View Full Version : What would you rule (or what is RAW)

2014-03-10, 12:37 PM
I'm DM-ing for a couple of players, and it is fun, but just now one of them asked me a question where I will need to rule over. I do not want to be unfair but I did want to get some more information from at least some people that are more knowledgeable about the magically inclined.

As soon as a wizard levels he gains new spells that are written in his spellbook (nothing about it taking time, though probably fluffwise it should, but well, let's not go there).

So what if the wizard dies and is resurrected losing a level. Will he lose the spells in his spellbooks, what would your ruling be if this would happen in your campaign?


2014-03-10, 12:42 PM
The spells don't disappear. They're still there in the spellbook, taking up space. But with the level loss, the Wizard might not be of sufficient level to cast them anymore.

EDIT: I don't think this is explicitly stated, but if the level loss is permanent, I wouldn't allow double-dipping. Meaning, if the Wizard levels up to 6, puts new spells in his book, then gets dropped back to level 5 for any reason; he wouldn't be able to add two new spells again when he levels back up to 6.

2014-03-10, 12:52 PM
The spells don't disappear. They're still there in the spellbook, taking up space. But with the level loss, the Wizard might not be of sufficient level to cast them anymore.

EDIT: I don't think this is explicitly stated, but if the level loss is permanent, I wouldn't allow double-dipping. Meaning, if the Wizard levels up to 6, puts new spells in his book, then gets dropped back to level 5 for any reason; he wouldn't be able to add two new spells again when he levels back up to 6.

In this case it is the case. He leveled up, than died and will be resurrected.

2014-03-10, 12:59 PM
1) It is actually fluff-wise considered that the 2 new spells/level a wizard adds to his book "for free" are the result of long-term study and research; whether they're side-benefits of a bigger project or end results of successful research in and of themselves, the wizard just happens to have finally figured them out.

2) The spells are scribed in his spellbook. They don't vanish if he de-levels. If he cannot cast spells of their level anymore, however, he cannot prepare them until he re-gains the level.

3) Per RAW, he actually would gain new spells upon leveling up again. I'd be inclined to even permit this, provided he isn't dancing back and forth across the same level line to get more spells than he otherwise would have. Even then, though, he's sacrificing a fair bit of exp to achieve this as long as you're not letting him regain the lost exp by some sort of shenanigan (thought bottle, etc.).

John Longarrow
2014-03-10, 01:33 PM
The character should be out a good chunk of change (either gold spent to come back, XPs down for what ever they did to loose the level, or BOTH) so I would not begrudge them what effectively comes out to be the cost of one scroll of a spell that is at their highest spell level x caster level.

Think of it this way, if they are 7th and drop back to 6th, when they level again they get 2 spells of 4th level. A single spell of 4th level with a caster level of 7th would run 700gp (350gp + some XP) to scribe. As it takes 7,000 xp to level up, I don't see them making money on this.

Of course, as the others have pointed out, if the Player is trying to play games with this I'd disallow it.

2014-03-10, 01:48 PM
I'd allow it as long as he doesn't try to abuse it. 2 more spells won't break anything.

2014-03-10, 02:26 PM
Agreed with the general consensus here. As long as there is no attempt at abuse and the ressurection is actually paid for or at least properly accounted for (items, gifts, quest, money, etc) then I dont think letting him add the spells again is a problem.

I also think there is nothing in RAW that would say you wouldnt.

2014-03-10, 02:35 PM
Considering he could just buy scrolls of the extra 2 spells in Your-Convenient-Magic-Store (TM) and scribe them in his book later on, I don't think it would break anything.

As long as, as stated before, he isn't using any shenanigans to insta-gain the lost experience, I'd allow it.