View Full Version : Break my Monk Fix (At-Will Spells)

2014-03-11, 03:43 AM
Below is my beta text for my quick-n-dirty monk balance. Is it tier 3? What's the most abuse you could make?

Monk: The Monk gets full base attack bonus. At 4th level and every 2 levels after, the monk may choose one: Pounce, flurry to attacks of opportunity, flurry to standard action attacks, powerful build, +2/Grapples, Heal +Level/Day (requires wholeness of body), the ability to lower any SR as an immediate action, any 0-level spell at will (Target:Self or must be cast targeting self, CL=Monk Level), any first-level spell at will (same restrictions, must have at least half as many 0-level spells), any 2nd-level spell at will (same restrictions, must have at least half as many first-level spells), etc.

Example build:
Level 4: Resistance at will
Level 6: Mage Armor at will
Level 8: Aid At Will
Level 10: Cure Critical Wounds at will
Level 12: Dimension Door At Will
Level 14: Overland Flight At Will


I'm aiming for tier 3. My houserules include oodles and oodles of banned spells (including all polymorph spells and nearly all spells above 6th level). What would push this into tier 2?

Note that you're actually casting spells, meaning you need all components. Also if I made a full treatment I'd define what constitutes an X level spell. For now assume full-caster list.

Rebalancing thoughts:
May reduce to self-only spells (any level 0?)
May reduce to spells with durations
Reduce Caster Level to 1/2 Monk Level

2014-03-11, 05:03 AM
Guidance of the avatar (Clr 2, if memory serves) would make this rather substantially better than a factotum at most if not all skills: flat +20 to next skill check. That's not necessarily T2, but it does let this monk do crazy glibness-like stunts for … everything skill-related, really, in particular Diplomacy.