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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other D&D Looking for Unique transformation

Lucifer Haine
2014-03-10, 09:02 PM
My Character is a Fiend winged Szarkai Warlock 6/Hellfire Warlock 3/Binder 1. I was looking for a transformation ability that I can obtain upon a later level. (Probably 20+). My character uses a lot of fiendish powers might become half Dogai again later. I really like the Kursed from the new Thor movie but I don't want something permanent monster beast but I do like the idea. Please help with ideas?

If there is a canon brew that fits the bill I would prefer it but if it is a balanced homebrew I will use it.

2014-03-12, 02:48 PM
Im not 100% sure what you are looking for as i have no idea what 2/3 of the stuff you were saying even are

But i did a fix for the Acolyte of the Skin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=16369524&postcount=25)

2014-03-12, 06:06 PM
My Character is a Fiend winged Szarkai Warlock 6/Hellfire Warlock 3/Binder 1. I was looking for a transformation ability that I can obtain upon a later level. (Probably 20+). My character uses a lot of fiendish powers might become half Dogai again later. I really like the Kursed from the new Thor movie but I don't want something permanent monster beast but I do like the idea. Please help with ideas?

If there is a canon brew that fits the bill I would prefer it but if it is a balanced homebrew I will use it.

Not sure what you mean by Fiend-winged, but in more understandable terms you are a Drow(white-skinned variant, same stats as normal Drow, had to look that one up) Warlock 6/ Hellfire Warlock 3/ Binder 1, who might become half-Assassin Devil(presumably through one of the half-fiend variants that were posted on the Wizards site, I guess?).

As for transformation abilities, I can't really think of much that would give you a temporary transformation given what you have so far. There are many ways to turn into an Outsider, but none you have available. The closest thing to a fiend I can suggest is taking the one Warlock invocation that lets you turn into a Hellcat(think it's in Complete Mage, Hellspawned Grace, Greater Invocation), and seeing if that will satisfy you, or if your DM will let you take a modified version of that invocation that will let you assume Assassin Devil form, although would recommend that it be Dark level, seeing as just searching it up there are concerns about it being unbalanced.

2014-03-14, 09:39 AM
My Character is a Fiend winged Szarkai Warlock 6/Hellfire Warlock 3/Binder 1. I was looking for a transformation ability that I can obtain upon a later level. (Probably 20+). My character uses a lot of fiendish powers might become half Dogai again later. I really like the Kursed from the new Thor movie but I don't want something permanent monster beast but I do like the idea. Please help with ideas?

If there is a canon brew that fits the bill I would prefer it but if it is a balanced homebrew I will use it.

I assume you mean you are playing a Szarkai (albino drow) from Drow of the Underdark with both Fiendish and Winged Templates (Winged Creature is from Savage Species). The Hellfire Warlock is from Fiendish Codex II (see excerpt here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20061207a&page=3).

Normally, you can't become a half-dogai since that would likely be an inherited Template which you would have had to have taken at 1st level. Unless there is another template that gives you that as an acquired template. If so, you are already an Outsider from the Fiendish Template so watch to make sure you can stack the templates. I am not aware of any such template but there are so many books and rules and stuff that I never rule out anything (plus we can't forget about 3rd party content and homebrew).

That LA +4 buy off has to be painful.

Are you looking for another Template or a Class that would allow you to Transform?
