View Full Version : Campaign in the making [PF](First time DM needs help)

2014-03-09, 05:17 AM
Ok so as the title suggests I am making a campaign and I needs some help with ideas, advice, and fluff ideas.

I have taken a name and an idea from WoW fluff.
Here is what I have.
50 years ago in the kingdom of Lordaeron they finished construction of their massive protective wall. The wall is hundreds of feet high and at least several stories thick with its intent to hold back virtually anything the outside world could throw at it.

After 50 years only the elderly will have any memory of a time before the wall and even those may have been simply children at the time. The citizens know of 'the wastes' the lands outside their kingdom that are blighted and filled with all sorts of horrible monsters and mutations. Just outside their walls are the accursed lands where those who where banished at the time of the walls construction and those who have journeyed from the wastes have come to make home. The lands are accursed in that they are home to these unwanted peoples.

Inside the walls are not really safer with orcs, goblins, and the typical fair residing inside the nations boarders and thus inside the walls as well. Black magic is practiced but kept hidden, foul necromancers have been found from time to time and needed to be put a stop too. And this is where we have the introduction of the PCs.

Lordaeron is home of the Adventurers' Academy a school that was founded nearly 100 years ago and has only really become a power in the last 50 years with the students of this academy being the most promising of their fields of study either martial combat, magic, etc. All the great heroes in the last 50 years are alumni of the academy and several villains of legend have been from the academy as well.

The PCs are rather young at 17-21 being the age group, waving off any penalties that age might force on them.

Without giving to much away they are going to be sent off on 'Exams' as to see if they should be allowed to take the trails of graduation a series of small quests to become official graduates and members of the Adventurers' guild and lichened adventurers.

However I do intend this to go sideways eventually with them discovering the mystery of why the wall was built, the secrets of the kingdom, and to learn more about a very important relic that lies hidden beneath the very lands of Lordaeron.

I don't want to write to much as one of them might stumble upon this post, though they do not know I have an account to post here.

I can post that I have taken some ideas from other fiction such as WoW, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Harry Potter, etc.

This will also be a thematic gestalt game. Meaning they can only gestalt with classes that seem to match thematically. Such as a Paladin//Cleric or Oracle. A Bard//Rogue or something of that nature.