View Full Version : Multiplatform Titanfall Thread

2014-03-11, 05:14 PM
Who Has it? Who wants it? What's your gamer tag?!

I'm just about to jump in and try it out for a few hours.


ShadowFighter882 (Aussie Servers)

Xbox Live/ XB1
Sire Seatofbelt

2014-03-11, 11:34 PM
I want it rather badly, as it stands now my plan is to get it for my birthday. I played the beta an absolute ton, anyone have it yet?

2014-03-12, 06:17 AM
Seems that typically for my life, I got to play it for about an hour and won't have a chance to again until friday.

2014-03-12, 06:56 AM
Seems that typically for my life, I got to play it for about an hour and won't have a chance to again until friday.

At least you can, we don't get it in the UK until Friday :smallmad: I have the day booked off work specifically for this game.

2014-03-12, 09:22 PM
I heard about it, and it sounded interesting. I watched Adam Sessler's review which he gave it a five. I was turned off by the game play footage and two very big red flags. Bot players to fill in a team, and auto aim pistols.

It really just looks like a COD twitch game with annoying picture in picture video of some plot crap playing in a PVP game. That would be fine if it was a single player game, but I dont want that in a team based game.

Hiro Protagonest
2014-03-12, 09:23 PM
Bot players to fill in a team, and auto aim pistols.

Um, there's exactly one auto-aim pistol, and it's a primary weapon, so you take it in place of a rifle or SMG.

As for bot players, I'm... not sure what you mean. I haven't exactly been keeping totally up on this game, but I have watched both of TotalBiscuit's videos on it. You mean the AI creeps? This is designed like a MOBA (but with the gameplay of a run-and-gun shooter). Relatively small amount of players per team that are elite units, and AI units to represent regular troops.

So both of those are only negatives in highly subjective ways. Although the MOBA setup is also arguably only a positive subjectively, it is something other shooters haven't done (besides Super Monday Night Combat), so it's overall better for the extra variety over other shooters. Sadly, we're still lacking a regular old good run-n-gun.

2014-03-13, 06:09 AM
The creeps aren't a big thing. I've been killed by them a couple times. But mostly they exist to populate the battlefield and don't do much else. The auto-aim pistol is also extremely close range and takes a second to lock on to players, which gives them enough time to kill you. And if you have enough time to lock on to them you probably could have also killed them with another short range weapon.

There is also no picture-in-picture story sequence. Even in the "campaign" mode.

2014-03-14, 09:32 AM
My tag, btw, is Sire Seat of Belt on the XBone. I'm pretty terrible. My competitive multiplayer background is in Halo. Which is a little slower paced and you are more durable.

AI think burn cards are neat but I don't like that they go away when you die. Can't tell you how many matches I've played where I turn on a burn card and get dropped in to the middle of a titan duel and get killed by stray rockets before I can shoot anything.

2014-03-15, 01:30 PM
I've been playing a bit on PC, and have been having a really good time despite some questionable "skillz". I think once I get better map knowledge and wrap my head around the "parkour" style movement abilities, I will get better.

The Moba type enemy mobs are a really good addition for the most part, and they really give a newer player a chance to feel powerful and pull some cool moves early on. And much like a real Moba, they can even become a factor in deciding a really close match, slowly pushing into the enemy side of the map and causing problems.

I honestly think the worst part for me is the Titan's themselves- I enjoy piloting Titan's, but I like running around as a pilot even more, and many of my Titan piloting experiences are basically just looking at flashing panels and red lights trying to figure out where all of the attacks are coming from until explosive death. Still, they do add a nice tactical wrinkle to the standard FPS dynamics, and I'll never get tired of just trampling down problem enemies or tearing another pilot out of his cockpit and crushing him like a bug. And the uneven challenge of trying to bring an enemy titan down as a vulnerable pilot creates some really memorable encounters.

Overall, I actually think this game was worth all of the hype, and it is the first game in a long time where I am glad I preordered. By far the best multiplayer game I've played in years, really.

Oh, and Origin gamertag is Gecks777, if anyone cares. :smallsmile:

2014-03-15, 04:12 PM
I will edit the first post with people's gamertags.

I agree on the creeps. They seem to be specifically hot dropped in to areas with little activity so the map is always populated. Its a nice change from Halo (again, my MP background) where it is conceivable to run around the map for several minutes not encountering anyone. I also like that it gives everyone something to do. I might suck, but I can kill mobs and that DOES contribute to the team score.

I also really love how combat seems to move around the map. Battles really do shift around and the locus seems to be around Titans. But in Halo each map has a few areas that you just go to if you want to find enemies. In Titanfall however, and granted it's still new, we seem to rotate around the map a lot more.

I probably won't have time to play it until Monday though. :(

On Titan combat, I have about the same problem. But remember you can issue them commands and the Titan on autopilot will lose against a player in a Titan, but it still kills creeps and causes headaches for Pilots. Sometimes its worth it just to drop your Titan in to a zone and let it do its thing, or order it to follow you around.

2014-03-15, 07:25 PM
Sometimes its worth it just to drop your Titan in to a zone and let it do its thing, or order it to follow you around.

Yeah, I don't think I've seen any really good use of auto-Titans yet except for the losing team to cover their extraction (leave the Titan on guard mode down below while you climb up to the dropship) or as a bit of cover while hacking a heavy turret.

I suppose it might come up more on Hardpoint missions for the points inside buildings that a Titan can't reach. But I just haven't seen it happen too often (or maybe I'm just blind:smalltongue:).

Origin tag is ShadowFighter882 but I mostly stick to the new Aussie servers on PC - with my aim, I can't hit a damn thing above 150 ping without using the Smart Pistol.

2014-03-15, 10:14 PM
Yeah, I don't think I've seen any really good use of auto-Titans yet except for the losing team to cover their extraction (leave the Titan on guard mode down below while you climb up to the dropship) or as a bit of cover while hacking a heavy turret.

I suppose it might come up more on Hardpoint missions for the points inside buildings that a Titan can't reach. But I just haven't seen it happen too often (or maybe I'm just blind:smalltongue:).

Origin tag is ShadowFighter882 but I mostly stick to the new Aussie servers on PC - with my aim, I can't hit a damn thing above 150 ping without using the Smart Pistol.

I think the value of the auto-Titan depends on the skill of the other players in the match. It IS going to get killed by enemy Titans. But that means they have to spend time shooting at it and not at other players, so piloted Titans are more vulnerable to attack from things that don't suck. It can often be half-decent fire support for an allied PC Titan. Also if its not getting itself exploded it's shooting at creeps, and its kills count for yours.

Ultimately an auto-Titan is just a really, really big bot with a lot of HP. Sometimes that's going to suck. But sometimes Creeps kill me. So imagine what a Creep with a really big gun can do.

2014-03-16, 02:45 AM
So, dived into Titanfall and discovered that my years of Halo experience do not translate over well.

I'm used to a time to kill of five+ seconds. Titanfall, your pilot dies in about two.

I'm used to having to watch in a two dimensional plane. Now I have to watch in all three dimensions.

However, I've found I love the Auto-Pistol and Arc Mines. Put two Arc Mines near the flag, hang around in the corner. First guy to try and grab the flag is electrocuted. Second guy, you chase him out the door, lock on while sprinting after him, and put him down. Rinse repeat.

I love the Adrenaline Injection burn cards. It's like Prosthetic Legs, only with extra health. On the better CTF maps, you can run the circuit in about 45 seconds.

I still don't have the hang of Titan piloting though. My Auto-Titan is better at surviving than I am. I get more Titan kills with the Sidewinder than with my Triple-Threat-packing Ogre. Somehow I either get rodeo'd and don't notice or I get double-teamed and shredded. I do love the Triple Threat for pilot killing, because you can bounce the grenades into hallways to murder pilots. I got a 10 kill streak on the Hammond Robotics facility map by camping one of the flags and just filling the room with ordinance.

2014-03-17, 01:48 AM
I've watched some beta plays, and agree that creeps are a good thing. It immerses you in the setting like in a single-player campaign because they act "in character", but the enemy elites are all human which is more difficult than any campaign AI enemy can be.

The parkour aspect helps to further immersion because the animations make you look like a ninja rather than a jumping polygon in Quake or UT. Humanoids jumping around, rather than running and taking cover, does not feel realistic... unless they're plainly ninja-like. I'm hoping the animations would actually look like that once the game's finished and shipped.

So overall I can clearly see some of the thoughts running thru the devs' minds: "How can we take UT but improve on the immersion and gameplay?"

Titans seeming underpowered is probably just new players not understanding high-level use of Titans, as opposed to having had years of exp using small mobile human-sized avatars.

The only big flaw I see with this game is... how the heck do I tell friends/foes apart? They all look the same, including the titans! Only visual differentiator is red names vs blue names, and that's terrible.

Elder Tsofu
2014-03-17, 02:34 AM
You tell them apart mainly by their colouring. The IMC has grey tones while the Militia has green tones, the gear is also slightly different but I tend to go on colour and name-plates.
But when in doubt, shoot first. :smalltongue:

This page has some character models side by side. (http://www.primagames.com/games/titanfall/guides/titanfall-eguide/introduction/titanfall-tech)

And animations seem to look like they did in the beta, so if you liked that you're probably going to like the full game.

2014-03-17, 02:54 AM
Yeah that's my point... "realistic color" uniforms are not good for gaming. They should have had one side dress in red + gold cybernetic armour, and the other have green + white Oblivion movie uniform or something. Anything to make the characters all stand out.

2014-03-17, 03:52 AM
Yeah that's my point... "realistic color" uniforms are not good for gaming. They should have had one side dress in red + gold cybernetic armour, and the other have green + white Oblivion movie uniform or something. Anything to make the characters all stand out.

They stand out just fine in play. IMC Titans have a white and grey paint scheme, Militia have a red/brown/green paint scheme. Pilots are similar - brown uniforms for Militia, grey for IMC.

Besides, if it shoots at you, shoot back. Problem solved.

Anyone else think the active radar pulse is the best tactical ability of them all? Stim won't buy you much time in a fight, Cloak is useless against non-Titans, but knowing where your enemy is? Priceless.

Elder Tsofu
2014-03-17, 05:04 AM
Yeah that's my point... "realistic color" uniforms are not good for gaming. They should have had one side dress in red + gold cybernetic armour, and the other have green + white Oblivion movie uniform or something. Anything to make the characters all stand out.

It works quite well in this game, so I disagree.

2014-03-17, 06:45 AM
It works quite well in this game, so I disagree.
That's great. Firstly I'd like to point out that 80% of my post was in praise/defense of this game. You're emphasizing my only critique of the game.

Now that that's out of the way... Obviously the distaste for
is not universal. There will always be some who like it or don't mind it. However, the point is that this is a widely-held criticism of an annoying design decision common in games, and especially common in FPS. For me, it sucks. This design trend; not the game.

It may work for you... But as an experienced gamer, after watching a Let's Play in HD for twenty minutes, I cannot tell you how the 2 sides look different. Hell I can't even tell you which Titans are supposed to be friendly vs hostile. The only way I can tell is by whether the little names above their heads are green or red.

And if I gave you a silhouette of a gov't soldier in running animation, vs a silhouette of a rebel soldier in running animation, I'd wager you can't tell either.

That's a common mistake in game design/ visual media design.

2014-03-17, 11:49 AM
That's great. Firstly I'd like to point out that 80% of my post was in praise/defense of this game. You're emphasizing my only critique of the game.

Now that that's out of the way... Obviously the distaste for
is not universal. There will always be some who like it or don't mind it. However, the point is that this is a widely-held criticism of an annoying design decision common in games, and especially common in FPS. For me, it sucks. This design trend; not the game.

It may work for you... But as an experienced gamer, after watching a Let's Play in HD for twenty minutes, I cannot tell you how the 2 sides look different. Hell I can't even tell you which Titans are supposed to be friendly vs hostile. The only way I can tell is by whether the little names above their heads are green or red.

And if I gave you a silhouette of a gov't soldier in running animation, vs a silhouette of a rebel soldier in running animation, I'd wager you can't tell either.

That's a common mistake in game design/ visual media design.

You say from watching Lets Plays, have you actually played the game? I don't know what it is but in my playing the game for about 5 hours on Friday, at no point did I ever think "damn, are they on my side or not?", I can't really explain how but I could just tell. The only time I ever accidentally shot at a friendly was when they literally jumped out at me and filled my screen.

I haven't had time over the weekend to play any more but damn am I having fun, it's fast paced, I haven't yet found a map that I don't enjoy playing and I may be developing inappropriate feelings towards the Titans.

2014-03-17, 02:18 PM
The models used for each side are drasticly different (IMC got the better ones IMO), so you don't really get confused once you get immersed in the game. They share some lines, but the silhouettes are different enough that only at a long distance can they be confused and at that range you are using a scope, so problem solved.

One thing does annoy me. I don't like unlock systems and I especially don't like ones where I can't pick what I unlock. This isn't an RPG where I'm supposed to grind mobs to reach some level cap. I'm supposed to be an elite soldier with the best equipment a faction can provide - why do I need to earn the privilege of using an SMG when they already will give me a robotic Titan on command?

2014-03-17, 02:48 PM
My gamertag on Origin is Ceiling_Squid, same as my user name here. Easy to remember. Ju

I'm bad to mediocre at this game, depending on if I'm having a good round or not. Then again, I bought it to scratch the occasional itch I get for a shooter, not being a regular FPS player. Hoping to practice and get better, but I only just starting playing this last weekend.

Lots of fun, in spite of my spotty record! I find I'm pretty bad when playing alone (never was good with the COD lone-wolf playstyle), and do better in matches where the team actually communicates and gives me a role to perform. If any of you guys ever want to get a round with voice chat, I'm down.

Just be ready to put up with a newb! :smallbiggrin:

And believe me, with 3 fast-paced dimensions to cover, I think squadplay is damn essential. I can't tell you how many times we've survived because someone was able to point out a nearby enemy that had been missed, or how many times we've had to peel enemy pilots off of a nearby friendly Titan.

I like the Pilot/Titan dynamic, a lot. The fact that pilots can pick off a Titan with proper tactics and numbers is fun. I like riding friendly Titans into battle and keeping the flies off them.

I'm a pretty sorry Titan pilot, so playing support on the ground (and using my Titan in auto-mode) is probably my current go-to until my skills improve.

Also much love for the auto-pistol. Its a lot more balanced than I thought it would be, considering the long lock-on time for players (I've rarely gotten pilot kills with it unless I sneak up on them). It's completely broken against NPCs (you feel like a badass by wiping out entire squads), but thats why I like packing it for Attrition rounds. It's a room clearer.

And did I mention hacking? Love it, also love the hacking animation. I'm usually the one hack in dangerous circumstances, which bites me in the ass sometimes. I like crashing into the middle of a squad of specters and hacking them before they kill me, or hacking turrets behind enemy lines.

EDIT: My only major complaint is that game performance has been inconsistent for me at times. The Odyssey campaign mission really made my framerate chug for some reason, the first time I got on it. Though later, playing another match on that map didn't have any issues. I can run the game pretty smoothly at max settings under most circumstances. Anyone else having issues?

2014-03-17, 03:44 PM
Just out of curiousity. How many of you are on Xbox one, 360 or PC?

2014-03-17, 04:39 PM
At the moment I'm the only person who has posted an XB1 gamertag.

2014-03-17, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I don't think I've seen any really good use of auto-Titans yet except for the losing team to cover their extraction (leave the Titan on guard mode down below while you climb up to the dropship) or as a bit of cover while hacking a heavy turret.

I suppose it might come up more on Hardpoint missions for the points inside buildings that a Titan can't reach. But I just haven't seen it happen too often (or maybe I'm just blind:smalltongue:).

Origin tag is ShadowFighter882 but I mostly stick to the new Aussie servers on PC - with my aim, I can't hit a damn thing above 150 ping without using the Smart Pistol.

Point capture is precisely where I've found an auto-Titan most useful. They can at least act as a speed bump outside the building for anyone trying to enter and prevent the capture.

Also, I've found that an auto-Titan is a reasonable distraction, if you disembark under the appropriate circumstances. Savvy players will spot the fact that its auto-piloted and hunt for its owner, making this strategy moot. Players who don't initially notice the autopilot nameplate, or don't know how to properly prioritize targets, will focus their attention on the Titan. This gives you a good moment to exploit the confusion on-foot.

I've been at the receiving end of this, newb as I am. I mounted a Titan to fiddle around in its brain, and only realized moments later that its pilot was hiding nearby. Got picked off pretty quickly. An auto-Titan can make for newb bait in the right circumstances.

And then there are those rare moments where your auto-Titan destroys another Titan while you're away from it. Usually after you die and it outlives you. Still feels bizarre. :smalleek: Makes you want to pat it on the head like a faithful dog, though. :smallbiggrin:

Just out of curiousity. How many of you are on Xbox one, 360 or PC?

I think the 360 version was delayed, if I'm not mistaken.

2014-03-18, 04:08 PM
Well the 360 is for sale in Game Stop so I'm assuming its out now. I was wondering if the performance on the 360 was adequate.

2014-03-18, 05:43 PM
I'm improving a bunch I think. The game is extremely fast paced. But it rewards slow paced thinking. Watch your Titan's health and try not to get surrounded, keep up with your allied Titans, and you're probably going to live a while. Keep an eye on radar, watch your surroundings, don't run outside unless you've checked the fire zones first, and you're going to rack up Pilot kills.

Also, people call this a Call of Duty Clone. My friend refers to it as Titancall. They may share many similarities. But when you can rip the arms off a 20 ft tall on fire robot while you yourself are also on fire in call of duty you might be right. Until then, who cares.

Also almost completed all the challenges for the RC-101 or whatever it's called. I need 3 more headshots. Then I can graduate to a better weapon.

2014-03-18, 06:18 PM
I'm playing it whenever I can.

Origin tag is:

Currently finishing up my as G-3 pilot. I'd be glad to play with you folks rather than assorted folks.

2014-03-18, 09:51 PM
Also almost completed all the challenges for the RC-101 or whatever it's called. I need 3 more headshots. Then I can graduate to a better weapon.

Grab the C.A.R SMG. Great mix of firepower, range, fire rate, and accuracy. I haven't found something it's bad at yet.

2014-03-19, 06:11 AM
Grab the C.A.R SMG. Great mix of firepower, range, fire rate, and accuracy. I haven't found something it's bad at yet.

I tried the DMR and it's not your Halo's DMR. Which made me sad. I'll try the C.A.R next.

It seems like the best way to level up is to grind challenges. Which means eventually I'm going to have to start using guns I traditionally suck with. Like sniper rifles.

2014-03-19, 07:59 AM
I tried the DMR and it's not your Halo's DMR. Which made me sad. I'll try the C.A.R next.

It seems like the best way to level up is to grind challenges. Which means eventually I'm going to have to start using guns I traditionally suck with. Like sniper rifles.

My suggestion is the Smart Pistol and the Shotgun. You're going to need to get good with a shotgun anyways, you have to complete challenges with it to complete your second regen, but the Smart Pistol will always be the God-Tier weapon for taking out grunts and spectres. You don't really have to kill pilots if you play Attrition, you're almost better off avoiding pilots and hunting down creeps.

2014-03-19, 09:35 AM
My suggestion is the Smart Pistol and the Shotgun. You're going to need to get good with a shotgun anyways, you have to complete challenges with it to complete your second regen, but the Smart Pistol will always be the God-Tier weapon for taking out grunts and spectres. You don't really have to kill pilots if you play Attrition, you're almost better off avoiding pilots and hunting down creeps.

If you tried that in a match against me, I'd kill you so many times. Pilots are worth a full pod of grunts and respawn quickly. Grunts and Spectres respawn slow and killing them gives away your position.

2014-03-19, 01:47 PM
If you tried that in a match against me, I'd kill you so many times. Pilots are worth a full pod of grunts and respawn quickly. Grunts and Spectres respawn slow and killing them gives away your position.

It's more than just point viability and efficiency, though, and you're makign an assumption about what certain players are currently capable of. The game is still new territory for a lot of us. Speaking as an unskilled player myself, it's the best possible advice for a newb starting out.

Pilot killing should be priority for raw points alone, but until someone gets good at the game, they will be destroyed in short order by enemy players who know how to move in three dimensions and get the drop on them. If a newb player is in an Attrition match, at least focusing on killing grunts and spectres (while avoiding enemy pilots) will make them contribute better to the team's point total.

As someone who generally has NOT yet developed the twitch reflexes for COD-style games, my K/D against players is atrocious. I'm a walking point-snack for players who can obliterate me in a second because they routinely get the drop on me first.

Following that advice has at least allowed me to contribute to the team's overall victory in Attrition rounds. If I'm having a bad round against enemy players, I focus on obliterating as many NPCs as possible.

Until my K/D and reflexes get beaten into shape, that's my only option.

Good advice for other newbs - be objective-focused, rather than PvP-focused. In Attrition, pick targets of opportunity and blow through NPC squadrons. See a drop pod? Wipe them out to the last man before the occupants can disperse. Leave the pilots to the skilled members of your team, until you are confident in your abilities.

Attrition aside, you can routinely place high on the ranking in Hardpoint (even with terrible K/D), just so long as you are proactive about hitting and defending points, even if you're just relentlessly harassing the enemy, or acting as a persistent speedbump against attackers. Communicate with your team clearly about what you're going to attack, or when your chosen defensive point is being swarmed by enemies. Be the spanner thrown into the enemy's works, and better teammates can usually mop up in the confusion you're creating.

...God, I need to get better at this game. It's fun, but some days I get stomped by people with better reaction time.

2014-03-19, 04:06 PM
If you tried that in a match against me, I'd kill you so many times. Pilots are worth a full pod of grunts and respawn quickly. Grunts and Spectres respawn slow and killing them gives away your position.

Are you playing on PC or Xbox? If it's the former, I'd gladly play you to check out your skills.

And I'm not saying that Smart Pistol is the best weapon for taking out pilots, I'm saying it's the best weapon for one scenario. It's significantly better than every other weapon at killing creeps, while still retaining viability as a pilot killing weapon.

2014-03-19, 04:07 PM
If you're on a console up your sensitivity. I think I might jump mine up to insane pretty soon here.

The hardpoint advice is good advice. I've come in first in the ranking in hardpoint matches just because I ran around retaking hardpoints. Learn where players look and hide in the places they don't look. Alternately, learn where players like to hide (note that these aren't always great hiding spots, but thats where players like to be) and be aware when you approach a hardpoint.

Also attack from the nonobvious entries. For example you can drop out of the ceiling on hardpoint B on the map with the dragons. Surprises people.

On Titan Equipment, what do you all prefer? The vortex shield is good. But I really like electric smoke. Pop smoke. Stand still for a second. The rodeo clown is dead. Alternately pop smoke and run away to recover your shield. The Tower Shield ability seems dumb. I only ever see those Titans get outflanked and murdered.

2014-03-19, 04:33 PM
It's more than just point viability and efficiency, though, and you're making an assumption about what certain players are currently capable of. The game is still new territory for a lot of us. Speaking as an unskilled player myself, it's the best possible advice for a newb starting out.

Pilot killing should be priority for raw points alone, but until someone gets good at the game, they will be destroyed in short order by enemy players who know how to move in three dimensions and get the drop on them. If a newb player is in an Attrition match, at least focusing on killing grunts and spectres (while avoiding enemy pilots) will make them contribute better to the team's point total.

As someone who generally has NOT yet developed the twitch reflexes for COD-style games, my K/D against players is atrocious. I'm a walking point-snack for players who can obliterate me in a second because they routinely get the drop on me first.

Following that advice has at least allowed me to contribute to the team's overall victory in Attrition rounds. If I'm having a bad round against enemy players, I focus on obliterating as many NPCs as possible.

Until my K/D and reflexes get beaten into shape, that's my only option.

And I'm not saying that Smart Pistol is the best weapon for taking out pilots, I'm saying it's the best weapon for one scenario. It's significantly better than every other weapon at killing creeps, while still retaining viability as a pilot killing weapon.

The problem with the Smart Pistol is that it is almost anti-training. I used it for quite a while, but stopped when I realized that my aim skills were not improving and that a lock-on kill took 3 seconds but I'd be dead in 2 during a real fight. You get too used to the ease of the lock-on that you forget to improve those twitch skills.

Yes, the Smart Pistol can kill a whole squad of grunts in 1 second flat. An SMG will take about 5 seconds to do the same job, can do it from a longer range, and will give you a better shot in a pilot vs pilot shoot-out.

Are you playing on PC or Xbox? If it's the former, I'd gladly play you to check out your skills.

X-Box One. My Gamer Tag is Kyeudo.

On Titan Equipment, what do you all prefer? The vortex shield is good. But I really like electric smoke. Pop smoke. Stand still for a second. The rodeo clown is dead. Alternately pop smoke and run away to recover your shield. The Tower Shield ability seems dumb. I only ever see those Titans get outflanked and murdered.

I use the Vortex Shield, though I'm thinking about doing more with the Particle Wall. Electric Smoke didn't seem to help very much against other Titans and I can deal with pilot rodeo the old fashioned way. With the Vortex Sheild, you can really make a stupid player pay by throwing a mass of Triple Threat bombs or a Cluster Missile back at them, while the Particle Wall lets you shoot at them without them being able to shoot back. Don't count on it for more than a few seconds reprieve and it functions something like the Vortex Shield.

2014-03-20, 09:48 AM
I can't deal with rodeo clowns the old fashioned way. So I like smoke. The vortex shield seems easy to play around but you're right it owns stupid players. Likewise the tower shield. My thought on that basically amounts to "Oh I can't hit you. I'm going to go somewhere else. GG."

2014-03-20, 10:40 AM
I like the electric smoke myself. It isn't as powerful as the vortex shield or the tower shield are in the right situations, but it serves multiple purposes and can be used in a variety of scenarios, and since you only get to pick one power to use, it makes sense to me to pick the one that is the most versatile.

2014-03-20, 10:50 AM
I've found that Titan rodeo is only a viable option in three situations:
1) You vs Auto-Titan. This is an easy, guaranteed kill.
2) You vs Solo Titan. This is harder, because if you don't dismount as he does, he'll kill you easily just by stepping out of his Titan. Also, he can fake you out by looking down and crouching.
3) You and at least one friend vs Solo Titan. This is an easy kill. Either he stays in the Titan and dies or he dismounts and dies.

Any other time, I shoot with my anti-titan weapon. I love the Sidewinder for chipping away at Titans. It disrupts their vision a bit, chips away at both armor and shields, and is reasonably good at killing pilots at short range for when you step out to shoot a Titan and get ambushed by a pilot instead.

2014-04-01, 06:28 AM
2) You vs Solo Titan. This is harder, because if you don't dismount as he does, he'll kill you easily just by stepping out of his Titan. Also, he can fake you out by looking down and crouching.

Which is why you should always listen for the *pop-hiss* of the cockpit's environment seals disengaging (at least I assume that's what it is - makes sense that those cockpits are airtight) - I think that sound effect actually plays before the Titan kneels down so it's even earlier warning than how it's moving.

Down Comforter
2014-04-02, 10:49 AM
If anyone is interested in getting together groups, we've got a good number over with MashE over at reddit.com/r/mashe (http://www.reddit.com/r/mashe). I don't have much free time to play, but it's nice to be able to hop on Teamspeak and have a bunch of folks to play with.

2014-04-03, 10:22 AM
Barely managed to hit 50 before the end of March. I need more time to game. :(

2014-04-04, 09:53 AM
Ok I really really hate the shotgun. You have to complete the kill 75 pilots and 200 mooks challenges with it to rank up from G2 to G3. Part of the problem is my poor situational awareness. But seriously. If I'm chasing a guy around the map and he doesn't know I'm there, he should die. I unloaded my clip in to him, reloaded, then fired two more shots. He turned around and gunned me down. In each match there are at least two encounters where I say to myself "If I had any other gun I would have won that."

I am NOT having a lot of fun this generation.

2014-04-04, 08:54 PM
I am barely passable with the shotty- two keys are trying to bring the fight indoors / in close, where you are strong, and being quick to switch to an accurate sidearm like the wingman at range. The "leadwall" upgrade makes the aiming requirements much easier, I recommend switching to it as soon as it is unlocked.

2014-04-05, 09:56 AM
I am barely passable with the shotty- two keys are trying to bring the fight indoors / in close, where you are strong, and being quick to switch to an accurate sidearm like the wingman at range. The "leadwall" upgrade makes the aiming requirements much easier, I recommend switching to it as soon as it is unlocked.

The solution was to switch to campaign where there are more beginner players (also I have some cheevos to get, so not completely trolling...). Once I unlocked the Radar Ping getting the rest of the kills was much easier. I also found the silencer more useful than lead wall. With the silencer I could afford a miss without necessarily alerting them to my presence. I ended up getting both challenges done by around level 25.

Having much more fun getting the Titan challenges done. Although the burst fire for the 40mm is kinda crap. My friend was talking it up but I do not like. I'd rather have the larger clip.

Actually I'd rather have the chain gun. But we do what we must.

2014-04-06, 06:17 AM
Anyone else notice that those 40mm shells are a lot bigger than 40mm? 40mm is the same calibre as most grenade launcher rounds. These things look larger than Bruce Campbell's chin!

2014-04-08, 04:16 PM
Having much more fun getting the Titan challenges done. Although the burst fire for the 40mm is kinda crap. My friend was talking it up but I do not like. I'd rather have the larger clip.

Actually I'd rather have the chain gun. But we do what we must.

Oh man, either you're crazy or I am. I hate the chaingun. Really the only Titan weapons I use any more are the 40mm and the Triple Threat. Everything else just feels gimped. Huge fan of the TT on the Stryder, and the 40mm on anything else. I guess I'll occasionally use the Arc Cannon for funsies.

The 40mm is good at almost any range, and both attachments are worthwhile. Its damage output is solid, and gets nasty when you can consistently land crits. The Triple Threat I use as a combination area-denial/shotgun. Up close, you aim to get the vertical spread and slap a Titan with all 3 grenades (4 time with extended mag) and they are hurting.

Anyone else notice that those 40mm shells are a lot bigger than 40mm? 40mm is the same calibre as most grenade launcher rounds. These things look larger than Bruce Campbell's chin!

Yeah, I've commented on that, too. They look double that size, maybe even more.

2014-04-22, 06:49 AM
Well, I just picked up this game on Amazon's Daily Deal for $37.

Any tips before I get started?

2014-04-22, 05:18 PM
Well, I just picked up this game on Amazon's Daily Deal for $37.

Any tips before I get started?

Look UP and RUN.

2014-04-22, 05:20 PM
Oh man, either you're crazy or I am. I hate the chaingun. Really the only Titan weapons I use any more are the 40mm and the Triple Threat. Everything else just feels gimped. Huge fan of the TT on the Stryder, and the 40mm on anything else. I guess I'll occasionally use the Arc Cannon for funsies.

The 40mm is good at almost any range, and both attachments are worthwhile. Its damage output is solid, and gets nasty when you can consistently land crits. The Triple Threat I use as a combination area-denial/shotgun. Up close, you aim to get the vertical spread and slap a Titan with all 3 grenades (4 time with extended mag) and they are hurting.

Yeah, I've commented on that, too. They look double that size, maybe even more.

I haven't played in about 2 weeks so things may be different now. But I like the chain gun because I can have a constant stream of damage on the target (without worrying about misses or crazy evasion or unexpected movement from my stupid teammates ramming in to me), and it's very very good against pilots.

I like to play close-in and go for melee kills. The chain gun supports that very well.