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2014-03-10, 11:12 PM
Holy Blood

Long ago, a mighty and evil dragon ruled over an empire. Passing its spirit and control from emperor to emperor, it maintained a dynasty for centuries, using the line as puppets.

Many atrocities were committed in its name, and eventually the people grew angry, and resentful. A rebellion stirred

And, as rebellions are wont to do in the face of overwhelming odds, crushed through attrition. The remnants took cover in a lone city, fighting for survival.

And then, a miracle occurred. Twelve beings- some say mighty dragons, others claim gods, and yet others say 'dragon-gods'- descended, offering certain members of the resistance a chance to gain power enough to topple the empire.

Entering into blood-bonds, the newly empowered Twelve Crusaders finally achieved their goal, breaking the line of emperors and freeing the lands. Their descendants, still blessed by the dragon-gods, continue, gaining powers similar to those of their forebearers....

Baldur Bloodline

Descendants of the Holy Knight Baldur, the bearers of this bloodline are righteous sorts, oft seen smiting evil. Paladins and holy priests are common in their stock, and find their natural abilities to be quite complementary to the ones they develop.

2-Ride +2
4Ride +2Luck of the Divine
6-Charisma +1
8Luck of the DivineBlood-Bonded Smite
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Charisma +1Pursuit
14-Diplomacy +2
16Blood-bonded SmiteRally
18-Strength +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Blood-blessed Blade

Luck of the Divine: With the blessings of a mighty dragon, good luck seems to follow the Baldur bloodline. They gain a Luck bonus to all saves equal to the number of bloodline levels they possess.

Blood-bonded Smite (Su): The Holy Knight's strengths were his conviction and drive to defeat evil. Once per day per bloodline level he possesses, the character may Smite Evil, as a paladin of his level. In addition, if the target of a Smite Evil attempt is of the Dragon type, or Dragonblood subtype, he deals one point of Con damage on a successful hit.

Pursuit: One of the skills of Baldur was following up an attack with just as much vigor as the first. When the character makes a full attack, they gain a +5 bonus on each iterative attack granted by a high base attack bonus.

Rally (Ex): While being a great warrior, the Holy Knight was also a leader. As a swift action, once per encounter, the character may grant all allies within 30 feet of him a morale bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on attack rolls or saving throws against Mind Affecting effects. Alternatively, he may grant them Damage Reduction equal to his Charisma modifier. Regardless of the chosen bonus, this benefit lasts 5 rounds.

Blood-blessed Blade (Su): The very nature of Baldur's blood is anathema to evil, and potent against dragons. As a move action, by taking one point of Constitution burn, the character may apply the Bane (Dragon) and Holy properties to a weapon they touch. These properties only work for them, and last for one minute. This ability may be used once per day per bloodline level they possess.

Dain Bloodline

Born of the line of the Dragon Knight Dain, speed and skill with mounts come naturally to the bearers of this bloodline. Renown cavalry, both land based and aerial, are frequent among these Holy Blood bearers.

2-Ride +2
4Ride +2Health of the Divine
6-Dex +1
8Health of the DivineAdept
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Dex +1 Ride-By Attack
14-Intimidate +2
16Adept Surging Motion
18-Str +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Parry of the Dragon Knight

Health of the Divine: A character with this bloodline has a sturdier body than most, once their heritage awakens. They gain an extra hit point per two hit dice for each bloodline level they possess.

Adept (Ex): The speed and power of the Dragon Knight lives on in his descendants. Once per encounter, as a swift action after making an attack, the character may make an additional attack at his base attack bonus minus 5.

Ride-By Attack: Dain's line often find themselves in mounted combat, on terrestrial mounts or the more exotic. The character gains the Ride-By Attack feat as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Surging Movement: The Dragon Knight was known for both his swift reactions and his quickness of motion, even extending to his mount. The character gains a +3 bonus on Initiative checks, and a 5-foot bonus to all forms of movement he possesses. While mounted, any creature he is riding gains a 5-foot bonus to all forms of movement it possesses.

Parry of the Dragon Knight (Ex): Legends of Dain speak of his casual rediction of attacks aimed at him, turning blows aimed for him into strikes against his enemies. Once per encounter, as a free action while not his turn, the character may attempt to parry an attack aimed at him and redirect it to an adjacent creature. He makes an attack roll, and if the result is greater than the attack being parried, successfully diverts the blow to an adjacent creature of his choice. The original attacker may not be chosen.

Fala Bloodline

The members of this bloodline tend to keep to the traditions set by the Mage-Fighter Fala: If fire doesn't work, use more. Most find themselves using magical fire to do so, though some wield it through the traditional elemental methods.

2-Spellcraft +2
4Spellcraft +2Fire Resistance
6-Int +1
8Fire ResistanceStrengthened Magic
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Int +1Searing Magic
14-Profession (Cook) +2
16Strengthened MagicSmoldering Defenses
18-Cha +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Inferno

Fire Resistance (Su): The magic of the character's blood is mighty,and turns aside that akin to it. They gain Fire Resistance 5. If they possess two or more bloodline levels, this increases to Fire Resistance 10.

Strengthened Magic: Connection to the divine enhances this character's magic. Whenever they cast a spell or use a similar ability with the [Fire] descriptor, they treat their caster level as 1 higher than normal. Furthermore, for all level-based damage effects with the [Fire] descriptor have their cap increased by 1 die per bloodline level possessed by the character.

Searing Magic (Su): Fala's sacred fire burns brighly in the magic of this character. Whenever they use a damaging ability with the [Fire] descriptor, they may choose to ignore Fire Resistance, and deal half damage to creatures immune to fire damage with that ability. This may be used a number of times per day equal to 3+ their Intelligence modifier.

Smoldering Defenses (Su): The strength of the character's flames is such that it lingers, even after being used for an attack. Whenever they use a damaging ability with the [Fire] descriptor, they gain a burning aura that lasts for one round. If a creature successfully makes a melee attack on them, that creature deals damage normally, but takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Creatures using reach weapons do not take this damage.

Inferno (Su): The character's mastery of fire magic has reached its apex. All damage dealing abilities with the [Fire] descriptor ignore Fire Resistance and deal half damage to creatures immune to fire damage. Furthermore, if they expend a use of Searing Magic while using such an ability, they may deal full damage to any creature immune to fire, instead of half.

Fellblood Bloodline

While the majority of Holy bloodlines come from the Twelve Crusaders, the technique their patrons used is old, and known by many. A number of powerful and evil dragons have performed the same ritual, and their chosen 'blessed' ones are collected under the name of 'Fellblood'. With a strong affinity for magic, and dark magic especially, is it any wonder why they're frequently found leading armies of undead or other evil beings...?

2-Bluff +2
4Bluff +2Spell Resistance
6-Cha +1
8Spell ResistanceFell Sorcery
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Cha +1Chosen Vessel
14-Spellcraft +2
16Fell SorceryMastery of the Field
18-Int +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Fell Ignition

Spell Resistance (Su): As dragons shrug off the mightiest of spells, the Fellblood resist most mortal magics. . They gain Spell Resistance equal to their hit dice. This spell resistance does not apply to spells cast by allies. For each bloodline level after the first they possess, this SR increases by 5.

Fell Sorcery (Sp/Psi): The blessings of mighty dragons flow through blood, granting arcane power. Once per day per bloodline level he possesses, the character may use one of the following spells as a spell-like ability, chosen at the level this ability is gained, with a caster leel equal to his character level. Once chosen, this spell cannot be changed.
Charm Person (heightened to 2nd level), Curse of Impending Blades(Spell Compendium, p56), False Life, Infernal Wound(SpC, p122), Wracking Touch(SpC, p243)

Alternatively, he may gain Hostile Empathetic Transfer as a Psi-like ability, usable once per day per bloodline level he possesses, with a manifester level equal to his character level.

All saving throw DCs are based on Charisma.

Chosen Vessel: The lines of dark dragons are strong of mind, though not without some cracks. They gain a +4 bonus to all saves against possession effects, and a +2 bonus to all saves against enchantment spells. If targeted by the progenitor of their bloodline, they instead take a -4 penalty on saves against both possession effects and enchantment spells.

Mastery of the Field (Su): The Fellblood's will is absolute, overwhelming all. A number of times per day equal their Charisma modifier, they may impose a -2 circumstance penalty to the saving throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls of all enemies within a 30 foot radius of himself. These penalties can be negated with a successful Will save (DC 10+1/2th HD+Cha mod), and last for a number of rounds equal to the Fellblood's level. So long as a single creature is affected by this, the Fellblood may take an additional Swift action each round. This is a Necromancy effect.

Fell Ignition: A spark of their progenitor's power has reached the Fellblood. Whenever they make an attack with a natural or manufactured weapon, they may add their Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher, as an untyped bonus to their damage rolls. Whenever they cast a spell or use a similar ability, such as a power, that deals damage, they may add their Strength modifier as an untyped bonus to the damage roll or rolls. The bonus damage to spells applies only once per target.

Forseti Bloodline

Free-spirited yet soothing, the members of the Forseti bloodline are known not by their founder, but by the origin of his powers. Often warrior-mages or traveling musicians, the bloodline provides a collection of abilities that make one like the wind itself.

2-Balance +2
4Balance +2Fast Movement
6-Dex +1
8Fast MovementHaste
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Dex +1Strengthened Magic
14-Spellcraft +2
16HasteForseti's Swiftness
18-Cha +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Wind God's Blessing

Fast Movement: Forseti's power flows through the veins of the character, letting them move swifter, regardless of their method. They gain a +5 foot bonus to their speed for all forms of movement per bloodline level they possess.

Haste (Sp): By channeling the power of their divine forebearer, the character can increase his speed for a short period of time. As a swift action three times per day, he may use Haste as a spell like ability, with a Caster Level equal to 1/2th his character level, targeting only himself.

Strengthened Magic: Connection to the divine enhances this character's magic. Whenever they cast a spell or use a similar ability that grants or improves a Fly speed, or that possesses the [Sonic] descriptor, they treat their effective Caster Level as one higher than normal

Forseti's Swiftness (Su): The character has become capable of releasing bursts of wind magic to reposition themselves. Once per encounter, they may use a swift action to move up to their speed.

Wind God's Blessing (Su): Forseti's power has manifested around the character in a small wind current that seems to always deflect the worst of blows or shots. They gain a +3 deflection bonus to AC, and all projectile-based ranged attacks made against them suffer a 10% miss chance.

Hezul Bloodline

Born of the Black Knight Hezul's line, the members of this bloodline are terrors to behold on the battlefield. Often seen charging headfirst into battle, these powerful warriors rarely take more than a few strikes to fell their foes, often with blades as dangerous to themselves as their enemies.

2-Ride +2
4Ride +2Practiced Critical
6-Str +1
8Practiced CriticalExpert Power Attack
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Str +1Curse Resistance
14-Knowledge (History) +2
16Expert Power AttackMasterful Critical
18-Con +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Powerful Critical

Practiced Critical: Hezul's might and power flow through the character's veins, allowing them to deliver blows that are overwhelming. They gain a +2 bonus on rolls to confirm critical hits per bloodline level they possess.

Expert Power Attack: With the strength of their ancestor, the character can apply attacks in a manner more damaging than most. Whenever they deal damage with the Power Attack feat, they increase the amount of damage dealt by 1 point for every 4 points of damage they would normally add.

Curse Resistance (Ex): Through the line of Hezul, many have found and used weapons of an ill-natured sort. This history lead to the bloodline instinctually preparing for such things. They gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws made against curses* and possession effects, and on Ego checks.

Masterful Critical: With training and practice, the character has learned how to improve their odds of a lucky hit. They increase the critical threat range of any weapon they wield by 1. This stacks with Keen and similar effects, and is applied afterwards.

Powerful Critical: By mastering the techniques of Hezul, the character can deliver incredible blows. They increase their critical hit multiplier by 1 on any weapon they wield.

*For the purposes of this ability, a "Curse" is a non-harmless spell or similar ability with Curse in its name, and includes the Bane spell. This also applies on saves against Cursed items.

Naga Bloodline

Those of the Naga bloodline their name not from their ancestor, but from the one who blessed him. Frequently paladins and other holy-warriors or healers, a strong sense of righteousness seems to accompany the bloodline to all its bearers.

2-Diplomacy +2
4Diplomacy +2Health of the Divine
6-Charisma +1
8Health of the DivineBlessings of the Divine
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Charisma +1Spell Resistance
14-Knowledge (Religion) +2
16Blessings of the DivineSmite Evil
18-Constitution +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Grace of Naga

Health of the Divine: A character with this bloodline has a sturdier body than most, once their heritage awakens. They gain an extra hit point per hit dice they possess. If they have two or more Bloodline levels, they instead gain an extra three hit points per two hit dice they possess.

Blessings of the Divine (Sp): Once per day per bloodline level he possesses, the character may use Align Weapon as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his hit dice. This may only be used as a [Good] effect.

Spell Resistance (Su): The power of Naga's divine blessings flows through the character's veins. They gain Spell Resistance equal to their hit dice+5. This spell resistance does not apply to spells cast by allies.

Smite Evil (Su): Twice per day, a character with this bloodine may Smite Evil, as a Paladin of his character level, using Wisdom in place of Charisma.

Grace of Naga (Su): Naga's blessings have increased in power, making the character more resistant to effects targeting their body. They may add their Wisdom modifier as an insight bonus to their Foritude and Reflex saving throws. Additionally, if they should fail a save against a possession effect from an Evil creature or spell, they may reroll it once, at no penalty.

Neir Bloodline

Indomitable titans on the battlefield, like their predecessor, the members of the Neir bloodline are known for their immense physical resilience. Most tend to take their forebearer' s preferred weapon, an axe of some sort, as their own weapon of choice, and are seen taking hits as much as they deliver them.

2-Ride +2
4Ride +2Health of the Divine
6-Con +1
8Health of the DivineAxe Knight's Bulwark
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Con +1Neir's Vigil
14-Intimidate +2
16Axe Knight's BulwarkDual Guard
18-Str +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Endurance of the Blood-bond

Health of the Divine: A character with this bloodline has a sturdier body than most, once their heritage awakens. They gain an extra hit point per two hit dice for each bloodline level they possess.

Axe Knight's Bulwark (Ex): With their ancestor's legendary durability, the bearer of the Neir bloodline is able to ablate the worst of whatever damage is thrown their way. They gain DR 2/Adamantine, which stacks with other DR. For every bloodline level after the first they possess, this DR increases by 2.

Neir's Vigil (Ex): Though their bodies may be battered and broken, a member of the Neir bloodline is always the last to fall. As long as his hit points are at 1/2th of their maximum or less, the character gains Fast Healing 2.

Dual Guard (Ex): A durable warrior who's allies are not learns a handful of lessons to assist them. As an immediate action, once per encounter, if an ally within 10 feet of the character would be hit by an attack roll, he may move adjacent to the ally and interpose himself, taking the effects of the attack regardless of if it would hit or miss the character himself.

Endurance of the Blood-bond (Ex): The legendary endurance of Neir has passed down to his descendant. The character gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against [Death] effects, and may reroll one failed save against such an effect, once per day.

Odo Bloodline

Warriors known for their skill, the members of this bloodline draw their name from the Sword-Saint Odo. Swordsmen who rely on their wits as well as their feet and blade often spring from this bloodline.

2-Tumble +2
4Tumble +2Improved Feint
6-Dex +1
8Improved FeintExpert Reactions
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Dex +1Moonlit Blade
14-Concentration +2
16Expert ReactionsPiercing Strike
18-Int +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Strike of the Crusader

Improved Feint: Odo's skill has passed down through the blood of the character. They gain Improved Feint as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites.

Expert Reactions: With all the speed and grace of their forbearer, the character can react to trouble before most. They gain a +1 bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saves. This bonus increases by 1 for each bloodline level they possess.

Moonlit Blade (Ex): Drawing on the powers of Odo, the character can target precise weak points with their attacks. Once per encounter, as a swift action, they may make all attacks they make during their turn ignore the Damage Reduction of one creature.

Piercing Strike (Ex): Odo's speed and skill have nearly fully manifested in the character, allowing them to strike true even against foes they otherwise could not. They ignore 10% of miss chance on any foes posessing such.

Strike of the Crusader (Ex): The character has perfectly copied their ancestor's techniques, adapting them to their own style. Whenver they make a melee attack on their turn that is not part of a full attack, they may make take a -2 penalty on that attack to make a second one at the same to-hit bonus as the first. This second attack deals only normal damage.

Tordo Bloodline

Renown mage-knights and spellblades, the bearers of the Tordo bloodline are found leading charges and conducting magical assaults in various places. Few come close to their mastery of electricity, and none can exceed their spells in sheer piercing power.

2-Knowledge (History) +2
4Knowledge (History) +2Mage Knight's Reflexes
6-Int +1
8Mage Knight's ReflexesHammer of Thunder
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Int +1Overcharge
14-Spellcraft +2
16Hammer of ThunderStrengthened Magic
18-Con +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Mastery of the Storm

Mage Knight's Reflexes (Ex): Tordo's legendary reactions and speed are part of your blood. Their base land speed increases by 5 feet, and they gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks.

Hammer of Thunder (Su): Lightning magic and Tordo blood are entwined. Whenever the character makes an attack, as a free action, they may add bonus electricity damage to the effects of that attack equal to their Int modifier. If they possess two or more Bloodline levels, they double this damage.

Overcharge (Su): A Tordo's magic is mightier than most. As a free action number of times per day equal to their 3+Con modifier, they may ignore any electricity resistance they may encounter for their turn. If a creature has electricity immunity, they instead deal half damage with any /electricity damage they inflict.

Strengthened Magic: Connection to the divine enhances this character's magic. Whenever they cast a spell or use a similar ability with the [Electricity] descriptor, they treat their caster level as 1 higher than normal. Furthermore, any saving throw DC is increased by 2.

Mastery of the Storm (Su): Tordo's divine lightning is exceptionally favorable and potent. The critical threat range of targeted [Electricity] effects used by the character is doubled. Furthermore, if an [Electricity] effect that targets an area allows a saving throw and deals damage, all creatures that fail the saving throw by 10 or more must make a second saving throw. If that too fails, they take double damage from the effect.

Ulir Bloodline

Incredibly fortunate, the descendants of Ulir are frequently found testing their luck on the battlefield. Many go on to become peerless archers in keeping with their forbearer, but some go for a more subtle route, becoming light skirmishers- after all, why bother with armor when you're so lucky?

2-Hide +2
4Hide +2Crusader's Luck
6-Dex +1
8Crusader's LuckLucky Shot
10-Holy Blood Affinity +2
12Dex +1Health of the Divine
14-Move Silently +2
16Lucky ShotFortuitous Blessing
18-Cha +1
20Holy Blood Affinity +2Surge of Fortune

Crusader's Luck: Events conspire to help Ulir's descendants survive. The character gains Advantageous Avoidance (Complete Scoundrel, page 73) as a bonus feat. Furthermore, they gain a number of bonus luck rerolls* each day equal to their number of bloodline levels.

Lucky Shot (Ex): Even the best archer or swordsman has his moments of coincidences lining up perfectly to hit the chink in his foe's defenses. As a swift action, by spending two luck rerolls*, the character may ignore DR on all attacks he makes until the end of his turn.

Health of the Divine: A character with this bloodline has a sturdier body than most, once their heritage awakens. They gain an extra three hit points per two hit dice they possess.

Fortuitous Blessing (Ex): Sometimes, things just seem to go the way of the Ulir blooded. Each day, upon waking up for the first time, they may gain a +3 Luck bonus on all attack rolls they make, a +2 Luck bonus to AC, or a +2 Luck bonus to all saving throws. Once chosen, this bonus lasts for 24 hours.

Surge of Fortune (Ex): Ulir's luck has manifested fully in his descendant. Once per encounter, as a free action, they may take an additional Swift action usable only to activate a feat. Furthermore, at the start of each encounter, they gain a single luck reroll*, that must be used in that encounter.

*"Luck reroll" refers to the mechanic used by the [Luck] Feats, in Complete Scoundrel.

Shared rules

Holy Blood Affinity: The character gains the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with creatures of divine heritage, including others with a Holy Bloodline. This does not include full celestials.


For the purposes of this homebrew, making the "Minor" and "Major" Holy Blood (http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Blood) into only Minor and Intermediate bloodlines fit better than making them into three different strengths.

If you should wish to construct a character with multiple types of Holy Blood, I suggest using the Mudblood (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11257934) bloodline, produced by Welknair, as a base. If you want an intermediate and a minor, I'd suggest using Hero-Blooded (www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=203394) to fill in the empty slot.


Just gonna reserve a second post, since I have like 8 more of these to do. Figured I'd get these out here for review. I'm generally aiming for similar power to Welknair's, but, you know how balance is.

(Don't know what a Bloodline is? Check this out (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208703), and it should clear up your questions.)

Thanks to the handful of folks who poked at these and helped me get lore straight while I was patching 'em together.

2014-03-10, 11:13 PM
Reserved for more potential bloodlines. Feel free to post now.

2014-03-18, 01:00 PM
Added Ulir bloodline, updated the organization.

Any comments on balance?

2014-03-18, 03:21 PM
Overall, most of the bloodlines seem to mesh together well crunch-wise with their flavor. You've done an excellent job of making each bloodline stand out with a bevy of a solid side features that compliment a given archetype. I could especially see some fun charger builds with the Hezul bloodlines small amp to power attack and so on.

Balance wise, most bloodlines are fine. I'd say to watch out for Ulir's crusader's luck ability. While 1 or 2 rerolls every day doesn't seem like a big deal, 5-10 and even up to 20 rerolls could potentially mean that you have a character that almost never fails a roll when it counts. I'd personally make it 1 reroll per day for every fourth minor bloodline level and every third for moderate bloodlines.

2014-03-18, 03:27 PM
Overall, most of the bloodlines seem to mesh together well crunch-wise with their flavor. You've done an excellent job of making each bloodline stand out with a bevy of a solid side features that compliment a given archetype. I could especially see some fun charger builds with the Hezul bloodlines small amp to power attack and so on.

Balance wise, most bloodlines are fine. I'd say to watch out for Ulir's crusader's luck ability. While 1 or 2 rerolls every day doesn't seem like a big deal, 5-10 and even up to 20 rerolls could potentially mean that you have a character that almost never fails a roll when it counts. I'd personally make it 1 reroll per day for every fourth minor bloodline level and every third for moderate bloodlines.

Do note that, as an intermediate-tops bloodline, they'll only really take two bloodline levels.

So, it really is only two extra rerolls, on a set of somewhat mediocre feats, at the worst.

I was more worried about the "Free extra reroll per encounter" of the last Ulir ability.

I probably should note "Complete Scoundrel" for the feat, actually, so people can see what splat it is.... Excuse me.

2014-03-18, 05:05 PM
Updated Naga bloodline. It's down to intermediate, paladin feel-focused.

2014-03-31, 11:25 AM
Updated with new... Ugh. Tables.

2014-04-26, 11:01 PM
Balance wise, most bloodlines are fine. I'd say to watch out for Ulir's crusader's luck ability. While 1 or 2 rerolls every day doesn't seem like a big deal, 5-10 and even up to 20 rerolls could potentially mean that you have a character that almost never fails a roll when it counts. I'd personally make it 1 reroll per day for every fourth minor bloodline level and every third for moderate bloodlines.

Agreed. You can upgrade them further to do something later such as if you roll a 1 on this re-roll, you do not automatically fail and then later If you roll a 1, you may re-take this roll. So there's less of a chance of failure, but not *too* much number fixing. Remember, chance is a big part of why we use dice.

Take a look at the Fatespinner from Complete Arcane (page 37-38) for other fate-themed ideas. There's also luck-based ideas from the Complete Scoundrel. Take a look!

2014-04-26, 11:03 PM
Updated with new... Ugh. Tables.

They look so pretty!

2014-04-27, 09:32 AM
Agreed. You can upgrade them further to do something later such as if you roll a 1 on this re-roll, you do not automatically fail and then later If you roll a 1, you may re-take this roll. So there's less of a chance of failure, but not *too* much number fixing. Remember, chance is a big part of why we use dice.

Take a look at the Fatespinner from Complete Arcane (page 37-38) for other fate-themed ideas. There's also luck-based ideas from the Complete Scoundrel. Take a look!

The Luck stuff from Complete Scoundrel is actually what I'm doing. I probably should specifically note that any "Luck Reroll" granted by the class is for those feats....

Anyway, tossing up another bloodline- Fellblooded. Opinions would be nice.

2014-04-27, 09:48 AM
The Luck stuff from Complete Scoundrel is actually what I'm doing. I probably should specifically note that any "Luck Reroll" granted by the class is for those feats....

Otherwise it's too abusable, and stackable, with those idea. Lots of DMs don't like the stuff from Complete Scoundrel, as it not only makes the game less predictable, but also replaces Action Point mechanics, for example.

2014-04-27, 10:01 AM
Grace of the Naga: does that mean double Cha-mod to Fortitude and Reflex?

Fala bloodline: The Strengthened Magic line is significantly appealing. Very nice.

Fellblood Line: At least give us the SpC pages for the spells!! Also, you don't have Fell Ignition listed on the table. Perhaps you accidentally left out the last row?

2014-04-27, 10:06 AM
Otherwise it's too abusable, and stackable, with those idea. Lots of DMs don't like the stuff from Complete Scoundrel, as it not only makes the game less predictable, but also replaces Action Point mechanics, for example.

They eat up your feats that could be used to improve your offensive abilities with specific, defensive, rerolls. And Action Points are a bonus to rolls, not a reroll.

TBH, as they are, the only sort of character I could see making use of them somewhat successfully would be a Fighter, Feat Rogue, or maybe a ToB melee. No one else has enough feats to burn and still be somewhat useful.

Otherwise it's too abusable, and stackable, with those idea. Lots of DMs don't like the stuff from Complete Scoundrel, as it not only makes the game less predictable, but also replaces Action Point mechanics, for example.

Grace of the Naga: does that mean double Cha-mod to Fortitude and Reflex?

Insight, so if you specifically went for Divine Grace, then sure. I mean, you kinda did go for the implacable holy knight, and Paladin is generally sub-par.

Fala bloodline: The Strengthened Magic line is significantly appealing. Very nice.

The intent was to get people to stick to thematic spells. Tordo is being worked on at the moment, and aimed towards single target elimination...

Fellblood Line: At least give us the SpC pages for the spells!! Also, you don't have Fell Ignition listed on the table. Perhaps you accidentally left out the last row?

That last thing is fixed, and I suppose I should.

2014-05-08, 10:02 PM

Added Tordo and Neir.

Revised Fellblood and Naga slightly. The former to better match more/both flavors, the latter to, well, drive them Cleric or Mystic instead of paladin. #BaldurSoon

Any questions?

2014-05-15, 10:53 PM
Man, I totally wish I could add more, but the only Fire Emblem Games i've played are the (Gameboy) Sacred Stones and Fire Emblem Gaiden.

2014-07-27, 04:40 PM

The Bloodlines of Baldur and Dain have been added, and I'm sorta working on Blaggi and Noba for the moment.

Apologies on the slowness of this update, as well. Life, work, etc all have been keeping me fairly busy for the last couple of months.