View Full Version : [3.5 Ravenloft] Quick Loading Firearms

2014-03-10, 07:11 PM
I run a very small side game in 3.5 Ravenloft for two players and one of them asked if, theoretically, a firearm could use the Quick-Loading magic feature to basically allow him to load his pistol 100 times then fire it that many times before reloading.

I think he might be a bit tired of carrying 8+ pistols around for heavy fights. :smallbiggrin:

Personally, I don't see any big issue, it's not like guns in Ravenloft are super-awesome monster killers anyway and he has fewer Feat options than an archer (show me on the pistol here how you Many Shot Mr. Black Powder...)

Anyone see anything wrong with the idea?

Also, if he added Speed to a pistol as well, would it burst fire? <j/k>

2014-03-10, 07:22 PM
i'm AFB but i'm pretty sure quick-loading specifies crossbows, so, RAW, no, he can't.

but let him do it anyway, he could probably use the help.

but, may i suggest looking into the Pathfinder Firearms rules? while not particularly powerful, they are quite....serviceable compared to ravenlofts rules.

also: this is how you many shot.

2014-03-10, 07:26 PM
i'm AFB but i'm pretty sure quick-loading specifies crossbows, so, RAW, no, he can't.

but let him do it anyway, he could probably use the help.

I have my books here and it does specify crossbows, but I'm the DM and I can add Quick Loading and Speed to granny's pill dispenser if I want.:smalltongue:

The question is: if I allow it, does anyone think it'll cause a problem? Is there an exploit I'm missing here?

2014-03-10, 07:36 PM
You could just up the technology level a bit and give him a revolver. :D

If he has spent a feat to learn to use the pistol already, which isn't that powerful, then I don't think allowing him to "Quick Load" it is a game breaker- especially if there are only two PCs.

Also- he could load several balls in his pistol to do Many Shot- or design a special ammo that is designed to break apart in flight. You just tweak the Manyshot feat wording a bit so that it is basically becoming proficient with said ammo.

2014-03-10, 07:44 PM
You could just up the technology level a bit and give him a revolver. :D

Technically, a flintlock revolver is possible. More likely in his current wealth range too. He actually has the gunsmithing Craft skill to pursue all sorts of innovations if he wants.

Historically, the first machinegun was invented in the late 1700's you realize. Compared to that a revolver should be easy.

If he has spent a feat to learn to use the pistol already, which isn't that powerful, then I don't think allowing him to "Quick Load" it is a game breaker- especially if there are only two PCs.

He's currently using Quick Draw and Two Weapon Fighting to be like a musketeer-era Chow-Yun-Fat that fights monsters. I think it'll be fun.

Also- he could load several balls in his pistol to do Many Shot- or design a special ammo that is designed to break apart in flight. You just tweak the Manyshot feat wording a bit so that it is basically becoming proficient with said ammo.

Hmmm... Look up the duck-foot pistol, you probably don't need Many Shot with firearms honestly.

As far as special ammo goes, the other PC is part of the Von Mordenheim family and has Alchemy out the wazoo. He currently only has special "burning silver" bullets for lycanthrope killing with more on the way.

2014-03-10, 07:55 PM
Also, I'm not sure how familiar everyone is with the 3.5 Ravenloft stuff put out by White Wolf. But for a Domain Darklord, Adam (Dread Flesh Golem) is kind of a creampuff.
He's light on immunities and on the power to actually hurt people.

I'm pretty sure one of my PCs could use Intimidate to demoralize him, at 5th level!

I'm used to oddly statted NPCs, but I'm wondering if this is some sort of joke.

2014-03-10, 08:07 PM
well, from what i understand, the Ravenloft stuff was mostly made by people who didn't know the system, and/or actively hated it, pretty much everything rules-wise is poorly done in ravenloft.

cool setting though, my gaming group pretty much only played raveloft back in highschool, though we mostly stayed in Barovia.

2014-03-10, 08:11 PM
I was dubious about the existence of a flintlock revolver, but, you were right- they existed. :) Neat little discovery right there, and one I plan on utilizing.

The first machine gun that I am aware of is the gatling gun- late 1800's. If there was one earlier than that, I'd love to learn about it- I know the creation of the gatling gun was one of the reasons the Civil War was so deadly.

The reason I suggested special ammo was so your player could circumvent the problem of carrying so many weapons. Also, duckfoot pistols are ugly and asymmetrical (one and the same really).

Also, totally unrelated, but awesome in the vein of weaponsmithing- there is an old man on youtube that has created an automatic crossbow that auto-***** itself with electric pulleys :D

Really? -_- Stupid censor.

2014-03-10, 08:47 PM
well, from what i understand, the Ravenloft stuff was mostly made by people who didn't know the system, and/or actively hated it, pretty much everything rules-wise is poorly done in ravenloft.

Maybe I'm just adaptable, but I've had few problems using most of the material as is.

But damn is Adam weak. It's just a sad statement that the most evil creature in a domain is such a wuss. I've beefed him up a good bit for when the PCs run into him (and they're gonna)

cool setting though, my gaming group pretty much only played raveloft back in highschool, though we mostly stayed in Barovia.

Ravenloft is the perfect excuse to be an Evil DM(tm) So far I've killed beloved relatives and mentors, burned down their house, chased them across the Core, took away their bodies, gave them back with strings attached (not literally) and had their dog stolen.

It's awesome. :smallbiggrin:

I was dubious about the existence of a flintlock revolver, but, you were right- they existed. :) Neat little discovery right there, and one I plan on utilizing.

They are neat, but having loaded a cap and ball revolver I can't even imagine how much of a pain a flintlock version would be. :smallyuk:

The first machine gun that I am aware of is the gatling gun- late 1800's. If there was one earlier than that, I'd love to learn about it- I know the creation of the gatling gun was one of the reasons the Civil War was so deadly.

The first machinegun was technically a crank operated flintlock 11 round revolver developed in 1718 by James Puckle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puckle_gun)

The reason I suggested special ammo was so your player could circumvent the problem of carrying so many weapons. Also, duckfoot pistols are ugly and asymmetrical (one and the same really).

Oh, we like special ammo! The alchemically inclined PC has all sorts of ideas and if any are contributed I'll pass them on with all due credit.

Also, duckfoot pistols are ugly, asymmetrical and awesome. Look up the Nock Volley Gun if you want some serious musket firepower.