View Full Version : Need Help With Useful War Hulking Hurler Feats

2014-03-10, 03:07 PM
I am looking for good feats for my War Hulk/Hulking Hurler character build. My entry classes into War Hulking Hurler are 4 levels of Fighter plus 1 level of Barbarian. This will net me the most feats I think. Also my race is Human/Half-Minotaur.

Hulking Hurler required feats: Point Blank Shot , Power Attack , Weapon Focus (any throwing weapon)
War Hulk required feat: Cleave

Here is my good list:

Brutal Throw - This makes it so that all thrown weapons are based of strength instead of dexterity. Which is good because the War Hulk gives +20 strength over 10 levels and this is the reason that War Hulk gets no BAB over those levels.

Improved Bull Rush - Being large in size and having a huge strength modifier makes this character very good bull at rushing/charging. Plus this fits better thematically when your character has horns. Also this feat is a requirement for…

Shock Trooper - Being able to move your enemies where you please seems good and this character is going to be good at Bull Rushing.

Dungeoncrasher - This makes shock trooper and Improved Bull Rush even better. I can’t think of a reason why you wouldn't want this if you choose to make a Bull Rushing build. Must be taken at the second level for a fighter instead of the bonus fighter feat.

Great Cleave - You already need the prerequisite for War Hulk. I think the extra attacks are yummy .

Here is my maybe list:

Hurling Charge - This feat lets you make an extra attack with a thrown weapon at the same attack bonus when you charge someone. However this feat needs Quick Draw and a BAB of +6. Which leads to..

Quick Draw - This would be good because you are throwing away your weapon

Combat Brute - This requires a feat tax in Improved Sunder. Also I am unsure how useful the 3 modes would be.

Here is my bad-at-second-glance list:

Power Throw - I think that this may be bad for this build because you have a BAB of +8 max over 18 levels (+5 BAB Fighter/Barbarian, +3 BAB Hulking Hurler, and +0 BAB from 10 levels of War Hulk).

Power Attack - Same as above but is required for Hulking Hurler.

Improved Sunder - Good if you like breaking stuff carried by an enemy. It is a prerequisite feat for Combat brute.

Side notes:

Any critiques and advice is welcome. I am unsure how to rate some of these feats on my good/maybe/baddish scale because I have never played as a War Hulk/Hulking Hurler.

I think orc shotput would fit this build. Its range is 10 feet and its damage is 2d6. If I supersize this to large its damage becomes 3d6 with a critical of 19-20/x3. Since you get Mighty Rock Throwing from War Hulk which lets you lob 50 pound rocks at a range of 50 feet I think that once you get this that the range for the orc shotput should also change to 50 feet. Also enchanting the shotput to be seeking/returning is made of win.

2014-03-11, 03:49 AM
Combat Reflexes, Large and In Charge and Knock-Down come to mind for melee.

I personally enjoy harpoons more than the shotput, but no reason you can't have both. Particularly with a strong rope/chain.

2014-03-11, 11:24 PM
Fling Enemy and whatever prerequisites it may have.

Then build a build together with the Barbarian's Bear Spirit Totem ACF for improved grab. Then you basically hit everyone in the area (at high enough war hulk levels), free grab the last one you hit, and chuck them away.

Combine with the knockback feat to get a free bull rush attempt against everyone except the guy you grabbed, and suddenly you control the entire battlefield. Bonus points for doing so with a reach weapon like a spiked chain.

2014-03-12, 09:26 AM
Know(Nothing), I like the suggestion of the harpoon. Having multiple harpoons with quick draw seems fun to me. The rules for it seem good. I like the damage that the orc shotput does better especially on a critical hit but a harpoon does its damage twice when removed or when its forcibly removed. >:)

Kazudo, Fling Enemy is awesome! Its hard to find feats that jive with large size and high strength. Making a second dip into Barbarian is looking even better now.

So far I see three different builds for a War Hulk/Hulking Hurler.

A Dungeon Crasher that uses Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper and Knockback. The +20 Str over ten levels you get with War Hulk really works well with Dungeon Crasher. I was looking at Awesome Blow at first but I think that Knockback has an edge on damage.

A build that uses Improved Grapple with Fling Enemy and Brutal Throw. Having large size makes the fling enemy check much easier. Also this build would (in my mind) focus on the hurling ability.

Also I could go with the classic Spiked Chain Tripper build. Again having large size extends your reach an additional 5 feet. So you could threaten a 15 foot area around you.

So… any other cool ideas?

2014-03-12, 10:39 AM
There's a note to be made here, in case I'm reading a misread:

I recommended Improved Grab (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm), not Improved Grapple (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedGrapple). They're very different things.

2014-03-12, 12:15 PM
There's a note to be made here, in case I'm reading a misread:

I recommended Improved Grab (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm), not Improved Grapple (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedGrapple). They're very different things.

Good catch, Improved grab would be better because of the attack you get in addition to free grapple. Much better than Improved Grapple unless I am missing something.