View Full Version : Funnest encounters n favorite monsters?

2014-03-09, 01:56 PM
Hey Playgrounders,

What is your favorite encounters and/or monsters that you've run or played through at different CRs?

*Running through an asylum at level 6. Some enemies had a 'rage juice' where contact could 'enrage' your character and others had a 'chill out juice'. Mechanically it was a stat increase but the whole group played the enrage as a loss of control/berserker scenario and we rampaged through the place, willingly failing saves vs the rage juice to keep the good times rolling. The DM worked with us for some theatrical 'Hulk Smash!' moments. I was using a halfling party member as a projectile weapon... Great fun.

I'll be honest, I'm looking for some inspiration for my own game with a larger group of 7th level players. But I thought it could be fun to hear some other stories.


2014-03-09, 04:33 PM
Animated Object: House. It's CR 7 or 8. Makes a funny combat as people inside and outside the house are fighting a freaking house. Also, depending on how much D&D culture your PCs are aware of: Animated Gazebo.

Ethereal Filchers can be annoying but also amusing. Just have it follow the PCs around an mess with their equipment (pull apart their backpack and arrange their items in bizarre fashions).

Tibbid opponents. They think it's just a house cat, but it's a level 7 or 8 Warblade with Tiger Claw disciplines. The joke of the house cat taking out the wizard will rise again.

I had an adventure that was basically the Hangover. The PCs got drunk, got up to shenanigans and had to retrace their steps. When they arrived at a place, they'd get a drunken flashback. Have the PCs have numerous penalties for inebriation, lack their proper equipment and fight guys that are only a challenge because the PCs are piss drunk and forgot their Long Swords.

Meth In a Mine
2014-03-09, 06:30 PM
Xorns and Rust Monsters. All your metal are belong to us.

As for favorite monster, I'm gonna have to say a goristro. It's big, it's mad, and it's gonna punch your city down.