View Full Version : Dragon Shaman ??s

2014-03-10, 10:46 PM
So I was going to make a cleric for a FR/Underdark campaign, but one of the others beat me to it, so I am going to try out the Dragon Shaman. I have read the handbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=214007) so I know the basic style I am going for with him. That being said, the style I envision is the Dragon's Champion/Fixer, either having an Aura that gives the edge, or Entangling the mobs, or just blasting with my Breath Weapon, and once everything is dead, bring everyone back to full through vigor/ToV.

So I was planning out my progression and I thought a 2 level dip into Paladin of Freedom for Grace and LoH would fit my plan nicely. While going through the Paladin Handbook (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.ca/2011/08/paladins-handbook.html) I saw Marshal mentioned, so off I go to take a peak at that...

So this is why I am posting here, to see if there are any better options, or if there is a better way to layout the progression.

Ghor- Dragonborn(heart) Draconic Human- 17DS(Copper)/2PoF/1Marsh
2 Flaws: Shakey, Inattentive
1. Dragon Shaman1 - Dreadful Wrath, Entangling Exhalation, Shape Breath - Auras (Vigor, Senses, and Energy Shield)
2. Dragon Shaman2 - Skill Focus(Jump)
3. Dragon Shaman3 - Heighten Breath - Swiftness(Aura)
4. Dragon Shaman4 - DS Breath Weapon
5. Dragon Shaman5 - Shamanic Invocation(Endure Element)
6. Paladin of Freedom1 - Imperious Command
7. Paladin of Freedom2 - Divine Grace, LoH
8. Marshal1 - Minor Aura(Determined Caster)
9. Dragon Shaman6 - Clinging Breath - Touch of Vitality
10. Dragon Shaman7 - Presense(Aura)
11. Dragon Shaman8 - Skill Focus(Hide)
12. Dragon Shaman9 - Dragon Cohort - Power(Aura, the one from Dragon Magic, not the PHBII one)
13. Dragon Shaman10 -
14. Dragon Shaman11 -
15. Dragon Shaman12 - Maximize Breath
16. Dragon Shaman13 -
17. Dragon Shaman14 -
18. Dragon Shaman15 - Enlarge Breath
19. Dragon Shaman16 - Skill Focus(Bluff)
20. Dragon Shaman17 -

As I said above, we are going to be spending a lot of time in the Underdark where SR: Yes becomes a huge problem, thus the sticking Marshal in there for the minor aura. Or would Motivate Dex be better to give us all a jump in the heat of things? The Paly, just because of all the synergy and the huge boost to my saves.

So, any critiques for this build?