View Full Version : Perform Rolls 30 and above

2014-03-07, 08:40 PM
Hey I've never really used the skill perform before, never a bard or just didn't use a character who had that interest.

And when I did read over the skill in the phb 3.5ed. I noticed that there was this small reference to the possibility of gathering the attention of extraplanar beings.

I wanted to know if there was a fair method that goes about measuring/gauging what kind of beings attentions are gathered. Should someone simply roll a d100 or have bonus influences to what notices the perform check like:deity/location/etc.?

I don't mind what sources are listed but I mostly deal with the 3.5ed books at the moment.

The Shadowdove
2014-03-07, 08:44 PM
Our dm said he'd give us a percentile with any number 95-100 gaining attention.

We've never rolled higher than 50

2014-03-07, 08:45 PM
It would be impossible to construct a table listing all the circumstances of a performance that could attract the attention of every particular Outsider race. One would assume that a bard who researched her target audience ahead of time could pretty reliably attract the attention of the creature type she wanted, given a lot of time.

But the line means essentially "you are so good that if you play a lot, word of how great you are will eventually reach beyond the plane you're on." It's not meant to be a bat-signal for angels.

Jeff the Green
2014-03-07, 08:48 PM
That's always struck me as something to avoid. I mean, how many stories are there of an extraordinary talent being abducted by an admiring god/spirit/monster? And then there's the leannan sidhe et al.

2014-03-07, 08:59 PM
But the line means essentially "you are so good that if you play a lot, word of how great you are will eventually reach beyond the plane you're on." It's not meant to be a bat-signal for angels.

I imagine it as somewhere between the two. While using your perform skill for whatever adventuring purpose, you strike a power chord so epic it resonates across space and time and draws the attention of a god. Likely not a good thing in most circumstances.

2014-03-07, 09:02 PM
Imagine coupling that with the BoEF alternate skill Perform (Sexual Technique).

2014-03-07, 09:07 PM

This page goes over it about as briefly as you said. The epic usages of perform don't mention anything at all though.

I kind of agree with Flickerdart. I think you could just take... 30? If that makes sense? And eventually you could potentially attract the audience of anything, as long as you cater to the tastes of the particular thing you want to attract and perform long enough.

That's all my thoughts on it.

2014-03-07, 09:13 PM
I think it's an established rep thing. It's possible that you might hit a note so awesome that it transcends reality and resonates really well with a passing angel, but I think it usually means that if you can regularly roll 30s with your perform checks then you're the kind of person that celestial entities and infernal creatures might be told about when they ask their subjects "Who will be an appropriately capable entertainer for our next evening of merriment?"

Jeff the Green
2014-03-07, 09:21 PM
Imagine coupling that with the BoEF alternate skill Perform (Sexual Technique).

Leannan sidhe.

The Insanity
2014-03-09, 09:39 AM
It's DM fiat.

2014-03-09, 09:43 AM
THat's basically half the Lillend's job and fluff, so I'd start with those.

N. Jolly
2014-03-09, 09:56 AM
I'd work on your Perform: Fiddle skill, since it calls certain infernal sources.

2014-03-09, 12:40 PM
you strike a power chord so epic it resonates across space and time and draws the attention of a god. Likely not a good thing in most circumstances.

I imagine DC 30 as being good enough that if there's a fey/genie noble in the audience, he might give you a job offer. But it's much more likely that a mortal king's minions would hear about it and ask you to perform for him (and maybe become part of his retinue if you aren't a murderhobo).

2014-03-09, 12:58 PM
I imagine performing The King In Yellow with a decent check would give you a pretty darn good chance of being noticed and a pretty good clue as to whom is doing the noticing.

2014-03-09, 01:08 PM
I'd work on your Perform: Fiddle skill, since it calls certain infernal sources.
But only if they're in a bind 'cause they're way behind.

Agent 451
2014-03-09, 02:56 PM
I think that by RAW that may only work if you're in Georgia.

2014-03-09, 05:02 PM
(and maybe become part of his retinue if you aren't a murderhobo).
Having a murderobo orchestra would be amazing. Nobody would mess with you.

2014-03-09, 05:30 PM
Having a murderobo orchestra would be amazing. Nobody would mess with you.

I mean, yeah, but the moment someone plays out of tune, the rehearsal would immediately devolve into a tornado of gore and instrument theft.

2014-03-09, 06:13 PM
Imagine coupling that with the BoEF alternate skill Perform (Sexual Technique).

Uhh... I could foresee some size issues... Although balors are nice I suppose...

2014-03-09, 08:01 PM
I'd work on your Perform: Fiddle skill, since it calls certain infernal sources.

But a good Profession (Accountancy) skill can mitigate this risk.

2014-03-09, 11:23 PM
Just watch out for the ones with whippy tails. You might give the performance of your life, but you'd never be able to repeat it.