: This takes place weeks after Lysa's encounter.

Silas bows.

"If it weren't for adventurers such as yourself, I would not have the chance to craft the masterpieces you now hold, Miss Ferran. Please follow me upstairs."

You look at the image on the mirror as Silas points at it.

"It can be done, of course! All you need is to have a fey years training in the arcane arts. Some items allow you to do so without training even. Most commonly crystal balls, but the traditional method is the one Archaidous is using...although how is the recipient able to converse back is beyond me."

2014-03-15, 06:48 PM
Blinded by the sudden attack, Lysa feel her body turning uttercold and with chittering teeth she answer her attacker, "Who... Who are you? Why you did this to me?"

2014-03-15, 07:08 PM
@Lysa: You take a look at the winged being, before your sight blurs out.

This is an Illumian. Lore says Illumians are related to humans- maybe even a precursor race. Just like humans, Illumians are an ambitious bunch, researching into every possible form of training available. And like humans, they come in all assortments of ethos and demenaors.

"Why am I doing this? Simple. You are a job, but you are not the entire job. Where are the others? The drow, the shaman, the elf wizard, the paladin. Give me their positions and you might be spared."

Business Scrub
2014-03-15, 07:44 PM
Emilia looks aghast. "But normally they wouldn't be able to respond? Would they even know?"
She looks uncomfortable, clearly a bit unsettled by the thought that anyone might be watching her, at any time.

2014-03-15, 07:45 PM
Lysa turns invisible and ask her, "Saying where they are will make you spare me? A job?", she then fly up as silently as she can and always ready to silence the illumian if she began casting any spell she find too much hazordous for her to take, "Does the price in me is lesser than the price on the others? That's seems... dissapointing or unfair as you prefer".

"Also what's your name? You know mine and I guess it would be nice to know your name as well".

I believed Lysa was invisible, but if not she's know.
I'm readying Silence in case she cast any spell that may be desastrous.
Question: did you rolled SR? Just in case :smalltongue:

Spellcraft [roll0]

2014-03-15, 08:23 PM
@Aradia: Silas looks up from his note taking.

"Sadly, yes. Divination is a very powerful school and, like the great archmages that developed it ages ago, it does not differentiate between a noble and ignoble purpose. That isn't to say that there aren't preventive measures, of course. You see, Miss Ferran, magic is about counters. For every spell, there is a counter spell that can override it."

Christine Daae
2014-03-15, 09:59 PM
Listening to the tale of her sisters followers Irraly notes many of them seem to be like her blending the arcane with the blade. As long as you are sure the gates are still sealed. dropping it at that as to not dig any father and potentially hurt Anzarils feelings.

Seeing the change of topic Irraly nods in agreement. Be careful what you wish for, I swear he can hear women saying stuff like that miles away and then just does it.

2014-03-15, 10:46 PM
When Archadious finishes the casting of the spell and sees Sylvain, his friend whom he had last seen as a charred corpse, his expression turns into a smile.
He even briefly considers teleporting right then and there to wherever she was.

Hearing Aradias comments, he glances at her and replies.

This is something that any spell caster with a modicum of knowledge in divination is able to do. Even those like Alex and Cassyln. However, there are several safeguards, at least with this spell.
For example, any target with a strong enough mind can unconsciously resist the effects of the spell. It is only easy to scry on those with whom you are quite familiar with, otherwise even weaker minds will have no trouble resisting.

In this case, I have known Sylvain for quite a while and got to know her quite well.

He says, gesturing to the elf displayed in the mirror.

But his happiness partly gives way to surprise when she begins to speak to him.
How was this possible? Normally such a spell did not allow for such communication.
At first, he isn't sure how to respond, after all he had not been expecting a conversation with her. But gradually words begin to come to his lips.

Sylvain... I... am uh.... I'm glad to see that you are well. I received Ralftus's letter and spoke to Bodar. At the time I couldn't afford to abandon my obligations, and you were all in the middle if travel, so Bodar agreed to have Ralftus send to me should he need me.
It's been a while since I heard back from any of you, so I thought I'd use some divinations to see where you and the others were at.

But as for the communication part... I am not entirely sure how. Normally such a spell does not allow such back and forth verbal communication. Perhaps there is something else going on here...
What does it appear like from your side?

He turns for a moment to Silas, wondering if perhaps he might have an idea of what was going on.

I don't understand, how am I able to talk to her through the spell. Has this mirror displayed this strange occurrence previously?

Archadious then turns back to Sylvain, and can't help but notice the barnacle-encrusted door.

Well regardless, we might as well use this anomaly as a chance to speak. Where are you? Judging from your background, it appears to be some sort of Oceanside structure.
Are the others there too?

2014-03-16, 12:21 AM
@Lysa: The winged woman flies next to you as a far stronger grip holds your tiny head, but it is not this bald Illumian.

"Silly little glow worm. We know everything about you and those that travel with you. What you can do, where you have been... where you are. We just need some information. Play nice and i´ll play nice, deal?"

@Irraly: Anzaril sighs as she looks at Apalala´s hump breaking the thin ice layer far off into the lake.

"The Verenestrian Pact made sure the seals would remain closed. And so it has been for ten centuries and counting. If any do appear, I will be the first to know, since they are my family. And in turn, you will know.¨

On the mention of Alex, Anzaril laughs.

"On second thought, my dear, it would be best not to wish for that!"

The glaistig laughs as she picks up her crystal ball, and then her laughter turns to a concerned look.

"Odd... I can see one, no two, maybe more powers moving through the Fey Woods. These are not the Unseelie Court, Irraly. I can barely make out who they are."

@Archaidous: You give a brief explanation of the basic theorems regarding scrying. Hopefully the shaman will understand. And she should, really. If the woman has been with you for months on end, it should be second nature to travel through Time & Space, fly, watch enemies be melted, burnt, and frozen, not to mention fried.

In fact, for any non caster traveling with you and your group, it would be hard to believe they would not come out as casters themselves after a year or two.

Silas shrugs at your question.

"Not when I have used it, no. The scrying spell is quite specific and never has this mirror given me any other result. At a guess, it must be something on the other side."

You then focus on Sylvain as she looks at the mirror and then around her.

Ralftus! It´s Archaidous! can you hear him?

No. Is he coming?

Sylvain looks at you as she then begins walking towards the door.

I hope you heard Ralftus. It´s been a long voyage. Bodar should still be in Bludhaven. We were about to send for him! Archaidous, I think we found the famed watchtower of Tearra Rehm! Sure, it wasn´t a safe voyage, what with raiders, and some fish folk climbing on board at night, but we´re alive. We're all here except Bodar and yourself and, oh gods! We´re going to find out what lies in this tower! You have to come join us, Archaidous!

Silas begins taking notes and thyen raises an eyebrow as he lifts his left foot off the ground.

Water? here? Did a pipe break loose or something? And why does it smell like the sea?

@Aradia: You watch Archaidous speak to the woman on the other side of the mirror when the scent of the sea invades your nostrils.

And indeed, a few inches of water have begun to seep through the floor boards as the room takes on a sea green color and large shadowy shapes begin to swim around Silas´study.

You can discern fish of varying sizes, but only as shadows, like tribal tattoos, swimming across the walls and room.

Silas looks at all this and looks at Archaidous.

"Uhhh... Archaidous? This has not happened before either. Where are they exactly?"

@Archaidous: Sylvain smiles as she goes through her lock picking tools.

I hope you´re watching, Archaidous- this is were we get rich! Of course you'll get a part, naturally. Just get us back once we got it, ok?

2014-03-16, 04:51 AM
"Ok ok, they little fey will be nice, just don't smash my face ok?", Lysa says as she feel the grip of someone on her head, "First of all, who I'm talking to? And what you want from us? The job stuff I get, but what else?", Lysa says looking around for any escape routes and trying to indentfy if theres any magic on the winged illumian.

Spellfraft [roll0]

She then begin looking into the illumian soul, looking for signs of evil and chaos, law and good. "Knowing your enemy is half the way to victory, right?"

2014-03-16, 05:10 AM
@Lysa: You look at the Illumian and try to discern what spells she has on.

This one isn't playing around. The winged wizard has quite the slew of spells on her.

True Seeing, Freedom of Movement, Lesser Visage of the Deity, Entropic Shield, Recitation, Mass Conviction, Mass resist Energy, Mass Resist Energy , Fire Shield, Mass , Spell Immunity

The Illumian smiles a set of pearly whites as her eyes focus on you.

"Well done, glow bug. I am Alynnis Gloombow, of the Trinity. We have been sent here to ensure you and your friends do not hamper our Master's plans. You are their...little helper, aren't you? You are...yes. That bard. Steiner. You're Steiner's pupil. Yes, as you can see, we are well informed of what each and every one of you can do. Now, I want you to go tell your shaman friend, the wizard conjurer, the drow, and the paladin that they better come here if they wish to save their forest. I am willing and able to reduce this winter wonderland to ashes if need be.."

Wait, Alynnis! I am in charge here...

Alynnis flutters her wings and rises as you discern what the Illumian hides behind that pretty face.

She isn't a righteous one, that's for sure. She holds darkness in her heart. Darkness and a lot of turmoil and anger.

A set of ropes tie around you as an unseen force ties you to a tree.

Alynnis sits on a branch a few feet above you and looks at a point in space.

"This one has the potential to use her bardic abilities. As a pixie, the file says she can use some innate powers, but those should be of no concern."

She then looks to her left at another point in space.

"You're the boss, Hibagon. You know what to do, right? He did put you in charge, after all.."

As the rope ties you around a tree, a gag is stuffed in your mouth.

Alynnis sighs as she watches the scenes unfold.

"Well, we got her. What now."

A third raspy voice comes in from amidst the snow storm.

I have an idea... hehehhehehe. They will have to come and fetch her now, no matter what.

A quick swipe cuts off a single lock of silvery hair from your head as someone or something glues it to a parchment and a quill manifests as it scribbles something on it and then folds it like a paper airplane.

The plane flies through the cold wind currents.

Now we wait...

2014-03-16, 05:15 AM
Lysa was about to talk more, but when someone gag all she can say is, "Mmmmn mnnnh mmmhn mmmmnh".

Sadly the little picie don't know if they can understand that anciant and noble language.

2014-03-16, 05:28 AM
@Lysa: A large invisible hand removes the gag and a second set of hands places a burlap sack on your head, covering your view.

"I want to know what this one is saying anyways. We have awhile until Dekvi's message reaches them anyways. And it will be far better than listening to you two quarrel over the Master's grand plan."

You cannot see, but you can speak, as a tremendous the monstrous voice addresses you.

"Lysa...Silentwhisper. yes, what did you have to say? We could use some idle talk before your friends come here, anyway."

2014-03-16, 05:32 AM
"Nice winter, huh?", Lysa say trying to start conversation with them, "Care to explain me a little why this is happening? Not friends from Arabela I guess since you know the rest and she would more likely to be called queen instead of master... Which make me wonder, who's your master?".

She listen to them and try to pinpooint them as they move around her, trying to see which distance they're from her. If she was to escape it would be good to know they weren't too close to her.

2014-03-16, 05:41 AM
@Lysa: Although you cannot see, you know Alynnis is a few feet above you on a branch.

"It certainly is nice, little glowbug. Winter is particularly good for me, as your friends are about to find out when..or if they have the courage to come and fetch you."

The louder monstrous voice can be heard at, what you can guess is forty feet away from you.

"Araballa? Never heard of her. And we serve no queen..."

Alynnis interrupts him.

"Excuse me, Hibagon...royalty here. Are you forgetting?"

A third raspy voice laughs.

"Of goblins? Phsst! Laughable. You were kicked out of the Holy Sanctuary, Gloombow. You are a queen of no one."


"Don't you dare call me a dwarf, baldy! I'm a duergar! We came before those petty purists. We are the sons of Laduguer!"


The thrid monstrous voice quiets both down.

"As for Master? yes, he has been quite keen on your progress for awhile. Mainly those that travel with you. Seems you came out from somewhere no man or beast ever has. This has warranted his attention. So, he sent the best to deal with you. Although this must be overkill, seeing as how easy it was to capture you. If this is the best they got, then our Master will be pleased to know we should be back in the Ward real soon..."

2014-03-16, 05:53 AM
"So you're a royalty too? And got kicked off? Same here", Lysa tell Alynnis something she havent even talked to their friends, "I was heir to a small pixie court, but my sister, Arabella, planned my demise and failing that went on a pixie hunt aggainst me. Why they kicked you off? And I thought you were an illumian, not a goblin".

She try to turn her face towards the duergar's voice, "Dont duergars dislike sunlight? Are you feeling confortable? And what's the matter of glowbug? I dont even glow you know? It's pixie. P - I - X - I - E".

Theb to their boss, "That accursed valley? That was a pretty close call. What is this Ward you talk about? Is it where you guys party? Or maybe a tavern... What an odd name for a tavern"

2014-03-16, 06:19 AM
@Lysa: You hear a ruffling of feathers and a few clumps of snow fall on your head as a branch twangs above and Alynnis leaves her perch.

"Someone who recognizes royalty when they see it. Well, my story is one wothy of bards everywhere on oerth..."

You hera a slump on the snow as Dekvi releases a sigh.

"Here we go again..."

Alynnis clears her throat.

"As I was saying before the ugly one began interrupting me: I was trained in a valley most sacred. Some would call it Holy....bah. It was a jungle domain in the farthest reaches north of oerth. The Feathered Vale. There, I was trained by a slithering race called Couatls- self serving snakes that praise 'all that is good and holy and yadda yadda yadda.' Whatever. I trained hard. Pushed myself to the limits. Learned to master their flight and, because I was a prodigy when I got there, climbing up the heirarchy to become a..."

Dekvi looks at her and snickers.

"Say it. Say it! You know that's your title, oh queen...hehehhee"

Alynnis sighs.

"A rainbowservant...anyway! It was my right to rule the Feathered Vale. The couatls were old and I was young and gorgeous and powerful. Like I am now. So, because of their jealousy, I was banished. Thankfully, a tribe of gobloins took me in as their queen...after I vaporized half their tribe, but the message was sent across. So that's my tale. I will regain my psoition as Queen of Couatls and the Feathered Vale. With Ensi gone, none shall get in my way. I just need more power and the Master can provide that."

Dekvi gets up and rubs off the snow from his hands,

"Amen, Cruel Laduguer! She's finished! As for you, glowbug, I get to call you whatever I want. You're our prisoner...but not for long...hehehheehe. And you haven't seen this weather? No sun, Silentwhisper. It's winter. I'm just as comfortable out here as down there. And should the sun come out, well, that won't be much of a problem for me. I always have a trick up my sleeve."

Hibagon's voice can be heard several feet away.

"So you did escape the valley...Jottun's Foot. I still cannot understand how. And the ward isn't a place to party or a tavern! It's a most ahllowed training ground! The Master built it countless years ago. The finest assassins on oerth and beyond come from the Ward! You will not disrespect its sanctity!"

Dekvi takes a few steps in the snow and addresses his associates.

"So who gets who? The pixie is trapped, so she's of no concern. But then there's the shaman, the elf, the drow, and the paladin. Who gets who?"

Alynnis flies around above you.

"I can handle all the elf. In fact, I can handle all of them on my own."

Dekvi laughs.

"Right...because you have a weapon..not! Besides, all you can do is magic, and the wizard can jump around."

Hibagon lands on the ground as this one shakes.

"The wizard and the drow are mine. You two handle the rest."

2014-03-16, 06:30 AM
"I thought the couatls were a race of good creatures...", Lysa says trying to remember anything she can about them, the Feathered Valley and those rainbow servants.

Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]
Bardic Lore: [roll1]

"So it's like your hideout, your fortress or headquarters? Where it's located? Never heard of that place at all", she say to the leader of them and then add, "I can see why you keep Alynnis with you", then looking toward her, "I like your name", then back to the leader, "But why do you keep this dwarf with you? He knows no manners", Lysa says hping not to get punched.

"And what's the matter with Jottun's Foot?What your master have to do with that? It's a bleak place with no much interesting things..."

2014-03-16, 09:29 AM
@Lysa: Couatls would be knowledge (the planes), by the way

Try as you can to hearken any memory regarding Couatls, all you can go for is by Alynnis' descriptions.

Whether this is true or not, remains to be seen if you ever have a chance to do some research on them.

Alynnis speaks in your directions.

"You thought wrong, then..."

Hibagon raises his voice.

"I believe the prisoner asks too many questions and I may be regretting taking the gag off her mouth."

Dekvi walks around the snow below.

"We can cut off her tongue. Send another paper planer. Like a collection... hehhehehee."

2014-03-16, 12:52 PM
"Ok ok, no more questions then", Lysa say as she shut her mouth for a while.

Quite a feat.

After a few moments she ask one last question, "So now what? We just wait?"

2014-03-16, 06:31 PM
Archadious is slightly unnerved at the sight of the ghostly fish shapes that begin to swim around the study. He also notices the water that seems to be seeping in through the mirror onto the floor of the study which seems to be developing an ocean smell.

This is indeed quite strange. It's almost as if the use of the scry spell has opened a gap in the fabric of Oerth. Like a teleportaiton spell, but greater.

I wonder if perhaps... I may even be able to utilize this as a means of direct transport to her location

His curiosity takes ahold, and he attempts to use his magical and arcane knowledge in an attempt to learn more about this effect.

the roll: [roll0]
+27 if spell craft 29
+20 if knowledge arcana 22

Edit* I'm guessing I probably failed this... :smallannoyed:

Then the elf continues to speak to Slyvain, starting to realize that he ought to hurry this conversation lest Silas's study become completely flooded. He looks at her through the mirror.

Do you wish me to be there immediately? I have little else going on at the moment, and could teleport to your location now.

He says, studying Slyvain's surroundings in case he did need to teleport there.

Or if you can give me a day to prepare some more, I can bring Bodar from Bludhaven too.

2014-03-16, 06:50 PM
@Lysa: Alynnis flies to another bnach above you as more clumps of snow fall on your head, protected by the burlap sack.

"I guess we wait now... I guess it would've been better to hunt them where they were originally, no?"

Hibagon lays against the tree as this one shakes.

"No. The master wanted us to engage them all together. This is a test, Alynnis. Our final exam."

Dekvi walks away through the snow.

"And an easy one it shall be..."

@Archaidous: You look around at the shapes swimming on the walls and ceiling and the gushing of sea water, but this is not a spell you have ever seen before. Let alone heard of.

Sylvain takes out a single lock picking tool as she kisses it for good luck.

We're fine! Just give us a few minutes, if you can. And you know me- there is no lock that can resist my charms. Ha!

The mirror allows you to get closer to Sylvain as she tinkers with the door.

Dammit! The sea has made this lock sturdier. Did it just eat my lock pick? Ralftus! Do you have that scroll of Knock?

Yeah, hold on. What the...

Sylvain turns to look at you, but her eyes dart upward, beyond the scope of the mirror.

Sweet Sehanine! What is that?

Gurgling roars can be heard on the opposite side of the mirror as a shadow covers Sylvain and the room you're in begins to spurt more and more sea water as Silas climbs on his desk.

"What on Delleb's name is happening? Archaidous! Shut off the connection!"

That's when a deep female's voice can be heard from beyond the mirror.


The shadows in the room circle through the walls at increasing speed as Sylvain draws weapons, but you can see fear in her face.

2014-03-16, 07:07 PM
@Irraly: This takes place on the same day Archaidous and Aradia arrive in Justcrown

Weeks have gone by...

Alerted by Anzaril, you have taken it upon yourself to find where these new offenders mught be...if they are enemies at all.

However, after weeks of searching and even asking Gigglemug for assistance, your search turns out empty.

I know Lysa went for the Font of Life to join up with you and Anzaril. that's the last time I saw her. I'm sorry.

Casyllyn has entered deep hibernation in her tree and, no matrer how loud you have spoken, no answer has come out.

Then there's Alex...where is Alex and Uwellyn? Their training has taken longer than expected.

You return to the Font of Life as Anzaril sits by the shore looking at her crystal ball.

"Still nothing. Whoever these guys are, they are hiding their presence rather well. Any luck?"

That's when a paper plane flies through the cold winds and lands at your feet.

Anzaril picks it up and unfolds it.

"Oh no... Irraly, come here."

The parchment has a lock of hair. silver. This is Lysa's, no doubt.

A letter reads below.


We have the pixie and, unless you want more body parts delivered, bring Aradia, Archaidous, Alexander, and Irraly to the Eastern Marches. The map is included below. Memorize it for your own sake. And don't forget- the more time you take, the less chances you have of the pixie being in one piece. A hair today. An ear tomorrow.

The Trinity

P.S. Just so you know we're serious here. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/explosiveRunes.htm)

Anzaril falls back from the backlash of force energy, but your drow nature washes protects you completely as the letter turns to ashes.

Anzaril gets up and dusts off her robes as she straightens her hair.

"Well, who are these imbeciles? The Trinity? Never heard of them. Do you have a way of reaching the otehrs?"

Business Scrub
2014-03-16, 07:40 PM
Emilia looks around, increasingly uncomfortable by the spell.

"Archadious is this supposed to happen..? Are we teleporting?"

She prepares herself for whatever might come through, or to suddenly be in the sea. That's when the voice calls out, curious to say the least.

She tries to respond through the mirror, not sure if the spell allows for it.

"And who rules this domain? Who's name should we tell to those who ask who rules the waves?"

2014-03-16, 07:52 PM
@Aradia: Silas is already on top of his desk as the water level begins to rise and barnacles begin to appear on the shelves as fish swim around his desk.

The drawers on the shelf open as a sea water pours from them, spilling countless notes, ink vials and other wizard paraphernalia into the flooded ground.

Toxique pops his head into the study and looks at everything happening.

"Uhhh... I'll be downstairs."

Silas watches the Mephit leave and scowls at him.

"Coward. Afraid he'll be washed out. But no, Aradia. This is definitely not a teleport effect. Whatever Archaidous contacted through scrying on the other side must have a tremendous pull and effect here as well."

You then address the mysterious voice as luminous fish swim around your legs.

The voice sounds inside the room now as an area of the flooded room begins to rise in bubbles, as if a geyser were to explode at any moment.


Silas takes a floating book from the rising water and flips through it.

"Zyanya...Zyanya. Where have I read about that name? Archaidous, if you're going to do something, do so now! The mirror may be the cause of this abnomality!"

2014-03-16, 07:56 PM
Archadious's curiosity regarding the nature of this magical anomaly turns to fear and concern for his friends when he hears the strange voice from the image. From the look of fear in Slyvain's eyes, he has the feeling that if he doesn't act immediately, he will lose his friends again, perhaps more permanently this time.
Something that he was not about to just let happen without trying anything.

What is that...? Slyvain, get out of there!

He shouts, desperate to save his friends.

In a quick attempt to come up with a way of saving them, he glances at the mirror, perhaps if water seemed to be able to come through one side, one might be able to go the other way.

First, he turns to Silas.

Silas, can you end this? I'm going to see what I can do to save them.

The elf then quickly reaches out his hand to touch the mirror.
Half-hardheartedly expecting his rash idea to work, he also prepares to cast a string of teleports should the mirror remain solid.

If the mirror idea doesn't work, which I'm not expecting it to:

- taking out scroll of teleport
- casting teleport (not from scroll) [roll0]
- casting celerity + teleport (again not the scroll) [roll1]
if I succeed in getting there:
- contingency + celerity + teleport from scroll to result of first teleport

2014-03-16, 08:06 PM
"A final test? And I was thinking you were the better ones from the Ward, but you're still green I guess", Lysa says regreting after the words come out her mouth.

Trying to make them ignore what she just said, she quickly shot a question, "How long for them to come here?"

2014-03-16, 08:15 PM
@Archaidous: If whatever force came through the mirror, perhaps...

You reach into the mirror itself and reach out to Sylvain and have a chance to glance, if only for a few seconds, what has your friend so terrified.

The tower is gigantic, breaking the clear skies in the middle of a vasrt ocean. What little land surrounds the tower is made of barnacle covered rocks, but that isn't the biggest issue.

A cylinder of water surrounds the tower, like a funnel. As if the ocean itself has been modeled to engulf Tearra Rehm completely.

You can see Ralftus, a few feet away, being dragged into the water wall by a tentacle as Grom tries to wrestle with a gigantic troll like creature fifty feet away as it lifts him up and walks into the water.

Sylvain holds on to your hand as you see more and more creatures emerge from the water wall.

These are the size of humans, but their appearance is definitely that of a fish. A freen scaly fish man with tridents and spears and blades.

Sylvain looks at you as she holds your handwith a tight grip.

that's when you feel the oxygen in your lungs being replaced by water.

Not wasting time, you alter Space & Time and bring the elf back with you across the mirror as you fall on your back with Sylvain on top of you as both cough up sea water.

@Aradia: Silas looks at you as the mirror remains intact.

Taking a deep sigh he looks at your blade.

"Break it now, woman!"

2014-03-16, 08:19 PM
@Lysa: You feel a clamp like claw on your tiny head.

Hibagon's voiuce can be heard directly on your left ear, with a snarl.

"Not very smart, pixie... I may not be green, but I can make you black blue and red all over if you don't shut up!"

You decide to shut it...for a few seconds before speaking up as Hibagon roars in frustration and Alynnis chuckles.

"That depends, Silentwhisper. Who knows how long your friends value your life."

2014-03-16, 09:04 PM
heart of water allows water breathing, so no need to cough up water

When Archadious steps through the mirror and grabs ahold of Slyvain, he quickly glances around the island and at the massive tower. But when he sees the approaching fish-men, he doesn't hesitate to cast celerity and pull his elven friend back through the mirror, but in the split second that he does so, he realizes that he could have also grabbed ahold of Ralftus, who had been within a few feet of them.

Once they are back in Silas's rather flooded study, Archadious quickly attempts to right his mistake and rush back through to save Ralftus, but in his dazed state, all he is able to do is trip and fall

No! Grom. Ralftus...

He mutters in despair.
Once again he had failed his friends. And once again, they had been left to whatever horrible fate awaited them at the hands of this Zyanya. The elf is dimly aware of the flooding room around him as his mind is consumed by guilt, and the realization that he had failed them for the second time.

Tears begin to fall from his eyes, and fighting through the mental pain he whispers to Aradia.

Yes, end the spell before those on the other side come through.

2014-03-16, 09:05 PM
@Aradia: You watch the flooded study and the guzzling bubbles, beginning to expand in size as Anzaril's voice comes in through your mind.

Aradia! Where in all blazes are you and Archaidous? We need you at the Font. NOW!

@Aradia & Archaidous: Silas looks at the mirror as he watches his tomes, soaked, floating around his study as the water level keeps gradually rising.

"How am I going to clean this mess...WAHHH!"

Justcrown's greatest mage falls back from his desk onto the water and spits some salt water as he cleans his eyes.

Then all of you watch the guzzling bubbles explode in a majestic torrent of sea water, boring a hole in Silas' roof as a creature comes walking out of it.

This creature is roughly seven feet tall and wears a black tight fitted armor made of dragon scales with sea motifs carefully worked into them, representing sharks. The creature has four long arms ending in webbed claws, one which holds a golden trident tipped with barnacle blades that drip water on the ground constantly.

On its shoulders, it drags a long and majestic cloak, made of black seaweed with fish bones stitched into them.

The creature's face is a horrible visage to behold- wide faced with a sharks mouth, bearing white menacing jaws. A pair of huge gills act as ears for this green scaled creature and a pair of round octopus eyes with an green glowing iris flot inside them as the creature carries Sylvain in her hands and looks at all of you.

As with Arrallae and Palindurias, there is no doubt- this is one of them. Most likely the one representing Water. The creature looks at all of you and immediately, the feeling of drowning invades your lungs as the monster effortlessly carries Sylvain by the pony tail.

"She's mine! She dared break into MY treasure, so I claim her! Does anyone contest this?"

Christine Daae
2014-03-16, 09:41 PM
Over the past few weeks Irraly had noticed the drastic change in temperature as she began to spend more and more time with Anzaril to keep warm. Had it not been for her friends help she was not even sure she would have been able to survive in her old cave, no doubt completely blocked by the snow by now.

Looking for the others was no easy task either. Lysa being just as bad as Alex. Gigglemug said she was going to the font of life, maybe she got lost along the way. I should double back and see if I run into her. the drow says to herself as she trys to find the little pixie.

As Irraly returns to the font of life she looks beyond it to the sky above where Anzaril said her sisters castle dwelt yet none could reach or even see, wondering why it was so. No I could not find any sign of them, nor Lysa or the others for that matter. Gigglemug said last he saw her she was coming this way, do you mind scrying for her to see if she got lost? Irraly asks her friend before noticing a odd paper contraption flying on the cold winds, landing a few feet away from drow and fey.

Going over to one of her lovers as a look of concern comes on her face and she is called over Irraly tentatively reads the letter as a strand of silver hair falls into her hand. No they can't hurt Lysa. I already lost Violet, I can not lose Lysa as well she has been so nice to us, who would do this. tears come down the drow maidens eyes as she comes to the last line and an explosion erupts around her, causing sadness to turn into anger. Anzaril please contact the others, I will try to reach Lysa. Irraly says as she casts one of the earliest spells she had learned.

Lysa this is Irraly. Are you ok, what happened we have a letter saying you are captured. Can you tell me about captors?

Business Scrub
2014-03-16, 09:58 PM
Emilia looks around, confusion turning to a bit of panic as Archadious vanishes.

"Damn you crazy mages!"

But she doesn't have to be told twice. She pulls out her sword and slams the point into the mirror, shattering it into a thousand pieces, and hopefully stopping the spreading water.

What? What the hell is going on? I think we're going into the middle of the ocean at the moment!

2014-03-16, 10:08 PM
@Aradia: You don't have to be told twice as your amber blade shatters the mirror to a million shards, but the water in the study remains.

Silas looks at his scrying mirror and makes some mental notes.

"Oh, Delleb... that was one expensive mirror!"

But although connection with the other side has been cut off, your relief is short, as Zyanya appears in a froth of water and you take a good look at her.

A sahuagin. Lore says that this race of underwater creatures were spawned eons ago in the deepest trenches of the vast oceans of Oerth. As orcs are to elves on land, Sahuagin are natural enemies of sea elves.

Akin to sharks, sahuagins are able to sense prey without the need of sight. Like sharks, they are known to go into a frenzy, much like barbarians. Years living in the darkest recesses of the ocean has rendered Sahuagin partially blind when exposed to bright sunlight.

And of course, with such familiarity to sharks, sahuagin are able to speak to them, much like a common man would address their pet dog.

However, lore says that one in a millionth in their species are born "gifted". A mutation, or so scholars would say. These Sahuagin are born with an extra set of limbs and are regarded as natural rulers amongst the undersea kingdoms.

Of course, if this is in fact Zyanya and one of the Six, who knows what else she might possess.

2014-03-16, 10:32 PM
The glimmer of hope Archadious had gained upon rescuing Slyvain shatters when he sees the imposing sahuagin standing before them. This was exactly the thing he had been hoping to avoid after the encounter with Palindurias, a direct confrontation with another one of the six.

Soaked to the skin from the water that is now everywhere, Archadious turns to face the sea god.
He was not about to give up on his friend. But knowing that a direct fight with one of the six would not end well for any of them, he instead attempts to reason with the sahuagin.

Yes, Zyanya, Lord and ruler of the oceans. I disagree with your statement on both parts.

You are claiming ownership of this elf with the reason being, according to you, that she broke into your treasure.
Your statement is slightly incorrect on two parts. The first being that she didn't actually break into the tower or the treasure. You call her a thief, but she has not actually stolen anything of yours has she?
And the secondly, she, and none of the others that you took had any idea that what lay in the tower was yours. For all they knew, it was an abandoned watchtower. I don't think you should fault them completely for intruding onto what is yours if there was no indication to begin with that it was yours.

You already have the other two, perhaps you could show one of the qualities that the best rulers have, mercy. Spare this one and at the same time, have a living witness to the ferocity of your attack spread the word of how the Tower of Terra Reahm is not to be approached, and belongs to Zynaya. Shark of the depths.

2014-03-16, 11:20 PM
Lysa stay quiet and smiling for a time. Hopefully the bag in her head made it impossbile for them to see she is having fun.

Seeing no one other than the illumian is talkative, Lysa ignore the rest and try to speak with her.

"You know, I've never saw one illumian till today, but have heard lots of thigns about you... Like...", she then begin talking about whatever legend oe illumian hero she might heard in her travels.

Bardic Lore [roll0]
Perform [Storyteller] [roll1]

"I know you are related to humans, but dont know exactly how much like you are... Can you bring some light on that matter for me? Unless it's inconvenient or anything like that, in that case just forget".

2014-03-16, 11:38 PM
@Archaidous: Zyanya walks up to you and stands inches away from your face as she grins, showing her shrak teeth at you.

Like a predator of the sea, this monster could probably devour your head in one swift chomp if she so desired, and it is only because of your transmutations that you are able to with stand her aura, which seeks to drown both Aradia and Silas.

The Shark of the Depths listens to your argument as she raises Sylvain by the ponytail and sniffs her out.

"An elf saving his kin... commendable. I remember when I awoke at the bottom of a coral reef. They tell me I was found inside a conch shell by a squad of your sea faring kin..."

Zyanya looks at Sylvan as she grins.

"They tasted delicious. However, you do make a point and my treasure is safe. I will allow your elven thief to leave and she shall be up to your good graces. The others are mine, and so they shall remain a part of my crew. As for your precious little Sylvain..."

Zyanya looks at the tribal shadows swimming around the room as one made to look like a shark swims through the flooded floor of the study and swims up Zyanya's scaly leg and onto Sylvain's thigh, embedding itself as a fresh new black tattoo.

"If she ever sails the high seas. I will know. If she ever attempts to steal my treasures. I will know. And woe be to those in her company if she does attempt to take away from Zyanya!"

The Shark of the Depths tosses Sylvain into your arms as she looks around at the drowning shaman and wizard.

"Mortals... they make plundering too easy. Better hope we never meet again, elf. Mercy is not a trait I imprint upon my crew and prey."

And in a grand explosion of sea foam, Zyanya, ruler of the depths and one of the Six, disappears in the same way she came, as the sea water recedes and the barnacles dry up to brittle substance as the study lies damp, cold and smelling of the sea.

2014-03-17, 12:08 AM
Archadious listens with bated breath, hoping that this would not result in an all out conflict which they were sure to lose but when Zyanya mentions waking up in a coral reef he can't help but raise his eyebrows.
It seemed that this one too had woken up mysteriously with no recollection of what happened before.

Had the circumstances been different and had he not been attempting to save his friend, Archadious might have attempted to see whether the mentioning the names of the other three might spark a recollection of memories.
But he keeps quiet.

And finally, when the Shark of the Depths finally departs in another explosion of water, Archadious sighs with relief. After checking to make sure that everyone around him was no longer suffering from any drowning effects, he turns to Slyvain on the floor.

Well that was a disaster. I'm sorry I failed to do more to save the others. That's the second time I've failed him, and I'm afraid this time he won't be so lucky.

He sighs then continues.

As for you, I think you should be safe as long as you stay away from the oceans. I guess that tower was left alone for a reason.

Then he holds out his hand and helps her stand up.

Archadious looks around at the remains of the room, then at Silas, and finally at the remains of the mirror.

Sorry about the mirror, and the room for that matter. The room and water damage should be easy to remove with some cantrips I think, I can help with that. As for the mirror, I am very sorry about that. But if you can, give me a chance to rest and I believe I have something that may be able to fix the mirror.
Also, I think it goes without saying that I should owe you some form of monetary compensation for the troubles I've caused.

He finishes, reaching into his bag and handing 400 gold pieces to Silas.

Then, he suddenly realizes Slyvain and the other two have not yet been formerly introduced.

Oh, and pardon my manners. Slyvain, these are two friends of mine. This is Aradia and that wizard over there is Silas. This happens to be his study that I think we just wrecked...
Aradia, Silas, this is Slyvain, one of my former companions and a good friend.

He says, introducing the two to the elf.

2014-03-17, 12:24 AM
@Archaidous: You help Sylvain up, who coughs some sea water and takes deep breaths as she hugs you, her eyes filled with tears.

"It was not your fault, Archaidous. We got greedy. I should have known. Ralftus and Grom... I will find them, I promise. I'll find a way to break whatever this thing on my leg is. But that monster will rue the day she took them from me."

Sylvain then looks around and realizes that she isn't alone.

"My apologies to both. I am Sylvain. Silas, Aradia. A pleasure to meet you both. Although the circumstances weren't...well."

Silas squeezes his sleeves off the excess sea water.

"It's alright, dear. It's a fad now."

Silas then rubs his hands together and the damp water recedes as the books, still wet are pushed back into their shelves.

"Thank you for the money, Archaidous. I am sorry for your loss, Lady Sylvain. Will you be going with Archaidous? If not, I know a great place you can stay for a few days. It's not too expensive."

Sylvain looks at you.

"Well, there is Bodar in Bludhaven. I'd like to go see him, but I don't know how far I am from there. Unless you want me to tag along?"

That's when Anzaril's voice comes in.

Archaidous! Didn't Aradia tell you? Lysa is in danger. The Font...NOW!

2014-03-17, 01:58 AM
@Lysa: Even with your head covered in a burlap sack, you are still able to speak.

And so, you address Alynnis.

"You never have? Odd. The file said you were Steiner's pupil. and he was called the Wandering Minstrel. Surely he must've told you about us during his travels."

A fluttering of feathers and more snow dropping on your head indicates that Alynnis has left her perch as her voice comes closer to yours, at eye level, if you had to guess.

"The Illumian race was born through the designs of Zarus, true god of mankind. We Illumians were the first descendants of his wife, Astra. However, as the generations wore on, the races intermingled, and so, humans like the ones you travel with- Alexander and Aradia, came to be. They are, in a way, lesser in design, for they lack the true potential to reach heights of greater power, mainly, the ability to manifest the sign of Zarus, which was embedded in my soul when I was yet within the womb. A sigil, the scholars call it. It is a divine blessing. As for who I was, well... I came from an old Flanaess Empire across the great Oceans of Oerth. There, I aspired to be like Queen Hamutrah of the Many Gifts. An exemplar Illumian. And one whose legend now fades into myth. I decided I wanted to be a reincarnation of her and so, I traveled the world, seeking power, much like you and your friends. And power I did find- in the Feathered Vale...but that is a tale for another day, Silentwhisper."

2014-03-17, 07:50 AM
"Interesting. I remember a tale that told the god of the illumians created then by using but a word and made the word alive, much like another legend I personally like, the one of the First Song. HAve you ever heard about it?"

2014-03-17, 03:21 PM
I would advise against trying to fight Zyanya. I don't think she'll be so merciful if you meet again. As of recently my current companions and I have been investigating several other individuals with power similar to her. I think they are all related in a way. And before long we will probably end up meeting her again. Please don't risk your life in an attempt to find them. Especially by yourself.

As for the strange thing on your leg...

Archadious then kneels to examine the shark tattoo that the Sea God had placed on Slyvains leg. He wonders if perhaps this was some sort of magical mark for some purpose of Zyanya's.

spellcraft: [roll0]

That's when he receives the message from Anzaril. And immediately he becomes alarmed.

Understood. Had some issues in Justcrown. Will bring Aradia as soon as I can. Have you reached Alex?

Then he turns back to the other three around him.

Aradia, I just received word from Anzaril that Lysa is in trouble. We best get to the Font as soon as we can.

Slyvain. I am sorry to have to leave at this time, but another friend of mine appears to be in need of assistance. I would also recommend heading to Bludhavem to find Bodar.
If you are willing to wait a day or two, I plan on returning and can take you to Bludhaven. In the meantime, I also recommend you stay in the Foaming Wench. It's run by a good friend of mine. Tell him you are a friend of Archadious.

He takes out another ten gold and a scroll of sending both of which he hands to her.

This should be enough for food and lodging at the Wench for a few days. And this scroll should allow you to reach me from anywhere in this plane. Do you know how to activate such a scroll?

Then the elf turns to Silas and Aradia.

Again Silas, thank you for allowing me to use your mirror. I must depart now but I promise that when I return I shall fix the mirror.

Aradia, whenever you are ready.

He says, holding out his hand and preparing to teleport to the Font.

2014-03-17, 03:23 PM
@Lysa: Alynnis goes silent as you mention a variant story to the Illumians.

"I had never heard of such tale, Silentwhisper. My training was not deeply rooted into lore, just the basics. My strength is in warfare. But tell me about this First Song...what does it do?"

2014-03-17, 03:47 PM
@Archaidous: Anzaril's voice comes in loud and clear.

Alex is unreachable at this point. I have Irraly here with me. We will have to do without him for now.

You then warn Sylvain about going after Zyanya, seeing how you have dealt with others similar to her, and of a possible connection.

Then, you hand her a few gold and a scroll, which Sylvain, still shaken from the recent events, takes reluctantly.

"I was the trapfinder in our group, Archaidous. Deciphering scrolls is one of my specialties. The Foaming Wench, you say? I will be there and await your return. Please be safe...and thank you."

You then take a look at Sylvain's leg, trying to figure out what the tattoo left by Zyanya is.

This is powerful magic, alright. A combination of hexes, much like a curse. It will allow Zyanya to spy on Sylvain anywhere she goes, particularly if she's on the ocean or nearby. Moreso, it can inflict great pain on Sylvain if the caster so chooses, possibly even death.

There may be methods to remove it, like curses normally can, but failure to do so may instead spread the tatoo and all its properties to the caster should they fail to remove the mark, leaving two people under Zyanya's curse.

Sylvain nods in understanding.

"The Foaming Wench, got it. I'll be waiting for you there. Please be careful, Archaidous. You and Bodar are all the family I have left now."

Silas gets up and walks Sylvain downstairs.

"I will give you directions on how to get to the Wench, dear. And don't worry about the mess. It wasn't your fault. Archaidous, Aradia- good luck. I know what you two are capable of doing, so stay safe."

You then hold on to Aradia and focus on the Font of Life as the study begins to rumble and shake, unmaking itself.

Bending Time & Space once more, you alter the terrain so as to be standing on the snow covered hillock overlooking the Font of Life where Irraly and Anzaril are already waiting.

Irraly rushes to Aradia and gives her a hug.

"By the Maiden! You're safe, Aradia. I missed you. Good to see you as well, Archaidous. You could've contacted us during your absence, you know? Tell us how things were going."

Anzaril holds her crystal ball as she walks towards both.

"Some group called the Trinity has Lysa hostage. They gave us a map and asked specifically for you three and Alex to meet them. Clearly a trap. How are you going to go about this?"

2014-03-17, 04:20 PM
"Well, keep in mind it was a tale I heard from a human bard, long ago. It's not to like I'm trying to make things up etc", Lysa warns her in case her tale enfuriates her.

"A very very long time ago the gods created the multiverse. WHich deities? I dont know. When it was? I dont know either", Lysa begins her tale, "But one thing is certain: the trigger that made the world was through a song. The First Song. A song with the power of creation, a song which only those who seek it may catch a little bit of the melody, a song that makes the planets and even the several planes in our world move in an eternal dance", Lysa then look at her and pause for a few seconds, "Music and magic are very similar you know? The incantations and melodies in each one have power. When a cleric pray for his deity for power to heal the wounded or to punish the wicked, there's power there too. And what does they all have in common? Words. Words carry great powers, even the name of the things and people have a certain power. You are nobility like me and I'm sure you know a king's order is a simpel thing an old man open his mouth and say, like anyone else, but it have power of command, for example. That's how the Illumians were born: words made flesh through a powerful human long time before, using this same principle of words of creation", Lysa finish and quickly add, "Of course, this is just a tale and a human version of your tale. Not necessary true nor anything, dont mean to offend you and say your race is lower than humans because humans gave birth to you or anything like that. To be honest, you're a good captor. I like you", she adds the last words for surprise of everyone.

Perform Oratory [roll0]
Bluff [roll1]

Christine Daae
2014-03-17, 09:01 PM
I say we attack them from above, Anzaril you saw the map could you scry the area and give us an idea of what we are walking into? Irraly asks as she turns to the more powerful mage. Archadious I have a few cantrips I could use to our advantage like ghost sound to throw them off and maybe even make them go and investigate making our job a simple recuse. Irraly says trying to think of a plan. Anzaril you said this is more then likely a trap, meaning they are no doubt hiding or even invisible, so coming from above the tree line may not be enough. Is there any way we will be able to see them threw magic? Or at least stop them from seeing us?

2014-03-17, 09:41 PM
@Irraly: Anzaril looks at her crystal ball.

"Unlike last time, something very strong is shielding this Trinity or whatever they are. I remember the map, vaguely- you should be able to find them in the Eastern Marches, but other than that, I do not know. I can send all of you to the Eatsern Marches- but it's a big expanse of the woods. After that, you're on your own. I will maintain contact with you, of course. as to what they might have on, I have no idea."

2014-03-17, 09:41 PM
Archadious listens to Anzaril describe the situation and Irraly suggest possible plans of attack.

Invisibility is one thing, I can see through that with the right spell. But if they use illusions, that could be an issue, especially considering that we won't have Alex with us to pierce through them. As for stopping them from seeing us,

He shakes his head.

If they are powerful enough, they should have the ability to cast true seeing, completely negating any sort of illusions that we might attempt to use.
The best way to stay hidden would be to rely on natural stealth.... which I can't really say is my strong suit.

Furthermore, I have already used up several of my spells today teleporting and scrying. If we go now I may not be at full spell capacity.

Christine Daae
2014-03-17, 09:48 PM
just make sure I can see them, and I will make them pay for stealing Lysa. I don't care, they crossed the line taking her. At least if they would have come after one of us they would have had a fight. Irraly says furious as her mind drifts back to Violet over and over again.

Handing Archadious the note and lock of Lysa's hair Irraly shakes her head, If we wait a day who is to say we can repair the damage they do? They have the clear advantage on us. And without Alex around we can not even rely on him getting their in time. Perhaps a simple search and rescue may work best then.

2014-03-17, 10:02 PM
Archadious listens to Irraly explain why they cannot wait any longer.

Fair enough, although I'm not too fond of the idea of charging in blindly with little to no information about our foes and less than my full spell repertoire. But it seems we have little other choice.

He then turns to the fey standing besides them.

Before you send us off, I have one more question. You managed to reach both Aradia and I with what seemed to be sending spells or some form of long-distance telepathy. Can you find or possibly do the same with Lysa?

2014-03-17, 10:16 PM
@Archaidous: Anzaril rubs her chin.

"I can try. Hold on..."

Anzaril shuts her eyes and winces as she grits her teeth in anger.

"Well, this isn't good. Lysa can speak, but she's tied up and blindfolded. She says she heard three and saw one. Apparently, the one she saw was loaded with abjurations... and that was a few days ago when she was captured. She does not have an immediate idea of where she is, however."

Business Scrub
2014-03-17, 10:40 PM
"What's going on? Anzaril just said there was--"
Before she knows it, Emilia reappears near the Font of Life.
"trouble. Oh hey guys."

But her expression turns to worry as she hears of Lysa's fate.

"We start looking for her then, right? Archadious, do you have anything that can help us search? Perhaps we can sneak in and steal her back before this 'Trinity' is any wiser."

2014-03-17, 10:44 PM
@The Party minus Alex & Lysa: Anzaril looks at all of you as she pockets the crystal ball.

"I can send you now to the general location, but after that, you're on your own. Just let me know when you're ready."

2014-03-18, 12:16 AM
Archadious listens to Anzaril's recounting of her message from Lysa.

So now we at the very least know that there are three of them, although that should have been obvious from the name The Trinity. And at least one of them is a spellcaster.

Aradia, like I just told Irraly, if these foes were able to capture Lysa, who was likely invisible at the time, then I suspect that they will have trouble seeing through any illusions that we may attempt to use.
As for locating Lysa, I am not an expert on divination and I what spells may help I neglected to prepare. Our only option is to walk in and look for her. Keep in mind that we don't need to fight this Trinity. As soon as we get Lysa, I can teleport us away.

He finishes and begins to think to himself for a bit, before he has another idea.

Then he turns to Irraly and Anzaril.

Do you know if Enoka and her brood are asleep already? And if not, might they be willing to help us?
Alternatively, are there any other allies in the woods that may be willing to assist us? These kidnappers are most likely expecting us, but the appearance of something else may blindside them and disrupt their preparations.

2014-03-18, 12:17 AM
As Irraly sees no one taking the initiative she looks to the others. Who knows how long they have had her, and how long it took this message to get here. Anzaril please bring us as close as you can. On the ground though as we do not know the full situation. Who knows with luck we may still get the jump on them. Irraly says hoping the spells she had ready would be enough in this battle.

As Archadious asks if either she or Anzaril knew about Enoka and the others Irraly looks at the thick snow covering the ground. I thought you were a learned mage Archadious, spiders do not like the cold and instead hide. No doubt Enoka and her brood are deep underground far away from any of this snow. Irraly says then thinking about her sisters the summer court. As for the fey who make this home, I am not sure if any besides Anzaril are still awake. And if they are, they would probally not be able to make it in time to help. We need to show these people why we were given the title of guardians everyone. Lets go save Lysa.

2014-03-18, 12:33 AM
@Archaidous: Anzaril looks at you and shakes her head.

"Not in this time of year, no. Enoka and her Brood recede deep inside the Hollows to slumber, after capturing fat prey to feed on regularly during winter.

The Covens have entered hibernation within their linked trees. Casyllyn may be of help, if she can be reached, but Uwellyn is with Alex and she asked me not to interrupt them during their training, no matter what. There's the Petal Court, but they are far away. If you wait a few weeks, they might arrive, but the letter was very explicit about time frames. Then of course, there's Gigglemug, but I can't possibly imagine what he might be able to do."

@Irraly: Anzaril places your hand on your shoulder and then looks at everyone.

"Unless there is any other objection, I am taking Irraly with me to the Eastern Marches. Who is coming?"

2014-03-18, 11:49 AM
"Can't see, can talk, three captors. Illumian ice caster. Too much protections. Duergar. One unknown. Probably elf slayer. They know our tactics. True seeing. Invisiblity", Lysa answer the Sending spell counting her words carefully to not extend the word limits and still give as much info as she can.

2014-03-18, 02:43 PM
Very well then, it appears we will be alone in this fight. I suppose there is little else we can do to prepare. Give me a moment.

Archadious pulls out one of his metamagic rods and casts several short-term spells.

contingency celerity
elemental body - air
heart of earth
heart of water (these three were already cast)
extended cats grace
extended see invisibility
resist energy fire on everyone

Aradia can give us all cold immunity right?

Once he finishes casting, he turns to Anzaril

Alright, lets go rescue the pixie.

2014-03-18, 02:53 PM
@Archaidous: please specify which elemental body you are choosing, according to the spell descriptor

You cast multiple transmutations and abjurations on yourself and Aradia and Irraly and look at Anzaril.

Whoever got Lysa trapped would pay. And pay hard.

Anzaril gathers all of you together and shuts her eyes as the Font of Life begins to shudder and quake as the frozen lake remakes itself and you appear surrounded by snow covered trees and a barely visible trail with light footprints on it.

"The Eastern Marches. This is as far as I can go now, I will, however, be watching from the Font of Life your every movement, focusing on Irraly. Good luck."

And with that said, the Witch of the Fens disappears as green frogs are left in her wake which hop around silently before disappearing.

Now, to find Lysa.

Business Scrub
2014-03-18, 03:08 PM
Aradia prepares herself for a rescue mission, spreading her energy out and giving her companions a sense of awareness, and a stable unfamiliar warmth.

Unfortunately, I never get the ability to share cold immunity, which is lame. I can however give: Energy resistance (Cold 15) and Senses (+3 initiative, spot, and listen)

She arrives in the Eastern Marshes ready for the worst, sword and shield at the ready. Ideally, Lysa and the Trinity would be nearby.

2014-03-18, 03:31 PM
@Aradia, Archaidous, and Irraly: Once Anzaril is gone, Aradia transfers some of her draconis blessings to you as well as you follow the foot prints on the snow.

It does not take long to reach a beautiful snow covered grove with a large tree in the middle.

Forty feet up you can see little Lysa, tied with a rope against the tree and a burlap sack on her head.

Twenty feet above her and hovering, you see somebody new.

A human female. Bald and tattooed, with black slick armor and a buckler with a demon's face painted on it. The woman holds no weapons, but she does sport a set of large feathery wings with multicolored hues.

"Well, it would seem you finally made it. Good. We were getting bored waiting here for you. And i was about to have my fun with the pixie. However, one of you is missing...Alexander Anderson, the paladin. No matter, we can find him later. Irraly Torghym, Aradia Ferran and Archaidous Mithridomel, you have gained considerable renown in these past few months. You even escaped Jottun;s Foot unscathed. Nobody has been able to do that to date. That is something we cannot ignore. The pixie is in our hands. She cannot escape. If you surrender now, death will be swift. Painless. If you choose to engage, well..."

@Archaidous: Thankfully, you are able to see the unseen, but where magic ends, skills begin.

Make a Spot Check

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=64941)

2014-03-18, 03:41 PM
As Allinys begin talking tot he party Lysa smile, "They've come? Beware there's two others here as well!".

She then get ready to begin singing Arralae's song and, as she promised her, no one would listen it.

I dont think Lysa have her equipment with, right?

2014-03-18, 08:21 PM
@Lysa: Even with a burlap sack over your head, you warn the others of impending danger.

Alynnis snarls as he looks at the group.

"Quiet, you! We should have gagged you in retrospect. No matter. You are all here. The paladin has chickened out? No problem. We can hunt him afterwards."

@Archaidous: Thankfully, as an elf, you have keen eye sight and, although you have faced nearly invisible enemies before, these two are merely relying on illusions in an attempt at a surprise attack.

One to your left is hovering forty feet from the ground. Blue skinned and with an ogre's face, but somewhat more human- some might even say intelligent, even. The giant kin wears a black breast plate with a wicked great sword in hand as his dark blue eyes fix on you.

Then there's the other one to the right.

This one is on the ground and closer to Aradia. As large as Alex on a bad day, he looks like a dwarf, but bald and grey skinned, with a white beard and amber eyes.

The creature wears a black full plate and wields a very heavy hammer.

Know. nature and local, trained only for Archaidous, spell craft as well to check out possible magical auras.

Alynnis smiles as he looks at all of you.

"The paladin can wait his turn. Time to show the Master why the Trinity is rightfully feared!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSGTQX01i7s)

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=64971)

Roll initiative

2014-03-19, 12:17 AM
As the enlarged Irraly arrives at the place of battle her new form looks out for their enemies as her paladin abilities kick in.

I believe Trogs have blindsense, and Detect evil from Paladin

Sending a quick message to Archadious Irraly asks simply. Where are they, I may not be able to get them both, but I think making our enemies visable may be our first prioty. I have a spell granted to me by my ancestors that will allow me to outline one if you tell me where they are hiding, the other you will have to get though. Irraly says to her friend threw a simple cantrip as she sees Lysa tied to the tree and the woman flying above. I give you this one chance mortal, run. Turn tale and run. You have come into my home and kidnapped one of my friends. Otherwise you will end up like those we defeated in the valley. Just your master wont be picking up your pieces and making new creatures out of them.

2014-03-19, 12:51 AM
@Irraly: Alynnis laughs.

"I am flying, drow! There is nothing you can do against me. We are the Trinity, under direct supervision of the Ward! You have no chance against us!"

@Archaidous: Luckilly, you can see everyone involved in this fight.

And it does not look good.

The woman flying in front of you is heavily protected.

True Seeing, Freedom of Movement, Lesser Visage of the Deity, Entropic Shield, Recitation, Mass Conviction, Mass resist Energy , Mass Resist Energy , Fire Shield, Mass , Spell Immunity, Haste

Then theres the blue skinned giant kin flying a few feet above.

Magic Vestment, Bull's Strength, Greater Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Recitation, Mass resist Energy , Mass Resist Energy , Shield, Blink, Ebon Eyes, Stone Skin , Mass Fire Shield, Spell Immunity, Haste, Invisibility

Finally, you look at the grey dwarf. He's not short of magical protection either.

Recitation, Bull's Strength, Enlarge Person, Mass Conviction, Mass Resist Energy, Mass Resist Energy , Mass Fire Shield, Haste, Invisibility

@Aradia: A tremendous wallop is felt on your right shoulder as a hammer nearly crushes your arm, revealing a grey skinned dwarf the size of an ogre.

"This is even easier that I thought, yes!"

30 damage, apply DR if necessary

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=64973)








2014-03-19, 01:14 AM
You would be surprised how many have said such a thing and wound up dead. Irraly says with an amused look. And who says Alex did not come to the party? He is just better at hiding then some of us, likes to make sure he knows who to hit the hardest. Irraly says as she watches the dwarf slam his hammer into Aradia. And then their was only one left hiding. And if this was set up as an ambush I would assume your leader is over there no? Irraly says pointing to her left. Lysa it is time to stop entertaining them, lets go home.

2014-03-19, 01:19 AM
@Irraly: You watch Aradia get hit by a giant grey dwarf nad look at Alynnis as the sigil on ger forehead begins to spin.

"Nobody's going anywhere, drow. We have the pixie and we have you. Apparently, Alexander Anderson is too much of a coward. His file must've been grossly overexaggerated. If he were anything as decsribed in his information, he'd be put here right now, not hiding like a little weasel. Not that it would do him much good. At any rate, be a good drow and bow your head and accept defeat- it is clearly the best option for you."

2014-03-19, 08:29 AM
So it appears the Ward has sent yet another group of fools after us. If anything though, I find it hard to take you seriously with those ridiculous wings.
Aradia, do you still remember the last group of idiots that were sent to assassinate us? At least they had a common theme, what with sombreros and strange accents. Regardless, I would advise you run back to your master, whoever he is.

One the strange dwarf slams his hammer into Aradia, Archadious immediately leaps into action.

First, he responds to Irralys mental message.

Don't worry about the third for now. He is up to the left in the air. I suggest you and Aradia focus on the dwarf together and take him down. Two opponents will be significantly easier than one.

Then, the elf turns in the direction of the invisible blue ogre and pulls out his rod of quickening. Then with a quick gesture, he coats the ogres greatsword in grease.

reflex save dc: 20 or drop the sword

Save must be made every round

Immediately, he begins to cast another more powerful conjuration. This one conjures a thick fog around the ogre, severely limiting his movement.
At the same time, a smaller cloud of vapor appears in between the elf and the flying woman.

centered on the ogre

Cloudy conjuration between Archadious and Alynnis

Actually I'm not so sure that you have the pixie, and you most certainly do not have us.

He says, thinking of the ways Lysa might be able to escape her current predicament.

And what makes you so certain Alex isn't here? Do do you think we'd be foolish enough to have all of us enter your "trap" at once? For all you know, he could be hidden at the moment, and ready to charge in at just the right moment.

2014-03-19, 09:43 AM
@Archaidous: You look at the ogre mage, still inviisble and coat his weapon with grease.

However, the brute holds it tight in his hands. It shall never fall, in a manner similar to how Aradia was able to circumvent never losing her blade To Isiflis' grease spell.

Alynnis looks at you as a smile draws on her lips.

"So you know about the Ward? Too bad for you. I was told one of you has something belonging to the Ward, taken from Team Sombrero. Admittedly, they were low ranking assassins...an insult to the name. As for my wings? Silly little conjurer. You are going to learn to fear the power bestowed upon me."

You then cover a point in space, further up Irraly in solid fog as a cloud of sickening green and black mist appears in front of Alynnis, hopefully blocking her vision.

Alynnis smiles.

"I don't have the pixie? I've had her for days already, Archaidous. And as for you, I have a special little treat."

Alynnis decreases her altitude, so as to get a clear view of you and smiles as her wings have her hover in place, as she runs her hand across her buckler, clanking a pair of diminutive twin tuning forks which begins to spark electricity.

"Spell resistance is overrated, isn't it?"

@Irraly & Archaidous: Your bodies are filled wirth thousands of volts as an electric arc jumps between both of you, frying from inside.

68 electric damage, Reflex DC 22 for half, no SR

Then, you watch the blue skinned brute effortlessly leave the solid fog and charge at you with monstrous strength.

This is bad, the creature has used an ability similar to yours. One that allows him to break Space Time for a short burst. Whatever else he may be carrying, has allowe dhim to negate your fog altogether.

This attack looks like it will hit as the unseen monster makes a dive bomb towards you.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65018)

Alynnis watches you as the blue skinned beast is charging right at you.

"We have read his file. If he were here, he'd be gallantly standing right were you are, elf."








2014-03-19, 10:14 AM
@Lysa: You focus and begin chanting the Song taught to you by Arrallae.

The one none should ever hear.

You can tell, even though a sack covers your face, that the powers of this Cosmic Song are already benefitting your allies...

As drops of blood fall on the snow below.

Inspire Courage: Double the morale bonus on saving throws
against charm and fear and the morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls (+2 at 1st level, +4 at 8th level, +6 at 14th level, +8 at 20th level).

Damage to Lysa: 9








Christine Daae
2014-03-19, 10:15 AM
My race was born to battle like this, and my family climbed to the ranks of where it is now while giving labor, if you think such a petty palor trick is going to stop me you are wrong. Irraly says as she dodges the bolt of lighting coming at her, only be hit with the aftershock of it passing threw the air near her.

Looking to Lysa up above, Irraly calls to Aradia, Get Lysa I will distract him. and with that the drow maiden begins her dance, making her way threw the battlefield as indigo flames surround her blade as it comes down on the dwarf like creature.

Swift action wraith strike, Standard action Rhino's rush, free action chagrining smite

Attack [roll0] Power attack -5 damage [roll1] + [roll2] Electricity damage, dazed if the attack hits

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65021)

Business Scrub
2014-03-19, 10:28 AM
Aradia watches Irraly come charging through with all the force of a mountain and wastes no time. She sprouts wings and weaves behind the drow, up to Lysa and slicing through her bonds.

"You're right, if Alex was here, you'd see him. The thing is, he didn't want to be bothered today and let's be honest."

She looks back at the would-be assassin with Irraly's sword sticking through.

"We don't really need him for this."

2014-03-19, 11:04 AM
@Irraly: You cause the grove to shudder and shake as clumps of snow shed from their trees and the ground quakes in fear as you rush the duergar, as large as you.

Dekvi tries to duck and weave, but it is no use, as your blade goes through him in a clear cut and a gush of red that stains the trees behind the duergar.

However, as you charge him, a fierce sting strikes you as you turn around.

A blue skinned devil with light armor and a blade as big as himself, cuts through your body.

A brutal cut, that not only undermines your sopul, but your arcane prowess.

39 damage plus 7 unholy plus 7 magebane

@Aradia: You raise wings and leave the two obsidian warriors to engage in battle as you fly off to rescue Lysa.

That's when Dekvi's hammer hits you in the back, reorganizing your spinal chord.

23 damage

The pain is minimal, as you fly towards Lysa's position and, with a quick slice, you untie the pixie as Alynnis looks at you.

"Big mistake, Ferran! But there is nothing you can possibly do against me, anyways... you are, of course, welcome to try."

@Archaidous: The blue skinned Hibagon comes down with monstrous fury as his blade cuts into your body.

32 damage plus 10 unholy plus 10 magebane

Round 2

@Irraly: Dekvi coughs some blood and you can see he is clearly wounded as he manages to barely stand up, but he looks at you through his amber eyes.

"Damn drow witch! I have just the stuff for ya!"

Being flanked by two large monsters is never good, especially when you are unable to down one of them and he can use flanking tactics.

Four times does Dekvi strike.

Twice does the hammer come down with vengeance.

22 damage plus 8 magebane plus Steal spell: Take away one 1st level arcane spell. It has been stolen

24 damage plus 4 magebane plus Steal Spell: Take away one 1st level arcane spell. It has been stolen

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65024)








2014-03-19, 03:31 PM
Archadious dodges much of Alynnis's electric spell, and jaunts up and away from Hibagons devastating charge.

He continues to fly higher until he is far out of range of the ogre and about level with Alynnis's.

Then he stares down at the nearly-dead dwarf.
Even if they might need to retreat, at the very least they could finish off one of the assassins.

Hey Dwarf! Catch!

He shouts, then with a gesture, launches a large orb of flames at the duergar.

ranged touch attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] * 1.5 = 67 damage. Half is fire, half is sacred energy

Fort save dc 23 or be dazed for a round

2014-03-19, 08:07 PM
@Archaidous: You jaunt out of the way and rise at Al;ynnis' level.

The ogre mage below grins.

"We were told you had such a capacity, conjurer. However, unlike our Master, your abilities are very limited. How many of those can you use to save your sorry hide?"

Ignoring Hibagon, you call forth a pure sphere of heavenly fire and look down at Dekvi, who has been run through by Irraly, but manages to stand his ground, although the snow behind him is sprayed in dark red.

Then, with precison, you toss it at Dekvi, in a similar battle ending fashion as you did with Tauros.

Dekvi watches the orb coming straight at him and smiles.

"It's Duergar, you fool! And here! I think..."

In an amazing feat, Dekvi intercepts your orb with his hammer as the sphere rotates on its own axis alighting the entire grove, yet it does not hit the assassin.

With a loud grunt, Dekvi bats the orb right back at you.

"this is YOURS!"

Mind Over Magic, apply same damage rolled, but to yourself, using the same hit bonuses.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65084)








2014-03-19, 08:53 PM
Archadious's eyes widen in shock as the duergar somehow managed to send the blazing orb of flames back at him. He barely has time to react as he pulls a sliver of time from the future.

Using this extra bit of time, the elf gestures with his hands and conjures another thick cloud between himself and the duergar, which absorbs the impact of the flaming orb and causes it to dissipate.

between Devki and Archadious

Can I position it so Hibagon and Archadious are both within the edge 5 feet of the fog?

2014-03-19, 11:03 PM
@Archaidous: You watch Dekvi bat the orb right back at you.

A direct hit by this single empowered orb could reduce you to ashes.

Tilting your head back, you bend Time to your will once more as a heavy blanket of sleet and icy mist engulf the Duergar and the satisfying thud as the assassin slides on the ice and falls.

The same can be said for Hibagon as he lands on his back and looks at you as vision is blurred.

"This is far from over, el! A valiant effort, but it shall amount to nothing!"

Hibagon rises five feet off the ground and his body begins to shift between this realm and that of ghosts, blinking at an incredibly fast rate.

Alynnis flies between both fogs created by you and smiles.

"That was the spell learned by the magus in Justcrown, no? Impressive, but you are left at a disadvantage now, Archaidous- you benefit on moving around the battlefield by twisting the Laws of Physics. Magic, you see, has ways of countering that."

Alynnis points her finger at you and ghostly white chains spring from around her arm as they wrap around you and hold you tight before disappearing.

"Now, you are limited to your offensive spells. You cannot teleport, even at long distances. It's over."

Damn right it is. I'm out of here. That witch nearly got me dead!

Dekvi speaks through the ice cloud as a tremendous power illuminates his immediate area and Allynis frowns.

"The coward left. No matter. The drow is encased in the elf's spell. getting to her will not be possible. Not in time. The shaman and the pixie should be our targets now, Hibagon. These two are as good as dead."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65089)








2014-03-19, 11:52 PM
After being rescued from the Trinity, Lysa look around and see how bad the battlefield is Lysa see Irraly wounded and need assistance, but the cloud blocked any attempt of healing her.

She then fly clsoe to Allynis and get ready to cast silence should she cast any powerful spell.

Spellcraft is +19.

2014-03-20, 05:09 AM

Meanwhile, in the Ward...

Dekvi walks down a hallway with statues of the greatest assassins this organization has ever employed and had under their belt. The dwarf sighs as he limps, bleeding all over and knocks on a grand door with the Great Wheel etched on it before pushing it slightly ajar and stepping inside.

Get OUT!

Dekvi closes the door, his eyes full of fear at what he saw. A few seconds later Valtalis comes out looking at the cut down dwarf.

"You never. And I mean never walk into my chambers like that. Do we understand, dwarfling?"

"Uh..y..yes, Master. I am sorry, master."

Valtalis walks down the hallway with the dwarf and both stop in front of a gigantic oval window, as tall as an oak, and just as wide. Debris floats outside as a silent thunderstorm illuminates the room.

A tall cloaked figure looks at Valtalis as the grey elf nods and this one walks away.

"You have failed, Dekvi. How sad. I was certain you had ability. Promise. All you were tasked with was bringing down the drow. A simple warrior drow. You were briefed on her attack patterns and those of her group. A simple task, really. And yet, for all these shortcomings your opponent has you... present yourself to me drenched in blood- your own."

Valtalis is looking out the window as he speaks to the dwarf. never once deigning to face him in his sullied condition.

"Master... the witch is fast, but I can catch her. I really can! please give me another chance. I cannot fail."

Valtalis looks at him and smiles as lightning illuminates the room, giving the elf a fiendish shadow across his face.

"I know you won't, dwarfling...."

Dekvi smiles back and then widens his eyes in horror as Valtalis walks towards him.

The rest, being too horrible to tell.

2014-03-20, 02:00 PM
@Lysa: You can barely see half of Irraly's body half buried in the snow as Archaidous' fogs obscure nearly all sight.

The duergar has fled, which is probably a god thing, since he knocked down Irraly.

However Alynnis and Hibagon remain...and these two have yet to suffer any damage whatsoever.

Hibagon cries out from the freezing fog.

"Alynnis! We insitue Battle Plan Alpha!"

The Illumian smiles as she slooks at you and Aradia.

"Understood, Hibagon. I wasn't planning on causing too much destruction...oh, who am I kidding. I was!"

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65158)








Business Scrub
2014-03-20, 04:15 PM
Aradia frees Lysa just in time to see Irraly drop behind her.

Damnit people...

Skirting around the fog, Aradia dives back down to the drow. They had gotten rid of one assassin, but the other two still seemed plenty confident.

Reaching Irraly, she places a hand on one of her gaping wounds while activating the necklace. She feels much of her vitality leave her, lending it so that the fight may continue.

This is, of course, conditional that Irraly is still alive: I'm not sure what her condition is.

Flying down to Irraly, and healing us for 78 HP.

Switch Auras to: Toughness and Vigor.

2014-03-20, 06:46 PM
@Aradia: You dive down towards the snow and avoid Archaidous' freezing fog.

With your shamanic powers, you could enter that fog and stay in there all day. You could even walk across the fog and stay on edge of the others unhindered and unscathed.

But that would be showboating and it would take time.

Time you do not have.

As you land and your wings recede into your back, you place yopur hand on irraly's forehead as you and her share Bahamut's Blessing and the drow opens her eyes once more, most of her more grievous wounds gone.

Alynnis looks at you and frowns.

"Of course. Neither divine, nor arcane, but something, what was it the file called it? Spiritual. We are aware you have used that against the fight versus a man called The Champion, among many others. You cannot call that power too many times, can you? Not in such tremendous burst."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65173)

Round 3

@Archaidous: The Duergar that could reflect your spells is gone.

That's good.

The blue skinned giant is trapped in the icy fog. Unhindered for now.

That's good too.

From what you can tell through Alynnis, Aradia has healed Irraly. Great news. Irraly is the one who drove the duergar out of this fight. The group needs her strength.

However, you are dimensionally locked. And that's bad. Hopefully, Lysa can use her pixie powers or your own arcane training to be free of these bonds.

But how to deal with these two?







2014-03-20, 07:49 PM
@The Party: Hibagon yells out to Alynnis.

Down here!

The Illumian laughs as she flies into the freezing fog with perfect ease.

Seconds later, both manifest two hundred feet in the air, back to back as Alynnis and Hibagon begin to manifest a white and red aura that begins to intensify as they both look down at the group.

"Say your prayers!"

"The Master will certainly be pleased with our success!"

Who knows what these two will do, but it isn't happening now. Howveer, given how high up they are, it cannot be good, that's for sure.

This does not seem like a spell, however, but something else.







2014-03-20, 07:57 PM
Lysa look at them up there and then back to Archadious, "Let me help ypu with these bindings", she says as she tries to dispel the dimension anchor from him and fly towrd the group close to Irraly.


2014-03-20, 08:06 PM
@Lysa: Using your innate powers as a fey, you blow green ghostly petals around Archaidous as their edges become as jagged as razors and attempt to cut through Alynnis' spell.

However, the chain stands strong as the petals break upon contact.

Alynnis laughs as her aura and that of Hibagon's begins to grow.

"You think you can tear down my spells with your feeble fey magic, Silentwhisper? You were very entertaining, I must say...all the way to the end."

@Archaidous: You look up through the fog, barely disntinguishing these two high up in the sky.

That formation... that was used a long time ago. It was seen done, unsuccessfully, should it be mentioned, by Varian and Nerine against Bandobras. He was able to stop their attack, but you never had a chance to see what it could do, thanks to the Elusive Zephyr using his own powers to stop the duo.

But Bandobras isn't here now.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65177)







Christine Daae
2014-03-20, 09:00 PM
Normally the cold would have only angered the drow maiden, epically in her metal armor. However as she felt the chill run down her spine she opened her eyes with a smile as she looked up to Aradia. Mind warming up your hands next time? You know they are cold dear. Irraly says shivering on her back in the snow as she looks up in the sky. So how long they been like that and where did the other one go? I could have sworn he was still standing when I was awake earlier. Irrraly says before crawling 30ft. away and then casting a simple illusion to conceal herself, hoping at such a distance it would help.

Mirror image [roll0]

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65179)

2014-03-20, 09:23 PM
@irraly: You crawl through the snow as several images appear around you, doing the same.

Hibagon looks down at you and laughs as his red aura begins to increase.

"Run all you want, Irraly! There is no escaping this!"

Alynnis looks at you and grimaces.

"The mirror image spell... great. If they survive this, leave her to me."

2014-03-20, 09:35 PM

Meanwhile, at the Font of Life...

Anzaril sits on the shores of her lake as she looks at the crystal ball.

Good job, Aradia! You have once more proven how valuable you are to your group. Stand strong, Irraly. You can deal with those two.

Apalala rises a few hundred feet away, breaking the thin ice and bellows as Anzaril dismisses him.

"Not now, Apalala! I'm busy. Our friends are fighting some assassins now and.."

Apalala roars as Anzaril looks at the dragon eel.

"What's with you today? Get out of here! You're ground..."

Anzaril turns to look at the entrance to the Font as Alex, in full shining armor, begins walking towards her with a smile on his face.

The glaistig gets up and walks towards him with a raised eyebrow.

"Alex? What are you doing here? I thought you wree with Uwellyn.... you need to go help the others! They are fighting far from here, but I can..."

Apalala roars again as the glaistig turns to look at the Dragon eel.

"That's it! What in the hells is wrong with... woah!"

Anzaril jumps back as Alex swings his blade and misses the fey by less than an inch as a few strands of black hair fall on the snow.

"You're not Alex! Who are you?"

Alexander Anderson smiles as his features begin to change, much like a puzzle as they recede and turn around with a whirring sound, only to reveal a cloaked figure with a hood, hiding his features, except for a pair of golden rapiers coming out from his sleeves.

Target Found

Anzaril looks at Apalala as this one begins to swim towards shore at full speed.

"I don't know who you are, but you made a HUGE mistake coming here!"

Business Scrub
2014-03-20, 11:53 PM
Aradia glares up at the duo. "There's a reason you three were sent to kill us. There's a reason we made it out of Jotunn's Foot. We're kind of hard to keep down. And we're sure as hell not going to be stopped by you."

She pushes powerfully off the ground, flying quickly straight at Alynnis. Just before she connects, instead of slashing at her, she lowers her shoulder and flies right into the caster.

Bull rushing Alynnis

They each get an AoO, but keep in mind Hibagon has a 25% chance of striking Alynnis instead.

Opposed strength check: [roll0]
Does Lysa's song help here? If so, add 2

2014-03-21, 02:20 AM
@Aradia: This combination may prove brutal if it isn't disrupted in some way.

Irraly is safe, as are the others, but that may change if Hibagon and Alynnis finish doing whatever they are attempting to do.

You fly towards the duo and head straight towards Alynnis, who widens her eyes in fear.

"Hibagon! She seeks to break our link!'

The ogre mage looks at you as he grunts in pain and begins to sweat profusely.

"Or so she thinks!'

As you move towards Alynnis, Hibagon strikes you with his blade, but this does not deter you from pushing forward.

30 slashing damage

You fight through the pain and embed your shoulder into Alynnin's chest, as the bald Illumian u ses her free hand to prevent a successful collision, pushing you back.

"You miserable, human! How dare you think you can do that to me? Queen of the Couatls!"

Hibagon smiles as their aura increases un size.

"It's better that way Alynnis- she'll be the first to see the fruits of our training."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65181)

Round 4

@Archaidous: You watch Aradia fly towards the duo, barely as you can distinguish all three forms, but hearing Aradia's grunt and the response of both ward assassins, you can tell this did not go as well as planned.

But what to do against these two? Fogs surround you. A chain binds you.

This is not going well.







2014-03-21, 01:15 PM
As the pain in his head fades, Archadious steps out of the fog and looks at the situation above, then realizes the two have to be stopped before they complete whatever they are about to do.

In an attempt to make her more susceptible to his spells, Archadious targets the flying woman with a powerful abjuration as he seeks to strip her of magical enhancements.

dispel rolls:
True seeing: [roll0]
FireShield: [roll1]
Conviction: [roll2]
Recitation: [roll3]
Entropic shield: [roll4]
Freedom of movement: [roll5]
Visage of lesser deity: [roll6]
Resist energy: [roll7]
Resist energy: [roll8]
Spell immunity: [roll9]
Haste: [roll10]

Then with a quick gesture of the metamagic rod, the elf conjures a cloud of noxious fumes around the two.

fortitude save dc 22 or be nauseated

And finally, as a last resort, Archadious once more prepares to manipulate time and create a large hand out of force with which to disrupt the ritual should the stinking gas fail.

bull rush at +18

Or grapple at +33 if freedom of movement is dispelled

2014-03-21, 03:15 PM
@Archaidous: You step out of your own freezing fog, rod in hand and look up at the two assassins.

They had caused enough damage. And they would not be allowed to continue. That's for sure.

You direct your hand towards Alynnis and a flock of green ghostly sparrows peck at the Ilumian as they flutter around her and begin pecking with frenzied fury.

"Get them off me!"

And, obediently, the sparrows leave, each holding a piece of arcane flesh on their beaks.

Fire Shield, Recitation, Freedom of Movement, Lesser Visage, Spell Immunity, Mass Resist Energy

She has been rendered almost helpess, but there's more here.

You then call forth a green noxious cloud enveloping both Hibagon and Alynnis as the ogre mage coughs but manages to resist the effects.

A dretch of vomit lands on the freezing fog, slowing its descent until it hits the snow.

Alynnis has been clearly affected.

@Aradia: Given your very close proximity to the two assassins, you too are engulfed by the noxious cloud.

Same save as the other two

"Ughhh...blech! Hibagon...ughhh BLECHHHH. Dispel!"

And finally, tilting your head back, you feel the immense pressure of Time and Space as a hand the size of a man moves in towards the green cloud and holds on to Alynnis.

"Ughhh... You must be kidding me...BLECHHHHH!"

Hibagon realizes their battle tactic has been foiled.

"I know how to end this spell. It will take me a few seconds. Move out of the cloud immediately afterwards!"

You can hear above several sword slashes as pieces of arcane material drop on the ground as the hand is efficiently cut off by the ogre mage as he remains in the cloud and Alynnis moves away, her face pale green from nausea.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65425)







2014-03-21, 03:48 PM
HP: 72/72
Move: land 20ft, fly 60ft (good)
AC: 20 (+8 dex, +1 nat, +1 size)
21 vs. Hibagon (+1 dodge)
Fort: +5 Refl: +16 Will: +13
Specials: Inspire Courage 2;

Seeing the illumian having a bad time, Lysa smiles.

"Your mean pixie, shoudlnt find it funny, but...", she remind herself, "but they captured me... Well...".

She then cmoves top speed up, 120ft up from the ground.

"I have the perfect spell to deal with Allynis should she recover herself, focus on Hibagon!", she shouts to Aradia as she begin to get close. She focus on Hibagon to dodge his attacks should he come to her.

2014-03-21, 04:40 PM
@Lysa: You rise up as far as high as you can, but the assassins are both still out of your melee range.

Hopefully, you are away from their's as well.

Irraly stands up and looks at the scene unfold and runs her hand across her forehad as she chants a few words in celestial, closing most of her wounds.

Lay on hands

@Aradia: As Alynnis moves away, you see a chance to strike. Hopefully, that amber sword of yours will finish off the job Archaidous started.

AoO on Alynnis







Business Scrub
2014-03-21, 05:35 PM
Aradia coughs through the stinking cloud, wondering what the hell Archadious was doing back there. Out of the corner of her eye, she watches the mage try to run, and takes a stab at her back.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

She turns, a bit disoriented from the fog, and engages the massive Hibagon, using his size against him, hacking left and right against his more exposed parts.

Full attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Full attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

The first one that hit, activating Dispelling effect:

Magic Vestment [roll6]
Bull's Strength [roll7]
Greater Magic Weapon [roll8]
Shield of Faith [roll9]
Recitation [roll10]
Mass resist Energy [roll11]
Mass Resist Energy [roll12]
Shield [roll13]
Blink [roll14]
Ebon Eyes [roll15]
Stone Skin [roll16]
Mass Fire Shield [roll17]
Spell Immunity [roll18]
Haste [roll19]

2014-03-21, 06:02 PM
@Aradia: You try and take a strike at the sick Alynnis as she flies past you and throws up once more on the ground as she attempts to say something.

Then, you focus your sights on Hibagon.

"You are the one with the dispelling blade. The Shaman. Taking you down should be an easy feat, so I shall leave you for last. However, try and hit me, if you can."

He asked for it. You swing your blade at Hibagon as his transmutations keep you from striking...

Except one.

The blade is about to connect less than an inch against Hibagon's chest when the ogre mage diffuses himself and jaunts, much like Archaidous, ten feet below.

"It will take more than that to finish me off, Aradia ferran! I have been tasked by the Master himself to finish all of you."

Round 5

Archaidous is still dazed from his earlier use of the Celerity spell and Alynnis hovers in place, attempting to keep her breakfast in as she looks around the fogged scenery.

@Lysa: Hibagon looks at you and grips his blade with both hands.

"Your tongue should've been cut the first day. Let's remedy that, shall we?"

The ogre mage darts towards you as his blade strikes you with brutal fury.

42 damage plus 12 magebane plus 7 unholy, DR is not considered

Alynnis vomits some more and flies further away towards the tree tops.

Her face is becoming to acquire some color other than pale green, but she's still very much nauseated.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=65500)







2014-03-31, 09:54 AM
July 12th, Year of the Jade dyansty

After securing the main roads two weeks back from a group of Harsaff led by a member of their race who called himself Eblis, I was more then happy to be home. Even though Aster Caelendil, may be old I have definatly mistaken his value when first we began this journey. To think such a frail old man could make an entire group of Eblis drop their spears and flee with but a single blast of flames, it was priceless. I am happy to call the elf my friend, however it is now time for me to part ways with him. He must report to those in the tower of the moon, while I must return to my friend and master, Abu Talib. With luck that child has not been given to much power. I know it is not my place to speak up against the other Seneschal's and their wisdom, they have never led this kingdom into harm. However my bones can feel something very wrong with the boy, to young for such an important job some of my comrades like to call it when we are alone. But in the open we would never show disrespect like that.

The briefing went well with Abu, he was happy to hear the problem had been solved, though was a bit surpprised when I told him Eblis had escaped, explaining how cunning he was for a Harsaff. Since I have been gone he explained that he needed more soldiers like myself and Freho if they were to keep the piece. Our camel mounted warriors were the best in the sea at the time, however those who did not always seek to improve themselves always ended up defeated. It was for this reason he had made arangements with a breeder to begin creating mounts for these new warriors, something called an Ashworm. Never seen one myself, always have had Freho by my side since I can remember, however if what my lord says is true we should indeed have a very powerful ally if these new warriors work out.

July 31st, Year of the Jade dyansty

Well we have lost more then half the people who had orginally signed up for the program to ride these new mounts, most due to being to inexperienced in how to handle their mount and getting stung by its poison's tail. Because of this the order has been given for them to have their tail's removed until we can come up with a better solution. After all putting seasoned vetrens on new mounts without proper training would make us lose a lot of lives, while training the next generation so that they would have their own advantage would be less risky.I have agreed to help with the surgry in the healing process of each of these creatures, which Freho is not happy about, says it is wrong to declaw any animal, however as I keep trying to explain to her if we do not then many young men will die.
Aster has been busier then ever training the young prince, it is on a rare occasion indeed I get to see him, thankfully today he had the time and we were able to discuss what each had heard was going on in and around the empire over some tea that had recently come in from traders. Aster was an odd one, loved his tea, but never seemed to serve the same one twice, as if he were looking for the perfect tea. He tells me he has been trying to scry Elbis these past few weeks and recently he has gone completly missing, as if someone was hiding him from his view.The tower refused to help him seeing it as a non important problem at the time with all the other things they had going on. None of which I could truly follow when he was even telling me, never mind now writting it down hours later. I hope his uspicions prove to be nothing, but I agree that if things start acting up that we should move immeditely with Abu permission of course.

September 7th, Year of the Jade dyansty

After a few minor problems I am happy to say that our new order of mounted warriors has finally graduated, with the leader of them being known as Darius, a child born from a great lineage of warriors. Many of which I heard stories about as a child, and his father who I myself once fought besides when I was making my way up the ranks to where I am now. However their were a few minor accidents, the worst being one of the children losing an eye who was being trained. It seemed he wished to keep his mount the way it was, and in doing so it almost cost him his life. However the poison did not kill him, and the stinger did not go deep enough to get to his brain, I just hope this dose not cause future complications, the boy is ambitious and is always pushing himself to the limit. And though Prince Ahmet dose the same, his ambitions are only to prove himself to his father, the king at this moment. Even jokes around when I sit in on him and the girl he idolizes and says he wants to be more like me. I keep having to remind him though my friend, his teacher, Aster is old, he holds much more power then I have ever held. Power that is much harder to strip away.

Aster tells me the prince is both strong and intelligent, however worries a bit about his wisdom from time to time. Thinks the boy relies on others to much and thus has asked me to derive a challenge for him that he must solve on his own. While I am honored Aster would think of me as wiser then he, I still feel it is not my place to do such a thing. I am not his teacher after all. A few cryptic words of wisdom here and there were one thing, but to actually design something just for the boy, I would be no better then the Seneschal's then. Always advising the king on how to do things instead of letting him figure it out on his own. Oh may the sun above shine light on this new challenge of mine, for I am not sure I can deliver to Aster what he wishes.

September 23rd, Year of the Jade Dyansty

After a few weeks of inner reflecting I believe I may have a riddle for the boy, though it is nothing compared to the great Sphinyx in the library of the Tower of the Moon, it is at least safer as I would not harm the prince if he failed to answer correctly.

"A Just king would rather flee then lose his men,
and a tyrant will always be at the rear of his army,
But what is it that both men share in common?"

I know it is not a really hard one and as such I am trying to work on a few better ones but I am not to sure. With word of troubles at our borders near the great waters I know that myself and Aster will being called on again soon to investigate. I am just hoping leaving the prince alone with that girl he fancies while we are away dose not strengthen his, attachment to her. I swear she is like a leech feeding off of his worship to her. Something no prince should ever do.

September 24th, 2:00am, Year of the Jade Dyansty

There was another attack, survivors say the entire village was burnt to the ground by some firece creature, though how dark it was it is clear the enemy had a wizard and was using illusions because dragons have not been seen in this land for almost five generations now. No doubt Elbis has gotten a new warband and has attacked at our borders hoping it would not get a responce. He was wrong, Abu seems to be on edge as of late, and it is because of this he has sent us, along with another wizard. A young man named Silas Spencer. Aster says he came to the Tower of the Moon under his masters directions to learn what he could from the fameous Jade Empire while on his journey for something or other. Wizard talk, Aster would be able to tell me if I asked, but I rather not look like a fool any more then I have to around these two and so shall keep my mouth shut.

September 24th, Dusk

All day long these two have been going at it. talking about patterns, and dead lauanges. Its driving me absloutly crazy. I swear if it were not for Aster being my friend I would leave them both behind and just go on ahead with Freho. however then no doubt the two would take it as a challange and the young Silas would want to try out one of his spells, I say the man is mad. Teleporting to another place on this globe. he should know its not like a gateway to another plane, so many things could happen. For example you could arrive with your insides on your out, and your outsides inside. Not a pleasent idea in my mind. We got a good 24 miles in today though, a good start. We should be meeting with a trade caravan in the next few days as we pass by the main trading hub known as Islak, on our way to the water. I just hope there is any clues left for Freho to floow for I fear with these two behind me, they wont stop talking until an enemy is upon us. and even then I doubt they will stop for long, more likly try to show each other their new spells and different techniques before going into more talk about that. I had to set up the camp site alone with Freho tonight due to this, and as such I know we will not be as secure as normal, however it should not be to bad tonight I hope. After all we are still close to the captial.

Janurary 1st, Year of the Zepher

To say that whole trip was bound to lead to failure was a bit of an understatement. It took us months just to get their and what little that was left was old and could not be tracked any longer. Even Aster could not track Elbis with magic, though we already knew as much from previous tries. Since then we have begun making our way back towards the capital. It is clear the village was indeed burnt to the ground, and an almost unnatrual heat seemed to linger their, as if the flames were still alive, however there had not been a fire there in at least two weeks prior to us arriving.

The odd part is most of the buildings in the village were made of limestone so it makes no sense for them to have burnt to the ground, yet had you not known about the village once being their you would never know one had ever been their, and not because the sands had devoured the place either. The desert always reclaimed what was hers, but slowly. Who knows there may have been some freak windstorm, but we have no proof of such, and I was not going to have Freho looking until we found some small clue. We could have been their months before finding anything and Abu wanted results immeditely.
Because of this we had begun relying on Freho more and more to move us around, not truting that hocus pocus Aster called teleporting. Bah, if man were meant to be able to go from one place to another it would either not be so far away or he would have been given the power to do so by the gods, not threw books and research. Anyway we are on our way to a small oaisis a few days east from our current location. This should bring us close to the Jade tower, another one of the fine collages of wizardy the empire has. Aster hopes to restock on suplies while we are their, I just want to get back to my home. Sure a nice bed for the night will help us, but it will not tell my leader what is going on around here.

Janurary 5th, Year of the Zepher

Well we finally made it to the Oaisis, picked up a strange one, halfling I believe his race is called along our journey. Saw me using my magic to refill our waterskins and asked if he could tag along for a short time until they got to the springs. Aster and I both agreed he seemed harmless, but to keep our belongings close just in case. Now that we have arrived I almost feel sorry for my orginal thoughts though. The man, come to find out his name was Brandobras was a traveler of sorts he told us. Kept on saying he was out on a stroll looking for someone, never would give a name, but thought he or she may stop off near the Oasis and decided to join us.

The air has been quite refressing these past few days, even giving us a cool breeze. Aster claims he is not doing it, and Brandobras just holds up his hands, as if to say not me. And by the daggers by his side I am almost sure he knows no magic by the craft in which they are made. Each fit for a king in their own right. However he says in the morning we will all have to part ways, that his destination is elsewhere and that we would meet again, whatever that meant. In the end he was good company, and I think Aster would agree if I called him a friend. though Freho seemed to think he was food a few times, it was quite amusing seeing the two really. Like they were playing cat and mouse or something. Well its time to clock in for the night, I doubt we will be having any more quite nights with the young man gone now, after all two old men look like the perfect target for bandits everywhere.

June 18th, Year of the Zepher

Well we have finally arrived home, thankfully the trip back was shorter then expected as the desert heat was starting to have its wear and tear on myself and Aster. And though I am sure I would have been able to deal with it a little while longer, I am sure his old bones would not have. Many times I tried to get him to just teleport home on his own, but he refused, saying we had come all this way together, we would make it the rest of the way. All I can think of right now is a nice cool bath in my own homeafter going to the market to get some new oils, as no doubt the ones I had were no longer good to clean ones self with. Thats right no time to enjoy my return I need to go see master Abu and inform him of what we have learned. I hope this dose not take long, for once in my carrer I am looking foward to relaxing.

June 18th continued

Well that could not have gone any worst if the young Seneschal himself had been their waiting for me. Not only was Abu furious we had no leads, but it seems a group from the free city had been pestering him for the past month to see me. When I asked where they were he simply led me to his courtyard where I saw a man in his late fourties I had heard many stories about over the years. Saint Agustus was his name, and he seemed to be carrying something wrapped up close to his body, five cloaked figures all turned as one towards the door myself and Abu entered from and immeditely I was before my leige, sword drawn. " At ease all of you, no one is here to fight today." Saint Agustus called out as he held up his free hand for me to lower my weapon, as well as his own men. In truth I did not know what they were, not even their eyes could be seen under the cloaks they wore, hiding all but a gleaming sword with no identifacting marks, and every now and then the sound of heavy metal armor.

They had come to deliver to me a very percula package, a child as I later learned when I agreed to the secrecy they made me swear. It seems this child was born from a long line of demon and human copulation. They would not say more then that, only that it had taken them days to work the magic they had to make the boy look and act like a normal human child. It was all clear then that the cloaked figures were not their for anything besides making sure that baby never saw the light of day if it so much as did anything they felt was wrong. Senseing this I agreed to become the boys guardian and treat him as my own, really an old war dog like myself who had never had a wife never mind a family rasing a child. Oh Aster would be rolling in the sands now if he were watching this.

June 20th, Year of the Zepher

After two days of being with the boy I have noticed a few things about him that show that I signed up for more then I could bargin for. Even for a child his strength can be seen to all he holds their fingers in his tiny hands, and those eyes, as if holding countless secrets inside, knowledge no one should ever know. However he also is quite charming, devilishly so with those at the markets performing. I fear when he is older he will be spending much of his time here, though whether that is a good thing or a bad I can not say, he will be definatly more lucky then I ever was with the women of this empire. As such I have decided to call the boy Alexander, for his road to redemption will be long and hard, however no matter what he dose I can feel it will leave a great impact in history. I only hope that I can lead him down the right path, perhaps having him grow up to be Ahmets Advisor would be best, to make sure he always has a clear goal in life. Something that can not be corrupted or taken from him.

2014-03-31, 10:20 AM
After taking the sword blow from Hibagon Lysa beginbs to wonder what she was doing up there again.
She look at Allynis and then at Hibagon.

"Aradia! Focus on Allynis while she is weakened! Then go back to ground level and we'll take care of this giant", she tell Aradia before considering her actions.

"I could heal herself a little and get hit again and die.... Hmmmm, I dont think the solution is that..."

"I could try and fail most probably in blinding him... Ok, no for that one too".

"I could try silencing Allynis... No, wait, even better: make her twist her tongue and watch she fail casting spells! That's a possibility, but that leaves Hibagon and that sword of his against my soft skin... Maybe".

"Or I could retreat and leave Aradia alone. That's seems more prudent, but I really ddidnt want to leave her alone: she came to rescue me after all. But I guess it's best for her not to worry about me being dead, after all I'm the one who raise the dead"

"Sorry Aradia, I'm going down or else I'll go down!", and with that the pixie withdraw away from Hibagon and let gravity do the work, recovering her flying speed at the last instants.

Withdraw from Hibagon so no Aoo (full round) and free action to free fall back to the ground (I believe you fall 150ft the first round and 300ft the following)
If reflexes are needed to recover from the fall, then [roll0]

2014-03-31, 02:53 PM
@Lysa: You consider your options, as you look at the thick freezing fog called by Archaidous and the nauseous Alynnis far above on the other side of the grove.

And then there's Aradia, who hovers a many feet above you.

nd Irraly, who has closed most of her wounds, but has yet to reach these assassins.

However, the most immediate threat is looking at you straight in the eyes as he withdraws his blade from your body.

"I was told fey were resistant to blades, except for a particular metal. Not that it matters. Your flesh is only tough enough to resist a little pain. Your problem, pixie, is that I can deal a LOT of pain!"

You then look at the snow covered ground below and allow gravity to play its part as you free fall away from Hibagon.

That's when the ogre mage smiles through his rock covered face.

"Stupid little fairy...I'm bigger than you! I can cut a wide swath...but not like it will matter. You're dead now."

The cut is brutal...but hopefully not lethal.

34 damage plus 8 magebane plus 7 unholy. As a reminder, DR is not factored in. I trust any who have DR are keeping track of it. And before Withdraw is mentioned, this:

Withdrawing from melee combat is a full-round action. When you withdraw, you can move up to double your speed. The square you start out in is not considered threatened by any opponent you can see, and therefore visible enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against you when you move from that square. (Invisible enemies still get attacks of opportunity against you, and you can’t withdraw from combat if you’re blinded.) You can’t take a 5-foot step during the same round in which you withdraw.

If, during the process of withdrawing, you move out of a threatened square (other than the one you started in), enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal.

Assuming the small creature has to move multiple squares to Withdraw from the threatened squares of their enemy, leaving squares after the first one will provoke AoOs as usual.

Assuming the attack knocked you down...

Unconcious, you plummet towards the snow covered ground as your fey blood marks your landing.

46 damage

Hibagon smiles as he watches Lysa drop to her death.

"That coward Dekvi wasn't even necessary, it would seem. You can stay up on your roost, Alynnis. I alone can handle all of them."

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=67173)







- - - Updated - - -

@Arashi: It has been many weeks in these woods alone...

Of course, time is of no consequence to you, given your nature, but the call from this place has been particularly strong.

The Fey Woods. Even as you trudge through the thick snow and the flakes cover your armor in a thin frost sheen, you attempt to discern your surroundings.

Yes, there is great power here, of that, there is no doubt. And it's everywhere.

But it lies dormant. For the most part. Many fey circles covered in snow. Many old ruins. A large dome. Barred entrances to dryad circles.

It would seem the spirits sleep until the next cycle, but why is there such a strong presence here? Difficult to tell if it is malign or otherwise, but it is at the heart of these woods. The spirits never lie. They guide you.

And as the close sound of battle reaches your range of hearing, it appears they have guided you well.

You walk into a clearing but can barely make out what's happening here.

Large fog clouds litter this grove. You can barely make out an image in the fog bank, flying high above.

A small spirit lies on the ground a few feet away, face dug on bloody snow.

An elven warrior with dark skin looks up at the sky as a giant with blue skin and a wicked greatsword boasts about killing them.

You can see further up past the fogs, a winged woman resting on a tree, vomiting.

A human with white hair. female, she flies a few few above the blue skinned giant and is dressed as a warrior, much like the elven one on the ground.

The blue skinned giant looks at you and raises an eyebrow.

"Who...or what are you? You are not part of the job! Scram!"

2014-03-31, 10:41 PM
Irraly watches the carnage i the sky as she steels her silver blade in hand and then looks at both assassins.

If only she could fly and take that ogre down...

But for now, she takes a defensive stance and waits for Hibagon as she glances at her anklets, should this monster decide to go after her.

@The Party: That's when your attention goes to the newcomer.

At first glance, he looks like a knight, similar to Alex. The man wears heavy mithral plate which shines even as the snow catches itself between the plating.

His helmet is most unusual... there is no visor, but it looks like a mask. A metal mask placed over his features.

Then there's that spear in his hands and the floating shield around him.

However, the most interesting facet about this unknown warrior is the fact that his armor is covered in stylized etchings of animals. Tribal in design. And by the looks of it, a very laborious work it must have been to work it unto mithral.

A large gout of air flies beside him, barely making out a pair of grey smoky eyes and two enormous appendages made like whirwinds.

Know. Arcana on the metal man. Know. Nature on the creature beside him.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=67184)







Arashi + Elemental

2014-03-31, 11:37 PM
The Dragoness of the Crystal mist mountains watches as her enemy vanishes much like Archadious had done in the past and reappears away from her. So what you are saying is that you are a coward to afraid to face me. Look at you, a big strong orge picking on a tiny little fey. You must feel real strong now don't you? Aradia says with a smile as her entire body seems to shed a pure white aura as the temperature around her drops. Let me see how many times you can do your little trick shall we? Aradia calls out as a thin layer of frost covers her amber blade and like a comet she goes flying towards her enemy, planning on impaling him upon her blade. Aurora Execution (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-2aH598HFQ) Aradia calls out as she charges, a streak of pure subzero cold following her.

Attack roll [roll0] Damage [roll1] Miss chance [roll2]

Greater dispelling if hit [roll3]

2014-03-31, 11:58 PM
@Aradia: You fly down towards Hibagon like a frozen comet as the trees around you begin to freeze over.

Your entire draconic rage placed on your amber blade.

Hibagon smiles as the blade goes through him, thanks to his transmutation.

"Dragon Shaman, understand this- The Ward sent us to finish all of you. It matters not if it includes women or children. Besides, the pixie was a survivor from Jottun's Foot. None of you can claim to be defenseless. She was your primary support caster, was she not? You are the secondary. At any rate, I ought to thank you. You just saved me the trip of going up there to finish you off."

@Irraly: You take a look at the new warrior and the airy creature next to him...

You have heard tales. A long time ago, about golems being infused with life. They were built to be the merger of both worlds- the hardiness and resistance of an automaton and the mind of a living creature.

However, their intent was for military purposes. Forged for War. The Warforged. The methods of making one are said to be long gone, and none has been seen in Oerth in centuries.

As for the creature next to it, a native of the plane of Air. An air elemental. Living creatures able to harness the power of storms.

Map (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=67185)







Arashi + Elemental