View Full Version : Brainstorming mid-quest quests

2014-03-09, 03:53 PM
As a DM, I have the pretty bad tendency to get excited about the overarching plot that I want to craft around my players' world, putting quite a lot of thought into the secret "This thing you thought wasn't the thing at all!" moment and the final boss and things like that. Unfortunately, this means I tend not to spend quite enough time thinking about the inbetweeny parts, like the little quests that aren't really plot related. I suppose I like a Legend of Zelda style game, where you're going for one big thing the whole time but in order to get there you do a bunch of smaller quests in different locations.

So that said, I'd love some help thinking of those subquests. For background:
The world is mainly one large continent, split into a cold north populated largely by Humans, a forested east populated by Elves, a desert and then mountainous west populated by Dwarves, and an urbanized south with a very mixed demographic. The Elven lands are largely dominated by a kind of mafia syndicate, and I think I should also throw in some Killoren stuff. The Dwarven lands I think can connect to the Underdark, so that opens up some stuff there.

Thus far, the party knows that there is a very subtle plague infecting much of the continent. They've recently learned that the plague is actually someone casting a lot of Necrotic Cysts, but they don't know why yet. Much of the last 500 years of the continent involves a Vampire family placing pawns, and that includes the Cysts. I think I may take it in a "revive Father Llymic" direction, but of course that wouldn't be for a LONG time in the campaign (odds are the group will dissolve before we get there, but you know, it's fun to plan.)

The party is an Elf Factotum who's big on making shoes, a surly Half-Elf Crusader with mafia connections, a Kalashtar Telepath from a foreign land, a Human Shair who just goes along with whatever, and a Killoren Druid whose player claims she wants to be a Necromancer despite never preparing a Necromancy spell and liberally using healing and growth spells. They have just reached level 4, so there's a lot of room for growth.

Anyway, any suggestions for midgame quests? My plan is that they're going to have to track down a missing warrior princess, and to do so (for some reason, help with that too would be nice) they'll have to do some kind of quest for each of the Human, Elf, and Dwarf lands. Maybe like some...scrying device split into three/four parts? I dunno. But anyway, some quest for each side, hopefully that can use each party member's strengths at various stages throughout. It's a newbie campaign, so it's meant to just make them feel good about doing stuff in a D&D world basically.

2014-03-09, 05:13 PM
Well, here's a list of quest ideas (http://boccobsblog.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/101-dd-quest-ideas/), and another one (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/100_Adventure_Ideas_(DnD_Other)), if that helps. You could probably find tons more by simply googling for dnd quests, since people have been making them for some 30+ years now.

Also, for some seemingly-random unsolicited advice, try not to make your overarching plot hinge on the survival of a single PC (or even a single group of PCs). If you aren't giving them plot-armor, then the plot-important PCs will most likely get suffocated to death by an ooze during a sidequest (or otherwise die a similarly unsatisfying and preventable death, or the player will get bored and retire the character), leaving you wondering how the hell the plot is supposed to move forward. So basically, you should probably do that wondering right now so the next TPK doesn't end your lovingly-crafted campaign.

2014-03-09, 09:12 PM
Well, here's a list of quest ideas (http://boccobsblog.wordpress.com/2011/04/18/101-dd-quest-ideas/), and another one (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/100_Adventure_Ideas_(DnD_Other)), if that helps. You could probably find tons more by simply googling for dnd quests, since people have been making them for some 30+ years now.

Also, for some seemingly-random unsolicited advice, try not to make your overarching plot hinge on the survival of a single PC (or even a single group of PCs). If you aren't giving them plot-armor, then the plot-important PCs will most likely get suffocated to death by an ooze during a sidequest (or otherwise die a similarly unsatisfying and preventable death, or the player will get bored and retire the character), leaving you wondering how the hell the plot is supposed to move forward. So basically, you should probably do that wondering right now so the next TPK doesn't end your lovingly-crafted campaign.

Fair enough. I was hoping maybe someone could suggest something more specific to this party, but yeah, just browsing through quest ideas works too.

And good comments. I do my best not to kill PCs. I tend to enjoy the character development the players put into their characters, and that grinds to a halt with PC deaths. The old Gygax Tomb of Horrors-style of D&D sounds really un-fun to me, honestly. And also this is a newbie campaign, so I don't want to sour them on the experience. None of the PCs are plot crucial, although their backstories tie into it, so I do want them alive. Odds are, if they happen to die despite minor plot armor, I can send them on some quest to pay for a Resurrection or even implement some Ghostwalk stuff and just have them be ghosts until they get back on their feet.

2014-03-09, 09:22 PM
Let the group here about a gnomish shoemaker of legendary skill who has been kidnapped by the seedy criminal underbelly which is now forcing him to craft them boots of striding and springing. This lets the crusader use his mob connections and appeals to the Factotum's love of shoemaking (let the shoemaker give him hints and pointers that grants him a +2 bonus to Craft Shoemaking checks). Doesn't appeal so much to the others but *spreads hands*